old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski disk3/amenia ny times/amenia ny times 1870 - 1881..."i...

" I I . . K ill \i\. / 111 mi; .-Jt-r* dvertilsi Rates of ; * : I- I I (>!'» I.MMOrV A*l 1 • , '<-, Business iix- .i ut^tli pnppuii-yroKs. •• ..to $ocal. ^tfauf, (fit\mn\ men H-IU I I'KK •jBusin* Poughkeepsie, " 7.'/-////, /<;//%/* /<r. i usineps Directory \Kj U*Alt~*, M. I)., !Jlll J'I'I/'I I. illici: nt I II. A: DA SiS DinTailh.ri- i Mlfuo la 1 Mxjiull,!.;,;-. II WIFT, ulfi ' NJuiuji-llm WKLUOK. /••in, IH llltut N. r Corner Irlu ii u»« ('nthurii)G [,. S. *'UTNA.\t, Kit &, VAN VL \ny.\i.\y SIVVKNAK). .lool ,1 arc IMI-.W i rt ir-1 l l l l l ,,-M I. - I I, Legal -Jfoti i; i) . ices, j •DID » i VUK1HT .lAV illpiru .;. .VI , f%ui<v\ ' r'DASh Wholesale anil 1; | Muairai limo'iun.' I Organ* and Meloi I S'OIIH Books,; Stivl 1 mill.Ml :l«deOIl8, (.1 1 HI W)ioi«-Huii>n «<"? j ManJinfuciiireiV i i-'ibw ll.it.-. (->i'H, * I Hut ft, I'UOH, Kti itreots. Proprietor. I5T, itiii 1 IJookn, Statioijery, Mubic, jits, ArtiDUa MIAJTIHIH, 1'ianon, icona. iWa, Wftu; S«reef. if.''IUCKOKIL- onery, Mti&if, I'IUIIOH, Or.gam. K, t &<•. :n> Main St. •<tVv A. IU'KD, - jz_ KH; Mimic i"" 1 Stationery, lit rl( .<.n. . •J.'.l Main St. . V]<1).YAN'!>KLKKK. nw hooils, Porn mid Uoben. ^V _M«Wr«. LAZA^tlJB-b M#U1|S 0])ticanfr& Occ " ' •M I:iV4 ;j|.|K, '.) Mtviji St. : 1 N'OHAHAM, : , uV l'ul.IS| I' A TA fLOK, J s. II, \l'\k\S 'it.'' . . ,- IJ• u- .|.<.'»|U« Hlil.luill iiiiplciuen H U«>)K <V o. rir.5 MisKiei I Jrout'i it d IJoots HI.' Il\ : mill i »j'» I'm J M. i,i; ;.IAM/. J pro s i IJ l,»r '»/ K'.i'., , *"\M'. i'| .. > »n.l >•• 1> | icil, ifrt.- (•< tJ 1"' I jf - 'i" it.-ij | IJ(.jre- L Hi'. WilAlUQilik.'X »4 ')! ! , 1 II.ill 1 ll'(' l!.x'. I i( ItAK'l VMKNfAJ-.. I'IIH.IJ* wKI.I.H Cii ifiier IJvTT, . <> I OU<ll II•.'•. I IniHH JlailK'HH, 'rriiiilVf Kl. )AI(WO\V, uvi |(ii^.iU, Kin ICobuHJ iVc- .:.'(,! .\lhin. St. - '•"". VVIlOloHHH- ilt|l(| 'I I'tll iind Steel.* n,'- i^i.j'.nji U:«. I i_r . Killi.i s;,-. 1 .."''-. I "•!'• .''t'f'i. HIM'II I ..'i ii iillinul iii|)liiiii|itln \MKM.\ I ANT T.UI.<>l:!N(i :.\| M.)KH ii' jJllKSJJI. U'AI If. I l-A VL - I DoulorH in Hull' Ounii, 1'istoln itii 1'B'l "w lioleualuii un< I'aintH, Oili*. .1) ' J. liOUAUDI'S tn. SON, I SuHdli'iy, &<-. .i.'U Main St. • • o u r n ' »v IX.'OI-KY, Ifirdwi yi;o Muiii st. ST & BTKljldNa, era' lfurdwttre. Icon mid ;St«.<T, il 8[K)rtli)K giM)(lH." :tl() Main St. K1J M..' UpWAHl^ i UotftUn l)rug«f Perfumery' ro Stiillii, QIIIHH, BriihlieH, Aiy. .1267 M11 in St. KM A iliKf'Mliicrt I,I4:...I! N':M'j»<'iriec, VAN VAL » WhulcguU' uiul Ii keepHie < Ml \V(*r I,:, ul; Win I Vl.l, II » ll."ll II \i HAH I. Ii:-.. \l( l> I! J{ I ui'J - l_ l.l^l.'li ''••III eiifi'i - Kill \l|': t nil |i "I S A CO II 1. < ..Inn.I ijo.MI 1 •• Itlnlll'll 'Is j i on. 1 ,/.,). UAIIKF.'J A ivluli yi'ii intii (/|>ml (|i<inlh_ivi|d a SON, •, I .. , lo'l 1 I n . 11 lid l.itililnl'l..' •-.ON. I. Mi." v il dijiilci-.-iii Ilftrdwurt!, I'" 11 WKI II A- AHKKWOOl), fl)fii|{8, PttlutB,.(>H», 6tl; t. ' Morguii'lloiiBo, :WU Mmn St, H A- SlIKKWOOl), I'(tint orgui KXnOKfi'll \Ac tiKOWN etall IJ)-ugi/ H, (k III I 1'</'1 ei,inli| vd-to .S>,. To t)' 11V ( ;lii.i or.ot trury l.l-IIH it lee /'/ (O llK'Ut 111 OKTKll'KA viou- |i jirtawli for ttyeii the iiiei'ea ei r E u I erfec^eirJ $p e c t a q . e s nt'ed.l. &J «JAI*II<j>r« & 'llttO., AMKN1A N A„ ilieir sole u^i-.nl. 1" ir thin blaei hey hiivd taken earn to give liojrri-ajj.d have coiilidenec 11 (i^'iMn toTWtWt^the reqiiin ncn-. An < i the iillilitM of their HCIII'H ''of ill their io'portu'uLtxMl) b'Jtlnn afforfj- roeiire, ul all liinea 1 //., I ''IK-I/HH(/>!>/ I/I/ (Xtyj, ••liit) ni>,d J'Iism'timy link-h eaniiot he Haid ii r the o r d i n a r y gliiHHOB nchngl wavering of the nig W titan* > l .V Q n.'il1 to thnir r iinjileiiBiinl lieiinutii )i, hut from the perleet (Vi •11, they ar^i itootliidi.' iu' i 111/-of relief to the wen nlnciug a Vlhir ami An in ihe NAI i;i(A J in: Aitr: TJJJI ONI-V Srwn I leservi: us \\<?11 iu> Hiii And ire the (,'hen.peiil lieinui liiiujnf.' many yeaiii without e nan . 0AUTI0J|< ,J. I. (Jaja-on A.\. Hid. urn th |i()in nil in thin [iluee,-- , 1 J ' t ' W ' e einploV no poddlei OOK Oil »lh, I'ropriirtor l'o- edpsie-Upi^) .Milfn '•M!i. MaihSI. KOK . CD'H (,'lntli and (.'lothing Store to I'oughkftepuie.--* They 'nell : i'iii ; ; I'I.ACI Buy Your ] is; itOVKE '$•%. i.lieill \YT vV AI.I.I'.V, ••\y> Mum St; f'l.ith.-., (,'iiri^in 1 reM, Yontijigc, Kemh inude (llothiui.^ <! AMI; il.- IH;H.! p mmm \Mm to •IN aictes igtaratloltllits'Wktej. . ,i> r i i m i i T g i * \VA'J \K.Vlt \IM.V:N ! ; . i-;Vn ,l<rl( I' Ull \'.MIi) I li' l* ', I .. > I.II l l i UIKI l.i'- a'. \AL 1 1.11' < I \\ I. I 'll vijjn iiii'l .. ;!<' "'' M i . (ioodi II . t li:U- FK.vi I !•,.,,„ii^.r. , ,1,;,,,. Srum^.M ,1. II. DClll IS, MerehaiilTafhir, Kilie Cui.dnto Mennure. MiiiM St. 1 ^ < I I- il.r-Clothllij' t liijwli; Kiiniiiihli nts' Km-iiirliiiif < loMlH.'ivVe.. :'l.il and :i:Kj Mujn St. / \\ ilm Mo 1 in;'- Slil ' V II.11 III.. \ < 1 1 f\ HEM MA yojrrti-:, Umi 1 : lii' dm ui t\ 1 •'• .1 liim/K. 1 looil l'..,i ui I M ' l ; 1;l1 ' 1 ' '•"''i.n .... , t | 1 ,.h,i'„ i ,|.l„rj A ok \l1'N4 l'.\( TOUV <«»<><'<•* ^ iim .-ir i*imIn lii '1 Ufa luteal W. l „„,l,:.l|,M^I"-,..i'...emU. All tin- l.i,t.iHl» .111 (•llll.ll.jjllllt'. . I'll 1.1(1111. |l (-ulut JjliNI'. . nil 111! .'A^iNK I'liijiriiUo) .I.AUDjH. CKOSHV, Order. Ali>u l''ri ; il. Cliihii, ready y I3(|ud.., >\ e.L- H<y. 'M'\ M.nin St. CKKV iV I'CA Mb, Sliuy. I... i 1 luliincv I'I , <•..' A.gcjitii t"i' ;.\i|ltfR 'UN;. . l y (jlouda, (Jloidu (lie n i c e Sl;ifi u' \. CAM DEE |;« Of |l(»(>tH '•'llAN'tjj^ ' O; ' M l.":ljKA •;.V W\ 1 1; a r* Mill i.-.i IMIM)KTl;o{. V^V'I'Ci t.Vll \I'I.A[>^ l-TNfc <iOLf> ANlk . Ill "ifTO \INS. A;C, ,U' litly ixt. »;(, iH.iil, . Ifniil.tf UetiHi'lt PaiHl* 1-1(4 lit 11 t.» suit eastauion. Iu i.-i iold fur. lujf tho jBrien of other or t'oilriu. corn, .tVf'iie* l.fi.ir -- J OOlW) 8..A- jfcut fI |..M I'll >li 1*1,1. j-l/ujr. issues. 1 I. ' !•#. ,,i, i. HI 1 ii J>< I.IiS. ' .. : . ! 1 ilm (•' im'tj j III 1111U : ""'. rim .. uiul. ii ui (IJI, Stove ~ ,V; K utli U'/OIII Vt'lilk, l.rull 1'1|/^ '• I.OWKICS, , , iit^uelii d to Shop. uiul f* 1 my o'her iiiufkuiri- t iHj kittktio , o(rt»lJk ,j dfjfNyV f W C'ffl ^^ T " vl ' 'Tollnr.-l pi+t. iu tin M'/<' uight-iV'il, "", t»iilot» &o giTiOK full Juroriiintioii ^<Mit on <|ppll- eMion fsl O-rf T. I'OHPBJt, Hot 3IM M. V. P nii JandJ»ntre*t, \S** ^o^- iinun Si. IturtMtt. Am^uii Horbe for rOD ri AM' o 1 Am (ftlCll 7Ui, 1B7D rjfrn- skit. ()&r proor Bnf«i nearly «o^ ui|4 Ik will Be oolil uheapl (it 'A (tg«l Kir» fit w/ilipg'detk.i UP V MOHG**, . l|. WO. "I : ubit Slui^ij .ton: f VA S|ie»\tui NKWMI.N,* l'i|.i; iklJil '<'l/hif|ifii » HAUlMi'TY', ni4 ^lifx'l KK tj 'I'df/I. 'HON, (ca, NolluUH, A;i , Dofii'f. HI Smitli. winrrfEV, ithViiK'of ifiMJii nlljkiiuU. tKT. i'Al *, .^ fuittil In ifXow •jiin- oilA'iil /IIJ})/, i'riiil.t, AC.. r} uud 'ruyn, UKY[N'ii>tl t )S, Moiiiniii ill anil ;\M$HIA lit C*M - ' 1st lljdul Stoncn. '- I eijl. \ iiliillfuijlnjiij-l/M'eVolvlini; iki<th, Itlliiiu anil l)oor»j Uiii« \im\ J*a)iii H Y> QftfTi Weabimg and WW* mi work prom rAHUSHKD an. I N A.'M Main St. EACE . ! anjl Slinwln, in Ji N. iV (;. W, :;li; Main'St. ^, ION, SIIOOH,' of Hiipe- •JJJWMain Si. WIO, 'I lor.I Htol it t niii! A. REYMOI.Dii A ken; dug de- V., , (ill neiylful nnt.riio- worn. itt/lltr.iT' \ \ uperiori- ia no I, jdiz/ilneHK, •1111 I h e j e o i i - jiHtruo Ion ot the I pleiiuiiit.l ea^uiing •er, anilT J : j , 'Dixti/i.ct I'ikioii, 1. H K A p r i l c .KWHT. n.ciiKH Unit hi. I lii: Si j;hli ! ' u ihe lie»l, alwaya lange l)«>(tig ijeeef^ ill' on H TO \ •• 1 ly agoiHH uji- * - . . ' ! ' ' " I V •ill J'ih'lH- llillltti' 1 >(•.-,! (ink Icntlier.l'-tvil nliii^s, .for $2."» ; wi ior-ilK)" These linn :Ii.i• <I and of our,town c keen on hand a J.MK Ti'iinlii:, lliij^n' ikel.'.Ve. . . ' • ('.rn iii'.Mt a n d t 1 I 1 iirllei'. ' •" • m$ ui if? nriiiiss, iiintie ot Kim: Jnpumncd 1 Kilviir iMpuiit- ire ijll I land iiiaiiui'ncjui d iit-Himinjiitot' W,hi|,sj I •A.OtE^C!Y| 1 MiliMerilicr having he ii Hide of .Millard Ar. Wat K audi.- newj I lain now I) •;, the ili'i cio|i T iiiiniiiio- n 10 K audi . new, l 111111 11011 1 ciiHtMnerH the same IIK| •H. All .ilxmc U.: wunl wi 1 ii[M>oinled Agent irhnry'H UICHJ both ready Vf> supply lie. i»iiilii.ilii<:tiiror H I idnitiie Cdll." ' . I.' KAINE,' '•iJltf. Alo]|f(ju«ii. . - :i(ly (19. '(ipiiliu Hoot and Shoe Howe. iH^MuIni St. h^jsiIfft I^UDTIlKrCS, k ' e l a d Cont'rA'-Ti'iiTlO.y ami , I.adiCK wil . Ull •wil Kill ..I/I' 1 .\ 1 iiileiiii-ii's Did ing Saloon, in, lo'Miifket Si. >!/»•:E HKnl'^"KHS 'lilM Wlf.!'<,\ A OIHHS NOISELESS* "iV SKWIN'd A( At'IIIKJ-. 5». Cc, ,igeii|tt, 'i'M **i|uiu^triH:t, 'iHjghkei jitfje, N, Y, .1. ,V WOOD, •J oil; Dl iv i ••in \t Mi ivur Pliiina.'Kop .,'-'iHh, 1 A/UV .!.(I'I "J' Mt'l) I'M) U A Ni r h A AK .A/ } '" "of tiie following dlHouHij-H, Iwhicb Medieiil l''iuvilty hade pmnoiilnood ineijirahle, ' ' I I' >u. KK;IIA'-S cojiDt'jN \p\^U not cure ? *W(!»WNBiKlWWffBlk ,| *'NWMBWWIW(^IWW" !* J 1 •WW* Vm l ) ' -W ,.i -1 . 1 i -?