oj murderand carts for primary elections. tutfspills

PMW(JP*'H!ftllW«f*.* 1 ' ' "W»| ii* fxvmrmvmmm " sssaw^^t^lP Ii Ur L." ) dvi. I r* L'< i: id- u! la. Itl.- .-, •.« ; I'tlRVILLE DEPARTMENT In Charge of F. C. NYE | .x EastefoRdUctorlcrVhttovifleand Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application J , .t»v.t.»ttt<>-mivtntw>u.vA.vwn»ww% «**%%»***•*»** **»**»*»*%%%***% *»• ., ar , no*I Plea* boar in mind the fam- DUDLEY, LAN1ER AND WILSON. . nil :<> o - j Par Heel wagons n< : . . . . cor::. . i to Win, iiny next do pint \ : to- OJ Par Heel wagons and carts bad : f by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. Firmville Man Favors These Three \ terville, N C. 10 Ay-' Lots of irquiri » are coming i >r in about school desks which the A. G. Cox .V:V. C . makes. See our »i t :.ii •'..,'sal: at close ues. .'• w is you" lime. h A. W. Ange & Co. \: )..,' o •... j superintend nt iv .. .,'s he wants to Beat all bis '. ol> v ,". them, which means loads. The unusual that they use every Democratic comfort if theseIeffort within their power to look e low price commend; before they leap and reason with their better wits in the selection . Candidates. Farmville, N.C., Aug. -1. 1908. Editor Reflector: Not that I wish to meddle with things thac I'm not concerned arit'a, but judging from what 1 have seen and heard 1 fed it behooves every voter in this grand old county of ours to see i.. ,'.! < r. or tried. of county officials in the near or coming primaries. Not tint our offices have not r ,>: Co. - ee us for cracked corn. - •. Win' rville Prodcce Co |\V. ; - : •'•' Sp:i:ig . .... .. , . iu.vk-11 ivudiy aiding!been properly and efficiently ni^.tuggj i?A W. A nge his father in a series of meetings filled by our present occupants, &Co. hast I this week. He will be away for but rerm inhering that*'there are The genial sunshi e is a wel- several weeks engaged in revival others" who are just as compe Icome visib •. work, only getting into fill hisI tent just as worthy and just as Wehf.nd •.'• . 'for the regular appointments. i need; of the support ofefficeas followingi ows, "Atlas." "Girl The A. G. Cox Maru&cturink | those whoare now, and have Phampicr-," "H rmi Boy." Co. have jus! received a solid been for some time enjoying yracu-c," •" '- " and car of the famous "Pittsburg j them in our county. p'Chill" Wild 1 Fence" prices are inter- i have beard many of our Harri ;tcn Barber «\ Co' eating. Call to see us Before you citizens remark that one term Our il. F. L>- carriers could buj we are sure wc can please| waa enough for any officer (otmake their trirs yesterday you _ but how about two or three? n'acci'uni ng bridges We were glad to see W. L. Whenever that is the case what knddetpsfta : »V oten, ol Simpson, in our town hecoi.es of the essence of the old Ice creep: " lohnson's four.-1 Monday. He is m 'thele: 1- favorite proverl ot Jeff»rsonof lin every diy. ing farmers of the c untjr. He "Equal rights U all and special J.S.Williams, Henry Blountj was looking foi the best place in privileges to r ne." Weorenot .nd M. F. Crawford went to the State to send his daughters alJ ignorant people and we well jreenviilc today. to school ar - when he had care know that our county will and liTe always hi... a nice lice of fully examined the buildings Ucea handsomely pay our officers, rash groceries »n hand. Har- here and learned of the work of j an d why should we continue to Ington Barber & Co. M. B Bryan ' t'l this im ming i acc<: t '.., ' ' Gn i nville. We are prepared to fill your right place as hundreds of pat-1 aspirants So Tired li may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an in- active LIVER. m With a » ell conducted LIVER one can d.> mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds J hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in health!ulaction by, and only by TutfsPills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. THE STATE PROHIBITION Law Mutt be Enforced Elect R gfct Man for Legislator. Wilson. K. C, August 1. 1908 To the Friends of Prohibition: The forces of righteousnesf have prevailed against the advo cates of ;•.• saloon; and here* after our fair State is to be free from the 1 gal sale uf liqour. This, howi ver, does not mean complete victory. Only a p< rtion of the liquor forces will quietly AMLY REUNION. Mrs. Alice Harper Entertains Her Children and Grand-Children. There was a family reunion Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alice Harper in South Greenville There were with her to spend the day Dr. R. L. Carr and Alexander Harper, C. S. Carr and family, H. L. Carr and family, of Green- ville; Dr. Wade Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Darden, of Wilson; Mrs Emmet Brown and children, of Cleburne. Texas; A. T. Harper, of Gokur boro and Charles Harper, of Cas- toria, the party numbering about twenty five. An enjoyable feature of the reunion was a bounteous dinner vvhich was spread on a iaige table in the yaid under the trees, it was a day of much pleasure to all present, and to Mrs. Harper in having her children and grand children with her, all but one daughter being present. ROCHDALE SPROUTS. and freclj submit to the law: others must be made to. On the and : par: of some there will be a ready r disposition to manufacture, sell and I u\ liq lor in spite of the prohibition law. Then foi e it is incumbent upon us to tee to tie enforcement of the law we have championed. Duty dern: i .. that ;.il good citi- zens di-fi nd ihe law, and oppos the school and the careful atten- bestow upon one of our friends Rochdale, N. C, July 20. 19-8. Miss Lillian Lassiter, of Scow Hill and Hisses Bertha Joyner Moye, of Grim n:er.burg, and Vernice Lang, of F irmville, were visiting at Ivy Smith's last week. Fid. S. W. Suinerel preached a very good sermon at Smith's ' 'school hou-e Friday night and v.- ut to ids regular appointment at Rountn 's Saturday morning, Misses' " : . ttle Little and Vir law hie..' ;v. It is better -,. law thru the law 'ginia .1 yo, of Wilson, came : dov :. Frsdi i i viail relative s and fru rids for a while. i'i.ewun.; pcopleof Smithtown if k .- nay rid" Saturday night, tion given its students he seem- mote luxuries or flowers than . .1 satisfied !!<• has found the another? And among the many for office I see three Prohibition law of our State. protect t less. It is wiser to shield the people from criminal:-, than to -hie!.', the "blind tigers" from . r . ,i r and not having a load they came law. Let us. therefore, use our' evidence and influence tc con vict any person who diaabeystli' and picked up the young folks until they were loaded with a HYDROPHOBIA. Prerentive Treatment- Announcement by the State Board of Health. The general assembly, at its last regular session, enacted the following: An act authorizing the State board of health to provide for the preventive treatment of hydrophobia. Section 1. That the State board of health is hereby au- thorized and empowered to pro- vide for and have conducted un- der its direction the preventive treatment of hydrophobia or rabies, whenever in its judgment circumstances, financial and other, will justify it. To meet the expenses of this treament the said board is hereby given authority to supplement the revenue derived from fees for the treatment by such sums from the treasury of the State labora- tory of hygiene as may be neces* sary: Provided, that the useful- ness ai ! efficiency of the said laboratory is not thereby im- paired. Sec. 8. That the benefits of said treatment shall be given free of charge to all residents of the State who shall present to the secretary of the State board of health, or its representative having in charge the manage- ment of this special work, an affidavit <,: inability to pay, duly sworn to and subscribed before a justice of 'he p ace. or, if the ease be a minor, such an affidavit by the parent or guardian. To meet as far as may be the ex- penses "f this special work, the said State board of health is hereby authorized and directed to demand from I hose able to do so the payment in advance of a reasonable fee. not 'o exceed in any cave the usual charge made |by the reputable Pasteur ir.sti- rders for flues >n sli rl notice, ro^s can testify. men's names that are well at or.ee; la; ime '• > la; . ; [anufacturing C i. . C Rev. J. II. Griffith, of Kinst ., id Rev. Mr. Hu ko, of Green-! SUi . in the dovls .,„, i«|k Mr JaCK Harper, Cll'lKil AUgUSC loill ralotot b< si tl ur just in known in every section of our county, and they an not only etu? hav your t»rde efore the rush comes Prices Harrington, Berber & ( ». i G Cox V '<"l .y was a romantic day V;interv.-'ie for cur quiet little tow -. A.bout knownin every section but a!- . ;.-. •. o'c! :' a rather loving .most in every housel Id.andare !lot'rfir.gccupledrove up. It was'known as strictly honest ard learned that these "cooing business like gentlemen ineveryjrj were none other than „— t „„,: i,..„, .^.fciui,! piscopai cnuren .... *«> in |^".'. S7iZ! .'..ni*. ««J ML* i uphold the old Democrati I lutes of tiiis country. !Then the liqu >r traiTic will step. I wag0 " , fu: ' lU *.° Uy "* ° f f . V ^ S ' I The board of health, at its re , , ,' , ' ' ure seekers. Then for (lie fun I desire further to put you your guard with reference representatives .n our nex eral assembly. I am sure thai "."j j place until about 1 'when they retraced their way on r. . icn.t annual meeting, decided they began their music, which. cirtu , lsUnct , j! wouId now Ren jvyas vocal.but very beautfu| : as| ju::tjfy ^ trtiUn , eiiL The following extract from the He, will i.o'ii services : i !srd »ner, of Greenville, and Miss respect, and have never failed to | /-,.:/•:.u ,.,:|iiiian;.'ni.r, o: urt-enviuv, uuumwe - "" i P "^' „;JSr„iJ BeU n Jenkins, the daughter of whenever opportunity presents Tend ; '" P lnent f8rmer nur GaS " Hse,f - Theref0W ' M a VOter ' ! TteAA', Cox rnanufacturinglS;jjLJ^ jJSUS shaH uso mv pfforts wiih mj ' Ustexed to it, full capacity ^Thotee T he noon t»m W^ to help to nominate them w filling the urgent orders for broughtinBev . M r. Husks and ' vvould 1)e « lad t0 "* umnl other friends from Greenville, .nously nominated for Bherlff, All repaired to the home of Mr. Sam Dudley; for register of M. G. Bryan, our popular post- deeds, J. C. Lanier. for treasurer, ma.4:er, where the proper vows w B Wilson. A Voter, were taken and two fortunes were linked in one. Mr. Bryan 1 the advocate:; of license leave no stone unturned car- ' p< ; t* at'.d nominate men yor lief '? to represent your county. A'resdy they ar^ lay ing plans ti I his er d. Be wise and cautious; and se< that only tem- perance men who favor no-!ic«n.ie are nominated and elected, Find they re passing from place to or 11 '.'clock lcks and flues. They report siness in excellent condition Hay and lime at A. W. Ange Jo Profs. Nye and Lineberry arc ay looking up students. One ' this wee.: about tenor twelve ms were engaged. One man Crave:, county, writing to age a room '•' >r is daughter, , "The crops are almost .ed buy the storm, but 1 am irmined to do !:iy part and :ate my children anyway." man can do better. If we ur part all will be well. ) have a good hi irse he muEr l plenty of good feed. All s of the best to b had, at ;erville Produce Co., next to postoff'ue. •. Swain, of Vanceboro, was yesterday co rent a house love, his family. He has >ted work with the A. G. Mfg. C". He says he s to get srood work where .n put his children in a good il. Many children would be r off if their p. 1 :-::.'..; were se. nember the Hunsucker bug- .re still going. Call to see ice stock of runabouts be- roubuy. Prices are inter- er several weeks visit in entral part of the State Mollie Bryan has returned Sne reports a very ,nt sojourn up there- She ghted with the fine water, ful conntry, and hospita- eople, but driving over hills and rocks are most mch. When it comes to % there is nothing better the level roads of the I you have a Hu isucksr and a good hors.-. the nun wl o will properly fill tli-> and deposited those they hud 1 picked up. T. A. Willoughby died Sunday evening, and his death filled the neighborhood with sadness He . was the son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. R. i A. Wil!< ughby and was an ex ceptionally rice young man in position anil press him into the race. Only thus can we get the best possible m ::. By this uieasur? we of t«n get excelled men who would not otherwise b. come candidate served a bountiful dinner to the happy party and all went on their way rejoicing "nitrry as a marriage bell." A special opportunity to get Republican Ceunty fonveniicn. , Pursuant to the action of the Republican county executive I committee, at a meeting he'd in I Greenville, North Carolina Aug. goods cheap for the next few,. Calico, 4 and 6c; the best 1 4th - the wpuk.cans days. A. F. C. Gingham, 12 l>2c|°f P' 11 county are hereby Voil, 8c; "Silver Star ' sheeting, |notified that the county copven- the to nv.et ai in Greenville 10c; lOe Percale, 8c; 10c Lowr,, | tion was called 7 l-2c; Lace, lc $1.25 Shoes , court hou and other goods have been re- noon, for the purpose oi cectitu duced. No goodB charged at]delegates and alternate.- to the above prices. Come A. w. Ange State and judicial conventions ft Co. a co inty Mr. and Mrs. A. W Ange and baby left Monday for Jamesville to visit Mr. Ange'l father. Chickens and eggs a specially. Come and get the best prices. Harrington, Barber & Co. Mrs. Taft left Monday to visit 1 elect delegates to the county and the election of chairman. The chairman of the several precincts will call their primaries to meet on Saturday, August loth, 1!MI8, at li o'clock p. m., io, her daughter in Virginia. The tobacco markets are open and the farmers are hauling in ihe bright weed, no they have made a rush on the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., for their wagons. convention and at which precin-i meeting an executive committee eon.-i.ling of tlire- mi rr.bers v .'.\ be elected. Ito.v < . Fianagi n, Chm. P.