oeadt i co. ne.wyÖrk railroads pennsylvania railroads. i ... · neopublication«. oeadtto-day a-i...

Neo Publication«. OEADT TO-DAY a- i BARRAS MEMOIRS COMPLETED. w_ur>Irt3 OF BARRAS. Mrmber of th* Directorate. ^raited. «*'',h R Oeneral Introduction, I'refaces. and dice», ty C.EOKGK DIRTY. Translated. With seven HJllalia In Photogravure, Two Facslmllles. «Two Plan*- Complete In Four Volume«. Vol. I. Ancient Regime and the Revolution. Vol. II. ! Th* Directorate up «o the 18th Kructktor. Published «To-day: Vot- «'' Th* Directorate from the ISth I rructldor to the IMh Brumaire. Vol. IV. The täte; ,n, Empire. The Restoration; Analytical »vo, Cloth, Cncut Edges and Ollt Top«. S3 73 per volume- th« Baa ""J eecond volumes of the MEMOIRS .- BARRAS sppesrei last May; the! n»d «a a valuable and exceedingly their publication was ...igly entertaining ron- tlon of new material for the BBS of students of r"* j,tstory. «Sal for BBS >l*lectatlon of the g*neral JC Even in that lncompl*te form, the recognition of âaiS^âsBsrbaaeS «ras Immediate and w*ll-;iigh universal. Th» third SS«! fourth volume« will be read even more rtr than the first two, both by the general reader **TlL the SNdent of French history of the period. Th« . abound In anecdote and personal details of the Catta of «"« P*rt"<'- Talleyrand. Mme. de BBs«, Ren- Constant.together with a number of peraonag*« ^".eten with the Restoration. Rut al>ove all. Barras "." tes.lr penned a history of the Directorate «uch aa ^«orst .»..»» cr M n"1 ***. 0Utl,netJ- j,«jVV BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE SKA WOLVES." . OBBTLEMAN I GENTLEMAN. Being Certain Page« prom the Ufe and Strange Adventures of Sir Nicholas «teal*. Ban as related by his Valet, Hlldebrnnd jj!,,. By MAX PEMP.KRTON, Author of "The Sea Wolves." etc Post Svo. Cloth. Ornamental, fl 5.Y Ta« tmmort.il "Barry Lyndon" has a worthy suoc««sor «. Bai »arson of Usa accomplished rascal whose adventure», * gad g*V. Mr- *'ax Pemberton ha« here collected, «"a" bSPSSaW« to say which of Mr. Pemhertons two *^ _*._ «k««BH«l ..,,. «t.. .,« 1 « ekU.« sMftoter* Is th* greater rogue, but the matchless au- ^am gad urflagglng bonhomie of the pair may «erve la Mjttf aBari t y to cover a multitude of sin«. A BOOK FOR THE SEASON. fffffOt TOWN. With Illustrations by ROSIXA EMMET .jfKUVOOD. Poet 8vo. Cloth, Ornamental, $1 23. m g s«rl«s of clever »ketches the experience«, sgree- gtgt gr.4 otherwise, of a suburban resident are pleasantly itaktei A celicate love »tory, strung on a slender «Mid of narrative. h*lps to heighten the absurdities of 5 «sftter and the plumber and the bothers of the nnvl BOlMer The host of people who live out of town ess testify how true to reality ar* th* Incidents described «T this witty raconteur, who always manages to se« the na underlying the situation. A more delightful little ¦tory for a l*l«ur* hour has seldom been written, and the drawings are Inimitable. A VOLUME OF THOMAS HARDY'S NOVELS. ¡«jBjBsUTt RF.MF.MEi-«. A Novel. By THOMAS HARDT. Illustrated. New Edition, with Etched IVosllsplece. Crown 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental. $1 50. Other Volume» In THE NEW AND UNIFORM EDITION of TH'-MAS IfARDY'S NOVELS X Uedlcean. The Mayor of Caotirbrld««*. Th« Band of E-h»Ib*rta. A Pair of Blue Eyes. TIslWsodlander«. Two on S Tow*r. Ttsl Trumpet Ma-^r. It»l»m of th* Native. tar from lb« Madding Tes* of the I«Trbervllles. Ooiá. Illustrated. Crown Svo. Cloth, f1 50 per volume. A POPULAR EDITION 0* A POPULAR BOOK. sTaULTH AGAINST COMMONWEALTH. By HENRT DIIIARKST LliOTD. Svo, Cloth. Il 00. N*w Edition. la» »opalarlty of this book and the general attention eaotMsy h have created a demand for a cheaper edition U »Watch It» publishers have herewith recognized. A* «sarttr ¿ and exciting In Its Intensity of interert aatltttorr of a great war..Boston Herald. Sa» ear the most, powerful t».jn yet written «pon ú mi-.Bopolle«, but tb« mo«t »tlrrtna written atura! monopolies..Outlook, N. \. IARPER «% BROS., PUBLISHERS, NEW-TORK JllBlTllttlOTL For Boya and Toung Men..Citjr. BERKELEY SCHOOL, 20 WEST 44TH ST. SFECIAL CLASS FOR LITTLE BOYS. Karly astles given that on Oct. 1st. 1*1*1, b-iys. 7 to| years of as«, will be received In a class ENTIRELY SEPA KATE from th* main school, but with the same grade of Instruction.und*r three »aperlenced teachers. .ad with th* same facilities for Military Drill, Calisthenics. ¦¡Baal Training, French and German. Dally session, 1:11 to 12:13. TJWIGHT ñ HrV'l. «Ill occupy Its new bu11dll.g, IS West 43d «it., near FMb-ave about May 1. 1894. Keventeenth year begins September SO. For Tojns; Ladles..City. rADEMOIrELI.E VELTIN. 6CHOOL FOR OIRLS. FIREPROOF SCHOOL Bl.'lLDINO. 160 AND 103 WEHT 74TH-ST. COLLEGE PREPARATION. vn PEEBLES AND MIS« THOMPSON'S BOARDINI AND DAY SCHOOL FOR OIRLS, SO. 32. S4 East 67th Str**«_ iltV-HAVEN. CONN.. M HILLHOVSB AVE. f* Mrs. anl Miss Cfcdy's School for Oirls. on the most as*»tlf»l aver.u« In th* '«City <f Elms." Apply early. For Foth Sexes..City. BERLITZ SCHOOL OK LANOI'AOES. kBssBssa Rqu.-e SSth-Bt. and Broadway). New-Torts. _The Heh-x.l open all Summer. rVAHEDi PREPARA TOBT INSTITl'TE.-For Boy» sad if Olrta; German Kindergarten Drill: Coll*«« Prepara- ; * boarder» r*cetv«d, 342 Les.-»v*.. bet. 33 A 40 »ts. TBTHAXD.IIIUHAM XTSTEM. written by more than half of the expert reporter» of "¦»try. «end for circulars of the system snd of our _AXDREi\ .1. GRAHAM a CO.. 744 Mriasdwa». MISSES ELY¦« SCHOOL FOR OIRÍA , IMVERHIDE DRIVE. «th »nd SAth Streets. New-York. g n *°* Tounc Ladles..Country. *^ iiariTTrjTR. tarrytownon hi;dson..a ¦gtSBajj BBJ Du ichooj f.r airi». College Prep«r«- -J!??>^.«wB«, flth. alls« M. W. Metcalf. Principal. O tOrtU! ¥Ë9°«« if Kren.-h and Music. AdlronrtacK A M W' ¦rSteft*1' ..'».'.e.!: r*f*re:i.-*« *x- hang*d. Mrs. T^ «wtacTC*3* ^':«>U -"- for «ottiir^.!****. »chool. for girt: B*«t preparation fort» «7 T^«""*,?' co»,r»«o not leading lo oofcleg* (:om- «rawbrlda^Ty;,.'*''' *RTHUR OILMAN Is the Dlr»«tor. T^osSJSÄ-^-^'^« NAKT FOB ÔTR7,HT1âTn«-Sln«"- r««r U«i« fndar*. Ml»s C. C. FCLER. Principal. 20th fl !**** s«s««B«bet ;.:! TWtlïiÎS.B*J,«,'KoK'B Sr^OOLFÔR OiRlT.- Mor- A%d«£u«rT!h, N J- ».*'. New-York City.-Primary. Ccréa«tir<«£$¿í' '"''.Parstory. Lectures by ProfeMors la fi}ù*ur~iAxJt bchôôLT £*"*»»«.' fw Í5?ur°li*«' ïm.*"A for .**¦. ¦.¦ Tr«l»¥>rSfivíí,,h Tnr «"Irevilar. addr»«* a?J?«^J.E " »-"HARDS, Principal. ¦ABA IXIUISE TRACT A M.. Associa** FrtnelpaL Oermanlowsi, Pt-illadelphta. tooBm^ Bov" "na Toun« Men..Country. DmU »5¿w?( >N- '«1 M1UTART INSTITUTE. ffpj- jr. h. LAsroN. principal. fi_---~-?A^' ri_?- D. LANDOK. COMMANDANT. PASr/fI.n ACADÍMT. HOME SCHOOL FOB BOYS. l.llSiJ!*.!'««^**» it college 80 mil*» from " ¦»«S*i!2"H. BRKW-IR. A. M Frln.. Falrfl N*w-Yorb. rtleld. Conn. M^bEÎÏ000 1NKT1TCTE. Oncordvllle. Penn -|1M C CtJ**r- A successful school: or.* cf the be*t to In- L BwT. *Mray «nd to wak« up boys to th* duties of ¦*¦» «"ter bMt coll*«*». I?nd*r is y****, lin. *»».«._____«'. SHORTLIIX5E (Tal*). A. M. Pria. Hj Institut«. Nvack-on th*-Hud*on .Eng. Jg-r»«»w instituí*. Nvack-on tlie-Hudson Eng lKf coav-. Fr., Oer., music. »ten>«traphy. trpewrlt f-S55!^î*»*ncheated. Capt. J. Wilson. A. M.. Prln N* îohns acHooù "~" ".- . MANLIUS. N. T. «a**. àJ,*n *."¦ begin« ««eplember I6th ISOfl, «*--S.-~S._ WM. VERBECK. ^¦KaaiLL MILITARY ACADEMY. av. T. SJd r**f S»nd for lllu«tr»t*d eata- COL f^Ctrrs H OWT.EMAN. Pria Sffiool Agencie«. «A^Ib««^ «ÍÍÍD »O«««»« TBACHERK- AOF.NC1 trfüuLr*?!*».- *..£*>"., Tutor*. Govern*«.*», IbBtiUi' «SS5?2!l SI^ Famlll««. Apply to CLJiJ^jrori^snTt.«roN a tmlon Bquara I. îfBciicr». a »r» n> e.*x««*«*»««e«»xe«««» ««Y«««*«*,^*»*»*«»«,«^^«*«*»» ¦to^vSK^iffl..- '- ÄfJvB year. REAL ESTATE. I .WllfBI AT THE EXCHANGES. tÄ.?.I" U forec»o«««-e proceeding-, comprised flv^'iv £r,.By K0,d No' « 8t Mark's Place, a f.h,H «. "waaaaai Haass, lot 20.10x97.« ft. to l harte« Simon's Son« for BBjSJJ John T licyd «old No. «M W4BM Twenty-slath-st., MÎT ,n:Ty vr,rA 9fab!H- l0t ""*¦»««. «o the plain! There I T^ r°"n,V 8dVlnK" Uank- for .*.