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connected vehicle cloud Under the hood

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OEM - запчасти на проводе


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connectedvehicle cloudUnder the hood

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Connecting thevehicle – opportunitiesaround the bend Ericsson’s Connected Vehicle Cloud increases the value of car manufacturer’s core business, creates a direct channel to the driver and introduces new actors to take part of the value network of the automotive industry.

Connected Vehicle Cloud (CVC) allows many actors to meet and engage in the automotive ecosystem. Automotive manufacturers (OEMs) have, through the connected vehicle, an increasingly important role as service provider focusing on building customer relationship, optimizing current aftermarket business and involving new partners. The CVC is an established automotive industry solution for connectivity, service exposure, business orchestration, content and productmanagement, charging, customer care etc. The CVC is one cloud solution for handling data from the vehicle, infotainment as well as dealing with new innovative partner revenue streams.

The mobile broadband connected vehicle presents an enticing opportunity for partners. CVC boosts this new automotive eco system by providing the OEM and partners with a cost-efficient way of engaging while ensuring driver safety and privacy.

The CVC is built on the Ericsson Service Enablement Platform, a complete business support system providing a center for the new automotive businesses enabling marketing and commerce of a wide range of different products and services. It is an end-to-end system completely managed with advanced, buteasy to use, graphical tools.

It leverages the experience from several industries and is a battle proven platform with over 100 customers in

Automotive, Telecom, Banking and Media. It is the core platform for the Ericsson Machine-2-Machine and multi-screen offerings.

Chapter 1: CLOUD CONNECTORThe Cloud connector brings control to Partner Management, Service Access Control, Business Agreements and it manages roles, rights and data between the vehicle, through regional and global node to the partners or the OEM.

Chapter 2: BUSINESS LOGICThe brain in the system. Use it to classify services, add product offerings, rate and charge for services and make sure that these services are properly delivered. It keeps track of driver and vehicle Identity.

Figure 1: Connected Vehicle Cloud powering the Automotive Ecosystem


> OEm – Increase Core Business Connected Service Booking Read and Distribute Diagnostics Data Warranty Management Remote SW and Firmware Update

> OEm – Connect partners Application Store Secure exposure of Vehicle Data SDK for application development Business terms and access management for partners and dealers

> OEm – Keep Control Business Logic management Charging and Payment Product Catalogue Security Fully version management

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All CVC policies are globally and regionally powered by the Rule Engine, a unified way for on-the-fly personalization and customer segmentation based on any context.

Chapter 3: VEhICLE ACCESSThe Screen Management is helping you simplify the complexity of connecting with the user over many screens inside and outside the vehicle. It is also securely transferring date from the vehicle in the Data Collector and Executes Applications in a secure way inside the vehicle or in the cloud.

Chapter 4: ApIs and pLUG-INSFundamental to install a platform like this in complex IT environments is that it is modular and open. The access to and from other systems is done through the vast number of APIs provided.

Chapter 5: RESOURCESThe CVC is built on high performance, high availability products from the Telecom world. It includes Application Store, User Information and Vehicle data and Subscription handling. It includes a complete set of tools for deployment, rollback and testing all fully versioned managed. Also includes internal and external reporting and settlements handling.

Chapter 6: SecuritySecurity is a top priority for the cloud. The CVC manages certificates managed between all actors for encrypted communication, and includes anomaly detection systems.

Chapter 7: working with CVCThe CVC minimizes management and removes IT

Figure 2: Connected Vehicle Cloud functional overview


> Takes the experience from Telecom into Automotive with highly modular, high performance, high availability platforms

> Performed over 15,000 request/sec at one of the world’s largest media companies in the US

> Over 300 payment transactions/sec in the Middle East, over 2000 Partners connected at European Operator, over 3 Million assets in Content Catalogue in north America

> Live with Product Catalogue and Credit Card payment for automotive OEM

> Volvo Cars’ Partner for Connected Car

> Awards – CTIA, M2M Evolution Magazine, ITEXPO, Mobile Merit (2013)

> Rated no 1 in Service Delivery Platforms by Gartner, Analysis Mason and Infonetics Research (2013)

complexity for offering services.

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The high availability and durability of the connection to partners and OEM backend is ensured by the Cache and Asynchronous message Broker based on well proven telecommunications principles. The cloud is physically distributed with a Central node that connects to the OEM back-end systems and synchronously or asynchronously makes parameters available in the cloud and distributed to regional nodes.

The regional nodes are logic instances in a region (like US, Europe, China) both for performance and legal data reasons but also for different enhanced technical offerings, for instance, partnership with a mobile operator in one region that enables operator billing. The replication between Central and Regional nodes provides the function to synchronize assets, services, agreements, partners, and other data.

Chapter 1: Cloud Connector partner management starts with an agreement for accessing vehicle and user data or providing applications or content. What an application can access from the car as well as what data a partner can access from the CVC is Access Controlled and SLA is enforced according to Business Terms Agreement.

