
5/2011 · PUBLICATION OF REINHARD BONNKE AND DANIEL KOLENDA MISSION REPORT Okigwe, Nigeria A dream that changed everything A grandmother leads her family to Jesus followed her 99 Instead of rain, a mighty outpouring of blessing in Okigwe Heaven kissed the earth Africa shall be saved

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5/2011 · Publication of REinHaRD bonnKE anD DaniEl KolEnDa

Mission RepoRt

Okigwe, Nigeria

A dream that changed


A grandmother leads her family to Jesus

followed her 99

instead of rain, a mighty outpouring

of blessing in okigwe

Heaven kissed the earth

Africa shall be saved

On the very first evening people who were sick in mind were set free. This woman had suffered for eight years …

A week of crumbling walls – the power of the gospel pulls down barriers and walls in people’s hearts.

I had a dream that changed everything. I saw a map of Africa ...

Dear Mission Partner

At the end of a recent blessed CfaN campaign, a young man came up to me with a thrilling tale.

His grandmother had become a Christian at a CfaN campaign many years before. She started to witness to other people about Jesus – like the woman at the well who went into the town and told everybody that she had met Jesus. The young man said, “Because of my grandmother’s new life and persistent testimony, 100 family members were saved and are Spirit-filled Christians today.” Ninety-nine others had followed her as she started to follow Jesus.

I had tears in my eyes as he spoke. Then I remembered a story that my father Hermann Bonnke once told me

He set out to go fishing but his catch turned out to be completely differ-ent from what he or anyone else might ever have expected. My father was young, strong and athletic. On his way to the water one day, he heard a cry for help. He went to find out what was happening and saw a man struggling in the ice-cold water, in danger of drowning. My father was not the least interested in how or why the man was there. He was a strong swimmer and without a moment’s hesitation, he jumped into the wintry waters, swam out to the man, grabbed hold of him and saved his life.

He dragged the half-drowned victim to the water’s edge and began pulling him ashore. Yet he felt a peculiar resistance. Heaving the victim to safety seemed an unexpectedly difficult, unusually strenuous task. He could not understand why. Then he looked round and saw why the man was so heavy. Two more drowning people were hanging on to the first man’s feet! He had saved not one man but three at the same time. Three for the price of one!

Real follow-up work Ninety-nine followed her –

A grandmother leads her family to Jesus.


CfaN vision

Great Gospel Campaign

An impressive testimony




Jesus saved the grandmother of that young man who came to see me after a meeting, and she then introduced her whole family to him. She followed Jesus and all those people followed her out of the deep water in to the Kingdom of God. That is the sort of thing that God does: glorious, wonder-ful multiplication of salvation – real follow-up work.

Since 2000 we have collected more than 58 million decision cards for Jesus at our Great Gospel Campaigns. Those people are winning others – thousands every day.

What a privilege it is to proclaim this incomparable gospel!

With warmest greetings from Daniel Kolenda.

Yours in Jesus – Africa shall be saved!

Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist

In this part of the world, the rainy season begins in April and lasts

until October. During that period humidity rises to 90%. The annual rainfall is between 150 and 220 cm. The heavy rain repeatedly leads to substantial soil erosion problems – particularly in deforested areas.

Okigwe is the second largest city in the densely populated federal state of Imo in Nigeria’s fertile, tropical south-east – after Owerri, where we held a Great Gospel

Campaign in early 2010. It is a rural hub and a major cattle market and trading centre, where the local language is Igbo.

Welcome to Okigwe

On the penultimate day of the campaign in Okigwe, the “Holy Spirit Evening”, this woman, who had been insane for eight years, enthusiastically and joyfully testified to her deliverance.

This man had a painful broken shoulder that was fully healed by the grace of God.

Jesus says, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me

to preach good news to the pOOr. He has sent me to

proclaim freedom for the priSONerS

and recovery of sight for the bLiNd …”(Luke 4:18)


One little boy had been blind for five years but now he can see!

