offi~ers · 2014-12-03 · rev. ~eorge c. elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our...

' e ... MINUTES -OF THE- 1\velfth An tl ual Session JASPER CQNV ENED 1 U uion Hill Chur·ch, lV Iarion County Ala., 1st nnd 3rd, 1898. j Rev. • ). . l. W>. \V. \V. . ... ,Y. T. Bmu.E ox, 1\IoderatM, Clerk, I · • - T rensurer, CMrcsponding The next sc.r;sion of this Association will meet with Plensunt Ridtrc Church, utor ncar Nnuor's Store, Missitis ippi,- anll will convl•ne Saturday before tlJe first Sunday in October, 13 99. - JJA PTIST REVIEW .ron OFFICE, GOJ,DS'BORO. N, C. .. ... . , -

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Page 1: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk

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1\velfth Antlual Session



1 Uuion Hill Chur·ch, lVIarion County Ala., 0(~tober 1st nnd 3rd, 1898.

j Rev . • ). .l. W>. '·"'•OFFI~ERS: Rom~H'l' l•'R.\~KR, \V. \V. ~El .... O~, ,Y. T. Bmu.E ox,

1\IoderatM, Clerk,


· • - T rensurer, CMrcsponding ~cr.retary.

The next sc.r;sion of this Association will meet with Plensunt Ridtrc Church, utor ncar Nnuor's Store, lt~wambaconnty, Missitisippi,­

anll will convl•ne Saturday before tlJe first Sunday in October, 1399. -


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Page 2: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk



Presented By

Wayne Hartin


The tWP.lfth annnal ReA::-i m of thP Ja~pPr F1·eewill Baptist .. \HHilthttiou, convPued \\Ifh Union Hili Church, Mariou eotHITi,Y, Ala. October l~r., 18B8. Ttw introrlne­tor.v Hermon WHR preachPd b.v RP. v. W. A. Nt>lson. 'L"'ne text uRerl waH onr ATticle.., of Fti.ith. Aftet' prea<·hinu; an intermisHion of orw hour waH taken for re~t. n nrl t'f'froeHh­mentH. AftP.r which tlle mi rdHtPrs a ·· <l dPIPgH t PH \\Pre r f'qPsted to meet i u the house. orgauize a ud proceed to business.


The borl.v m~'t in the honse pllt'HUan t to aoj•lllrn meJJt. Siugiug- hv the congregntion, and pra_vP,r u.v ltev. A. L. l~Py. He\. W. A. XP1Hon, the rnodfll'tttor of thP. h:tHt RPRHion, tlwn called the body to order and culled for l>o­sine8s HR fullO\\'H, viz:

1. LetterA from the cbur·ches were called for, banded in aud r~a 1, and contents not8da~ perstlitistical table.

2. CAlled f.,r petitionary lettPrs, and opened the door for thP. rPception or oPw ch u rche~ i ntn the bnd.v. Received the following: Fair View, Camp Creek, Mouu t Culvury and PleaMH nt Ridge. After CfHt>fnl extt mination, it waH found that the petitionary churrheA were organiz..,d ou our ArticleH of Faith, and were dtJclared to be 8ound ia doctrinP, and hy motion thPy were ununimomdy rec~lved.

3. lt waH then agr·eed to permanantl.v organize the body, which w~:.~s done by electing Rev. JameR ,J. Wesle.v mod era. tor; Bro. Robert FrankA clerk; and Bro. \V. T. BurleHon Corresponding Secretary.

+. Called for correspondents from sister AHt:mciations. Xoue present.

Oo motion, it was agreed that the mod~rator appoint all the committeeA; whereupon, the following are ap­pointed:

ON PnEAUHINet-Brethren J. A .. Beazeley, \V. B. Dickin­son and E. C. \Villiams, with the deacons of this church.

ON Docu~rENTS .\'KD OnDER OF BusrNEAH-Rev. W. A. Nelson, Rev. A L. Key, Rev. M. R. Martin, with the Moderator and Clerk .

Page 3: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk


ON SABBATH ScHOOLs-Rev. R. A. Nix, Rev. H. B. Fowler, and Bro. B. G. Powell.

ON DENO:\HNATIONAL LITERATURE-Bro. S. B. Ramsey, and Rev. G. C. Elliott, and Rev. T. M. Canup.

ON DECEASED MINISTERS AND MEMBERS-Brethren A. J. Ingle, J. C. Pike, W. H. Ingram and Jas. E. Cochran.

ON FINANCE-Brethren W. T. Keeton, E. F. Franks and V. J. Wetitbrook.

ON AssoCIATIONAL FUNDs-Rev. W. A. NE~laon, and brethren E. D. Flurry, W. H. Ingram and A. J. Ingle.

Committee on preaching- report that Rev. J. A. John­son preach tonight; Rev. R. A. Nix preach Sunday at 9 o'clock; Rev. James J. Wesle.v preach at 11 o'clock, a. m., and Rev. H. B. Fowler preach Sunday night.

Respectfully submitted, J. A. BEAZELEY, Chairman.

On motion, the reportiB adopted and com. discharged. On motion, thP As~ocia tiou H<Jjourned to meet M on­

day morning 8 o'clnck. Pra.rPr and benedfction by thA moderator.