- p Ex. Coi;\ I'iiis is anall- important matter. See that your cunt-, does thu safe and sane thing. If the friends <.f prohibition f;-H t.i use their privileges and sit i'JIy by. while the advocates of lie-use work for and nominate through, the primaries and coun- ty conventions, men of their choice, we can blame only our- selves ffh in W8, meet reverses in the ! ;; ; slatiire. Work while it . It will be too late afu-r tho primaries are over; and this matter entirely too important to be ovi •!: ked- We must give It thought and attention. Some men become candidates for rep resentatives to th': legislature In our behalf of ci.ic righleousr.es-. j" even though it m.y mean per-1 sonal and financial sacrifice. Help me to preach thi i doctrine. Yours for service, R. I.. D..V1S, Suft (every respect. He was buried ' Monday evening in the presence oi' many sorrowing friends. We greatly sympathize with the be- reaved fanily in this hour of grief. We have been having very nice showers the ia=t few days which, we think, is very beneficial to the growing crops. R. A. Smith and Ben Joyner. circular of information issued by on : is da Quite a large number have been IS. I. Fleming, bee. pro. u m. rolled out this week and still the 1 ** 5 dw orders are pouring in. Mr. Cox i is justly proud of the rcpuution ir)eHc j ous Banana Cream of these wagons and well he may Th ' ia r ,.-i,.,. highly rocommenHd be, for his customers say there by ops of our correfponoJ»i.t»i uy .v.„»*„- for doiort tomorrow. are none better. iveltiv. largi i bum mat, r,l> mo-nfa With flva Uu-li.'Wilull Ol .-<;i,'jt. A(!d one teacu|. sw. »-t Brvilin UfiSlOO to a tiff froth, tnen add one i"c ; i-'it". f.if Lemon JK 1 l.'i ' n i-H > ., op- t..i i IK ' '... rr .Ml in -hi whim IOIII nrnish »i'.- nne'ldahpira* Bervo wtl. «ii| ;i .1 IM ,. , .. HI y dint'a-« «'. Il-il_.i-.-C> ;;. Mile NOTICE! Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville, N, G., for fire insurance. He represents the Walla Walla Co., . of Greensboro. It is one of the .gooJ Iiirveu His Market. i". M. WcQowan has moved his market busin >s to the build- ing opposite the Norfolk & Si uth'-rn freigh? depot, where in addition t>> fresh meats be will h.n <!;. all kinds of country he laooratory of hygiene gives the necessary details: Rabies In no other disease is an early diagnosis ol more vital Importance. Fortunately, a di- agnosis can in most cases be made from a microscopic exami- nation of the brain of the rabid animal. The suspected animal, or its head and neck, should be sent *t the earliest possible mo- ment to the laboratory for ex- amination. The head should be packed in ice to prevent putre- faction, and should be sent by express, prepaid. A careful ac- count of the animal, v/ith a full hirtory of ciuse of suspicion, should be sent in every case. TI.e treatment will require the presence of the patient in Ral- eigh for about three weeks, but residence in a hospital is not necessary. The cost of the en- tire treatment will be $o0, or will be furnished free to pet-tons unable to pay. upon submission ofar. ''affidavit of inability to piy. duly sworn to and subscrib- ed before a justice of the peace, or, if the case be a minor, such an affidavit by the parent or guardian." Attention is called to the fact that the law requires the fee to Wo, the undersigned, the pres-lbe paid in advance. It should be ent incumbents of the office of j said also that, if after trial it tho board of commissioners «fjihiiuld be found necessary for ritt county, hereby BMIOU- 'he su, >ort of this special work, | v „„ 0 , fnndidntef lor r ho fee .'ill be increased. This jiai- - orhVp. ... wi I be >vi Di. C. ••'-- -d has now in ; •• - i , dirc.-tor { .te labo p l. -t pub: •..- >. , :l riene, §P' l.'..mmni- ... f : - l»"ti of Farmville ar.d S. J- Nobles, of Greenville, were here Monday to the burial ofT. A. tVilloughby. G. L. Tyson and his two oldest boys went home Monday evening. Mrs. C. L. Tyson and little ones left for home this morning. For Ctuuty Commissioner. O best. oo i j... ijjiiir a^u I Py i>'l Ornc"r< (it t t'. . < ' 6 | ... ,.. ,i i cv,.. lie s I : .! cAmple'i «f t^nsp public improvements has induced us, as a body, to stand for re- nominaticn for ihe second term. '1 his the 4th da> of Aug. 1808. B. W. King, Jno. /.. Brooks', M T. Spier, J. D. Holland, : . v ions i •!,• ,. 11 :,. uM 'ie :.!'• - i ii.i i .ii. /. i . .i. L wi-. t r N. C. bo. . ii . j„..:i. dvttrUsemeat. g .| tp dw N. T. Cox. For Sale or For Real. House and lot nearly opposite Baptist church. Electric Hahta, city water, 4 rooms, 2 hall ways, dining room, pantry, bath room and Kitchen Possession given immediately. J. J. Cherry. 7 23 tf d LAXATIVE CflUSH SYRUP c |.r |. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURS FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. sitisfnetion or money refunded. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDIClNfc i'or Sal* by i."»0 L. w'OOTSNi Dntfgiit CO.. CHICAGO. U.S.A. V * THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner Truth In Preference to Fiction. VOL. No. XXV GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. AUG 14 1908 One Dollar Per Year NUMBZR 32 PUN FOR PRIMARY ELECTIONS. Plan for holdint; primary .-lections for thr nomination of democratic candi- dates for countv and township offices and members of the leifislature and township executive committee, in pur- suance of resolution adopted by the state democratic executive committee at its meeting held in Raleigh, on th« 26th dSf of July, 1904. Section 1. At the meeting held for the purpose of calling a county convention to nominate candidates for county offices and members of the legislature, the county democratic executive committee may, upon motion, determine the question of nomi- nating such candidates by pri- mary election as provided for in the following resolution of the state executive committee: "Resolved. That this com- mitcee will provide an optional primary, to be adopted by the executive committee of any county desiring to nominate county candidates and members of the legislature by a primary. That, the chairman is authoriz- ed to appoint a sub-committee to formulate such a plan, and when approved by the chairman the said plan shall become a part of the plan of organization. Where any county executive committee has already called a primary, such county executive committee may formulate and promulgate its own rul s for such election already ordered. The plan provided for in this resolution will not supersede the present plan except in tnose counties adopting this plan." See. 2. If before such meet- ing is held there shall be present- ed to the chairman ot the county executive committe a petition in writing, signed by one fourth of . the members jf su«h executive committee, or a petition in writ- ing signed by at least one hun- dred known democratic voters of such county, asking that a, meeting of the county executive j committee be held lor the pur- pose of considering the advisa- bility of nominating such candi- dates by primary election, then il shall be the duty of said chair- man forthwith to call a meeting of his county executive commit- tee within ten days to act upon the said petition. In any county where it has been decided by the majority of the executive commiltee to nominate candi- dates by primary election, shall be held under the following rules and regulations: Sec 3. The time of holding the primary election shall be not less than thirty days before the general election, and not less than fifteen days' notice shall be given of the time and places when and where such primary is to be held. When a primary election under this plan shall be ordered, notice thereof, giving the date ind the various ballot- ing places and the names of the persons appointed to hold the same, shall be published in the Democratic press of said county, and copies posted at every ballot- ing place in said county, and such other notice given as the county executive committee may- think proper. In such primary election the county executive committee shall designate the places where voting shall be had, and the shall select, as far as practicable, the places provid- ed by law for holding the general state elections. They may- how- ever, select other places if the convenience of democratic voters justifies such chanje, but there shall be at least one voting piace in each township. Sec. 4. For the purpose of holding WOll election, the said com»nitt»e shall appoint two well i. . ,., i .II —i ( '••' ' ' '' "" cinct, or other voting district in the county, who shall conduct such election, receive the ballots, i count them, declare the result | and make a written statement thereof. If any person appoint- |ed to hold a primary election , shall decline to serve, become in- capacitated, or become a candi date before said primary, the ; chairman of the executive com | mittee of that township or pre- cinct shall have power to desig- nate some qualified democrat to son has received a majority of all votes cast for an office, they shall so declare, and he shall be the nominee of the party for such office. And if no person has re- ceived a majority of all the votes cast for an office, but has re- ceived a plurality thereof, the MURDER AT ROBERSONVILLE. ALDERMEN IN LONG SESSION Yo«ng White Man Killed by Ntgro-' AND TRANSACTS CONSIDERABLE Shot Three Times. BUSINESS. A L ^ be r r -rr ill W. T r t l ay !l.evv Taxe, for Current Year-Elect for young men and boys night, Mr. Charlie Wh.chard, a ^ Vacanci«-Dis- lit* 57th yea- SepUrr. young man who keeps a mar,et CU ss Sidewalk Paving. first. ~" in that town, was shot and killed Oak Ridge Institute. We have on our desk a copy of the latest catalogue of Oak BAfao Institute, the well known st ho< I IM git s ber thi The catalogue shows a i ceived a plurality tnereoi, tne in that town, was shol and killed »nr..l'm-n' of more than 20) said .ominiUee .hull declare him | by a negr, named Robert Robe, Tne board ot aldermen metin ^^ * d £% to be the nominee of the party U No particulars could be .regular monthly session xhur,-,» * Beetfwirf for such office, un.e,s the pWlearned except that while Mr. oay night with all the members|P">- ; ^^"jLJ"^ receiving the next highest vote Whichard was in his market the! P^sent. Notwithstanding sev- |JJ~ s^v X'ua« f.m forsuchoffi.ee demands of saidL*»gfaothi* three times and "al special meetings nad ...,. nt- ^Sl^rSS commit in writing ; th.t a see; L, He lived only a few nj»- \W M4*« f»^ e J! lie < - M, ' e.oo, in DREDGING IN PAMLICO Work I fill such place; and if the chair- jond primary be held, in which j utes _ Iman of the committee shall not case a second primary shall be 1 be present, then the remaining! ordered ar.d held under the rult s Ipoll-holder « person authorized j and regulations herein provided, ; may designate some persjn to' as nedr as may be. and such sec- i assist him in holding the same, : or.d primary snail be held within i and such substitute Derson bhall Beyen day* from the time ol said i have the same right and author- j cali, provided that in the second, ity therein as if he had been'primary election no votes shall A. Furst, president of the Mary- I originally appointed by thecoun-', be cast except for the two per-jjgo^ Dredging Company, says j ty executive committee. I * - J receiving respectively the ^ ^ ^ jh(i work rf : SEC 5. The <aid persons \ highest and next mghest vote ,n; . pamHoo ^ cboai shall provide such boxes for the .the fir-1 prim : ry. 11. the event ^ « ,,,.,„ 'reception of ballots as may be! each person voted lor in the see the m.do.e o. Se>t<m.>e.. necessary, but there shall he'ondprhnary receives the rame| This project, Mr, PantsayB, enough to keep the board in sen sion until 2o'c!cck. a. m., when 'adjournment was had to the 14th. ,, .1 A resolution was adopted au- ithoriz ; nz the issuing of a rote The location of the school in the besutifui Pied i rrf p'ain, between Greensboro and V.'in- ston Salem, with th< pure cold water, fine natural ' sg<. and pure mountain fir. feet en Canal Will Begin _ , , |inun/.'iig inc ifoumK vi a w> . .... September 1st. | for jg, 199.40 to the Norfolk &\ above see lew Iselithat eesld Baltimore, Aug. 11- Mr. Frank {southern railway to cover an be asked for to hasten the Dfcjr- nountdue by town for freight. pon the recommendation of the i a nee committee ihe levy 0 ixes for the current year was iade as follows: S&cal development of young >:ien. The equipment of the school represents an outlay of iiore than 1100,000, tqual to si y in ie South, This, with eorpg For general purposes.":} cents j of vlrils eolli > men In t-uch i each $100 property vain *-ith student lif W-Urv but there shall be 1 ond primary receives the ramel This project, Mr, Furst says, ..i each «loo property vaiuatton witn mm m :' m *! i^ara^l W xtsf.rthe folk wing number of votes, theeouoty «• to but the b.gioning of a gi ntk ^ $t.50 poll. ; r, ntal imd tr, , I d relm separate twxes lorine roLe.wing ,.„ m ^i. t ee shall decide V t t .,.,„„ ; For ma ntenance of graded Btudent* equni to the! 'classes of candidates, to-wib XTofTm sWIIb^W Schc " e,,n l " P Part< ' f ''"""V^ Schools 40 cents on property and juaced by any scl.^1 in th (Candidates for the general as-, *huh o. In ..i sna.i u,, «e eao opening up an inland ..,.,,._„.„,,, L. laemblv ahaUbe voted for in one didate ot tne party for thnt. .V,,. .. ,, Cam . ; 1.2U on poll. try. I the i meat pro- ciiin- sembly shall be voted for in one j box. all county officers shall be offii ve>ted for in one box, all township officers in one bo:: The hours $1.20 on poll. waterway fiom the North Caro- \ p or interest on school - SEC, 'J- At the meeting in linaoast to Norfolk from which; cents on property and 1!? cents on which *aie' primary is ordered ; point vessels can continue m the ' poll. | f ;;'hoKiing'such'pHma;yelection!underthisPlan. it shallhe the inland coarse up the Chesapeake I For interest on Improvement Ldu.ll be as follow- From ten'duty of the excuuve committee Bay to this city, bonds, first series, 24 cents on WZ^Z^^SZ^.toLt^^nyon Which said, This, he believes w.K result property and 72 cents on poU- 'Provided, that the county age.,committee will meet to ascertain Io an increased trade with the t or interest on improvement cutive committee may designate and i?ectere the result of suchuSoutn.n tne products of that SSS^^JSukSm^WlmUf. and notice there .fshall; section, cons.st.ng of lumber property and 81 cents, r. poi primary election m*v beheld; he given in the call for such pn- cotton tar, turpentine, w4 1 his makes the total texfUO mary. In case a secoi.d primary'several other commodities for . 