old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 5/brooklyn... · kevins st. district attorney edward s. i...

nil IIHIllMIIHWBWMIimm "—"T"*""r"""niiiffl mxmrmvmm ! I- : : iil i i;i':-;i V NANCY •» (This tbmlc appears in color in Sunday'$ Brooklyn Eagle) By- E m i t Buthmilltr ! AUNT FRITZ:- MAY I WATCH THE WRESTLERS ON T V ? * pv /; NO- YOU'VE BEEN A BAD GiRL WELL THEN, CAN 1 OIVE MY RAG- DOLLS A BATH ? OH. BOY — ' THIS IS A SWELL WRESTLING MATCH HAILED FOR PERFECT RECORD BROOKLYN EAGLE, MON., MAR. 1 5, 1954 20 Scouting Seen Cure For Juvenile Crimes ELLA CINDERS HE'S PEEN CJONE A ions J I YmB.' His CONFERENCE <pom WITH PRINCE RDPERTO / MINP AUJST 0E WdPCKTM.' / WAIT- IN^.' ffl .Ojfi WHAT PCYCU SEE, PRINCE r PUT I THINK I SBZ WEPPIN0 (Thit comic apperrs in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) IV5 A LITTLE ^ CLOWE P, BW\e, By Charles Plumb and Fred Fox cases R?NT TELL MB IT'S (50INC5 THAT PAR! WHICH (51RL l-O VOU SEE ME <riAw?yiNe? I FONT see YOU AT ALL / $CV^E OTHER <5u7 (5ET5 THERE FIR5T ANP PEAT5 MARY WORTH /it5 comic appears In color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eaffle) / CALL MECeAr/. VICDARIING---BUT I - ) you ' a N r VEJi HA yf TOl NEVER. COULD5TANDIMTHE SHADOWS/MARSHA 1 .. -AT LEAST NOT IF AND WATCH V 0 U TRADING SOULFULA aicl< AS A 61NGLE IW , TH LOOKS AND5MARING APPLAU^rl SOME OF THOSE ROUTINE5 WITH ANOTHER FARTHER. 1 -"^°^ \ UFE UNROLLS AHEAD T M LIKE A BRIGHT REDCARPET! H • -SOLET? CELEBRATE MYNEW! I FREEDOM BY GOING TO F0I5LES O f ' 51", HUH? By K i n Allen AND.IN LISA PROCHEOCS DRe.??ir»jK.u^m wi mc rv.rx.o Roy Scout Troop 193 of Flat- 'bush celebrated its 20th anni- versary yesterday at a gala din- ner, dance and minstrel show arranged by the Scouts at the iBrass Rail, Flatbush Ave. and Kevins St. District Attorney Edward S. I Silver told the Scouts and their 20 Oguests that of all the of juvenile dellmiuency reported in Brooklyn, not one has involved a Boy Scout. He said Scouting is a ready- made remedy to delinquency, and that it practices brother- hood o'2 weeks a year. .Magistrate Charles E. Rams- gate presented Eagle Scoutj awards to Bruce Blanket. 1-4, of 791 Rugby Road; Joel Esmond.) 1.5. -6ti Argyle Road; Carl Sprung. 15, 1002 Ditmas Ave.; and Klliot Friedman, 17, 1512 E. 17th St. Star Scout Honored A Star Scout award was pre- sented to Allan Weintraub by Scoutmaster Stanley KosChes. Other awards for achieve- iment were presented by Assist ant Scoutmaster Alex Froh man. The opening address was jgivenby Scoutmaster Emeritus Charles Frohman. who also di- rected the mnistrel show which climaxed the afternoon-long af- E. Ramsgate presents Eagle Photos Eagle Scout 20th their Carl"Sprung and Elliot Friedman, left to right. EAGLE SCOUTS ALL—Magistrate Charles award to Bruce Blanket as District Attorney Edward S. Silver looks on at anniversary celebration of Boy Scout Troop 193. Other Scouts awaiting honors are Joel Esmond (in rear DOTTY DRIPPLE (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) fair. Aaron Duberstein. director ;of finance of the Greater New York-Council. B. S. A., was.mas- iter of ceremonies at the dinner. [Among the guests were .75 alumni; of the Troop. Harry Prusick is of the troop committee. Other By Biiford Tun«r members are Hy Weintraub. Dr. Albert Blanket, Leo Sheer. J.Marvin Goldberg and Bernie j Solomon. I.KfiAL NOTICES Dr. Brady Says: JANE ARDEN (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) Monte Barrett and Russell Rose INSPECTOR- DUMAS/... CEE/- ifa. CLAO ^tOU'RE KEf*.E. / ...NO.'HO-' i DOKT TAKE .^Ol)A COAT OFF/ WE'RE GOIHC PLACES / STEVE ROPER (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) By Saunders and Woggon Atthis__mornent, in StevfsJ&Ghelcr apartment'-! J I THE CAC WAS A [TOTAL WRECK/ARE VOU SURE YOUP CAMERA'5 OKAY? I'LL KNOW AS \SOON AS I GET A /THE FILM INTO MY DARKROOM/ I have gotten away with du- plicity so long that I'm afraid f grew careless and so at last an interior decorator has con- fronted me with the evidence, and if I could find a fairly com- fortable hole right now I'd crawl into it and pull the hole in after me. The interior decorator writes: Dear Dr. Brady: I have just received No. 15 "Little Lessons in the Ways of Health, Nerves and Nutrition," land am enjoying it so far. On i Page 35 this statement disturbs ! me: "The hypothetical idea that vitamin A acts as an 'anti-in- fective' factor or aids in Tllfc PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK by the grace of GodJ frt*e and independent. To Ro.»e Ann Lindsay. James P. Sheridan. Ber- nard Sneridan Mary Ellen Sheridan: SEND GREETING; WHEREAS. Nellie Lynch, who re- side.' at 94.25 Shore Road. Brooklyn. New York, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain .Instrument in writing;, relating to chail"mani r eal and personal property, be duly proved as the Last Will and Testa- ment of Ellen Reilly, also known as Ne'lie Reilly lately residing at 1S4 Marlborough Road, in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York. NOW. THEREFORE, you and each of .VOL are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate'* Court of the County of Kings to be held in the Court Room at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the Sth day cf April. 1954, at 9:30 o'clock ini the forenoon, why such decree should not be made. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, .we. have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be ^hereunto affixed. _ (Seal), WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor- ough of Brooklyn, in the said County the 26 day of February. 1954. AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. nih8-4t M QuicHj Xoior- KI:.-.