S~tturday nie:bt Rev. J. A. Johnson preached; followed by Rev. A.M. Dickinson. Texts not given.


Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. R. A. Nix prARCb­ed an interesting 8ermon. His text was Samuel 30th chapter, 24th verse. At 11 o'clor•k, Rev. Jas. J. Wesley preacbE~d an ahle sermon to a lartre and f.lttP.ntive con­gregation. Text not given. The Lord's Supper was omitted on account of the deacons not being preparE~d to furnish the bread aniJ wine. Sunda.v night. Hev. H. B. FowlE~r preached. His text was Romans 11c., 22v.

MoNDAY MoR~IxG, Oct. 3rd. The Association met pursuant to adjournment. Pray­

er was offered b.v Rev. M. R. Martin. The moderator called the bod v to orciPr. 'rbe clerk called the roll and the ministers and delegates an8wer to their names.

On motion, the proceedings of Saturday were read and adopted.


On motion, vi~itin~ minititer~ of other t.lPnominations WPrP. in vi tPd to t H ke Aea ta with us. Hev. G. W. Rowe, of the C,llf!TPgatioual Church came furw~u·J aod accept­ed A. F~eat.

RPporlH of rornrrdttet-~s are ealled for aud prE~sE~nted io the f()ll<H' iug: or·dPr:


We your on Documents and 01·der of Business report: We find three petltwnary letters for the ne.x t Association and we leave it to t!Je body to decide whic11 of the th•·ee churehes siJnlliHLVC it. And we recommend that. t.heMo.demtor of this session preach tlle introductoy sermon and preach a <.loctnnal sermon at our next Association. That Rev. ~eorge C . Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk superintend the printing of the minutes. und that the work be done nt the Baptistt Review Job Otfice, GoldslJoro, N. C. That the clerk be allowed four dollars for his sen·ices.

Hespectfully submitted, . . W. A. N EV,.ON, Clluirmtl.n.

On motion, the report IS adopted, and tbe committee discharged.


'\Ve your committee on Denominational Literature report: We re­commend the prayerful reading and study of the Bible because it is the Book of inspiration, and the only safe guide to t11e soul io search of eternal life. For our Denominational Litcracure we recounneml the Bapttst Review as ourchurch paper; the Baptist llarmouy ns onr Hym~ b?ok. We further request the mini_sters and delegates of this AssoCiation to urge upon the churches the Importance of reading our ch u reb pu per.

Respectfully submitted, S. B. RAMSEY, Chairman.

On motion, the report is adopted, and the committee discbarged.


'Ve your committee on Sabbath Schools report: '\Ve find that there is a good deal of interest taken in the cause of Sabbath Schools and we believe it can be made better. We recommend that pastors and leading members of the various churches lay hold of this great and important work and do a11 in their powerto improve it in the bounds of this .Asso­ciation. That it may be the means of bringing many souls to Christ. We further recommend that tbe pastors of aH our churches appoint ~abbath School superintendents. We havenve Schools in this A.ssocia.­t~on at this time, nod we recommend that eaeh church report their Sunday ~ 'chools in their church letters.

Respectfully submitted, R. A. Nix, Chairman

Oo motion, the report is adopted, and the committee discharged.

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We your committee on Finance report: We find $19 40 in the bands of the Treasurer, as a. minute fund. We find nothing in hand from any previous session of the body.

Respectfully submitted, ,V. T. KIU~'l'ON, Chairman.

On motion, the report is adopted, and the committee discharged.


We your co:nmittee on Associa.tional Funds report: We find $13 80 thirteen dollars and eighty cents, paid in by the churches as theAssoci­atiooal fund.

Respectfully submitted, W . A. NELSON, Chairman.

On motion, the report is adopted, and the committee discharged.


We your committee on deceased ministers and members report: We have carefully considered the duty assigned to us nud report as follows: Death bas entered the pales of our churches since our last Association and removed therefrom our beloved m~mhers to wit: Bro. J. Thomas "Westbrook, a member of )fount Olive Church, wns born February 1st. 1879, and died January 12th, 1898-aged 1 years, 11 mouths and 12 days. Sister Lenory Lee, a. member of :Mount joy church, was born February 17th, 1873, and departed this life July 18th, 1898-aged 25 years, 5 months and 1 day. Bro. Joseph Adkins, Sr., a member of Beech Grove Church, departed thil'l life September 3rd, 1898. Age not given. Bro. W. N. Williams, a member of Pleasant Grove Church, was born :March 18th, 1874, and died July 18th, 1898-aged 24 years, 4 months, and 4 days. Bro. G. 11. Moore, a member of :Mount Pleas­ant Church, deceased March 21st 1898. And sister l\1. White of 1\l:t. Pleasant Cburch died. Time and age not given. Sister Mary Pike of Pleasant Ridge Church departed this life May 2Glh, 1898-aged about 84 years. They all died in tbe triumphs of n. living faith. But it leaves a yacancy in our churches and their homes that none can fill. But we trust that our loss is tLleir eternal gnin. We therefore tender our love and sympathies to the bereaved families and churches, May we nll die the death of the righteous. We urgently request that all the churches who may lose a member or members will report it in their next church letters, giving their names, age and time of death to our next Associu.tion.