0 n each $100 of property vai- is necessary, tho date; for the! which Baltimore furnishes an Ration and $4.50 on each poll, an meeting of the executive com-(active market. In return the increase over last year from mittee to canvass and ascertain | local merchants will be giver, gj.jg ar.d $3 45, but this increase the result thereof shall be fixed cheap transportation for genera) is mainly for interest on the ad- and announced in the call of the I merchandise for distribution to ditional bond issue that the town k onds6l The institute trains Hi advanced college entraa broadsr walks of ii for for for icceff but in no case shall the time for holding SSii election be less than i six hours. SEC C. Any democratic can ididate who is voted for in said s | primary election may attend the the broader v,-. < the professions, and for MM iu. business life. In ntbeleties this sch. 1 h h-'.d the State Chan | msl ip bonds, second series, 27 cento on |among secondary schools for a quarter of a century. Those who eorrt/mpkte pit- ronizing a school oi ibis rta s, should see one of the beautiful lustrated catalogues. Addr«si J. A. and M. H. Holt, Oak BMgO, M. C. "i«,,.,mrl nrimuv. I the South, by way of this inland i voted last year fe;r the training same, in porson or by represen- •> -• "T improvements. tatwes and be 9^^^ JSJ. £glSXiSghtto I A note for $1,412.15 was W "Z^^l^t^J^^ SI .with regard to| For the Le g i..a, U r, Jthor^d tobe Jued ,„ fi democratic elector shall have the \ holding the primary elections , hereby announce lhil t i m a i f. 1. McOuire right to vote at his proper poll, which it may deem proper, not; candilJate for „omlwition for, aniount due h,m ing place, and in case ihe vote of j inconsistent with the ru.es pre- I)oust! 0 f Representatives subject ln *f to cover an for street pav n man claiming to be a democrat \ scnoed in tins plan, it SUM! PS 1 10 acl i on () f Democratic primary. ic elector is challenged on the!the duty of the executive corn- ground that he is notqualified as mittee to prepare and furnish all an elector, or is not a democrat, j blanks an.! forms needed in mak- he shall not be denied the privi-1 ing the returns from said e ec lege of voting except by the Jtions, ana any reported chal.en- judgment of both poll-holders. gM and appeal, therefrom. « Every challenge shall be record- j shall have power to i 8 6 1 td & w J. F. Stokes. Another Candidate. To the people of I*ii: mu other A resolution was adopted that all communications from the water and light commission to the board of aldermen must be re<';:ced to writing and so trans ii. I: * d. lne water and light commis- Ccuri Wiil C.gin 24th. Th? Re-Hector was In error yesterday in saying the civil term of court would stari wxt Monday, It will not begin \-M\ M inday, 24th. counties: ,, , . i, : | be record-1 snail nave po.ve. „, ^ ^ , I desire to say that I am a can-1 s'on reported that c.t.zens had ^ZSm^imu^mZ-U^u the funds neoeswry to dirj^. ,^J^*ir2tr^ re entative dissatisfied with the P^" the exper.^s hereof, i solicitations or my friend,, but J^*S^!S.£?£ result shall have the right to ap-1 gBC. 11.. No pnmary election purely a„d .olely, for _the one | fSfSSlSSS^i^JSZ .lit «« MS. , "- peal to the county executive shall be held under this plan un- committee, and the county exe- less the same shall be ordered by the executive committee of the article that keeps off cold and jand Twelfth streets. No action hunger, and makes mi respect-,was taken on the requests. .,wia it,H <v>mfnrtahle I have The street committee reported cutive committee shall hear the tne executive <». .....»« „, ~~ able and comtortaDie i nave P s t ree t swe-ner had been same and allow or disallow the county, and in case the executive j not "entered" ner putup fclO, that the street swe-per had bctn vote and shall amend the re* committee of the county shall but the State manager has en- ordered. ^i^Xi^XZlmtOt^i^mma^UmW^ terod" me, snd irequire those The market committee made ^nZtoL 9 iXm*Wn\Z this plan, nominations for who "support" me to put up the report of the stalls m the market said appeal, SEC. 7. At the close of the county offices and candidates for the legislature shall be made un- der the plan of organisation in $10. or more. I have in this and adjoining counties six good •ids* the plan of organization in speake rs ar.d will employ two or (have publication made givi voting it shall be the duty of the, force prior to the adoption ot the, * N , ak . | noti , e tnat a ji tree8 0 n Dickini if i resolution hereinbefore set forth. . inre ""' '_ , 1 ' \ mwmmm Amk mtmlmm with « F. M. SIMMONS, Executive Committee, ALEX. J. FIELD, Secretary. poll-holders, in the presence o such candidates or their repre- sentatives and any democrat who wishes to attend, to proceed at once to count the ballots and make a list of all person, voted j.^ for and the offices for which " they were voted, and the num-! Register of Deeds R. WiUiams ber of votes received by each, has issued the following licenses house that hao been rented. The mayor was instructed to ing kinson ere, but to make speeches to in- avenue that interfere with sew- Chaiiman State Democratic dividuals or in private families, ers shall be cut down, and that and they shall sign such list and send the same immediately to the chairman of the county ex- si nee last report: WHITE. Curtis ('. Collins and Florence rlerdeeoffered another amend ment that the property owners be left to do the paving th, "- selves and make their own con- tracts therefor. The HaiJ-e amendment was lost. Alderm n Flanagan explained that be fa- vored the 10 per cento immieai >i iiasis an<l would opp no a c.'fi- tract At astipuiat/ <! pries without advertisement b ir^ first nnele and the contract let to the low e<t bidder. The matter was fin- ally left to the discretion of the ce mmittee. The purchasing committee was given authority to sell such pr-perty belonging to the tOWB for which there was now r.o fur- ther use. Several app'.icatieins for restau- rant licenses we're granted, but one by Henry Laughlnghouse for selling barbecue neir the Centra Brick warehouse was refused. R..). Cobb tendered bis r«slg> nation as a member of the water and light commission, which wan (accepted, and It L. Humberwas I elected to succeed him. F. M. Wooten was elected a u No false statements or misrep Iall persons who are opposed to resentations will be allowed. 11 the cutting down of such trees induce my friends, both sexes!be notified to appear at an ad- between the ages of 16 and 70 journed meeting of the board on to "support" me. We urge our j the 14th when their objections; friends to do the best for them- 'will be heard, selves and their loved ones, | The committee appointed to. ._• . i. .all tho room horses renorted dispensary commissioner tO fill while supporting me. There is sell the town horses reported > * , , over five hundred million dollars so far they hud been unable to v* ••" g <)wrion w . il8 ol ,. ctcd at headquarters besides twelve; make a sale. chief of the Are department. ecutive committee. They shall *. htancil. millions of cash surplus to be di-1 J. V. Harper appeared in re- Mayor Whedbee and Aldermen give any candidate or his repre-, Rurwell Roberson and Bes^e «Jf»«5i^lK^V Flanasan were appointed a cm- sentative, upon his request, UjJacKson _ K wistiine to aid Jay, and the matter was referred mittee to Investigate the conduct Tul^velo ;his l autt;i!y r !^i;eS eP,, ' n,f SSSaS^.^^ On the question of pavmg the! A (lonation of fo Wil madc . the number of challenges allowed Boyd. or disallowed, and how said challenged voter voted or how he offered to vote when challenged. SEC. 8. Within five days of the holding of such primary election, it shall be the duty of the democratic executive com mittee of such county to meet And nsoeTt ill and declare the re- ••,'• >' .ii t >'" \ and if any per W. S. Cox and Rosa Lee Cox. J, V. Harper and Helen (i. Jenkins. COLORBD. John Williams and Hannah Alston. Robert Ficott and Ada Joyner. William Atkinson and Lizzie Parker. Louis Elks and Lula Hardee. DV maKing application ui me uiiu »#••»». ^«--> n , A donation <>i MU «u« iii.nn- passing the recruiting office at sidewalks on Evans street ane!'t 0 the Rough and Heady tiro M N Points Dr C O'H .Dickinsion avenue there was company for the purpose of send- I nnrhiLheuse in charge much discussion and se%eral mo- Ing delegates to the meeting of Laugningnouse in cnarge. .,.„_„. w the firemen's association. Thanking my patrons for past tion 8 were made Alderman W , A , on frQm Mmm Q{ favors, and pledging my efforts * K<V« moved that a contract |Dickin8 ,, n avenue a9king that &5£$s:£? "U S&ffilf^s*a^ lfc, ' , ' I am truly yours, |an amendment to this that the, After allowinB acc , he 11. Bently Harris, j paving be done on a 10 per cent.. meeting, at 2 o'clock, auj turned District Manager, commission basis. Aldermen to Friday night, 14th. - M''* POOR PRINT m . •#

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PMW(JP*'H!ftllW«f*.*1' ' "W»| ii* fxvmrmvmmm " sssaw^^t^lP
Ii Ur L."
.x EastefoRdUctorlcrVhttovifleand Vicinity- Advertising Rates on Application J , .t»v.t.»ttt<>-mivtntw>u.vA.vwn»ww% «**%%»***•*»**♦**»**»*»*%%%***%♦*»•
., ar , no*I Plea* boar in mind the fam- DUDLEY, LAN1ER AND WILSON. . nil • :<> o-j Par Heel wagons
n< : . . .
pint •
\ :
to- OJ Par Heel wagons and carts bad : f by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. Firmville Man Favors These Three
\ terville, N C. 10 Ay-' Lots of irquiri» are coming
i >r in about school desks which the A. G. Cox .V:V. C . makes.
See our »i t :.ii •'..,'sal: at close ues. .'• w is you" lime.
h A. W. Ange & Co. \: )..,' o •... j superintend nt
iv .. .,'s he wants to Beat all bis '. ol> v ,". them, which means
loads. The unusual that they use every Democratic comfort if theseIeffort within their power to look
Editor Reflector: Not that I wish to meddle with
things thac I'm not concerned arit'a, but judging from what 1 have seen and heard 1 fed it behooves every voter in this grand old county of ours to see
,'.!< r. or tried. of county officials in the near or coming primaries.
Not tint our offices have not
r ,>: Co. - ee us for cracked corn. - •. Win' rville Prodcce Co
|\V. ;- : •'•' Sp:i:ig . .... .. , . iu.vk-11 ivudiy aiding!been properly and efficiently
ni^.tuggj i?A W. A nge his father in a series of meetings filled by our present occupants, &Co. hast I this week. He will be away for but rerm inhering that*'there are
The genial sunshi e is a wel- several weeks engaged in revival others" who are just as compe Icome visib •. work, only getting into fill hisI tent just as worthy and just as
Wehf.nd •.'• . 'for the regular appointments. i need; of the support ofefficeas followingi ows, "Atlas." "Girl The A. G. Cox Maru&cturink | those whoare now, and have Phampicr-," "H rmi • Boy." Co. have jus! received a solid been for some time enjoying yracu-c," •" '- " and car of the famous "Pittsburg j them in our county.
p'Chill" Wild 1 Fence" prices are inter- i have beard many of our Harri ;tcn Barber «\ Co' eating. Call to see us Before you citizens remark that one term
Our il. F. L>- carriers could buj we are sure wc can please|waa enough for any officer (otmake their trirs yesterday you _ but how about two or three? n'acci'uni ng bridges We were glad to see W. L. Whenever that is the case what knddetpsfta : »V oten, ol Simpson, in our town hecoi.es of the essence of the old
Ice creep: " lohnson's four.-1 Monday. He is m 'thele: 1- favorite proverl ot Jeff»rsonof lin every diy. ing farmers of the c untjr. He "Equal rights U all and special J.S.Williams, Henry Blountj was looking foi the best place in privileges to r ne." Weorenot
.nd M. F. Crawford went to the State to send his daughters alJ ignorant people and we well jreenviilc today. to school ar - when he had care know that our county will and
liTe always hi... a nice lice of fully examined the buildings Ucea handsomely pay our officers, rash groceries »n hand. Har- here and learned of the work of jand why should we continue to Ington Barber & Co.
M. B Bryan ' • t'l this im ming i acc<: t '.., • ' ' Gn i nville. We are prepared to fill your right place as hundreds of pat-1 aspirants
So Tired li may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an in- active LIVER. m With a » ell conducted LIVER one can d.> mountains of labor
• without fatigue.
It adds J hundred per cent to ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in health!ulaction by, and only by
Law Mutt be Enforced Elect R gfct Man for Legislator.
Wilson. K. C, August 1. 1908 To the Friends of Prohibition:
The forces of righteousnesf have prevailed against the advo cates of ;•.• saloon; and here* after our fair State is to be free from the 1 gal sale uf liqour. This, howi ver, does not mean complete victory. Only a p< rtion of the liquor forces will quietly
Mrs. Alice Harper Entertains Her Children and Grand-Children.
There was a family reunion Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alice Harper in South Greenville There were with her to spend the day Dr. R. L. Carr and Alexander Harper, C. S. Carr and family, H. L. Carr and family, of Green- ville; Dr. Wade Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Darden, of Wilson; Mrs Emmet Brown and children, of Cleburne. Texas; A. T. Harper, of Gokur boro and Charles Harper, of Cas- toria, the party numbering about twenty five.
An enjoyable feature of the reunion was a bounteous dinner vvhich was spread on a iaige table in the yaid under the trees, it was a day of much pleasure to all present, and to Mrs. Harper in having her children and grand children with her, all but one daughter being present.
and freclj submit to the law: others must be made to. On the and :
par: of some there will be a ready r disposition to manufacture, sell
and I u\ liq lor in spite of the prohibition law.
Then foi e it is incumbent upon us to tee to tie enforcement of the law we have championed. Duty dern: i .. that ;.il good citi- zens di-fi nd ihe law, and oppos
the school and the careful atten- bestow upon one of our friends
Rochdale, N. C, July 20. 19-8.
Miss Lillian Lassiter, of Scow Hill and Hisses Bertha Joyner
Moye, of Grim n:er.burg, and Vernice Lang, of F irmville, were visiting at Ivy Smith's last week.
Fid. S. W. Suinerel preached a very good sermon at Smith's
''school hou-e Friday night and v.- ut to ids regular appointment at Rountn 's Saturday morning,
Misses' ":. ttle Little and Vir
law hie..' ;v. It is better •-,.
law thru the law
'ginia .1 yo, of Wilson, came : dov :. Frsdi • i i viail relative s and fru rids for a while.
i'i.ewun.; pcopleof Smithtown if k .- nay rid" Saturday night,
tion given its students he seem- mote luxuries or flowers than . .1 satisfied !!<• has found the another? And among the many
for office I see three Prohibition law of our State.
protect t less. It is wiser to shield the people from criminal:-, than to -hie!.', the "blind tigers" from
. r . ,i r and not having a load they came law. Let us. therefore, use our' evidence and influence tc con vict any person who diaabeystli'
and picked up the young folks until they were loaded with a
Prerentive Treatment- Announcement by the State Board of Health.
The general assembly, at its last regular session, enacted the following:
An act authorizing the State board of health to provide for the preventive treatment of hydrophobia.
