我希望為我的僱員 提供全面的人壽及醫療保障 · (1)...

我希望為我的僱員 提供全面的人壽及醫療保障

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投保及行政程序簡易 : 一般毋須驗身。








1 人壽及意外 + 住院保障----

2 人壽及意外 + 住院 + 門診保障

3 科牙障保院住 + 外意及壽人

4 科牙障保診門 + 院住 + 外意及壽人














^ 網絡牙科服務由AXA按其絕對權力不時指定之服務提供機構提供,僱主須直接向服務提供機構繳付服務費用。AXA不會對該等服務承擔任何義務或責任。網絡牙科服務內容須受服務提供機構之條款及細則所限制。











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計劃 1 計劃 2 計劃 3 計劃 4 計劃 5 計劃 6


死亡保障 150,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

意外死亡及斷肢保障* 150,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000



賠償百分比(%) %08%001

每日病房及膳食費(最高賠償60日) 2,000 1,200 600 450 600 450

每日醫生巡房費(最高賠償60日) 2,000 1,200 600 450 600 450

醫院雜費 30,000 18,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 6,000

外科手術費 特級大型 95,000 60,000 35,000 25,000 35,000 25,000

大型 47,500 30,000 17,500 12,500 17,500 12,500

中型 23,750 15,000 8,750 6,250 8,750 6,250

小型 9,500 6,000 3,500 2,500 3,500 2,500

麻醉師費 特級大型 28,500 18,000 10,500 7,500 10,500 7,500

大型 14,250 9,000 5,250 3,750 5,250 3,750

中型 7,125 4,500 2,625 1,875 2,625 1,875

小型 2,850 1,800 1,050 750 1,050 750

手術室費 特級大型 28,500 18,000 10,500 7,500 10,500 7,500

大型 14,250 9,000 5,250 3,750 5,250 3,750

中型 7,125 4,500 2,625 1,875 2,625 1,875

小型 2,850 1,800 1,050 750 1,050 750

每日深切治療費(最高賠償10日) 3,000 2,400 1,200 600 ------- -------

專科治療費(須由主診醫生轉介) 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 ------- -------

每日在家中的私家看護費(最高賠償60日。須由主診醫生轉介) 1,000 600 ------- ------- ------- -------

附加意外醫療費 6,000 4,500 ------- ------- ------- -------

手術後醫生出診及診所治療費 1,600 1,600 ------- ------- ------- -------

每位會員以每病症計之最高賠償金額 527,600 330,100 152,000 108,000 136,000 100,000


透過我們的國際網絡內的緊急支援服務中心,每日24小時,一星期7日提供以下服務: 熱線服務,包括旅遊前轉介諮詢、醫療及法律轉介服務。緊急醫療運送及/或遣返服務。遺體遣返。全球性入院保證金(高達5,000美元)#。


# 會員須於45日內償還金額(免息)。


賠償百分比(%) 80%

每日一次的醫生診所治療費 300 240 180 140 140 120

每日一次的醫生出診治療費 600 480 ------- ------- ------- -------

每日一次的專科治療費(須由主診醫生轉介) 600 480 360 280 280 240

每日一次的中醫治療費 200 160 ------- ------- ------- -------

每次病症的X光及化驗費3,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 500




計劃1及2 - 優越私家及半私家房等級保障

計劃3及4 - 綜合大房等級保障,賠償100%住院費用

計劃5及6 - 基本大房等級保障,賠償80%住院費用


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項目 最高賠償之百分比 項目 最高賠償之百分比

喪失 喪失

生命 100% 一手之五指 45%

兩肢 100% 姆指兩節 15%

兩眼視力 100% 姆指一節 8%

一肢及一眼視力 100% 食指 10%

一肢 50% 中指 6%

一眼視力 50% 無名指或尾指 4%

一腳之五趾 15%

永久及完全癱瘓 大腳趾兩節 5%

四肢 100% 大腳趾一節 2%

三肢 75% 其他腳趾(每趾) 2%

兩肢 50%

一肢 25% 由外科手術移動下顎 30%


兩耳聽覺 70%

一耳聽覺 20%





投保資格• 此計劃專為擁有3至15名僱員的公司而設。

• 您可為不同級別的僱員設定不同的保障等級,例如保障等級1為董事級保障,選用福利計劃1 ;保障



• 保障所有年齡為16至59歲的僱員及其配偶;

投保指引• 家屬保障:

(1) 所有符合資格的家屬,包括投保僱員之配偶及子女必須參加。

(2) 所有符合資格的家屬,其保障等級必須與有關受保僱員相同。

(3) 家屬之保障範圍只限於醫療保障(不包括人壽及意外保障)。





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+ 網絡牙科服務須受服務提供機構之條款及細則所限制。





• 除在投保首年內因投保人虛報資料及隱瞞事實致令保險公



• 任何疾病 • 自殺 • 戰爭、遊行、暴亂、叛亂及革命 • 觸犯

法紀之行為(違反交通或行人條例除外)• 任何涉及執法行動

或參與打鬥或刑事罪行 • 放射性污染 • 核子、生化恐怖襲擊


• 已存在的疾病 • 例行體格檢查、懷孕,以及任何非急需的

治療如整容、節育及美容 • 觸犯法紀之行為(違反交通或行

人條例除外)• 牙科治療(由意外導致者除外)• 戰爭、遊

行、暴亂、叛亂及革命 • 從其他保單或透過法律程序已獲得

之賠償額 • 先天疾病 • 任何物理治療或脊椎治療(由醫生轉

介及於註冊診所或醫院治療除外)• 作為康復、托管或休養

及預防性注射或治療 • 矯視或配視光鏡 • 租用或購買義肢器








AXA安盛簡介AXA安盛為AXA安盛集團之成員,憑藉其超卓的產品及服務,現時於香港及澳門的客戶人數已超過100萬1。AXA安盛不單是香港其中一家最大的醫療保險供應商,其一般保險業務更在香港巿場擁有最大的佔有率 2,而其汽車保險亦是業界的翹楚。