Respect fuJly submitted, J. U. Pnm, <Jhairman.


We your committee on ministerial character report: After a thorough investigation, we find all the ministers of this Assoch1.tion in good standing, sound in the faith, and u:; useful !\S their circnmslnnces will enaule them to be.

Respectfully submitted, P.R. Me KAW, Uhnirman.

On motion, the report is adopted, aml the committee diHchnrged.



1. Re~nlved that any minister of this Association fo_u ud guq t .Y of circulating fal~e reportA by pen or othP-r­~ JAP 011 a brother minister, which 1A liable to injure his m.;pfnlness a ud deRtroy his influence shall bP deemed guilty of~ dh;ciplinary offense, ~ud 'after discipline has been UHP.ri If h~ does not show stg;ns of true penitence and reformation, be sba 11 be excornm unicated from this yearly rueeting, and pubiished in our denominational paper.

Ou motion, it is agrPed to adopt a financial f:lystem as we HPe a great need of such; and we rPcommend that eRch mule ruflm hPr that belongs to the Jasper Associa­tion pay anuunl1y twP.nt,y-five cents, and those of the !em Hies t h:1t wish to pay anything can do so. This is 1t1 conuecttor• \dth the minute fund~. And it is further resolved that each church retain itl4 own rnonev. And that, the 't'rPn~urerl4 nf the <·hurcbe8 receive the funds n nd kPPp a trne rPC•,rd of all thP. rnonev paid in during NH·h m.;~neiat io1•al yeHr, H nd that the· ~n rue he reported to th ... 'Pr'PH~m·er· of the ~~...:socilltion at aunual!:;e~s­inu. The fuur1H 'to hP di:-tfJO!o<ed of by the Association t}n:one:h 1 he .mnd• rator, heiug empo\ver~d hy the body. SauJ n~or!PY 1 · to hR U!-if-ld for no ot lwr tmrpose than for t~w ht11l rhng- np tlf tht> .Jn..:per l<,rePwill Baptist AHHocia­fJon; snc·h llH Hllpplyin~ d!-!Htitution~ ot• dt~abled minis­tPrs m· mern hf-'1'14 , p HH' widows aud orphanH.

On motion, thP. Ato;FH ciiltion adjnurued for refresh­rnPntH, and to mPet at 1 o'clock. Pra)'er by Rev. W. II. [ngrHtll. '

.\F'TERt\00~ SE8SIO~.

TIH-' ARH<H'int ion mP.t pursuant to adjournmeut, nnd "AR <;BliP. J to o1·dpr hy t be mod era tor. Prayer hy Hev . U. \V. H.o\\e of thP Con~:regatiunal Church. ·

On moti \)11, that eaeh mi uititer belono-ioo· to the Jasper A~-:. <!<'iatinn report anuuall.r tbe amou~1t ~f ruoney be rrtPJ\Pt-; the nnrllli£->J' of mil~H traveled; the number of Hf>J'IllOJIR preac·hed; prayer~ offered; rna rriage ceremonies P rf<H·med; vh:its naade to tlJe sick; burial services at­letuJed dul'iug the af<Hociational year.

Page 5: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk

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On m.otion, :it is agreed that.thi3 Association liuve a · · Treasurer, that the inoderator be empowered to appoint . somP- brother to fill that o{ficA. The moderator appoints · brother W. \V. Nelson. . . , ·· .

On motion, i~ was agteed that this body elect a stand~ . ing committ~e on mioist.erht.l c~R.rl'lcter, and that . !-be same committPe tba.t was appowted Rt our ]aRt 8PSS10n t:~till to in office, to wit: . P. ·R. McKaig, G. \V. -~Ioore, and P.. C. Pike. : .. : ·"' . · · . · : . ' ·

On motion. it. was agreed that a · collection bA taken up for thP- r~liefof our disa.hled hrothAr, Uuv .. G~-'orgH C. Elliott. The AsAociation contrintf'd to him Iiherall.Y and : tbA same was higbl.v apprP.ciated by. onrdeB~ brother. ·.

On motion, it. was ngrP.Pd that. . mPnihArs I~avingo any · of our churches without a lettAr of rli~mis~ion, . that .we · wit,hdraw thA hand of chnreh fellowRhil) from them. · . Wh~reas · th.t) J a.~o~per AHHod~.tion i8 . without. pr0per · repr~~~nta.tion witn hPr Hi~ter AsHn.~ia.tion~, A.nd fPeliog the grPat ne~d of that (otpirit of union _which is - ~ssential to the .furtherance of theca uAe of Cht·J~t.

On motion, it was agrePd tltat ·brethren A. J. In~lP-, J. C. Pike, and G. \V. Guthry_ were el:ct~d .corrr.spoud. ing dPlegH.tes to the llPar CreP.k A~SOP.lf;ttlon. .

On motinn, it waA a.greP.d t hH.t. the J li.!·olD~r A.!-tsnciation. hold t.wo Uuion 1.\IPP.tin'!~ in .tbe .ve~tr .l8UD. ThP. first to hP. hPld with Mnunt, Church, Marion ~onnt .. v, Ala. and to commPOCA s~H.nrdu.y b···fore t.he fifthSunf!ay i~ Apri118D9 Hev._R. A:_Ni~ to preach thR introduc- : torv t'Armon; n~v. A. M. DICklO"'Otl., H lternate. .

