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Affordable Qualitative Education; Pursuit of Excellence Ogun Standard Education: A Way Forward Olufemi AWOYEMI, FCA, FIIM, Fiapm CEO ………… Abeokuta, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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Affordable Qualitative Education; Pursuit of Excellence

Ogun Standard Education: A Way Forward

Olufemi AWOYEMI, FCA, FIIM, Fiapm

CEO …………

Abeokuta, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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Dedicated To Dipo FAMAKINWA (1967-2017)

Former Director General of the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) Commission

“Education is an enlightening


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Four things I hope to achieve

Tell a story of our journey as a people to show the difference between “progress by design” vs. “progress by co-incidence” which was a draw back to our development agenda.

Avoid too much data and details in showing how “education inequality is the direct cause of wealth/income inequality” with examples to boot.

Encourage you all to “deploy your imagination rather than memory” to appreciate what is possible and how we can stop the bleeding and re-build the future; and

Offer some closing thoughts on how to take the first steps and provide the “signaling effect” for stakeholders to get on board. (If time permits)

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Words Do Matter….

So does Action!

….permit a short digress

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Obafemi AWOLOWO: The “Benchmark” on Education !

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AWOLOWO: On Free Education and Free Health


“In order to attain to the goals of

economic freedom and prosperity,

Nigeria must do certain things as a

matter of urgency and priority. It must

provide free education (at all levels)

and free health facilities for the

masses of its citizens."

- The People's Republic. 1968

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Words Do Matter….

We must learn to interrogate History - Plans/Action(s)

and understand Context

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1. Education & Government:

Progress by Design vs. Progress by Coincidence

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In the second beginning….

….The CONTEXT By the time Awolowo decided on free Education… beyond ideological

disposition, he was responding to the need to fast track development. Hitherto, the brightest and the best got scholarships to travel, mostly to

UK for further studies and came back as a key component of the evolving civil service/bureaucracy and private sector…mostly professional practice – lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers, military, specialists of all kinds needed to build the new country …

The SW embraced this model which was driven by merit to encourage the

best of the best, with alternates for others – vocational training, City & Guild, RRC etc…

They got funding (not loans) from government to “be educated”…

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Free Education as a development trigger….

The reality dawned and AWOLOWO must have reasoned that we could not continue the quest for knowledge transfer on a scale large enough to rapidly build an economically viable society; post-independence….

To him, it was thus necessary to execute a scheme that would guarantee

mass literacy but more importantly “unleash” the population to deliver on the economic potentials inherent; in a manner where the state could pay for same whilst recovering the cost of investments via:

Future Taxes – personal income tax & corporate tax for entrepreneurs Increased productivity and utilization of resources Labour mobility across country, region, continent and globe Reduce social dev. cost & dependence on state by vulnerable members Reduce incidence of deviancy /social conflicts /cost of safety nets; and Enhance ability to fund new ideas, innovation and infrastructure.

Funding “Free Education” was thus an “Investment” in effect and practice.

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Using the trigger as an aspirational goal to unleash Potential

.Recalibrating the CONTEXT The underpinning philosophy was not a narrow application of “core

competence” or “ideology”; but an economic development pragmatism that understood the extent of the education value chain very early on…

This thinking was implicit in Awolowo’s “My Early Years” book where

he showed an understanding that his “ticket out of a cycle of poverty” was to get a “best-in-class” education – not a certificate per se.

The nexus was equally evident - To break the normalisation of poverty, he

knew that “knowledge was key”. Education was the empowerment needed. The acquisition of knowledge became the key to POWER (development &

governance) and he sought to unbundle this – knowing not everyone would get to the UK. It became the most significant trigger for SW development...

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It made a lot of Sense to include in the Constitution….

With education as the anchor for shaping progress; regional

competitiveness was unleashed across homes and communities with an unprecedented fervour which guaranteed the manpower needed to build an economic power house….. The evidence remains till today….

The unspoken masterstroke however was how education at all levels

became the vanguard of the SW cultural orientation and the values the people held dear beyond the economic and monetary advancements that ensued. That was then.

It was not therefore a surprise (discounting politics) for Nigeria to later on

adopt “Free Education” in the CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA (1999) Chapter II – Section 18 .

..and later in the National Policy on Education; adopted and signposted by

the Ogun State Education Law Cap 35.

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Somewhere along the way, we forgot about the NATURAL INTENT

..Beyond losing CONTEXT, we lost the value chain and social anchor!