1 包括安盛金融有限公司、安盛信託有限公司及安盛保險 (百慕達) 有限公司 (於百慕達註冊成立的有限公司) 的客戶2 根據保險業監理處所發表有關2013年巿場佔有率之數據

安盛金融有限公司僱員福利香港九龍九龍灣宏泰道23號22樓2201-2206室電話:(852) 2519 1166 傳真:(852) 2598 6502 網址:www.axa.com.hk

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1 of 8

Applicant Information 申請人資料

Applicant/Policyholder 申請人公司/保單持有人名稱 :

Business Nature 業務性質:

Incorporation No. 註冊號碼:

(Please provide copy 請提供副本)

Date of Incorporation 成立日期:

Email Address 電郵地址:

Place of Incorporation 公司註冊地點:

Position 職位:Contact Person 聯絡人:

Fax No. 傳真號碼: Telephone No. 電話號碼:

1. Beneficial Owner(s) 實益擁有人List all persons that own or control, or is directly or indirectly, entitled to exercise or control the exercise, of at least 10% of the issued share capital(corporation)/ capital or profits or voting rights (partnership or unincorporated body)/ capital of the trust property (trust) 請列出所有直接或間接擁有,控制或行使已發行(公司)股本至少10% / 資本或利潤或投票權(合夥企業或非法人團體)/ 資本的信託財產(信託)的人

Policy No. 保單編號:

Registered Office Address in the Place of Incorporation 成立地點的註冊辦事處地址 ▲:

Business Address 公司地址 (if different from above 如與上述不同) ▲:

a. Individual Owner(s) 個別擁有人★

Relationship between Applicant/Policyholder and the Insured Persons 申請人/保單持有人與受保人之關係

Employer and Employee (with dependants, if applicable) 僱主與僱員(及家屬,如適用)

Others, please specify 其他,請註明

Organization Type 機構類別:

Business Registration No. 商業登記號碼:

(Please provide copy 請提供副本)

Sole Proprietorship 獨資經營

Partnership 合夥經營

Limited Company 有限公司

Other 其它

(Please provide copy of partnership deed 請提供合夥契約副本)

SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan智選僱員福利保險綜合計劃

Application Form 申請表

▲ Please complete in English & provide address proof. P.O. Box address is not accepted ▲ 請以英文填寫並提供住址證明。不接受郵政信箱作為地址。★ Please use supplementary sheets if there is insufficient space. ★ 如空間不足請附加紙張。





Name 姓名

Nationality 國籍

Expiry Date 到期日

Percentage of Ownership 百分比之擁有權

Date of Birth 出生日期

HKID/Passport No. 香港身份證 / 護照號碼(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Residential Address 住址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Permanent Address 永久地址 if different from Residential Address如與住址不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

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2 of 8

b. Corporate Owner(s) 企業擁有人★ i. If applicant/policyholder has corporate owner(s), please provide the ownership chart of the applicant/policyholder with a director’s declaration 如果申請人/保單持有人有公司擁有權,請提供申請人/保單持有人的擁有詳請及董事的聲明ii. For each corporate owner indicated below, please provide ownership details 以下每個企業擁有人,請提供擁有權細節

▲ Please complete in English & provide address proof. P.O. Box address is not accepted ▲ 請以英文填寫並提供住址證明。不接受郵政信箱作為地址。★ Please use supplementary sheets if there is insufficient space. ★ 如空間不足請附加紙張。

Name 姓名

Name 姓名

Place of Incorporation 公司註冊地點

Percentage of Ownership 百分比之擁有權

Registration No. 註冊號碼(please provide copy 請提供副本)

Date of Incorporation 成立日期

Registered Office Addressin the Place of Incorporation成立地點的註冊辦事處地址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Business Address 公司地址if different from Registered Office Address如與註冊辦事處不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

2. Person(s) who Exercise Ultimate Management Control 行使最終管理控制權之人士★ (Please provide Organization Chart 請提供公司架構圖表)

3. All Board of Directors of the Applicant/Policyholder 申請人/保單持有人之董事局成員★

Name 姓名

Date of Birth 出生日期

Expiry Date 到期日

Nationality 國籍

HKID/Passport No. 香港身份證 / 護照號碼(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Residential Address 住址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Permanent Address 永久地址 if different from Residential Address如與住址不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

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3 of 8

b. Protector(s) or Enforcer(s) 信託的保護人或執行人★

4. Additional Information for Trust 信託附加資料★ (Please provide a copy of trust deed 請提供信託契約副本)a. Settlor(s) 財產授予人

c. Person(s) with Ultimate Control Over the Trust 最終控制信託的人★

▲ Please complete in English & provide address proof. P.O. Box address is not accepted ▲ 請以英文填寫並提供住址證明。不接受郵政信箱作為地址。★ Please use supplementary sheets if there is insufficient space. ★ 如空間不足請附加紙張。

Name 姓名

Date of Birth 出生日期

Expiry Date 到期日

Nationality 國籍

HKID/Passport No. 香港身份證 / 護照號碼(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Residential Address 住址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Permanent Address 永久地址if different from Residential Address如與住址不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Name 姓名