* There was due on Judgment IH.IM.. I M. S Da Coata has purchased the four-story pri- Wm B. Itacft, of Chicago, for about »20,000. J N. Knlley *> Soti hnve> sold for Feltx Campbell fvn trnl,«°f HS P^P»«"» Trust Company, of Hrook^ I gTserS ft «SS^*¿ pU-a, an,rHcK,JrV by wh,ph ,hft la«ter will .en ¡n Sve >V?*s?i °f t^'^n'y-even acres on Kl vertía le- ÎE.'. ". ar ,-**»»nêTBl»ri«lKe. The property wi.l be re- stricted ana made a desirable rertctentlal section. MAL estate nUKBTBObj .*ÄÏJîuaf.r:,,aul " ,'u",, un<1 «. **&««_*.> «. -'!» West; « Ul',«',,. Ü liut'ler' ¡a' " ttifrl"'..,;' 2 " °f ''ftrk av" 30XI..2 2.' 7nth»r ' ^SiS*« ,0 w,"|a»' R Oiaea. BaJM ioin-si. * » »tK» ft e of Bark »v.. 44 IyIi*'¦> same to Bath M bUlUke, " 23 SOO *"£'»«*.."2 ¦ "f ^-»aaaay.«««, sÄiasakas -4 0XIU..2. same to Bernard Cohen . 20 12.1 m""'- !5 ft « of *th-«ve. 1.1x100 K. Gilbert M >pelr. referee, to Henry VV Schmidt . 11.500 u..h., V "' ft . "f Amst*r.lani-ave. l«>x ,aS*li J'¦m'',, B Ollll« and wlf* to Haul 11 1'u.h 100 Wth-st. s s. loo ft w of C-urtlandt-av*. .10x1«); 1 r*d«rtck \V Meyer to Charles Kggers and Ed¬ ward Blssinger . j 134th-st. No l.OttS East; Frank it iloughtuii "arid wife to Daniel McAlllst*r and wife 1 000 Cr..tona-ave, n s. 278 d ft e of ltroad-st. r.xólix ¿ixtlT.U. Columbian J Keilv to Man- K Hnlley. 1 Cnlon-ave. w s. 8S1 ft s of Boston-avr. lrtjtx tr- r»gular; Christian F G.iler and wife to r"qinre T Willis . 1 13th-av*. * ». lot gore No 02. map of Waketleid; Nathan P Henderaon and wlf« to Augustos F Gardner, sa-*t4»apsfly. ISth-ave. « «. fiatne proper! v; Ada It Kainsworth to Nathan I" Henderson . 1 122d st. » s. Pitt. 1 ft w of Ht Nicholas ave, 2T>x 100.11; Com!* Henri de l'une» to .lohn l'reusser. 8.000 21.1ih st. centre Itn«, and c*ntr* line of Mth-av* m.nv closed». 407.hx lrrt-gul.tr; l*».in Marie ti> « «vrorsa I' Marl* . loo Washington-av«, w c rn*r Waveri.-v riac*. r>0x loo; l'eter l.eckler and wife to Solom n It Kraus and anoth*r . 1 Brook ave. n w corner 147th st, SCllsSO; .lohn Itlppel and wlf* to .lohn Cotter. 7.50U Cnlon-ave, n w corner 1.12dm. MxloO. Kerdlnatid Forscb an I wlf* to John Otter. inn Crotnna-av -, w s. i*l ft s of Lebanon st. IS.fcx Ki.Sx17..1x90.7. Ilenrv Cleveland et al «o Agnes W Maler and another. 4.«100 Part of 1 >t -.. adjoining land of Edward Faughnan. xlOO; .Nicholas Hlckman and wife to Hosanna Lee. 1 7 part. 1 Same property; Margaret I«e* to Nicholas Hlck¬ man. 1 7 part . 100 2d-av*. » w corn*r »'.th-st, 49 4x100; .leranl* orr *t al to Solomon Haas. 1 Same propeny; Jennie Orr. as tru»tee. to sam*.. 46.3.1o 24th st, s w corner Avenue A. SB-BbSI 1, Fr*d*rtc Btasrwood to E P Hatch. f«. ono ¦23d st. s s. 200 ft w of «th av*. 7.1xns ». «l»o n » 23d st. 2IW 4 ft w ol «th av*. lö.flxFvP. JI*nrv i' Meeidea «nd wif« to Jeisbas i Lindo. i Oakley-*t. a s, lou ft w of K*r>|er ave r^rxlOO; Henry Vonhau* to «atherlne Menr.er. 7.V» lSJith-sl, n s. 1.17 tl ft e of Kdgecombnve. |7 fg 99.11. John Glna«. Jr. tu l'etrona B Htmllt.n.. 1 10t»h-*t. n ». HO ft w of 4th-nve. IDSIOI 11; James M .a Coste and wife to Jeanette mi;. 1«.1 «1 Tlnton-ave.n w corner Deter-st. »Xtxltst; Mar¬ tin Fuselehr and wife to Dledrtch E»d.l*n. «.S00 Centre-*t. » w c..rn«r Bronx-st. being lot* I«* and 19. map of property of John Mafw«. *>x77xv»« 7»t; Alwai.m Moraran to Or.««v*n..r H Hiibbard.. 1 Sam* property; Gmttveei .r S Huhbanl r*f*r**. to Joseph Thall *t al_. 2 72c. limh-st. n a. 16." ft e ut 7th-av*. SOxlU). 11. Jean¬ ette H.-.ll to Harvey D La Coste, ex-property.. 1 173d-«t, n ». IB! ft e of Washington av*. 19xloi. Alben H Vre*land and wif* to Emilie Nlekl»ch. 1 ftth-av«. No T2C; ,T,,bn K.-an to Walt*r M F*ekham 14.1.OQo 24th-st and Avenue A. s w corner. M &x'.«« ». Will¬ iam S Tnwns»nd «nd wlf* to Krederlc Utanwood PÍO Jol.n-st. a ». 72 0 ft e of Wllllam-st. Sa.llaSl.as 24 2xV1 1; Felix Campbell and wlf* t<> Wood- bridge Company . B*»IBt Monr.*»-st. No 10«, Harry Ks«l««f to Bam*tt ljrvy . 1 Essex st. No :t7; Isaac Ri«!nh»-1m*r to tliarle« I. Hoffman . 1 Broad st. Nos 43 to 47; H*nry 0 Havemeyer and wife to K.hn G Mc< iillougb . M E*«»x st.No 37. Charl»» 1. Hoffman to Rachel R.tnhtlmer. 1 H*nrv-»t. n ». lot 10ft. map of Raadrsrb Hu'B.-r » prüp»rty, «SixlW; Thomas Y Allen to Ca'h.-rlr.« C Allen et al. 1 7lh-«t. No 10»; Jacob Dieter and wlf* t . Michael Bissen.. 1 23d »4. n «. 27f. ft «* Of lst-«ve. lflv,<rxp. i|e,,ra* Finck and wlf« John Elnck I2.<«v> MorrlM-av*. n m corner l.ioth-st, DB.CxlOfl; »!« s w earner lflth-M and Avenue P. «VxIKr :<¦ Cathartn* Sheridan et al to Terrace F Kh*rl«la:> 1 f4Jth-»t No 112 West; Margaret Shannon und an¬ other to Annie T Murray . I 47iK «t, * *. *«e ft e of f/e*m»>tii»j «ee. ï«e«i«.r. Wensel A Ratv^-h to Su»!» Raboeh '. 1 Int»r|..r lot i>0 ft * Sf .Ith-av*. and 1>> ft » f r.7th-st. run» 2fltlo; Ellxaoeth H Itussell et al to William R Wllleox..- I ITd-Bt. ¦ ». 221 ft * of M h iv* 2.1x200.18, lo S2J st. it í'om>-n atoras *nd BBother, » se* atora, ti Cllxi 1" Ctakman . Si«» «t, a ». l«""i fi e of 2d ave tsBTTT.aa4S.l«r72 II; «-¡«.orge lia..« r-íere*. t.. Ellen I. I >envr*->- I »> 02d «t. Bo lu.1 Ea»t; Mary B Cannon ami «aotbrr 10 Johanna Lindermann . 2 liad «i, s «. 110 f e of f.'h ave. 2.1x1)0 11. rVHS Uerjr and wlf* 10 ErederU-k Schmidt. 1 ll^'h *t. n ». Iba f w of Mh »v» 27.lx1i«i 11 Mary Els and another to Gustiv W D*«*a* ant another _. '"' 114'h ht. n >. .'IT" ft w Of 1th n-.* «BaiaS.tl Ge.rge E Relllv. executor. ta Mar'i.t M'-!««»r ....», iKth «t, No 24» Basti Liili Anr.n and wife to Amelia B-irnett . 1 lioth st. No 241) Ka-t. Mina sUsstOSWelg 10 l^uls Aaron . 1 114'h St B «. BIB ft w "f Kb »«* 2.1x1«) 11. George E Relllv and wife and Mi.tli.-r I Martin M.-zger . ...;.« 1221 «t » ». 3f.2 ft w of 7th are, ITOstOail; Henry M G*»ch*idt. refer-«, to Jume« I«.it nam . . 1»2I «t. ¦ « SOB ft e of «th ave. 1«x99 11: Serb M Bürge«« to charlea F M-*llch. 1 lllVh «t. No 2M W«st; Wlllllam PtCfeaS at>'1 wife t.. I'aulln* Isaac«. I I4«th st. n ». .2S2 ft w of Am«l*rdarn a\e. 11 r,x OS» 11. Frank J Aldrl. h to Mertle C Aldn.-h. 1 RF'THtDEI» M"RTGA<ÎF.S. Asr ,n. Ix.ul» snd »If* to Hannah Iî!«-rh ff, Ms 24» K*«t 110th «'. 3 y*sr«. |.i..iO0 I!r*-k»nrldge, Ella J. to Fre.lerUk Ttimlnghsm. s s «1th st. no ft w of I/«xlngton ave. tnstal m«nt» . Barne't. Benjamin, and »If- la M -. Goodman and Theresa Hlrrh, «»I ltr<*ime M, Insti». ment». I year» . l'l»**rt. Mlcha*l. to th* M.-tr..i,oll'»n Savin«;» Bank. ¦ ¦ 7lh «I. 1tt2.11 ft * of 1st »v- I o-.ii. OKI Rocker. John, and wife 10 the Kmlgrant Indtistrlsl Saving» H.ink, n s HchuWer «t. 400 ft e of < <.urtlandt-av*. 1 year. -.000 'ohe:.. Iternsrd M truat*«« of Daniel It I", arlng. deceased, s s 71th si. *> ft w of I^xln«t..n ave. 't vears . In,!«*») 'otter, John, and wlf* to F'rdlnand Fors.h, n w MaTBef lITlh st «nd- Crook ave, «»me property. 1 ^*ar . f.'"10 Bora« to John Hipp, i, nw property. 1 year. IvSSS F»m* to Ferdinand Crsch. tarn* pr.perty. g month« ...¦ BjSBB Bam* to s.-im*. n w corn»r t'nlon av« and 1.12.1 *'. « months . S.BSI Clrrlt... J.*epb. snd wife to iKn A »Jaylof I. n a Shh »t. »9.6 ft e of Amsterdam av*. 2.MO Dev*r»ux, Tt-.omss W. and WlKlam V Hagan to George C Eng*1, 1*3«* of SS7 Coltimbtls ave. note, . 2.'tfl0 Dl l/.T-nvi. Gr*g«)rto, and wife to S I*iul»e and Ka«e « Masters-^n. e * K*lly »t. 2«) 3 It n of 10.1th «t. 3 >ears. 780 Derniitti Krark. snd wlf« to th* tru«i<"** of Pefet Mol*r, dec*a«*d. No 7CB C.dumbur »v». 6 \*»r* 14.«)0 Er«*r«, Chsrl** and Edward, to Fr*rt>r|ek W Me\«-r » « l.lftth st, IM> ft w of Cortland' ave, 1 y*ar . M0 Edgar, O*org*. «nd TbSodorB Klltan to N»ncy I. Sherwend and Mary K Hlodgett. * . 114Ili »t. 7.1 ft w «f L*n 'X »v*. 2 year». 2 mortgaee». 5H.000 Flock John, to Stephen II Ja<M».n, n ¦ 23d »t. 27.1 ft w of I»t-«v», | year». 7,000 Fnrlev, Msry V and I'hlltp. to Mutual Llf* In- Mirance Company. N Y. w s 2d av«, S4.I ft . of loth st. 1 year. 10,100 (Hattet Dudley G. »rol Annl* K \Vitb*rb«-* and Clara S Bird. Individual'.»-. D Dudl*> G Gau (1er and another, trust**« of Joslah II Gaut!*r. to Tltl* Guarani»* and Trust Company, s w 00« n-r lib uve and 10th »t. 1 year. ftr.,000 if« llbrunn Joseph, »nd wife to Samii»'. Held«; »belmer No 22Ti Ka»t 100th »t I years. 