-'.i;.l.,'.':il'; , CwW>'..''. < •' I 11» no '1'lion '^mvt\tt r ^rttitt^K tttt« -U- ^ •)• •• ; ^ . ! ' IIV KDVVAItl 1 II. BILL.' 1'lieir in . (/iitul ing a thread of Soiiiejii! lining pebble iii Snfnc eehn of trie 11011/ Kohl; uuie, out ot Nal t Nu Ferei|cr new, former Man nilikeH nor—only li 1 '. •II'VII.'-LIIL'. w Hill) il V. harmony of hum 111 (making jh men lnive hulU tlione "ijien of hiirniiihed IU-O'H heart awaking, li< <Jf <ild. uB—ull euuhly bounty ; u^llihilio litro iiu^l therje ; hffputh of duty, (In %id Hood tlie ajr. i'liut pi (.'fade in a Wind i.mong the willowii, i-i.mong the wiiio' n thii torreiitVroi d inij bin KHUiHri Vex SntodiHiiormi wl| Kinlrj Lr'uiUil it uaeetH'itno torrent 1 rout Now a wild oeeun, bind inji* bin /«i-ouHilllowu Ainu ig the hollow ea eiliH of th^iiliore, tt intl o.xoloc of, Home Vatt people, ploudiug For J iiitieo (rola an it|ieitut iihaiuo ,uid Wrong 'l'lm railipof Gud'ii uveqi/irlg nntycH'troading, Witli ulioi\teiVtihunde H of ^tiiutuplitiftt'Hopg. t) IMIHI ! that uittilit ohu itiug dreary dirges f'yyl' iHt thou but lino, on; iiome jli^lho denh'o, A," the 10 deep ehjudii, iiptmthoiir dwelling surges, Hour up the wa.Ver'ln(| voteoii -<>f tho choir ! . '' r Hut ev sr lyi-king in tho hea|-fc thore lingers The rouble of a fuln( IUII Jarring tone, A H sou iu great iii'uah, whUfh uiuikillful lingeni. in the inftBter'a gone. ''I :..:'_. V•';:'. . "V..-.;.,,:. JLII 01ft Woman's fj&etter. 1 ill your ikuine y'ouv ii L^)in u ; l(i ,' und.'I boo; a I way |iU', I) yi>n n ;<() UKl niiw . ltlCJIAU'S (IDEDEN ]HAESA!1 NO.ll, | 0(> | {s cure nyphilin in ita ilriilnary and ju:i:j»idwy . ;en Mich u.. old .CleerJ, illeei'aljed iwn'e |hi'oat, |^' u <)t a • eyes, fkiuj eruiiUoiiM Jintt jipre'ui |i, eraitieatiiitt diBensij and men .•oilier l'i(ui) miell d wi bout . flii' aid' u IU, .ho JaCUA,lJS (io!,|)EJ|' HA I cine tin- thiid lal ilieiiuiiltiiiiif, ot*-., ai KOIlHeH to f thiH mi iuii! and. ludieii I all u I'i nun ilernigeiiioill djirket Street, l'mighkeopain, N. V. . ••• > n- lerton, Nf. Y. •^jfo^nroTEL, y ill- M'llflk. . IdVlifi". .liyl m> 'bar at S. •!•'.W 11 Kj'if. i>H\, P/opvietor. 'EAljf^T HOUsk Miltertou, N, \ . Doty A,'Hon, .proprfetuin.: A.good l.i very uttiLdhed. ; D : \b : ttfw.ijbwS'SW.,' : \. J>n QJOIKU, GAieeijeil, (,'lotltt), Ifiaidy. Aludh Clotldng, J ;• noottf aluji ^ihoctt, Ijfatf) and Cups, Ae., Ac. i Dry tioodx.. Uroeuiien,• uml (liuKiiul Miii'idiinidiiic of nil kliidii. A an I'll lie Hi A " ill ho .ties $9. HtllgVH j. m obllti iliein U-U).'2- anil uieiv mile who •nl. ijie.infl iiiulH I'roin eii.tjnig 11 rice of either N'o. 1 or ii :ji;'i inrr hott lleh$9. - - ' i • /] l)K. UlOHAJC'ji (JOEpttiN f'Mi'V- li«A \llle-. i'v tioij 1 arniliiliil 0|i>< wjiieh doet id otiiii lor goipfiriiii)),, gijiJye] ing, imjiartuik; | energy to thoa > who lo of Hejisuftiii jj. I'riee, $5 pe hott H, /flOlJllInjlf: , /ll(IUl'lll|l(i do (lure. I all I diroctloiiH, • Wairantei bottle. ;'i ..HKjIlAC'SObEDENtLlXjKD nulieaf e.urd.fdr generu deb H*y HH [of the, ury thorl «'Ollll Liiic, •' •)i doefO/ - : drli»V4 AV"« t >OII 1 •" ^y. ( it .love to iis< tt wliicli I collect, 'all oSWth'oihcr. am j yon jir-o »oveuty-i to yoi from < tli<'H<; lli.ny 1 tl.oy I and I, bo I id', 1 I writi; yoil a' letter, tlli«o; you by irrit liiiimc, wjtich we when we lo.vo-rpeq- icver uned to you, ,lie while,' we k-UOW sevojity. now, and ve ; MI this eo"nie« TWO DOtoABS $m YEA»; ! S' &0TO A»v!M|t*, • —* ' "* ' _• •' .* j fj,; ji j - 1 ,''•'".• '• '' ' • ) * 1 X IN / ' • /' 4 I : I' /.!< ^ . pto»a- §timm> rt^m^ pmi^ r ith mo, aiid''wttlkq4 with me\ mo- vvjjth me'. And Peggy.Rimy, tun r 11 ] |nd not ell bred UH I, al.ojdid not nijnd court-' l o yotij. Then Jaa it man aljways wi|l, yolk turned Troin the .oneI \vho, aited J'or you, and followed the orp3 who l.ieckom d;; au'tlTr* my. heart! uch- iii^-^ would- n o t b«i glooiriy ; aiid qn\et, lit liiighed and (lifted with jiiy clip- ; . ' ' ' , Two weeks-paBHetl' and. 'we had .scarce Kpoken to each othcrr. Ahjd rjne ay-.I -went down into the village,^to ny a ribbon, anil met you tWerei'Allfl 1; s a i d , w i t h a CiiurteBy: " (iood-dajy-, Mjr. Wortliy." j Arid said you ', " ~ " Good-day'.!' •'. -^ And we could dq naught'but walk along tlnrrottd -tugetiier, since Iti^was our only path ho>ne. v ^liu$ I was grave and Klill, aitd had naught urSSpyjandyou liunlined a little, as who «hould r 'miy ; " My -company .does not amuse me." Then I said ,"" You art? out early, Mr." Wor.thy?" l . 1 i And yon an ; fiwere.d.: ." I eai,ne down to the library for a . • -i -. . 1 book for "MiiHS P e g g y . I " She has taken to reading- \\\ I ask- •ed, f'orPeggy had been 'no lover of books. '"'••' ''•. ''.''•,.• . . "•Viittley'fsaid you. 1 could have c.ried ; but 1 lapghed/ i.nd began to; sbeak oi'.Captain Millet j ii.nd I praised his'broad sKouldoiK iind yours w^re .mit broad,; and hi ^tlte air-pu alloW not 0] llioi- young folkrf ;an call,' ai Ltrust, bu '.V ityuiic a|.y f. nlit pi yoiino ways i, pouching hjiudii, ! ningle. Till iifled-uiuch as it p'ligljt froi 1 the de'ad 1: i^iijit.s on whom aboiil/ UH thinkthat d wil 1 answer, HO linki through Planehette. You my .dear, I ray 111 Home .hem, .wan roive.iiCHH Ituj: iieei Manclu I old ihe old orthodox yoitng peop^! wi" way,. you know, i| s were .black and .saw 1 little .U'glVO, •it lave Tin Alfred, b til' f ^ i \ v f or two'l |>ftTB, - \ •N. uied'yith Pri'ee ty-l iMOijR JI j old or have led o, or'two ' )n receipt on 1 ncdj Dy-inail or oxoi rei ledien wjlljie Hjjii|pi)d t(f||iliJi |>l|((:o attention paid to'nil cofroHppndoiltB, I Dli. K iropriotor, DH nil t: without thu mime < (HPEDEN U1'>MED1ES.. Hi. K I C H A U D S , Hold glllM pf* Tiottloa. AddreHH 'Al)DS, NO. 'A>8 V u i e k St,, i.48f mmni.& VVALICKU, . . Dry (Jooihi, Clothilig, (iroeei ie.i, and 1'iovi.niuiU OHi;.<j BTOiitw; | „ . h\iX. ,'S. STlHl.MAN';M.iD . >rilgri, Modhdiniii, j. A. BICNNK Coiopoiw fer y RwtB|«a CaHpue, 1 Mu«ui Tijipd •»• (1 r iad Oriiltiiai run.! •IU, \ farllen, ete r arid AfUugei* 1 BaaiiD apil Orel 1*** Hto{ Early R6^Mat06H litwu'ittp K4rly ruiikjil JputU A Chrocy, h Hl'IVl i" . iiiiiitly at- I'U^T'P Hotel. 1 Patent-Milk CapH, Heating Stove ecu, Tin rEN^Ny iV'i'Ai IH, IIeiitlng Stoves Wine, and K,hei)t I fJoQklng Htoviln, UurjlwiiKii, Hun, i»l Iiuploiiientii, III " , Hot Air I'liriiii ron Work. NE, Plaoe for [.'he niiliHeriher ioil'iim foi ling of Hoi^se,! Ijiit an< uated In tho village of ding l'rohi DutijhoUB tur ,d Bliitioii,, ana near tl T1.L .1. tw nn .. Stflpl, AKd»"dta ay uhil Htriuv Cutluiii, Ae. 1 1 WM.THOMPB )N, J i e i i t y and L i g h t Hur.nijHH. 1 Jur all Ifi l>n>iiehe.-i. None but the lloi I OKO: Tl| f 1 r.i (iliiiiii Oylder and llilliaiil Si loon. A bin dealer 1 Oyljlei' T oul and Kuil 1 age Trimming in t Of material mied. - •. - . I), tutu. McpOfl A^D ;&. WUNUU Hoot urtil Shooma irtg, Eejuher uiul KludnigH. - 0)K>(>ia [flgorH0ll|B uni^Ung. '•''• I'f'.'.fe' ' '"^""i-g) ')' ,}>'"''f '-'I. 'li'i'Til*' M ;»ojitK 4 ^a r N. ^ Dry tic niii, (Iroo* fitu auAl' eiitjru] WoMluudi.'. .VKBf'riKHOnLl^, I' 8. WuWl V/ntplw,' C>UMH »lld ds>\tv)ry -'(limn, klutoiH uud L liiiwiim Miu'l'i"!••' Sli.MKXT. iVpd Howe w^WWnjr^|uiixili(lMe. * ' , .l^-l'rop. 1 I /. ' Photograph', , 1 'VlotureH Kiauieii (l Large Hlxd (JWiiii, HtMionmy. Set v * —••'•' Bll llil lei ro Mipiufiietory familieH, lor. MlOHO AVilll on I'liKne. EHI] toty t&niee. Oneiiiu', ,|| lr , |}'-.'.v;;v NV.holy am, t.lfeiie prompt llfoiio gen-' 1 j>ft. jti(;.iiA.n's New l^jowu in D. It. UICH- Vo'rk The 'lioinie Barn, wai inonili, 01 rn like to Ha AJI iimia a wel <:al'( eel vv e (lid 'pue wild \\to\' "••«in«', iiilooidij you 11l ill i, : iiale lier place, efin- 11..'.I. . .... : 1 ..1 ;., dace in tho road loin Itnil- Carriugo uluted for and la of roc« it bu Id in d i n good ! ' . ing to piirchane «fe| invited to call the. Hiihacijibiir: HIII the liremiBOB, >r W, O. at the' Aiheiiia Catjiage Manufud- JXJUA |CAa>Y, 11, ai, l»/u. i -lii Black nlo iind liatuil Dti nl?raiii and Mttiillfiiotiu'erii : - ' v wirwi o HI MOW S'l All goodti pur K. 'I I 1 ^V ' Hhed. 1 'i Sf-l-i •if 'tt'-ilfil 1 11 ' Vm«birr-. sat ;'^5T^; • • « >rW ^' CcrfFartiifrlBihiti. ''.«»f«wi rti«K e* to.tt i li lerw M«rejittflilli!o. ; SLL i-i c Brthl^..robueeo uiul mfitmmimmi |i ' Alton oya uml Oouiut«lorB at Law. Diipemnilt' colttniluH' tUniug-vOoiuL IcUrtioii, pHW'. tri ui, cUlur 111 iitcOnLcellar.: Fire > iitoiy coujuhiw hu 1, liMVoou ,: front uml bock pu lorij with fold- ini doom'Uotivooii.tul llnlldied in t lioBtiutt.-r- Pliynlolifttuiid Surgeon. Ollleo at Iluin'BHotel. Sc io.nd Htory conniln^ hti|luMl6ur bodrooniH. icriffc .iff' t>. It. ilKLDlNO, dl)l|N y. KUTCIIAM, A. J. KivTCHAM,' Viee Pros'b , ; jpuiilfior. ;6vitt 'pr^iNa "HOTIO I liaf anuineii. IUCD-BCB unit eariiugeu at nil houni. ' Dry Qooduk <j|roeerleu f (tlpthln^, Hat«, Cjipn, &o. 1'' tS W- SL^®^ : 1 ' Coofef«loiiB)f7|, i w O w i i n n i\|dl Pyster, Halopn,'Daily M'Waalkto Pup ij.'.i. 1 ' . « OOTTLIBB, I.-1D. . •j *r«n<i , j . JrtoiftffftLl. Grain &o ' iltifuotufep.ofMouiifinoutlj; , 1 a »ai» foiob hfoiftb Htoiiei L . U. 1 ».i* 1 mi iiln i' li iiimiiiiln I tm'. i - 17 j . • ' 1^' - ." .. '-• . t M l IN-10% '" EVERY-VARIETY. <JJtr\ t nt:u>- .