Section 1. That the State board of health is hereby au- thorized and empowered to pro- vide for and have conducted un- der its direction the preventive treatment of hydrophobia or rabies, whenever in its judgment circumstances, financial and other, will justify it. To meet the expenses of this treament the said board is hereby given authority to supplement the revenue derived from fees for the treatment by such sums from the treasury of the State labora- tory of hygiene as may be neces* sary: Provided, that the useful- ness ai ! efficiency of the said laboratory is not thereby im- paired.
Sec. 8. That the benefits of said treatment shall be given free of charge to all residents of the State who shall present to the secretary of the State board of health, or its representative having in charge the manage- ment of this special work, an affidavit <,: inability to pay, duly sworn to and subscribed before a justice of 'he p ace. or, if the ease be a minor, such an affidavit by the parent or guardian. To meet as far as may be the ex- penses "f this special work, the said State board of health is hereby authorized and directed to demand from I hose able to do so the payment in advance of a reasonable fee. not 'o exceed in any cave the usual charge made
|by the reputable Pasteur ir.sti-
rders for flues >n sli rl notice, ro^s can testify. men's names that are well at or.ee; la;
ime '•> la; . ; • [anufacturing C i. . C Rev. J. II. Griffith, of Kinst ., id Rev. Mr. Hu ko, of Green-!SUi .
in the dovls
.,„, i«|k Mr JaCK Harper, Cll'lKil AUgUSC loill
ralotot b< si tl ur just in known in every section of our
county, and they an not only etu? hav your t»rde efore the rush comes Prices Harrington, Berber & ( ».
i G Cox V '<"l .y was a romantic day V;interv.-'ie for cur quiet little tow -. A.bout knownin every section but a!-
. ;.-. •. o'c! :' a rather loving .most in every housel Id.andare !lot'rfir.gccupledrove up. It was'known as strictly honest ard
learned that these "cooing business like gentlemen ineveryjrj were none other than „—t „„,: i,..„, .^.fciui,!
piscopai cnuren .... *«>in|^".'. S7iZ! .'..ni*. ««J ML* i uphold the old Democrati
I lutes of tiiis country. !Then the liqu >r traiTic will step. I wag0" ,fu:'lU *.°Uy "* °f
f. V^S' I The board of health, at its re , , ,' , ' ' ure seekers. Then for (lie fun I desire further to put you
your guard with reference representatives .n our nex eral assembly. I am sure thai "."j j place until about 1
'when they retraced their way
on r. . icn.t annual meeting, decided they began their music, which. cirtu,lsUnct,j! wouId now
Renjvyas vocal.but very beautfu|:as|ju::tjfy ^ trtiUn,eiiL
The following extract from the
He, will i.o'ii services
respect, and have never failed to |
/-,.:/•:.u ,.,:|iiiian;.'ni.r, o: urt-enviuv, uuumwe - "" iP"^' „;JSr„iJ BeU n Jenkins, the daughter of whenever opportunity presents
Tend ;'" P™"»lnent f8rmer nur GaS" Hse,f- Theref0W' M a VOter' !
TteAA', Cox rnanufacturinglS;jjLJ^ jJSUS shaH uso mv pfforts wiih mj' Ustexed to it, full capacity ^Thotee The noon t»m W^ to help to nominate them w filling the urgent orders for broughtinBev. Mr. Husks and ' vvould 1)e «lad t0 "* umnl
other friends from Greenville, .nously nominated for Bherlff, All repaired to the home of Mr. Sam Dudley; for register of M. G. Bryan, our popular post- deeds, J. C. Lanier. for treasurer, ma.4:er, where the proper vows w B Wilson. A Voter, were taken and two fortunes were linked in one. Mr. Bryan1
the advocate:; of license leave no stone unturned t° car-
' p<; t* at'.d nominate men yor lief '? to represent
your county. A'resdy they ar^ lay ing plans ti I his er d. Be wise and cautious; and se< that only tem- perance men who favor no-!ic«n.ie are nominated and elected, Find
they w« re passing from place to or 11 '.'clock
lcks and flues. They report siness in excellent condition Hay and lime at A. W. Ange Jo Profs. Nye and Lineberry arc ay looking up students. One ' this wee.: about tenor twelve ms were engaged. One man Crave:, county, writing to age a room '•' >r is daughter, , "The crops are almost .ed buy the storm, but 1 am irmined to do !:iy part and :ate my children anyway." man can do better. If we ur part all will be well. ) have a good hi irse he muEr l plenty of good feed. All s of the best to b • had, at ;erville Produce Co., next to postoff'ue.
•. Swain, of Vanceboro, was yesterday co rent a house
love, his family. He has >ted work with the A. G.
Mfg. C". He says he s to get srood work where .n put his children in a good il. Many children would be r off if their p.1:-::.'..; were se. nember the Hunsucker bug- .re still going. Call to see ice stock of runabouts be- roubuy. Prices are inter-
er several weeks visit in entral part of the State Mollie Bryan has returned
Sne reports a very ,nt sojourn up there- She ghted with the fine water, ful conntry, and hospita- eople, but driving over hills and rocks are most
mch. When it comes to % there is nothing better the level roads of the I you have a Hu isucksr and a good hors.-.
the nun wl o will properly fill tli->
and deposited those they hud 1 picked up.
T. A. Willoughby died Sunday evening, and his death filled the neighborhood with sadness He
. was the son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. R. i A. Wil!< ughby and was an ex ceptionally rice young man in
position anil press him into the race. Only thus can we get the best possible m ::. By this uieasur? we of t«n get excelled men who would not otherwise b. come candidate
served a bountiful dinner to the happy party and all went on their way rejoicing "nitrry as a marriage bell."
A special opportunity to get
Republican Ceunty fonveniicn.
, Pursuant to the action of the Republican county executive
I committee, at a meeting he'd in I Greenville, North Carolina Aug.
goods cheap for the next few,. Calico, 4 and 6c; the best 14th- the wpuk.cans days.
A. F. C. Gingham, 12 l>2c|°f P'11 county are hereby Voil, 8c; "Silver Star ' sheeting, |notified that the county copven-
the to nv.et ai in Greenville
10c; lOe Percale, 8c; 10c Lowr,, | tion was called 7 l-2c; Lace, lc $1.25 Shoes ,court hou
and other goods have been re- noon, for the purpose oi cectitu duced. No goodB charged at]delegates and alternate.- to the above prices. Come A. w. Ange State and judicial conventions ft Co. a co inty
Mr. and Mrs. A. W Ange and baby left Monday for Jamesville to visit Mr. Ange'l father.
Chickens and eggs a specially. Come and get the best prices. Harrington, Barber & Co.
Mrs. Taft left Monday to visit 1 elect delegates to the county
and the election of chairman.
The chairman of the several precincts will call their primaries to meet on Saturday, August loth, 1!MI8, at li o'clock p. m., io,
her daughter in Virginia. The tobacco markets are open
and the farmers are hauling in ihe bright weed, no they have made a rush on the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., for their wagons.
convention and at which precin-i meeting an executive committee eon.-i.ling of tlire- mi rr.bers v .'.\ be elected.
Ito.v < . Fianagi n, Chm. P.- p Ex. Coi;\
I'iiis is anall- important matter. See that your cunt-, does thu safe and sane thing.
If the friends <.f prohibition f;-H t.i use their privileges and sit i'JIy by. while the advocates of lie-use work for and nominate through, the primaries and coun- ty conventions, men of their choice, we can blame only our- selves ffh in W8, meet reverses in the ! ;;;slatiire. Work while it
. It will be too late afu-r tho primaries are over; and this matter j« entirely too important to be ovi •!: ked- We must give It thought and attention. Some men become candidates for rep resentatives to th': legislature In our
behalf of ci.ic righleousr.es-. j" even though it m.y mean per-1 sonal and financial sacrifice. Help me to preach thi i doctrine.
Yours for service, R. I.. D..V1S, Suft
(every respect. He was buried ' Monday evening in the presence oi' many sorrowing friends. We greatly sympathize with the be- reaved fanily in this hour of grief.
We have been having very nice showers the ia=t few days which, we think, is very beneficial to the growing crops.
R. A. Smith and Ben Joyner.
circular of information issued by
on : is da
Quite a large number have been IS. I. Fleming, bee. pro. u m. rolled out this week and still the1** 5 dw orders are pouring in. Mr. Cox i is justly proud of the rcpuutionir)eHcjous Banana Cream of these wagons and well he may Th'ia r,.-i,.,. |« highly rocommenHd be, for his customers say there by ops of our correfponoJ»i.t»i uy .v.„»*„- for doiort tomorrow.
are none better. iveltiv. largi i bum mat, r,l> mo-nfa With flva Uu-li.'Wilull Ol .-<;i,'jt. A(!d one teacu|. sw. »-t Brvilin UfiSlOO to a tiff froth, tnen add one i"c ; i-'it". f.if Lemon JK1 l.'i ' n i-H > ., •op- t..i i IK ''... rr .Ml in -hi whim IOIII nrnish »i'.- nne'ldahpira* Bervo wtl. «ii| ;i .1 IM ,. , .. HI y
dint'a-« «'. Il-il_.i-.-C> ;;. Mile
NOTICE! Go to M. G. Bryan Winterville,
N, G., for fire insurance. He represents the Walla Walla Co., . of Greensboro. It is one of the .goo J
Iiirveu His Market.
i". M. WcQowan has moved his market busin >s to the build- ing opposite the Norfolk & Si uth'-rn freigh? depot, where in addition t>> fresh meats be will h.n <!;. all kinds of country
• he laooratory of hygiene gives the necessary details:
Rabies In no other disease is an early diagnosis ol more vital Importance. Fortunately, a di- agnosis can in most cases be made from a microscopic exami- nation of the brain of the rabid animal. The suspected animal, or its head and neck, should be sent *t the earliest possible mo- ment to the laboratory for ex- amination. The head should be packed in ice to prevent putre- faction, and should be sent by express, prepaid. A careful ac- count of the animal, v/ith a full hirtory of ciuse of suspicion, should be sent in every case.
TI.e treatment will require the presence of the patient in Ral- eigh for about three weeks, but residence in a hospital is not necessary. The cost of the en- tire treatment will be $o0, or will be furnished free to pet-tons unable to pay. upon submission ofar. ''affidavit of inability to piy. duly sworn to and subscrib- ed before a justice of the peace, or, if the case be a minor, such an affidavit by the parent or guardian."
Attention is called to the fact that the law requires the fee to
Wo, the undersigned, the pres-lbe paid in advance. It should be ent incumbents of the office of j said also that, if after trial it tho board of commissioners «fjihiiuld be found necessary for ritt county, hereby BMIOU- 'he su, >ort of this special work,
|v„„ 0, fnndidntef lor r ho fee .'ill be increased. This jiai- - orhVp. ... wi I be >vi Di. C. ••'---d has now in ; • •• - i , dirc.-tor { .te labo p
l. -t pub: •..- >. , :l riene, §P' l.'..mmni- ... f :- l»"ti
of Farmville ar.d S. J- Nobles, of Greenville, were here Monday to the burial ofT. A. tVilloughby.
G. L. Tyson and his two oldest boys went home Monday evening.
Mrs. C. L. Tyson and little ones left for home this morning.
For Ctuuty Commissioner.
I Py i>'l Ornc"r< (it
t t'. . < ' 6 | ... ,.. ,i i cv,.. lie s I :.! cAmple'i • «f t^nsp public improvements has induced us, as a body, to stand for re- nominaticn for ihe second term.
'1 his the 4th da> of Aug. 1808. B. W. King, Jno. /.. Brooks', M T. Spier, J. D. Holland,
:. v ions i •!,• ,. 11 :,. uM 'ie :.!'• - i ii.i i .ii.
/. i • . .i. L wi-. t r N. C. bo. . ii . j„..:i.
dvttrUsemeat. g .| tp dw N. T. Cox.
For Sale or For Real.
House and lot nearly opposite Baptist church. Electric Hahta, city water, 4 rooms, 2 hall ways, dining room, pantry, bath room and Kitchen Possession given immediately. J. J. Cherry. 7 23 tf d
sitisfnetion or money refunded. Prepared by P1NEULE MEDIClNfc
i'or Sal* by i."»0 L. w'OOTSNi Dntfgiit
THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
Plan for holdint; primary .-lections for thr nomination of democratic candi- dates for countv and township offices and members of the leifislature and township executive committee, in pur- suance of resolution adopted by the state democratic executive committee at its meeting held in Raleigh, on th« 26th dSf of July, 1904.
Section 1. At the meeting held for the purpose of calling a county convention to nominate candidates for county offices and members of the legislature, the county democratic executive committee may, upon motion, determine the question of nomi- nating such candidates by pri- mary election as provided for in the following resolution of the state executive committee:
"Resolved. That this com- mitcee will provide an optional primary, to be adopted by the executive committee of any county desiring to nominate county candidates and members of the legislature by a primary. That, the chairman is authoriz- ed to appoint a sub-committee to formulate such a plan, and when approved by the chairman the said plan shall become a part of the plan of organization. Where any county executive committee has already called a primary, such county executive committee may formulate and promulgate its own rul s for such election already ordered. The plan provided for in this resolution will not supersede the present plan except in tnose counties adopting this plan."
See. 2. If before such meet- ing is held there shall be present- ed to the chairman ot the county executive committe a petition in writing, signed by one fourth of
. the members jf su«h executive committee, or a petition in writ- ing signed by at least one hun- dred known democratic voters of such county, asking that a, meeting of the county executive j committee be held lor the pur- pose of considering the advisa- bility of nominating such candi- dates by primary election, then il shall be the duty of said chair- man forthwith to call a meeting of his county executive commit- tee within ten days to act upon the said petition. In any county where it has been decided by the majority of the executive commiltee to nominate candi- dates by primary election, shall be held under the following rules and regulations:
Sec 3. The time of holding the primary election shall be not less than thirty days before the general election, and not less than fifteen days' notice shall be given of the time and places when and where such primary is to be held. When a primary election under this plan shall be ordered, notice thereof, giving the date ind the various ballot- ing places and the names of the persons appointed to hold the same, shall be published in the Democratic press of said county, and copies posted at every ballot- ing place in said county, and such other notice given as the county executive committee may- think proper. In such primary election the county executive committee shall designate the places where voting shall be had, and the shall select, as far as practicable, the places provid- ed by law for holding the general state elections. They may- how- ever, select other places if the convenience of democratic voters justifies such chanje, but there shall be at least one voting piace in each township.