Date of Birth 出生日期

Expiry Date 到期日

Nationality 國籍

HKID/Passport No. 香港身份證 / 護照號碼(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Residential Address 住址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Permanent Address 永久地址if different from Residential Address如與住址不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Name 姓名

Date of Birth 出生日期

Expiry Date 到期日

Nationality 國籍

HKID/Passport No. 香港身份證 / 護照號碼(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Residential Address 住址(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

Permanent Address 永久地址if different from Residential Address如與住址不同(P.O. Box is not accepted 不接受郵政信箱)

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Policy Particulars 保單資料

Policy Effective Date 保單生效日期

Y 年 /


M月 /



Anniversary Date: Each Year on the first day of (Month)

保單週年日期:每年 月首日

Plan Classification (please tick the chosen plan) 計劃分類(請選取您所揀選的計劃)

Plan 計劃

Eligibility Definition of Insured Persons*符合投保資格的僱員等級定義*

Plan 計劃 1

Plan 計劃 2

Plan 計劃 3

Plan 計劃 4

Plan 計劃 5

Plan 計劃 6

Plan Options 保障計劃 * Add-on Services 附加服務

Life & Accidental and Hospital Benefits


Life & Accidental, Hospital and Clinical Benefits人壽及意外、住院及門診保障


Life & Accidental and Hospital Benefits人壽及意外、住院保障

+ Dental Services**


Life & Accidental, Hospital and Clinical Benefits人壽及意外、住院及門診保障

+ Dental Services**


* 1 option for all plan 所有計劃劃一保障

Employer / Employee Contributions 僱主 / 僱員保費

Employer will pay for 100% of employee’s premiums. 僱主支付僱員保費的100%

If not, please specify the percentage to be paid by Employer %. 如不是,請註明僱主支付的保費為 %

Employer will pay for 100% of dependant’s premium. 僱主支付僱員之家屬的保費的100%

If not, please specify the percentage to be paid by Employer %. 如不是,請註明僱主支付的保費為 %

Coverage Effective Date 保障生效日期

a) Existing employees / members will be eligible for the benefits 現時在職僱員 / 會員可獲享保障於

upon the Policy Effective Date 保單生效日

immediate coverage after months of continuous services. 連續服務滿 個月後即時保障

b) Future employees / members will be eligible for the benefits 將來新聘僱員 / 會員可獲享保障於

on the first day of their employment 在職的第一日

immediate coverage after months of continuous services 連續服務滿 個月後即時保障 With dependant coverage 保障是否包括僱員之家屬? Yes 是 No 否

Annual Premium 全年保費

1. Life & Accidental and Hospital Benefits 人壽及意外、住院保障

Please provide no. of members. 請在格內填寫參加人數。

# Full-time student from age 19-22, please provide evidence. # 全職學生年齡由19-22歲,請提供證明。

Age 年齡 Plan 計劃 1 (JA1) Plan 計劃 2 (JA2) Plan 計劃 3 (JA3) Plan 計劃 4 (JA4) Plan 計劃 5 (JA5) Plan 計劃 6 (JA6)

Child 子女

0 - 4 1,239 799 478 380 413 335

5 - 9 1,239 799 478 380 413 335

10 - 14 1,239 799 478 380 413 335

1,239 799 478 380 413 335

20 - 22# 1,444 932 557 443 481 390

Employee/Spouse 僱員及配偶

Below 2525歲以下 1,712 1,095 658 518 568 456

25 - 29 1,718 1,099 661 520 571 457

30 - 34 1,962 1,256 754 594 651 523

35 - 39 2,429 1,554 934 735 807 647

40 - 44 3,100 1,979 1,191 936 1,029 824

45 - 49 4,122 2,627 1,582 1,241 1,366 1,092

50 - 54 5,349 3,397 2,050 1,599 1,770 1,408

55 - 59 7,540 4,776 2,886 2,244 2,492 1,975

15 - 19#



The Applicant agrees that:

i) If the premium is 100% paid by the EMPLOYER, all eligible persons (employee and spouse) must join the scheme.

ii)If the premium is partially paid by the EMPLOYEE, at least 75% of all eligible persons (employee and spouse) must join the scheme.

On top of the insurance plan, you can add a full range of annual dental care services. Network Dental Services are provided by the service provider designated by

AXA from time to time at its sole discretion subject to separate service charges payable by the employer to such service provider. AXA accepts no liability or

responsibility for these services. The Network Dental Services provided will be subject to the terms and conditions of the service provider reviewed from time to

time. For details of the add-on dental services, please refer to the Employee Network Dental Services Plan Enrolment Form provided by our service provider.

* 申請人同意:

i) 如僱主支付全數保費,所有合資格人士(僱員及家屬)必須參加保險計劃。


** 保險計劃之上,您亦可附加一系列全年牙科服務。網絡牙科服務由 AXA 按其絕對權力不時指定之服務提供機構提供,僱主須直接向服務提供機構繳付服務費用。

AXA 不會對該等服務承擔任何義務或責任。網絡牙科服務須受服務提供機構之條款及細則所限制。有關附加牙科服務詳情,請參閱我們的服務提供機構提供之僱員


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Volume Discount^ 人數折扣^An extra premium discount will be offered if the policy covers 10 employees or more. 若保單的投保僱員達10名或以上,將獲享額外保費折扣。

No. of Employees 僱員人數 Volume Discount 人數折扣率

10 – 15 5%

Below 10 少於10 Nil 無

^ Volume discount applies to life & accidental, hospital and clinical benefits only ^人數折扣只適用於人壽、意外、住院及門診保障。

^ Volume discount offer is based on no. of insured employees only, dependants are excluded ^人數折扣率只按僱員數目而定,家屬不計算在內。

Total no. of employees 僱員總人數

and dependants 及家屬總人數

Annual Premium (Life, Accidental, Hospital and Clinical (optional) Benefits)


Volume Discount ^


Total Annual Premium


HK$ 港幣

HK$ 港幣

HK$ 港幣

Add-on Network Dental Services 附加網絡牙科服務

Please refer to the Employee Network Dental Services Plan Enrolment Form for details .