(Jawdht., EAMHOA LB, IIQTKES^ PC|11J4C 11UIM)- MltHl net, the hex nit,." I Uni ipod oi It." hi chatted UOHC and I know; lo< es of .mine, ticli other t tat ni . t thiug to ally rU- (|l until thtJ- w riedTo tons ng; ami I .of t h a t kin trowHing, befo lear B '' ; : N. Y, irhifiliiid lit the iihortoat notice. hiiHcil of our hoiiiul gf lijijiiiit^cd uu roprcHoutetl W . FitOH-fi JAMKH 1 RhAvv., niy Stfvi»i:n. •• . ,: 1.1 -;..'.:• ..! ! | ; in .11 : . . : •' ,, 111V' 1 n ooforedAvllMv rtuttohPL,, .wdllu. The lot eontuMtt uhtfi t2 tier M, a ud 1B atopk- od witliBtjrivw >enio(igoodbbrrloxt ourttMta,raHp- [l)o rioti, grunt a, . omtticos, t luiUB, pea •«, IKUIOIICB uu ldpploB. ; liiiaTli|iiiiBO iff tithUi euTi 0 itiliiutoB wi M>t tho & ino^hTOoipiqwyiVtqipll, «in, a, Wy j floirisliii)Ko«iHlUl<m». ' 1 • f"; Hi .:*£*» ' -W 2LLEK. . k.woiiin, M »toh 7. 1870. f. •. • S2 \ tia •• ItAvolveirh, tt|floH, OuHrid ^CH, &C. and tot for Sale. 'ho houtio is thijoo HtoiiOH with. b momouf. JPOB DtbO Tim Vw\\n v lyii -soy :— f itlho moHt d ivo ftud! KcDinnni wo liuviiiutied|on o Hardware 79 OhuiiliboM Kt It:,;; irry •Wo (tATES/ irry (fo.,llrook- uoitouneo iirubSo. Eifeet- :ul Hinge ir bouis." leru 'have t'.ei them, or mid rcim M. W. ltOHI'NHON, Ag'f, if fct W. UOHiN9<|>N Is aloo Solo Auoiit for I .' : J1 IBO; tho outBitlo io bfiftrd i, wfithl double 1 ni.j.'Bhf .wo,/. .•.;.] •-i—H - ^—— mlrABisictuw lli'wt 1 i iijio l ii ukehi' o. or the loUtli ifiiut wen y'oii w''^!! skcinii for ino to you Hiiid jt with ineani it, ftn^l hi viuiilj. So, thoiijj; flatte'i cri^d' irn*! iintr ^ (; gW sauh old e> '•with i hud il iigain tlow morni beast but from touch hint all bra he the ci your and y and n was t inyse to my and just t ble, 'l man AHV IK heart Uest 1 you 1 I've t and now the y thou j te when iwe were '*-' ,1 Or \Y.oi'c Other together, ol ing tlie long !~youig hearisiliavi; it- tin young minds |(t thel eloHi >f let evei silk is ol uud.' yon, you or me—- green the pitfratiol jl pintlj, when \j,asked" irjy, |V<>!u HttHl,- lit .' holdii siik 1 lort:v(^r 1 |i!j.,^id[jd is St' y o u Inilf ght to test rny an instali't.was ;i-wc I'Ko wind i / iMair tnni T for ;hul i blue. e\ es-- : your His soldier's HfeJp;' and at that your.'facc Ihnsh, 'for y<>u limped from a fall 1 yon} had? had from youi horse.live'years before, and many a time I, had felt tendjorer to you for. it. . And .then-you praJHcd flip cajijaiiL also ; and said you, "lint a\man do<;s «Ojt c u e fop n, man's beauty ; Idove to. look at prettiyi women way, could, tilny woi lan b<:' iJU'ettier than Peggy KosC love-best, ; ro!und ilhee An<l, b) ho 'has WI Ks. and', dji A'thiu \yoinaii disgus or was plump, ;md, ( envy that had ml at id I hated my|self,,ai 1 ,(i tfgy l ( i<«se"wor t it1(ii .H ine'. 1; trif I aC I nples. uev" lieu ft lose wordt ! haled you, all? \ ikiew 1 1 u ii il-; I lj.new 1 lokt what only saw a prim (•side you, 'and lassionale, "fuii sulVop-inif wo the WtWfMfflM, THB Odtf* c*r» ^Siytefel^AWtty jf ro tlilo dl«ios tM« '^hdlii'-'itt'Hjgtt" iif Jjggdj m or^day M&Mfr ' ididaj I m'•f^filMsri'i M tfqp cd(iijttyv«toreJ ' And so. jt btV cutties a pltstfertiigto^ht <br m of vil- lage Utb: / ' ^ >•' j There islno limit. t6 itu possibflities l{ Aunt EAfqe wanfcw Anyth^g, fron Francisco, went to wi.ei'e the Oneldfi, a l w a s h - t d ^ a u ddDiJe of pwe^orie, ies in 12:jTect of water. After M ' T ^ T ^ / ^ ^ V l ' i r r s h o b r o k o tapir-only p a i r OT djjjecUcles At tho Bottoik at iue sok—llb>llUrtit Ad;veuturo» of a »W©r wltov y4»*<- ' -. 4- tW-Oikeldfi'. On tlie; 64th day of February tho •'borrowed'! "Steamship. Aroostook, With Charles and J. S. Tjoi|ge0, practical usual preparations had been conclud- ed, and,, by sounding,' it had been ascertained, that the deck of the Oneida wl IH 103 feet beneath the HUrface of the b a y • after every caution had been giveil to eight strong sailors to keep npj constantly in motion^ and instant Of time of s^ppr age to occur, as thereby depended'tlt^ life of the bold (Jivor : after l Charley Lo'ugee*liad been helrneted awd .shut from ajr, oxc^pk that suppligtf through the slender tub^ of coiled rubberfwftK - a; i i fe-1 i i^ around, liis* body and leadeh clogs to Jiis feet, with' "(joodby"»and 'God bfess you"" from all aboard he 1 •''- -t wan droppt'4 ove} - the side.vaiwl slowly disappiiaredMii the blue waves,'- while a nervous tremor shot through our lrame as wo reali/.ed) the fearful risk undertaken by that man "whoi was Keeking lor trutb in over one hnudred feet of water. Avjay to the leeward, borne by tide and wiud, came floating 1)ubbleB to the surface-, life signals from, below. The men at CWt; u n i n o w e r e labor" she DdJ»opefally,n ,,;' " Yes, ri-lwowl'-J but w^ kon'l sell i peciaclos.|,, People arc up diff< r e n t , pair I puinp were •nig man; 7 t|o other day» she came ulit. •Us ill u ; keop.. 'iriost everytb^ug, m * -• '. i , •' a of looked ujvjy fehdn , chnrnl I had; bolt yoi little girl wulkfng 1 hever lartcied 'hert a t ous, wiilulj yeitr.iniifj Tnan, all fof. the lo"Vo <rl' y o u . vv '• uanitj to -tiio OrlU H o at l ; (wt little 'bridgft«tJiat, cros ned aHtreain lliat ^ A , /1 11 AA^HS but a riilycf ^rfejdc generally. A storm had sWOlen'it ti>W; great' river. So somehow had the jealous^ and a'nd mini : i w; H piqiwul, itrid . wound, for Mo you were vexed, ill Ijie "evening with I krieviiji w h y . ( Al the king bit.;' 6 with I i.id! b.i rtie 01 !<l uie,, but t ml y< ud .brave, and wi h and nothi ig. e Cattue jtwa), |LIH1 ^iWlneHB oyercaii on took'botjli my I ukod ine noj; ttt |f« afe, aiul M greai and the o>catur< won e ' ( . ml yc 1 ibse that ivit tell in love It. Hilt wC i \k\ oompahy in the mea- .windy March alwayn afraid of a j-j-jiveii -'whkiirJft' wtiH uiye I diet cold witvt.'s 1'of X viaoU' between us, an(| I k"bw. ft woTld ,nevor• «r'row / > 3 fully, but becoming fatigued, attempt- ed to •-change dor fresh '•hands, and there Was a utiop. "(Heat Ood 1 you, 'Sviirmurddr my brother !""Qnick ! foij •uleaven'B t^ake 1 , (juick ! And 'a« the nitin recommenced the revolutions, of. tbe air-pm'np,' theVelder Lougee, with |blant;|ied face ^ind trembling lip, gaVp ;i signul'on«M.he life-Hue bel'oW. For an ihtttant there came'no response, and the face of that brother seemed to turn to marble ; but then we saw two (juick motiouK from trie, submarine station, and know it wtis the welcome signnl of "till right,"- ahd then Lougee turned to v he men at tho wlTetd, who ing both below, 1 ahd simply -said : "My only brother's liib depends upon jsou:* efforts in keeping that puinp in. moti.on'W)»trtp l again at your peril;" Tin; qalm > face and paHSionate eye toltl these men i]o.t to slopMigaiii,' and with!Lieutenant 'Tan ner close by, they kept at. work tmtil Stopped'by orders from Lqugei time, whih! we^wort: on the deck were still; young I I ' t sell; "Oh 4 jrave !*' bu't \hf: " 1 tha ,(i Worthy and.." 8,'PM Otto, duid U must he intil he^ha-s^^i lurry me'(" mght my y he will liouo. Mie win Beat i l tun HO old ouiiu/vvyouiu h-^ho were not sip'e.H be st s i a per, nei L ^fakell unj "oil" or •vh y b'alr luU all, Wie groat res AroHMF' tho wjjlte itbi i coining umtt TJi'ofltot OIL ATUlt'i O' thfnl beau ti-rkofl at i <nffi IX M OUllJ'Olr- 1 i la u perfe and ivondorft il artlo q. nult- iirow, A liottoi •Waii tutu." i oftpnu fflf M,?l1 ptxibH bald. Mii)B0iig'fban b.'uuli.'df'yanil, if ^TMfiriWu&ifla.ita hear 1 ;fllilBIt wftl low llfp imd IA 8< il #o go«{) ;f oil TV1U BOO lluyiJ^nd or tho hair ibluliii.-rtnd 1 wlsll i 1 )UM h or uu.) ;' lioi-ns' 0 igal- . i It tree 1 toned l' being a man, /f.v hjiH it uau|e'i It a grei frig ITor I ween e. your anils in' HlM|o MO 1. b a r s la Then (I said is tnan so kind 1 1 answered iklyoii for your ti'ou- pique, yours, i w^s a wo- be solr' muyt ) . atjtl'm true ,\jvhoni we h ve I A flight, "VHfill .vJI 3 taught HO occ yonder ^o, augliier.L 1 111 but 1 |(d«>|? -liiplf on \ t h a t i^4C<; \ Was, us ipothe at It'llI'vigjlt ), an be tr icr, aWd dhe cr, jus as ni brav being the v i,corn i , vtlte 11 look 'i: f the 1 itliek. Titneafid agaiii Fy«. fmgc rs .i : $ 11,, it f\ u^:. po playing w i t i youi \ I WmV.t p> injf own ((tiljce ne liaij said, 11} ,-;olAiu jflrkno aiij'tl(ukt,ple^ ^pt ^i%;tb,i»f self '# k>ve> iiie{ l<;ss '~hevor while we enbngirto ldd it. .You did not; wwj IjVggjJ. rose, and she was ivll the' wh some one e W , • ^A mouth later ( tjowu on that very bridge, I told Captain inilletfthat, 1 jiareifluothitfg for him save' UH a Him- 'ple friend ; but.neither you nor 1 read each other's heart then. To ihis day, perhaps, you dp'.nOt''guess mine. Tlut when your mother died, Alfred,. \ was| with her, and yo\i. beyond tho sea. I ntiiid with hd)i'Tor "Jove of yon. And she gave mo her books 'and rnniong them .Ji diary - of yoiils,' poor, boy ;• Knd there,, when I was forty y e a r s lot* age, 1 real the trutii.] Is was •too late then, Iind lW-early- fa,let ( you knowjl had IV'VXHUlg h e a r t audi an Sold face. , \ wim past being loved, though •»ot past loving.' But now, at seventy I r being, 1 am that It Mhoijld that 1 Woman might