old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/sag harbor ny express/sag...

i^^to^S'*^ ,^v/ -r; •'••. ,*1^V!^'««- '" •• *-•' : " -.-v., * . . ; . - ; - . . ' ' •• • '• ft-. 1 •>. • '• •V* ..*.**•. .> .\#**i*l,\ •'• V >. <• I'* V. , ',.'! » SAG HARBOR EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1959 » » u ,. i ft Of Local Interest .... irL Mr. and Mrs ; Aquirie CcCaffery and daughter Edna, of Cutchpgue, spent Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Boyle and Family. > On Wednesday, March 35th, the weekly Pins 'n'Needle Club's meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Dutcher. \ n Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sweezey, and children Albert, Frank, Otis and Florence, of Freeport spent the Easter weekend- with her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. George McAvoy. Mrs.-Carlos Smith entertained the Tuesday Bridge Club this week. Mrs. Charles Taylor returned to her East Hampton home on Friday after spending ten days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wells, of Bay Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Coles and children, of Mt. Kisco spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning. Mr. and Mrs Morley King and family and Mr. Joe Gunning, were also dinner guests of the Gunnings en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A Randell spent the holiday with her sister and,brother in-law, Mr and Mrs. Howard Rear- don, of West Babylon. Mr. Ernest Randell spent the Newfoundland, is a guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs A. Randell for a few days. He will later attend,an insurance con- vention at Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Early, of New York City, spent the week- end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bradford. YOUR EYES - Have you had hem examined recently? Call Fritts fori appointment. SA 5-8133. 1-30-tfc Jerry v son of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ard |L*yons celebrated hi* 12th birthday on March 22, Good Fri- day. Miss Molly Dolphen is a patient at the Southampton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vacca and baby of Providence, R. I., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lock and son Bobby, spent Easter with her moth- er, Mrs. Lillian Ewers, of Amity- ville. f • • Card Party, benefit of Cub Scout*?& Nort ^ Sebago, Maine. Wednesday, April 8 at Legion Hafl at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments> Please bring own cards. ^^4-2-ltc Miss Dorothy Worth, of Berk- ley College, N. J., enjoyed her Easter weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth. Mr. and Mrs. James Tripp and daughter, of Huntington, were holi- day guests of her mother, Mrs. William Bates. Mr. and Mrs. William McLane and sons William, Larry, and Dan- ny of Lake View, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. . Mr. and Mrs. George Bill, of Jermain Avenue entertained at a family dinner party oft Easter Sun- day. Those: who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sabotka and children* of Kings Park, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLane and children, of Lake View, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Al Roffi and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Magee are the proud parents of a daughter, Maureen Lynn, born to them on Wednesday, March 25th. The little miss weighed 8 Tfe 2oz. Mrs. Nat Ford, of Jamacia, spent the weekend at her home in Sag Har bor Hills. , Card Party, benefit of Cub Scouts. Wednesday, April 8 at Legion Hall at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments. Please bring own cards. 4-2-ltc Mrs. Lucille King was home for the holiday with her family. Mrs. 'John Sable and daughter Nancy of Shelter Island, visited Mrs. Bessie Schweinsburg on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruppert and daughters Barbara & Maryann of College Point, N.Y. visited with Mrs. Stanley Zelinski of Rogers St. for Easter Week. On Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' Chas. Passamonte of East Hampton with their son Justin and daughter Donna Marie visited with Mrs. Stanley Zelinski. Mrs. Ruppert was formerly Maryann Zelinski and Mrs. Passamonte is the former Jessie Zelinski of Sag Har- bor. I Hoya* Motes by Isabel Spink . Tel. SAg Harbor 5-1182-W Mrs. Raymond Martin of Buffalo, and.her sons Raymond, Jr. and Da- vid, have been visiting the Stephen McLaughlins of/ Queens and Pine Neck for two weeks. Mrs. Martin is the former Rosemary McLaugh- lin. Carole Windsor .