-.i clogged u*tn o* in'm vitnout nttdltu rfigimj. • Leox n« nu» f»r you to cl«on vf ohti rhty I*OT<. WRITTEN GUARANTEE NO CHARGE IF WE FAIL DAY NIGHT CL. 8-2481—Nft,8-0SI ' ftoorot H A DONA L S ( R V I cV A V A I LABLtLOCALLY, File No. 41S0—1947 THK PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God. free and independent. To ODES GIKOFSKY, REUBEN GIKOFSKY, M1RI-AM GIKOFSKY. EVA GIKOF- SKY ROSE GIKOFSKY and MIN- NIE GIKOFSKY. if living, and if dead, to any and all unknown per- sons whose names or parts of whose names and who&e place or places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry be ascertained, distributees, heirs at law and next of kin of said Odes Gikofsky. Reuben; Gikoi'sky. Miriam Gikofsky. Eva Oi-i kofskj. Rose Gikofsky and Minnie Gikofsky. and if any of the said dis- tributees, heirs at law and next of kin of decea&ed be dead, their legal repiesentative?. their husbands LEGAL NOTICES I LEGAL NOTICES residing at No. 99 Jo- the Borough of New York. of you are hereby cited to show cause RICE, lately ... before our Surrogate's Court of the ralemon Street, in I County of Kings, to be held in The '. Brooklyn. City of N Courtroom at the Hall of Records, ini NOW THEREFORE, vou and each the County of Kings, on the 1st day [of. you are hereby cited to show cause of April. 19o4. at 9:30 o clock in..the;before our Surrogate's Court of the forenoon, why such decree should not:Countv of Kings, to be held in the be made. ;Court Room at the Hall of Records, TESTIMONY WHEREOF we in the County of Kings.-on the 2Sth have caused the Seal of ourfdav of April. 1954, at 9:30 o'clock in said Surrogate';-' Court to be the forenoon, why such decree should hereunto affixed. not be m a d e . ' • IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the Seal of our IN (Seal) Cb WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN; RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor- ough of Brooklyn.' in the-, said County the ISth day of: February, 1951.. AARON L. JACORV. rk of the Surrogate's Court. > mill-It M t h e Iwives, if any. distributees "and suc- . . . . * . cessors in interest whose nnmr-. . prevention-of respiratory in- and/or places of 'residence « d Z t i : File No' 5297-38 fections is purely hypothetical,- ri'&wAjSn^ 8 are unkn o w n- SEND THE PEOPLE-OF THE STATE OF and in my opinion quite! WHEREAS. ABRAHAM f. LE-lfr^and indep^ndRnt! Icf: DOROTHY groundless" iiiff \'? n & a h 9 v \ B -itll&§h w 5° fS; DUDLEY WARD NAVILLE. SU- SIUUIKUCS.S. .|sjde-at.726 East 49th St, and 1106IZANNE POSTH NAVILLE, FRAN WKn&UJ., WE'LL CLEAN THIS PLACE OUT IN A HURRY/ EH, HERMAN? But in No. 5 Little Lesson in the Ways of Health, entitled "Call It'Cri," you say: "Vitamin A serves a specific purpose or function in nutri- tion which, in my opinion, war- rants the belief that it is es- sential in the development and «nrn,?j?h l „f S V il^^^'""'/* J^icolSE" EMTLIE 'NYVIELE, 'P> v2rv"*v?.v 0 / ^ 00k y 2' .S"i y °J New NAVILLE: SEND GREETING: itork. have presented their Account fts^executors of Morris_ Gikofsky, de \UL WHEREAS, HYMAN WANK. ceased, lately ; residing "it" No*' 21431 1 }2 'VTL" 1 -^^, 1 , 0 /' J?j5S„?? u SK« Eas! 23rd Street, ' '* — M«»f«.i««i Roil P w!!t b h in the Rnrniirh n?i an office in the Municipal Building, yi ^ne aorouxn of|g orpUR . h of - - - Brook yn. County of Kings City and S or ? UK , n ot Brooklyn City of New State of New York and a nnHHon York, has presented his account as oiaie. ot ; >ew xork. and a petition; Admin j slrat ^ r o f ROBERT NAVILLE praying that th< judicially settled eir account pet may be! a/k/a ROBERT L. NAVILLE or vnw TtrimirroDP j u' ROBERT LUCIEN NAVILLE. late of von ; r T w . K J ° - ? ? , i yol i' andeach l of Alexandria. Egypt, deceased, and pf^ou are hereby cited to show cause' a petition praying that his account our ..Surrogate s Court of the! may be judiciahy seuled : you and befoif maintenance of the highest de-|G6imty t bFKTr7jri^o^b? hTe1djfn]Roo^m| Ifow T"HEREFORE ?ree of immunity against [spiratory infections in general. It promotes, the integrity or healthiness of the mucous mem- branes lining the respiratory .ract," Having started taking 2.5.000 units of vitamin A to try to (develop the highest degree of j immunity against respiratory 'infections. I am truly disap- I pointed that you should con- . tradict the statement—or have i I interpreted the statements I incorrectly? 25-A at the Hall of Records in the re- Count> of Kings ; on the 11 day of April. 1954. at 9:30 o'clock in th forenoon, why such settlement should not be had. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be' hereunto affixed. (Seal) WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County at the Bor-, ough of Brooklyn, in the. »aid County, the 1st day of' March. 1954. AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. mh8-4t M each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the. County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Record.-, in the County of Kings, on the 27th day of April. 1954. at !):30 o'clock in the forenoon, why such settlement should not be had. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate'* Court to be hereunto affixed. (Seal) WITNESS.. Hon. E. IVAN aid Surrogate's'Court to be hereunto affixed. (Seal) WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor- ou.'.'h of Brooklyn, in the said County the 5th day of March. 1954. AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. mhl5-4tM THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the Grace of God Free and Independent. TO: OLGA KRISTINA FORSBERG. BRICKBN ALINDER. AND TO: ANDERS VIL- HELM UDEN, GERDA KAROLINA LARSSON, PER HELMER UDEN. ANDERS UDEN. ANNA LINNEA LINDSTROM. LARS EINAR UDEN. SIGNE LJUNG. HELGE LJUNG. LARS ALLAN ZETTLIN, PER MAN- FREB ZETTLIN. JOHAN EMAN- UEL ZETTLIN. AINA MARGARETA LARSSON. SVEN GOSTA ZETTLIN. ANNA LINNEA LINDQVIST. it liv- ing; and if dead, their legal repre- sentatives, their husbands or wives, if any. distributees and successors in interest, whose name.s- and'or place or places of residence and poM- offi> e addresses are Unknown, and can no! after diligent inquiry be as- M-rtained: and to any and all un- known distributees, heirs-at-law and next of kin of said John Uden, and if any of the said distributees, hcirs- at-law and next-of-kin of said de- ceased be dead, their legal represen- tatives, their husbands or wives, if SCARLET O'NEIL (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagl») Russell Stor.in MAYBE AM COULD JEST DROP A HINT TO TH' POLICE... NQ.NO:, Ar\ 6IVE MAH WORP NOT % File No. 1946/1952 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. By the Grace of God, Free and Independent. TO: IDA BOEHM. EpWARp_LOUIS BOEHM RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of ;any. distributees and successors in our said County, at the Bor-! interest whose names and/or places ough of BrooKiyn, in thelof residence and post-office addressee said County, the 10th day of,are unknown. SEND GREETING: » l! "U»<j m B T i WHEREAS. MILDRED A. UDEN, ^, , .A, 2 N L ' J l A . co ,?»