It provides an interface for uploading services (applications) and Editorial Tools for promoting these services. This process controlled with a dynamic configurable Work Flow. For content and service retailing, several models of control exist, ranging from full partner control of offers, products, and price to full OEM control.

Ericsson’s Connected Vehicle Cloud uses business building blocks to create end-to-end uses cases

Figure 3: partner management

Figure 4: Logical distribution

Figure 5: Central Node

Figure 6: Regional Node

Chapter 2: Business LogicThe Business Logic manages what offers and services a user will discover, purchase and consume. The CVC is accessible on multiple screens; mainly through the vehicle head unit but as well over smart phones, tablets, computers or other applications.

Service Classification centers on Context, which is the specific circumstances during which Service is accessed. Context like information about date, time, location, vehicle model; explicit and implicit Driver/Owner Information such as preferences, customer segment and purchase behavior, distraction rules and limitations of the device and SW versions through which the service will be used. The business logic is configured by the Rule Engine and decides how to price and promote a service and to who.

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Figure 7: Service Classification

Figure 8: process promoting a service

Figure 9: product Catalogue

The services are priced and charged by the sophisticated combination of a product Catalogue and a Commerce Engine. Based on Telecom experience building offerings is very flexible with multiple charging methods and multiple parties paying for or getting pay-back for a service.

In addition to downloadable content and applications, four main types of services are supported:

> proxy Services – the CVC is in full control of branding, personalization, commerce, statistics, etc. The partner provides purchase offers depending on the privileges.

> Redirect Services – The service is not proxied through the CVC and the commerce system is bypassed. Therefore the CVC is not able to collect statistics information or purchases. This could be used for local time critical services like V2V communication.

> pass-through Services – somewhere between Proxy and Redirect services we have pass-through services. Pass-through services are passed through the CVC, but let the partner control the branding. On the other hand, the CVC keeps the commerce, personalization, and statistics capabilities available. The partner provides purchase offers depending on the privileges.

> hosted web Apps – gives the partner right to upload and configure a Java application to be deployed in the CVC.

The Product Catalogue is used to list products which is what the driver/owner purchases after being presented with an offer containing a price tag including price, currency and VAT. The Product offer has configurations like:

> Bundle – Possible to bundle cross products > Subscription – with/without automatic renewal > Target Consumer Group – available to a specific

consumer target group > Time – an offer in a limited time period > Free trial > Usage limit - number of times it may be used > Expiration time –fixed date/ time after purchase

To share revenue between Partners the following Settlement Cases are supported out-of-the-box:

> Sponsoring – a third party acts as sponsor: > Percentage of product price > Fixed whole sale price

The Customer Care tool is an intuitive and straightforward web-based application. With this application, customer care personnel help drivers/owners solve problems. The main purpose of this tool is to help customer care personnel to keep the driver/owner satisfied. This has been made possible by enabling the following:

> Accessing a service using the same settings as the specific driver/owner. This enables a customer care responsible to guide through the services

> Refunding if they are experiencing problems with payment of, access to, or download of premium content.

> Viewing the driver/owner profile which contains more in-depth information.

Chapter 3: Vehicle Access A user today interacts with a vehicle from any device. The CVC features dynamic multi-Screen Management. Services are available on tablets, computers, phones, the vehicle head unit and partner applications and screens, e.g. dealer terminal. All experiences are designed through easy to use graphical tools.

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To increase user friendliness, the presentation is customized to the individual. This is done by adding granular screen rules. Some examples of rules:

> Vehicle model, version, market, SW version > Driver distraction – only show services when the car

is not moving > Segmentation – for the first two weeks, only show

this to drivers with leased cars > User Behavior – show this introductory offer to

individuals who has never subscribed to this service before.

> Capabilities – do not show services if there is if the device does not support this particular service

> Time – only show this information during daytime > Location – only show relevant location information

The Vehicle Data Collector feeds vehicle data and status back into the CVC to be stored and combined with other systems and sensors information and distributed to the right parties (in part or in full). The same fundamentals are used for sending data to the OEM as to expose it to partners.

With this data the OEM are able to manage predictive maintenance solutions and offer services like connected service booking to the owner. Constantly having connected vehicles enables the OEM to feed information back to the production line and create a faster turnaround of modifications. This to lower warranty costs. An example of a partner, a manufacturer of spark plugs, that want to get a view of how this component is doing on all the vehicles in a region where issues has been reported.

The CVC can host and monitor applications on behalf of the OEM and partners in the cloud to easily provision drivers/owners with smart functionality. These applications are run in a very secure environment called Application Execution Environment which deploys, configures, monitors and hosts Hosted Web Applications (HWA) built in Java.

The SDK for HWA provides an environment and framework for assisting engineers to build and test a complete offer.