vi, her man li her leart out plain may,- wlthoiU own «6x and h,eld Uiy own liard to keep curls, or.touch- ond again Pve V Patience !" " I love you/» witb.liiin ;;but until ^'notliingV riant inijiMer tinie I -a ghost who looks back on the past 1 .write.to you—another ghos.t-1 and tell you-all the. truth. You lutvti riev- er bad'a wife, i I have loved y o if- •> al- WA yf\ nn<l you. ah,- AHVed; I you'nave never'forgottoiv me.1 darling, that 1 uever, called so love, who never embraced me ! bang dl my heart, if not of iny when 1 am dead, and you. read you will know thut in all the H you hayo written—stories tha niece Teads to. ine in JoUj^ ev"e|uiiigs you have neym- Written dqW« 4<>'*W a. roiuauioau ouvu j f«v you ld«|me who|jQ ^ ^ e)|d and I Um4 you; and ytjt,' ol o,u| own {n m <; , ltftW11Va Tj wijl-, we.tore. ourHolved asuud(|r—in our pwh •bliiidnesu, grpped awayi from all that makes life happ*^. enow My my 1 lius-j life:-; tllJH, ;ories • 1 iny' th! of that "stmd-pau," «ohnt|ng the tedi- ous tnonumts which lengthened to hal^ aii hour, Oharloy Lougeti was search- tfie Oneida at the- -tremendous depth mentioned'. At last'came the signal fofr "8m*fac»," and instantly the life-, lino was. put in motion : Blowly . canity thecoiliijg horn)) a 'id. rubber on deck, in the deep Irhje waves,v«ame fn sij^ht the diver shroud- ed and panoplied'in weird garments. AH he came to the surface he reached Minister DeLohg fi; sword and lactiuor- ed box and then wis his helmot loosed and our party crowded around to hear of the gallant ship. ^Among our 'partyj ^[ou \see. >Hut there arc cr tw* j a b o ^ t . h e t e so|noWh«iv, ir^ they. WiHrdo yon any good." ; j These had itbrae to us frjnji. some auction or| jbtbei-, wUerje wer«e eoh lj;ttted tlie quaint, and useless [ many a previou» s^le-j-relics- tliat art t-till destined, I di^ubtnot, for/fJrther kicks adoWn k the • vales of tiirte by ant tioncers yet unborn., I liavojthem U tore me h o w — s t o u t - r i m m e d , 0^11101*01^ Vrassy- staring | owldike at\ne,jaH : if< from-out the Udepening twiligh't ef^tln past; 4h^ glasses so --scratched am dim with use Uud age .that i t 19 easj tj> imagine that within their misty lens ds lingers the remembrance i vanished scene, and4,hat|tl|ey ieebly itteihpt, as i ; pfac«|d my nose, to {wist t)i; at which I loOlc! into tare whicir shall he their own venerable• ^npeot ' But tlioy ar<^pjecta< les. 'A ran!: speit- tade, too, was tp.ogu.Dd'woi nanjs facje as she held tliom afai', that she the better inspect the|n witli Keif tfl- pled eyes.' Did yiou iiv^r 1 jtheirj' 'astride. o famittjar jihingi a'n". antique pic ip keeping ".Coodiicm! wit ft migl t ii llow could people'l k yer weareuch these 'rV I hope you dJn't.eYJsr j^xpei to^ scly 'em '{ ! But tbuq hit|)jpily weie! the res nirc« of our " t estiibliNhincf)t'' vindicated though really less aeaidy We^hah tin oili^rfl shop-keeper of thoHopartfi, win laid a wageB ly; could lfll. any sing < demaud t ana triumphantly produced' t Hecoijd-hand pijlpit t M t w a s ualliHl tor Such eiitcrprisiug Spirits arc notVlar jitudy (if the kilowq laws iband. Witliin thu ^pr cinct« over \jvhtcn I have btj^n ca|hjd toj exercise J a temporary cliar gathered many things that have long m failed|t<) exeitc the: appreciatjiOu plain countryfolks patenl||nt)tl powders . aiid unguents, ti. tnge o curt oflicaoy audi illimitable ri pjolishing r^W(l<»rs, enough jto1 lfcrnilS the world until it ijhould tlhih^ like another siinl | preparations . anncolV trivancies,needing a second inventor to discover a Use for them pr u> i( 1 I .* '• 1 their efficienbyv—and} 1 which a r t -he awaiting in aiijgy »|i*l Uy-spockejl stja thai happy ipill^nniifl time which sljajll B! ightc happiest d _„_ ..-y VJ . r ..... u .... : ...... f.ndforan mexplicifble u tln'iig-s a fnll-und legitimate , liie country THorejkeeper iiLHo^rje j' Survivors'' of the sort a, public character. He Iind l^elf used |n'a doxen difforeni wayi-- were\many of Oneidi*; among tliem were ;William Crowninsileld Captain Clarkj Master Yates, and Dr. .lames Suddards, who . . 1 * were intensely! excited to learn t^e tidings, r . ^ Said tl4 diver, ji-" The vater for. the first seventy feet Was quite/ clear, as the-suii- gavotixceUent iglit, and although my supply <M air was onee checked for an Ins ant, I reached, the deck of the p3hip \ ust astern\ of tho uii/./eipmast, and close by |the\ iness room, hatch ; the 1 tide was ebbing quite strong, and I.was coinpelledl^ to ag banker* "orach;,* r^eree, rteWs use si. ayi >a|ie 1 whole Hiei'H of theHH)dp, her timbers, all emotions ; 'f)yt.j<*y brin^f only b ['urbelovvMiowaton li»e, being]crush- quick toue without ociio, and »k ;d aud brokcMi, the captain's cabin culf fi^rgotten/soitow leaverf a v»uya4 Steering goarj profoni^l aiid eternal ,, in fajot, UiH' Lowland Scotch is the tritpst twi4 .purest feigljahih^'la }eft us . ^t does not'differ essentially from the dialect of the r da if He )U'AO ' '•{ est of Northurnberland.- !W » ' ,- o<|io +m*< ; .".. 1 - ; or it came, ity-'to see jinVj siiJter's husband, •uljli. ^IFy »oi. 1 • • ' f li V.O..H/P feSSii! »»$ \ /ho savvliibn fojlov. me aboufej whbv woo hihi. !.• i a'wdinan 8e« - - Jr. ihfid 1 ihanZs duty to heart 1 m«e • \ P«ff' ir'; • l " wnile «MI •M,I. mm m<li .Am 1 yoi f T* y<|tjr oj[uet. 1 ,.t-| . ' , ijobd 1 . 1 -4 " * \ M10. ' *. ' . v»v% v/iuce / . . •. - i - ; • 1 " . V ) 1'- ' I V in of gallii .1 it.spe hurt'*»r'pf W, •i'te'ca'b* 1 > -Voufiiv-—lii- ifietiry, the rude nvan only inquires to, see apmothlng Joing p Hl The rn^h C ot ' * n <*>*0 rclUiehient wishes*to feel:: TheSruiy'rcfinedjihan ntust be made to reflect. a - . 1 1 - ! "~r spirted falcon.id hi Wmoiint into'the eilior,. and" heing j.able ti» call it back again to 1 * earth ,iinpli;#n^|egav^tqe,^ ind-tt^ tfnbe world, to] C/W^Wv^i ^}x0cllen<5p is" " V f c s U^n'outaHftlie; fj Agues'»io ifnrvrtiv ^tvcMgtlt ;bf w|nd to perHcyerij^ 4i^its i^Mi^tryi^ltliK out XU mmm <»1 perciiiVU18}' tlWSf, Hdvap;tages 4 ifij^r \M, t»»o H*W* ol' a 'wltilH "triake l.oiitly ;»t> jtceea V . loSCrvaiiOit ehes 'doe I \tify m v IWQ. ' 1 -^ 1 1 '1 N 1 l hold to lines from t le figgjing to kT;ep from b^ing swept/forward. I 1'ir.st ox.- itmined the side of jthe t^ip ; she was clutlroin the muwoiJrigging (at an an- f t \ gj|e of,about forty degrees) across the w f ud in two, the wheel «jnd ojnd of the shij)). alwvo 111 or cut away. The'ship is heading •south-west, and situ- upright on the bojtiomj aud is making sand siow)y. I lard^dffwn on the^dect and peered' ovprtthe broken piia \jnto the j;abin r but did not dare trust' my air-line In contact with tlieja^god timbers. The giuna and armament,* except ^ne, are, all in place aft; but I did} not yo for-. war4, as "IT .was afraid .of entangle-. monV in tlie rig^rilg/' ^.'uruiug to, CrowT»ani0ld: W Wiar' u Your oyi-, dence, Which Ifrew, U^orilied. •! directory," iute \ f is eD/dr ngefjce man, I etjv a most bcrfoie he is aware. Gdssip an>l .-.Jj small-talk ho diouljl retail with 'tno' samp graceful Uacrity with which jlle dispenses I. maccaboy and pcppermiii t' drops. Thoroughly democratid us an institution, "the store'' recolgnij'.es ho> caste, apd its jloorWwIngs frjeel^ ^)elij to all who coOic,' (wiiateVer be If 4 r errands. J An Snvitfpg haunt'for; ajl. tho idle ones apiong us, its flretfide cjir stormy"or iir>j»racticable dajys driWHi,. tog^ihev its little circle, Unai i shn'ting its cltiracter anq its' si : as <Wiero|it Persona come uvd May jiHi'jhit J H •ftps S6ux;4-the •musical instrunleut, human on whi ui ,11 a resound J ^.BjjABDs.i—A di^ue ih ^(Juefen 1 Kllza bftth's time who had the longest MU I'. ~ . 7* . • ' bin* on oil lifrgeat beard n the kingdomj,, aaal fn Il this as a rbaaon J for wearing \t 5 "that no uiiwortlly, o appearance.'' of hj*., )ife nlight Ae gravity "Beauty .wit^ow; hohe^ty po'son Kept, ipi'a^ox of gold, T-ri most exactly, the' injury; ,o^qO|rt >thafc; she was cut deeper .than 1 yen' |o0ul4 havO known.*/ LoWee expressed tiie -belief that ifywiU W iinJprftoUoalilOito raise the sty-ji, hnt that the splendid battery, -^ov^-imfii^ 4j>. r cati be saved Kjjjjp gpverr^ment sec) feope By tliis swrvey tl^o ^stlraony-of Uving is, voriaed^ an|l the ntemouy ,of thb dea^ wit^otrt a ,»taiii, fdr the sitiou of thijr shift, ds iouh4, »*4d t|w uoBitioni »oth ^he Onoi4» t*d ; Bornbay, as iestitted by thj) ,*layiga^ tion'trficers, I showtitftt\(*yhq) fafyt ClviltV Is ajj kihd of chiWri at^ractslthe lp-f0 of all men. 'ttpHA** *x|, of 11a ill 1 ke r * > i V -. . - / ' I - - V 4 .at -—Hi MI' >drn a! , airden, to a rla^iert-^ J I fi V I Is, TL. OuHifo jg like Alp no Cbuntrle)j, whew) wi»iier iti'tbn ud by too siclo of surtunehand 1 where it js j b«t a prevenilvc, rfd In ' s i p fdy-ttm ^ti-ptafnjbit ihe BoralbV to, l^vja seen, the 1^ light of tlio Oneida*, rii, Mtb. a little- i V)atue oftnomjwhep tr3ubh*d, 1% lot qor^si|iflde^ig. %-yi'ig: . ^:»tib: w.thi jhes • • . V wonde) f 1 - *. * • ^ 1 t i 1 * 1 I'i I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Amenia NY Times/Amenia NY Times 1870 - 1881..."I I.. K ill \i\. / 111 mi; .-Jt-r* Rates of dvertilsi I- I I (>!'» I.MMOrV A*l 1 •