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Windsor of Pine Neck, spent the Easter holidays with her parents at their home on Poplar Street. Miss Windsor is a student nurse and is studying at the Metropolitan Hospital at present. Congratulations to the Stephen F. McLaughlins, who celebrate a wedding anniversary on April 7th. Dean and Mrs. Thomas E. Coul- ton are at "Homestead" for the Easter vacation Others spending the Easter holi- days in Noyac are the Misses Anne and Marielle Woodward, who are enjoying a respite from their teach- ing duties; and the Bovinos, who are vacationing at their home on Walnut Street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Capaccio and their son Robert arrived at "Anchorage" on Saturday with a recently-purchased boat in tow. Robert Capaccio leaves today (Thursday) for a trip to Washing- ton, D. C. and to the Naval Base at Norfolk, Virginia with his Boy Scout troop. The troop will spend two days at the Naval Base as guests of the Navy, eating and sleeping there and observing the sailors' training program. The Stephen F. McLaughlins and Bud Geddie spent Easter in Brook- lyn v/ith the George Geddies. Mr. and Mrs. George Mahedy and their daughter Valerie spent the weekend at their home on Chestnut Street. The James Preiatos weekended at their home on Birch Street. Oth- er weekenders on the same street were Mr. and Mrs. James McAllis- ter and their son Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox, who spent the winter at the Welch home on Valley Road, left on Tuesday for a visit to their son's home in Lake Success, after which they will return to their permanent residence North Haven Notes... ., Evelyn A. Johnson *Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nohrenberg and their daughter Barbara spent the early part of this week at their home on Noyac Road. The Frank Murphys of New York City weekended at their home on Bay View Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benisch of Queens Village were at their home on Noyac Road for th? weekend. Accompanying them was Mrs. Ben- isch's mother, Mrs. Krai. Louise Tucker, who is home from college for the Easter vacation ac- companied Carol Bramoff of wSag Harbor to Hempstead on Monday to visit the beauticians school where Miss Bramoff is a student. Mr. and Mrs. William Way of Elm Street, enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herber of Floral Park during the weekend. Mrs. H. Munsdenck, who had been a guest at the Way home, returned to her home in East Williston on Sunday. Mrs. Herber and Mrs. Munsdenck are sisters of Mrs. Way. Vicki and Vincent Velsor enter-; tained a group of Noyac classmates at an Easter Egg Hunt at their home on Du-Mar Drive on Tuesday after- noon. Those taking part in the ac- tivity were Billy Everett,-Johnnie. Guide-, Shelia Spink and Christie Spink. Realty Transfers.. BIRTHDAY PARTY Gayle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dorschel, entertained a group of her friends at a buffet supper honor of her 14th birthday. Those who attended were: Mary Lou Chick, Claudia Rozzi, Marilyn Men- aik, Brenda Ward, Judy Allen, Carolyn Bill, Lois Johnson, Frances Proferes, Gail Smith, Andrea Peter- son Lynn King, Nancy Lou Garrard and' Ann Rogers of Watermill. The boys who attended were: Ronnie Rozzi, Mike Lagasse, Billy Eaton, Jerry Poate, Chlarlie McCarron, Stephen Ludlow, ICarl Cafiero, Lee Kinsey, Freddie |PicorelH, Jimmy McAree, Joe Ialajeci &ob Kelman, Miles Afldewea and Bruce DeCa*^ Southampton Realty Corp to L Petrillo & ors, parcel nw s Inlet rd, Southampton Town^ $2500. G McCann to R Sexauer, pel on Fort Pond Bay adj land of Montauk Beach Co Inc, Montauk, $6000. W R Rath & ano to A Cohen, pel n s Surfside Ave., Montauk, $18,- 500. tro. i T> Jaffa INSURANCE OF M X KINDS Post Ottce Bulldmc SAg Harbor 5-66*# MAMS ST. tf J. F. Payne % North Haven's oldest citizen has brought to bur attention the arrival of the Osprey's. (fish hawk) to the eastern end of Long Island, on" the first day of spring, March 21. The date is not proven but remains like an did/tradition. Several North Hayenit.es, anxious to watch for their arrival were sure they sighted them on Saturday of the 21st. Neighbors of Mr, Payne would like to compare this annual oc- currence to'the return of the "Swal- lows to Capistrano" which takes place each year on St. Joseph's Day March 19. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Worwetz who celebrated their wedding anniversary Tuesday, March 31 and also Mrs. Worwetz's birthday on the same day. Barbara French of New York en- joyed the Easter Holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wade French of Sunset Cottage. ; Mr. and Mrs John Reidy, Sr. of Flushing were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. O'Brein. The campaign in North Haven to change the name of the ferryboat "Capella-" to "North Havener" is slowly progressing The fund com- mittee wishes to-acknowledge con- tributions "from Gordon Voelbel; Edward Maguire, Raymond Sch- ramm and John Larsen. At the pre- sent time the amount of money raised is $35.00. Letters have been sent to most North Haven residents. If you wish to contribute, please send your" check to Eddie Roy King or George Finckenor. Sandy Nelson, student at New York State Maritine College, Fort Schuyler celebrated his twenty- first birthday, Saturday, March 28 at the home of his parents in North Haven Manor. Enjoying the festi- vities were Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson and family, Mr and Mrs. Howard Johnson and family, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Allen, and fanv ily % Mr. and Mrs. Shernian Mac- Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and family. Despite the early hour and chilly temperature, the "Easter Sunrise GIRL SCOUT NEWS Troop 23 Thursday March 26th, we cele- brated our "Troop Birthday." The party was also a "farewell party" for Aimee Gutmann who has moved to Port Washington Aimee received three badges, her 1959-60 scout membership and a gift from the girls. W e are sorry to have Aimee leave. We welcomed two new members, Gale Cilli and Eileen Archibald. Carolyn Bill, Gayle Dorschel, Nancy Lou Garrard and Gail Smith now registered with our troop also joined the party. 'Hostesses Judy DeSanti, Judy Fordham, Bonnie McCrosson and Debbie Smyth greeted our assistant leaders, Mrs. Benfield and Mrs. Kel- man, also Committee members, Mrs. Beebee, Mrs. Dorschel" and Mrs. Smyth.. Festivities began with a nature hunt. Four teams took off with long lists and ample carry-alls! In-case North Haven Manor residents won- dered - - we were just collecting Mullen stalks, sea weed, single pine needles stones weighing one pound and the like. Carolyn Bill's group won the event but the other three learns gave a close race. Other gaiiiCJ vere played after which We recei r id our membership cards and "Stars." Birthday cake, ice cream and punch was served by the hostesses. HO>IE, AUTO, BOA* SHOW NOW Otf AT SOUTHAMPTON On this coming Thursday and Friday The Southampton Lions Club will hold a HOME-AUTO- BOAT SHOW at the Southampton High School on April 3rd and 4th ; The show will be open from ten in the morning until eleven at night on both days. There will be no ad- mission; charge and it is "open to the public. Station WRIV will have a very interesting booth which will give the public an excellent chtnee to see a live broadcast. In addition to the fifty exhibitors or more^ there will be beautiful displays by the Southampton Hospital, VFW Am- bulance Comitt.ee, and Bill Dun- well's Colonial Society Replica of the Hollyhocks House, the oldest frame structure in the State of New York. '.••:.;'•',< ... .. The Student Council of the South- ampton High School will sell re- freshments to raise much needed funds for the proposed "Foreign Student Exchange Fund" which they need for the coming year. The entire proceeds for this show will go toward {he following youth activities: Little League Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, Teenage Dan- ces, Boys and Girls Tennis Tour- nament Prizes, Safety Bike Pro- gram, Downhill Soap Box Derby and many other worthy projects. JLJLhSmJLm W W " STOP! * NOW IS THE TIME PAINT UP - FIX UP THOSE SCREENS • SCREENING Aluminum - Plastic Bronze • NEW SCREENS Thanks to Mrs. Dutcher, our leader, for a very wonderful after- .CHECK FIRE HAZARDS BE READY DON'T WAIT FREE ESTIMATING & DELIVERY New Home MORTGAGES - F.H.A. LOANS LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. 