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Una breve presentacion para exponer acerca de todos los proyectos de perforacion realizados en el gestion 2014


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www.sinopecgroup.com.cn Y.P.F.B. CORPORATION

YPFB-Corporation (YPFB), established on December 21st, 1936, is a corporation based in La Paz, Bolivia.

Refunded as a Corporation on May 1st, 2006

The Supreme Decree no. 28701 "HEROES OF THE CHACO"

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn REPSOL BOLIVIA S.A.

Repsol Bolivia SA has activities in exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

Repsol E & P Bolivia SA, operates fields in the departments of Tarija, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz

Between 2010 and 2013 the Margarita-Huacaya project development an increase the gas processing capacity from 2.3 million cubic meters per day to 15 million in October 2013.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn Drilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn PETROBRAS BOLIVIA S.A.

Founded in 1995, Petrobras Bolivia began operations effectively, in mid-1996.

Activities in Bolivia include currently exploration and production of hydrocarbons and, until July 2014, engaged in pipeline transportation.

Petrobras Bolivia SA has activities in in three. gas Mega fields San Alberto, San Antonio and Ita, located in the department of Tarija,

Rio Grande plant where is part of the transport systems of natural gas to Brazil is operating.

Contract GSA (Gas Supply Agreement). The agreement establishes the purchase of a maximum volume of 30 million cubic meters per day until 2019.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn Drilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn YPFB CHACO S.A.

YPFB Chaco SA, a subsidiary of YPFB Corporation

Central Electric Company Bulo Bulo SA in the province Carrasco, CochabambaThe surface operated directly by Chaco where exploration and exploitation takes place has a total area of 144,425 hectares

Cochabamba: The Bulo Bulo, Carrasco, Carrasco Footwall, Carrasco East, North Kanata, Kanata and fields.Santa Cruz: Dorado, Dorado South, Montecristo, Humberto Roca Suarez, Los Cusis, Patujusal, Patujusal West, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa West, Northwest Dorado Jacks Junn and fields.Chuquisaca: Vuelta Grande field.Tarija: San Roque field.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn Drilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn YPFB ANDINA S.A.

YPFB Andina SA is a subsidiary of YPFB Corporation engaged in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons the company is majority owner of the San Antonio and San Alberto Fields, which together contribute for approximately 60% of natural gas production in the country. In 1997, the Company began operations as Oil Company Andina SAArroyo Negro ,Boquern Field ,Cascabel Field ,Cobra Field ,Sirari Field ,Vbora Field ,Yapacan Field ,Ro Grande Field,La Pea-Tundy Field,Camiri Field ,Guairuy Field,Patuj Field.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn Drilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn YPFB PETROANDINA S.A.M.Petroandina SAM is formed by YPFB (YPFB), in society with Petrleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA).An agreement signed between Bolivia and Venezuela, on August 9th, 2007, Which YPFB will assign one or more areas in favor of YPFB Petroandina SAM for prospecting and exploration.activities in exploration and exploitation Dispose Chispani area with 755.209.62 hectares in the Zone 19 located between the departments of Beni, La Paz.Cochabamba, comprising the provinces Moxos, Sud Yungas, Inquisivi, Ayopaya and Chapare.Lliquimuni an area of 675,000 hectares, also in the Zone 19 as nontraditional area located in La Paz, provinces Franz Tamayo, Larecaja, Caranavi and Sud Yungas.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnDrilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnTOTAL E&P BOLIVIE

The Total Group was established in 1924The country group Total in Bolivia began operating in 1994 by Total E & P Bolivie in exploration and production of hydrocarbons.Total E & P Bolivie considered fundamental priority safety of its operations, health of people, preservation of the environment and customer satisfactionTotal E & P Bolivie considered fundamental priority safety of its operations, health of people, preservation of the environment and customer satisfactionOperator in Ipati and Aquio blocks (Incahuasi and Aquio Fields),Participates as non-operator partner in the blocks XX Tarija West ( Ita Field), San Alberto (San Alberto Field), San Antonio ( Sabalo Field ) and Rio Hondo.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnDrilling Projects in Development

www.sinopecgroup.com.cn PLUSPETROL BOLIVIA

Plus petrol Bolivia Corporation SA began operations in Bolivia in October 1990 in the Bermejo AreaIn 1997 as a result of request of Free Areas Exploration, Pluspetrol nominated, and won with 100% participation, 6 exploration blocks: Yacuiba, O'Connor, Entre Rios, Rio Seco, Arenales and San Isidrosigned 2 operation contracts with YPFB. That Operating Agreement called "Tacobo and Other" includes the following fields: 1) Yacuiba, Golf Madrejones Bolivian 2) Rio Seco Rio Campo Seco, 3) O'Connor-Huayco, Golf Huayco, 4) San Isidro, Tacobo and Tajibo Fields. This contract has duration of 31 years and became effective on May 2nd, 2007.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnCONCLUSIONS YPFB Corporation since Decree 28701 "Hroes del Chaco" issued by President Evo Morales on May 1st, 2006 is the holder in all areas of exploration, and production of hydrocarbons.

YPFB Corporation signed new operating contracts with oil companies to comply with Supreme Decree 28701 which highlights companies YPFB Chaco, YPFB Andina, REPSOL BOLIVIA SA, PETROBRAS BOLIVIA, TOTAL E & P BOLIVIE, PLUSPETROL BOLIVIA, PETROANDINA SAM.

PETROANDINA S.A.M. It is a Company formed between Venezuela and Bolivia which aims to strengthen the exploration activities in the north of La Paz in non-traditional areas.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnYPFB Chaco is characterized by a strong company in the exploration area having direct operation in 4 Departments with hydrocarbon potential of Bolivia.

Repsol Bolivia SA with the drilling of Margarita Margarita 7 and Margarita 8, it will invest $165 MM to complete an investment of $ 1,100 million in Margarita and Huacaya.

Each company has its own working policies for efficient work and also meet security policies and social responsibility to the communities and environment where they perform their respective operations.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnDrilling planned for each project drilling and completion of this stage vary mostly due to problems that may arise or auxiliary operations which must be performed due to operational problems that may manifest.

The operating companies employ drilling service companies for example SINOPEC, SAN ANTONIO, PETREX, etc. This really makes the drilling with appropriate equipment and prepared for respective area for the geological and geographical difference in every project.

The equipment used by service firms varies according to the geological characteristics obtained by conducted studies that are essential for the selection of such equipment.

www.sinopecgroup.com.cnIn each drilling project operating company hired many services for the drilling of a well such as: geological monitoring services, cementing services, power supply, control, drilling mud, etc.

The nomination of each well was performed in accordance with the initials of the name of the area and the activity of the well.