This happy woman testified that her left arm had been paralysed for ten years. That night after prayer, it was completely restored.

This man was crippled. He was overjoyed to demon-strate his healing.

Another man who was healed had been brought in on a stretcher, where he lay foaming at the mouth.

Crutches and wheelchairs were held in the air as cripples began to walk. As the healings occurred, we heard rejoicing from every part of the crowd.

This woman testified that she had suffered from stomach pains for six years. When Daniel Kolenda prayed for people with tumours on the first evening, she suddenly felt as if she were under a cold shower. She felt something leave her stomach and then the pain vanished completely.

The little girl on the cover page had been deaf and dumb from birth and God healed her.

This boy had been deaf from birth. Daniel checked his hear-ing by standing behind him and clapping his hands.


As one man went up the platform steps to give his testimony, the people in the crowd began to murmur to each other

and to call out. Daniel Kolenda asked, “Do you know this man?” and they shouted back,

“Yes, we know him.” He was a well-known

figure in Okigwe – a madman. In a calm and

pleasant voice, he announced that Jesus had set him free.

... completed decision cards were the wonderful outcome of our bold rainy season Great Gospel Campaign in Okigwe. Grace, repentance, faith, restitution, forgiveness, the blood of Jesus, the breaking of curses, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, deliverance and love for your neighbour – that is the gospel that was preached that week. Many people’s lives were transformed – and a whole region was touched by a heavenly kiss.

512,360OkiGwe, NiGeria

6 9

In West Africa there are basically only two seasons, the dry season in winter and spring and the rainy sea-son in summer and early autumn.

That is why almost all our Great Gos-pel Campaigns are held in the winter period. However, once a year we set out to bring in an “extra harvest” and, in a way, save a few tens of thousands of “additional” souls. A special rainy season campaign was held in Okigwe from 27 to 31 July. We knew that it was going to be a particular challenge but we once again were overawed at the grace and goodness of God.

We have preached many times in stream-ing rain that soaked us to the skin in a matter of seconds. This time, too, we

were ready to preach the word in and out of season and to get very wet.

As it happened, for weeks before we ar-rived, there were torrential downpours every day – to the point that some of our planning team were becoming very concerned, especially about whether the rain-sodden ground would support our huge sound towers. Yet it did not rain at a single meeting during the entire week. We had a dry week in the middle of the rainy season. What blessed mercy! The only rain that we experienced were the showers of blessings that poured down from heaven and soaked us all! Those outpourings were simply wonderful – like a heavenly kiss.

Heavenkissed theearth

WallscollapseOur campaign took place on what was originally a walled football pitch but the wall had to be torn down to accommodate the crowds. From the very beginning, we saw that as a sign. It was the first of many walls that came down that week as the power of the gospel shattered every barrier and wall in the hearts of those who came to the meetings.

On the second day, the crowd had already tripled and the town was on fire! The dynamics were awesome. The campaign chairman said that he had never seen anything like it in Okigwe.

On the third evening Evangelist Daniel Kolenda deliberately confronted the local demonic powers that held so many of those precious people in bondage. He first preached about the wonderful blood of Jesus. The people were so responsive and attentive, drinking in every word, and then whole hordes of them made decisions to follow Jesus! As devilish curses were broken in the name of Jesus, astounding miracles suddenly began to occur all over the campaign site. The power of God swept over the crowd, from the front row right to the back, healing bodies and setting captives free.

HolySpiritoutpouringIn the morning of the fourth day, our three-day Fire Conference came to a climax as Peter van den Berg preached the final message and prayer was made for thousands of pastors and church workers. There was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We were told that people spontan-eously received miraculous healings as the fire fell.

In the evening the crowd grew to 225,000. The people listened to the proclamation of the gospel attentively that you could have heard a pin drop. After the prayer of salvation, we prayed once again for the baptism in the Holy Spirit – this time over the huge crowd.