415 ROANOKE AVE. RIVERHEAD, N. Y. ^PArk 7-2430 noon. We are looking forward to more oiUVdoor. scouting during spring vacation. Bonnie McCrossen, Scribe. Troop 37 . Monday, March 23 most of the girls celebrated their 4th year an- niversary. Judy Allen received her five-year pin and Mary Lou Ruppel received her second star. We had a cake and fruit punch supplied by our leader, Mrs. Semkus. We have also been working,, on our Seam- stress Badge. . Linda Pidgeon, DURING SPRING CLEANUP CARD OF THANKS The family of Nicholas A. feres wish to thank Father Webber Pro- 0 , , .. •, . u r, , T . , _ Father Mandakis, Dr. Holmberg Service" held on Sears Island, Bay , • . . . • - .' * • ,, A :„u •r^vj^i -J __ J^ A, In / and relatives, friends and neign- Point and sponsored by the Method- ist Youth Fellowship was well at- bors for their expressins of sym- , 4 , %:f ., TT * i. pa thy and many acts of kindness tended. North Haven young folks, K . . . AM , A f f. (during our recent bereavement. who participated in the services were Janice Staudinger, and Frank, Alberta and Otis Sweezy. Leslie S. Mac Robbie of East Pat- chogue, a member of the Long Is- land Nurserymen's Association will be the featured speaker.at the reg- ular monthly meeting Friday, April 10th of the North Haven Association Mr. MacRobbie will show a selec- ed group of colored slides with a commentary tailored to local con- ditions. '.'••. •• Mrs. Nicholas Proferes and Family. Festivities at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dutcher Thursday, March 26 included the celebration of the birthday of Troop 23 and also a farewell party for one of the girl scouts, Aimee Gutmann. Aimee is moving to Port Washington. The scouts especially enjoyed the re- freshments and the "Nature Hunt". The troop welcomed two new mem- The. Spring Clean-up campaign now going orr throughout New York State, is a particularly good time to have your local fire department check your home for possible fire hazards, according to State Safety Dircetor, Walter E. Bligh. "Home fires cause more than half the tragic toll of fire deaths each year," said Bligh. "Many of the danger spots ;in homes are easily remedied, but it may take the eye and know-how of a trained fireman to detect them." The Director explained that more and more fire departments, in rural areas as well as in larger commun- ties are adopting home inspection programs and proving their life and property-saving effectiveness. "Thousands of homes in New Yo "Thousands of homes in New York State are hit by fire every year," said Mr. Bligh. "Be fire wise and keep your home out of these stat- istics.", •».'.-. Florence McCollum and son Rich- bers; Gale Cilli of North Haven and ard of Bayview Drive spent the Eileen Archibald of Sag Harbor. Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dutcher is the loader of Troop Fred Stuber of Yonkers. N.Y. 23. * * 4- * * * t & & WITH Harkerware STONE CHINA *t if* mohm 4- t z f f * •J- f4^^^4^*H^^4 , ^^^^4 , ^^^4^^4 , 4^^4^4 , ^^^«{^4««j.^j.^ | "Cap" THE ROYS "Snooks" 4 % % Y . X Y ! | MONTAUK | MEMORY MOTEL Montauk, New York Yi$H Ofr SeaGhmor (toon Fine Fowls - Cocktails Breakfast - " . - ' • Dinner 1 7 I FEEL A LOT BETTER NOW THAT MY PRESCRIPTION IS BEING FILLED AT SAG HARBOR PHARMACY :..! irs A COMFORT HAVING THAT STORE ^q :AL TRAOEMARKS. I«. I y t Y f ? ? Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y X For reservations: MOntauk 8-2702 ? Y Y Y Y *»*«**********••#•**#*#***• .-•«>.>•-,•>*>•-« V D!N N E R WINE S THAT MAKE GOOD FOOD EVEN BETTER! X fPHVlNMOdl "if'SSAfi PHARMACY , NOB6EG7 Km£G£L,BS. SA6 HARBOR 5 W X i. ± i I Y Burgandy - Sauterne - Rose i ENJOY ONE TONIGHT ! ! Avoiloble in /ove'/ Pasl«Uotors SHELL-WNK BLUE-MIST GOLDEN-DAWN WHITE-CAP 4- •i- * * •I- * * •J- * s ? Y Y y Y y x CHRISTY LIQUOR STORE <; TEU SA. 5-0100 L-5242 SAG HARBOR t GOME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF NEW PATTERNS AND COLORS 45 Pc. Sets -^ Service for 8 $21.95 4* 4- * 4- 4- * 4- * 4- +• f f * tZ.C oxtu an x SAg Harbor 5-0297 or 0103 OPBN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:9« " y Y Y T Y Y •;• t T Y t Y t T T f T T l IEW RESTAURANT Inc. SPECIALIZING IN SEA FOOD North Road (27-A) Between Greenport and Southold NOW OPEN SPECIAL 12 LUNCHEON SERVED NOON - 2 P. 4N. DINNER A LA CARTE COCKTAILS - FINE WINES Telephone GReenport 7-1134 Closed Mondays Y Y Y Y Y T t Y J Y Y Y Y J Y Y T f J Y T Y Y t •i. ••HNIMMMI AtMjti iMailSii V-fWHi^rB-1*** *fcn •f«H'*!t».»j 1 "' •'«•» iW,;m*(k ^*gagwg^j^^g^^^jj^^^l^j_a^Oafl ttHH KM - - ' - - Ia*»>'"' j -; •,-»• ••••• •• ! Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Of Local Interest.... irL Mr. and Mrs ; Aquirie CcCaffery