-, 'who resides at No. 190 Amity Street. Clerk of the Surrogates Court jn thft norough of Brooklyn. City of ; rnnis-4t M . New York, has' presented her Account as Administratrix of the estate of NOTICE OF FORMATION OF John Uden. deceased. lately residing Amity Street. the Ror- I being revised, the paragraph i the lady quotes from p. 35 will j be deleted. ". . . for IX* ptit 25 ftu't 1 W T I found tk» Brookljn Etflt inTtluVl* il Itupinf n» viJI iaformtd »i to jail wkal ptopU ir* daiaf in lU Citr'l |r'it«il boroifi," u.ji a prominent Brookl btnktr., LEGAL NOTICE* quiry be ascertained as the heirs at; Kl , neraI partner for a term of one law. next of kin and distributees ofi yrar f r0 m January 15, 1954 and incompetent widow ofi newahle yearly herein. orvr " nB * M ' ' re- NOW. THEREFORE, you and each of vou are hereby cited to show cause, before our Surrogate's Court of the .F'J*. NO; i<Qrr53 Ida Boehm _ ._ .. ... _ the decedent herein. SEND GREET- j ""The certificate signed bv the parties I County of Kings, to be held In the IN ^S., W0 ^. 0 c „.v, „„„„,„„ land notarized Was filed in the office Courl Room at the Hall of Record* WHEREAS. A S . VAN BUSKIRK 0 { the.County Clerk, Kings County on in the County of Kings, on the 12 h who resides- at No. ,->50 Beach 135th February 5 1951 nihl-6tMldav of April. I9il. »t 9:30 o clock in Street. Belle Harbor, in the Borough 1 ,- - f ....•-..-. ..; !the forenoon, why audi settlement of Queens City of New York. haslTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFI.»hould not be had, and why such presented his Account as Adminis- NEW YORK hv the grace of God irator or. CHARLES BOEHM. alsolfree and independent. To Joseph known as Charles Louis Boehm andiFlanagan: and to Patrick Flanagan Charles L. Boehm, deceased, latelyiand Any and all unknown persons residing at No. 145 Diamond Street.jwhnsi names or parts of whose in the Borough of Brooklyn. County | names,, and whose place or places of of King.v. City and State of New,residence are unknown, and cannot York and a petition praying that hisallei diligent inquirv. be. ascertained, account may be judicially settled: distributees, heirs at law or next of land that A, S. VAN BUSKIRK " ' VWNTED! SUGGESTIONS ON HOW 71-e GGEEMS CAN(2£TORN ALL THE. LOOT TWEJQ MONKEY PICKED FBOM THE NEtGHBOQS' POCKETS WITHOUT AOMtTftMQ HSQUH.T— I'D TAKE THE. STUFF rVCKAFTECOAEK ANO LEAVE IT ON THEIR POCCHES F I KNEW WHO OWNEO VHAT (Thi* comic nppcart in color in Sunday's Britoklyn kagle) By Frank Beck «4 f V .vtt' THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFi c 9 m T n l ittc « °f the person and propertyias NEW YORK, by the grace of God, " ' free and Independent. To the Widow Mary, If any. the name Mary being fictitious, and tpjhe next ^>f kin. I as|klnqf Catherine Flanagan, also known Katherlne Flanagan.' any. of HARRY known as HARRY known as HARRY known »» HARRY knowr KA HARRY whose VENGER. VENFER. WENGER. WANGER. LANGER. also alto also also De- and ceased, whose name or names whoee place or places of recidencc are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, and to any and all unknown persona interested Iin the estate of HARRY VENGER. I also known ax HARRY VENFER. also known as HARRY WENGER. tal«o known as HARRY WANGER. UIKO known as HARRY LANGER. De- ceaseo. a» creditors,' next of kin or otherwise, ENRIQUE VKNOUER. jalso known as HERSH VENGER: SEND GREETING: WHEREAS. HYMAN WANK. Pub- Ulc Administrator, Kings County, with an office In the Municipal Building of Ida .Boehm, Incompetent, be rc-jpTtrjck Flanagan, and If any of the imbursed to the extent of Five Hun-| S ai<i distributees, heirs at law or dred Dollars (JoOO.00) paid for fu-|ne.\t of kin of Catherine Flanagan. nc J'. a 4r C . XI S! , f^&LU 1 ^^ e(: ' ,<len, - J Jul-*" known as Katherinc Flanagan. NOW. THEREFORE you and each and/or of Patrick Flanagan, be dead, pf you hereby cited to show cause.jtheir legal representatives, their hus- before our Surrogate s Court of the bands or wives, if any. distributees County of King.*, to be held in the and successors in Interest whose Courtroom at the Hall of Records in n.micf, and/or plnces of residence and the County of Kings on the 5th day post office addressea of April. 1954. at 9:30 o clock in the|SEND GREETING- are unknown; claim should not be allowed and why such distribution should not be made to MILDRED A. UDEN. as sole dis- tributee of the decedent herein. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor- ough of Brooklyn. In the said County, the 4th day of March. 4954. AARON V. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. mh8-4tM (Seal). forenoon, why auch settlement should not be. had IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, wei SUSIE Q. SMITH By The Wolrtri , , OK.. WHAT WOULD VOU LIKE TO TALK ABOUT 7 TVr-^f^fo-T^ Administrator of HARRY al*o known as HARRY VENFER aleo known »s HARRY WENGER. also known as HARRY WANGER. also known aa HARRY LANGER, deceased, lately residing at No. 5120 13th Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City ami State of New York, and a petition praying that his account may be judicially settled: NOW THEREFORE, vou and each of you are hereby cited to show cause befoie our Surrogate's Court of the. County of Kings, to be held In Court Room at the Hall of Records. In the County of Kings, on the 27th day of April. '1954. st 9 30 o'clock in th? fret and WHEREAS. WILLIAM T. DILI/ON. ....... v,.,. „, lr .