Whilst it was a right as stipulated in the Constitution under the

referred to chapter II of the CFRN 1999 in sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 under the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of the State Policy of the economic, social and cultural rights, otherwise referred to as Policy Directives Rights.

It is however non-justiciable by virtue of section 6 (6) (c) of the same

constitution ….. Stated that the government (c) Shall not, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, extend to any issue or question as to whether any act or omission by any authority or person or as to whether any law or any judicial decision is in conformity with the fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy set out in chapter II of this Constitution.

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Somewhere Along the Line we forgot about the NATURAL INTENT

..The CONTEXT was lost and the design became a coincidence!

Citizens unfortunately cannot obtain redress from the courts if denied

the socio-economic, developmental and other rights provided for in Chapter II of the same constitution.

Current thinking challenges this however as opined by the former Chief

Judge of India (Blagnati 1988) at an all-judges colloquium held in Bangalore …human rights depend fundamentally on right to life and personal liberty

which is a core human right. The right to life is not confined merely to physical existence but it includes also the right to live with basic

human dignity, with the basic necessities of life such as food, health, education, shelter etc…

The Nigerian Constitution (as is) however remains a formidable

impediment to education as a tool for socio-economic development. How?

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Purpose, Value and Intent is sacrificed on the alter of “Politics”

..Someone forgot the CONTEXT and it soon became a political game!

Ours is a federal constitution with power sharing arrangements among the

three (3) tiers of government. Education happens to be on the concurrent list with both the federal &

state governments sharing responsibility for regulation, policy formulation and implementation. Innovation thus became a matter of consensus!!!

Further, arising from the S18 provisions in the constitution; the state

government is enjoined to provide free education at all levels with a caveat to wit:

“Government shall as and when practicable provide free, compulsory and universal primary education; free secondary education; free university

education; and free adult literacy programme”.

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Fast Forward…

The STATE of EDUCATION in today’s Context

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“Ogun State Institutions at every level; that used

to be the pride of all have been reduced to

centres where ignorance rather than knowledge

is being dished out. Institutions named after

illustrious sons of the state have become an

embarrassment to their memory rather than a

tribute. Most programmes of the state’s higher

institutions have lost accreditation in the last few

years, putting the future of the students at

jeopardy. Worse still, even the semblance of

knowledge being imparted at the institutions is

being corroded by lack of values and character”

- Ogun State Govt website

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“Teachers that are pivots and central to teaching

and learning process are being neglected, and

relegated due to poor welfare schemes and lack

of coordinated programme of training and

retraining. Incessant strikes have become the

defining feature of our education sector.

Dilapidated schools dot the landscape even as

various fees and levies have been introduced in

public schools putting education beyond the

reach of the vast majority of our citizens. About

9,500 students withdrew from secondary schools

between 2006 and 2009 due to financial in-


- Ogun State Govt website

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“The Schools have not received running costs in

the last 3 academic years.

In 2010, West African Examination Council

(WAEC) withheld the results of SS3 students due

to the failure of the state government to pay their

registration fees to the Examination body.

Teachers’ salaries were later deducted in July

and August, 2010 to pay for students’ WAEC


- Ogun State Govt website

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“Our administration will reverse this ugly trend

and re-energize the education sector. We shall

increase budgetary allocation to this sector to at

least 20% of the State Budget.

In addition, there will be massive refurbishment

of existing structures and construction of new

classroom blocks with adequate equipment in the

laboratories. At least 50 schools per Senatorial

Zone will be refurbished within the first year of

our administration.”

- Ogun State Govt website (as at today)

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“Teachers are the cornerstone of the education

system. More teachers will be recruited to meet

acceptable standards of teacher – student ratio

while a comprehensive staff welfare and

development programme will be embarked on.

The glory and pride of our institutions will be

restored through ensuring streamlining and

accreditation of their programmes. Most

importantly, the administration will ensure that

relevant knowledge and skills are imparted in our

schools through strengthened interface between

the institutions and the industry.”

- Ogun State Govt website

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It was deliberate… I hope I touched a raw nerve ; albeit

your political nerve…

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The Dawn Commission Assessment of The Ogun Standard

S/N Criteria

Score Com m ents Score Com m ents Score Com m ents

1 Policy /


0 Lack of defined State policy on early


5 Basic education is largely managed

jointly by the State and Local

Government with substantial

funding from the Federal

Government (SUPEB & UBEC)

3 State Governments are

constitutionally responsible for

Secondary Education, while the

Federal overnment through a special

intervention established & is

responsible for Unity schools - 3

2 Structure/Govera


1 Largely private sector driven. Schools

have become elitist in nature & lack

governmental regulation

3 Combined public and private sector

participation. There are 1 ,565 public pre-

basic/basic education schools vs. 3,426

private pre-basic/basic education

schools. Enrolment in public is 469,831

while in private enrolment is 481,056.