and daughter Edna, of Cutchpgue, spent Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Boyle and Family. >

On Wednesday, March 35th, the weekly Pins 'n'Needle Club's meet­ing was held a t the home of Mrs. Dorothy Dutcher. \ n

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sweezey, and children Albert, Frank, Otis and Florence, of Freeport spent the Easter weekend- with her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. George McAvoy.

Mrs . -Car los Smith entertained t h e Tuesday Bridge Club this week.

Mrs. Charles Taylor returned to her East Hampton home on Friday after spending ten days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wells, of Bay Street.

Mr. and Mrs. James Coles and children, of Mt. Kisco spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Gunning. Mr. and Mrs Morley King and family and Mr. Joe Gunning, were also dinner guests of the Gunnings en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A Randell spent the holiday with her sister and,brother in-law, Mr and Mrs. Howard Rear-don, of West Babylon.

Mr. Ernest Randell spent the Newfoundland, is a guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs A. Randell for a few days. He will later at tend,an insurance con­vention at Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Early, of New York City, spent the week­end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bradford.

YOUR EYES - Have you had hem examined recently? • Call

Fritts fori appointment. SA 5-8133. 1-30-tfc

Jerry v son of Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ard |L*yons celebrated hi* 12th bir thday on March 22, Good Fr i ­day.

Miss Molly Dolphen is a patient a t the Southampton Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vacca and baby of Providence, R. I., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lock and son Bobby, spent Easter with he r moth­er, Mrs. Lillian Ewers, of Amity-ville.

f • •

Card Party, benefit of Cub Scout* ? & N o r t ^ Sebago, Maine. Wednesday, April 8 at Legion Hafl at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments> Please bring own cards. ^ ^ 4 - 2 - l t c

Miss Dorothy Worth, of Berk­ley College, N. J., enjoyed her Easter weekend a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth.

Mr. and Mrs. James Tripp and daughter, of Huntington, were holi­day guests of her mother, Mrs. William Bates.

Mr. and Mrs. William McLane and sons William, Larry, and Dan­ny of Lake View, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. .

Mr. and Mrs. George Bill, of Jermain Avenue entertained at a family dinner party oft Easter Sun­day. Those: who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sabotka and children* of Kings Park, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLane and children, of Lake View, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Al Roffi and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Frances Magee are the proud parents of a daughter, Maureen Lynn, born to them on Wednesday, March 25th. The little miss weighed 8 Tfe 2oz .