The Application Execution Environment provides support for:

> Hosted Web Applications > Execution of HWAs with independent release cycles > Deployment of HWAs from a global cluster to one or

more regional cluster(s) > Replication of assets, services, and portal data from

a global cluster to one or more regional cluster(s) > Storing and sharing of HWA data > Central Configuration & Monitoring

Figure 10: Deployment of hwA

Chapter 4: ApIs and plug-ins

Connected Vehicle Cloud is an open platform with API access to all core services and information

ApIsThe CVC is an open platform that connects many systems and actors. It manages and facilitates these relationships. It provides many integration points and APIs for easy integration with external and internal systems and partners. Here are an examples of some of the over 50 documented APIs

> Service management - enables external systems to create, update or query partners, agreements and services.

> User profile - allows adjacent systems to exchange user information with the Cloud, i.e. search for, set, and retrieve information about the drivers/owner/vehicle and associated meta Information.

> Commerce - is a web service that allows an adjacent system to exchange commerce information.

> External Activation - enables the CVC to send notifications to external systems. For example, sending a subscription notification to a partner of Telematics services or car theft service.

> External message Delivery – send message delivery requests to an external system.

> web and mash-up Channel SDK – used to develop local web applications leveraging the CVC.

> Customer Care Embedded Integration – the Customer Care tool can be embedded in an external system, enabling users in an external system to access the Customer Care tool directly without having to log elsewhere.

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> Content provider – enables content providers to upload, offer and sell content

> media Asset Event - allows external systems to consume asset ingestion, edit and deletion events that have occurred in the media repository

Figure 11: plug-in interface

The graphical tools for managing editorial content and offerings is built on an extensible plug-in architecture The offer/content responsible can simply drag/drop and configure plug-in’s from internal OEM systems or partner systems and make them available in the GUI tools utilizing all the core functionality in the platform, such as the Rule Engine.

Chapter 5: Resources The CVC platform is built on high performance, high availability components that has stood their ground in the extremely demanding world of Telecom. Many of these concepts are highly relevant to the Automotive world, eg an Application Store, resilient User Identity, Subscription handling, Settlement handling, and System Management.

The CVC has a full Application Store based on experiences from Telecom market and perfected for very complex multi country installations with thousands of applications each with hundreds of different variants for thousands of different handset profiles.

Multiple versions of the system can be run in parallel in the production environment. Primarily used for phased migration of users to the new live environment.

The platform uses well-defined Version management concepts for its workspace and publishing process. It is a flexible environment that makes it easy to perform small and frequent updates to the system such as change discovery, offers, price, content and segmentation and business rules independently from other peoples’ changes.

The System Management tools support deployment, rollback and testing, as well as system management and internal and external reporting and settlements handling.

Multiple versions of the system configuration can be live simultaneously in the production environment. This is primarily used for phased migration when launching new features.

Chapter 6: SecuritySecurity is paramount in a cloud service like CVC, therefor al communication with the CVC is encrypted and authenticated using certificates distributed by the Certificate Handler.

It provides a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with certificate based mutual authentication between devices and cloud. Mutual authentication ensures that both device and cloud (i.e. server side) can verify authenticity of each other. The responsibility for Certificate Authority can be maintained by the OEM. This gives the OEM control over which devices that have access to the service. Access can be revoked or suspended through the OCSP standard.

Figure 12: Deployment and version management

Figure 13: Certificates handling

The Connected Vehicle Cloud is built with great focus on security

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In addition to boundary defenses like encryption, the CVC has Security Incident and Event Monitoring (SIEM) systems that are used to detect suspicious patterns and anomalies (i.e. Anomaly Detection). This is to protect against malicious attempts to hack the vehicles. Events outside of the normal pattern will be detected. A reputation level is used to policy control which services a device should have access to, for instance lowered reputation will enforce read access only.

Chapter 7: working with CVCWorking with the CVC on a daily basis does not require a large amount of resources. We are utilizing the expertise and the knowledge of building B2C platforms for customers with a minimum service management.

A typical set-up and role distribution are

> Platform maintenance, 2 persons > Partner onboarding, 1 person > Business logic management, 1 person > Vehicle Access, 1 person > Operations, 2 persons

Figure 15: Volvo Cars and Ericsson at Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas, 2013

AwARDS 2013

> May 2013 – CTIA Emerging Technology Award – First Place in Enterprise Solution - General Business category for its innovation, functionality, technological importance, implementation and overall “wow” factor

> August 2013 – M2M Product of the Year Award - acknowledged by m2m Evolution magazine for its superior contribution to the rapidly evolving M2M industry

> September 2013 – ITExpO Best of Show Award - recognized for innovative contribution to advance the field of IP communications

> September 2013 – mobile merit Award - recognized for achievements in the global mobile industry


> One Global Cloud solution for connecting vehicles and services

> Long-term partner for a cross-model solution – update during the lifecycle of the car model

> Global Company present in 180 countries

> World’s 5th largest SW company

> Running managed Services of infrastructure and SW with over 1 Bn end-users

> Reduce cost of ownership – CVC built on existing product, leveraging investments from many customers and industries