3 Ogun state has a total of 1440

secondary schools – 47 5 public and

965 private with total enrolment f

399,364 and 237 ,698 respectively for

the current academic y ear

3 Phy sical


As many as the number of primarty

schools in the state are

1 Inadequate classrooms and basic

infrastructure such as furniture and

fittings are still lacking.


Classrooms are currently inadequate.

4 Deploy ment of


1 Non available data gathering sy stem

for effective deploy ment of strategy

1 Lack of adequate deploy ment across


1 Lack of adequate deploy ment across


5 Academic


1 Undefined parameters 1 Low academic achievement. Not

consistent with Basic Education policy

requirements on numeracy & literacy .

1 This ranges between poor and average

as majority of the student population

that sat for WASSCE could not meet the

number of credits (5) including English

and Mathematics required to enrol

into Tertiary Institution.

6 Monitoring and


0 Inadequate & ineffective - 0 1 Inadequate & ineffective. The outcome of

this is a lack of standards & quality


2 The State Inspectorate are responsible

for the monitoring of secondary

schools. The frequency and depth of

inspection is just about average.

Early Childhood Basic Education Seconday Education

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The Dawn Commission Assessment of The Ogun Standard (2)

S/N Criteria

7 Quality of


1 Due to lack of governmental

regulation, quality of curriculum is not

standardized across a board

5 Curriculum has been updated. Quality is


1 Quality of curriculum is average. This

has resulted in declining academic

standards. With many of the basic

secondary school graduates unable to

fit in into the vocational and technical

school that require proficiency in

Basic Science, Commercial and

Technical Subjects.

8 Teacher Quality

and Supply

Inadequate number of qualified &

adequately trained teachers

1 There are currently not enough teachers

especially Science and Technical

Education. Teachers to make basic

education worth its while. Teacher:

Student Ratio is too high in the absence of

technology . There is lack of training

especially in-serv ice training that would

have kept them on their toes.

1 Inadequate number of teachers.

Quality of available teachers is low.

Motivation is also very low.

9 Funding 1 Totally private sector based 1 Low. Funding is largely from states with

special intervention from the Federal

Government (under the UBEC

programme) as well as private sector

investments. Quality of public sector

investment is generally an issue,

therefore, transparency & level of

investments need to be tackled.

3 Medium Funding is largely from State

Government & private sector

investments. Federal government is

however responsible for funding the

Unity Schools in the state. Deploy ment

has not been very effective. And

transparency is an issue.

10 Equity Issues 0 No policy framework – LOW 1 Low. Funding is largely from states with

special intervention from the Federal

Government (under the UBEC

programme) as well as private sector

investments. Quality of public sector

investment is generally an issue,

therefore, transparency & level of

investments need to be tackled.

3 Medium

Source: DAWN Commision Assessment of Ogun State

Early Childhood Basic Education Seconday Education

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“We can learn from this

therefore that to solve a

problem, the

DIAGNOSIS must not be

tunneled vision?”

..we must recognise that this is current state is NOT another crisis…it is a disruptor in models… RE-IMAGINE!!!

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This 2017 Summit must thus be a Decision/Consensus on The State

GOVERNMENT’s Standard (Master Plan) on Education and not a political



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“The function of

education is to teach one

to think intensively and to

think critically.

Intelligence plus

character - that is the goal

of true education.”

.. Martin Luther King, Jr

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2. Education is an Economic

Development Issue; Not a Political or Social Service

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Our Traditional Educational System became Obsolete long ago..