Mrs. Nat Ford, of Jamacia, spent the weekend at her home in Sag Har bor Hills. ,

Card Party, benefit of Cub Scouts. Wednesday, April 8 at Legion Hall at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments. Please bring own cards. 4-2-ltc

Mrs. Lucille King was home for the holiday with her family.

Mrs. 'John Sable and daughter Nancy of Shelter Island, visited Mrs. Bessie Schweinsburg on Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruppert and daughters Barbara & Maryann of College Point, N.Y. visited with Mrs. Stanley Zelinski of Rogers St. for Easter Week. On Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' Chas. Passamonte of East Hampton with their son Justin and daughter Donna Marie visited with Mrs. Stanley Zelinski. Mrs. Ruppert was formerly Maryann Zelinski and Mrs. Passamonte is the former Jessie Zelinski of Sag Har­bor. I

Hoya* Motes by Isabel Spink .

Tel. SAg Harbor 5-1182-W

Mrs. Raymond Martin of Buffalo, and.her sons Raymond, J r . and Da­vid, have been visiting the Stephen McLaughlins of/ Queens and Pine Neck for two weeks. Mrs. Martin is the former Rosemary McLaugh­lin.

Carole Windsor .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Windsor of Pine Neck, spent the Easter holidays with her parents at their home on Poplar Street. Miss Windsor is a student nurse and is studying at the Metropolitan Hospital at present.

Congratulations to the Stephen F. McLaughlins, who celebrate a wedding anniversary on April 7th.

Dean and Mrs. Thomas E. Coul-ton are at "Homestead" for the Easter vacation

Others spending the Easter holi­days in Noyac are the Misses Anne and Marielle Woodward, who are enjoying a respite from their teach­ing duties; and the Bovinos, who are vacationing at their home on Walnut Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Capaccio and their son Robert arrived at "Anchorage" on Saturday with a recently-purchased boat in tow.

Robert Capaccio leaves today (Thursday) for a trip to Washing­ton, D. C. and to the Naval Base at Norfolk, Virginia with his Boy Scout troop. The troop will spend two days at the Naval Base as guests of the Navy, eating and sleeping there and observing the sailors' training program.

The Stephen F. McLaughlins and Bud Geddie spent Easter in Brook­lyn v/ith the George Geddies.

Mr. and Mrs. George Mahedy and their daughter Valerie spent the weekend at their home on Chestnut Street.

The James Preiatos weekended at their home on Birch Street. Oth­er weekenders on the same street were Mr. and Mrs. James McAllis­ter and their son Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox, who spent the winter at the Welch home on Valley Road, left on Tuesday for a visit to their son's home in Lake Success, after which they will return to their permanent residence

North Haven Notes... ., Evelyn A. Johnson

*Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nohrenberg and their daughter Barbara spent the early part of this week at their home on Noyac Road.

The Frank Murphys of New York City weekended at their home on Bay View Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benisch of Queens Village were at their home on Noyac Road for th? weekend. Accompanying them was Mrs. Ben-isch's mother, Mrs. Krai .

Louise Tucker, who is home from college for the Easter vacation ac­companied Carol Bramoff of wSag Harbor to Hempstead on Monday to visit the beauticians school where Miss Bramoff is a student.

Mr. and Mrs. William Way of Elm Street, enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herber of Floral Park during the weekend. Mrs. H. Munsdenck, who had been a guest at the Way home, returned to her home in East Williston on Sunday. Mrs. Herber and Mrs. Munsdenck are sisters of Mrs. Way.

Vicki and Vincent Velsor enter-; tained a group of Noyac classmates at an Easter Egg Hunt at their home on Du-Mar Drive on Tuesday after­noon. Those taking part in the ac­tivity were Billy Everett,-Johnnie. Guide-, Shelia Spink and Christie Spink.