How to Apply 怎樣投保Life & Accidental, Hospital and Clinical Benefits

Please submit the following items to us before the Policy Effective Date:

1. SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan Application Form

2. Individual Employee Enrolment Form

3. Premium payment cheque made payable to “AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited”



1. 智選僱員福利保險綜合計劃申請表

2. 僱員個人投保申請表

3. 支票抬頭請註明「安盛金融有限公司」以繳交保費

Add-on Network Dental Services 附加網絡牙科服務

Please refer to the Employee Network Dental Services Plan Enrolment Form for details.


Remarks :

1. This plan is specifically for use by companies with 3 – 15 employees. Companies with more than 15 employees can request for a tailor-made proposal from us directly.

2. All insured employees will be required to complete an individual enrolment form. Acceptance will be subject to underwriting.

3. If 1 eligible dependant enrolls in the plan, all other eligible dependants of the family must join at the same time.


1. 此計劃適用於聘用 3至15名僱員的機構。聘用超過15名僱員的機構可直接要求本公司因應個別需要而提供建議書。

2. 所有投保僱員均須填寫個人投保申請表,保障必須在核保後才正式生效。

3. 如其中一位合資格家屬參與此計劃,其他所有合資格的家屬必須同時參與。

2. Life & Accidental, Hospital and Clinical Benefits 人壽及意外、住院及門診保障

Age 年齡 Plan 計劃 1 (JB1) Plan 計劃 2 (JB2) Plan 計劃 3 (JB3) Plan 計劃 4 (JB4) Plan 計劃 5 (JB5) Plan 計劃 6 (JB6)

Child 子女

Employee/Spouse 僱員及配偶

0 - 4 7,722 5,736 3,577 3,029 2,923 2,606

5 - 9 4,501 3,297 2,049 1,713 1,675 1,474

10 - 14 2,504 1,785 1,102 897 901 772

2,504 1,785 1,102 897 901 772

20 - 22#

15 - 19#

3,974 2,879 1,786 1,477 1,459 1,270

4,239 3,045 1,891 1,550 1,545 1,333

25 - 29 4,663 3,366 2,090 1,721 1,708 1,481

30 - 34 4,905 3,526 2,188 1,795 1,788 1,544

35 - 39 5,281 3,766 2,334 1,900 1,907 1,634

40 - 44 5,743 4,048 2,503 2,016 2,046 1,734

45 - 49 6,757 4,710 2,910 2,318 2,378 1,994

50 - 54 7,973 5,500 3,396 2,673 2,775 2,299

55 - 59 10,143 6,909 4,264 3,310 3,485 2,848

Below 2525歲以下

Please provide no. of members. 請在格內填寫參加人數。

# Full-time student from age 19-22, please provide evidence. # 全職學生年齡由19-22歲,請提供證明。

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1. Any amendments to the information provided under this form must be certified by authorized signature and company chop.

2. If there is inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

3. This application form contains general information of SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan only. This is not a policy. For detailed terms,

conditions, limitations and exclusion of SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan, please refer to the relevant policy.

4. This plan is subject to our Company’s terms and conditions. Our Company reserves the final right to approve any policy application.


1. 如此申請表上所提供的資料有任何修改,必須有獲授權人簽署及公司蓋章以作實。

2. 如中英文版本有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。

3. 此申請表只提供智選僱員福利保險綜合計劃的一般資料,並不能被視為保單。有關智選僱員福利保險綜合計劃的詳細條款、細則、限額及不保事項,請參閱有關保單。

4. 參加上述計劃須受本公司有關條款及細則限制。本公司保留批核任何投保申請之最終決定權。

Producer’s Name 營業員姓名: Producer’s Code 營業員編號:

Producer’s Title 營業員職位: Producer’s Branch (if applicable) 營業員分行(如適用):

Producer’s Signature 營業員簽署:

Producer Channel:Agent / Broker / Others, please specify

(Please circle the appropriate choice)


代理人 / 經紀人 / 其他,請註明 (請圈出適用者)


AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited (referred to hereinafter as the “Company”) recognises its responsibilities in relation to the collection, holding, processing,

use and/or transfer of personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“PDPO”). Personal data will be collected only for lawful and relevant purposes

and all practicable steps will be taken to ensure that personal data held by the Company is accurate. The Company will take all practicable steps to ensure security of the

personal data and to avoid unauthorised or accidental access, erasure or other use.




Please note that if you do not provide us with your personal data, we may not be able to provide the information, products or services you need or process your request.