8,000 Ha*«, Solomon. 10 Jennie Orr. trustee of Robert orr « » eorn*r 2«1 ;n* «nd 3Hth-»t. 1 y»ar- «».OOO H»v*fn*y*r The<v1ot* A. and wlf* to lnlt*d Hta Trust Company. N V. n e rom*r Mb a,v* a 44th *t. I yar« .;';.v.'",.-..:."- I^vy. Karn»tt, to Harry Hn«torr. tan tmm ssu.i.. ^^ .ÄÄ'Ä,..;, M»ry ü V.'^ n .' «B> st 20 ft e of I'ark »v* ,So MB. JTaW;;« '¿¿IL «."uw 1 2T. '«"' i ono 6.'«») M MSA J""h»a J. «nd wlf* ¦" '"' f a,T." "t'w H.^ln.:«. Mew-York. » « 23d «t. .00 ft w 210,000 IflO.OOO of 0<h ave. 5 year«.. M«»er. litm V. and wife to David UulKlcy. 134th St. m ft w of A.exander¦ a«r*. 2 ßf««" ,M0 McCormatk. Mary E. m I«n»s V BSaW«, BJS 1.410 ^^ McAUlstér. D'anîei.' and'wife t. Krank It H.uili- ton. No l.aM i-Jist i-'Mth *t. 2% rear«. i.ooo Oitenl»r« Hlm.m and Henry and H-rmnn. 10 Brooklyn Savings Bank, n e cotrei M »ve and | 22d «t. S year».,. 'l'reusser. John, tu Comte Henri «e )';rie«. 122d «t. «0.1 ft w of SI Nicholas »\e. .1 «ears.. .*).«¦) Pîirh. Dátil H. and wife to Till« Guáranle* »nd Trust caasvaay. . * l«B»a st, .'to ft * «* Am«t*r- dsm av». I ve*r. HWIssj Ham« to Jamrs B Gllll*. tarn'- property, Itislal m*nts . B.0OO R>an. Michael D, and wife to Mary A Mcllrld*. » « .orner Lsrlaalns av* «nd 2«th »t I year- 6,000 Satterlee, llttin V. and Biche McF Whllloclt. to Margaret F J Wallace, n * 21M at, 1B0 ft w of 11th-ave. lino alm-niit .I« 1,000 Bchnugg, Francl» J. to J Lawrence Kl»«s..n, n . «timer Bradhurst »ve snd If'ltli »t. f> year».... IS.OOO Schmidt. Frederick, to Felix l^vy. ss I33d-sl. 110 ft . of 1th ave. 2 year» S month». 3.M0 Hachse. Krank, snd wife lo the Dry Dock Havings Institution, w s 2<1 ave. ¡ou.m ft s of 44th «t, r. years . 15.000 Surden. Ella, to George F Cornell, s s W<th--»t, 12." ft e of Amsteniam ave, S year». 18.000 Schmidt. Henry W. to Brtlllp Flndler and Erne*< Wlbel, s s !iíd si, 2S0 ft e of 4th »ve. 1 year.. 10,000 Willi». Squire T. «o Chrtattsn F Goeller. w s t'nlon »v», Ml ft . of Boston ave, Instalments. 800 Waither, Maria A. to Leonard Hangen, s s Clin¬ ton Blare. 4S.10 ft e of Greene st. lease. S 1-12 year«. 12,000 Clerk«, Jam««, and wlf* to Mount St Vincent ('<>- tperattve Building and Loan Association, w ¦ L*SS»t-aee. ISO ft B of McOraw-av*. lostal- aMnts . ta» '.«wl». irair!.» f, -, Ut-dS M Hayne. No 3>l2 Ve»t IH;|, «i. Ir.»ia in r.l» . 6..'»(»| 12.000 RIlLltlNC, PLANS FILED. The following t.tam, f.r new building* and «Iteration» were file.] ye»terd»v: New building»: l«l»t-»t, No SéS Ea»t. for « »ne »t»»ry frame »tore and workshop, by Henry Cbelhor, of No «43 ESaj lHl»t-»t. owner. Orand »t. No 27«». for a live «t,,ry I,rick flat and «tore. by Mich« I Kay and William. Stn. an. of No a.17 ri«n«ant ave. owner». ¡p» my) Ilroadway. N..k «.lit and «S«, a ten »lory sew* »t«»re «nd loft». I.v Honr* g f.«., «.I N.. ,'. RgSI loth »t. ..wner, .-,.«t get estimated._ H'anton »t, N,. i;.T. a «ir <t.,ri l.rlik t-nem-nt nml »t».r»', t,y MoTlt« Real it. ,.f N, |»a. staw.n »wner lMSth «t anil l'r«»rent ave, » w c»»r by CecelU Khiinlev. of No «>Tii p.-¡In, m ;i\.-.' own. r, for tw». two-nun brick dwelling». Alteration»: King M. No 211. by the cltv of New York, to a f»ur «t,,ry hrl.k public »ch,.o|. .th-a«*«, No MS, hv e»t«te «if Charle» Kneelaiid. .»f Ha W7 Nassau »t. »»wner. to a f»»iir-»tory brick tenement." Madlxon ave. e s, between 2»!th ,'in.l 27th »t« "by the Madlfon Square (¡ar.l.-n i'ompanv, an In.n an»l l.rl.-k theitre. Italtery p,.ik Aquarium, by he city of Sew York ..'ith «t. No .17 East, by I'Vtdlnanl lllutnenthal. of No :.< E.aat .Vlth-»t, 'o a four-«tory and ba»e- ment lirl.-k dwelling. íth ave. No 7.'«4 Ic 71«. by .lame» lievl'tn! of'No .'12. W'e»t 4àih-«t. »wner. to s four »lory l,tl»-k »tore and ten<-ment. Mth ut. No goo «Vest, bv Marv J Oli.li. of R, 4M We», .t.1.1 »i .wner, to a live and ..ne «t.ry hrl.k lK»te|.' .Southern Houle\ ar»l. « ». Ilk» ft w .,f Tf«as)V.r* . vr>. by Kannte CaABOB, to n nne-nml-one-half- »tory frame dwelling. 4a»l-«t. Nos 4" «nd Mi by Emily Charle«,' of'No 4*0 Ix-xlngt .nave, .wner. t.» a twontory brlclt »ti.re . 12,300 |20t> 75.000 M.6M «.."»no «\nnifjrt ôules of Real (fgtat*. PETEB F. MEYER, Auctioneer, will »ell at auction on THURSDAY, April 23, 1890, at 12 o'clock, at the New y.,rk Rral-K»fate Sale.room. Ill llr..a.tway. THE CHOICE and VALUABLE PROPERTY KNOWN AS No. GO WALL STREET AND th« eatterly part ,,f No. 58 WALL STREET, extending through tt ml tn»-lu,llr.g No. 03 PINE STREET, between William «ml P»arl Ktrees». SALE .PEREMPTORY. Thl» property 1-.»« a frontage r.n Wall St. of JlS'l fe», and 2m 7 feet on Pin« St., and contain» over 6.3(10 «o,u»»e feet. 75 per cent, on Mortgage at 4 per cent F.TT map» at.d further Informat! .n applj to Frederlo d* P. F,*ter. Kso... Attrney. is Wall St.. and at th« auc¬ tioneer-» ofll.e. Ill llrnadway. RICHARD V. HARNETT& CO. At'<"TIONK.KR«V will eell at auction on Wednesday, the 22d day of April, 1.896, at 12 o'clock noon «t the Real Batata Kiahang» «r.l An tlotl Ro in. .".!« ». rV, LBteftf >ct Ry order of .larr.e» p.lrh.rd» ni.l J..I111 M-»rg.»n Richard«. Exe.iit.r» r ('.¡ward Cowles Richard« deceased 11'nalilrely without re»er*e.) readily adapted f,.r aBstattea 10 meet pr»-»ent comm»rcl«l demand» of «latton, Seven »m«:l fut.r «to**» 1 rl.k prli»t. Dwelling». Southwest Corner ot Lexington Ave, sod 25th St. H«lng NaS .*»«. M BBS] B-l I-e«'ngtas «ve and 120. 12«. 13»t and 132 K»»t Mth »t in.iii-.lv.' El i. II SSSS will be . Id »epar»t»lv 7Í1 p»r cen' ir«y remain three year« at 4'4 p«T gen* Pollcv of Title |murase« b] th« Title «Juaranir» «ad Tru.t Companr free .,f ex|.en«e t.. th» |.urrha»er. Ci>n>KRT RRiiTHKRH l<>0 R'rad»«y .tt..rne-s for tie e»»rut»-r« For mep* "f «al« containing pH-logr^vure«, ¦¦ ,t-,-.»».. ef r»nt« «nd luxe», »nd .11 >.ther «arttealafS »ll-lv to «he Auctioneer». 71 and l,lb»rtv «t.. ..r lo th» attorney». ft. Dl. WAI.l.Tr.SK««*, AtK-tiosie-cr. I \\r-v rtl am' Nalr flv order of Kdmun<1 S Whitman Edw.rd P C.rlrTin sad H «ai It Wild«. "-.««,.¦,f,T« ENTAT I. JASIsM TIO-41 IFITII. lle.M. n. i»i: w ii.i.n: ill«.*» »v ro. will «ell M »<i.-«i<n SS Tne.lay, April Bl, I-»»a. \ 13 it U CU v MIN¬ AT TIIK HI »I. ESTATK KXl HA*QB, 1.1» «V. t.tltKlTY ST V!*\V- T'-ttK. «t*S < liolre- Lot« on *»t. yii linliia lieniir, i;«li;r«oiiilM- In nur anil Hi. Mrliolit«. I»l-»,r, . BEI i4Tr;t »M» BSD gTBEtSTE A-. 1 The tlotlrrs. Hreitlenrr» I I ftl. >l<liola«i PlSfCS, W.I h sat«. Urge ,:..,. i... Ad),lntng -«SIO>S»«J» f '.".« A Rallev gs, mr ISSU «t at.-1 .-I. i-«l-|e- .. in city. ?i> Per (Vnl. inn. remain f..r .1 year» at 4 psr rent. Ro-.k Map«, etc. at nfv« f IInaval I'n« n Wrl« F.»1 Att.rpev f'.r Kseml r». I' -i- «nt at A». tl.neer»' OflW« 1TI UrosdwS] Tetepliowe, .IT..', «'».rtlandr (Tiln Proprrtn for Sn!f. ADJONINO FIFTH AVKMT. ..n high ground, »hot-, oughly well hellt hrownatn,« hou». 20 ft w1»l«: !.'» lot. »uiinr pr>.t-cte.1 -ear; new nan'iarr plumhlng Prie«. Moiou m,.rtg»g» 12« .100 Permita and all partltMilar, from Dntoi.as BOftlBEOg a ro.. MO UAHIKON AVE. M LIBEBTT 8T.^ IAl'V OWNINO CITV \¿ TS >KAIt Kuril ST.. .1»r,,rr« J »«'« needing n,"ney ,n p.. I-.»». will »ell .ne or n. I .r $ LT,< ,«»h. iVV»i moriaos«: w.rth 11.100; n»ir «leg.nt Oofasesi waler. «»». |.r flt«t.|e iniMiroii' Man ,n lot« Hundav U t.» 4 1»',» . I ». elevate,I t, 177th »t i»,«. NK.R. II» W-»i á«»h Snbnrban Proprrtn Sox öttlr. 174TJZABETH, N I gar Bale BtsMsar»« m i#»t lors !i n». «II lmproA»metn». In g»-«l ..rder. $4.f«'0 an.) .il».u.l» R.,bt K «h'iw.^1 Ilr...l»t. Mi«aa«<s>. N i Xnrniohrö öonaro îo Crt.(Tonntrtj. VN'KWM Ft'RXISBED i.n- ;< .-.'ii-» and .»mage I...U-.- l.«,,..iif,i!i» «Moated, -n ltr.i,d«nv. at Iriing t .11 .,n Budooni 11 raotn«, ni.»-l'rii lmpr.»\, ment», yearl) rent. |l.í»«i. Applv t RUI'HALkT WOOD, Irvlngton. 1~\< BEBT FOR TUR SFAsVlÑ New at.d full) for nl«he.| re«ldenie »t 1.i- .e i-,,nr»., ».»,n\enlent to »1ep»it, P. 11 h»»tel llverv sn»l »t .re«, llfieen r.«-m <<^l*«e; .Is «leeplng r-.-m«; .»II c,»n\enl<-ti '» lar»e pl.ura. near I».ke U,,n..|i«< "P'.m -11 »liiti .re i»i |>,..,.¦>¦« r»»«l» »nd naphtha Unn-h f r hire; fine view ..f lak«; tlir»«» Iw.ur» from U < I "|e.l. thr-ogh .r r-fereti.