…“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”

Year Plan

Public School


Private School


Private Sector


0 - 1+ Home

2 - 4 Pre-School 2

5 - 10 Primary 6 6

10 -13 Jnr - Sec 3 3

13 - 16 Snr - Sec 3 3

16 -20 University 4 4 Basic Entry

20 - 21 NYSC 1 1

21 - 23 Masters 2 Manager Trainee

23 - 26 PhD 3 Manager Grade

17 24

Cost through School 1,853,000 9,816,000 -81%

Employment Earnings in Yr 1

A Theoretical Education Road Map

Cost here relates to direct tuition cost and does not cover stuff like Uniforms, sportswear, medical,

books and stationery, extra-curricula, trips, etc including subsidising NYSC

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The Nexus : The Education Cycle – The Drop Out Conudrum


Data /



Drop Out


Pre -

School PRY SEC UNI Post Uni

Birth - 4 360,000

2 - 4 1% 25,000 3,600

5 - 10 60% 140,400 216,000

10 -16 80% 43,200 172,800

16 - 20 80% 34,560 138,240

21 -23 40% 82,944 55,296

326,104 3,600 216,000 172,800 138,240 55,296

Drop Out Factor: 90.58% at point of university

Limited by Spaces Available (Ignore Data for now) 165,400

Limited by Availability of Teachers 160,704

Limited by Availability of Quality Teaching Aids/Tools

Discounting for any current levels and addition after year 4 to simplify analysis …. Subject to capacityA Theoretical birth Rate Absorption @20% Growth Rate in the Public Education Road Map

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The Nexus : The Education Cycle – The Pre-School Crisis


Data /



Drop Out


Pre -

School PRY SEC UNI Post Uni

Birth - 4 360,000

2 - 4 70% 108,000 252,000

5 - 10 60% 43,200 151,200

10 -16 80% 30,240 120,960

16 - 20 80% 24,192 96,768

21 -23 40% 58,061 38,707

263,693 252,000 151,200 120,960 96,768 38,707

Drop Out Factor: 73.25% at point of university

Limited by Spaces Available (Ignore Data for now)

Limited by Availability of Teachers

Limited by Availability of Quality Teaching Aids/Tools

A Theoretical birth Rate Absorption @20% Growth Rate in the Public Education Road MapDiscounting for any current levels and addition after year 4 to simplify analysis …. Subject to capacity

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AWOLOWO: On Full Development & Employment

Of All Talents

“When all the talents in society are not fully

developed, it is not the individuals that are adversely

affected alone who suffer; the society as a whole suffers as well. Now, granting that every Nigerian is

given an opportunity to develop his talents, it is imperative that he should also be given an

opportunity to employ these developed talents. Full

development of man and his full employment are not only social imperatives, but also inseparably inter-

connected and complementary.”

- Address delivered to Ondo State House of Assembly (1980): In Voice of Wisdom (1981)

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Linking Education Cycle To Employment – Matching Needs (eg)

Top vocational and trade jobs by 2025

1. Aged & Disabled Carers

2. Child Carers / HHs

3. Plantation/ Farm workers

4. Nursing Support & Personal Care Workers

5. Construction Managers / workers

6. Real Estate Sales Agents

7. Electrical Support Workers

8. Metal Fitters & Machinists

9. Plumbers

10. Education Aides

Top tertiary qualified jobs in 2025

1. Registered nurses

2. Advertising and sales managers

3. Software and applications programmers

4. Analysts & Thought led professionals

5. CEO/MD’s + COO’s + Snr Mgrs

6. Pry/Secondary school teachers

7. Private tutors and teachers

8. Contract program and project administrators

9. Product / Services managers

10. Architects & Engineers

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“Today, Children in

developed nations; aged

between 8 and 10 are

already learning coding,

learning to handle

algorithms and seeking to

deliver solutions .”

.. Research Report, 2017

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Largest Number of Universities / Sq Km in a State - OGUN

S/N Institution Ownership Location

1 Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Federal Government Ilaro

2 Bells University of Technology Private Ota

3 Crawford University Private Igbesa

4 Covenant University Private - Church Ota

S/N Institution Ownership Location

5 Olabisi Onabanjo University State Government Ago - Iwoye

6 Tai Solarin University Of Education State Government Ijebu - Ode

7 Moshood Abiola Polytechnic State Governement Ojere, Abeokuta

8 Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic State Government Ijebu - Igbo

9 Hallmark University Private Ijebu - Itele

10 McPherson University Private Seriki-Sotayo

11 Adetokunbo University Private Sagamu

12 Redeemers University Private - Church Km 46 Lag-Iba E/way

13 Mountain Top University Private - Church Lagos-Ibadan E/way

S/N Institution Ownership Location

14 Federal University Of Agriculture Federal Government Abeokuta

15 Federal College Of Education Federal Government Osiele


Ogun State Institute of Technology

(Gateway ICT Polytechnic)

