oil production stages

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  • 7/29/2019 Oil Production Stages


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  • 7/29/2019 Oil Production Stages


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    Three principal business lines:

    1. Reservoir Description

    2. Production Enhancement

    3. Reservoir Management

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    Presentation Walk-away Points:

    1. How a Reservoir Actually Works

    2. The Decline Curve Will Always Win

    3. Cores Differentiating Technologies

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    Our services and products focus on maximizingproduction rates and ultimate reserves to maximize ourclients return on their investments..

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    Core Lab targets the more stable, less volatile,production and production enhancement component

    of the oil companies budget.

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    Primary Business Drivers1. Reservoir Description:

    International & Oil Focus

    2. Production Enhancement:North America & Natural Gas Focus

    3. Reservoir Management:Global Focus

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    Life of a Reservoir

    Expanded View of the Reservoir Note that the sandgrains are coated with a thin layer of water called awater wet reservoir. The oil flows over that thin layer ofwater, and in this condition, preferentially wants to

    produce hydrocarbons.

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    Life of a Reservoir

    Initial production phase in many cases, oil moves to thewell bore due to expansion of the gas cap from above theoil zone along with a water drive mechanism from below.

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    Life of a Reservoir

    Early production phase The gas cap expands while theencroaching water provides additional drive during thisphase creating optimum natural flow rates. The GOR

    gas-to-oil ratio begins to increase in this phase.

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    Life of a Reservoir

    Aging reservoir phase The oil zone is becomingdepleted through production. The gas cap has expandedalmost to its fullest extent while water has encroachedinto the production flows. The gas-to-oil ratio is at its


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    Life of a Reservoir

    Abandonment phase virtually no further oil productionand limited gas production.

    Note that the sand grains are now coated with a thin

    layer of oil called an oil wet reservoir. Now thetendency of the reservoir is to flow increasing amounts ofwater over the oil coated sand grains leading to the

    ultimate demise of the field.

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    The Decline Curve

    Every field has a decline curve Production is greateston initial flow and as pressure in the field decreases,production begins to decline.

    Expected decline curves can be developed to assist theoperator in planning how best to utilize technologies thatare designed to increase the initial production rates aswell as to lift and/or flatten the curve the purpose maximize cumulative production under the curve.

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    The Decline Curve

    As fields age, production rates of oil and natural gasdecline but oftentimes in conjunction with everincreasing volumes of water. If improperly produced, thisincreasing water production begins replacing theproduction of hydrocarbons over time the field willbegin producing nothing but water. Produced water hasno economic value to the operator and must be dealt within an environmentally-friendly manner by the operator all at a cost.

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    The Decline Curve

    Core Lab provides services through its three operatingsegments at points all along the decline curve:

    Reservoir Description Production Enhancement Reservoir Management

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    Reservoir Description

    Our first business unit Reservoir Description analyzesactual reservoir rocks and fluids to provide data sets thataccurately characterize the reservoir.

    These precise measurements create the base truth

    from which to build the fields reservoir optimizationmodel. These measurements are invaluable in order todetermine probable versus proven reserves in-place.

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    Leaders in rock property analysis

    from the traditional perspective to

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    the most advanced.

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    Analyses of reservoir fluid properties gaining importanceas the fluids (e.g. oil and gas) are indeed the economicdriver in the reservoir.

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    Production EnhancementOur next business unit Production Enhancement provides

    products and services designed to minimize formation damage

    and maximize production flow rates.

    The Goal - optimizing reservoir value.

    Following is a case study of the application of our services andproducts aimed at enhancing production

    Our new line of HEROTM charges and gun systems.

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    Production Enhancement

    High Efficiency Reservoir Optimization charges and gunsystems our new line called HEROTM.

    These products are designed to minimize damage to theformation while providing maximum penetration into the

    producing zone.

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    Production Enhancement

    The HEROTM charge is designed to create EffectiveCommunication with the producing zone by creating aflow channel well beyond any damaged zone in the nearwell-bore environment.

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    Reservoir Management

    Our third unit Reservoir Management focuses onleveraging the knowledge gained from the data sets wecreated in our Reservoir Description unit along with ourProduction Enhancement projects to solve reservoir-wideissues which a client may have.

    Our integrated approach is designed to help clients solvewide ranging production problems they may be incurring.

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    Reservoir Management

    Maximizing production and recoverables oftentimes canbe increased by designing and implementing a fieldflood. Effective field floods can be done using water asthe flooding agent, or even by using carbon dioxide ornitrogen.

    Under laboratory conditions, simulating reservoir

    temperatures and pressures, we can design optimumfield floods.

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    Reservoir Management

    After a field flood is designed, we can monitor theprogress of the flood and analyze the results through ourinter-well diagnostics.

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    Reservoir ManagementBased on the results of our inter-well analysis, we can makerecommendations on how to improve the results of the flood.Recommendations designed to increase incremental productioncan range from changing the flooding agent, the rate of injection ofthose agents, the location of the injector wells, or perhaps, thelocation of new producing wells.

    In this example, previously undetectable faults were found to bestopping the flood from making a complete sweep through the field.Recommendations were made to change the location of severalinjector wells to enhance recoverables.

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    Our operating margins have continued to expandas we have been able to develop new technologies- which we then strive to offer our clientsthroughout our existing international platform.These three growth strategies have been essentialingredients to our improving performance.

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    Global distribution system;

    70 offices in 50 countries.

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