-. gnen »n<1 re.,i 11.-1 llllllltr WILLIAMS. Atfval Law. !«ke- Mile, C'.nr. Rrnl (Estate tUantrb. W'ANTIlli At Uwr'nr». U J., f.>r »urnnier, s »mall fv h»»«i»e .-,n,|.l t-lv fi.ni»lie.|. In g»»»d neighU«-|,«>.l rent. IMSS Aldi«-» J. T. II.. ¥. O Tl.«, MS, N-w York ':'"_,_._1- /orniihe«. *-f\partTnejij«^_ " TÎÏÏTlalÎA^ 84 tirurnrrry Park, forner 'JOMi-.t. BasassBSH] lurnt.hed ap'ittitient. fa. In« fililí »nd »il, S r<»otii» and 2 bala«. Kl»»lri»' lighting. c. W FI'KHM, ^4 iliamer» y l'«rk. CHOirg riREPBOOV Al'ARTMf.N'r.-i. THE EVELYN, 101 W'KHT 7STII ST Klevator». electric light», et,.; a f»* Sstn InrgeJt*r menu» »»f two to ten room« «ml l-nth. with «>r without kitchen, reetaurant on preml»c». 1 Uvular» »ent. 1 K. IHM* Manag.r, !»7 <-<liir »t__ ÂnHHOMHI.V le,-».rated liadielor apartment»; three d»«ir» from nth ave.; freeoed celling«, parquet n.e.r», porcelain bath»; electric light«, term» mr-ierate. V We»t Bali «t_______^__.____.___. -fnrnisl)rù Donsra tüanttb, IN PIKK CO Parti« furnlnhed hoii»e, « room», for «urn mer. A. P. K., I»6 William »t., N. Y- (Conntrti propertn fox Bate. F^WtB^BBTOEXt-B of WILLIAM W1NTKB. 17 THIRl" A\ L F*BT HILL. NKW- URIUHTOS. Thre«-;t^r".-,.r,.¿e. cntalntng TKN BOOMS. Jj«"ffM»J- room. large »I.Hiei«. m»l comiiyAllou« »tied. DooMe I artor, liming-R.-am «nd Xltchen on lower tgg. »«-ven lied- rootn. Th« llo.»rlng M of FL.rl» « Pine. TWO tjOJf AM' ,,'.!. >.!¦. LAM» with fruit tree«. Une o.ean Mew fr..m the upper window« Ilo.ue In perfect reti.tr. Sltua- ¡n within twelve minute.' walk orih. N. V. I-erry gag three minute» walk of th. ti.-lley c«r«. Inqulr. on th« premi»««._ 1"%OB BaleB OR BEBT..In Roy«lton. VI within flv« r miñuiív asm to church«., .chool». p<'-»'^^» .n.a r.ilr.a.1 depot a l.rge, tin.- h«»u.e. «wntalnlng room», miwd7 h.rT«ó»»Í ll.lív ft mac-. Urge cemented cellar, n'n.'n, -Vlng w«,er. Urn with .mgL>SjlJ .**%?*; In< lodttig h«lf »n o.-re "f laml Will be sol«! for nan 11» SStTTWr to a W. EEBBET. IMnmnni. sal;_ V KSH THAN IIOU-J will par S SBfS **"*">£. Lj hou»». 2S feet wide; e-er> Improvement. lot. MO t»y lnu, iTTl ."Î'KÏNNY. Marble Hill. Klng»brtdge, NY. City._> T~iriT'ir.iiTisF»|i«;NT!l »nd »utacrlpilons tor The Tribuna ADrecr;nídaí. .he.; L-p.oawi, SEE.CWis-g ÍÁéooT north of Slnf-e».. until 6 o clock p. m.. a<^«r- f..»aen.. SSMfS «t the following 5f^jftSf5îa?ft offlee rate« until 8 o'clock p. m vt«.. »« ¦J.»^**-. ._* ear *»d-«4 ; »r»2 «th SVS.. cor. lîlh-«t.! 142 t n1iimhu«-«v«.. £u wmI (»tu-«!.: WO WM 4-M-g«- sear 6th ara Cirai Çsiau. GERMAN-AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE CO. 30 A «IK bTAMABJ ST.. IS» MONTAG! ¦ ST., H:W YORK. 1 HRUOKI.YV Mtl DA\7.IGi:it. FRESUIKAT. Kxamlne* and Inmirn title» to R.-ul Batata. Lowest llnte«: \n IHslinrsrnient« Chnraetl. Money to loan at 4'-¡ and ó per rmt. on «rood city property. dip Heal <?stcitr /or Gale or do ttt. TWO ELEOANT FOt'B-STORY HROWNSTOXE DWELLINGS. Bob. 1.053 and l.or.O FIFTH AVF.XTE. Xenr With Street. LOCATION WITHOUT EQUA L property ovuri/kiks one op the PHETTI- EST SECTIONS OK CENTRAL PARK. NOW REINO THOROCGHI.Y RENOVATED AND DECO- RATED. WIl.t. BE FINISHED A8001 APRIL 13. INSPECTION INVITED. Abas, Th» four-storv brick and limestone dwelling, SO. 170 COXVRMT AVF.tfUE. near l-i:td Street. I-OCATED IN CHOICEST PART OF WASHING- TON HEIGHTS. DECORATIONS HAVE JUST REEN COMPLETED. AND NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. Fir further particulars apply to JOHN C. WHITNEY, _ 14« BBOADWAY. ^_^_ "I^ÖR SALE OR TO LET. 1.140 Mu."Iron iv»., fln* cr.l.l X net flnishM .]»- ¦Ulna- mediur.« «t/.e; has butler*» pantrv *xt*nslc.n. well adapt*.! for a physician. Apply to J. E. LEVIN ESS. SS I.lt.Tty st. îo Cet for Dnsiness Purpose! ~*.~«^^ Fireproof. Every Convenience. KOK OFFIt'K.« APPLY TO RULAND & WHITING, Agents. On premise«. 3 to 0 Beekmas Street. OFFICE.-' T> RENT over PartBC Rank 470 Hroadwny. from Muy Is«, for lawyer»' ,.«"...« ..r merchant«* »g.-n.ie«, sample r-eim«. .'««V>i. lix'u a* front and rear; will be newlv «,slnt*<l and ultered to «-lit II cant«. Apply IB 'ii* Usab. (Conntrrj propertn ío Cet VT CAR It'm KA WAV. I-iiwt.r,. snd -|. Inltv. rbole« dw»!llng« t, r*n« Printed list m.-.ll»d fr-». ANDREW m.tigce. Far Baebawai _ / «OTTAOBB AT i.i'NU leach i. i. -j:' miles from N. Y Fre.ju.it tniln«. Loeat*d .n the oc-an l«.»eh. Furnish*.! eettaat*« " roui«, »il Iraprorenieiita I.'iNG REACH ASS« i< lATfOM 71 Br u«l»nv. 1-mni: -«cmmi'R rt.A -i: Til I'HNr Lara« ne« sit modern Impn .¦<¦'¦¦¦ gond barn, F r particu¬ lar«, «Lit*** At'«!. I' CURTIBS Jforfoll rpo »EST AT RIVERDALR ON THE HUDSON, larg* 1 farnlahed h.iise. with tester, g.-;«, atable snd ganten; »t*.ut ten aeres or land: no* :.ir»" tre.-« and lawa; tu min¬ utas fr-.m th* Blverdal* R*ili->a.l BtstbMl; :il».ut "«I min¬ ute« to Grand Ceatrtl I'-p-.t B A CRUIKSHAKM A CO.. 17t! Itroidnny. rpi) LET UNFCRNIS'IED Vernslde r,,tt.-,«^. «t lr\tng- i ton ¦ r. Hiit«..n 15 n ground» «bnul I*-« acre». Haba« wild :i stall« »nd t ¦¦ m for several rarrtage* Ap r!v to h it iiisli.il* afilia BBlldlaa, IS Broad St., V rk «fnriinhfù lut amo to Cet. ,)- FAST 44TII ST l«*rg .«.> ft r hath h I. .nil: t. <?tcntoiori9. COOrCSJOURS EUROPE. LSI aOUMHED IS4I. All Trn.i'llna I : xp«*ii»«-a ln<-l titled. I'I.PARÍ I! I-.«* l'lf'M M\W V'l'K. afsy f. .B.I " M»j--t.. .KB days *. K»is«r Wilhelm II". "' " ..'1 " .* I'.itni.inla " . S3 -Fii-r»» l:i«riar-k " . M lur.e i i .. fl*imanic " . ..". II.. " " Ne,» York " . Si Ï1 *. I ml rla . -."> i».y 7.. " *. Atsraala .S3 « ¦'.» FROM Ii. >st. i\. loi» 4 ,S s "Srjrtbla" . ¦ m 57 day« ll.inn.l the Wi.rltl 1'iirflesi. Bep Oet, *. 17 .l.i nu ii I'ii rl > , 13 Illustrate«! pr.«rr»tcir..^. fn e Railroad »tul Itfsmshlp llrbeti f r ¦¦--- '-. ere Tito«. COOK A «ox. 2HI «nd I .'--."> Ilriindixny, V.-w-Vort». fox Gale. (»I Hi: VERMONT MAPLE SI UAH AM. BTRCP Sur;ir. IB ser tt- -n ip « H sei «-v. -i. ish with rd«r G II WA Dit, Or.h. I Vie« »'.irm. Danby, V' Ot rum Don ta. TK®Fl^OTöa Hteamer» SABATOOA and fl'IY OF TJIOt ice P -r ii, f-.i West tuth st., dally, *».*!.t «afurday, t; p m un.lav nteatoer too tus al Albsny. VVTSKll.I,. Ill DStiN AND CtiXSACKlfi .** lt.'AIS lea>e fOOl of IV««t lita St. every Week-day at « P M.. «unni-i ting a! llltdSOB w.l Boston A Alb.,ny It H i/iN'i'SToN LINK, fool W»««tt lotii st., Dall) ¦* 4 P», M.. Sitiir.lay. ;it 1. Sim HsldWlB A Bettser, ;. Cornwall. Newbtirfrh, Sew Hamburg, Marlboru, Mlltun, llvde l*rk Pnusñk*ev*te, Kingston 'onne, tu.^ uith 1 «v l. h It f..i »ii point, m I'aiskill Mountain«. HAMSDF.U. LINK SIimithts Irarc Pier 24, N. H f.»>t Kunklln «t tot CteaBSBnn'a, «A «. I lot, »'..Id Spring», Cornwall. Fiehkill l-in.llng and Newburg, week sajra ¦¦;¦.¦ Suada>, :> .. m \\ USTON AM» M:\VKM;I..\.\1) I'd I MS. VIA Hiit'NH LINKS. WEEK DATS ONLY. KAl.l. RIVER UNB, via ,S.«p.n mil Call Hirer, from n»w Pier ta N It I.f Mutnu M Bl BlJM» V. II. BTONINUTON LINE. Ma Stowlnalo«, fr.in \'.-w I'ln M N. It. on* l.|..k at. .ve anal »I., at llitNl V. M. NORWU II I.INE. la Ne» laitadoa. from l't*r 4t» K. R. »Mai iN-st.r «... a at .."»i.io i*. >l. NEW IIAVKN r-ABB, $1; Kxrurslon, ll.nO.- I'ast stenmer» MSB«/« I* -i si, B H. ¦<¦ P. IL and 12 midnight dally, Sun I.n« exceoted. striving In nine for trains IS Ml rlden, l.urtf-. 1, S|,rlii«;M»ld. *c ADVPItTISKMENT.«1, ond rohseitptlon» for Tli« Trlbua* re. «Ived «l Hoir t pt.'wn Ofllc-, No. I.S4I llioud»«/, ..d diwr in.rtli if *l«t «t until I) u'.-lock p in «d.«r- iu>m*nts rreefred at th* following branch off!, rs »> i«aiiu» i.ri. e rai « ui.til a o'-|.*k p. in., vt« .-.i «th-ave.. . *. tor 23d-«(.. I<2 in:. »»*., cor. 12th «t.; 142 Columbus «**.. near lf*M OHth .'.. 1"<. W-st 42.1 M near «Hi »\ r BJ Fsst I4tli »t «97 We«t 42.1 «I 'elwen 7-h «nd «th «,v«».; I.'.O K«»l 47lh «t I.aiS 3d «.»» , tssfWeeB 7t'.lh «nd T7»n m>* 1,091 M »v» . n»«r ill»! si '.70S lst-«v*., »*r- Sflth «t .1 «îkO Id ¦«<¦«., n««r 41«t-«t.; b.*4 8d ave.; .t;5 rtleerker -t 2 D"» Sd «v» 210 Fast 7luh-«t I ».»! M «v» ; 2<V»? Id «v* | PI Am«>*rdim »v UTS Wast «3d st i 14« Bjsej IBIb «t BBj Fa«t 4*'h «t a*«N-h «v*. 