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dvertilsi Rates of


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usineps Directory

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U*Alt~*, M. I)., !Jlll J'I'I/'I I. illici: nt

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II. A: DA SiS DinTailh.ri- i Mlfuo la

1 Mxjiull,!.;,;-.

II W I F T , u l f i ' NJuiuji-llm

WKLUOK. /••in, IH l l l t u t

N. r

C o r n e r Irlu ii u»« ('nthurii)G [,. S. * 'UTNA. \ t ,

K i t &, VAN V L

\ny. \ i . \y S I V V K N A K ) .

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Legal -Jfoti i ;

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.;. .VI , f%ui<v\ '

r'DASh Wholesale anil 1;

| Muairai limo'iun.' I Organ* and Meloi

I S'OIIH Books,; Stivl 1 mill .Ml :l«deOIl8,

( . 1

1 HI W)ioi«-Huii>n «<"?

j ManJinfuciiireiV i

i-'ibw ll .it.-. (->i'H, *

• I

Hut ft, I'UOH, Kti

itreots. Proprietor.

I5T, itiii 1 IJookn, Statioijery, Mubic, jits, ArtiDUa MIAJTIHIH, 1'ianon, icona. iWa, Wftu; S«reef.

i f . ' ' I U C K O K I L - • onery, Mti&if, I 'IUIIOH, Or.gam.

K,t &<•. :n> Main St.

•<tVv A. I U ' K D , - jz_ KH; Mimic i""1 Stat ionery, lit rl(.<.n. . •J.'.l Main St. .

V]<1).YAN'!>KLKKK. nw hooi ls , Porn mid Uoben.


_M«Wr«. LAZA^tlJB-b M # U 1 | S

0])ticanfr& Occ "


• M


; j | . |K,

'.) Mtviji St .

: 1 N'OHAHAM, :

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s. II,

\ l ' \ k \ S 'it.'' .

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. | . < . ' » |U« H l i l . l u i l l iiiiplciuen H U«>)K <V

o. rir.5 MisKiei I Jrout'i it d IJoots HI.' Il\ : mill i »j'» I'm J

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pro s i IJ l,»r '»/ K'.i'.,

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JlailK'HH, 'rriiiilVf


) A I ( W O \ V ,

uvi | ( i i^ . iU, Kin ICobuHJ iVc-.:.'(,! .\lhin. St.

- ' • " " . VVIlOloHHH- ilt|l(| 'I I'tll

iind Steel .*

• n,'- i^i.j'.nji U:«. I i_r . Killi.i s;,-.1.."''-. I "•!'• .''t'f'i. HIM'II

I ..'i ii iillinul iii|)liiiii|itln

\ M K M . \ I ANT T.UI.<>l:!N(i

:.\| M.)KH ii' jJllKSJJI. U'AI

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DoulorH in Hull ' Ounii, 1'istoln itii

1'B'l "w lioleualuii un< I'aintH, Oili*. .1)

' • J. l i O U A U D I ' S tn. SON, I

SuHdli'iy, &<-. .i.'U Main St.

• •ourn ' »v IX . 'OI -KY, • Ifirdwi yi;o Muiii s t .

ST & BTKljldNa, era' lfurdwttre. Icon mid ;St«.<T, il 8[K)rtli)K giM)(lH." :tl() Main St.

K1J M..' U p W A H l ^ i UotftUn l ) rug«f Per fumery ' r o Stiillii, QIIIHH, BriihlieH, Aiy.

.1267 M11 in St.


iliKf'Mliicrt I , I4 : . . . I ! N':M'j»<'iriec,

VAN V A L • »

WhulcguU' uiul Ii keepHie < Ml \V(*r

I,:, ul; Win I


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a SON,

•, I .. , lo'l 1 In . 11 l i d l . i t i l i l n l ' l . . '

•-.ON. I . M i . "

v il dijiilci-.-iii Ilftrdwurt!, I '"1 1

W K I II A- A H K K W O O l ) , fl)fii|{8, PttlutB,.(>H», 6tl;

t. ' Morguii'lloiiBo, :WU Mmn St,

H A- SlIKKWOOl), I'(tint orgui

K X n O K f i ' l l \Ac t i K O W N

etal l IJ)-ugi/ H, (k III I 1'</'1

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AMKN1A N A„ ilieir sole u^i-.nl. 1" ir thin blaei

hey hiivd taken earn to give liojrri-ajj.d have coiilidenec 11 (i^'iMn toTWtWt^the reqiiin

ncn-. An < i

the iillilitM of the i r HCIII'H ''of ill the i r

io'portu'uLtxMl) b ' J t l n n afforfj-roeiire, ul all l i inea

1 //., I ''IK-I/HH(/>!>/ I/I/ (Xtyj,

••liit) ni>,d J'Iism'timy link-h eaniiot he Haid ii r t he ord inary gliiHHOB

n c h n g l waver ing of t h e nig

W titan* >l..V Q n.'il1

to thnir

r iinjileiiBiinl lieiinutii )i, hut from the perleet (Vi

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nlnciug a Vlhir ami

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J in: Aitr: TJJJI ONI-V S r w n

I l e s e r v i : us \\<?11 iu> Hiii

And ire the (,'hen.peiil lieinui liiiujnf.' many yeaiii wi thout e nan .

0AUTI0J|< ,J. I. (Jaja-on A.\. Hid. urn th

|i()in nil in thin [iluee,-- • , 1 J ' t 'W 'e einploV no poddlei

OOK O i l

»lh, I'ropriirtor l ' o -edpsie-Upi^) .Milfn

'•M!i. M a i h S I .


CD'H (,'lntli and (.'lothing Store to I'oughkftepuie.--* • They 'nell

:i'iii ;; I ' I . A C I

Buy Your ] is ;

i t O V K E '$•%.


\ Y T vV AI.I .I ' .V,

••\y> Mum St;

f'l.ith.-., (,'iiri^in 1 reM, Yontijigc, Kemh inude ( l lothiui .^ <!

AMI; il.- I H ; H . !


mmm \Mm to •IN

aictes igtaratloltllits'Wktej.

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• "'' Mi . ( i o o d i I I .tli:U- FK.vi I !•,., ,„ii^.r. , , 1 , ; , , , . S r u m ^ . M

,1. II. DClll IS, Merehai i lTafhir , Kilie Cu i .dn to Mennure.

MiiiM St .

1 ^ < I I- i l .r -Clothl l i j ' t liijwli; Kiiniii ihli

nts ' Km-iiirliiiif < loMlH.'ivVe.. :'l.il and :i:Kj Mujn St.


\\ ilm Mo 1 in;'-Slil ' V

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HEM MA yojrrti-:,

Umi 1 : lii' dm ui t\ 1 •'• .1 liim/K. 1 looil l'..,i ui I •

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iim .-ir i*imIn lii '1 Ufa luteal W. l „ „ , l , : . l | , M ^ I " - , . . i ' . . . e m U . Al l tin- l.i,t.iHl»

.111 ( • l l l l . l l . j j l l l l t ' . . I ' l l 1.1(1111. |l ( -u lu t JjliNI'. . n i l 111! . 'A^iNK I'liijiriiUo)

. I . A U D j H . C K O S H V , Order. Ali>u l''ri;il. Cliihii, ready

y I3(|ud.., >\ e.L- H<y. 'M'\ M.nin St.

CKKV iV I'CA M b , Sliuy. I... i1


I'I , <•..' A.gcjitii t"i'

;.\i|ltfR 'UN;. . l y (jlouda, (Jloidu (lie n i c e Sl;ifi u'

\ . CAM D E E |;« Of |l(»(>tH

'•'llAN'tjj^ ' O; 'M

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\ INS . A;C, ,U' litly

i x t . »;(, iH.iil, .

I f n i i l . t f U e t i H i ' l t P a i H l * 1-1(4

lit 11 t.» suit eastauion. Iu i.-i iold fur. l u j f tho jBrien of o t h e r

or t 'oilriu. corn , .tVf'iie*

l.fi.ir -- J OOlW) •

8..A- jfcut f I

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j-l/ujr. issues. 1

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ilm (•' im'tj

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(IJI, Stove

~ ,V; K utli U'/OIII

Vt'lilk, l.rull 1'1|/^


I .OWKICS, , , iit^uelii d to Shop.

u iu l f* 1 m y o ' h e r iiiufkuiri- t iHj kittktio

, o(rt»lJk ,j dfjfNyV

f W C'ffl ^ ^ T " vl' 'Tollnr.-l pi+t. iu tin


uight-iV'il , "",

t»iilot» & o giTiOK full Juroriiintioii ^<Mit on <|ppll-eMion fsl

O-rf T. I'OHPBJt, Hot 3IM M. V. P nii JandJ»ntre*t, \S** o^-

iinun Si. IturtMtt. Am^uii

Horbe for rOD r i AM' o


Am (ftlCll 7Ui, 1B7D

rjfrn- skit. ()&r proor Bnf«i nearly «o^ ui|4

Ik will Be oolil uheapl (it 'A (tg«l Kir» fit w/ilipg'detk.i


. l|. WO. " I : ubit Slui^ij

.ton: f VA S|ie»\tui

NKWMI.N,* l ' i | . i ; iklJi l ' < ' l / h i f | i f i i

» HAUlMi'TY', ni4 ^lifx'l

KK tj ' I ' d f / I .

' H O N , (ca, NolluUH, A;i ,


HI Smitli.

winrrfEV, ithViiK'of

ifiMJii nlljkiiuU.




. ^

fuittil In ifXow • j i in-

oilA'iil / I IJ } ) / , i'riiil.t, AC..

r} uud 'ruyn,

UKY[N'ii>tlt)S, Moiiiniii ill anil

;\M$HIA lit C*M

- '

1st lljdul Stoncn. '- I

eijl. \ iiliillfuijlnjiij-l/M'eVolvlini; iki<th, Itlliiiu anil l)oor»j

Uiii« \im\ J*a)iii H Y> QftfTi Weabimg and W W *

mi work prom

r A H U S H K D



A.'M Main St.

E A C E . ! anjl Slinwln, in Ji N. iV (;. W, :;li; Main'St . ,

ION, SIIOOH,' of Hiipe-•JJJWMain Si .


'I lor.I Htol it t n i i i !

A. REYMOI.Di i A k e n ;

dug de-

V., ,

(ill neiylful nnt.riio-


• itt/lltr.iT'

\ \ uperiori-

ia no I, jdiz/ilneHK, •1111 I h e j e o i i -

jiHtruo Ion ot the I pleiiuiiit.l ea^uiing •er, an i lT J : j , 'Dixti/i.ct I'ikioii, 1. HKApr i l c .KWHT. n.ciiKH Unit hi. I lii: Si j;hli ! '

u ihe lie»l, alwaya lange l)«>(tig ijeeef^

i l l ' on



\ •• 1

ly agoiHH uji-

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•ill J'ih'lH- llillltti' 1 >(•.-,! (ink Icntlier.l'-tvil nl i i i^s, .for $2."» ; wi ior-ilK)" These l i n n

:Ii.i• <I and of our,town c keen on hand a J.MK

Ti ' i in l i i : , lliij^n' i k e l . ' . V e . . . ' •

• ( ' . r n iii'.Mt a n d t1

I 1 i i r l l e i ' . ' •" •

m$ ui if? nriiiiss, iiintie ot Kim: Jnpumncd

1 Kilviir iMpuiit-i re i j l l I l a n d

i i ia i iu i 'nc ju i d i i t - H i m i n j i i t o t '

W,hi|,sj I

•A.OtE^C!Y| 1 MiliMerilicr having he ii Hide of .Millard Ar. Wat

K audi.- newj I lain now

• I )

• ; ,

the i l i ' i

cio|i T iiiiniiiio-n 1 0

K audi . n e w , l 111111 11011 1 ciiHtMnerH the same IIK| •H. All .ilxmc U.: wunl wi

1 ii[M>oinled Agent irhnry'H UICHJ both

ready Vf> supply lie. i»iiilii.ilii<:tiiror H I idnitiie Cdll." ' . I.' KAINE,' '•iJltf. Alo]|f(ju«ii.

. - :i(ly (19.

'(ipiiliu Hoot and Shoe H o w e . iH^MuIni St.

h^jsiIfft I^UDTIlKrCS, k'elad Cont'rA'-Ti'iiTlO.y ami , I.adiCK

wi l . U l l •wil Kill . . I / I '

1 .\ 1

i i i l e i i i i - i i ' s D i d ing Saloon, in, lo'Miifket Si .

>!/»•:E H K n l ' ^ " K H S

' l i l M W l f . ! ' < , \ A O I H H S N O I S E L E S S * "iV S K W I N ' d A( A t ' I I I K J - . 5». C c , ,igeii|tt, 'i'M **i|uiu^triH:t, 'iHjghkei jitfje, N, Y,

.1. , V W O O D , •J

oil; D l iv i • • i n

\ t Mi ivur Pliiina.'Kop .,'-'iHh, 1

A / U V .!.(I'I "J' Mt'l) I'M) U A N ir h A AK . A / } ' " "of tiie following dlHouHij-H, Iwhicb Medieiil l''iuvilty hade pmnoiilnood ineijirahle,

' ' I • I' >u. K K ; I I A ' - S cojiDt'jN \p\^U not cure


*W(!»WNBiKlWWffBlk,|*'NWMBWWIW(^IWW" !*

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i-?-'.i;.l.,'.':il';,CwW>'..''.< •'


11» no '1'lion

'^mvt\ttr ^rttitt^K tttt« - U - ^

• ) • •• ; ^

. ! • •


1'lieir in

. (/iitul ing a thread of Soiiiejii! lining pebble iii

Snfnc eehn of trie 11011/

Kohl; uuie, out o t Nal t Nu

Ferei|cr new, former

Man nilikeH nor—only li

1 '. •II'VII.'-LIIL'.

w Hill)


V. harmony of hum 111 (making jh men lnive hulU tlione "ijien of hiirniiihed

IU-O'H heart awaking, li< <Jf <ild.

uB—ull euuhly bounty ; u^llihilio litro iiu^l therje ; hffputh of duty, •

(In %id Hood tlie ajr.

i'liut pi (.'fade in a Wind i.mong the willowii, i-i.mong the wiiio' n thii torrei i tVroi d inij bin KHUiHri

Vex SntodiHiiormi wl|

Kinlrj Lr'uiUil it uaeetH'itno torrent 1 rout Now a wild oeeun, bind inji* bin /«i-ouHilllowu

Ainu ig the hollow ea eiliH of th^iiliore, t t intl o.xoloc of, Home Vatt people, ploudiug

For J iiitieo (rola an it|ieitut iihaiuo ,uid Wrong 'l'lm railipof Gud'ii uveqi/irlg nntycH'troading, Witli ulioi\teiVtihunde H of ^tiiutuplitiftt'Hopg.

t) IMIHI ! that uittilit ohu itiug dreary dirges f'yyl' iHt thou but lino, on; iiome jli^lho denh'o,

A," the 10 deep ehjudii, iiptmthoiir dwelling surges, Hour up the wa.Ver'ln(| voteoii -<>f tho choir !