'I.'b~ sf.'conrl to be held 'Xith· B~flch GroveChurch, \ · Pr county, Ala~, and to eor~nH'D('e SAturday hdorf.' the fifth Snnrla.v in Jnly, 1899 . . HRv . . J. J.TWe~Ie.v to prench .. _ tlu~ int.roductnr.v sern19o; Rev. \V. A. NPI~ou, H.ltertlfltP.: .

On mot.ioo. it was agreArl ~hat tbP next ~essto n of th1s A~HOf'ia1ion he hf.ld with Phmsant UidgP. Chur~h, at or IlflfH Ntthl)r's ~t.nre, ltawamba C,lauty, ~li~si!-l~ppi; anrl that. it cnuvPnA on Saturrla,v l•P.fnr~ HlP fir~t. Snnda.v · in OctohPr, 1899 . . rr~v. J. J. \Ve~le,v waR Plectefl topre!lr.h the in trorl ueto1·y t-:ermon,attrl th~t he preach o_n doctrmf'; Rev. \V. A. 1\P.lsou, ·· : . .

On mot.ion, it is ftgrP.~d that t.he . Articl ... ~ of fi.,aith. CollHtitution a11d RuiP.H of DP.corurn be Appendeo to the . . . . minutes. . . . . . . · -. Ou motion, "it is a~reP-d that the ch~rk superintend the

priutingof thP minut.Pfl, th11t. the work bP. rlonP. at t.he officA (If thP- B:l.ptist-Review, GoldHhoro, N.C. Tbat the


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. publisher be instructed to distribute them amonO' the churcbPs arcording to their· contributions. That~ tbe clP.rk ue allowed four dollars for his services. · . ·

On motion, a votA of thauks is given to Union Hill . Church and t.he citizens of thiH community for kindne~s and hm~pitality RhO\Vfl to members and visitors of the .

... ·As~oci ~•1ion. , · · · On motiori, a vot.P.of thanks is given to( the · offi~ers

of this AsHociation for the faithful manner .iu : which . the.v have discharg-ed their duty during the session. :· . . On motion, the At"sociHtion .adjourned to meet at the time Ami t.•h.1ce f.l,hovA namerl. Hev. ·.W. A. ~P18on offered pra.w•r, aftP.r which t.he moderator made EIOmea.ppropri. Ah~ rP.rna.rkE~, and the PcHtin~ hand was . taken ~ amid feB rs and shoots of greJ-1t j ny.;... . . . · · · ..

• · ... . ·_J. J. ~ESLEY, ~Joderator . · B:oriE.RT FRANKs;· ClPrk.- · .....

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·. RULES OF DECORUM. -. . . . ~ . . .. . .. .

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A:?.'fiCLE i. · The Association shall be called to ·order by the '!Iod­erator who presided at tlle last session. Former Clerk also officiating until the body is fully o~ganized. . .: . . , . . .

2. The Association shall be opened and .. closed . with · sin 11'ing and · · . . . . . 0 prayer. · · . · · · · · . · .

: 3 The· Moderator a·nct Clerk shall be choson by ballot at each . sess- ... ion of the Association. · A majority of votes by the delegates present clec~. · .·. . ·. · .. . .

4. . The names of deiegates from the different cb.urches shall be en-rolled and called as often as necessary during the session. · ·. ' .

5. · A majority of delegate·s present shall rule in all cases; except in the reception of churches, then it shall be unanimo us. - . . . .

· 6. ·. The Moderator shall not be entitled to vote, except in. cases of a . tie ; snd then be. shall gi_ve the deciding vote. . He shall be en titled ·to ·

speak on any question after others have spoken, . providing he appoint some one to the chair while he is speaking, · ' · ' · · · .

7 •. Only one persori' shaJI Epea~ at the same time, who shall arise and address the Moderator. · · . ,

8. No brother sha11 be interrupted while speaking. unless he depart from ti:e subject under discussion. or usc words of personal reflection. .

9. .No person shall be allowed to speak more than twice on the same · subject, :without leave of the Association, nor more than fifteen min u tcs . at a time. · · · · ·

10, No member shall laugh or talk during the time the deb~tcs are going ·on. · · · . . · · · · , · · . .

11. No member shall absent himse1f from the Association without . 1ca ve of the :Moderator. ~ · · · · , . •.



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Page 6: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk



HEY. W. A . ~EL'O:-<, Twin, ) fl rion county , .\.la. ·• ,J. .T. \YI~.._I,EY, Ur, )! arion <:ounty, .\ la. " G. C. El.LIO'l'T, Twin, }[arion conuly, Ala. " ) [. H. ) 1 \H'l' IX, Twin, ~Iurion couut.y, .\ ln. " II. B. 11\>WJ.Im, " 'infield, 'Marion touuty, Ala. " '1'. ]If. ( hNUP, llacklehurgll, Marion couuty ... \ ta·. " R A. ~ix, Hacklel.>urgh, :Unrion county, Ala. '' A . L . KEY, Bdl Green, Fmnklin tonnly, .Al1~. " W. H. lNOIL\::\1, Wiotield. ~lurion county, Ala. " .T. A. ctJt.\CI.i:, Gaml.>lcmines, \Vull{c r county . ...\Ia. '' .T. A . ,JouNsox, Yocomy, ltawamha county, Miss. '' A . -:\I. I>tt'ld"\SO~, Yocom)>, It:ndmha. eounly, :\liss.