0s trail 9if amera i"~" "~~" )A\AMA RAILROAD <<» trwnlng and < )p»rail!ig COLUMBIAN LINE. THE SEA IIOCTE To MAN FKANi ISiM. Connecting at tli* Isthmus for nil W«st v..nsi r,,rt» of Me»l.-". central und Mouth America. Hte«m*r» »»II from Pier foot West 27tli St., N. V. ADVANi1-:..Apr. .H". n.w.n KIN'ANi'E. Mav II. noon For rutes apply at Cumoany*» «fflee, Hro«.i«-«v. JOHN MUIR, Trafoc Msnsiar R KI) "D" LINK OF STKAMSHII'S, for I.« Ouuyra. Puerto Cabella, Curai a.i and Mara- callei. via CBVtssao, from Plerrepoiu Store«, Itn-oklyu. BS. PHILADELPHIA.Hamr.lav. April 3.1.1p.m. HM. CARACAS.Tuesday, May 0. 1 p. in. Í S. VENEZi;EI.A.Thi.re.lay. May 11. 1 p. in. FOR MARACAIHO »a SS CfRACAO.TueBjay. April 28 Th*s* Am*rlcan steuiner». l.uili »apT«*»ly for Hie trade, have superior accommodation» for passenger«. BOULTON, I'l.ISM A DALLSTT, Gener»! Managern. 1X1 Front-st. MALLORÏ STKAMSUII' LINKS. A SKA VOYAOK ALOKO THE ATLANTIC ÇOABT ANT) THROI'tlll THE GIT.l* >F MEXICi» TO HALVES TON TKX*« M AN IDF.AL TRI1' FOR TOURIST OR TRAVF.I.F.H-'WHEN MADE IIY THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE. ONK WAY EXCURSION OR TOU1UBT» TtCKETB to nil point» In T«xa», Colorado, I'lah, ArUona, Ciillfnrnl.i, Mexico Georgia, Florida, etc. Excellent accommodations. Write for our 01 PAGE POCKET GI'IDE (mailed free). C. I!. MAlXeOBT A <". O-n. Agi-. Tier L'l». K. lt.. N. Y. S"~ÂVANXa1Ï lASK. OCEAN S. S. UJ. Trl-w««kly from Pier .14, N. R., f.Hil of Springst., Tu*»«lays. Thursdays and Saturdny*. at I P. II. For fr»lght and pa»ag» apply to J. I». Ilaahagen. K. A V\. H. Rhett, Gen. Agt., S F * W. R'y "Illl H"way. Cent. lt. R.. 317 II*way. O. M. Sorrel. Mgr. J. U Adam», G E A J P. Heckwlth. O. F, A P. A. V. <*.. A P. R. R .Ul It way. ADVKRT1SKMENTS ana »uDBcrlptions for Th« Tribus* received st their Cptown OIBc*, No. 1,242 llroadway. 3d dor norlh of 31sl-«t.. until Do* clock p. m.; *«»«¦- tl**ment* r*c«lv*d at ih* following bra.ich offlce. at r.gu.ar office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. vlx. : 2*4 8th-«»*.. ». «. eo 231-»t.; 113 Bth-av*.. cor. 12th-st.; 142 Columbus-av*., near West «Sthat.: 10« W-»t 42.1-«*.. n*sr «tn-av. Ea«' 14th-*t.; 297 W««t 42d-«t . between 7th »nd 8th Railroads AMEft.e«"« OBBATggT B/ILROAl.. NE.WYÖRK I (entral ^-^4 HUDSON RIVER R. R. FROM ORAND CEBTBAL STATION. 42D STREFT. .St.'tO A. M.. Except Sunday. Kmpfre State Rxprea«: Fastest tn.ln In th" «...rid. Stops at Albany, Ulfen, Svracii.» ,.t.| Rodi, «t-r. Ihje Buffalo 4:40 p. m.. Niagara F«II« i M p. in. Till» train Is limited to It» »eating capacity. Olí.« A. M.Dally, pant Mall for Pougbkeep»le. AJ- luiv, l'tlca, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fana chicagD. KI-.fM» A. M. Exc-pt Sunday. Day Expre»». For «It Im¬ portant New fork State point». 1:(M> p. M I»aiU. Southwestern Limited. For Cotum- bii». Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Luul». Stop« at l'ntiglikeepsle, Albany, Utlca, Syracuse, Koche»ter and Rugate, 1'Oil 1' ht Uallv. Chicago Special for Detroit, Cleve- l«nd. Toledo and Chicago. Stop« at Puughkeepele. Albany, Sk'henectady, L'tlca, Syracu.e, Rochester an»l itiiffalo. B 1.1(1 I'. M Except Sun.tav. Wo« Point, Poughkeep«!«, Albany, Troy. Saratoga. 4«.'»0 P M Itellv N»»rth Shore Limited. Due Detroit VJO a. in., »titcago 4;:») p. BO, Stops at Albany, t'tl'-a and Svr«ru»e. O.-OO P M. Daily. For Albany. Troy, t'tlca. Adiron¬ dack Mountain». Montreal. Syracii««. Buffalo, Niagara Fall... Cleveland. Toledo, Lietrolt, Chi¬ cago, Cincinnati. St. L> ui« (l:2."> P. M Daily. Por Tr if, Saratoga, Burlington. Plait't.urg. St. Albans and Montreal. 7t.tl> P. M. hally. Per Buffalo, Nlagars Falls, Clev-»- Inn.t. Indianapolis. St. laaul«. i.-hlcago. Stop» at l'..'i«hk> t>«ie. Albany and t'tlca. 0:OO p. M. Dally. Carrie» Sleeping Car pa««eng»T« only, for point» on Fall Brook Railway, via Lyon«, an f if It-m he»ter. Bill P. M. D.illy. Kor Svrncu»«. O.wego. Watertown, Ogdenaburs, liufTiil». Niagara Pall". Cleveland. Toledo, «"nleag». and, except Saturday, for <"ope Vincent and th>» Auburn Road. 12:10 Ni'iHT. Theatre train for Chicago «nil principal [x.lnt«. on New V.,rk rentrai, every night, except Sun.I iv night, Sunday night» Albany and Chicago .leeper» leave ».n 1:18 i». m. train. OtOlI A. M and BtBB P. M. Pally except Sunday, to Pltt«rie|,]. via Harbin Division. BllB A B Sun»lH\ ..nlv. t,. Pitt»fleld and the Berk¬ shire HHI». via Harlem Ii|vl»l».n. .ALL XIOHT" TRAINS TO VONKERS. "All ntgbt" train» run between I "it h »t. and point» on Putnam Division far a.» YonkT«. In connection with til« Kb-at-1 Rood. Thl. the only line running "all nlirht" »ra'n« our ..f New-York. Wagner Palor« »-ar» on nil through train». Train« Illuminât«»! with Plntsch Light TtefcetS ard Warner office» at Orand Central Station, 111 Broadway, 14 lark I'ln.-e. fg}, 41.1 Broa'lway: 31 K*»t U'h.«t.; 1)42 Brn.dwav; 2.1" < .'.»lumhiis av»-. «1 W««t l2S'ta »t.. an-l 1-lxth st. Station. New Y»»rk; 338 «nd 72« Pull »n «t.. and 10« Broadway, E 1».. Bn oklvn. naagng* cneckad from hotel or re»lden»e by the We»t- c it» Fxrre«« Company. JOHN M T'i'-i'KY. OEOBOB H. DANIEL«. Oeneral Manager. General Paerenger Agent. "west shore rTkT Train» leave West 4;»J .st. Sfa'ion. B. T.. as follow», and 1.» miniit.'.s earlier from foot «if Franklin St.: .'ii.'to A. M. Daily «seal to imffaio. 7¡:iO A. >1. Dully l<»»al to Albany for Catslclll Mountain» ni Saratoga, parlor cars tj Albanv, Sun,la«» only. BllS A. M, Hally for Albany. Itica. Syracuse, Roche*- ler, isufTal», Niagara Fall«, Toledo, Cleveland and Chl- CiK'i. I I IMS A. II. Dally, except Sunday, to Catsklll Main- tun», N«w l'ait«. Ijik-s M »honk and Minnewa«ka. Al¬ bany, Saratoga. Caldw.-ll, l-ake (}«»rge. parlor Car. 4:(M) P, H, J»illy. .\,,pt Sunday. f.,r Albany. (;:<Hi P. M. Dally for Albany, Montreal, Cti.-a. Syracuse. Rochester, Éntralo, Niagara Fall». Toronto, Detroit. I.--. -,.»...I. Chicago and St. Lull». <!:.'.«» P. H, Dally, except Sunday, for Newburg. Alb«ny, Sarat ;-.i ,".i Montreal. 7td.*» I". N. Daily, escepl Sun.lav, for l'tlca, Syracuse, Rorneetrr and Burial... Sttfl p. M. Daiij r i Albany, t'ttr«, gyrstuss, BssSsg tt-r, Buffalo Niagara Palls, Toronto, Detroit. ClevelanJ, 'hlnqg-i and St. Ie»»il» F.-r ticket« time talle», parler and »leeplng-car «ccom- nuelatl in. »i fly city otBces, Uro klyn «nd N-w York, and si »tstlon*. Tim« table« «I principal hotel». p..r »her Information «ddr«»» C g LAMBERT. «len. I'a»««nger Agent. .1 Van lerl i.- av- New York. (Drfgn bieamtvi 'Ä7M (BiiOBLJMfl UlMW NEW-Y» »UK. SOUTHAMPTON, BREMEN. fas» exi-ress steam:.its. I Cabla Ml at-1 upsard, .,. -ordinn to lucatloa; H Cabin. «H*» and MS; r ir: 1 trip. gM and $K«i. Havel. Til»«..Apr.21. l'l am Ijihn, Tue»., May 12, 10 am. 'luv. Tue«.,Apr.M, lu a m .-.»,:. gal Boj m. M a. m. All-r. Tin«.. Api-..Ti. in a. m H.,v-I. Tue».. Mav 19. 10 a.m. g| '.-. Tues May tt. lit a in. Trave, Tu.a.. May 2(J. In s.m Return ticket« «vaiUOl« t: an Mednerra-.-au or from H «men, London or II..-. re MKrtlTFRHANKAN BBRVICB. TO «¡IMRAI.TAR NAPLEH, OBN >A PuMa-Apr V>. 10 g m Wem.Ma 23. 10 s. m. Bms .Ma g lu a m Full.. .May SB lu a. m Kstser....Ms) IS lo a m Em».lun« g io a sa OKf.BKTtg & CO., 2 Biwllng ili^n LINK TWIN SCREW RXPBRSti lin» FROM BEST-TOEE t. PI mou ¦[. -o -m ilierbourg »l'arNi and Httnhurg. A Vh-torla.Api Zi. 7». ni. Normannla.lfay 14. il a. m. Columbia...May 7. 7 «, m A. Victoria. M»v 21. 7 a. m. I l'ai.in. *7.'. .»nd upward; II. Cabin, Wa and »ôo. PI.YMOI'TH I.'»n: ON i hra); FREE OF CHAROS !.. ipeclal tram. « HRRBOCRO t'ARIS tSA| hours). (LSUDÜOO tiTb RSiyCDBjjIjDU «^GflCD, in TDK >RWAT. tl-- NORTH CAPE, and SPITZ- BKRHKN, l.\ the Twin BVre» i;v;r»«» Kteamei COLl'M- r.:.v fi ,n NR« v»»>:K .ni.y g a bestnllatl Itinerary i. » ie«n arranged Th« r ind trip esa e -and« in «t» ;t Ki n .i und APRICA, from Ilamhurg July 10. IIAMBI l'..; AMKRICAN UI.VB, -7 Broadway, N. y. MEMeÄGa [LöMUo ~~ KEW-YORK SOCTHAMPTON CLoaSen Par!»). .-ailing «\er\ IWni-Jj) at lu A. M. PARIS.\prll 22 PARIS .Mnv IS ST. PAI'L.Ar-MI ¦».< ST PAt't..May 20 NEU rORK .May I NEW YORK .Mav 27 m STÄÄ LUE TO AKlTWÍEtia3, Sailing Eiery We<Ine»day. Kensington. ..April .«'..'