Realty Transfers.. • •

BIRTHDAY PARTY Gayle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lou Dorschel, entertained a group of her friends a t a buffet supper honor of he r 14th birthday. Those w h o at tended were : Mary Lou Chick, Claudia Rozzi, Marilyn Men-aik, Brenda Ward, Judy Allen, Carolyn Bill, Lois Johnson, Frances Proferes, Gail Smith, Andrea Peter­son Lynn King, Nancy Lou Garrard and' Ann Rogers of Watermill. The boys who at tended were : Ronnie Rozzi, Mike Lagasse, Billy Eaton, J e r r y Poate, Chlarlie McCarron, Stephen Ludlow, ICarl Cafiero, Lee Kinsey, Freddie |PicorelH, J immy McAree, J o e Ialajeci &ob Kelman, Miles Afldewea and Bruce D e C a * ^

Southampton Realty Corp to L Petrillo & ors, parcel nw s Inlet rd, Southampton Town^ $2500.

G McCann to R Sexauer, pel on Fort Pond Bay adj land of Montauk Beach Co Inc, Montauk, $6000.

W R Rath & ano to A Cohen, pel n s Surfside Ave., Montauk, $18,-500.

tro. i


Post Ottce Bulldmc SAg Harbor 5-66*# MAMS ST. tf

J. F. Payne% North Haven's oldest citizen has brought to bur attention the arrival of the Osprey's. (fish hawk) to the eastern end of Long Island, on" the first day of spring, March 21. The date is not proven but remains like an did/tradition.

Several North Hayenit.es, anxious to watch for their arrival were sure they sighted them on Saturday of the 21st.

Neighbors of Mr, Payne would like to compare this annual oc­currence to'the return of the "Swal­lows to Capistrano" which takes place each year on St. Joseph's Day March 19.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Worwetz who celebrated their wedding anniversary Tuesday, March 31 and also Mrs. Worwetz's birthday on the same day.

Barbara French of New York en­joyed the Easter Holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wade French of Sunset Cottage. ; Mr. and Mrs John Reidy, Sr. of Flushing were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. O'Brein.

The campaign in North Haven to change the name of the ferryboat "Capella-" to "North Havener" is slowly progressing The fund com­mittee wishes to-acknowledge con­tributions "from Gordon Voelbel; Edward Maguire, Raymond Sch­ramm and John Larsen. At the pre­sent time the amount of money raised is $35.00. Letters have been sent to most North Haven residents. If you wish to contribute, please send your" check to Eddie Roy King or George Finckenor.

Sandy Nelson, student at New York State Maritine College, Fort Schuyler celebrated his twenty-first birthday, Saturday, March 28 at the home of his parents in North Haven Manor. Enjoying the festi­vities were Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson and family, Mr and Mrs. Howard Johnson and family, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Allen, and fanv ily% Mr. and Mrs. Shernian Mac-Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and family.

Despite the early hour and chilly temperature, the "Easter Sunrise


Thursday March 26th, we cele­brated our "Troop Birthday."

The party was also a "farewell party" for Aimee Gutmann who has moved to Port Washington Aimee received three badges, her 1959-60 scout membership and a gift from the girls. W e are sorry to have Aimee leave.

We welcomed two new members, Gale Cilli and Eileen Archibald.

Carolyn Bill, Gayle Dorschel, Nancy Lou Garrard and Gail Smith now registered with our troop also joined the party.

'Hostesses Judy DeSanti, Judy Fordham, Bonnie McCrosson and Debbie Smyth greeted our assistant leaders, Mrs. Benfield and Mrs. Kel­man, also Committee members, Mrs. Beebee, Mrs. Dorschel" and Mrs. Smyth..

Festivities began with a nature hunt. Four teams took off with long lists and ample carry-alls! In-case North Haven Manor residents won­dered - - we were just collecting Mullen stalks, sea weed, single pine needles stones weighing one pound and the like. Carolyn Bill's group won the event but the other three learns gave a close race.

Other gaiiiCJ vere played after which We recei rid our membership cards and "Stars . " Birthday cake, ice cream and punch was served by the hostesses.


