of the inequality between us larme

Grammar Review Directions: Choose the correct answer inside the parentheses. People judge unfairly all the time. We may be (judge, judged) by our appearance, the way we talk, or just by the material we own. People’s first impressions (mean, means) a lot, but the way we view them should not be based on just appearance. Before we make an assessment on the kind of person we think someone is, we should stop and get to know (him, them) first.

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Grammar ReviewDirections: Choose the correct answer inside the parentheses.People judge unfairly all the time. We may be (judge, judged) by our appearance, the way we talk, or just by the material we own. Peoples first impressions (mean, means) a lot, but the way we view them should not be based on just appearance. Before we make an assessment on the kind of person we think someone is, we should stop and get to know (him, them) first.

Idiom of the Dayjudge something on its own merits -to evaluate something on its own good and bad points and nothing else. Tagalog translation: hatulan ang isang bagay base sa kalidad nito.

Vocabulary Building Activityjess n. a long, thin piece of rope that is used for holding a dog or other animal.Tagalog translation: tanikalaSynonyms: chain, cordAntonyms: free, loosenbreadth- n. the distance from one side to the other side of something.Tagalog translation: kaluwaganSynonyms: scope, expanse, Antonyms: limitation, boundary

unsheathe- v. to draw from a sheath or scabbardTagalog translation: bumunotSynonyms: pull, extract,Antonyms: push, thrust

Sentence: We should judge a warrior on its own merits and not on the breadth of his jess or how he unsheathes a sword.

Write AboutWrite a feature article: You Cannot Judge a Book by Its Cover

How do you judge a persons character?

Objectives:1.Analyze the different types of essay.2.Exhibit righteousness in judging a persons character; 3.Present a poster, jingle, slogan, infomercial and 3- minute role play about judgement.

Of the Inequality Between Us(Essay)By : Michel de MontaignePages 101- 102

Michel de Montaigne

Michel de Montaigne was a French essayist.His essais which inaugurated a new literary genre, expressed his mature humanistic philosophy and constitute a moving self- portrait.

What are the criteria for judging a persons character?

Read with your eyes,Not with your lips

What are the criteria for judging a persons character?

Comprehension Questions

Comprehension QuestionsHow is man often judged according to Montaigne?How must a man be judged according to him? Why?Can you suggest other standards by which you can judge a man?What examples or situations in life you can recall to explain the line man is the master of his own fortune.

Narrative Essay

What is essay?Essay comes from the French word essais which mean attempts. An essay is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. It tackles a subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously.

Types of Essay1. Narrative Essay: Tells a Story2. Descriptive Essay: Paints a Picture3. Expository Essay: States a process4. Persuasive Essay: Convinces Me

Example:I have cried bitterly only twice in my life: once when my old girlfriend left me and when my cat died. Mickey was very special to me. Her death taught me to enjoy your moments with your loved ones.

Narrative Essay

ExampleWhat would you think if you had to put your personal belongings in a crate, and every time you turn around something of it were stolen? That is why I think students should have lockers, to protect their things and also they won't have to complain about carrying everything at once.

Persuasive Essay

ExampleSunset is the time of day when the sky meets the outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons caught in a blender.

Descriptive Essay

ExampleTo cook Mechado place the beef in a saucepan with onions, vinegar, tomato sauce and water. Simmer until the beef is tender. After that add carrots, potatoes and bell pepper. Cook until vegetables are tender.

Expository Essay

Fixing SkillsDirections: Read the following paragraphs and determine the type of essay by writing the letter of the correct answer.

A.NarrativeC. ExpositoryB.DescriptiveD. Persuasive

1. Last week there was an earthquake while we were in school. At that time our classroom was on the fifth floor, so we felt it quite strongly. Earthquakes are common in Japan, but not everyone reacts to them in the same way. I did not think the earthquake was such a big deal, but it was obviously very frightening for some people.

2. My dog has long yellow-white fur, pointy ears and a long snout. Her head comes to my knees. From the tip of her nose to the tip of her long tail, she is about four feet long. She loves to go for walks, but she is easily frightened by loud noises and commotion. Sometimes, she gets so scared that she runs away.

3. Owning a pet from the pound or Animal Rescue League has many advantages. First of all, a child feels good about rescuing an abandoned or abused animal and giving it a whole new life. Besides having a pet also develops a childs sense of responsibility since he has to feed, clean up after, brush, and exercise the pet. I hope that everyone will consider adopting an animal.

Formative Assessment

Answer Key

Answer Key1.B2.C3.D4.A5. B

G.E.A.Group 1: Present a poster with the theme Value everything Around You Based on its on MeritsGroup 2: Present a jingle about being critical in judging other peoples character.Group 3: Present a slogan about having a good sense of judgement a key in forming lasting friendships.Group 4: Present an infomercial about the good criteria for judging the quality of a product.Group 5 : Present a 3- minute role play about the ill effects of being a judgmental person.

6 Facets of Understanding QuestionsExplanation: What is the key concept of the essay?Interpretation: What does the essay reveal about the right way of judging a persons true worth?Application: How can you use a good sense of judgement in the larger world?Perspective: What are the limits of your knowledge about judgement?Empathy: What was the essay trying to make you feel and see?Self-knowledge: What are your blind spots about having a right sense of judgement?

Presentation of the Groups Output6 Facets of UnderstandingEAR outputsMI- based activities

Objectives:1.Analyze the different types of essay.2.Exhibit righteousness in judging a persons character; 3.Present a poster, jingle, slogan, infomercial and 3- minute role play about judgement.

Assignment:1. Write an essay about the title Forming Opinion without Thinking is a Poor Judgemet

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