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  • Copyright 1977 by Publishing Corporation of America Advertisement^

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    Rules isAny Or Experience $145,000

    By John Whitehead. Special Features Writer(Canton, OH) The secret to making a

    quick fortune in America has been reducedto a simple 7 step system by an entrepreneurfrom Canton, Ohio. It requires little or nomoney, a minimum of time and no elaborateplant or equipment. In fact, you can do it in\ s MM "i I ' 1 ' * * r > ' * Mi U n*M . > V / v J , . _ V i * . t. S . _ 1 . 1 - % . . *. *

    There are hundreds of rags to richesstories each year in America. However, thisone very unique.

    Most successful get rich ventures werespin-offs of a former business or occupation.Or, someone was in the right place at theright time. You don't usually find a guygetting rich who was working for a bigcompany, had nomonex. had no experience

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    and did not even know w here he was going tostart. You also don't find many peoplemaking this much money this quick.

    I he man who did it is Ben Sware? who is areal, living, breathing human being living inCanton, Ohio, the Pro Football Haii ofFame city.

    As vou fiv into this medium si/ed rMidwestern town vou can see that it's a


    compact community surrounded byfarmland. As vou drive from Akron-Canton


    Airport on the 1-77 Freeway into town youcan see the Pro Football Hall of Fame justoff the freeway to the right. The Hall ofFame is situated in a complex which alsohouses the city's biggest high school, a fieldhouse, one of the biggest natatoriums in thenation and one o/ the biggest high schoolfootball stadiums in the country, the 20,000-seat concrete constructed Fawcett Stadium.This is the same stadium where ABCsHumble Howard. Frank Gifford, andDandy Don broadcast the Hail of FameGame each vear.


    Upon arr iving in the neighborhood whereSware/ lives you get the ieeling vou're in thetypical middle class, mid- Americanneighborhood. lt\ quiet, w i t h tree linedstreet and friendly people. Sware/ nevermoved when he got rich but did iix up hishouse like the Taj Mahal.

    His neighbors here in Canton call it amovie script. One of the neighbors inter-viewed had this to say: "// was unbelievable.One day he's driving around in a rusted outW Pontiac station wagon, living in anuncarpeted house that didn't even have acolor T. y.. and struggling to make ends meetlike the rest of us. The next day he's drivingin a brand new Lincoln Mark, a brand newMercury station wagon, a $15 MQ GMCmotorhome, his house is fixed up like apalace

    t and he's traveling all over thecountrv,"

    A close friend of Swarc/s comments:" When he first 'started saving he was going i.'J-* *lmf}*' t *> T - w o l - f * O '"\t ;-iTau^>it .>t uilu iuOit U U U V L ttuv LJ *j iur \w u ivK Oi


    money. 1 quickly wrote it down and afteranalvzine it, the svstem boiled down to a few

    m, *_

    simple rules or steps.You use these steps to assemble what I call

    a Net Profit Generator System or N.P.G.S.for short. That night I stayed up late andassembled N.P.G.S.-l.

    I tested N-P.G.S.-I. It took about 2 weeks.but it failed miserably. But, even though itfailed I could see what made it fail wassomething not that severe. U simply had afew bugs to be worked out. 1 modified thesystem and assembled N.P.G.S. -2. Thesystem multiplies money very rapidly. Themore you multiply the faster you makemonev. 1 wanted to make it fast so I showed


    my system to a local businessman. He liked itand put up a great deal of money to be putinto the rollout of N.P.G.S.-2.

    N.P.G.S.-2 made a significant turnaround in the system and it almost biokeeven. But, it still lost money. N.P.G.S.-3took a lot more time than 1 expected, about 6months, to work out the bugs left in thesystem. But, N.P.G.S.-3 was a successmaking a better than fair amount of money.But, not enough, and hardly enough to payoff the huge debt 1 had incurred by now.However, I could now see the not of cold at

    ^ ^

    the end of the rainbow. I assembled theperfected system, N.P.G.S.-4. There was noquestion that N.P.G.S.-4 could make it big.But, we knew that nothing is totallypredictable. Even so, we did it. We rolled outwith N.P.G.S.-4.

    I still owed a great deal of money from theresearch in developing the prior systems.Again I needed to make the money as fast aspossible so again my businessman put upmore money. If N.P.G.S.-4 failed 1 would beS70.000 in debt and no way to repay.

    QUESTION: That must have been atense moment wailing for the results to comein?

    ANSWER; It was real life drama at itshiehcst intensity.


    It was a muggy mid-August morning w hen! waited for the results to come in. I wouldknow that day if it worked or not.

    The phone rang with the results. I stoodthere with sweaty palms and my heart in mymouth. The news? N.P.G.S. -4 was asmashing success!

    The first rollout paid off all my debts wi thmoney left over.

    QUESTION: Incredible. When didyou start making your first big money foryourself?" ANSWER: Very shortly afterward. 1projected a way to do big rollouts withouthaving to put up any money. My secondrollout of N.P.G.S.-4 netted' my first bigpayday. 1 made S80,OOG clea

    irstwhere. He

    Whilp Hnirip"My system is geared to the working man who is in ihe same situation I was: living from pay to pay, nosavings or assets, working an 8 hour a day job for a big company, no experience, no rich relatives, nothing."