On this coming Thursday and Friday The Southampton Lions Club will hold a HOME-AUTO-BOAT SHOW at the Southampton High School on April 3rd and 4th ;

The show will be open from ten in the morning until eleven at night on both days. There will be no ad­mission; charge and it is "open to the public.

Station WRIV will have a very interesting booth which will give the public an excellent chtnee to see a live broadcast. In addition to the fifty exhibitors or more^ there will be beautiful displays by the Southampton Hospital, VFW Am­bulance Comitt.ee, and Bill Dun-well's Colonial Society Replica of the Hollyhocks House, the oldest frame structure in the State of New Y o r k . '.••:.;'•',< ... ..

The Student Council of the South­ampton High School will sell re­freshments to raise much needed funds for the proposed "Foreign Student Exchange Fund" which they need for the coming year.

The entire proceeds for this show will go toward {he following youth activities: Little League Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, Teenage Dan­ces, Boys and Girls Tennis Tour­nament Prizes, Safety Bike Pro­gram, Downhill Soap Box Derby and many other worthy projects.



THOSE SCREENS • SCREENING Aluminum - Plastic Bronze


Thanks to Mrs. Dutcher, our — leader, for a very wonderful after- .CHECK FIRE HAZARDS




noon. We are looking forward to more oiUVdoor. scouting during spring vacation.

Bonnie McCrossen, Scribe.

Troop 37 . Monday, March 23 most of the

girls celebrated their 4th year an­niversary. Judy Allen received her five-year pin and Mary Lou Ruppel received her second star. We had a cake and fruit punch supplied by our leader, Mrs. Semkus. We have also been working,, on our Seam­stress Badge. .

Linda Pidgeon,


CARD OF THANKS The family of Nicholas A.

feres wish to thank Father Webber Pro-

0, , .. •, . u r, , T . , _ Father Mandakis, Dr. Holmberg Service" held on Sears Island, Bay , • . . . • - .' * • ,, „A:„u •r^vj^i - J __ J^ A, %» In / and relatives, friends and neign-Point and sponsored by the Method­ist Youth Fellowship was well at- bors for their expressins of sym-, 4 , %:f ., TT * i. pa thy and many acts of kindness tended. North Haven young folks, K . . . AM, A „ f f. • (during our recent bereavement. who participated in the services were Janice Staudinger, and Frank, Alberta and Otis Sweezy.

Leslie S. Mac Robbie of East Pat-chogue, a member of the Long Is­land Nurserymen's Association will be the featured speaker.at the reg­ular monthly meeting Friday, April 10th of the North Haven Association Mr. MacRobbie will show a selec-ed group of colored slides with a commentary tailored to local con­ditions. ' . ' • • . ••

Mrs. Nicholas Proferes and Family.

Festivities at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dutcher Thursday, March 26 included the celebration of the birthday of Troop 23 and also a farewell party for one of the girl scouts, Aimee Gutmann. Aimee is moving to Port Washington. The scouts especially enjoyed the re­freshments and the "Nature Hunt". The troop welcomed two new mem-

The. Spring Clean-up campaign now going orr throughout New York State, is a particularly good time to have your local fire department check your home for possible fire hazards, according to State Safety Dircetor, Walter E. Bligh.

"Home fires cause more than half the tragic toll of fire deaths each year," said Bligh. "Many of the danger spots ;in homes are easily remedied, but it may take t h e eye and know-how of a trained fireman to detect them."

The Director explained that more and more fire departments, in rural areas as well as in larger commun-ties are adopting home inspection programs and proving their life and property-saving effectiveness.

"Thousands of homes in New Yo "Thousands of homes in New York

State are hit by fire every year," said Mr. Bligh. "Be fire wise and keep your home out of these stat­istics.", •».'.-.

Florence McCollum and son Rich- bers; Gale Cilli of North Haven and ard of Bayview Drive spent the Eileen Archibald of Sag Harbor. Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dutcher is the loader of Troop Fred Stuber of Yonkers. N.Y. 23.



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NOON - 2 P. 4N.


Telephone GReenport 7-1134

Closed Mondays

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