At the final meeting on the Sunday evening, we saw that Jesus really had kept the best until last. The crowd had grown to 300,000 and the atmos-phere was charged with faith and expectation as Daniel Kolenda preached on the theme of forgive-ness. The Holy Spirit did a powerful work in the hearts of the people in the crowd. They not only received forgiveness for their own sins but also extended forgiveness to others.

... completed decision cards were the wonderful outcome of our bold rainy season Great Gospel Campaign in Okigwe. Grace, repentance, faith, restitution, forgiveness, the blood of Jesus, the breaking of curses, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, deliverance and love for your neighbour – that is the gospel that was preached that week. Many people’s lives were transformed – and a whole region was touched by a heavenly kiss.

512,360OkiGwe, NiGeria

6 9

In West Africa there are basically only two seasons, the dry season in winter and spring and the rainy sea-son in summer and early autumn.

That is why almost all our Great Gos-pel Campaigns are held in the winter period. However, once a year we set out to bring in an “extra harvest” and, in a way, save a few tens of thousands of “additional” souls. A special rainy season campaign was held in Okigwe from 27 to 31 July. We knew that it was going to be a particular challenge but we once again were overawed at the grace and goodness of God.

We have preached many times in stream-ing rain that soaked us to the skin in a matter of seconds. This time, too, we

were ready to preach the word in and out of season and to get very wet.

As it happened, for weeks before we ar-rived, there were torrential downpours every day – to the point that some of our planning team were becoming very concerned, especially about whether the rain-sodden ground would support our huge sound towers. Yet it did not rain at a single meeting during the entire week. We had a dry week in the middle of the rainy season. What blessed mercy! The only rain that we experienced were the showers of blessings that poured down from heaven and soaked us all! Those outpourings were simply wonderful – like a heavenly kiss.

Heavenkissed theearth

WallscollapseOur campaign took place on what was originally a walled football pitch but the wall had to be torn down to accommodate the crowds. From the very beginning, we saw that as a sign. It was the first of many walls that came down that week as the power of the gospel shattered every barrier and wall in the hearts of those who came to the meetings.

On the second day, the crowd had already tripled and the town was on fire! The dynamics were awesome. The campaign chairman said that he had never seen anything like it in Okigwe.

On the third evening Evangelist Daniel Kolenda deliberately confronted the local demonic powers that held so many of those precious people in bondage. He first preached about the wonderful blood of Jesus. The people were so responsive and attentive, drinking in every word, and then whole hordes of them made decisions to follow Jesus! As devilish curses were broken in the name of Jesus, astounding miracles suddenly began to occur all over the campaign site. The power of God swept over the crowd, from the front row right to the back, healing bodies and setting captives free.

HolySpiritoutpouringIn the morning of the fourth day, our three-day Fire Conference came to a climax as Peter van den Berg preached the final message and prayer was made for thousands of pastors and church workers. There was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We were told that people spontan-eously received miraculous healings as the fire fell.

In the evening the crowd grew to 225,000. The people listened to the proclamation of the gospel attentively that you could have heard a pin drop. After the prayer of salvation, we prayed once again for the baptism in the Holy Spirit – this time over the huge crowd.

At the final meeting on the Sunday evening, we saw that Jesus really had kept the best until last. The crowd had grown to 300,000 and the atmos-phere was charged with faith and expectation as Daniel Kolenda preached on the theme of forgive-ness. The Holy Spirit did a powerful work in the hearts of the people in the crowd. They not only received forgiveness for their own sins but also extended forgiveness to others.




5–9 October 2011Zaki Biam, NiGeRiA

9–13 November 2011Uyo, NiGeRiA

7–11 December 2011Ughelli, NiGeRiA

25–29 January 2012Ouagadougou, BuRkiNA FAsO

22–26 February 2012Freetown, sieRRA LeONe

4–8 April 2012Niamey, NiGeR

dATeS fOr yOur diAryCfaN Great Gospel Campaigns

2011/2012 season


Visit Reinhard Bonnke on his Facebook page. Let your life be enriched with fresh input each day ...

eNjOy – NOt eNduRe

God invented joy – God, not Hollywood. God gave us the ability to laugh – God, not the TV comedy department. God gave us colour and beauty – God, not the Impressionists.