LH'E~'l'TA'rl'~ ){[8 ISTEl-t.S .A.XD TIIE l H. PllST OFFICES.

G. W. F1.1PI'O, Ur. )brion county, l\.la. • T. E, ('tH'HIL\ v. T win, )!arion county. Ala. B. F . Eu~o \U, ~pruce Pine. Fraukliu county, .\ Ia. ~. B H \M!)E', llell Green, Franklin c·ounty, .\ Ia.



.AHTI<'LE 1. This Association slutll he known as t he .Jasper li'ree­will B tptist .\ssoC'i1ttion, of .. and heing l'tHnposcd of .< lelPgnt~s from the <lifTPrPnt dlllr<'hes forming Lllc, eneh c·hurch bcmg ent itled to t hree d<·Jcn·att•s. .

2. Thi~IJodr shall be considen:d nn advisory C'Olltl!'\Cl, bul ha.nng no aut hmity ov<·r tl1c alTa irs of the cb urchcs. . .

:3. gnC'h church in this Association sh dl l!e <'':'nsHl<· l·c•tl lll l :.ul v.Js~ry body, nnd :;hall c·on t wl i~ own in t ('l'llal tdf:urs !n .mn\t!:rs of d 1~c1 p­litH', &t'. It may howeve1· in extreme <.'!\Ses, <'n.ll md {rtH I_t !·aster c·hu rdtcs.

4. All questions of doctrine and matters ot gcncmlllltcn•st.slmll be ~wtt lc< 1 l>y a two· thirds vote of the Msocial ion . and the dt·<·t!:lUll sllllll he final. ,

The oflirero:: of this Association shall be a Mndcrntor. Cl<·rk and 1reas-mt•r, who shall he chosen at C<tcll ~~ ssion hy a mnjor;ity of votes.

li. Thb Assodation sllall meet annually at such tunc ancl pln~e as nuw be agree.! upon hy a previous ~nuual se:s:sion, and ::-hall not n<IJotHll Jiruilly until all the hu::-iness b tmn .. acted. . . .

-;, Churchc:s "i:--hing to become members of th1s A..;c:ocmuon must adopt its Articles of Faith and co.nfonn t<.) i~s usnges. .

. W c ugrcc n::s churches of tll1S A.!>so<·wtJou to us.c m~r hc~t mflnc•we to promote the interest of all rnoralunfl benevolent wsuttuuons. :mch as the Temperance C'Alnse, l:SaLhat li Sdwol. l\li "'!or.mry wc1t k. &c . .

0. Ko member of this .\.ssociatiou shall he cl1glhlc t o the nfhce of ~I o<lc•rntor more tllttn two suc:C'e~h·e ::;cs ion", unless no other member l.>t• C'ompet<'nt to aC'L in tllat ca padty.

10. .\.ny church of this Association failiug to be n•JH''!l for two y<'nrs in suN·cssion, its name sha11 he dropped from our nunntc·s.




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The fhst Union ~1eeting of the Jasper Freewill Raptist Association met at Pleasnnt Grove Church, .Marion county, Ala., August 1:3th and 14th, 1898 .. The introdu~tory sermon was preached by Re\' . T. M. Cnnup. H1s text was Phtl. lc, and 23v. A.fter the religious exercise, a rcces'i of an hour and a half was taken for refreshments.

After tbe recess. the body come together by singing, Rev. William A. Nelson offered prayer. The body was then called to order by the former Moderator. tbe former clerk also otliciuting and business was tmusacted in tllc following manner: '

Rev. J. J. Wesley, and Bro. W. J. Fowler were appointed reading clerks.

Letters from the different churches were called for, handed in and read and the names of delegates enrolled. . P~oceeded to appoint the committees, and the committee on prench­I ng ts bretllreu W. H . Estes, J. A. Hammett and E. C. Williams. On the order of business, Hev. G. C Elllott, Rev . J. J. Wesley, Rev. T. M'. Cuuup, Rev. W. H. Ingram, Rev. M. H. l\Iartin nud Hev. W. A . Nelson.

H.esolved furtller, that we recommend tllat the Association appoint three or more trustees to investigate the title of our church property and report the same to the Association. '

. Committee on preaching report that Rev. ::\1. H. Martin preach to­mght, Rev. H. B. Fowler preach Saturday at 9 o'clock ; Rev. J. J. ~ esley preach at 11 o'clock; and Rev. H. B. F owler preach Saturday mght. Hev, T. M. Canup preach Sunday at 9 o'clock, and Rev. W. A. Nelson preacll at 11 o'clock.

On motion, tlle b.ody adjourned to meet Sn.turday morning 8 o'clock. Hev . .M. H. Martm preached at early candle light Friday nig ht. His

text wa~:~ Luke 4tll chapter. 18th verse. 8aturday morning 8 o'clock. The body met pursuant to adjourn­

ment. Prayer by lJrother C. Reed. Then the Moderator called the lJody to order, and cc~lled for business. First reports of committees.

