offline broadband order user manual

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  • BSNL CDR2 Rollout O&M,Offline Broadband Order Processing

    Version 1.0

    User Manual, July, 2010Tcs Internal, Gurgaon, India

  • BSNL CDR2 Rollout O&M,Offline Broadband Order Processing Version 1.0

    User Manual, July, 2010Tcs Internal, Gurgaon, India

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  • PF3020

    Document Release NoteNotice No.:

    Customer: BSNL

    Project: BSNL CDR2 Rollout Telcom

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    Offline Broadband Order Processing

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  • PF2060C

    Document Revision List

    Customer: BSNL

    Project: BSNL CDR2 Rollout Telcom

    Document Name:Offline Broadband Order Processing

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  • About this ManualThis User Manual has been developed to facilitate the end users of BSNL CRM application in understanding the concepts, features and navigational flow of various processes involved in the Offline Broadband Order Process to BSNL Customers.


    This manual has been written to help you understand and use the Offline Broadband Order Process. It presents the functional capabilities and operational details of Offline Broadband Order Process and contains the procedures that you should know for performing your business tasks using Offline Broadband Order Processing. Additionally, this manual provides information on the system requirements and installation Offline Broadband Order Process.

    Organisation of the Manual

    Information in this manual has been organized as follows:

    Table 1: Organisation of this Manual

    Chapter Description

    Introduction Introduction to Offline Broadband Order Processing

    Process Flow Detail of individual scenarios

    Typographical Conventions

    The following table gives the details of the typographical conventions used in the document:

    Table 2: Typographical Conventions

    Convention Indicates Example

    Italics Drop downs or pick applets Select Connection TypeBold face Buttons or links to be selected Click SUBMIT

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  • Contents

    1Introduction....................................................................................................................................... vi

    2Getting Started................................................................................................................................... 7

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  • 1 Introduction

    CDR project currently supporting Offline Broadband orders entry in the systems. BSNL require this functionality to capture the data into CDR system where Broadband services have already provisioned without capturing the order in CDR for the following reasons like provisions made during CDR migration and some urgent/VIP connections. Such connections can later be updated in the CDR systems by raising back dated orders.

    1.1 User Roles

    This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various users that Offline Broadband Order supports.

    CSR o YCSR - BSNL CSR Role

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  • 2 Getting Started

    2.1 Offline Broadband Order Processing

    Access to Offline Broadband Order Process limited only to authorised users. To use it, you must first log into Application using your user id and password. On logging in, Offline Broadband Order Processing. you can start any of the modules to which you have user rights.

    2.2 Offline Broadband Order Processing Support the following process

    1. New Landline connection with broadband.(Follow on Case)

    2. Broadband on Existing Landline

    1. New Landline connection with broadband.(Follow on Case)

    1. Login with YCSR (BSNL CSR Role)

    Figure 1: Creating Customer Account

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  • 2. Go to Homepage Click Account Management. The Individual Account view appears. Click Individual Account in create view. A new view appears for creating the customer account.

    Figure 2: Creating Customer Account

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  • 3. Provide value of all mandatory fields, Click New button to insert new addresses.

    Figure 3: Contact Screen

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  • 4. Provide value of all mandatory fields, Click Next button to save the address and go to the Contact Screen and Save.

    Figure 4: Address Screen

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  • 5. Click on Create Customer account

    Figure 5: Create Customer

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  • 6. Check the Offline flag, Enter the Billing Creation Date (it should not allow to enter the system date and the future date)

    Figure 6: Customer Screen

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  • 7. Offline flag and Billing Creation date will be disable,Billing Creation Date copied from Customer Account.

    Figure 7: Billing Account Screen

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  • 8. Create a new Sales order with Offline flag Customer Account and corresponding Billing Account, Select Broadband Required YES

    Check the Offline Order Flag and enter the Indoor Completion Date (it should be always greater than BA creation date), The remaining process is similar like new order creation process.

    Figure 8: Sales Order Screen

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  • 9. Click on Create Broadband Creation , the selection transaction type view appears

    Figure 9: Sales Order Screen

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  • 10. Click on Broadband Order, the Broadband order screen appears

    Figure 10: Sales Order Screen

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  • 11. Offline Flag and Indoor Completion Date get copied to Broadband Order and it will in Display mode ( remaining process is similar like new Braodband Order creation process.

    Figure 11: Broadband Order Screen

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  • 12. A zero amount dummy demand note will get generated for Offline Broadband Order in CRM, even if order contain committed plan.

    Figure 12: Broadband Order Screen

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  • 2. Broadband on existing Landline

    13. Data about the existing Landline connection can be searched through the Ibase.

    Go to Home page Master Data. The Accounts & Products view appears. Click Customer Assets.

    Figure 13: Account & Products

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  • 14. Go to Install Base, In the Search Criteria, enter the Telephone Number. Click Search. The search results appear as a line item. Click Asset ID to open the Ibase

    Figure 14: Search Installed Bases

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  • 15. Click Modify link,The Selection Transaction Type view appears.

    Figure 15: Search Installed Bases

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  • 16. Select Broadband Order. The Broadband Order screen appears.

    Figure 16: Service Order

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  • 17. Check the Offline Order Flag and enter the Indoor Completion Date (it should be always greater than BA creation date and Landline Instaltion date), The remaining process is similar like new order creation process.

    Figure 17: Broadband Order Screen

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  • 18. A zero amount dummy demand note will get generated for Offline Broadband Order in CRM, even if order contain committed plan.

    Figure 18: Broadband Order Screen

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