Sec. 4. For the purpose of holding WOll election, the said com»nitt»e shall appoint two well i. . ,., i .II —i( '••'' ' '' ""
cinct, or other voting district in the county, who shall conduct such election, receive the ballots,
i count them, declare the result | and make a written statement thereof. If any person appoint-
|ed to hold a primary election , shall decline to serve, become in- capacitated, or become a candi date before said primary, the
; chairman of the executive com | mittee of that township or pre- cinct shall have power to desig- nate some qualified democrat to
son has received a majority of all votes cast for an office, they shall so declare, and he shall be the nominee of the party for such office. And if no person has re- ceived a majority of all the votes cast for an office, but has re- ceived a plurality thereof, the
Yo«ng White Man Killed by Ntgro-' AND TRANSACTS CONSIDERABLE Shot Three Times. BUSINESS.
AL ^berr-rrillW.Trtlay!l.evv Taxe, for Current Year-Elect for young men and boys night, Mr. Charlie Wh.chard, a ^ Vacanci«-Dis- lit* 57th yea- SepUrr. young man who keeps a mar,et CUss Sidewalk Paving. first. ~" in that town, was shot and killed
Oak Ridge Institute.
We have on our desk a copy of the latest catalogue of Oak BAfao Institute, the well known st ho< I
IM git s ber thi
The catalogue shows a i ceived a plurality tnereoi, tne in that town, was shol and killed »nr..l'm-n' of more than 20) said .ominiUee .hull declare him | by a negr, named Robert Robe, Tne board ot aldermen metin ™^^ ™* d£% g« to be the nominee of the party U No particulars could be .regular monthly session xhur,-,» * Beetfwirf for such office, un.e,s the pWlearned except that while Mr. oay night with all the members|P">-; ^^"jLJ"^ receiving the next highest vote Whichard was in his market the! P^sent. Notwithstanding sev- |JJ~ s^v X'ua« • f.m forsuchoffi.ee demands of saidL*»gfaothi* three times and "al special meetings nad ...,. nt- ^Sl^rSS commit in writing;th.t a see; L, He lived only a few nj»- \W *« M4*« f»^eJ! lie < - M, ' e.oo, in
I fill such place; and if the chair- jond primary be held, in which j utes_ Iman of the committee shall not case a second primary shall be1
• be present, then the remaining! ordered ar.d held under the rult s Ipoll-holder « person authorized j and regulations herein provided, ; may designate some persjn to' as nedr as may be. and such sec- i assist him in holding the same, :or.d primary snail be held within i and such substitute Derson bhall Beyen day* from the time ol said i have the same right and author- j cali, provided that in the second, ity therein as if he had been'primary election no votes shall A. Furst, president of the Mary-
I originally appointed by thecoun-', be cast except for the two per-jjgo^ Dredging Company, says j ty executive committee. I *™-J receiving respectively the ^ ^ ^ jh(i work rf
: SEC 5. The <aid persons \ highest and next mghest vote ,n; . pamHoo ^ cboai
shall provide such boxes for the .the fir-1 prim :ry. 11. the event ^ « ,,,.,„ 'reception of ballots as may be! each person voted lor in the see the m.do.e o. Se>t<m.>e.. necessary, but there shall he'ondprhnary receives the rame| This project, Mr, PantsayB,
enough to keep the board in sen sion until 2o'c!cck. a. m., when
'adjournment was had to the 14th.
,, .1 A resolution was adopted au- ithoriz;nz the issuing of a rote
The location of the school in the besutifui Pied i rrf p'ain, between Greensboro and V.'in- ston Salem, with th< pure cold water, fine natural ' • sg<. and pure mountain fir. feet en Canal Will Begin
_ , , |inun/.'iig inc ifoumK vi a w> . .... September 1st. |for jg, 199.40 to the Norfolk &\ above see lew Iselithat eesld
Baltimore, Aug. 11- Mr. Frank {southern railway to cover an be asked for to hasten the Dfcjr- nountdue by town for freight. pon the recommendation of the
i a nee committee ihe levy 0 ixes for the current year was iade as follows:
S&cal development of young >:ien. The equipment of the school
represents an outlay of iiore than 1100,000, tqual to si y in
ie South, This, with eorpg For general purposes.":} cents j of vlrils eolli > men In t-uch i each $100 property vain *-ith student lif W-Urv but there shall be1 ond primary receives the ramel This project, Mr, Furst says, ..i each «loo property vaiuatton witn mm m:'m*!
i^ara^lWxtsf.rthe folk wing number of votes, theeouoty «• to but the b.gioning of a gi ntk • ^ $t.50 poll. ; r, ntal imd tr, , I d relm separate twxes lorine roLe.wing ,.„m^i.tee shall decide V t t „ .,.,„„ ; For ma ntenance of graded o« Btudent* equni to the!
'classes of candidates, to-wib XTofTm sWIIb^W Schc"e,,n l"P Part<'f''"""V^ Schools 40 cents on property and juaced by any scl.^1 in th (Candidates for the general as-, *huh o. In ..i sna.i u,, «e eao opening up an inland ..,.,,._„.„,,, L. laemblv ahaUbe voted for in one didate ot tne party for thnt. „ .V,,. .. ,, Cam.; • 1.2U on poll. try.
I the i meat
pro- ciiin-
sembly shall be voted for in one j box. all county officers shall be offii ve>ted for in one box, all township officers in one bo:: The hours
$1.20 on poll. waterway fiom the North Caro- \ por interest on school -
SEC, 'J- At the meeting in linaoast to Norfolk from which; cents on property and 1!? cents on which *aie' primary is ordered; point vessels can continue m the ' poll.
|f;;'hoKiing'such'pHma;yelection!underthisPlan. it shallhe the inland coarse up the Chesapeake I For interest on Improvement Ldu.ll be as follow- From ten'duty of the excuuve committee Bay to this city, bonds, first series, 24 cents on WZ^Z^^SZ^.toLt^^nyon Which said, This, he believes w.K result property and 72 cents on poU- 'Provided, that the county age.,committee will meet to ascertain Io an increased trade with the tor interest on improvement cutive committee may designate and i?ectere the result of suchuSoutn.n tne products of that SSS^^JSukSm^WlmUf. and notice there .fshall; section, cons.st.ng of lumber property and 81 cents, r. poi primary election m*v beheld; he given in the call for such pn- cotton tar, turpentine, w4 1 his makes the total texfUO
mary. In case a secoi.d primary'several other commodities for .0n each $100 of property vai- is necessary, tho date; for the! which Baltimore furnishes an Ration and $4.50 on each poll, an meeting of the executive com-(active market. In return the increase over last year from mittee to canvass and ascertain | local merchants will be giver, gj.jg ar.d $3 45, but this increase the result thereof shall be fixed cheap transportation for genera) is mainly for interest on the ad- and announced in the call of the I merchandise for distribution to ditional bond issue that the town
konds6l The institute trains Hi advanced college entraa
broadsr walks of ii
but in no case shall the time for holding SSii election be less than
i six hours. SEC C. Any democratic can
ididate who is voted for in said s | primary election may attend the
the broader v,-. < the professions, and for MM iu. business life.
In ntbeleties this sch. 1 h h-'.d the State Chan | msl ip
bonds, second series, 27 cento on |among secondary schools for a quarter of a century.
Those who eorrt/mpkte pit- ronizing a school oi ibis rta s, should see one of the beautiful lustrated catalogues. Addr«si
J. A. and M. H. Holt, Oak BMgO, M. C.
"i«,,.,mrl nrimuv. I the South, by way of this inland i voted last year fe;r the training same, in porson or by represen- "« •> -• "T improvements.
tatwes and be 9^^^ JSJ. £glSXiSghtto I A note for $1,412.15 was W "Z^^l^t^J^^ SI .with regard to| For the Legi..a,Ur, Jthor^d tobe Jued ,„ fi
democratic elector shall have the \ holding the primary elections , hereby announce lhilt i m a i f. 1. McOuire right to vote at his proper poll, which it may deem proper, not; candilJate for „omlwition for,aniount due h,m
ing place, and in case ihe vote of j inconsistent with the ru.es pre- I)oust! 0f Representatives subject ln*f
to cover an for street pav
n man claiming to be a democrat \ scnoed in tins plan, it SUM! PS 110 aclion ()f Democratic primary. ic elector is challenged on the!the duty of the executive corn- ground that he is notqualified as mittee to prepare and furnish all an elector, or is not a democrat, j blanks an.! forms needed in mak- he shall not be denied the privi-1 ing the returns from said e ec lege of voting except by the Jtions, ana any reported chal.en- judgment of both poll-holders. gM and appeal, therefrom. « Every challenge shall be record- j shall have power to i
8 6 1 td & w J. F. Stokes.
Another Candidate.
To the people of I*ii: mu other
A resolution was adopted that all communications from the water and light commission to the board of aldermen must be re<';:ced to writing and so trans ii. I: * • d.
lne water and light commis-
Ccuri Wiil C.gin 24th.
Th? Re-Hector was In error yesterday in saying the civil term of court would stari wxt Monday, It will not begin \-M\
M inday, 24th.
counties: ,, , . i, : | be record-1 snail nave po.ve. „, ^ ^ , I desire to say that I am a can-1 s'on reported that c.t.zens had
^ZSm^imu^mZ-U^u the funds neoeswry to dirj^. ,^J^*ir2tr^ re entative dissatisfied with the P^" the exper.^s hereof, i solicitations or my friend,, but J^*S^!S.£?£ result shall have the right to ap-1 gBC. 11.. No pnmary election purely a„d .olely, for _the one | fSfSSlSSS^i^JSZ .lit «« MS. , "-
peal to the county executive shall be held under this plan un- committee, and the county exe- less the same shall be ordered by
the executive committee of the
article that keeps off cold and jand Twelfth streets. No action hunger, and makes mi respect-,was taken on the requests. .,wia it,H <v>mfnrtahle I have The street committee reported
cutive committee shall hear the tne executive <»......»« „, ~~ able and comtortaDie i nave P street swe-ner had been same and allow or disallow the county, and in case the executive j not "entered" ner putup fclO, that the street swe-per had bctn vote and shall amend the re* committee of the county shall but the State manager has en- ordered. ^i^Xi^XZlmtOt^i^mma^UmW^ terod" me, snd irequire those The market committee made ^nZtoL9iXm*Wn\Z this plan, nominations for who "support" me to put up the report of the stalls m the market
said appeal, SEC. 7. At the close of the
county offices and candidates for the legislature shall be made un- der the plan of organisation in
$10. or more. I have in this and adjoining counties six good
•ids* the plan of organization in speakers ar.d will employ two or (have publication made givi voting it shall be the duty of the, force prior to the adoption ot the, * N , ak. | noti,e tnat aji tree8 0n Dickini
if i resolution hereinbefore set forth. .inre""' '_ , 1 ' • \mwmmm Amk mtmlmm with « F. M. SIMMONS,
Executive Committee, ALEX. J. FIELD, Secretary.
poll-holders, in the presence o such candidates or their repre- sentatives and any democrat who wishes to attend, to proceed at once to count the ballots and make a list of all person, voted j.^ for and the offices for which " they were voted, and the num-! Register of Deeds R. WiUiams ber of votes received by each, has issued the following licenses
house that hao been rented. The mayor was instructed to
ing kinson
ere, but to make speeches to in- avenue that interfere with sew- Chaiiman State Democratic dividuals or in private families, ers shall be cut down, and that
and they shall sign such list and send the same immediately to the chairman of the county ex-
si nee last report: WHITE.
Curtis ('. Collins and Florence
rlerdeeoffered another amend ment that the property owners be left to do the paving th, "- selves and make their own con- tracts therefor. The HaiJ-e amendment was lost. Alderm n Flanagan explained that be fa- vored the 10 per cento immieai >i iiasis an<l would opp no a c.'fi- tract At astipuiat/ <! pries without advertisement b ir^ first nnele and the contract let to the low e<t bidder. The matter was fin- ally left to the discretion of the ce mmittee.
The purchasing committee was given authority to sell such pr-perty belonging to the tOWB for which there was now r.o fur- ther use.
Several app'.icatieins for restau- rant licenses we're granted, but one by Henry Laughlnghouse for selling barbecue neir the Centra Brick warehouse was refused.
R..). Cobb tendered bis r«slg> nation as a member of the water and light commission, which wan
(accepted, and It L. Humberwas I elected to succeed him.
F. M. Wooten was elected a u
No false statements or misrep Iall persons who are opposed to resentations will be allowed. 11 the cutting down of such trees induce my friends, both sexes!be notified to appear at an ad- between the ages of 16 and 70 journed meeting of the board on to "support" me. We urge our j the 14th when their objections; friends to do the best for them- 'will be heard, selves and their loved ones, | The committee appointed to.
• • ._• ™„. i. .all tho room horses renorted dispensary commissioner tO fill while supporting me. There is sell the town horses reported > * , , over five hundred million dollars so far they hud been unable to v* ••" g <)wrion w.il8 ol,.ctcd
at headquarters besides twelve; make a sale. chief of the Are department. ecutive committee. They shall *. htancil. millions of cash surplus to be di-1 J. V. Harper appeared in re- Mayor Whedbee and Aldermen give any candidate or his repre-, Rurwell Roberson and Bes^e «Jf»«5i^lK^V Flanasan were appointed a cm- sentative, upon his request, UjJacKson _ K wistiine to aid Jay, and the matter was referred mittee to Investigate the conduct
Tul^velo™ ;hislautt;i!yr!^i;eSeP,,'n,f
SSSaS^.^^ On the question of pavmg the! A (lonation of fo Wil madc. the number of challenges allowed Boyd. or disallowed, and how said challenged voter voted or how he offered to vote when challenged.
SEC. 8. Within five days of the holding of such primary election, it shall be the duty of the democratic executive com mittee of such county to meet And nsoeTt ill and declare the re-
••,'• >' .ii t >'" \ and if any per
W. S. Cox and Rosa Lee Cox. J, V. Harper and Helen (i.
Jenkins. COLORBD.