„.,--,r „,»'lio resides at No. 253 Clinton Ave- have "aused theTeaTof our ""^ ln lnc Borough of Brooklyn. City Paid Su rogate's &url to b« * n<1 ?'«»« o( N T Yo / k ' L ,8 3^ rr - nC, ;!' < hereunto affixed. I» rcl lion praying for a decree that WITNESS Hon E IVAN * certain Instrument in writing, re- RUBENSTEIN. .Surrogate ofi!* Un<f 1 ,0 real and jversonal Property our said Countv si lhe. ,, *• duly proved as the Ij»st Will and out sam .^ounty. ai the ; TrMA1)l0n| f(t Catherine Flanagan. also known as Katherlne Flanagan, lately residing at No. 278 Vanderbllt Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. Citv of New York. NOW. THEREFORE, you and each of yoi: are hereby cited to show cause, befote our Surrogate's Court of the _ e Independent,. "To ThornM (Seal) Borough of Brooklyn. In the aald County, the 23rd day of February. 1954, AARON L JACOBY Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. mhl-4t M (Borough of Brooklyn. City of Newj";~- 'York, has presented his account aa.THfc PEK)PLE OF THE STATE OK VENGER.!. NEW YORK by the.grace of God Cour.iy- of Kings, to be held in lh< ~ "~ mas Court Room at (lie Hall of Records Comeford. Thomas P. Comeford. Dor- othy Comeford, Catherine Comeford Jacobs. Marian Happ. Clara Smith Boilman; and to any and all unknown person* whose name*.- or parts of whose names and whose place or placer of realdence are unknown and cannot after diligent Inquiry be as cerlalned who are distributee* and heir* at law of MARY E, HANF. de- ceased and If »ny of the said distrib- utes or heirs at law be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands and wive*, If »ny, their distributees, helt.s at law. next of kin, and their successor* In Interest, whose name* forenoon, why such settlement should 1 and places of residence are unknown •ot be had. 'and cannot after diligent inquiry be IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, WeiM^WJCtft-SEND^fXBBBimd? in the County of Kings, on the ?.!*( day of March. 1954. at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the. Seal of our unld Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. (Seal) WITNESS. Hon. K. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor- ough of Brooklyn. In the said County the 17th day of February. 1954. &- AAROV* T*. JACOBY, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court mhl-41 fOUHuni mirinnor, we (wn'u«ne;ii. nr,.u; ut\r.ivi i .-> i * - File No. 1048-1954 have caused the Seal of our! WHEREAS. GEORGE MONKS who THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OK said Surrogate'* Court to be resides *t 53 Mineols Avenue Vallevi NEW YORK by the grace of God (S^sO hereunto affixed. Stream. New York, ha* presented a' free'Viid independent. To W.SCIM'Y- WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN-petition praying for a decree/that a LER CODD: .SEND GREETING RCRENSTEIN. Surrogate of certain instrument in writing, relat- WHEREAS. I.EnRA N. ROCHKRT. our said. County. »t the Bor-jing to real and personal property, be; wbo > resides ^ at r 240^Old Mill Ro»d. File No. 1292—53 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God. free and independent. To the Widow Mary, if any. the name Mary being fictitious and to the next of kin, If any of HUGH or HUGH H. or HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDGE. De- ceased, whose name or name* and whose place or placea of residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, and to any and all unknown persons Interested in th. estate of HUGH or HUGH H. oi HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDCK Deceased, a* creditor*, next of kin or otherwise. GLORIA E, JONES; SEND GREETING: WHEREAS, HYMAN WANK. Pub- lic Administrator. Kings County, with an office in the Municipal Building. Bcrov-gh of Brooklyn. City of New York, has presented his account as Administrator of HUGH or HUGH H. or HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDGE. d"cea.*ed, lately residing at No. 1332 Sterling Place, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of King*. City and State of New \ork, and a petition praying that hid account may be Judicially settled: NOW THEREFORE, you and each of you are herehy cited to show cause before our Surrogate'* Court of th* Countp of Kings, to be held in Court Boom at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings-, on the 27«h day of April. 1954. al 9 30 o'clock in the rnhV-4t M rrtrf " ,v>ri *'hy such settlement should not b< had. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. have caused the Seal or our said Surrogate's Covrrt to b« heronnio affiled. . ; ough . of Rroo y. *t t iKlyn. Ill AARON t, JACOBY. Cluk of lh« Surro(r*t«'» court. mhS-4t Mi irn\ v v* !-•» , WHEREAS . ,-ho resides at the'duiy proved »* the Last Will' and Manh*.«»ct. L I., N Testament of MARY R HANF. Utelv sentert a petition piaymn |resldm^.*t No. 2226 Vsnderveer Place,'thai a certain Instrument (n i a* *a'id"Co'unt'y''thV''2'r.'d day'oNTesiame'nt'of STXftY E*TlANF!'Ut7ivi*e'nted a petition praying for a decice M s r c h , 1954 S>* York NOW THEREFORE. »ity. you and each and pre-, cice , wrltin*. • to real and persons! prop- he duly proved *» ine List Will Testament of MILDRED H. Al) WITNESS, Hon. fc. IVAN* ROBENSJEIN, Stirrogate of our said GAunly, st ths Bor- ough of Rrooklyn. In the SAid County, the 4th day Of March, I9M AARON t, JACOBT Cl*rk of lh« SurrogAte's Court w 1 / •« v *?a ilk inrniTiTiiliMi 1 \ N . > urnum mmmmmiiMtmmuimmm ^ffiPfffi'i^t' '^ f"^'*.' : j. :! .. MMIIIn'MIMllllillWnilllMIIIM I iiiiiiii'iTtrrrtrrn-TlrHT-tfrniTrri-rT i v >MMrafet*itfiS Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 5/Brooklyn... · Kevins St. District Attorney Edward S. I Silver told the Scouts and their 20 Oguests that of all the of juvenile dellmiuency