. '' r Hut ev sr lyi-king in tho hea|-fc thore lingers

The rouble of a fuln( IUII Jarring tone, A H sou iu great iii'uah, whUfh uiuikillful lingeni. in the inftBter'a gone.

''I :..:'_. V•';:'. . "V..-.;.,,:.

JLII 01ft Woman's fj&etter.

1 ill

your ikuine y'ouv

ii L^) in u ; l(i

,' und.'I boo;

a I way | iU' , I)

yi>n n

;<() UKl

niiw . l t lCJIAU'S (IDEDEN ]HAESA!1 NO.l l , | 0 ( > | { s cure nyphilin in ita ilriilnary and ju:i:j»idwy .

;en Mich u.. old .CleerJ, illeei'aljed iwn'e |hi'oat, |^'u<)t a • eyes, fkiuj eruiiUoiiM Jintt jipre'ui |i, eraitieatiiitt diBensij and men

.•oilier l'i(ui) miell d wi bout . flii' aid' u I U ,


JaCUA,lJS (io!,|)EJ|' HA I c ine tin- th i id lal ilieiiuiiltiiiiif, ot*-., ai

KOIlHeH to f thiH mi

iuii! and. ludieii I all u I'i n u n ilernigeiiioill

djirket Street , l 'mighkeopain, N. V.

. •••> n- •

lerton, Nf. Y. •^jfo^nroTEL,

y ill- M'llflk. . IdVlifi". .liyl m> 'bar at S. •!•'.W 11 Kj'if.i>H\, P/opvietor. •

'EAljf^T H O U s k Miltertou, N, \ . Doty A,'Hon, .proprfetuin.: A.good

l.i very uttiLdhed. ;

D: \b: ttfw.ijbwS'SW.,': \. J>n QJOIKU, GAieeijeil, (,'lotltt), Ifiaidy. Aludh Clotldng, J ; • noottf aluji ^ihoctt, Ijfatf) and Cups, Ae., Ac. i

Dry tioodx.. Uroeuiien,• uml (liuKiiul Miii'idiinidiiic of nil kliidii.

A an I'll

lie Hi A • • "

i l l ho .ties $9.

HtllgVH j. m obllti iliein

U-U).'2-anil uieiv mile w h o

•nl. ijie.infl iiiulH I'roin eii.tjnig 11 rice of ei ther N'o. 1 or ii :ji;'i inrr hott l leh$9. - - • • ' i • /]

l)K. UlOHAJC'ji ( J O E p t t i N f'Mi'V-

li«A \ l l l e - .

i'v tioij 1 arniliiliil 0|i><

wjiieh doet id

otiiii lor goipfiriiii)),, gijiJye]

ing, imjiartuik; | energy to thoa > who lo of Hejisuftiii jj. I ' r iee, $5 pe • hot t

H, /flOlJllInjlf: , / l l ( I U l ' l l l | l ( i

do (lure. I a l l I diroctloiiH, • Wairantei bottle. ;'i

. . H K j I l A C ' S O b E D E N t L l X j K D nulieaf e.urd.fdr generu deb H*y

HH [of the, ury thorl

« ' O l l l l

Liiic, •' •)i doefO/ -: drli»V4 AV"« t

>OI I 1

• " ^ y . (

it .love to iis<

tt wliicli I

collect, 'all

oSWth'oihcr. am • j

yon jir-o »oveuty-i

to yoi

from <


lli.ny 1

tl.oy I

and I,

bo I id',

1 I

writi; yoil a ' letter, tlli«o; you by

irrit liiiimc, wjtich we when we lo.vo-rpeq-

icver uned to you, ,lie while, ' we k-UOW

sevojity. now, and

ve ; MI th is eo"nie«

TWO DOtoABS $m YEA»; !S' & 0 T O A»v!M|t*, • — * ' "* ' • _• • •' • • . * • j f j , ; j i j - 1 • ,''•'".• '• '' ' • ) *



/ ' • / ' 4

I : I ' /.!< ^


pto»a- §timm> rt^m^ pmi^

r ith mo, a i i d ' 'w t t l kq4 wi th me\ mo- vvjjth me'. And Peggy.Rimy,

t u n r 11

] |nd not

ell bred UH I, al.ojdid not nijnd court- ' lo yotij. Then Jaa it man aljways

wi|l, yolk tu rned Troin the .oneI \vho,

aited J'or you, and followed the orp3

who l.ieckom d;; au'tlTr* my. heart! uch-

iii^-^ would- not b«i glooiriy ; aiid qn\et ,

lit l i i ighed and (lifted with jiiy clip-

; . ' • ' • ' , •

Two weeks-paBHetl' and. ' w e had .scarce Kpoken to each othcrr. Ahjd rjne

ay-.I -went down into the vi l lage,^to ny a ribbon, anil me t you tWerei'Allfl

1; said, with a CiiurteBy:

" (iood-dajy-, Mjr. Wor t l iy . " j

Arid said you ', " ~

" Good-day'.!' •'.

- And w e could dq n a u g h t ' b u t walk

a long t lnrrot td -tugetiier, s ince Iti^was

our only pa th ho>ne.v^liu$ I w a s g r a v e

and Klill, aitd had n a u g h t urSSpyjandyou

liunlined a little, a s who «hould r 'miy ;

" My -company .does not amuse me."

Then I said ,"" You art? ou t early, Mr." Wor . thy?" l . 1i

And yon an;fiwere.d.:

." I eai,ne down to the l ibrary for a . • -i -. . 1

book for "MiiHS Peggy . I

" She has taken to reading- \\\ I ask-

•ed, f 'o rPeggy had been 'no lover of

b o o k s . '"'••' ''•. ' ' . ' ' • , . • . .

" •Vi i t t l ey ' f sa id you.

1 could have c.ried ; b u t 1 l a p g h e d /

i.nd began to; sbeak oi ' .Captain Millet j

ii.nd I p ra i sed h i s ' b r o a d sKouldoiK

iind y o u r s w^re .mit broad,; and hi

^tlte air-pu

alloW not

0 ] l l io i -

young folkrf

;an call,' ai

Ltrust, bu


ityuiic a|.y f.

nlit pi

yo i ino

ways i,

pouching hjiudii,

! ningle. Till


as it p'ligljt froi 1 the de'ad

1: i^iijit.s on whom

aboiil/ UH t h i n k t h a t

d wil 1 answer , HO

linki t h rough P lanehe t te . You

my .dear,


ray 111 Home

.hem, .wan

roive.iiCHH Ituj: iieei


I old ihe old o r thodox

yoi tng p e o p ^ ! w i "


you know, i|

s were . b l ack and


1 li t t le



l a v e


Alfred, b

til' f ^ i \

vf or two'l

|>ftTB, - \ •N.

uied'yith Pri'ee ty-l

iMOi jR JI j old or have led

o, or'two

' )n receipt on 1 ncdj Dy-inail or oxoi rei ledien w j l l j i e Hjjii|pi)d t(f||iliJi |>l|((:o a t t en t ion paid to 'ni l cofroHppndoiltB,

I D l i . K

iropriotor, D H

nil t: wi thout t hu mime < ( H P E D E N U1'>MED1ES..

Hi. K I C H A U D S , Hold glllM pf* Tiottloa. AddreHH 'Al )DS, N O . 'A>8 V u i e k St , ,


mmni.& VVALICKU, . . Dry (Jooihi, Clothilig, (iroeei ie.i, and 1'iovi.niuiU

OHi;.<j BTOiitw; | „ . h\iX. , ' S . STlHl.MAN';M.iD

. >rilgri, Modhdiniii,



fer y RwtB|«a CaHpue, 1

Mu«ui Tijipd •»• (1 r iad Oriiltiiai run.!

•IU, \ farllen, ete

r arid AfUugei* 1 BaaiiD apil Orel



Early R6^Mat06H litwu'ittp K4rly ruiikjil

JputU A Chrocy, • h H l ' I V l

i" .

iiiiiitly at-I'U^T'P

Hotel. 1

Patent-Milk CapH, Heat ing Stove ecu, Tin

rEN^Ny iV'i'Ai

IH, IIeiitlng Stoves Wine, and K,hei)t I

fJoQklng Htoviln, UurjlwiiKii, Hun, i»l Iiuploiiientii, III "

, Hot Air I'liriiii ron Work.


Plaoe for [.'he niiliHeriher ioil'iim foi ling of Hoi^se,! Ijiit an< uated In tho vi l lage of d ing l'rohi DutijhoUB t u r ,d Bliitioii,, ana near tl

T 1 . L . 1 . tw n n

.. Stflpl, AKd»"dta ay uhil Htriuv Cutluiii, Ae.

1 1

WM.THOMPB )N, Jiei i ty and Light Hur.nijHH. 1 Jur all Ifi l>n>iiehe.-i. None but the lloi

I OKO: T l |

f 1 r.i (iliiiiii Oylder and llilliaiil Si loon. A bin dealer 1 Oyljlei'

T oul and Kuil 1

age Trimming in t Of material mied.

- •. - . I),


McpOfl A^D ;&. WUNUU Hoot urtil Shooma irtg, Eejuher uiul KludnigH.

- 0)K>(>ia [flgorH0ll|B uni^Ung. '•''• I'f '. ' .fe' ' '"^""i-g) ' ) ' ,}>'"''f '-'I. 'li'i'Til*' M

;»ojitK 4 ^ a r N. Dry t ic niii, (Iroo* fitu auAl' eiitjru] WoMluudi.'.



8. WuWl V/ntplw,' C>UMH »lld ds>\tv)ry -'(limn, klutoiH uud

L liiiwiim Miu'l'i"!••'

Sli.MKXT. iVpd Howe

w^WWnjr |uiixili(lMe. * '• , . l^-l 'rop. 1 I

/ . ' Photograph', , 1 'VlotureH Kiauieii ( l Large

Hlxd (JWiiii, HtMionmy. Set v * — • • ' • '

Bll llil lei ro Mipiufiietory

familieH, lor. MlOHO AVilll

on I'liKne. EHI] toty t&niee.

Oneiiiu', , | |

lr,|}'-.'.v;;v NV.holy

am, t.lfeiie prompt

llfoiio gen-' 1 j>ft. jti(;.iiA.n's


l^jowu in D . I t . U I C H -Vo'rk

T h e 'lioinie

Barn, wai inonili, 01

rn like to Ha AJI iimia

a wel <:al'(

eel vv e ( l i d

' pue wild \\to\' "••«in«',

i i i l o o i d i j you

1 1 l i l l i , :

iiale lier place, efin-11.. ' . I . . ....: 1 ..1 ;., dace in

tho road loin Itnil-Carr iugo

uluted for and la of roc« i t bu Id in d in good

! • ' .

ing to piirchane «fe| invited to call the. Hiihacijibiir: HIII the liremiBOB, >r W, O.

at the' Aiheiiia Catjiage Manufud-JXJUA |CAa>Y,

11, ai, l»/u. i -lii

Black nlo iind l i a t u i l Dti nl?rai i i and


: - • '

v wirwi o


All goodti pur


' I


1 ^ V

' Hhed. 1'i Sf-l-i • i f ' t t ' - i l f i l 1 11 ' • Vm«birr-.

s a t ; ' ^ 5 T ^ ; • • « > r W ^ '


''.«»f«wi • rti«K

e* to.tt i

li lerw M«rejittflilli!o.




c Brthl^..robueeo uiul

mfitmmimmi |i ' •

Alton oya uml Oouiut«lorB a t Law. Diipemnilt' colttniluH' tUniug-vOoiuL IcUrtioii, pHW'. t r i ui, cUlur 111 iitcOnLcellar.: • F i r e > iitoiy coujuhiw hu 1, liMVoou ,: front uml bock pu lorij with fold-ini doom'Uotivooii.tul llnlldied in t lioBtiutt.-r-

Pliynlolifttuiid Surgeon. Ollleo at Iluin'BHotel. Sc io.nd Htory conniln^ hti|luMl6ur bodrooniH.

icriffc .iff'

t>. It. ilKLDlNO, dl)l|N y . KUTCIIAM, A . J. KivTCHAM,' Viee Pros'b , ; jpuiilfior.

;6vitt 'pr^iNa "HOTIO I

l iaf anuinei i . IUCD-BCB unit eariiugeu at nil houni. '

Dry Qooduk <j|roeerleuf (tlpthln^, Hat«, Cjipn, &o.