. no.,n Southwaik.May S. noon V,e»t«rnland..April 20, noon Noordlnnd.Mav la. n..-in INTERNATIONAI. NAVIUATION COMI'ANY, Pl"r. 14 and 1.1. North River. Office, «J Howling Ureen. ^PÄMlÄiäa"'" ' PACIFIC MAII^ 8. H. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. B, CO. S», a-n.-r« leave S.,n Fran,'l»co: CITY OP PBKINU.May 4. .1 p. m. DORIC, via Honolulu.Mnv 12 I p. m CHINA .Mav 2n :i p. in' HF.LOIC .Mav M, I P. m. l'l-.KI >la Honolulu .June o. .1 p m. P fretgit. |..i»-.,ig« »mi gen.-ni Information, apply to 34« llroadwoy, >r 1 Lattery l'luce, \Va«hltigt».n Building, and ü>»7 Broadway. BTBAMBR OUTFITS. STEAMER CHAIRS, «TATEBOOM THINKS, VA- I.ISFS. SIluFs. RI'O.4, El O INII SHAWL STRAPS MARINE AN!» FIELIi OIAS.sEH. all at «ur popular price«, which, mena ¦ savias "f [mm IW to IT, per »'«nt. » ii what charged b\ »ne.'lal dealer». A CÜNABDLINE. ***¦. TO LJVBIU'.Mil. MY QCEENSTOWM, Campania. Apr. M. 2 p. in. «'«mpanl.i.. .May 23. 1 p. tn. t'mbrla. .. M»y S 10 a. m t'mbrla.. .Muy Jsi, U) a. m. Luíanla. May B. 2 p. m Lu, anta.June 11, nocui Eti'iirlu. .May Id. Ill a. fa., Etrun.i.June i;i ta . In EXTRA SAILING Aurnnla.Tu.'»day. Jun. 0 2 p. tn From I'ler 4H. North Elver, f.x.t of Clark» m-.t. Pi r freight und passage apply at the Company'« office, N.». 4 Bowling Oreen, New-Tortt. VKRNitN II BROWN A CO. Oener«! Agent«. ~ji~ WllITK STAIM..NK. Teutonic.April 22. noon! Teutonic.May 20. noon Itrttanale.April 2V. n»».iti r.iaiannlc.May 27. noon Maje.tí.-. May 0, noon I IfSjestSt.June 3. n»»»»n Oermonl«.May IS, noon Oerroonlc.June in. no«n N<i rulTuN i'AIIRIKD MY PA8SRNOER STEAMERS. Pter N... 4.".. N.rth River, »fflce. 20 Broiidw.y, N. Y. H. MAITI.AND KERSEY. Agent. TI,ANTIC TKÁÑSir(IRT LLSVi OP TVffk SCREW STEAMERS NEW-YORK.LONDON-- U EEKLY. B. S MOBIL.B.April 23 For freight and |.«».«uge apply to NEW YORK SHU'I'INO CO., Oeneral Agenta. Pnxlu.'c Bxcnang, Building. 4 Broadway. N'ew-York. Hteain.-r l«av«S Pier 30. B. B», foot of West Hou»ton-»t. CLYDE LINH CHARLKSTON, S. C. |h« SOUTH «nd StiETHWEST. JACKSON VILLE und all Florida Point». Prom Fot M B> B, (font of Roo«evelt-«t.t. 3 p. m. IROQL'OIS, ' Im» «nd Ja» k.Tue»., April 21 ALOONQt'IN. i'harle»t»n only .Frl., April ^4 HEMlNnLE, Jackeonvllle direct .S«t., April 23 St.ainei» have first-cla»a pa«»enger accommodation«. WM P. CLYHE * <<i. Oeneral Agent». 5 Rowling Ureen. New-York. Fin Cent ft l'--nn. Fsot V. et I". Line, via Jack»-.nv1ll«, (treat So. Fr.-lgbt nn»l Paeeenger Line, via Charleston. T. O. EOER. Oeneral Agt.. 3U1 B'way, N. Y. ÖmFai ! XI «ToKN BRALK Trnnsatlantiquo. PBBNCB LINE TO HAVRE. FRANCE, L\ OASi-nONE Baudeion.H»t., Apr. 26. 0«. m. LA UBBTAONB Rui>*.Sat-. May 2. 4 a. m. LA BOUBOOONB. l*«B»«a<.»»'. May ». VL !"i Parlor ««-it »nd buffet »moklng car» attached to Special Train Havre Pari« (or vice ver-a) Seat«. 11.00 e«tr«. A. POBOBT, Oeneral A«»nt, No. 8 Bowling Ur»en. X KTHKItl.AXDH LIXE. S VFFNPAM.Ssturdsy. April 23th, . a. m. s s MAASDAM .Saturday. May 2d, 9 a. tn. Steamer» call both way« at Boulogne «ur Mer, France. nV,! .-..bin, $:* |70; «e.-ond c«hln, fM; »teerage at very low rate». Applv for hsndbook snd term«. Oeneral Ps»- »enger Agencv, KU Broadway._^ OLD DOMINION LIXE -DAILY SERVICE. For OLLI POINT COMFORT, NORFOLK. NEWPORT NFWS PBTBRSBUBO, PORTSMOUTH, PINNERS POINT RICHMOND. V1ROINIA »BACH «nd WASH- lNOTnN D C dally, except Sunday. Richmond direct (via all-w»ter rout". Mondsv iFrelght onv), and Ratur- ,,,,. ii-u»».'nger» and Freight!. Sailing« from Pier M, NR . » P M ¦at-, 4 P. M. Through ticket» «nd frt-lbrht rate, to «II point». W. l" "il'ILLAl DEC. Vlce-Pre«. «nd Tr«rHo Mgr. ^ "LvËRTl SEME NTS and .uba«rlptlons for Th« Trib¬ une received at their Uptown Offlc«. No. 1.M3 Broad- ,. 2d door north of Sl»t «t., until 0 o'clock p. m.; «d» vei'tiaemeni« received «t th« folkgwtng brsnch office« at regular offlc« rate» until S o'clock p. m.. via: M4 8th- a.» a . oof. 23dat: 132 «th-ave.. cor. 12lh St. A1 Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA 1 RATT.llO ATI 8tatlo-to f.iot of Desbroaee« snd Cortlaadt Str**t«L on4. . ln EIT*ct April 14. IStxt. 1;??mÍ*'.M'T;FAMT LINE-l-arlor Car to Plttshurg. IU.UO A. «..PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED .--Pullmaa i ompartment. Sle*plng, Dining, Smoking and Ob«*rva. tlon Car». Arrive Chicago » A. M.. Cleveland. A. M Cincinnati ti.40 A. M Indianapolis 8.00 A. M.. »°A "m A' U'' Bt- lj0Ui* 30U '. M "*d Tota4B 2.00 P. M.-CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.. Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to St. Lowls. Louie- ville and Chicago. Arrive* Cincinnati 1(>.45 A. M.. St. Louis 7 P. M., (hies*;,, sir, p M «-«»OP. M.WESTERN EXPRES?.- Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to Chicago and Cleveland. Arrivas -?-v«ian<LI1-2;' M- Chl.as;.» S P M. next dar. 7.45 P. M..BOUTHWE8TERN EXPRESS Pullmaa Sleeping and Dining Car» to Cincinnati and St. Louta Arrives Cincinnati tl P. M.. Indianapolis 10.15 P. M., St. LojIs 7 A. M.. second morning. 8.0» P. M.PACIFIC EXPRES*.-.Pullman Sleeping Csr to Plttsburg. Connects for Chicago dally and Cleveland earept Saturdsv. . . .. WASHI*GTO!«T AXO THE SOITH. a. 8.30. ».*). lo.io (Dining Car). 11 A. M.. 1.00. 2.10 <3.» "Congressional Llm..«* all Parlor and Dining Car«). 4.30 ("Dining Car). 3 (Dining Car), 0 P. M.. 12.15 night. Sun« day. 830. 0.30, || A. M. (3.20 "Congressional Mm." all Parlor and Dlnln« Cars). 4.30 (Dining Car), S (Die- !ng Car), t) P. M.. 12.15 night. SOUTHERN RAILWAY..4.80 V. M. dallv. Sleepers U New-Orleans. Memplil». Tampa. Ash*vllle and Hot Spring». 12.15 night dally. Sleepers lu New-Orleans and .Isckaonvllle. ATLANTIC COAST LINE.0 30 A. M. dslly. Sleepers to Port Tampa, Macon and Jacksonville. 0.00 P. M. dally. Sleeper to Jacksonville. CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RAILWAT. Express 5.00 P. M. dslly. Through Sl»*plng snd Dining Csr«. For OLD POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK vl* Cspa chart*« Rout* 8 A. M. week days, and with Through Sl**per. I F M. dally. ATLANTIC CITY. 1..V) P. M. week-day». Through Buffet Parlor Car snd Day Coach. FOR CAPF. MAY. l.(H) P. M. w»*k day». For Long P.rancn. A*l>ury P»rlt. Oc*an Grove snd Point Pleasant. ».10 A. M, 12.10. 3.40, 5.1') and 11.30 P. M. w-**k days. Sunders (stop at lnt.-rl.ik*n fur Asbury Par*!. ».45 A M .1 11 P. II. POR PHIL \I1KI.PHI \. S 20. 7.20. S, 8.30. ». ».») GO P»nna. Llmlt*d). 10.10 fDtoV Ing Car). It A. M.. 12, 1, 2.10. 3. 4. 4 30. 4.30 (Dla- Ing Car). ¦ (Dining Car). « (Dining Carl. 7.50. 8. » P. M. 12.13 night Sun.'.av«. aIB, M.30, U.00. »JO GO L!mlt*d), 10. 11 A. M.. 2 Dining I'orl, 4. 4.30. 4.30 (Dining Car). 5 (Dining Csr). « (Dining Car), 7.45. 8. » P. M.. I11B night. Ticket offices- No*. 433. »44, 1.10ft. 1.323. Ill and 2«T Rr. adway. I Astor Ho-is*. and foot of D*stiros«e« and Cutlandt Streets; 4 Court Street, 8«0 Fulton Street, 98 Hroadwav. and Brooklyn Ann*x Station, foot of rulton Str**t Rmoklyn; Station. Jersey City. Th* New York Transfer Company will call for and cheek baggage tro«B hotel» and residence» through to destination. I. R. M OOD, Oen*ra! Pas»*r Agent. B. M. PREVOST. General Manag*r CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW JERSÏÏ (Anthracite cal used »xe|u«*«ely.) Four Track«. Automntle Pteeb SlK-ial*. On «nd after March 13, USB Trains leave station foot of IVIic-tv St. For Easton. Rethlehem. All*ntown. Ma ui -hit hunk a*. 4:30 7:15. »:I0 (11:45 to BaatOfI) A. M.. 1:10. I* (4 "B to East ni. 4:13. 5:45. 7:3.) to Allentown P. M. Sunday«. 4:30 (7:13 to Easton I A. M.. ISM). 5:3". ->:<» P. M. For Wllkest-arre, PlttStOS and Scrantoo. 0:10 A. at.. 1:10 1:30. 4:15 P M. Sun.l ay*. 4:'t»i A. M. For Reading at 4:30. «00. B:M. I"<»>. H'-W AM., 1:10, 1:30. 2:00. 4:00. 5:00 .V4Ó !»:<«¦> P. M.. 12:15 nigh'. Bua- dv.« 4 30 A. M., 1:00. 2:00. 5:30. il:(H) P. M 12:13 night. For Hurrtsl.urg at 4:30, K:UO. »:10. lt:30 A. M.. 1:10. 1 3\ 4 ."Oil 345 P. M., 12:15 night. Sunday«. 4:<» A. M. 1 00. 3 30. «in P. M 12:15 night. For Sunbury. L«wlsburg and Wllila;n«p .rt at 4:3». «:»», »1(1 A M.. 1:10. 1:30. »:()() P. M. Sumías». 