nil IIHIllMIIHWBWMIimm "—"T"*""r"""niiiffl mxmrmvmm ! I- : : i i l i i;i':-;i


NANCY •» (This tbmlc appears in color in Sunday'$ Brooklyn Eagle) By- Emi t Buthmil l t r !


pv / ; N O -



OH. BOY — ' T H I S IS A




Scouting Seen Cure For Juvenile Crimes



IN^. '





(Thit comic apperrs in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle)


By Charles Plumb and Fred Fox cases





MARY WORTH /it5 comic appears In color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eaffle)


CALL MECeAr/. VICDARIING---BUT I -) y o u ' a N rV E J i H A y f T O l





By Kin Allen A N D . I N LISA PROCHEOCS DRe.??ir»jK.u^m wi mc rv.rx.o

Roy Scout Troop 193 of Flat-'bush celebrated its 20th anni­versary yesterday at a gala din­ner, dance and minstrel show arranged by the Scouts at the iBrass Rail, Flatbush Ave. and Kevins St.

District Attorney Edward S. I Silver told the Scouts and

their 20 Oguests that of all the of juvenile dellmiuency

reported in Brooklyn, not one has involved a Boy Scout. He said Scouting is a ready-

made remedy to delinquency, and that it practices brother­hood o'2 weeks a year.

.Magistrate Charles E. Rams-gate presented Eagle Scoutj awards to Bruce Blanket. 1-4, of 791 Rugby Road; Joel Esmond.) 1.5. -6ti Argyle Road; Carl Sprung. 15, 1002 Ditmas Ave.; and Klliot Friedman, 17, 1512 E. 17th St. Star Scout Honored

A Star Scout award was pre­sented to Allan Weintraub by Scoutmaster Stanley KosChes.

Other awards for achieve-iment were presented by Assist ant Scoutmaster Alex Froh man. The opening address was

jgivenby Scoutmaster Emeritus Charles Frohman. who also di­rected the mnistrel show which climaxed the afternoon-long af-

E. Ramsgate presents Eagle Photos

Eagle Scout 20th their

Carl"Sprung and Elliot Friedman, left to right.

EAGLE SCOUTS ALL—Magistrate Charles award to Bruce Blanket as District Attorney Edward S. Silver looks on at anniversary celebration of Boy Scout Troop 193. Other Scouts await ing honors are Joel Esmond (in rear

DOTTY DRIPPLE (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle)

fair. Aaron Dubers te in . director

;of finance of the Grea ter New York-Council. B. S. A., was.mas-

iter of ceremonies at the dinner . [Among the guests were .75 alumni; of the Troop.

H a r r y Prusick is of the troop commit tee . Other

By Biiford Tun«r members a re Hy Wein t raub . Dr. Albert Blanket, Leo Sheer.

J.Marvin Goldberg and Bernie j Solomon.


Dr. Brady Says:

JANE ARDEN (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) Monte Barrett and Russell Rose

INSPECTOR-DUMAS/. . . C E E / -ifa. CLAO ^tOU'RE KEf*.E./...NO.'HO-' i DOKT TAKE .^Ol)A COAT O F F /


STEVE ROPER (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle) By Saunders and Woggon

Atthis__mornent, in StevfsJ&Ghelcr apartment'-! J I THE CAC WAS A [TOTAL WRECK/ARE VOU SURE YOUP CAMERA'5 OKAY?


I have gotten away with du­plicity so long that I'm afraid f grew careless and so at last an interior decorator has con­fronted me with the evidence, and if I could find a fairly com­fortable hole right now I'd crawl into it and pull the hole in after me.

The interior decorator writes: Dear Dr. Brady:

I have just received No. 15 "Little Lessons in the Ways of Health, Nerves and Nutrition,"

land am enjoying it so far. On i Page 35 this statement disturbs ! me:

"The hypothetical idea that vitamin A acts as an 'anti-in­fective' factor or aids in

Tllfc P E O P L E OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK by the grace of GodJ

frt*e and independent. To Ro.»e Ann Lindsay. James P. Sheridan. Ber­nard Sneridan Mary Ellen Sheridan: SEND GREETING;

WHEREAS. Nellie Lynch, who re­side.' at 94.25 Shore Road. Brooklyn. New York, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain

.Instrument in writing;, relating to c h a i l " m a n i r e a l and personal property, be duly

proved as the Last Will and Testa­ment of Ellen Reilly, also known as Ne'lie Reilly lately residing at 1S4 Marlborough Road, in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York.

NOW. T H E R E F O R E , you and each of .VOL are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate '* Court of the County of Kings to be held in the Court Room at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the Sth day cf April. 1954, at 9:30 o'clock ini the forenoon, why such decree should not be made.

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , .we. have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate ' s Court to be

^hereunto affixed. _ (Seal), WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN

RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor­ough of Brooklyn, in the said County the 26 day of February . 1954.

AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate ' s Court.

nih8-4t M

• QuicHj Xoior- KI:.-.-.i clogged u*tn o* in'm vitnout n t td l tu rfigimj.

• Leox n« nu» f»r you to cl«on vf ohti rhty I*OT<.