W,e Y?Ur committee oo the order of business report: We ca11ed for destttut10ns. ~ou?d ~one. <?ailed for questions. 1st the question was sprun~, What. 1s smnmg agamst the Holy Ghost? The question was ~bl.Y. dtscussed und decitled. Tnat is we who have received the Holy ~pmt, un~ ha!e gone back, and denying the Holy Spirit.

On m~t10n, 1t was agr~ed to adjourn for preaching, and take a recess of ten m10utes.

Rev. W. H. Ingram preached at 9 o'clock. Text, Michal llc, 10v. Rev. J. J. Wesley preaclled at 11 o'clock to a large congregation. His wxt was Genesis 26c, 24v; A.fter services, the Moderator called the body to order; and then 1t was agreed to adjourn until 2 o'clock.

t:;uturday afternoon, the body met according to adjournment. Prayer by Bro. J. A. Hammett. Then proceded to business.

Severul questions sprung and ably discussed. All in peace and har­mony ttnd with the best of feelings. The moderator then announced tbat there was no more business to come before the body and that ad-journment was in order. '

On motion, the body adjourned. Closing service conducted by the moderator.

W. A. NEr.soN, Moderator. HOHJl:R1' FRANKS, ('Jerk .

Page 7: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk


Churches, counties and delegat~>s. Mount Ollve, Mar:on conuty. Brethren \ . .T We~tbrook. W. F. Graham and

T. A Vaughn. Mount Pleasant. Marion county. Brother w. n. Webb. Mount .Joy, .Marlon county. W • . J. Underwood, .J '\. rnderwood. W W Waters. Friendship. \far10n county. Bt•ethren F. H Cantrell, and R. 1\f. Cant1·ell Pleasant Grove, Marion county. Brethren A . J . Ashcraft. W S Smith.b R Price Union Chapel. Mal'lon county. Brother L r. Baccus. Union IIIli, 'M~~orlon county Brethren H M Nix aud J A Hamm~tt Mount Hope. Franklin county Represented by letter. Free Water. ~larion county. Brethren W ~ Flipi)(>,E C and .J 0 WIIRon Liberty, Marion county. Brethren 1\t K Williams and W IT Estes. Blutf 'prlngli, Marion county. Brotner C Scott.

PROOKffiDINGS OF T HE 2nd UNION MEETI NG Tile second Union Meeting of the Jasper Freewi11 Baptist Association

was held with M:t. Hope Ohurch, Franklin county, Ala.., Friday tmd Saturd11y before the fourth Sunday in August, 1898 Tile introductory sermon was preached by Rev. R. A. Nix, text He b. 5c, 11 v. After the service, the body took a recess for one hour, and to meet at S o'clock in the afternoon.

The body met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer hy Rev. A. L Key. Then called to order by the moderator. And business wus transacted as follows :

The moderator appointed Rev. T. )1. Canup rending clerk. Called for letters from the various churches, which were hR.nded in

and rend, and the names of delegates enrolled The committee on preaclling was appointed as follows : Brethren

J. C. llcDuttie and C. Scott. Ctdlcd for correspondence from sister Associations. Brethren N. P.

Hutchison and G. W. Stisher from the Bear Creek Association came forwn.rd and accepted seats wi th us. They were cordially received

On motion, it was agreed that our Union Meeting convene on 8atur­day instRad of Friday, and that they convene on 8l\turday before the 5th Hundn.y in April and .July.

"\V c your committee on pr('ttchiog report. Tllat Rev. 8 B. Ramsey preach tonight; Hev. R. A. Nix, alternate. Rev. W. A. Nelson preach SaLurclay at 11 o'clock; and Hev. A. L. Key vreach Saturday night; Hcv. B. F. Edgar, nlteruate. Hev. T. M. Canup preach Sundt~y at 11 o'clock, Hev. tl. B. Ramsey, alternate.

RespecLfully submitted by chairman J. C. l\'fcDullie. Ou motion, the meeting ndjournetl to meet tlaturduy morning 8

o'clock. Prayey by Rev. tl . .B. Harnsey. No preaclling l i' t iJay nigllt on account of time.

Saturday moruiog 8 o'c1ock., the meeting met pursunnt to adjourn­ment. Pmyer by Hev. 1'. M. Canup. Called to order by the modera­tor. Business proceeded as follows:

On motion, the proceedings of Frilhty was reltd and adopted. Desti­tutions culled for, none presented. It waS' agreed lhnt the proceedings of our Union llectiugs be appended to the miuutes. Hev. W. A. Nelson preached Satuaday at ll o'clock to n large ('Ongrcgation. 'l'ext, see that ye fall not out by the way.

On motion, the body adjourned. Closing service conducted by tlle modemtor. The parting band was taken amid tears of joy.

W. A. NEL:o.O!'i, Moderator. RonEJt'r !•'RANK~, Clerk

S1'A.TI8TICS OF THE SECOND U~ION ;\lEETING. Churches counties and delegate». :'llount Olivo. Mation eountv. Brethren w A. Nelson and Robert !<' ranks. 'M"nnt Zion. J.'ranklin county. Hrotber B F Ed~ar. Union IliJI, )tar·ion county. Brotllcr J C li<'Duffi., )louut Ilope, l<'raukliu county. .Brethren J K. Olivet· antl N ;\I Bra .. <~~wll Bluff Spring!!, Ft·anklin county Brother('. Scott. C"onc<H'd, )fariun rounty. RI'Otber \\ Uey ~ ootcn.