State Government Saapade

17 Chrisland University Private Abeokuta

18 DSAdegbenro I.C.T Polytechnic Private Itori

19 Cresent University Private - Muslim Abeokuta

Ogun West

Ogun East

Ogun Central

Source: Proshare Research

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There are a total of 54 institutions of higher education in metropolitan Boston, all are within the 128/95/1 loop <450,000 students - including 4 junior colleges, 15 colleges that primarily grant baccalaureate and master's degrees, 8 research universities, and 24 special-focus institutions. Of these, 51 are non-profit organizations while 3 are for-profit businesses, and 49 are private ventures while 5 are public institutions (4 are run by the state of Massachusetts and 1 is operated by the city of Quincy). Figure unknown but represents highest income group for state…. London has one of the largest concentrations of universities and higher education institutions in the world. It has 40 higher education institutions (not counting foreign Universities with London branches) and has a student population of more than 400,000. International students alone now worth £25 billion to UK economy…

OGUN State Compared to – Boston and London

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Further research required…

Funding down globally, but tuition fees up and enrolment up.. Funding model for schools have shifted from state governments to Alumni association, research grants from private sector, sports and technological activities (with debates around paying students for work) – town meets gown again… Locally, taxes (as an aggregate) has not gone up… relative to growth and use of non-profit status… Religion vs. Revenue in public policy.. This raises the question around the role of Govt – manager of the sq mtrs in the state – targetted at revenue for development…

The FA Model on Role of Govs - Mgt of Sq Km

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Most in-Demand Job – Global in 2025

Ogun State by 2025

1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .

7. .

8. .

9. .

10. .

Global by 2025

1. Registered nurses

2. Motor manufacturing technicians

3. Energy service technicians

4. Tourism and hospitality professionals

5. General and operations managers

6. Computer programmers

7. AI and robotics specialists

8. Flexible app developers

9. Cloud computing specialists

10. Educationists

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Our Reality… Our Responsibility, Our Role…

It's always important to plan ahead, especially when it comes to the manpower needs of a sub-national – relative to development goals and opportunities. You don’t want your citizens to invest time and money in a profession that will be redundant in five – ten years' time! You want to be ahead of the curve – which means you need to RETHINK the education curriculum and ensure it will meet the needs of tomorrow. Yet, while we understand the concepts; we have never done the right thing for a number of reasons; viz: deficiencies in legal frameworks, political influence, self-interest and tenure issues leading to a “kick & start” governance approach to education.

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3. PROSPECTS: Deploying

Imagination rather than Memory in Ogun State’s

Educational Sector

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…Edison's electric

light did not come

about from the


improvement of the


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Deploying Education as a Facilitator of Economic Development

Ogun State, and indeed Nigeria has made enormous progress in increasing access to education. While school is theoretically free, families must often spend substantial sums in order for their children to succeed in school. The question I raised is whether students can succeed in Nigeria/ Ogun State’s basic education system, regardless of their family circumstances, and without additional spending. Having examined the inequality in completing basic education and showing the benefit of pre-school & quality curiculum; evidently outcomes appear pre-determined by socio-economic status, making basic public education a contributor to unequal opportunities for young citizens; and eventual unequal social status in life.

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Thinking of going from inefficient to innovation?

Nigeria is at the “factor-driven” stage of development, according to Michael Porter’s stages of national competitive development. Developing countries at this stage tend to rely mainly on things such as natural resources and unskilled labor, while seeking to move to the “investment-driven” stage, where the transfer of technology and investment in human and physical capital allows them to prepare the ground for the “innovation” stage—the knowledge-driven economy (Porter 1991). This can be achieved in a climate in which risk is embraced and good ideas are given a chance to grow. This is one area where the role of government and private sector are intertwined – TOWN meets GOWN!

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Innovative governance is NOT school building repairs, painting school buildings, provision of water projects, building of classrooms, drainage and free transportation during school trips etc…

It is a new way of thinking …of models & templates for driving excellence and solving a problem. Innovative governance is catalytic in mobilizing change and exploring a range of new partnerships with business and civil society Innovative governance in education shifts focus from rule-driven government engagement to Mission-Driven Government (Transforming of schools that approximates the ORIGINAL CONTEXT – social and people development which removes bottlenecks to learning and application in everyday life Innovative governance injects competitive into public service deliver (it is not about how much IGR Ogun State has but what does Ogun State has on Offer that others need)

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Separating the usual from the needed…..Not Replicating Awo

But leveraging his concepts about Education as an Investment…

Decentralization: It is evident that the state cannot on its own fund education in the state and no matter the promises made; it will fall short – throwing reputations in the dustbin of life. We can do better by tapping into our imagination than our memory. We can and must bridge the gap between the need for funding education and the need to fund quality/value oriented education by changing the paradigm and articulating our own precepts…..