DAY NIGHT CL. 8-2481— Nft,8-0SI ' ftoorot



NEW YORK, by the grace of God. free and independent. To ODES GIKOFSKY, REUBEN GIKOFSKY, M1RI-AM GIKOFSKY. EVA GIKOF­SKY ROSE GIKOFSKY and MIN­NIE GIKOFSKY. if living, and if dead, to any and all unknown per­sons whose names or par ts of whose names and who&e place or places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry be ascertained, dis tr ibutees, heirs at law and next of kin of said Odes Gikofsky. Reuben; Gikoi'sky. Miriam Gikofsky. Eva Oi-i kofskj . Rose Gikofsky and Minnie Gikofsky. and if any of the said dis­tributees, heirs at law and next of kin of decea&ed be dead, their legal repiesentative?. their husbands


the Borough of New York.

of you are hereby cited to show cause RICE, lately ... before our Surrogate 's Court of the ralemon Street, in I County of Kings, to be held in The'. Brooklyn. City of N Courtroom at the Hall of Records, ini NOW T H E R E F O R E , vou and each the County of Kings, on the 1st day [of. you are hereby cited to show cause of April. 19o4. at 9:30 o clock in. . the;before our Surrogate 's Court of the forenoon, why such decree should not :Countv of Kings, to be held in the be made. ;Court Room at the Hall of Records,

TESTIMONY W H E R E O F we in the County of Kings . -on the 2Sth have caused the Seal of ourfdav of April. 1954, at 9:30 o'clock in said Surrogate';-' Court to be the forenoon, why such decree should hereunto affixed. not be m a d e . ' •

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , we have caused the Seal of our




WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN; RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor­ough of Brooklyn.' in the-, said County the ISth day of: February , 1951..

AARON L. JACORV. rk of the Surrogate 's Court. >

• m i l l - I t M t h e Iwives, if any. distr ibutees "and suc-. . . .* . cessors in interest whose nnmr- . . —

p r e v e n t i o n - o f resp i ra tory in- and/or places of 'residence « d Z t i : File No' 5297-38 fections is pure ly hypothetical,- ri '&wAjSn^8 a r e unknown- SEND THE PEOPLE-OF THE STATE OF and in my opinion q u i t e ! WHEREAS. ABRAHAM f. LE-lfr^and indep^ndRnt! Icf: DOROTHY groundless" iiiff\'?n&a

h9v\B-itll&§h w5° fS; DUDLEY WARD NAVILLE. SU-SIUUIKUCS.S. . | s j d e - a t . 7 2 6 East 49th St, and 1106IZANNE POSTH NAVILLE, FRAN



But in No. 5 Little Lesson in the Ways of Health, entitled "Call It'Cri," you say:

"Vitamin A serves a specific purpose or function in nutri­tion which, in my opinion, war­rants the belief that it is es­sential in the development and

«nrn,?j?hl „fSV i l ^ ^ ^ ' " " ' / * J ^ i c o l S E " EMTLIE 'NYVIELE, 'P> v2rv"*v?.v0/ ^ 0 0 k y 2 ' .S" i y °J New NAVILLE: SEND GREETING: itork. have presented their Account fts^executors of Morris_ Gikofsky, de

\ U L

WHEREAS, HYMAN WANK. ceased, lately ; residing " i t " No*' 214311}2 'VTL" 1 -^^, 1 , 0 / ' J ? j 5 S „ ? ? u S K « Eas! 23rd Street, ' '* — M«»f«.i««i Roil

Pw!!tbh in the Rnrniirh n ? i a n office in the Municipal Building, yi ^ne aorouxn o f | g o r p U R . h o f - - -

Brook yn. County of Kings City and S o r ? U K , n o t Brooklyn City of New State of New York and a nnHHon York, has presented his account as oiaie. ot ;>ew xork. and a p e t i t i o n ; A d m i n j s l r a t ^ r o f ROBERT NAVILLE praying that th< judicially settled eir account

pet may be! a /k /a ROBERT L. NAVILLE or

v n w T t r i m i r r o D P j u ' ROBERT LUCIEN NAVILLE. late of von ; r T w . K J ° - ? ? , i y o l i ' a n d e a c h l o f Alexandria. Egypt , deceased, and p f^ou are hereby cited to show c a u s e ' a petition praying that his account

our . .Surrogate s Court of the! may be judiciahy seuled : you and

befoif maintenance of the highest de-|G6imtytbFKTr7jri o^b? hTe1djfn]Roo m| Ifow T"HEREFORE ?ree of immunity against

[spiratory infections in general. It promotes, the integrity or healthiness of the mucous mem­branes lining the respiratory .ract,"

Having started taking 2.5.000 units of vitamin A to try to

(develop the highest degree of j immunity against respiratory 'infections. I am truly disap-I pointed that you should con-. tradict the statement—or have i I interpreted the statements I incorrectly?

25-A at the Hall of Records in the r e - Count> of Kings ; on the 11 day of

April. 1954. at 9:30 o'clock in th forenoon, why such settlement should not be had.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate 's Court to be' hereunto affixed.

(Seal) WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County at the Bor-, ough of Brooklyn, in the. »aid County, the 1st day of' March. 1954.

AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate 's Court.

mh8-4t M

each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate 's Court of the. County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Record.-, in the County of Kings, on the 27th day of April. 1954. at !):30 o'clock in the forenoon, why such settlement should not be had.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate '* Court to be hereunto affixed.

(Seal) WITNESS.. Hon. E. IVAN

aid Surrogate ' s 'Cour t to be hereunto affixed.

(Seal) WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor-ou.'.'h of Brooklyn, in the said County the 5th day of March. 1954.

AARON L. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate ' s Court.


T H E P E O P L E OF T H E STATE OF NEW YORK, by the Grace of God

Free and Independent . TO: OLGA KRISTINA FORSBERG. BRICKBN ALINDER. AND TO: ANDERS VIL-HELM UDEN, GERDA KAROLINA LARSSON, PER HELMER UDEN. ANDERS UDEN. ANNA LINNEA LINDSTROM. LARS EINAR UDEN. SIGNE LJUNG. HELGE LJUNG. LARS ALLAN ZETTLIN, PER MAN-F R E B ZETTLIN. JOHAN EMAN­UEL ZETTLIN. AINA MARGARETA LARSSON. SVEN GOSTA ZETTLIN. ANNA LINNEA LINDQVIST. it liv-ing; and if dead, their legal repre­sentatives, their husbands or wives, if any. distr ibutees and successors in interest, whose name.s- and 'o r place or places of residence and poM-offi> e addresses are Unknown, and can no! after diligent inquiry be as-M-rtained: and to any and all un­known distr ibutees, heirs-at-law and next of kin of said John Uden, and if any of the said distributees, hcirs-at-law and next-of-kin of said de­ceased be dead, their legal represen­tatives, their husbands or wives, if