    ' O\ A \0 THER TRIP. " We never had the nnmev for a vacation before, so \\-ere making up for ii by traveling off and on 4 nnmth*ow of ihe year. We've been just about everwherc. " Sware: docs his system in his motor home while his wife. .\:anc\\ drive* andhi.\ i\\t>

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    The money you make is all earned incomewhich is subject to one of the lowest taxbites.QUESTION: Did you say you can make

    big money within days?ANSWER: No, that's an understate-

    ment. You can actually do it within hours insome cases. You can compile a system in anafternoon one day and start having spen-dable money in your hands produced by thesystem the very next morning!

    QUESTION: How much money do youaverage on a system?

    ANSWER: I'd say the average is $200.-000. That's the type 1 usually stick to. Ill tellyou this, doing a system to make $10,000 to520,000 is literally duck soup. 1 have theseavailable all the time but don't even usethem.

    QUESTION: You said you need nospecial talent or experience. Who all candoit?

    ANSWER: Just about anyone. First onspecial iaieni, J really don't know it thaiexists. In my experience I have found peopleare as talented as they think they are. Thebenefit about this system is the mentalanguish and work of creating the systemhas been done. You only need to followdirections. All you need is common sense, asense of pride in your work and the ability tosee a job through to completion. This systemis also perfect for people who are confined athome, such as housewives.

    QUESTION: Whai ar* the odds ofsuccess?

    ANSWER: 1 can't control if a person isgoing to follow instructions properly or

    Rice". It contains the complete step-by-step possesses common sense. BuU can vouch fordetails on how to assemble an N.P.G.S. my system. It's foolproof. And here'ssystem which I finally reduced to just 7 verification of that:

    First, over the past 31/: years 1 havecreated 15 successful Net Profit GeneratorSystems myself. Second, a number ofyears ago I taught one of the earliest andcrudest forms of the system to my brotherand brother-in-law. At that time mybrother was 19 and my brother - in - lawwas 22. They were both in college. Theyhave since created about 5 successful NetProfit Generator Systems and they arealso now both rich. Now, if two collegekids still wet behind the ears can do it,anyone can.

    QUESTION: O.K. So, why do youwant to reveal your system to other peoplewhen it's obvious you're making loads ofmoney with it?

    ANSWER: There arc several reasons.First, the old proverb is true. Everyone likesto brag when they accomplish something;and, Fm no different. Second, I am in theposition now to completely retire. 1 have putall my money into a diversified portfolio ofblue chip investments that no one can touch,including myself. So, Fm protected fromlosing my money myself or someone taking itaway from me. These investments generate acomfortable guaranteed income for life formy family and me.

    So, although doing this system is the nextthing, to retirement, I have often ponderedthe theory that "Money is like anything else,too little of it is bad and too much of it isbad.1' It may sound strange but I th ink thattheory is valid.

    Thirdly, 1 think I can keep everyone fromknowing my secret by only making the bookavailable on a limited, controlled basis.

    QUESTION: Retiring, huh? You're howold?

    ANSWER: Fm 36 years old. But, Fm not5Oiug tO Sii tuGufiu afiU uO uGtuifi^. i uCfcare several non-commercial projects Fvealways wanted to do that I feel will solveseveral specific problems that have plaguedcivilization. That's another reason I amthinking of retiring. These projects willrequire a lot of time. But, if s something I willenjoy doing, and, I will be able to do themwhen I want to.

    QUESTION: How will you make yourbook available on a limited, controlledm A

    ANSWER: Again, I don't want too largeof a percentage of people to know my secret.1 feel it would lower the value and be unfairto those who buy it, although it would behard to saturate this-concept. So, I willsimply limit the number of books to be

    books that wi l l be. 1 have just produced.asmall press run which is available by mailtoday. The book is not in book stores.

    QUESTION: I shudder to ask, how muchdoes a book cost?

    ANSWER: If it was priced at uhat ifsworth, few people could afford it. There's atleast a million dollars* worth of knowledge inthis book. Fm not exaggerating when I say Idon't know of any other book in which a


    person stands to gain and benefit so much.But. I will make it a \ery reasonable price oi520.00. This book is btving distributed for meundei mv control b\ the Publishing Cor-

    w ^

    poration of America.A most interesting interview and I would

    ha>e to call this the book of the century. Forthose who want a copy of the book from thispresent press run, the following informationis provided:

    The book contains over 200 pagescontaining detailed, illustrated instruc-tions on how to set up a Net ProfitGenerator System (N.P.G.S.) completewith all necessary forms. It is writ ten inclear, easy to understand language. Alsoincluded is a diary of how the system uasdeveloped with some very interestingbehind the scenes tales. The amount ofknowledge you pick up about humannature is staggering in this diary.

    To order: I ) Gel a blank piece of paper; 2)At the lop of the paper, print the words "7Steps to Freedom". 3) Print your name andaddress; 4) Mail this along with S20.00 incash, check or money order to PublishingCorporation of America; Dept. f-543 ;4626Cleveland Avenue N.; Canton, Ohio 44767.

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    order immediately, phone in your order asfollows: 1) Dial this TOLL FREE number,N800-321-0888 and ask for operator C543 ;2) Say the words "7 Steps to Freedom"; 3)Give your name and address; 4) Give theoperator one of your following credit cardnumbers: Master Charge or Visa (alsoinclude your Interbank number). Or, if youdon't want to use a credit card, tell theoperator you want it mailed C.O.D.

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    printed. I don't know just yet, how many guarantee.

    V ^

    the clack.Direct any inquiries to (216) 494-4282.

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