Robert Ficott and Ada Joyner. William Atkinson and Lizzie
Parker. Louis Elks and Lula Hardee.
DV maKing application ui me uiiu »#••»». ^«--> — n , A donation <>i MU «u« iii.nn- passing the recruiting office at sidewalks on Evans street ane!'t0 the Rough and Heady tiro MN Points Dr C O'H .Dickinsion avenue there was company for the purpose of send- I nnrhiLheuse in charge much discussion and se%eral mo- Ing delegates to the meeting of Laugningnouse in cnarge. .,.„_„. w the firemen's association.
Thanking my patrons for past tion8 were made Alderman W , A ,on frQm Mmm Q{
favors, and pledging my efforts * K<V« moved that a contract |Dickin8,,n avenue a9king that
&5£$s:£? "U S&ffilf^s*a^lfc,',' I am truly yours, |an amendment to this that the, After allowinB acc ,he
11. Bently Harris, j paving be done on a 10 per cent.. meeting, at 2 o'clock, auj turned District Manager, commission basis. Aldermen to Friday night, 14th.
- M''*
f. (.
: | Life, Five and Accident INSURANCE : C I
I iiimminmiiiii ........ <mimi-w
The Bank of Greenville AT GREENVILLE N. C.
In UM Stata of K«M 1 UaraUu »t th* eJoss ••! lu in, -- Julj ":h 18 -.
FOR SALE. Better Than Spanking. Sparim*. ' didHorrcand Fan Two UM
l'-v',"•', • \ Frcai House Stalks. aca*e lo- tl ' si - -*'• -. s. Box • !.:...» '." : Dg ii.'ine
fn • • " r - ' ' • • les from Greenville, ; ..:..;• i ;' n „ station I ..-...: in ti I S«t imp. I e est farn i p
'"':• tion ii Pit -•>•. fi" . i
Knot •• H
i nueenn d "_'.•'-'. T 7 All other stacks bonds
I III :'_.,-.•-
Due from lianks an.)
ami other I" 8 notes IH,441.:2i
I:;.II:;;'.M; l",5tx».00
SstwlTin ' P. 81.WO.M De». ».uh ck. 01.013.03 118,608.61 Cashiers checks
outstanding 403.88 Ueserved for Interest 800.00
. i
wire 1 1 m «l • •' ' ••.' ' ''~l !-'"" "K (•••' «•>.,, 7v-,.ii Totnl * 310 785 91
• • r tworoorai tali a • 1 . . v i-..,,- . . '"• ;• 11 ....... se.laawhole -•.',. .< -..-,. »ve named hank, d I-
ls-. (,!,t'" " mien: i irue l«. llie heat of my ,i r. i° . . .i.WU.s U llTll.i:. Cashier.
•.: A'lshtor-how ,
• Ai - j.«;. wo :•'. w. r». wil <ON
.;. A. AN IH5KWS. Directors.
f Ml V
rf Ejge- The Greenville Banking and Trust III N| -wuntyla .,: at l,nv-j ConTCnnV
;;. B. O'Neal died this •.. '. V . sparks w it
; the charge . , : • '' -->' 1 ESCURC S. LIABILITIES.
At th,Clr-c of B sine! July 15. 190S
. a kecr l:ri sta! •
:;7."i !'.-'. ck, •". '80. <~ •..-. :»U.l;jlJ4.1'i7.47

il I'
' .- rl I
:'r;o5 01 d ' ;,. .' right lung, one Is ot North Carolina. County ot Pitt, ssi
, t luiij . 111.- .1 I. t". S. t'.irr, c;i "-naineil bank, do solemn- | !\ sv.ear tlint th<* al ive staleii rue to the best of my knowL
" edge and '< lief. C. 8. CARR, Casliier. Ncrfollc ^T Southern' s''' ":i,,"':' ' ' <«? AH.--:
fore me, thin 38ril day of July, | K. O. Jell'res^ :.-. Chaa.0*H. LaTigliinghouse
AMll'KAY .!. Mi I i .:. ii. r*la::agan, .... Director!
1 1 1 a r k e t.
1. . . 'i my city mar-
..' oni ' • ' hn ' •'; ; -'• 1 e.-n-
l eir : •• .. :,i '.".: Ii :..• is. fish, saUi a.•'. etr. I
UC . • ; bf- ru 1
NORFOLK, VA. ' . . ,',-. .,:•; and handlers oi : 'J ':- • '»*«• l';'-'J ;. :;:.., Hes and Bags. prices foi ch.ckw.o, eggs and ij
_ , ... . pioJ ..-. • : : : : I ; irr Ii - e and shi .• enti •;"- E. iVi. McGowan.l
KOtlCe. I I X! I WE" DOIT VM Complete courses of btuJj pruparing for Business, tor Tearing, for - -4 the rower of „.e r,„- U N I V E R S I T Y < ol.gfe W. ^.tudsm. ft* wge «*., ; f pa n.aav Total .cos _lfuedm.ee - \ ir.tr..: .- i0P NORTH C-ROLINA !\\ ;; i'j; ^ Seautifal w 4
.... - ^1^,5-"; ' "89.1907 ^^^«*^i^^ °f P°St
CHESAPEAKE LINE STEAMERS m to., ^E NORFOLK DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY,' \J l>r.s tr.ct situate k. the townol P-m CI ^BBREAKFASl - ; to uOets. TABt-E ^ -..,:,.. . > v. •., r£DINNER75c. re* partieuursard reservatiots I ^ f,rccm<, lotli ;:: . i'i. siroei. . Ijoin-
LEAVE AT 6 D'HOT addrcH Sjjg'ing tli- lundi of Victoria McGowan,
: ',. .'. It. Jackson 1 :: ^: Be iiininp; at a .». .,- »»Aw*n4i T n • I iP> keen iheS-aitiiMde of 10th urcot,
L T. LAMB. Gen. Act W. ,<. CR0XT0N, I. P. A. i »5 v,ctoria MCGOWSJ ini elinc. running •- ' S" I Westerly with l'-th - I I'.r I • • ••
NORFOLK* V;. , ./. 1 Ireer.u siree'; thence Soa.heiij \v,;ii _ t 7A. .... ............... • -t . .". ... ... .1 * -
F. J. CHiSM, C.P. A. l1 'r. „, , Vi '• K^'- Greene street feel lo l.tl strait; BaStimore, ft.d. j ® Uher.cc hith llth . 1 33« fee; 101
&' ' '..' f ll: • i\ itli< ' l>l •' !.^';f WSJ ' - ig< !.——-—~»—~—• ———— -i 11. -^ iv ime nan w«j • -
*-***-,*+y~*m^^*^*r~™' . .._] .» t„,,t t„ , el,.'.,. '" |;,. 11 » .-
:'-! ^ feel to ;> stnVu in U t- n : .- .:.. 1.1 F:-..1 I»\ I lin r 11. : t;-. nee K 1.:. r- 1 nara lei v.ill ii1 1 reel I " :' 'I to
|\v. hlnpton 'reet, Ihonce N<ri <ri. v . h V.. hi.igton ... ' .•--! - t- el 10 .. take in i. 1 1 a •' .owan' :; nc wealc withVicturia McOow- n'g bac Ii ' ul .>" :'' it t > st; l-.<-
h, r S 1.' 1 • " • ir•<••. Ih. . r h' 1 ". • ll' ha. ;> ' t '"» :. .•'
, ut deal I" fluetuatinj MNairittas, FrailCiS P finable, President Th.,,e desiring Pirat^lBSs Ufa Insurance, will do well to call on or
'™':M:;;''' T H.D.BATEMAN, u I.MOORE
WHL0N01 Special Agent, - Greenville, N. C. Moore and Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW
r. :z «• K S VI1. ».«• N (
Dii R. L CAfti i/ ntist.
llarrs i--l- .1 net. iimy Skmi er, .1 :.. tl. Whrdbee.
IHtletoi. F nalc College S One of the most sue.-wiV.I . ': • I boa;-a...g s. oo.s .nl'u- ; -t hot water heat. c! - ermodarn In : ,..vcme..ts.
its last yen'. tiiwii..i.»l*..s»i'n will begin S.j.f. .1908. ' . IJJII .1 ' ,, Pi liii • t, I 1 im, N. C.
. «.., ,. . A hlgb-grcdi I •:. .•• hult iij „ ,1 young 1
the ntwctt and meat attractive thing In the INSUR- ANCE Worl^.
Low cos'. Perfect Pro.ection. IhchmnHies assured against loss of time by either
H. A. WHITE, AGT. Greenville, North Carolins
•. ..I .1.' . 1..' ,' i ....
-. .:, . ••! : r beya itn •!.';.. ••• il » - • '•- ,• n-.i',« fruui i.uin Lit-
tl. ton College and und.-r the managom. at 0* the same board ol ItVM. F .mew, Illustrated catalogueaddr.,.-J. B. AIKEN, Prm„ Littleton, N.C.
Now is the time to Advertise.
j ,t -1 nn ''". N< rth»i I ill o ' 1. .;;. as *; • ,l.'i b ..,..:.!••. . : . 'i ,-v - in- I he lire 1, vi 1. i.;.:... . :-.., i... prmemcul C
Ai60 O'.ooth r tr* '. ir lot of ;• ! ;:i Ma ,| • mill !•< l-'tate ::< ti if Ih I U > 11 of Qreenvill . ; i'i' Bi.d i.'in.: i-> t;i- M|Ui.re surioun ul ».. WsSllrgto.., tJre'ne. ii'il. i" i 11th i-i-eita. bejri.- ninff i'f tl'i-' I'.i-iiin ii e of M. H. JurKuai's nr.p 11 vestt-rlv oirvetion 1 ;1 feet to his cor.tr: thence w h>rly pnralk 1 with •> :,ii i.-1 - • 1 street . !••• t iu 11 J, William' corner; thence will. ,.. .1. WilliMi • line in an easterly .li- retintf Wi-hinsrHiTi itre^tjt* •" 11 i h W- !:';:?! n Ntr. ittulhs ..-in ,»' . . •.. ll ''j 'Hid '.'C'.l 1. \YA.ii
I. i.i.s .,f •I..-- cash 'I' is Au . 1 <• 6'h, P 8.
I. A. AndrSWS, Tru t.:e. M'"-"' f' Lor-K A. 1 '•«.
v. OI.A^UU, I-. ".
LAWYERS .irtiin llle ]•; 1 1 ;,.,«m»«m««nm.v«».««»«»^»»»m*«v.»««v«MM«0
.—. m sjrjMt S M| cww»m»w»«.*»wv.v«w«v««»«»»««»»"w
CoL'h \ res. S Co. NORFOLK. VA.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers in Stocks, Cotton. Crain
and Provisions, PRIVATE v IRE 10 Ki'w York Chicago
SIi.l New Orleans
moval :: Plumbing. Having bought the lock of C. A. WjkenV Plumbing ntUsrial 1 lave rem. vei my shop to the She'burn building.Oil third street .id »m iinpar.-.l to do «ll kinds of Pnimbing and repairing. Es- timate- on coi Ira t work cheerfully given. Prices as low as en ...s e. 1 wi h lir • . I*s« wi rk »nd material. I bBV • a nice Ii i" of nlek I ;>i'.te<! »'th room supp'ie^.
L. II. PENKDER. 1 ".si ^V**'-"-'
. fc./lj^S. - - *-v* 1 -*• -•--• *\.» ;
UVELY PARTY AT OCEAN VIEW, j Secretary aad Treasurer Resigns. Aaother Fine Sale. Here is more of Foxhall's way
BiSK5_L- -:;_• 'itassLa*- ±iar^j.~zz~z.Li3jaaaKm
Pethel, N. C. Auvr. 4th. 1993. —A happy and jolly band of your.E people, most of them from Eastern North Carolina, returned last Thursday from Ocean View, Va.. where we enjoyed a most delightful stay for eleven days. The water was fine, the weather charming, and everything seemed to favor our enjoyment.
Tne time was very pleasantly- spent in rowing, crabbing, fish- ing, darning, bathing, kodaking, shopping in Norfolk, taking trips to Virginia Beach, Cape Henry and o.her points, card-playing, bowline, ™tinir. drinking and being merry. Bamboo sliding was another interesting pass time. Tin- w»« en especially popular feature with two of our girls, to much to that the other girls gave them free rides for the fun of suing them come down on the rough side. While naming the other pie isu.es, wc- forgot to mention sleeping, hu; since we did l< - of that than anything •'••. 'tis almost useless to add it.
The m itto 1 E «r part? -as this. "L 1 us live as I '• as possible lay we are here' \V.' think his 10I »' success fu! yc irri I ou r 1 ac! d 3 ;, . ... -,:.,,•' il ': •
ing. •' • '• ' • ou'. of I ! ' pluti ; ' • • one .:. :, relui '.:,.•'• easy ' ': ,;' '' 'v
cor . ' v'' ' ' ' the • 11 I • ' spaci 1 porch of the U C ttag • '
The directors of The Home. Building and Loan association.of doing. Friday at the Star held their monthly meeting on: warehouse he sold for J. b. Buck Wednesday afternoon, ar.d trans- j 130 rounds at $9. 52 at $22, 28 at acted routine business. N. G. $16.50. 90 at $13. an average of White, secretary and treasurer, j $13 15. If you want the best tendered his resignation and', prices t?ke your tobacco to Fox- asked to be relieved of the du- j hall at the Star branch of the ties of the office by Thursday af-1 Farmers Consolidated Tobacco ternoon. The president, H. A. <-^). White, was authorized to per- form the duties of secretary and treasurer until next meeting of the directors when an election
An Old Gourd. Mr. B. F. Tugwell, of Farm-
villa township, has an old gourd will be held. The affairs of the! which he says belonged to his association are in perfect condi-! people through several genera- tion and stockholders will cor.tin-, tions. covering a period ol" more uetopay their weekly dues at than a hundred years. The the office of the pre.-ident unti gourd is remarkaole in size, as it another secretary is elected. will hold live pecks. Mr. Tug- . well says he recently placed a It Can't Be Ecat 3-year-oid girl in tne gourd and
Thehertofallteschoraisexpsrle-c.. it was large enough U> hide her C. M. Harden, of SUv-r Ciij, Xonh when she sat down in It. ian.li.ia. ay.-: ' 1 lind that Ele trie Bitters does all that's claimed for .'.. . For Stomach, Liver aad kidney tr..u - You arc liable Jo an attack pi some las it cant be beat. 1 have tried it form of tiowel Complaint and smwu and Brd it a most exeallen. medieii .?.• ,„uv ide yoursett with the aest Hr. Harden is right: it's UM best of all itemed) l»r c«ib Arnows meoicineB sJso for weakness. i..:.;v' •*.:>' nuited toy J L Wootan Lack, an I all run oown eonditi-ns. Best I wo for chilli and malaria Suli old und r jtiar«ntee at J, I.. Wootens 'flu picnic. irag store, w-c. A party of about twenty-uve
Caeap Tbee Day EXCOSMB to Norfolk, went down on the Eagle, to ,,.,.'. .- . ttend the , cnic at iankee ( Ll -I":: :i . Aug. 1 :«' ..,.«, 1 ... , 1 , . .- . n
Ulantic Coast Lin II >ril 1 •. ^ HiOMdnjr. ' ' • ;- . to Norfolk ::r.d r - cam iwck w« II iieii
. •!• . Hue tl i-.i' ' •• ier and ire b •• ' il dinnei '''. ' •' :.- . rer u 11 serv. 1 the
Pres. and Gen. It'gr.