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Schools beyond Buildings…..

There are thousands of Buildings in Ogun State where thousands of

people using them have no telephones, no cable television, no e-

library, no electricity or alternative power supply, no access to a global

society and no reasonable prospects of broadband/4G services …

And they are called Schools!! That is not the education institution Ogun State deserves in 2017 and beyond.

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…Its not about the sum

of money you throw at

the problem but how

you are able to rethink

the problem and

execute a paradigm


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Why this is essential…beyond politics….

Everyone wants their children’s generation to enjoy a better quality of life than their own. However, leaders are often too focused on short-term planning horizons to take seriously the long-term issues that will determine what kind of world future generations will inherit. The increasingly rapid pace of change makes it especially difficult to address challenges and opportunities that will play out over several decades. YET, we can and must try….. One way to encourage decision-makers towards longer-term thinking would be to enable them to benchmark how well prepared their societies currently are for the uncertainties of the future. Until now, no such tool has existed. In January 2017, a Future Preparedness Framework was developed to fill the gap..

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The 9 categories of the Future Preparedness Framework

Building on existing work as well as quantitative and qualitative data at the country level, the proposed WEF framework will enable policy-makers and the public to compare their own future preparedness with that of peer countries across four dimensions comprising nine categories

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The Four Dimensions

• Fourth Industrial Revolution readiness The rapid development and convergence of emerging technologies will create unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the coming years. The Future Preparedness Framework will include two categories: a country’s digital readiness and its capacity to stimulate innovation.

• Economic readiness Countries at all levels of development can lay the foundations for improved economic performance in the future by investing smartly in two categories: infrastructure and human capital, including education and health. A third category in this dimension is economic agility, which will measure whether the business environment is forward-looking and responsive.

• Security The two categories here are physical security, as countries which minimize wars, conflict and interpersonal violence are better prepared to prosper in the future; and environmental security, measuring whether countries are using their natural resources sustainably, maintaining their natural environment and putting in place measures to cope with the expected impacts of climate change.

• Social cohesion Most countries are facing some form of demographic risk which they need to address to ensure equality of opportunity for the younger generation – topics considered under the heading of intergenerational balance. The second category, social fabric, covers social capital – which influences resilience to shocks – and whether there is a shared long-term vision to facilitate political decision-making.

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Look at another way…. How do we make it work for us in OGUN?

Future-Ready Ogun State - A revision of Ogun State Standard based on a veritable benchmark and clear P-PPP;

Skills Future: A comprehensive framework to converts all teachers to lifelong

technology competent tutors in courses relevant to the state & Nigeria’s future.

The Smart Ogun State – Investment in digital technology infrastructure to create and

enable new opportunities that the private sector / homes can tap into.

Ogun Technology Hub leveraging on our close identity with Boston and London

has a hub of educational institutions; it can create a hub where all entities can use per class session without them incurring individual cost yet offer the state a digital

community of sort.

Future Preparedness: A new generation of students growing up around digital

technology as early as from primary school through partnerships with Google, Oracle, Samsung, GE, Telsa, Microsoft etc.

Bringing it all together – position to be the technology solutions hub for SSA where

students from all over come to learn….

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“Pain is Inevitable but

Suffering is Optional?”

..for the birds of hope are everywhere, listen to them sing..

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4. PRECEPTS: The Signaling

Effect to deliver on the Way Forward

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The Principle Guiding the Innovation we Need

Signaling is the idea that one party credibly conveys some information about

itself to another party to encourage a pre-determined action.

This is the singular most important job of the State Government.

When you signal you are ready, help will show up!

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Obafemi AWOLOWO: On The Cardinal Aim of Education

“Any system of education which does

not help a man to have a healthy and

sound body and alert brain, and

balanced and disciplined instinctive

urges, is both misconceived and


- The People's Republic. 1968

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“There are no secrets

to success. It is the

result of preparation,

hard work, and learning

from failure.”

- Collin Powell ..

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. Available on demand


Olufemi Awoyemi , [email protected] 08036288637

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Thank You

Olufemi Awoyemi , [email protected] 08036288637