4:30 A. M., ..00 P. M. . . _ ALL-RAIL ROUTE. For Red Bask, Long Breach and n-dnts south to Point Plen-ant 4:a0. »:13. II 30 A. M., 1.30. 1:45 (3:40 to R'd Rank), 4 1.*. 440. 1.13 P bt Sun.l.n«. c*.c*t,l Oc«aB Grove and A»bury Park. »00 A. M.. 4:00 P. M. FOR LAKEWOOD 4:30 8:15 A. M.. 1:45. I 40, 4:10 P. M l-'.r l-'urmlngdal«. Toms River. lUrnegat Park sad Rarneg.it. 4:30. SttS A. M.. 1:4". 4:4 » M. F.>r Atlantic City, Vlneland and lirtdicetcn. 4:30 A. «t.. For iV'nm uih Reach. S.abrlght snd Highland« of Niv*slnk. 4.10, Bill 11 30 A. M.. I'M, 1 «."'. 4:15. 4:40 P. at Sundav». 9.0») A. M 4:'» P. M. ROYAL BLUE LINE TO PHILADELPHIA. HALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON F r Philadelphia, w-ek das*. 4:30. «:0ft. *:!3. t^V) 10 00. |1:S0 (Dining Car) A. M. 1.'», 2:«->. Im 4 00 iltufTet Pirlor Car). 4:30. .*.;00 (Dining Carl, «:00. 7:30, 0:00. 10:00 P. bt., 12:13 nigh». Sundays. 4:30. »:(». 10:00. 11 :to il'ln'.ng Car) A. .«.. 2:00. 4:o0. 5:U0 (Dining Car). 11:00 P. M 12:13 night. For Baltimore and Washington. w«*k days. 420, t«:lS, W:is». 11:.» (Dining <sn A. If.. 2:00. 3.3U. 5«) iDlnlng Carl (1-00 M 12:15 night. .Sun In«. 4 30. Ki.'tO. 11:30 (Dining car) A. ftf., 2 -no, I'M Lining Carl. «'.:'*) P. M.. 12:15 sight. Tick«« and parlnr-cnr s-ets can le prorurrd at foot of Libertv St.. 113. 172 201 415. DM. Lit». 112. BJfoatnSS*j 737 8tb Ave.. 31 Kjst. 14th St.. 13* Bast ISth St.. 2;S W. «t I2".th Bt., 251 Co'.iimi.u« Av*.. N.-w-Y-r« 4 Court St.. MO PnltOB St., Brooklyn; '¦>-* BnaaAwty, Wl'.lt.imsburg. Th* New-York Transfer «'ompany «III call for and «heel» bargage from hotel «r residence to deetlnn'trn. nÄlEEYlöaoT- Station« foot 4»f Cortlnndt tintl De«l»ro»"««« «ta, tu»«» A. M. .lull» .Sunday». S'4f A. M.i X r MAI » if CHUNK an.) Inlerniedlate »ta on« N:l.1 K. U. dally for OENEVA, R'"'I!|-STKI{. Bt I- FAI>) MAGAltA FALO. SUSPENSION IKII'GK and the West »nd principal local point*, dln.iitr-car to sus¬ pension HridK" I'ul'.nian \e«tll.lll* S>ep. r t Chicago IlitM» A. II. dally. -\ -nt Sunday, for »AUCH CHINK and In'erme.llate point» C .une. non» BBS Head¬ ing and Harrtsburg. 1 :«Ml |». M. Sally, except Sun.lay. for ELMIRA «nd si knterm*dlat* s-..*l ns. Conn'ctlons for I'otiskllle and K* llrg; rbalt ar : Wilke;-t «rte. .... *!:.'!0 P. M. rSBfadays on yi. for W.lkesbarre, L. A b. Junction and nil Intermcllat.. stations. Ill» I». M. eSfly. ex. *!.* Sun.'av, f.ir L. A R JI N''- fl .V ml principal Intermediate statt« ns; I'ullman buffet p.te|or carlo Wilk*«barre; ronaeetlBSj for PottBtrttle, .".i»r, P. M. dully, for Kurtuu and lnt*nn*«llat* «ta- NIAGARA FA1.IJI er Ve»tibul*d Train «nd Toronto. Con- llllO I». M. daily, for BUFFALO. id all p .Int» W.-st. I'ullman Sleep .*:. Y to Chicago. Sleeper t., Huffali nectlons for Heading and Harrtsburg. DiOO I». M. daily for ITHACA. OBNEVA, UOCHES- TF.H. 1U KFAI>». MAGAltA PALLS, and »II |«>lnts West. Pullman Sle-pvr to Chicago and BaBR! Chair- car to Wllkesliarr« IlsBà H. M. dally, ei.ept Sur.day. for F.ASToN and Intermediate point». Atdltlona! let-Hi tr«ini daily, except Sunday, for U<>t M> HR.M'K sn-l Iniermediate v«»int». l*u\t a.» folio««: S:f»J A. M., »WO A. M.. 12:10 M.. 4:2u P M and «:3») P. M. Ticket» »nd Pullman accommodation» at 235. 273. »44, and 1 ;I2» Hroadway. SI Ka*t 14»h St.. 130 Kurt 123th St . N. V S»k» Fulton St.. 4 Court St.. »S lir.adway. and Hn. «klyn Annex, liru<>klyn. N.w Vork TrBMfCT ompany will call for »nd chacb bangage fn>m botet or resldene« t^.r.)ugh to .!. m,nation. ERIE RAILROAD. Tbrntasb train» ie»ve llew-Torb, foe» of chamtwr»-«t.. fellow», and five minutes cailler from West 2ild »t.: A. M.--V*»tlbu-cd Bats)*»« Dalty for Warerty, lilnghamt.n Klmlrs. Puffalo. Hradf rd. James¬ town. Meadvllle and th* West. Carlor car to Huffal... 1*. II. Vestllule.l Utrilr-d fast rali Dally, «"lid tram f> r Chi.-ago. via Chautauqua I«*ke. arrive* Cleveland 7-3« A. M Chica«-» S I«. M. Steeper» to Chicago, ( levcland and I'inctnnatl. Dining Car. IV M. -Buffalo Vestibule,! Kxpi*»» Dallv, gr- rlv*« Huffs. 7 30 A. M., innkln« direct nneo- tlcn» for Detroit, Chicago and th* We«t. P. M, Via chautau.nia |j»» anl Niag.tra Fall« Dally. Solid train to ch.cng>. fUaptn ij Uuf- fal», Chicago snd Clm-.nnati. Dining t ar. TI'KKTS. LOCAL TIME CAItDS AND PCLI.MAN accommodations at 111, 201, 401 and 101 Kr.alway, lórt F.ast 12~>tl«-»t., Chamber» and West -¿J.l St. ferrt«*, Ne« York; 338 Fulton-et.. Hrooklvn 2IO lludsm-st.. Hol«.ken, and .'»rsey Ctty St.itlon. Krle Transfer Company call» for and check» baggago from hotels assl residences to destination. i,:00 2:00 7:30 84Î I1KI... LACK \\VA3i*f A AMI \VKSTI'.I1\ H. H_ Stattona in Sew-ïork foot of lliirclay am« t hrlstnnlirr Street*. VKSTIBl'LKO TU AI.\ M, PI LLM IN III KKICT CARS, PINTSCII LIGHT. Direct route to NKWARK, UI>m>MFIKI.i>. MoNTCLAIR, THE ORANGES. Summit, Homards» ill". lUsklng R'dge, M«dl«on. M .rnatown. Passai Pateraoa it .n- tott. llover. «Stanhope. NKWT'i.N, HI'DD'H l^tKE LAKt: iRiPATcoNG. Haeftetstowa, schoolkvs MOUNTAIN. Washington. PHILL1PSUCRO. BASTÓN WATER GAP. STlUJl DSlll RG, I' .-. no Mountain»! 8CRANTON. PirrsTON, WILKITSIIAHRE NANTI- COKK, DaNVILLK. NORTHCMHRRLAND Mont- rose. BINQHAMTON, OXFORD, .Ndkwii h Wat*r- ville, UTICA. R1CHFIELD SPRINGS. Cvtland. BTRACUSB, 08WKGO. ITHACA. OWKGO Ft.MIItA CORNING. HATH. DANSVILLB, BIFTAUQ and all points WEST, NORTHWEST AND SOCTIIWF.ST. 7:20 A. M..UINGHAMTON MAIL. Stop« «t principal stations 0:00 A. M..Iit'PFALO. BCRANTOM, UINGHAMTON t'TICA, RICHFIKLD SPRINGS, SYKACfSff and OSWF.OO EXPRESS. Pullmsn lluffet parlor Cars con¬ nect at IJuffalo with train for Chicago and points w**t. 1:00 P. M-SCR ANT'IN. WILKFSIIAKHK and RL1IIRA EXPRESS. Pullman HufTet Parlor Car». 4:00 P. M SOU ANTON. WILKKSÜAKRK and PLTM- OI'TII EXPRESS. Pullman lluffet Parlor («ar«. 7:30 P. M. (Daily)..Huffal Ve»tlbu!*d Limited Kxpreea for 8CRANTON, UINGHAMTON. ELMIHA. RUP- FAI^). Pullman Ruffet Sleeping Car. Connects at ilutTalo with train for Chicago «nd punts west. 0:3.) P M. (Dally).-Ul'FEAU). SCHANToN. BINGHAM- TON, CTICA, STRA('t:8E and OHWE'K) EXPRKlM. Pullman lluffet Sl**per». TICKETS AND PCLI.MAN ACCOMMODATIONS at Park Place. 42» Broadway. Ticket« at ferry station«. IMS Broadway. Ill 4th ave, cor. 12th-st.; 53 We»t I25th-*t 235 Columbu»-*ye.. New-Tork, 3«« and 72« Pulton at sod BOS Uroadway. Brooklyn. Tim« table« gl\ In* full Infor¬ mation at all «tattoos WESTii.TT EXPRESS COMPANT will rail for and check baggage from hotel or residence to destination. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. FAST EX PR FSS TRAINS TO Ilnltimore, Washlngtoo. Chteaaro. ClnrlnaatL St. LoalB and alt Foists Waal. ^ PULLMAN CAB SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS I*av« New-York, foot of Liberty »t, daily for CHICAGO 2.00 p. m. aad 12:15 night. PI«TTSBURO. 3:30 ex Sun' 2:0V Sun. 12:13 night. CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. M a. in.. »1:00 p. m. WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE. a*tt a. m., ea. Sun., 10 a. m (Dining CBr), 11:30 ». m (Din¬ ing Car), 2:00 p. m. (.1:30 p. ro. ex. Sun.. Dialog Carl (3:00 p. m Dining Car). 6:00 p. m., 12:13 night. NORFOLK. 11:30 a. in. dally. Nl'W-oHLF.ANH, Ruanokc and Chattanooga. Pullmaa Blee|ier, 3 p. m. dally. OMcei: 113. 173. 201. 415. 1,140 Broadway, «U. East 14th St, 127 Rowery. N. T.: 339. 344 Fulton St.. Brook¬ lyn; station foot of Liberty St., C. R. R. of N. J. New-Tork Transfer Company will rail for «tad cbeek baggage from hotel or residenc« to destination. ADVERTISEMENTS and «ubscrlpiloD« for Th« TTibtme receive,! *t their Uptown OfBo*. No. 1.242 Broadway, yd door north of Slst-«t.. until a o'clock a. bag adver¬ tisement« received »t the following branch office* at rvgntda« oftlc* rale» -'ntli 8 o'clock p. m., rig.: 234 Sth-av*., «. *, cor. t3d-*t.; 132 flth-av*., cor. 12th-«t_; 142 Coluoibus-ara. near We« Seth-*!.; 100 Writ 4tl-»t., near Sth-ev«.: ti Ea*t 14th-«.; 257 W«*t 4«M-*t . between Tth «nd Bib av«».; IbS East 47lb-«t; Lisa ad-«v«., between fatb aai T7th sas.1 I.02S ¡td-ar*., near Sl»t-at.; I.TM ltt-«ve\ «,r aaxb-.«.: .OJd^... »«^«-«t.; ^n^Jj I«ls*#W«t#a,^^l Sd-ar«.| J; i«aa ad-«v«.. I l*Vae«.t IS