T M HOOKER Secretarv.
W E BOOKSS Tr.'iifunr.
The John Flanagan Buggy Go. Organized in 1866, reonran;z. .1 ai .1 iMo-Tcn. ted in 1<K)1 with H ithonze i •• pirel .if s">" U I'.
Manufacturers oi Hiy;h '••:.<'
- 1I1 1 . .. .'.- guiar ti in 1 M»r O!K up t«, and 1 .
.I . . . . d; fi .. • '_'. V. 1 1 •.• . ..... ••. Gr S2.7-r)
11 ; uives :n
. . • I mai i in the 1
.,- ; . .. :
_u: (. 1 • 1 ; • - "•->• " ,; • • Wedi esdi , the 2! be ready for the eai train Thursday. How A-e awokt 1 ' found a storm al sea, we deci ! d then jou:.i ii"' •• Uertimi
... •...•• -. 1 ' porl unttv 1 : ... iar.nl .'
vi' . " " atu 0 II loh I.. '•'' 1 ' .. , . i • very eni-ap »-.'.». |
Eseapet fr n New Bei 1 sail.

. -.
........ K-. stine and1
• ire. in the
1 were ergon
, rl ill, i ..
. Va,; Line I oth Jci,
Bethel. Mess, s 11 irvs> Rober 0 , Hobersonville, Clifl m StanciH. Washington, Judson and Marvin Blount, w. J. Roberson, J. D. Bryan. Walter Barnhill, Bethel. Howard Hussev. Tarlroro, J. D. McColm. Huntington. W. Va.: W. J. Mayo. Chas. Cobb, and Leslie Thigpen. Conetoe, and W. R. Percival. Petersburg. Va.
to see our Mowtnig 1 lU'lum ..ii stock, also R t:ili line of Serrici
i;. ui • 11 •• •..: ry :. pairs ui- our Machines only, which is tli I tering. ["here is none : •
-At 8:30 Arg-
tlu>' always give pertect sutisl' I wo i!<! alsti call vou attenti 11 I ur .
\V e
Wi ire P fenci is A CAR LOAD JUST ARRIV :'-'
We carry the best quality only ol I inn
. ' : I'S.r
K« I
Cement and kee|>:i stock on ham mind that Baker .v Hart's i-< the place to bus
I it :
Chills, Fever and Milan:, raffereri can no obtain Wood's Liver Medicine in liiiui.l form. Kegulate." the liver, KIU- neys and bladder, relieves biliousness. sick headache-constipation, fatigue and IB .veakness. it's tonic effect oil tl.e en- J, tire system is felt with the tirst doses »leasant to take. Clears the comp ex- ion quickly. $1 bottle contains 2 1-- times the quantity of the 5 c size.
Greenville Boy to Wed in Florida.
Friends here at the home of Mr. Jarvis have received the fol- lowing invitation;
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Tyre request the honor of your
presence at the marriage of their daughter
Murray Wilda to
Mr. Richard Bronson Jarvis on Wednesday evening,
the nineteenth of August nineteen hundred and eight at half after eight o'clock
Lakeland, Florida.
full assortment always in stock to choost trom Quality the highest, in fact there i- none bet- ter, it being guaranteed 100 per cent, pure ,
It you wish to build it is to your intere to see ut as we are in position to look aftei vour every need. Don't target that our line of General Hardware is kept complete with the very best quality ot goods. We can nil
en • .. v "•;
:. - . of
': til your orders from a box of tax to a car load o-' 111 minister I
1 . A •
Baker & Hart. pjsjpsfssssj 1111 iisiiisMiiiiu Mim m 1 1
tia 1 ch '-'• '•'• 01 ivins'.i . • . .. • •
H L CAR 1* -:-,
thcAyd 'ii l;ur.-!t I '<' vittdtoatc nd t that I j * tim^. Ad ,- ;~ expected. 1 • niorai '>< '• • will be . . at ten tl ;
, .
' I
Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days trial $1 Guaranteed. Pineules act di- rectly on the Kidneys und bring relief in the first doae to backache, weak back, lame back, rheumatic pains, Kid- ney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and iuvlgorate the entire sys- tem. John L. Wooten.
General Hardware Sole Agent for
Devoes Lead and Zinc Paint, Jewel Stoves and Manges. Syracuse farm Implemouts Gant's fertilizer sower
Keen-Kutter Edge Tools.
to an.l from the churcl Ther will be ample dinner foi all.
\V. G. Walker.
f he Remedy That Docs.
"Or Kins'-'' Now Discovery is the remedy that does tli • healing others I romi-0 but fail I" perform. SSysHH K it. Pbtrson, of Auburn Centre, 1... It i« curing me of throat und Inn.' trouble of long stindinu, that other tr.atmen'.s relieved only temporally. New discovery is doing me so much Kood that 1 frel confident that Us co..- linued DSI for a reasonable length ol time will restore me to perfoct health. 1 hi» renowned cough and COM 'cnic.y and throat and 'ung hsaler 11 SOW at J. 1.. Woten's drug store. MM.WMSI.W, '1 rial bottle free.
: • ; .: ... the : bacon rr.a I: -' tY re '. . : : I n • :. . ' a tli 'Upbuildii gof A; A tr. rig factor that will n nki | il ;i 1 act PS is the ."r:i".-: ;-:.|- t por: : • b isin "• n of the c mm . :'y ere giving it. 1"U , can hi ir - ry •!* of thorn (
talking and working for tin- • mark.-: Sacha s|.i-'. ' f ci-np eratton and communitv p id. is the makli goi a town.
1, a
Ii civ.
i;.. ill ,. • '• Mi ea-« ' .' • KM. >. : • " IV 1.1 ; t.'f ih' a»tat« •( i •
me H'.IM ui ded pkasure to hlt.tl t' M '; '" recommend Buck lens Xr.-.i a f->ive." trotor vll' • !«•«•< says J. W. Jenkins. ->f Chapal Hill, N. date, or th « noilci C. "1 am t on vino d ii a he 'ie»t bar.fthi- r cova-y. salve th world sffo-di.. It cured .1 All pel o-s 1- l.-d W aatd c" 1 le fel n 1 -. "v tin.mi., an 1 it nevei fall' wnl p'o senake inuo- ''its numni . to heal ovary «ore. burn or wound 10 Th stbsTUt Cm "1 Jww «*J rhich it ie app'iea. 8k. at Wootm'i V. M. ;mo .., A. .... ,. t t, drUB store V. O. Jan.»s. Alty.
1 . . ... ale .. Pitt 1, thi >« i" no >
• »• 1 ill- ;.g iil!4t '.,' ..,-. >'.,?. •*! ui ex
i • i>il :r'iii'ms- y tu.tri the
will 1 e j.-. B led in
E.tered a, second ciM » matter Jan. 4. 1907 at the postoffice at GreenviUe. N C und«.r Actof Congress of March 3, 1879
2mth in §utmw to ffrtifm
Resident North Carolinians! Get your thinking cap on anil
and descendants of North Cam- haw some suggest ions for the
linians in Indiana, are to hold a I betterment of the community
reunion at Fairmount, in that
this month. Mr. G. S. Brad-
thaw, of Qreenaboro, has beea
invited to attend and deliver an
is unable t<> see the matter of
the State corporation commission
allowing telephone companies t..
sages the same as for day mes-
sages, in the same light as it i<
viewed by some of its exchanges.
The Raleigh News and Observer,
for instance, denounces the rill-
ing as "arbitrary, unjust and
unreasonable." We have never
a telephone or telegraph message
Lincoln refuse to make any re-
duction in rates on account of
the .•oming Bryan notification
they go to vote for president in
November. You can readily see
which party the railroads look
to for special favors. ♦
subject just at this time, but
business and progress are of far
more importance. It is all right should be sent at a cheaper rate lu g-ve consideration to the first.
at night than during the day.
when it requires just as much
service and expense to transmit
one as the other. We have been
a telegraph operator for twenty
five yean1 and know that it is
just a- much trouble and re- quin - jusl a- much labor to han-
dle a night message as a day
message, and we take it tor|
for it is the duty of every citizen
to be interested in the selection
of g 1 men to lill offices of trust
and responsibility, but the im-
portant matter of progress should
not be neglected. Don't lose
your head over politics, bul be
moderate about it. Sol much
lepends un whether tins man or
Along about the close . I" the recent Democratic primary con*
ready to take with you to the „.,, j„ t|,is State, there was
meeting of the Ohamberof Oom-
mere* Thursday night.
much talk about the expenditure of money by the candidates and their lieutenants. It was claim- ed that Home had spent tfi.OOO
[that man shall get an office, hut granted that the same is true in| fa ^ depeuJ M |inU mv
the matter of telephone n",s-, gtani, together and work together lep
sages. If the companies can af-
ford to -end messages at a cer-
tain rate at night, i1 look- to us
lik.' they can afford to give just
as low a rau- in the day time.
[1 , i.:- to us thai it would
i . equally as reasonable to say
that railroad and street car lines
ihould carry passengers at a low-
tor prosperity and progress. Pitt
i-ounty is on the upward march
and we should keep her going
The Tarboro Southerner says
town, will visit Greenville one
day the latter part of this week
to inspect our paved streets with
a view of having paving
done in Tarhoro. The paving
done in Greenville is giving the
town some good advertising.
The national campaign com-
it selected .losephus Daniels, of
the Kaleigli News and Observer,
to be at the head of its publicity
department. Another good se-
in the literary work. •
Aspirants for county offices
have but one week more ill
which to register with the coun-
ty chairman. Those who fail to
register by the night of the lath
cannot be voted Cor in the pri-
mary on the 30th. •
negro twenty live years ago. the
mar. was said to he crazy at the
time of committing the murder,
ami for several years since was
the inmate of an asylum. Such
a trial look- like a useless waste
of the county's money.
communication t appear prompt l,,,,,,,,.,, byglviogthe exact ug-
ly. We will get them all print- (,„.,.„ Lt now develops that the
ed as fast as opportunity will j entire campaign expenses of
ceived so ...any communications h)eh T|ie (,|irimi,.1(. quick|, ex.
that all could not appear prompt-1 ..ed br«!lviu«the exact fig-
Really it would be no discredit
to the State for the salary of the
governor to be higher, but we
lo not want to see it raised just
to reimburse the candidates for
wha. they spend trying to get it
Shake Into Your Shoes Aden's Foo'-Eaae, a powder. Relieves
painfu1, smar ing. rervous foot and ingrowing nails, and inatantty takes the •ting out of corns and bunions. It. s the greatest comfort diacovery of the age -lien's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain euie for sweating, callons, swollen, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. By mail for 26c. in stamps Don t accept any substitute. Trial package tree Address Allen S. Olmsted. LcRoy. N. Y
tsmamaimxn Stsajmns—saaj w»M»w%WM*tw*WMtM«WMMM4 SOIL SURVEY.
poisoir Pains, Can--
cer. Scaly 80, ' fiislei
Ashley Home amounted, all tol to 118,000. Mr. Kitchin claims that his campaign expenses to- taled $14,000. Mr. Graff's fig- ures have not i eon learned but were probably between the two above named. The Chronicle gives the facts to silence the] ^e wiij Knj sample showing: wild talk that has been indulged . how B. B. B. Cures above Trouble*
iin chiefly by Republican pa-,also Eczema and Rheumatism.
more lynehiuga new. There is .10 denial of the For twentymo years Botanic Mood fact that the campaign cost too much money, but it is a satis-
er rate by night than they do by I i#e n|. [n.,,[l[l. „„« connected
dav. as to say that teh phoiu si witl i; to the inter* if t!u
Greenville t< bacco market. Thi
ai ihe meet iiij. ol I n
should give lower rates fi r night
service. In most lines oi occu-
pation, especially where service
i- regulated by laber unions.|o, ,.,,„,,„.,-,.,. the scale of wages for night work L,,,, |t ,, , , is higher than for day work.
ix physician visits a patient
The Durham Herald thinks it
would be about as reasonable cf
the Democrats to claim that they
can cany Pennsylvania as for
Since SOllll
having much to say in denoun-
cing them. The way to stop
lynching- is to lust stop the
cause that leads to them.
one township in Buncombe
for road improvements. That
tor nothing ludps like good
he running, but on the night of
the30th many will find that they
ran too slow. We wish you all
could win. gentleman, but yon
can't do it.
journeyed to Oyster Hay to cal
on the president, bul he refused
them an audience, No doubt
they dubbed him "the mean old
Oxford doctor for killinga near*
r or tWVHH'U*W f »•-- . Halni (B. B. B.) has baen curing yearly thousands of sufferers irom Primary. Secondary or Tert'ary Blood Poison tndall forms ot Blood Disease. We
faction to be able to Iteiiy, nj an . M,iicitthe mosi obstina'e cases to-- B. exhibition of figures, the Hj^aStfJl 0
the electorate [' . charges that jure. »i»i i "treatment and still have aches ana l t.„.„i .l,.l.uicbcd The small pains in bones, hack or joints, Kheu- liad been .lel.au. IK it. i »"»» ! '„,„,,.,„, Mucu8 inches ii. mouth, *ore
XcesS Of Home's expenditure , ,|,roat, Pimples, Cop: er-Oolored Spots '-- • Ulcsri on any part of the body, Baying
Sere-, are run down or -ervous. Hair or eyebrows fulling out, take H. B. B. It kills the pni-cn. makes the blood
over Kitchin and Craig is due to the fact that lie vas not a poll* tician—he was a new man—ami Ucian-howa.anow man-am *£&£&&&**** ,Qre and hud to build up a party Ol m!"|con,|)K,te|y changing the entire body own To do this, expenses were I into* dean, heathy co-ditjon. Iteh-
, ' ,.,.,. .„ Hio l»ng humors, Risings or pimples of En entailed which out not o tn< n |cavo lltu-r HIIIHK the poll n
... ... 1.1. _.i ...;.u II l* It way of the organizedcandidat* Ashley Home acquitted himsell handsomely and with honor in
and purifying ths blood with B. p. ». in this wnv a flood ol jure rich blood is sent direct to the skill -urface. the itching Stops forev r and ev.rj humor
i ilors->r»' is hcnlct! and cureil. B11 respects, and 11 ti»' line old BOtONIC BLOOD BALM (B._B._B.) man had come before the people a rear earlier, all opposition to
,,!,! .. a g I topic to consider I the Bepublicans to claim thai
... I s.