Purpose: From time to time it is necessary for the Company to collect your personal data which may be used, stored, processed, transferred, disclosed or shared by us for

purposes (“Purposes”), including:


1. offering, providing and marketing to you the products/services of the Company, other companies of the AXA Group (“our affiliates”) or our business partners (see “Use

and provision of personal data in direct marketing” below), and administering, maintaining, managing and operating such products/services;



2. processing and evaluating any applications or requests made by you for products/services offered by the Company and our affiliates;


3. providing subsequent services to you, including but not limited to administering the policies issued;


4. any purposes in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any products/services provided by the Company and/or our affiliates,

including investigation of claims;


5. evaluating your financial needs;


6. designing products/services for customers;


7. conducting market research for statistical or other purposes;


8. matching any data held which relates to you from time to time for any of the purposes listed herein;


9. making disclosure as required by any applicable law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines or to assist in law enforcement purposes, investigations by

police or other government or regulatory authorities in Hong Kong or elsewhere;


10. conducting identity and/or credit checks and/or debt collection;


11. complying with the laws of any applicable jurisdiction;


12. carrying out other services in connection with the operation of the Company’s business; and


13. other purposes directly relating to any of the above.


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Transfer of personal data: Personal data will be kept confidential but, subject to the provisions of any applicable law, may be provided to:個人資料的轉移:個人資料將予以保密,但在遵守任何適用法律條文的前提下,可提供給:

1. any of our affiliates, any person associated with the Company, any reinsurance company, claims investigation company, your broker, industry association or federation, fund management company or financial institution in Hong Kong or elsewhere and in this regard you consent to the transfer of your data outside of Hong Kong;



2. any person (including private investigators) in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any products/services provided by the Company and/or our affiliates;


3. any agent, contractor or third party who provides administrative, technology or other services (including direct marketing services) to the Company and/or our affiliates in Hong Kong or elsewhere and who has a duty of confidentiality to the same;


4. credit reference agencies or, in the event of default, debt collection agencies; 信貸資料機構或(在出現拖欠還款的情況下)追討欠款公司;

5. any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of our rights or business; and 本公司權利或業務的任何實際或建議的承讓人、受讓方、參與者或次參與者;及

6. any government department or other appropriate governmental or regulatory authority in Hong Kong or elsewhere. 在香港或香港以外其他地方的任何政府部門或其他適當的政府或監管機關。

For our policy on using your personal data for marketing purposes, please see the section below “Use and provision of personal data in direct marketing”.如欲了解本公司為促銷目的使用閣下的個人資料的政策,請參閱下文“在直接促銷中使用及將其個人資料提供予其他人士”部份。

Transfer of your personal data will only be made for one or more of the Purposes specified above.閣下的個人資料將僅為上文中規定的一個或多個有關目的而被轉移。

Use and provision of personal data in direct marketing: The Company intends to:在直接促銷中使用及將其個人資料提供予其他人士:本公司有意:

1) use your name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data held by the Company from time to time for direct marketing;


2) conduct direct marketing (including but not limited to providing reward, loyalty or privileges programmes) in relation to the following classes of products and services that the Company, our affiliates, our co-branding partners and our business partners may offer:


a) insurance, banking, provident fund or scheme, financial services, securities and related products and services; 保險、銀行、公積金或公積金計劃、金融服務、證券和相關產品及服務;

b) products and services on health, wellness and medical, food and beverage, sporting activities and membership, entertainment, spa and similar relaxation activities, travel and transportation, household, apparel, education, social networking, media and high-end consumer products;



3) the above products and services may be provided by the Company and/or: 以上服務及產品將會由本公司及/或以下機構提供:

a) any of our affiliates; 任何安盛關聯方;

b) third party financial institutions; 第三方金融機構;

c) the business partners or co-branding partners of the Company and/or affiliates providing the products and services set out in (2) above; 提供上文(2)所列之服務及產品之本公司及/或安盛關聯方的商業合作夥伴或合作品牌夥伴;

d) third party reward, loyalty or privileges programme providers supporting the Company or any of the above listed entities; 向本公司或任何以上所列機構提供支援的第三方獎賞、客戶或會員或優惠計劃提供者;

4) in addition to marketing the above products and services, the Company also intends to provide the data described in (1) above to all or any of the persons described in (3) above for use by them in marketing those products and services, and the Company requires your written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose.


使用,而本公司為此目的須獲得客戶書面同意(包括表示不反對) 。

Before using your personal data for the purposes and providing to the transferees set out above, the Company must obtain your written consent, and only after having obtained such written consent, may use and provide your personal data for any promotional or marketing purpose.在使用閣下的個人資料作上文所述的目的或提供予上文所述的人士之前,本公司須獲得閣下的書面同意,及只在獲得閣下的書面同意後方可使用閣下的個人資料及提供


You may in future withdraw your consent to the use and provision of your personal data for direct marketing.閣下日後可撤回閣下給予本公司有關使用閣下的個人資料及提供予其他人士作任何促銷用途的同意。

If you wish to withdraw your consent, please inform us in writing to the address in the section on “Access and correction of personal data”. The Company shall, without charge to you, ensure that you are not included in future direct marketing activities.閣下如欲撤回閣下給予本公司的同意,請發信至下文“個人資料的查閱和更正”部份所列的地址通知本公司。本公司會在不收取任何費用的情況下確保不會將閣下納入


Access and correction of personal data: Under the PDPO, you have the right to ascertain whether the Company holds your personal data, to obtain a copy of the data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. You may also request the Company to inform you of the type of personal data held by it.個人資料的查閱和更正:根據條例,閣下有權查明本公司是否持有閣下的個人資料,獲取該資料的副本,以及更正任何不準確的資料。閣下還可以要求本公司告知閣下


Requests for access and correction or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held by the Company should be addressed in writing to:查閱和更正的要求,或有關獲取政策、常規及本公司所持的資料種類的資料,均應以書面形式發送至:

Data Privacy Officer 個人資料保護主任AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited 安盛金融有限公司Employee Benefits - Unit 2201 - 2206 22/F Manhattan Place 23 Wang Tai Road Kowloon Bay Kowloon Hong Kong僱員福利 – 香港九龍九龍灣宏泰道23號22樓2201-2206室

A reasonable fee may be charged to offset the Company’s administrative and actual costs incurred in complying with your data access requests.本公司可能會向閣下收取合理的費用,以抵銷本公司為執行閣下的資料查閱要求而引致的行政和實際費用。

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8 of 8(Not for use in Mainland China 不適合於中國大陸境內使用 )





DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZATION 聲明及授權 1. The applicant/policyholder hereby confirms that on behalf of itself, and any person referred to in this application including without limitation the Insured Persons that it

is not acting on behalf of any other person for this insurance application unless otherwise expressly indicated in this application form or any other documents provided to AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited (“the Company”) for this application.


2. The applicant/policyholder declares and agrees that: 申請人/保單持有人謹此聲明及同意:

a) The insurance coverage will be subject to all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy contract; 保障範圍將受保單合約中之各項條款、條件及不保事項限制;b) In respect of the hospital and/or clinical benefits under the SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan, the applicant/policyholder authorizes the Company

to act on behalf of the applicant/policyholder (and the Insured Persons) to: (i) arrange and appoint the medical services providers including without limitation any hospitals, clinics and medical practitioners, to provide medical services for the Insured Persons; (ii) accept direct billing from the medical services providers for services rendered to the Insured Persons; (iii) establish, suspend or terminate the said relationship with the medical services providers as necessary; (iv) negotiate all related fees and arrangements with the medical services providers; (v) recover any amounts for any shortfalls or ineligible medical expenses from the Insured Persons;


c) In the event of loss of medical card, the applicant/policyholder must pay for the administrative cost involved in his/her card replacement; 醫療卡如有遺失,申請人/保單持有人必須繳付行政費以換領新卡;d) All Insured Persons must be in full-time work on the Policy Effective Date. If the Insured Person is hospitalized or disabled on the date on, or from which he/she would

otherwise have been entitled to the benefit under this policy, the Insured Person shall not be entitled to any benefit from this policy until the day immediately following the termination of his/her hospitalization or disablement.


3. The applicant/policyholder further declares and agrees: 申請人/保單持有人聲明及同意:

a) all information that have been provided in connection with this application (whether contained in this application form or otherwise) is complete and true, and together with all information received by the Company as to any subsequent changes in connection with this application shall form the basis and part of the contract;


b) it has obtained all necessary consent and authorization from its employees and their dependents to supply their information and data to the Company by the applicant/policyholder itself and/or through its representative involved in this application otherwise if the applicant/policyholder fails to provide any such information requested, it may result in the Company’s inability to process and deal with this application. The applicant/policyholder’s employees and their dependents agree that these information and data can be used by the Company to carry on the Company’s businesses.


c) all its employees have confirmed that they have obtained all necessary consent and authorization from their dependents to supply their information and data to the Company and/or the representative of the Company.


4. A photocopy of this authorization shall be valid as the original. 本授權書的影印本與正本均有同等效力。

5. I/We ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFIRM that I/we have read and understood the Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”). I/We confirm that I/we have been advised to read carefully the PICS, and I/we have read it carefully its effect and impact in respect of my/our personal data collected or held by the Company (whether contained in this application or otherwise). Based on the foregoing, I/we hereby give my/our acknowledgement and agree to the use and transfer of my/our personal data by AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited in accordance with the PICS, including the use and provision of my/our personal data for the purpose of direct marketing.


[Important: If you do not agree to the use and provision of your personal data for direct marketing as set out in the section “Use and provision of personal data in direct marketing”, please tick the box below and we will not use your personal data for direct marketing.]

[重要通知:如閣下不同意根據“收集個人資料的聲明”使用和轉移閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途(參閱“在直接促銷中使用及將其個人資料提供予其他人士”部份),請在下列方格內 加上剔號(“✓”),本公司將不會使用閣下的個人資料作為直接促銷用途。]

I/We do not agree with the use and provision of my/our personal data for direct marketing purposes as set out above in the “Personal Information Collection Statement” (see “Use and provision of personal data in direct marketing”) and do not wish to receive any promotional and direct marketing materials.


Authorized Signature with Company Chop on behalf of the Applicant 獲授權人簽署及公司蓋章:

Position 職位:

Date of Signing 簽署日期: (

Name of Authorized Person 獲授權人姓名:

Identity No. 身份證明文件號碼:

DD日 / MM月 / YY年 )

(please provide Board of Resolution/written authority from Authorized Person 請提供董事會決議/書面授權)

Identity Document Type 身份證明文件類型:(please provide certified true copy 請提供認證副本)

Employee Benefits 僱員福利Unit 2201 - 2206, 22/F., Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍九龍灣宏泰道23號22樓2201 - 2206室

Email 電郵: [email protected] Website 網址: www.axa.com.hk Telephone 電話: 2519 1166 Fax 傳真: 2598 6502

AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited 安盛金融有限公司

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Network Dental Services (Optional)+

detimilnUnoitcurtsnI eneigyH larO gnidulcnI noitanimaxE larO

raey rep tisiv 1 .xaMgnihsiloP dna gnilacS

detimilnU)yrassecen nehw( hpargoidaR mliF llamS laro-artnI

detimilnU)suoiraC( hteeT roiretsoP rof gnilliF maglamA



)suoiraC( hteeT roiretnA rof gnilliF etisopmoC

Emergency Consultations and Dressings for Pain Relief within office hours

detimilnUesaesiD muG ro yaceD htooT ot eud noitcartxE elpmiS

detimilnU)yrassecen nehw( tnemtaerT )muG( latnodoireP

detimilnU)srelliK niaP dna scitoibitnA( snoitacideM

+ Network Dental Services will be subject to the terms and conditions of the service provider.