Of:t' GO D.-ARTICLE 1. We believe there is onu, and but one, living and true GoJ. Who is in per,ouallty the Fatber, Son aud Holy Ghost. Eq unl ttnd ha.r­montous In every Divine perfection.

OF Tlig HOLY Sr.RIPfURES.-ART. 2. We believe tl1at God is the AUthor of the IIoly Bible; and that its teachings constitute the only infaJIIbl~ doc­lriuc for the govemm~nt ()f His ohm·cn.

OF ORIGINAL APOSrASY.-ART. 3. We believe that Adam wns created ho ly ; but b.v voluntary transgression fell into depravity, and consequently in­volved brs posterity in sin.

OJ!' J1'1l.~E GRA.OE - AR'l'. 4. We believe that the grace of God com prebends Rll ~;pirltuo.l blcs~;lngs. That the Gosp··l is the powet· of God uuto Si\lVI\lion. 'fllrtL the Holy Splr1t not onl~· reproves the w urld of 1:1iu, but. is the means · "hereby sinner:~ are converted and made wise unto Sill vatlou.

Ol!' <J II Rl:-:!'fL\.~ FAI rt-£ - LRT 5. We believe tbat <.:hristlao Faith 1s belief In .Je~:~us ('hril:lt as the ~on of uodaud Redeemer ot' the world, antl we beUeve in t 1e •us I u .. tl••'l or the Holy Scriptures That "Faith comes by hearing, aud henring by the Word of God. ''

01<' Rb:PE 'I'T 'XCK -.\RT. 6. We believe that repentance is sorrow tor sin and tLe kin I of borrow whicll constitutes godly rep.:ntaace, must be preced ed by ctfectual conviction for sin.

Ol'' F&r.:E .\.GE~!'Y- ART.7. We believe that the human wt.lls free. And that wen have ability to accept or reject the conditions of salvation as tbey are rev~lllco in the Ho y Scriptures.

OF PERS.b. VERA ~CE.-ART. 8. \Ve do not believe under the Gospel dis­pem;tt.<lon, that any soul is elected to eternal life, unconditionally But tbat tho1:1~ '' ho IJy l''alth er::;evere to the end will be ... aved I hut 1t is po:;sible tor men who have b..:en cou,·erted, to ' sbipwre, k of the Faith " LUrn again t) !.ill and IJe llo~tlly lost.

01<' GOOD WORK -ART 9. We. believe that good work la the result of Ft~.ith and nnt ofue··essity. TllatthiJsewho have Ft.Lith w1Jl do works of right­cousne!!l!i white tlto:;e who 110 Faith, Cti.nnot. do anything pleasing or ac­l~PtiLI.Jle uuw Goo

<W L: ll KISTf AN ,lu.J~ fl~;JM.-.\Rr. tO. We believe that Chr·istlan Baptism ls the illlmt·rs!on iu water of a believer i o the narnc~ of tile l<'ather, Son and Holy Ghost. Th1tt 13:t;>tism cannot be scripturu.l 'Y n<lmioisterccl without i''tlith in the suhjectwho receives it.

01<' l'HE LORU'H SUPPER,-ART. 11. We believe the Supper wns instituted by 11ur Hn\'iour a s a commemorati,•e ordiuauce. 'fha.t the bread and wine represent H 1"' IJocly Rnd blood. That it was institut~d for Christians, aud that all Chrhlluus l<hiJU!d unite in observing that sacred service, regardless of name~:> or deuominatioual d istinctions.

OF' Tll,h; sOUL - AKT. 12. We believe that mn.u is a living "oul. '!'hat the body will ole, but thn.t the soul is immortal. That death is Lhc separation uf the mortalund immortal parts of human beings.

01<' TliE RE:-,URRFJTiu~ -- \RT. 13. \Ve believe in the rcsurrecttou of tlJe d e tid. When th~ resurrection shall tllk:e place thu soul a.ud IJo<ly will reunU..e o.uo for.u ,\II immortal being That the righteous wlll be received iuto a state u·e\·.Hit.SGrngtapp'neH to reign withGodf.>reveraodever. "But Ute wicked will be bound hand and foot, ttnd cast into outtJr dark nest>. 'fhe wicked are drtvc tl.wa.y in their wicktdness, but the righteous have hope iu tl.e.r deal h."