The fariiu r- of I'itt county and
I heir wives shoald l>e intersi ted
ay night.
lotte Chronicle. The ligures qm ted bj The
Chronicle in the above are not
at all creditable. It is a reflec-
tion on the |iarty and on 'In-
State that a campaign was con-
ducted in which so much money
was spent to secure a nomination,
Take the winning candidate.,
him $ ll.'s*' to -''• ''"' nomma-
i- pleasant and safe to talk; composed of pure lio.'iiic ingredients. It I'un- lie-i and cii'icnos the blood.
Druggists, si par larga bottle with Di-ections for home cur..
1 Free Blood Cure Cupon g This coupon cut from Orajn- I
ville, N. f. Koflector If pood for i ,„.,. ,..,;-,. , ,m],|o of Bon.nic Hi !; ..in nn.i eii free in p'ain _] puckge. Simpy Mi « >jm f name Bnd address on **tsd M li.es be.ow and mail to BLOOD | R *LM CO, Atlanta Ga.
twenty live"years ago while in-ltion, and he has also stated that
gaue. brought in a verdict of not he had to mortgage his home to|
guilty, as mi|
day v. • ;•!;.
Reflector believes >ii perfect
i- its reason for this expression
of opinion on this subject.
[ i lay tin : ilisher •
t...;t his ! . a 1 yet --i "k close to
ii- original color, In -pile of tiio
numl er of summer suns and «in-
ter winds that have kissed his
brow and fanned his auburn
locks. Qere'i hoping for more
of them.
to be
,ud !.ir.L. numbers of them
. (should be pr-sent. The purpose
,.|' the meeting is to benefit
:. : lariners and their wives, and
u| they should take advantage of it.
raise tin- it Of coll
For Sak—A fine lot of 8. C. Brown Leghorns, standard bred; uu mmoth llrorzo Turkeys and Guineas This is choice breed-
; !,. ,„ore added U. this ing Btoclf, and WOlllChutbl: Mlfl at this s-eason but »r_want or
•_.-t • Cl, I I. and when il is
The man who cannot talk up
ii. own business without run-
ning do\\ n that of somebody else.
m,ist have a poor business to
talk about. •
speeches into talking machines
Mr. Tatt complaining that lie is
-u tired as to need B month's
rest. I. •' him hold on until the
election, then he Will have a
long time to retire into solitude
and rest.
1 -ending them around the|;n ,|,ut light. The
the four yi ar
room. Il-: quick. W- A. ft Hearne. Greenville, N '•• *w
Y.m are liabh to an fttock of song form of Bowel 0 niplamt and should provide yourself with the best known remedy. Dr. Both Arnoldi Balsam Warranted byJ. L. Wootan.
mayor's office, then- will be a
meeting of the Chamber of Com.
merce and every business man
in the community should be
present. The last meeting was
.me that produced results for the
benefit of the town, and the uext|
one will be equally helpful if
the business men determine to
make it such. There never wa<
a time that Greenville needed
more to be active than now. The
tobacco market has just opened,
the fall season is drawing near,
and all should unite in setting
plaus on foot to bring trade this
way. Indifference now means
It is said that one man, llar-
riniaii. raised 1260, I to help
out the campaign fund to elect
Roosevelt four years ago. Over
against this it is said that the
entire national Democratic cam-
•>n a fund of $60,000. Quite a
difference. It shows, of course,
that Roosevelt's election was
elected this year he will be un-
der no obligations to them.
Kinston has decided to muzzle
the dogs, something that towns
usually wait to do until after
somebody is bitten, In the ma jority of towns the authoritie
act like they consider dogs 0
more value than people.
ial candidate- out, they ought to
hustle around and Bnd two more
so as to have enough for a base-
ball nine. •
gun their -peaking campaign,
be plenty tor the people to listen
either of the other candidates
secured the nomination. It is a
pity that the Slate ever had
-uch a campaign.
Wai ted- "tyuty men ot char- acter and aniOltioil, who ci sell things, to Investigate an excep- tional opportunity for realizing
Ion their earning rapacity, w i your scrviwB BM worth n
same con- to !£ a da.,- you should MM can get the nioi.ey. .this 1S a
business notice to business men and will not be interesting to any who do not mean business. Ad- dress W. A- B. Hearne. Box 132. Greenville, N. C. 4 22 d w tf
The railroads reaching Cincin-
sons attending the recent Taft
notification meeting in thatcity,
Mr. V. 0. Moore has been
made circulation manager of the
Charlotte Observer and the other
papers published by The Observ-
er company. This is a good step
for those papers, for Mr. Moore
is so well know over North Caro-
lina that be will add largely to
their circulation.
date Taft as a drawing card at
the coming Kepublican conven-
large telephone booths so that
his corporosity will not get
wedged in.
the comity executive committee
mary on the 29th.
with -urprise marriages. The
the State.
publican nominee for governor,
Mr. Bryan will find nut tomor-
row that he has been nominated
lor president. At leosl thai is
the date of the notification meet-
ing. . .
enough to read.
ey to conduct the national cam-
paign. Now is the time to sub-
town and talk for it and help to
carry it forward, you need not
expect outside people to do so.
Greenville business men
get trade only as they work for
where, from Congressman John
never tires doing something good
for l'itt county.
are going to get left to form a
big consolation society.
tration of candidates for county
offices. Only those w ho are on
the list by next Saturday night can be voted for in the primary.
„ JELL-O OWVPAHED INSTANTLY. Slroply «dJ boil- In* w.l«r. cool »nd »«rv«. Mc. per package ut •ilgrocue. 7B.YOC.. R^uM^laubrtlutcfc
There arc certain nerves that control the action of the heart. When they; become weak, the heart action is impaired. Short breath, pain around heart, choking sensation; palpi- tation, fluttering, feeble or rapid pulse, and other distressing svmptoms fol- low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is a medicine especially adapted to the needs of these nerves and the mus- cular structure of the heart itself. It is a strengthening tonic that brings speedy relief. Try it.
"For years I miffered with WtU I thought »«»» rtomach trouble, jjhen the doctor, told me 1 had heart trouble. I had tried many remedlee, when the Dr. Mllea' almanac cams InVo my hand., and 1 concluded to try Dr. Mile*' Heart Cure. 1 bavj taken three bolllea. and now 1 am not aun>n,w at all. IW™*..*" ii.I:, medicine did It. I write this In the h..,* that lt will SMJWt ftlo* tentlon of o.he^who agft| ,nim.
104 Main St.. Coylnglon, Ky. Your druaolet Milt Or. Mlltf Heart
Cu". ana we authorli. him to rsjurit pries' of flrat bottle (only) If It falls to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
4 - ' \
OUR AYDEN DEPARTMENT, h*»**»**r*-~ IN CHARGE OF J. M. BLOW. ""* *" *" ^ e„
| Washington, N. C , Aug. 6th. Authorized Agent of Tlit-Eastern Reflector for Ayden and vh-inity. Advertising rates furnished ip,. R fl t
«««* mmmmmmmmmmmmm*mm»^*m»mm^»»*m»4»mmmmm*m» il u is extremuly gratifying to be paaaaaaaaaswaa
"Have you planted your gar- den yet?" is the question every one is asking. Woods Seed are the best for the South- You will find all kinds perfectly fresh at Sauls' Drug Store. Don't make the mistake of getting some oth-
er kind The Centre Brick tobacco ware-
house is a certainty. The sky lights have arrived and the work is being puahi d rapidly. It will be run by J. W. Dixon, of Greene county ar.ri W, J. Hooks, of Johnson. Both are up-to-date tobacc > mtn, having had several years experience in the ware- house business. They will open Centre Brick Aug. 25th.
M. M. Sruls makes the best cold drinks that car. be made at the fonntaiu lea cold the year roundi Try one.
Miss Nannie Smith, the invalid daughter of C. J- Smith, died Thursday evening. Her remains were laid to re?t at the old, family l uryinu ground. Rev. T. H. King conducting the funeral aervice.
.Smith Co. & Dixon are running their factory and mills cm full time. General sawing trimming am! repairing of all kinds neatly don-'.
The district meeting of 1.0, 0.
The train Monday evening brought the remains of Curtis Eubanks, who died at the hos- pital in Washington, where he had been for treatment. He had been a sufferer from rheu- matism for a long time. Though his spine was almost doubled yet he served his trade as a sawyer until recently. Amid all of his deformity he was cheerful, and seemed to be contented. He had a great many warm friends in Ayden, and in Greene county, whereehe was born. His remain? were taken to G-eene for enter ment.
The sad news news reached our town Monday evening of the death of Mr. C. F. Harris, near Haddock's X Road. Mr. Harris had been an invalid for quite a while, and about tvvj years ago he lost hia wife and since then he somewhat became demented. He bad for several months made his home with Mrs. Jesse Hardy, his daughter, and Monday whi the men vvfre all in the r>id and his daughter looking after domes- tic affairs, near 12 o'clock Bhe miss i. |;im ;.;.tl foaring a me bad a-'ci;. nt had befallen him he searched the promises, and at last, looking in the lot well, dis- covered his head above the sur-
F. was a grand success, notv. ilh- ] face ol the water. She iu.meiii- itending the inclemency of the lately made an alarm, but when weather- Al'ler the usual rou>|neighbors came he was dead.
tine of business, a banquet waa; Mr. Harris was a good farmei jpoun<iB of comb honey.
TO SHIP HONEY BY THE CARLOAD able to announce that arrange
ments have finally been perfect- YaJuma Valley Ideal Place for Bee
The press dispatch g.ven be- low attracted our attention, and we reproduce it here to show how the Western farmers, by giving attention to small indus- tries, make so much money out of their avocation. Ten car loads of honey is something to think about, and when the small ex- pense attached to producing it is taken into consideration, th? profit connected with it can be realized. There is hardly a bet- ter place for honey raising than Eastern North Carolina, and our farmers miss much by not turn- ing to industries of this kind. Here is the dispatch refeired to:
North Yakima, Wash., Aug. 6. —From present indications there will shipped out of this city, before the end of the season, in -he neighborhood of ten carloads i f honey. Besides this, large quantitea of honey are produced for consumption here and in the neighboring towns. Jesse \V. Thornton, who has 200 colonies • f beea, says tha season is at its height and the prospects for a great honey yield are excellent. Mo t. of hia hives are kept in valleys n..-ar the city where the alfalfa is now in bloom, and each
j hive will yield a surplus of 5U
r ' Bpread at the Carolina hotel, and brick mason in his young! which was a much erjoyed feast, days.
i.e • fire
In-- . . ;iiz yine:i
iou whi find :• j-ice coffins and caskets on : ' I m J. R. Smith Co, & Dix-rs. Oui
Evt ry day fei ma li: .•:' • rday « u to our merchants ai-d burinem lh men since (he toh.-r i:;- s!;et bu: .,.••
opened here on the •'•'•• The b:'. :e.• •' 1; Ayden house sold > •• • 17,000 ii - ic.'.o\ pounds the first dav, J2 000'>.irU by 6: Thursday and near 10 o ; .'iu; y. I Our managers and bu. . a:fl all '- "'••' '•«• hustlers, andcleverm «, an i w . > > ~':
can now see what w Ut-iM
AN EVENING OF PLEASURE ;'.p.?n wss KKenthiaj
..,- 1 o'clock, flissc* Susit and Myrtle Warren Ea> • : nd !'.• '.:i.'..nire i tertain.
1 al• " r" i:v' '- ' ''" '. ii. ported for The Redact *, '::,; ''- ' " ,'.:i" ' One of the most ( r j ly ble oc-
• sfi-'t " casions of the season was on :-... u-.-: ior a Tuesday evening, August the
1 '»«' ''-'•' '' rii,ohvenlh, when Miss s Susie ai.d •'' n'\ ''- :' bc M[yrt!e Warren entertained most
'"".charmingly at a porch and lawi ' • "• ''"party at their home on T
.- le.lyoi.yd.iii [Btreet>
losing, lo. these many ; .*... John David Jones, ct Greeue|
county, lias accepted B position as salesman ii !l:G large depart- ment itore of J. .1. i-ivntli Co.
Mrs. I. na I nvi port, of Bcrky Mount, in visiting her parents, Mr. asd Mr,,. W. H. Harris.
n- C. Urine : Suiidiy with
family . i. spent Sund'iy with relatives in Greene county.
Dr. J. C. CalJwell wont to Grif-
The guests were mot at door by the .Misses Warren and i
ed by which the bureau of soils of the United States department of agriculture, in co-operation with our State department of agriculture, will make a soil sur- vey of the whole of Pitt county, the work to begin not later than April 1st, 1909.
This important piece of work has been discussed by intelligent farmers of Pitt