Start putting the SelectCare Employee Insurance Package Plan to work for your company today!To find out more about the SelectCare plan, please contact your AXA insurance consultant today.

Annual Fee

HK$400(per person)


• No exclusion, except for the contestability of non-disclosed

material facts during the first year of coverage.


Any disease and sicknesses • Suicide •

civil commotion and revolution • Actions not permitted by law

(except traffic or pedestrian offences) • Any police action or

Nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism



(Not for use in Mainland China)

participation in a brawl or felony Radioactive contamination

War, strikes, riots,

ABOUT AXA HONG KONGAXA Hong Kong, a member of the AXA Group, prides itself of serving over 1 million customers1 in Hong Kong and Macau. Besides being one of the largest health protection providers in Hong Kong, it is also the number 1 General Insurance provider2 and a market leader in motor insurance.AXA Hong Kong is committed to helping its customers achieve stability and prosperity through providing a comprehensive range of life, health, property and casualty protection, as well as wealth management and retirement solutions.We believe it is our inherent responsibility to support the communities we operate in, hence creating a sustainable business via constant and considerable contribution in the dimensions of health, environment and the community.

1 Including customers of AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited, AXA China Region Trustees Limited and AXAChina Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

2 Based on 2013 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance market share statisticsAXA China Region Insurance Company LimitedEmployee BenefitsUnit 2201 - 2206, 22/F., Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: (852) 2519 1166 Fax: (852) 2598 6502 Website: www.axa.com.hk

• Pre-existing conditions • General check-up, pregnancy, any elective treatment such as cosmetic surgery, sterilization and beautification • Participating in illegal acts (except trafficand pedestrian offences) • Dental care unless resulting from accidental injury • War, strikes, riots, civil commotion and revolution • Benefits compensated by law or other insurance policies • Congenital anomalies • Any Physiotherapy treatmentand treatment by a Chiropractor unless recommended by a Doctor and treated in a registered clinic or hospital • Convalescence, custodial or rest care, preventive inoculation or medication• Correction of eye vision or fitting of eye glasses • Rental or purchase of prosthetic applicances such as but not limited to hearing aids, artifical limbs, glasses or corset

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Accidental death and dismemberment benefit scheduleAccidental death or dismemberment benefits will be paid as per a percentage of the maximum benefit as set out in the Schedule to the relevant policy.



For loss of For loss of

Life 100% All fingers of one hand 45%

Two limbs 100% Thumb – both phalanges 15%

Sight of both eyes 100% Thumb – one phalanx 8%

One limb and sight of one eye 100% Index finger 10%

One limb 50% Middle finger 6%

Sight of one eye 50% Ring or little finger 4%

All toes on one foot 15%

For permanent and total paralysis of Great toe – both phalanges 5%

All limbs 100% Great toe – one phalanx 2%

Three limbs 75% Any other toe 2%

Two limbs 50%

One limb 25% For removal of lower jaw by surgical operation 30%

For permanent and total loss of

Hearing in both ears 70%

Hearing in one ear 20%

Loss of a limb refers to an actual severance at or proximal to the wrist or ankle joint.

Loss of a thumb or a finger refers to the actual severance at or proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Loss of a toe refers to the actual severance at or proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joint.

If an insured member sustains more than one loss in the above list as a result of the same accident, the total amount payable on account of such losses shall be limited to the amount of maximum benefit.

Eligibility• Applicable for companies with 3 – 15 employees.

• You can set different classes of benefits for different employee levels, e.g. Benefits Class 1 with Plan 1 benefits

for Directors and Benefits Class 2 with Plan 3 benefits for your general staff. You may also set a maximum of 2

Benefits Classes for 4 – 9 employees; a maximum of 3 Benefits Classes for 10 – 15 employees.

Participation guidelines• For dependant coverage:

(1) all eligible dependants, i.e. spouse and child(ren) of insured employee, must enroll.

(2) all eligible dependants must be insured at the same benefit level as the insured employee.

(3) dependants are entitled to medical benefits only (excluding Life and Accidental benefits).

The above Benefit Schedule contains general information of SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan only. This is not a policy. For detailed terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of SelectCare Employee Benefits Insurance Package Plan, please refer to the relevant policy. This plan is subject to our Company’s terms and conditions. Our Company reserves the final right to approve any policy application.

Covers employees and spouses aged 16 − 59 years, unmarried children aged 14 days − 18 years and full-time

students below age 23.