Page 8: OFFI~ERS · 2014-12-03 · Rev. ~eorge C. Elliott write. a cir~ular letter to be appended to our next mmutcs, for 1899, cboostug bts own subject. We also recommend tbat the clerk

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~tt. Olive, Marioncounty,Ala. ,V. J. We~· rvok. t .J. .\ N(·l~on .... W. A Nelson ... Rob~rt Frlillks '!'win, Ala ...... 2 ...... 1 .. 3 )lt . • Juy, Mal'iou connly, Ala. .. W. A.. Warters, W G ~ook. # J J!'owler. W. A. Nelson .... \V. (;;.. ~ook, i>~aro~·~~ Atili,Ala o 4 11 ........ 1 Ut!ech Grove, Walker co., Ala .. J. C. Pike and J. W. t~uthrey .......... W. A. Nol}lon .... A, J. Gntlin, Townby, Ala ... ·1 :> 1 :J .. :! 1 1 4 'lt· Pleu.saut •. \l~.rion co • Ala .. tJ. E. Fowter an•l W. ll. W t!bb...... . . . . W H. Ingnun .... ~. E. J!'owler, Winfield, Ala.. 7 5 I . . . . 2 2 4 Ultk t,;rovt", \lt,•a.tkt3r co .. Ala .. ~clt Repre:~~nted ........................ .......... . ....... . ...................................... · ......... .

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J>Jc:tstt 11t f 1 i 11. W atlker co. ,Ala. . ~ ot Hevr~ente<J ..... . ......... -: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . .. . . r'l'lendsuip. Marion co., .ala.. l'. W. l''crrell anfl l''. H.. ( ' t.Ultrcll ...... II. B. l<'uwler ...... .b'. H. <Jantrt!lLPikevllle. Ala... !} .. .. .. . • • • .. 2 40 ~ Ple.,•ntUrove.Marion co .. Ala .. A. J Al!hcraft, "i ~ Jone:!, \\ W Nebon. H. li. Fowler ..... :,. 1t Pttce, Wintimd. Ala .... 4 1 8 .... 1 1 :.! J:! t;Q num l'prin~.Mnrion co .Ala .. W. W. Berrynlll,AJ log-le,J A BcMley .. ,J, J. W~"lt!y ...... \'f. T • .l:htrleson,Goldrnine,.Ua. 1 ' :.! ........ 4 4\J 1 :..'0 l nl• 111 ~h tl)el,:\1arion eo .• Ah .. Represtlnted by letter a tv! contributlun. W. H . Ingram .... W. L. b::ui8, Ulemulen. Ala.. 1 . . .. . . • . .. .. .. 40 40 'lt. Zion. Franklin co., Ala. .. 'B. F. Edl{ar ..... . ...... .. .... . .... . .... ,J .... l. Hauey ...... B. F. Edlo(H.r. ::,pructl P111e, .\Ia. .... · · .. .. .. .. . . b 45 I ruon 11111, .\lllrlun co .• Ah .. . J I Tearcy. L ~[ H.aburn.E A 1-'r ... derlck H .• A. 'ix .......... • 1. 1:1.. I<'rt:Uerick. liul·klcbnrf{ .. :.!0 10 .. .. ~ 9-~ t-:> )lt. Hope. Franklin ••o., Ala .• X . .M. Brassell and .J. 11 l>unkln ........ T. ~L can up ....... J K. Olh·er, llCllA"rt'tm, .ala.. 1 .. .. .. 4 31 1 a:; Free Water. Mnrlon. eo.,Ala .. E. C. Williams and E. I<'. i''r-"n"' . ....... ,J .J, \\ tsley ...... w. H Wit~n. Ut·. Ala...... . . .. .. .. • . . . .. 1 50 1 ~ Libf>rty. Marlon county. Ala .. E. D. l''lurry .\1 K '\'ilhawt>,,J H Wlll'!oll J J. Wei:Jey ...... J . R Wil:;un.. Pik~vllle. Ala . . U .. .. .. .. .. 1 3'l 1 :.z Bluft' ~Jirlnl!,, :\!arion co .. Ala .. W. H. Orrick and W. 1'. Gann . . ......... T. lt. t.'annp ...... \\'. P. U<tnn.Hat•klebur~ • . -\la .. l ............ 8 21 :..v roncortl, :\ltlrion cou.nty,Ala. .. W. Wooten and A. J. !Ulburn .......... A, L. Kev .......... ~ .J. Raburn. lhwkldJUt~.:h . . 1 .. :.! .. .. .. • • • • i ~ Fairview. !''r11nklin co., Ala .. ~.B. Rilm«ey .....•..........•. ·. · ...••.. A. 1 ... Key . ........ R. li. Ht:llains.llell;.:rct!U,Ala. ....... • . . . . . . . . . . 1~ 35 Cam[H.:reek. Marion co., Ala. .. B. G. Po\ l.J R Tuwnb)',,J P • .Jone.-; .. R. A !\ix .......... B. G POWt'll JJulfey. Ala.. .. ... .. . ..... · · II ::10 ~tt.l aJvary,, l\1iss .


A. M. DickJtL"On ......... . ......... . ...... J..\. Jonnstou .... 1\ . F.l)idd 1;.: m.Ho<htc:Ulb'. 1 :.! ... .. 1 .... 4 1:? 1:{1 J>l"n't kid~re,ltwmb co .. !£iss. W B Dickin"on. W 'I' K~ton,.J A Keeton ..................... J. :\1. Addi--on. Yocoll1}',~1i.:ss .. 13.. .. .. ... •• :t 41 1 -:o ............ ... ............. . ................................................... . .............. I . ··· I· .............................. - -- -,--- ---·1---............ I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • •• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. .......... 67 :..."9 2:) •.. 6 I 10 ' sts:> $19 co