1'' tS W- S L ^ ® ^ • : 1 ' Coofef«loiiB)f7|, iwOwiinn i\|dl Pyster, Halopn,'Daily

M'Waalkto Pup ij.'.i. 1 • •

• ' .




. •j *r«n<i,j

. JrtoiftffftLl. Grain &o '

iltifuotufep.ofMouiifinoutlj; , 1 a »ai» foiob

hfoiftb Htoiiei L . U. 1 ».i* 1 mi iiln i' li iiimiiiiln I tm'. i - 17 j . • '« ' 1 ^ '

- ." . . '-• . t M l

I N - 1 0 %

'" EVERY-VARIETY. <JJtr\ tnt:u>- .(Jawdht.,



net, the hex n i t , . " I Uni

ipod oi It."

hi cha t t ed

UOHC and

I know; lo<

es of .mine,

ticli o ther t tat ni . t

thiug to ally rU- (|l until thtJ- w

riedTo tons

n g ; ami I

.of t ha t kin


befo lear

B '';: N. Y,

irhifiliiid lit the iihortoat notice. hiiHcil of our hoiiiul gf lijijiiiit cd uu

roprcHoutetl W . FitOH-fi J A M K H 1 RhAvv., niy Stfvi»i:n.

•• . ,: 1.1 -; . . ' . : • ..! ! | ; in .11 : . . : •'

, ,

111V' 1 n ooforedAvllMv rtuttohPL,, .wdllu. The lot eontuMtt uhtfi t2 tier M, a ud 1B atopk-od witliBtjrivw >enio(igoodbbrrloxt our ttMta, raHp-[l)o rioti, grunt a, . omtticos, t luiUB, pea •«, IKUIOIICB uu ldpploB. ; liiiaTli|iiiiBO iff tithUi euTi 0 itiliiutoB wi M>t tho & ino^h TOoipiqwy iVtqipll, «in, a, W y j floirisliii)Ko«iHlUl<m». ' 1 •

f"; Hi .:*£*» ' -W 2LLEK. . k.woiiin, M »toh 7. 1870. f. •. • S2




ItAvolveirh, tt|floH, • OuHrid ^CH, & C .

and tot for Sale. 'ho houtio is thijoo HtoiiOH with. b momouf.

JPOB DtbO Tim Vw\\n v lyii -soy :—f itlho moHt d ivo ftud! KcDinnni wo liuviiiutied|on o


79 OhuiiliboM Kt

It:,;; irry •Wo

(tATES/ irry (fo.,llrook-

uoitouneo iirubSo. Eifeet-

:ul Hinge ir bouis." leru 'have t'.ei

them, or mid rcim M. W. ltOHI'NHON, Ag'f, iffctW. UOHiN9<|>N Is aloo Solo Auoiit for

I .' :

J 1

IBO; t h o outBitlo io bfiftrd i, wfithl double

u » 1 n i . j . ' B h f .wo,/. .•.;.]

• - i — H - ^ — —


lli'wt 1 i iijio l ii ukehi' o. or the loUtli

ifiiut wen

y'oii w'' !!

skcinii for ino to

you Hiiid j t with

ineani it, ftn^l hi

viu i i l j . So, thoiijj;




iintr ^ ( ;gW


old e>

'•with i

hud il




b e a s t




hint all

bra he the ci


and y

and n

w a s t


to my


j u s t t

ble, 'l



h e a r t

Uest 1

you 1

I 've t



the y

thou j

te when iwe were ' * - ' , 1

Or \Y.oi'c Other together , ol

ing tlie long

!~youig hearisi l iavi ;

it- tin y o u n g minds

|(t thel


>f let



i s o l

uud.' yon, you

or me—- g reen the pitfratiol jl

pintlj, when \j,asked" irjy, |V<>!u HttHl,-

lit .' holdii siik 1


is St' you Inilf

g h t to tes t rny

an instali ' t .was


I'Ko wind

i / iMair


T for

;hul i

b l u e . e \ es- - : your

His soldier 's HfeJp;' and a t t h a t

your.'facc Ihnsh, 'for y<>u limped

from a fall1 yon} h a d ? had from youi

horse. l ive ' y e a r s before, and many a

time I, had felt tendjorer to you for. it.

. And .then-you praJHcd flip cajijaiiL

also ; and said you, " l i n t a \man do<;s

«Ojt c u e fop n, man 's beau ty ; I d o v e to.

look a t prettiyi women

way, could, tilny woi lan b<:' iJU'ettier than P e g g y KosC

love-best , ; ro!und ilhee

An<l, b)

ho 'has WI Ks. and', dji

A ' th iu \yoinaii d i sgus

or was plump, ;md, ( envy that had


a t

id I hated my|self,,ai

1 , ( itfgy l(i<«se"wortit1(ii

.H ine'.

1; trif


aC I

nples. uev"

l i e u f t

lose wordt !

haled you,

all? \ i k i e w 1 1 u ii

il-; I lj.new 1 lokt wha t

only saw a prim

(•side you, ' and

lassionale, "fuii

sulVop-inif wo


WtWfMfflM, THB Odtf* c*r» ^Siytefel AWtty jfro

tlilo dl«ios tM« ' hdlii'-'itt'Hjgtt" iif Jjggdj m or dayM&Mfr' ididaj I m '• f^filMsri'i M tfqp cd(iijttyv«toreJ ' A n d s o . j t btV

cutties a p l t s t f e r t i ig to^h t <br m of vil­

l a g e Utb: / ' ^ >•'

j The re is lno limit. t 6 itu possibflit ies

l{ A u n t E A f q e wanfcw A n y t h ^ g , fron

Francisco, w e n t to wi.ei'e t h e Oneldfi, a l w a s h - t d ^ a u ddDiJe of p w e ^ o r i e ,

ies in 12:jTect of wa te r . After M ' T ^ T ^ / ^ ^ V l ' i r r s h o b r o k o tapir-only pa i r OT djjjecUcles

At t h o B o t t o i k at iue sok—llb>llUrtit Ad;veuturo» of a »W©r wltov y4»*<-

' -. 4- tW-Oike ldf i ' .

On tlie; 64th d a y of F e b r u a r y t h o

•'borrowed'! "Steamship. Aroostook, With

Char les and J . S. Tjoi|ge0, p rac t i ca l

usual p r e p a r a t i o n s had been conclud­ed, and, , by sounding, ' i t had been ascer ta ined , t h a t t he deck of the Oneida wl IH 103 feet beneath the HUrface o f the b a y • after eve ry cau t ion had been giveil to e igh t s t r o n g sa i lors to keep

npj cons tant ly in motion^ and

i n s t a n t Of t ime of s ^ p p r

a g e to occur, a s t h e r e b y depended ' t l t ^

life of the bold (Jivor : a f t e r l Char ley

Lo'ugee*liad been helrneted awd . s h u t

from ajr, oxc^pk t h a t suppl ig t f t h rough

t h e s lender t u b ^ of coiled rubberfwftK -

a; i i fe-1 i i ^ a round , liis* b o d y and leadeh

clogs to Jiis feet, with' " ( joodby"»and

'God bfess you"" from all aboard he 1 • ' ' - -t

wan droppt '4 ove}- the side.vaiwl s lowly disappiiaredMii the blue waves,'- while a ne rvous t remor shot th rough o u r lrame a s wo reali / .ed) the fearful r isk u n d e r t a k e n by t h a t man "whoi w a s Keeking lor t r u t b in over one hnudred feet of water .

Avjay to the leeward, borne by tide and wiud, came floating 1)ubbleB to the surface-, life s i g n a l s from, below. The men a t CWt; unino were labor"

she DdJ»opefally,n ,,;'

" Yes , • ri-lwowl'-J b u t w ^ kon'l sell i pec iac los . | , , People a r c up diff< rent ,


I puinp were •nig man;


t |o other day» she came ulit.

•Us ill

u ;keop.. 'iriost everytb^ug,

m *

-• ' . i , •'



looked ujvjy fehdn ,

chnrnl I h a d ; bolt yoi

little girl wulkfng 1

hever lartcied 'hert a t

ous, wiilulj yeitr.iniifj

Tnan, all fof. the lo"Vo <rl' you. vv '• uanitj to -tiio OrlUHo a t l;(wt

lit t le 'bridgft«tJiat, cros ned aHtreain lliat ^ A , / 1 „ 1 1

AA HS but a riilycf ^rfejdc genera l ly . A storm had sWOlen'it ti>W; g r e a t ' r iver. So somehow had the jea lous^ and a'nd mini

•:i w; H piqiwul, itrid

. i« wound, for Mo you were vexed,

ill Ijie "evening with

I krieviiji why. ( Al • the

k ing bit.;'6 with I

i.id! b.i rtie 01

!<l uie,, but t ml y<

ud .brave, and wi

h and nothi i g . e

Cattue j twa ) , |LIH1

^iWlneHB oyercaii

on took'botjli my I

ukod ine noj; ttt |f«

afe, aiul M greai

and the o>catur<

won e ' (

. • ml yc 1

ibse t h a t ivit tell in love

I t . Hilt wC

i \k\ oompahy

in the mea-

.windy March

a lwayn afraid of a

j-j-jiveii -'whkiirJft' wtiH

uiye I diet

cold witvt.'s 1'of X viaoU' be tween

us, an ( | I k"bw. ft woTld ,nevor• «r'row / > 3

fully, b u t becoming fat igued, a t tempt­

ed to • -change dor fresh '•hands, and

there Was a utiop. " ( H e a t Ood 1 you,

'Sviirmurddr m y brother !""Qnick ! foij

•uleaven'B t^ake1, (juick ! And 'a« the

nitin recommenced the revolutions, of.

tbe air-pm'np,' theVelder Lougee, wi th

|blant;|ied face ^ind t r embl ing lip, gaVp

;i signul'on«M.he life-Hue bel'oW. For

an ihtttant t h e r e c a m e ' n o response ,

and the face of t h a t b ro ther seemed to

turn to marble ; b u t then we s a w t w o •

(juick motiouK from t r ie , s u b m a r i n e station, and know it wtis the welcome signnl of "till right,"- ahd then Lougee turned to vhe men a t tho wlTetd, who

ing both below,1 ahd

simply -said : "My only brother ' s liib

depends upon jsou:* efforts in keep ing

t h a t puinp in. moti.on'W)»trtpl aga in a t

your peri l ;" Tin; qalm > face and

paHSionate eye toltl these men i]o.t to

slopMigaiii,' and wi th !L ieu tenan t 'Tan ner close by, t hey k e p t a t . work tmtil S topped 'by orders from Lqugei

time, whih! we^wort: on the deck

were still; y o u n g




sell; "Oh 4

j rave !*' bu't

\hf: " 1 tha

,(i W o r t h y

and . . " 8,'PM

Otto, duid U

mus t h e

intil he^ha-s^^i

lurry me'("

m g h t my y

he will liouo. Mie win Beat i l tun HO old

ouiiu/vvyouiu h- ho were

not sip'e.H be st s

i a per, nei L • ^fakell unj "oil" or •vh y b'alr luU all, Wie groat res AroHMF'

tho wjjlte itbi

i coining umtt

TJi'ofltot OIL ATUlt'i

O' thfnl beau ti-rkofl at

i <nffi

IX M O U l l J ' O l r -1 i la u perfe >» and ivondorft il artlo q.

nult- iirow, A liottoi •Waii tutu." i oftpnu


ptxibH bald. Mii)B0iig'fban b.'uuli. 'df'yanil,

if ^TMfiriWu&ifla.ita hear 1

; fllilB It wftl low llfp imd I A 8< il #o go«{) ;f oil TV1U BOO


or tho hair ibluliii.-rtnd

1 wlsll









0 igal-. i

It t ree 1 toned l '

being a man,

/f.v hjiH

it uau|e ' i

It a grei


ITor I ween

e. your

anils i n '

HlM|o MO 1. ba r s la

Then (I sa id

is tnan so kind

1 1 answered

iklyoii for your ti'ou-


yours ,

i w^s a wo-be solr' muyt

) . a t j t l 'm t rue

,\jvhoni we h ve

I A f l i g h t , "VHfill

.vJI 3 t a u g h t HO

occ yonder ^o,

augliier.L 1 111

but 1 |(d«>|? -liiplf on

\ t h a t i 4C<; \ Was, us


at It'llI'vigjlt ), an

be t r icr, aWd dhe

cr, j u s as ni brav

being thevi,corn i ,

vtlte 11 look 'i: f the 1 itliek.

Ti tneaf id agaii i F y « .

fmgc rs .i: $ 11,, it f\ u^:. po

p lay ing w i t i youi

\ I WmV.t p> injf own

((tiljce ne liaij said,

11} ,-;olAiu

jflrkno aiij'tl(ukt,ple^

^ p t ^ i%; tb , i» f self ' # k>ve> iiie{

l<;ss '~hevor while w e

e n b n g i r t o l d d it.