SCARLET O'NEIL (This comic appears in color in Sunday's Brooklyn Eagl») Russell Stor.in



NEW YORK. By the Grace of God, Free and Independent. TO: IDA BOEHM. E p W A R p _ L O U I S BOEHM

RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of ;any. distr ibutees and successors in our said County, at the Bor-! interest whose names and/or places ough of BrooKiyn, in thelof residence and post-office addressee said County, the 10th day of ,a re unknown. SEND GREETING: » l ! " U » < j „ m B T i WHEREAS. MILDRED A. UDEN,

^ , , .A, 2 N L ' Jl

A . c o , ? » - , 'who resides at No. 190 Amity Street. Clerk of the S u r r o g a t e s Court j n t h f t norough of Brooklyn. City of

; rnnis-4t M . New York, has' presented her Account as Administratr ix of the estate of NOTICE OF FORMATION OF John Uden. deceased. lately residing

Amity Street. the Ror-

I being revised, the pa ragraph i the lady quotes from p. 35 will j be deleted.

". . . for IX* ptit 25 ftu't 1 W T I found tk» Brookljn Etflt inTtluVl* il Itupinf n» viJI iaformtd »i to jail wkal ptopU ir* daiaf in lU Citr'l | r ' i t« i l boro i f i , " u.ji a prominent Brookl b tnk t r . ,


quiry be ascertained as the heirs a t ; K l , n e r a I partner for a term of one law. next of kin and distr ibutees o f i y r a r f r 0m January 15, 1954 and

incompetent widow ofi newahle yearly herein. o r v r " n B * M ' ' —

re-NOW. THEREFORE, you and each

of vou are hereby cited to show cause, before our Surrogate ' s Court of the

.F'J*. NO; i<Qrr53

Ida Boehm _ ._ .. . . . _ the decedent herein. SEND GREET- j ""The certificate signed bv the parties I County of Kings, to be held In the I N ^ S . , W 0 ^ . 0 c „ . v , „ „ „ „ , „ „ land notarized Was filed in the office Courl Room at the Hall of Record*

WHEREAS. A S . VAN BUSKIRK 0{ the.County Clerk, Kings County on in the County of Kings, on the 12 h who resides- at No. ,->50 Beach 135th February 5 1951 n ih l -6 tMldav of April. I9 i l . »t 9:30 o clock in Street. Belle Harbor, in the Borough1,- - f ....•-..-. ..; — !the forenoon, why audi set t lement of Queens City of New York. h a s l T H E PEOPLE OF T H E STATE OFI.»hould not be had, and why such presented his Account as Adminis- NEW YORK hv the grace of God irator or . CHARLES BOEHM. alsolfree and independent. To Joseph known as Charles Louis Boehm and iF lanagan : and to Patrick Flanagan Charles L. Boehm, deceased, latelyiand Any and all unknown persons residing at No. 145 Diamond Street.jwhnsi names or parts of whose in the Borough of Brooklyn. County | names,, and whose place or places of of King.v. City and State of New,residence are unknown, and cannot York and a petition praying that h i s a l l e i diligent inquirv. be. ascertained, account may be judicially set t led: distributees, heirs at law or next of

land that A, S. VAN BUSKIRK " '








(Thi* comic nppcart in color in Sunday's Britoklyn kagle) By Frank Beck


V .vtt'

T H E P E O P L E OF T H E STATE O F i c 9 mT

n l i t t c « °f the person and proper ty ias NEW YORK, by the grace of God, " '

free and Independent. To the Widow Mary, If any. the name Mary being fictitious, and t p j h e next >f kin. I

a s | k lnq f Catherine Flanagan, also known Katherlne Flanagan. '

any. of HARRY known as HARRY known as HARRY known »» HARRY knowr KA HARRY



also alto also also De-and ceased, whose name or names

whoee place or places of recidencc are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, and to any and all unknown persona interested

Iin the estate of HARRY VENGER. I also known ax HARRY VENFER. also known as HARRY WENGER.

tal«o known as HARRY WANGER. UIKO known as HARRY LANGER. De-ceaseo. a» creditors,' next of kin or otherwise, ENRIQUE VKNOUER.


WHEREAS. HYMAN WANK. Pub-Ulc Administrator, Kings County, with an office In the Municipal Building

of Ida .Boehm, Incompetent, be rc-jpTtrjck Flanagan, and If any of the imbursed to the extent of Five Hun-|Sai<i distributees, heirs at law or dred Dollars (JoOO.00) paid for fu-|ne.\t of kin of Catherine Flanagan. n c J ' . a 4r C . X I S! , f^&LU 1 ^^ e ( : ' , < l e n , - J Jul-*" known as Katherinc Flanagan.

NOW. T H E R E F O R E you and each and/or of Patrick Flanagan, be dead, pf you hereby cited to show cause.jtheir legal representatives, their hus-before our Surrogate s Court of the bands or wives, if any. dis t r ibutees County of King.*, to be held in the and successors in Interest whose Courtroom at the Hall of Records in n.micf, and/or plnces of residence and the County of Kings on the 5th day post office addressea of April. 1954. at 9:30 o clock in t he |SEND GREETING- are unknown;

claim should not be allowed and why such distr ibution should not be made to MILDRED A. UDEN. as sole dis­t r ibutee of the decedent herein.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, w» have caused the seal of our said Surrogate 's Court to be hereunto affixed.

WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, at the Bor­ough of Brooklyn. In the said County, the 4th day of March. 4954.

AARON V. JACOBY. Clerk of the Surrogate ' s Court.



forenoon, why auch sett lement should not be. had


SUSIE Q. SMITH By The Wo l r t r i , ,


A B O U T 7


Administrator of HARRY al*o known as HARRY VENFER aleo known »s HARRY WENGER. also known as HARRY WANGER. also known aa HARRY LANGER, deceased, lately residing at No. 5120 13th Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City ami State of New York, and a petition praying that his account may be judicially set t led:

NOW T H E R E F O R E , vou and each of you are hereby cited to show cause befoie our Surrogate 's Court of the. County of Kings, to be held In Court Room at the Hall of Records. In the County of Kings, on the 27th day of April. '1954. st 9 30 o'clock in th?

fret and

WHEREAS. WILLIAM T. DILI/ON. . . . . . . . v , . , . „ , l r . „ . , - - , r „ , » ' l i o resides at No. 253 Clinton Ave-have "aused theTeaTof our ""^ l n l n c Borough of Brooklyn. City Paid Su rogate 's & u r l to b« *n<1 ?'«»« o ( N T Y o / k ' L , 8 3 ^ r r - n C , ; ! ' <

hereunto affixed. I» rcl lion praying for a decree that WITNESS Hon E IVAN * certain Instrument in writing, re-

RUBENSTEIN. .Surrogate o f i ! * U n < f1

, 0 real and jversonal Property our said Countv si lhe. , ,*• duly proved as the Ij»st Will and out sam .^ounty . ai the ; T r M A 1 ) l 0 n | f ( t Catherine Flanagan.

also known as Kather lne Flanagan, lately residing at No. 278 Vanderbllt Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. Citv of New York.