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Benefits schedule


Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6


Death Benefit 150,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits* 150,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000



Reimbursement Percentage (%) %08%001

Daily Room & Board per day (Max. 60 days) 2,000 1,200 600 450 600 450

Doctor’s Visit per day (Max. 60 days) 2,000 1,200 600 450 600 450

Hospital Expenses 30,000 18,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 6,000

Surgeon’s Fee Super Major 95,000 60,000 35,000 25,000 35,000 25,000

Major 47,500 30,000 17,500 12,500 17,500 12,500

Intermediate 23,750 15,000 8,750 6,250 8,750 6,250

Minor 9,500 6,000 3,500 2,500 3,500 2,500

Anaesthetist’s Fee Super Major 28,500 18,000 10,500 7,500 10,500 7,500

Major 14,250 9,000 5,250 3,750 5,250 3,750

Intermediate 7,125 4,500 2,625 1,875 2,625 1,875

Minor 2,850 1,800 1,050 750 1,050 750

Operating Theatre Expenses

Super Major 28,500 18,000 10,500 7,500 10,500 7,500

Major 14,250 9,000 5,250 3,750 5,250 3,750

Intermediate 7,125 4,500 2,625 1,875 2,625 1,875

Minor 2,850 1,800 1,050 750 1,050 750

Intensive Care per day (Max. 10 days) 3,000 2,400 1,200 600 ------- -------

Specialist’s Visits (Referred by attending doctor) 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 ------- -------

Home Nursing per day (Max. 60 days referred by attending doctor) 1,000 600 ------- ------- ------- -------

Additional Benefits for Accident 6,000 4,500 ------- ------- ------- -------

Post-Operation Doctor’s Visits (at Home and Office) 1,600 1,600 ------- ------- ------- -------

Maximum Limit Per Disability Per Member 527,600 330,100 152,000 108,000 136,000 100,000

Comprehensive Emergency Assistance Services

Enjoy 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week access to the following services via our worldwide network of emergency assistance service ce ntres: Hotline services, including pre-trip referral information, medical and legal referral services.Medical emergency evacuation and / or repatriation services.Repatriation of mortal remainsWorldwide hospital deposit guarantee (up to US$5,000) . #

Over 200 hospitals in China are included throughout the China Hospital Network.

# Member is required to repay any sum advanced within 45 days (without interest).


Reimbursement Percentage (%) 80%

Doctor’s Visit at Office per visit per day 300 240 180 140 140 120

Doctor’s Visit at Home per visit per day 600 480 ------- ------- ------- -------

Specialist’s Visit per visit per day (Referred by attending doctor) 600 480 360 280 280 240

Chinese Herbalist’s Visit per visit per day 200 160 ------- ------- ------- -------

X-ray and Lab-Tests per disability (Referred by attending doctor.) 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 500

Total Doctor’s, specialist’s and Chinese Herbalist’s visits limited to a maximum of 30 visits per policy year.Specialist’s visits are limited to a maximum of 10 visits per policy year.Chinese Herbalist’s visits are limited to a maximum of 5 visits per policy year.

Notes: Benefits payable are reimbursements of actual costs with the above figures being the maximum amount.

The SelectCare Plan offers you a choice of six different levels of benefits:Plan 1 and 2 - Top-of-the-range private and semi-private level benefitsPlan 3 and 4 - Comprehensive ward level benefits with 100% reimbursement of hospital expensesPlan 5 and 6 - Basic ward level benefits with 80% reimbursement of hospital expenses

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Accident and Hospital Benefits with optional Clinical Benefits

at extremely competitive premiums.

Covers as few as 3 employees.

Simple application procedure and easy administration -

normally, no medical examination is required.

Clinical cover offers a free choice of doctors plus a medical

card covering over 2,000 physicians.

Comprehensive emergency assistance service.

Medical card with China Hospital Network offers hospital

deposits guarantee to over 200 hospitals in Mainland China.

Easy extension of medical benefits to cover dependants.

24-hour worldwide coverage.

A totally flexible choiceWhen your company takes advantage of the SelectCare plan, you will be able to choose one of the benefits options as outlined bel ow:

secivreS no-ddAegarevoC ecnarusnIsnoitpO1 Life and Accidental + Hospital Benefits

----2 Life and Accidental + Hospital + Clinical Benefits

3 latneDstfieneB latipsoH + latnediccA dna efiL

4 latneDstfieneB lacinilC + latipsoH + latnediccA dna efiL

Same option applies to all classes of employees if more than one class of employees is set.

(Please refer to Eligibility section next page for full details.)

Comprehensive cover choices to suit your business needs

A super full range of benefits for you and your staffstfieneB latipsoHstfieneB latnediccA dna efiL

Payment of a cash lump sum for all causes of death.

Payment of pre-specified accidental death and dismemberment benefit amount for loss of life, limbs, hearing, sight and fingers, etc. as a result of accidents.

Reimbursement up to the full insured amount for hospital and surgical expenses following accident or sickness.

Benefits include daily room and board charges, hospital expenses, surgeon’s and anaesthetist’s fees, operating theatre expenses, intensive care benefits, etc.

^secivreS latneD krowteN lanoitpOstfieneB lacinilC lanoitpO

Reimbursement of 80% of clinical expenses up to the insured amount.

Benefits include visits by general practitioners, specialists and Chinese herbalists, X-rays and laboratory test’s expenses.

clinics (with co-payment).

You can add a full range of annual dental care services on top of the insurance plan.

^ Network Dental Services are provided by the service provider designated by AXA from time to time at its sole discretion subject to separate service charges payable by the employer to such service provider. AXA accepts no liability or responsibility for these services. The Network Dental Services provided will be subject to the terms and conditions of the service provider.

As a dependable business companion, AXA understands that it is important to protect

your company and employees in every way you can. To ensure the smooth growth

of your business and build up employee loyalty, we have specially designed

the SelectCare Employ Insurance Package Plan with a

and medium-sized companies with 3 or more employees, SelectCare offers

you a number of easy and remarkably cost-effective ways to show your

staff just how highly you value them.

Key product featuresProvides a wide range of benefits including Group Life,

Extensive panel doctor service facility for visitors to network

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employee benefi tsI want a comprehensive range of life and medical benefits for my employees

SelectCare Employee Benefi ts

InsurancePackage Plan

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