.You did not; wwj IjVggjJ. rose, and she w a s ivll the ' wh some one e W , •

^A mouth later ( tjowu on • t h a t ve ry

bridge, I told Capta in i n i l l e t f t h a t , 1

jiareifluothitfg for him save ' UH a Him-

'ple friend ; but .ne i ther you nor 1 read

each other ' s hea r t then. To ihis day,

perhaps, you dp'.nOt''guess mine. Tlut

when your mother died, Alfred,. \ w a s |

with her, and yo\i. beyond tho sea. I

ntiiid with hd)i'Tor "Jove o f yon. And

she g a v e mo her books 'and rnniong

them . J i d i a ry - of yoiils, ' poor,

boy ;• Knd there, , when I was forty

y e a r s lot* age , 1 r e a l the trutii.] Is was

•too la te then, Iind lW-early- fa,let(you

knowj l had IV'VXHUlg h e a r t audi an Sold

face. ,\ wim p a s t be ing loved, though

•»ot pas t l ov ing . ' Bu t now, a t s e v e n t y


r be ing, 1 am

t h a t It Mhoijld

t h a t 1 Woman m i g h t

vi, her man

li her

lear t ou t p la in

may,- wl thoiU

own «6x a n d

h,eld Uiy own liard to k e e p curls, or . touch-

ond aga in Pve V Pa t i ence !"

" I love you/»

witb.liiin ; ; b u t until ^'notliingV riant inijiMer tinie I

-a ghos t who looks back on the pas t

1 .write.to you—ano the r ghos.t-1 and

tell you-al l t he . t ru th . You lutvti riev-

er b a d ' a wife, i I have loved yo if- •> al-WAyf\ nn<l you. ah,- AHVed; I you'nave never'forgottoiv me.1 dar l ing , t h a t 1 uever, cal led so love, who never embraced me ! bang dl my heart , if not of iny when 1 am dead, and y o u . read

you will know thu t in all the H •

you hayo wri t ten—stor ies tha niece Teads to. ine in JoUj ev"e|uiiigs you have neym- Written dqW« 4<>'*W a . roiuauioau ouvu j f«v you l d « | m e who| jQ ^ ^ e ) | d

and I Um4 you; and ytjt,' ol o,u| own {n m <;,ltftW11Va Tj

wijl-, we.tore. ourHolved asuud(|r—in our pwh •bliiidnesu, grpped awayi from all that makes life happ* .

enow My my1




;ories • • 1



o f tha t "stmd-pau," «ohn t |ng the tedi­

ous tnonumts which lengthened to hal^

aii hour, Oharloy Lougeti w a s search-

tfie Oneida a t the- -tremendous depth

mentioned'. At l a s t ' c a m e the s igna l

fofr "8m*fac»," and ins t an t ly the life-,

lino was . p u t in m o t i o n : Blowly . canity

thecoil i i jg horn)) a 'id. r u b b e r on deck,

in the deep Irhje

waves,v«ame fn sij^ht the d iver shroud­

ed and p a n o p l i e d ' i n weird g a r m e n t s .

AH he c a m e to the surface he reached

Minister DeLohg fi; sword and lactiuor-

ed box and then w i s his helmot loosed

and our pa r ty c rowded around to hea r

of the ga l l an t ship. ^ A m o n g our 'par ty j

^[ou \ see . > H u t t h e r e a r c

c r t w * j a b o ^ t . h e t e so|noWh«iv,

ir they. WiHrdo y o n any good." ;

j These had itbrae t o us frjnji. some

auc t ion or| jbtbei-, wUerje wer«e eoh

lj;ttted tlie quaint , and useless [

many a prev iou» s^le-j-relics- t l ia t a r t

t-till des t ined, I d i^ubtnot , fo r / f J r the r

k icks adoWnk the • va les of tiirte b y ant

t ioncers y e t unborn. , I l iavojthem U

tore me how—stout- r immed, 0^11101*01^

Vrassy- s t a r i n g | owldike a t \ n e , j a H : if<

from-out the Udepening twiligh' t ef^tln

p a s t ; 4 h ^ g la s ses so --scratched a m

dim wi th use Uud a g e . t h a t i t 19 e a s j

tj> imagine tha t wi th in thei r mis ty lens

ds l ingers the remembrance

i van i shed scene, and4,hat | t l | ey i e e b l y

i t te ihpt , a s i; pfac«|d

my nose, t o {wist t ) i ;

at which I loOlc! into

t a r e whicir shal l he

their o w n venerable• ^npeot

' Bu t tlioy ar<^pjecta< les. 'A ran!: speit-

t a d e , too, w a s tp.ogu.Dd'woi nanjs facje

as she held tliom afai', t h a t she

the bet ter inspec t the |n witli Keif tfl-

pled eyes.'

Did yiou iiv^r 1

jtheirj' ' a s t r i d e . o

famittjar jihingi a'n". antique pic

ip keeping


wi t


migl t

ii l l o w

could people ' lkyer w e a r e u c h these 'rV I hope you dJn't.eYJsr j^xpei to^ scly 'em '{ !

But tbuq hit|)jpily weie! the r e s nirc«

of our " testiibliNhincf)t'' v indicated

though real ly less aeaidy We^hah tin

oili^rfl shop-keeper of thoHopartfi , win

laid a wageB ly; could lfll. any s ing <

demaud t a n a t r iumphan t ly p roduced ' t

Hecoijd-hand pijlpit t M t w a s ualliHl tor

Such e i i tc rpr is iug Spiri ts a rc notVlar

jitudy (if the kilowq laws

iband. Wit l i in thu ^pr

cinct« over \jvhtcn I have btj^n ca|hjd

toj exerc ise J a temporary cliar

g a t h e r e d many th ings tha t have long


failed|t<) exeitc the: appreciatjiOu

plain c o u n t r y f o l k s patenl| |nt)tl

powders . aiid unguen t s , ti.

tnge o curt oflicaoy audi i l l imitable ri

pjolishing r^W(l<»rs, enough jto1 lfcrnilS

the world unt i l i t ijhould tlhih^ l ike

ano ther s i i n l | p r e p a r a t i o n s . a n n c o l V

t r ivanc ies ,needing a second inven to r to discover a Use for them pr u> i(

1 • • I .* '• 1 the i r efficienbyv—and}1 w h i c h a r t -he a w a i t i n g in aii jgy »|i*l Uy-spockejl stja t h a i happy ipill^nniifl t ime which sljajll

B! ightc

happ ies t

d _ „ _ ..-yVJ . r . . . . . u . . . . : . . . . . .

f . n d f o r a n mexplicifble u

tln'iig-s a fnll-und l eg i t ima te ,

l i i e coun t ry THorejkeeper i« iiLHo^rje

j ' Survivors' ' of the

sor t a, public cha rac te r . H e Iind

l^elf used | n ' a doxen difforeni w a y i - -

were \many of

Oneidi*; among tliem were ;Wil l iam Crowninsileld Cap ta in Clarkj Master

Yates , and Dr. . lames Suddards , who . . 1 *

were intensely! exci ted to learn t ^e

t id ings , r • . ^

Said t l 4 d i v e r , j i - " The vater f o r .

the first seventy feet Was qu i t e / clear,

a s the-sui i - g a v o t i x c e U e n t iglit, and

a l though m y supp ly <M ai r w a s onee

checked for an I n s a n t , I reached, t he

deck of the p3hip \ us t a s te rn \ of tho

uii/./eipmast, and close by |the\ iness

room, ha tch ; t h e 1 t ide w a s e b b i n g

qui te s t rong , and I . w a s coinpelledl^ to

ag banker* "orach;,* r ^ e r e e , rteWs


s i .


>a|ie 1

whole Hiei'H of theHH)dp, her t imbers , all emotions ; 'f)yt.j<*y brin^f o n l y b ['urbelovvMiowaton li»e, be ing]crush- quick toue w i t h o u t ociio, a n d »k ;d aud brokcMi, t he cap ta in ' s cabin culf f i ^ r g o t t e n / s o i t o w leaverf a v»uya4

Steer ing goarj profoni^l aiid e t e r n a l ,, in fajot, UiH'

Lowland Scotch is t he tr i tpst twi4 .purest feigljahih^'la }eft us . ^ t does not'differ essent ia l ly from the d ia lec t

of the r

da if He )U'AO

' ' • {

est of Northurnberland.-!W » '

,- — o<|io +m*< ;.".. • 1 -

; or it came, ity-'to see jinVj siiJter's husband,

•uljli. ^IFy »oi. 1 • • ' f l i V.O..H/P

feSSii! »»$ \ /ho savvliibn fojlov. me aboufej whbv

woo hihi.

!.• i

a'wdinan 8e« - -


ihfid 1 ihanZs duty to

heart 1 m«e • \ P«ff' ir'; •l" wnile «MI

•M,I. mm m<li




f T*

y<|tjr oj[uet. 1 ,.t-|

. •



ijobd 1




" * \


' * .



v»v% v / i u c e

• /

. .


- i -

; •

• 1

". V


1'-' I


in of gallii


i t . spe

hurt '*»r'pf W,


1 >

-Voufiiv-—lii- ifietiry, the rude nvan only inquires to, see apmothlng Joing pHl The rn^h C ot ' *n<*>*0 rclUiehient wishes*to feel:: TheSruiy'rcfinedjihan ntust be made to reflect.

a - . 1

1 - !


spirted falcon.id hi Wmoiint into'the eilior,. and" heing

j.able ti» call it back again to1* earth

, i i n p l i ; # n ^ | e g a v ^ t q e , ^ ind-tt tfnbe world, to] C / W ^ W v ^ i

}x0cllen<5p is" " V f c s U^n'outaHftlie; f j Agues'»io ifnrvrtiv tvcMgtlt ;bf w|nd to perHcyerij^ 4i^its i^Mi^tryi^ l t l iK out XU mmm <»1 perciiiVU18}' tlWSf, Hdvap;tages4ifij^r \M, t»»o H*W* ol' a

'wltilH "triake l.oiitly ;»t> jtceea V

• . loSCrvaiiOit


'doe I \tify m v

IWQ. ' 1 • -^

1 1 '1 N 1 l

hold to lines from t le figgjing to kT;ep

from b^ing swept / fo rward . I 1'ir.st ox.-

itmined the side of jthe t ^ ip ; she w a s

clutlroin the muwoiJ r igg ing ( a t an an-f t \

gj|e of,about forty degrees) across the w f ud in two, the wheel «jnd

ojnd of the shij)). alwvo

111 or cut away. The'ship is heading •south-west, and situ- upright on the bojtiomj aud is making sand siow)y. I lard^dffwn on the^dect and peered' ovprtthe broken piia \jnto the j;abinr

but did not dare trust' my air-line In contact with tlie ja^god timbers. The giuna and armament,* except ^ne, are, all in place aft; but I did} not yo • for-. war4, as "IT .was afraid .of entangle-. monV in tlie rig^rilg/' ^.'uruiug to, CrowT»ani0ld: W Wiar' u Your oyi-, dence, Which Ifrew, U^orilied. •!

directory," iu te



is eD/dr

ngefjce man, I e t jv a

most bcrfoie he is aware . Gdss ip an>l .-.Jj

small- talk ho diouljl retai l wi th ' t no '

samp gracefu l Uacri ty wi th which jlle

dispenses I. maccaboy and pcppermiii t '

drops . Thorough ly democra t id us an

inst i tut ion, " t h e s tore ' ' recolgnij'.es ho>

cas te , apd i ts j loorWwIngs frjeel^ ^ ) e l i j

to all who coOic,' (wiiateVer be If 4 r

e r rands . J An Snvitfpg haun t ' fo r ; ajl.

tho idle ones apiong us, i t s flretfide cjir

s t o rmy"or iir>j»racticable dajys driWHi,.

tog^ihev i ts l i t t le circle, U n a i i

shn' t ing its c l t i r ac te r anq i ts ' si


as <Wiero|it Persona come uvd

May jiHi'jhitJH

•ftps S 6 u x ; 4 - t h e •musical instrunleut ,


on whi ui ,11 a



.BjjABDs.i—A di^ue ih (Juefen 1 Kllza bftth's time who had the longest MU

I ' . • ~ . 7* . • '

bin* on oil

lifrgeat beard n the kingdomj,, aaal fn Il this as a rbaaon J for wearing \t 5

"that no uiiwortlly, o appearance.''

of hj*., )ife nlight Ae gravity

"Beauty .wit^ow; hohe^ty po'son Kept, ipi'a^ox of gold,

T - r i

most exactly, the' injury; ,o^qO|rt >thafc; she was cut deeper .than 1 yen' |o0ul4 havO known.*/ LoWee expressed tiie -belief that ifywiU W iinJprftoUoalilOito raise the sty-ji, hnt that the splendid battery, -^ov^-imfii^ 4j>.r cati be saved Kjjjjp gpverr^ment sec) feope

By tliis swrvey tl o ^stlraony-of Uving is, voriaed^ an|l the ntemouy ,of thb dea^ wit^otrt a ,»taiii, fdr the sitiou of thijr shift, ds iouh4, »*4d t|w uoBitioni »oth ^he Onoi4» t*d;

Bornbay, as iestitted by thj) ,*layiga tion'trficers, I show titftt\(* yhq) fafyt

ClviltV Is ajj kihd of chiWri at^ractslthe lp-f 0 of all men.

'ttpHA** *x|,

of 11a

ill 1 k e r

• * >


V - . .

- / ' I -


V 4 .at


M I '

>drn a!


airden, to a rla^iert-^ J I fi V •


Is, TL.

OuHifo jg like Alp no Cbuntrle)j, whew) wi»iier iti'tbn ud by too siclo of surtunehand1 where i t js j b«t a

prevenilvc, rfd In

' s i p fdy-ttm ti-ptafnjbit ihe BoralbV to, l^vja seen, the 1 ^ light of tlio Oneida*,

r i i ,

Mtb. a little- i V)atue of tnomjwhep tr3ubh*d, 1% lot qor^si|iflde^ig. %-yi'ig:


^ : » t i b :

w . t h i jhes

• • • . V




• - *. * • ^ 1 «

1 t

i •

1 * 1



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