NOW. T H E R E F O R E , you and each of yoi: are hereby cited to show cause, befote our Surrogate ' s Court of the

_ e Independent,. " T o ThornM


Borough of Brooklyn. In the aald County, the 23rd day of February . 1954,

AARON L JACOBY Clerk of the Surrogate 's Court.

mhl-4t M (Borough of Brooklyn. City of N e w j " ; ~ - „ 'York, has presented his account aa.THfc P E K ) P L E O F T H E STATE OK

VENGER. ! . NEW YORK by the .grace of God Cour.iy- of Kings, to be held in lh< ~ "~ mas Court Room at (lie Hall of Records

Comeford. Thomas P. Comeford. Dor­othy Comeford, Catherine Comeford Jacobs. Marian Happ. Clara Smith Boilman; and to any and all unknown person* whose name*.- or parts of whose names and whose place or placer of realdence are unknown and cannot after diligent Inquiry be as cerlalned who are distributee* and heir* at law of MARY E, HANF. de­ceased and If »ny of the said distr ib­u t e s or heirs at law be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands and wive*, If »ny, their distributees, helt.s at law. next of kin, and their successor* In Interest, whose name*

forenoon, why such sett lement should1 and places of residence are unknown •ot be had. ' and cannot after diligent inquiry be

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , W e i M ^ W J C t f t - S E N D ^ f X B B B i m d ?

in the County of Kings, on the ?.!*( day of March. 1954. at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made.

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , we have caused the. Seal of our unld Surrogate ' s Court to be hereunto affixed.

(Seal) WITNESS. Hon. K. IVAN RUBENSTEIN. Surrogate of our said County, a t the Bor­ough of Brooklyn. In the said County the 17th day of February . 1954. & -

AAROV* T*. JACOBY, Clerk of the Surrogate ' s Court


f O U H u n i m i r i n n o r , we (wn'u«ne;ii . n r , . u ; u t \ r . iv i i .-> i * - File No. 1048-1954 have caused the Seal of our! WHEREAS. GEORGE MONKS who T H E P E O P L E O F T H E STATE OK said Surrogate '* Court to be resides *t 53 Mineols Avenue Vallevi NEW YORK by the grace of God

(S^sO hereunto affixed. Stream. New York, ha* presented a' free'Viid independent . To W.SCIM'Y-

WITNESS. Hon. E. IVAN-petition praying for a decree/ that a LER CODD: .SEND GREETING RCRENSTEIN. Surrogate of certain instrument in wri t ing, relat- WHEREAS. I .EnRA N. ROCHKRT. our said. County. »t the Bor-j ing to real and personal property, be; wbo> resides ^ at r240^Old Mill Ro»d.

File No. 1292—53 T H E P E O P L E OF T H E STATE O F

NEW YORK, by the grace of God. free and independent. To the Widow Mary, if any. the name Mary being fictitious and to the next of kin, If any of HUGH or HUGH H. or HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDGE. De­ceased, whose name or name* and whose place or placea of residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, and to any and all unknown persons Interested in th. estate of HUGH or HUGH H. oi HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDCK Deceased, a* creditor*, next of kin or otherwise. GLORIA E, JONES; SEND GREETING:

WHEREAS, HYMAN WANK. Pub­lic Administrator . Kings County, with an office in the Municipal Building. Bcrov-gh of Brooklyn. City of New York, has presented his account as Administrator of HUGH or HUGH H. or HUGH HAROLD GOODRIDGE. d"cea.*ed, lately residing at No. 1332 Ster l ing Place, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of King*. City and State of New \ o r k , and a petition praying that hid account may be Judicially set t led:

NOW T H E R E F O R E , you and each of you are herehy cited to show cause before our Surrogate '* Court of th* Countp of Kings, to be held in Court Boom at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings-, on the 27«h day of April. 1954. al 9 30 o'clock in the

rnhV-4t M r r t r f " , v > r i *'hy such set t lement should not b< had.

IN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F . w» have caused the Seal or our said Surrogate 's Covrrt to b« heronnio affi led.

. ;

ough . of Rroo y. *t t iKlyn. Ill

AARON t, JACOBY. C l u k of lh« Surro(r*t«'» cour t .

mhS-4t Mi

i r n \ v v* !-•» • , WHEREAS

. „ ,-ho resides at t he ' du iy proved »* the Last Will ' and Manh*.«»ct. L I., N

Testament of MARY R HANF. Utelv sentert a petition p iaymn | res ldm^.*t No. 2226 Vsnderveer P lace , ' tha i a certain Instrument (n

i a* *a'id"Co'unt'y''thV''2'r.'d day 'oNTesiame'nt 'of STXftY E*TlANF!'Ut7ivi*e'nted a petition praying for a decice Msrch, 1954


»ity. you and each and

pre-, cice ,

wrltin*. • to real and persons! prop-

he duly proved *» ine L i s t Will Testament of MILDRED H.

Al) WITNESS , Hon. fc. IVAN* ROBENSJEIN, Stirrogate of our said GAunly, st ths Bor­ough of Rrooklyn. In the SAid County, the 4th day Of

• March, I9M AARON t, JACOBT

Cl*rk of lh« SurrogAte's Courtw


/ •«




inrniTiTiiliMi1 \ N . > urnum mmmmmiiMtmmuimmm ^ffiPfffi'i^t' ' f" ''*.' : j . : ! . . MMIIIn'MIMllllillWnilllMIIIM I iiiiiiii'iTtrrrtrrn-TlrHT-tfrniTrri-rT i v >MMrafet*itfiS

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