Being saved does not mean mustering up enough stamina for a church-twice-on-Sundays endurance test. No service would be an ordeal if Jesus led it. Monotony is not a divine invention. Something is wrong if worship is boring. We are in reverse gear. “Saved” people LOVE – they love God, people, God’s word, worship and life.

This is God’s world. Walk through it. The banners of his love flutter everywhere. The God who produced it is no turn-off – except to the prejudiced. Jesus came to this world – absolutely typical of God who designed the wonders of heaven and earth. Christ captivated those who met him. Even the dead began to live! Rejoice!


evangelist Reinhard Bonnke - Official Page


Full information also at

excerpt from Chapter 19 of the

Autobiography of Reinhard Bonnke

I had a dream that changed every-thing. I saw a map of Africa. Not South Africa, not Lesotho, not Johannesburg, but the entire continent. In my dream the map began to be splashed and covered with blood. I became alarmed. I thought surely this meant some kind of apocalyptic violence was coming – perhaps a bloody Com-munist revolution. But the Spirit whispered to me that this was the blood of Jesus that I saw. The terrible violence that spilled His blood happened 2,000 years ago on a cross. Then I heard the words, Africa shall be saved.

When I woke up I had a problem. My mind filled with new thoughts that made me uncomfortable. Be-fore going to sleep I had been happy to see 50,000 people enrolled in our correspondence course in Lesotho and further afield. In light of this dream I could see that I was far behind God’s agenda.

In my mind I began to discount the dream. Perhaps I had simply eaten bad bananas. The next night the same dream returned. And the next night. And the next. There were not that many bad bananas in all of Maseru. After this fourth night I said to my wife: “Anni, I think that God is trying to tell me something.” He now had

my full attention. Would I take seriously what He was saying to me? Or would I deny Him? Would I choose to believe God’s math? Or would I believe my own?

God had brought me to another crossroad that would define the future. Never mind that I could not compute it. Never mind that my progress so far was a mere drop in the ocean. God had said, Africa shall be saved. Would I re-peat His words? Would I begin to speak in faith what I had seen in my dream? Or would I retreat into silence like another corpse in the missionary bone yard?

I knew one thing that would keep me silent. It was the fear of what others would say or think. I could hear my critics: “Who are you to say, Africa shall be saved?” they would say. This is the cutting question Satan throws at God’s servants in order to silence them – “Who do you think you are?”

I wondered, will some people say again that I am ego-driven if I speak this dream? Yes, they will. Will my words make some people uncomfortable? Absolutely. I sensed that these words would mark me as surely as Joseph’s coat of many colors marked him in the eyes of his jealous brothers.

It would be like painting a target on my chest. But then I asked myself, is that a reason to be quiet when God has spoken? No. A thousand times no.

It was not about me. It was about God and His call. Since I was a boy I had obeyed His voice. I was one of His sheep. The Bible tells us that all of His sheep know His voice. But some teach themselves to ignore it. He calls, and they conclude it is bad bananas. This we must not do.

Whenever God spoke to me, even as a child, I made my mind fit His words, not the other way around. God had given me the dream of the blood-washed Africa. Then I would begin to speak it because of who God is, not because of who I am.

If God can use me,

he can use anybody.

Reinhard Bonnke


A dream that changed everything


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“Your Kingdom come” binds the burning heart of an evangelist with the burdened heart of an intercessor. from cover to cover, it is a fast moving, hard hitting, prophetic challenge to the people of God to answer the call of intercession in the most urgent hour of history.

EuR 9,90 /// 128 pages /// iSbn 978-1-933106-66-3


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Photos: Oleksandr Volyk

Editor-in-chief: Martin Baron

Design: Tabitha Hess


Online donation: www.donation.bonnke.net