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For Boya and Toung Men..Citjr.


SFECIAL CLASS FOR LITTLE BOYS.Karly astles I» given that on Oct. 1st. 1*1*1, 1Ô b-iys. 7

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For Foth Sexes..City.

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TBTHAXD.IIIUHAM XTSTEM.written by more than half of the expert reporter» of

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, IMVERHIDE DRIVE.«th »nd SAth Streets. New-York.

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*^ iiariTTrjTR. tarrytownon hi;dson..a¦gtSBajj BBJ Du ichooj f.r airi». College Prep«r«--J!??>^.«wB«, flth. alls« M. W. Metcalf. Principal.

O tOrtU! ¥Ë9°«« if Kren.-h and Music. AdlronrtacKA M W' ¦rSteft*1' ..'».'.e.!: r*f*re:i.-*« *x- hang*d. Mrs.

T^ «wtacTC*3* ^':«>U-"-

for «ottiir^.!****. »chool. for girt: B*«t preparationfort» «7 T^«""*,?' co»,r»«o not leading lo oofcleg* (:om-

«rawbrlda^Ty;,.'*''' *RTHUR OILMAN Is the Dlr»«tor.

T^osSJSÄ-^-^'^«NAKT FOB ÔTR7,HT1âTn«-Sln«"-r««r U«i« fndar*. Ml»s C. C. FCLER. Principal. 20thfl !**** s«s««B«bet ;.:!

TWtlïiÎS.B*J,«,'KoK'B Sr^OOLFÔR OiRlT.- Mor-A%d«£u«rT!h, N J- ».*'. New-York City.-Primary.Ccréa«tir<«£$¿í' '"''.Parstory. Lectures by ProfeMors la

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Tr«l»¥>rSfivíí,,h Tnr «"Irevilar. addr»«*a?J?«^J.E " »-"HARDS, Principal.¦ABA IXIUISE TRACT A M.. Associa** FrtnelpaLOermanlowsi, Pt-illadelphta.

tooBm^ Bov" "na Toun« Men..Country.DmU »5¿w?( >N- '«1 M1UTART INSTITUTE.

ffpj- jr. h. LAsroN. principal.fi_---~-?A^' ri_?- D. LANDOK. COMMANDANT.

PASr/fI.n ACADÍMT. HOME SCHOOL FOB BOYS.l.llSiJ!*.!'««^**» it college 80 mil*» from "

¦»«S*i!2"H. BRKW-IR. A. M Frln.. FalrflN*w-Yorb.

rtleld. Conn.

M^bEÎÏ000 1NKT1TCTE. Oncordvllle. Penn -|1MC CtJ**r- A successful school: or.* cf the be*t to In-

L BwT. *Mray «nd to wak« up boys to th* duties of¦*¦» «"ter bMt coll*«*». I?nd*r is y****, lin.

*»».«._____«'. SHORTLIIX5E (Tal*). A. M. Pria.

Hj Institut«. Nvack-on th*-Hud*on .Eng.Jg-r»«»w instituí*. Nvack-on tlie-Hudson EnglKf coav-. Fr., Oer., music. »ten>«traphy. trpewrlt

f-S55!^î*»*ncheated. Capt. J. Wilson. A. M.. PrlnN* îohns acHooù "~" ".-

. MANLIUS. N. T.«a**. àJ,*n *."¦ begin« ««eplember I6th ISOfl,«*--S.-~S._ WM. VERBECK.

^¦KaaiLL MILITARY ACADEMY.av. T. SJd r**f S»nd for lllu«tr»t*d eata-

COL f^Ctrrs H OWT.EMAN. Pria

Sffiool Agencie«.«A^Ib««^ «ÍÍÍD »O«««»« TBACHERK- AOF.NC1

trfüuLr*?!*».- *..£*>"., Tutor*. Govern*«.*»,IbBtiUi' «SS5?2!l SI^ Famlll««. Apply toCLJiJ^jrori^snTt.«roN a tmlon Bquara


a »r» n>e.*x««*«*»««e«»xe«««» ««Y«««*«*,^*»*»*«»«,«^^«*«*»»¦to^vSK^iffl..- '- ÄfJvB year.


I .WllfBI AT THE EXCHANGES.tÄ.?.I" U forec»o«««-e proceeding-, comprised

flv^'iv £r,.By K0,d No' « 8t Mark's Place, a

f.h,H «."waaaaai Haass, lot 20.10x97.« ft. to

l harte« Simon's Son« for BBjSJJJohn T licyd «old No. «M W4BM Twenty-slath-st.,

MÎT ,n:Ty vr,rA 9fab!H- l0t ""*¦»««. «o the plain!There I T^ r°"n,V 8dVlnK" Uank- for .*.*There was due on Judgment IH.IM..

I M. S Da Coata has purchased the four-story pri-

Wm B. Itacft, of Chicago, for about »20,000.J N. Knlley *> Soti hnve> sold for Feltx Campbell

fvn trnl,«°f HS P^P»«"» Trust Company, of Hrook^

I gTserS ft «SS^*¿W»pU-a, an,rHcK,JrV by wh,ph ,hft la«ter will .en ¡nSve >V?*s?i °f t^'^n'y-even acres on Klvertía le-ÎE.'. ". ar ,-**»»nêTBl»ri«lKe. The property wi.l be re-stricted ana made a desirable rertctentlal section.

MAL estate nUKBTBObj.*ÄÏJîuaf.r:,,aul " ,'u",, un<1 .» «.

**&««_*.>J» «. -'!» West; « Ul',«',,. Ü liut'ler' ¡a' "

ttifrl"'..,;' 2 " °f ''ftrk av" 30XI..2 2.'

7nth»r' ^SiS*« ,0 w,"|a»' R Oiaea. BaJM

ioin-si. * » »tK» ft e of Bark »v.. 44 IyIi*'¦>same to Bath M bUlUke,

"23 SOO

*"£'»«*.."2 ¦ "f ^-»aaaay.«««, sÄiasakas-4 0XIU..2. same to Bernard Cohen . 20 12.1

m""'- V« !5 ft « of *th-«ve. 1.1x100 K. GilbertM >pelr. referee, to Henry VV Schmidt . 11.500u..h., V "' a° ft . "f Amst*r.lani-ave. l«>x

,aS*li J'¦m'',, B Ollll« and wlf* to Haul 11 1'u.h 100Wth-st. s s. loo ft w of C-urtlandt-av*. .10x1«);

1 r*d«rtck \V Meyer to Charles Kggers and Ed¬ward Blssinger . j

134th-st. No l.OttS East; Frank it iloughtuii "aridwife to Daniel McAlllst*r and wife 1 000

Cr..tona-ave, n s. 278 d ft e of ltroad-st. r.xólix¿ixtlT.U. Columbian J Keilv to Man- K Hnlley. 1

Cnlon-ave. w s. 8S1 ft s of Boston-avr. lrtjtx tr-r»gular; Christian F G.iler and wife to r"qinreT Willis . 1

13th-av*. * ». lot gore No 02. map of Waketleid;Nathan P Henderaon and wlf« to Augustos FGardner, sa-*t4»apsfly.

ISth-ave. « «. fiatne proper! v; Ada It Kainsworthto Nathan I" Henderson . 1

122d st. » s. Pitt. 1 ft w of Ht Nicholas ave, 2T>x100.11; Com!* Henri de l'une» to .lohn l'reusser. 8.000

21.1ih st. centre Itn«, and c*ntr* line of Mth-av*m.nv closed». 407.hx lrrt-gul.tr; l*».in Marie ti>« «vrorsa I' Marl* . loo

Washington-av«, w c rn*r Waveri.-v riac*. r>0xloo; l'eter l.eckler and wife to Solom n It Krausand anoth*r . 1

Brook ave. n w corner 147th st, SCllsSO; .lohnItlppel and wlf* to .lohn Cotter. 7.50U

Cnlon-ave, n w corner 1.12dm. MxloO. KerdlnatidForscb an I wlf* to John Otter. inn

Crotnna-av -, w s. i*l ft s of Lebanon st. IS.fcxKi.Sx17..1x90.7. Ilenrv Cleveland et al «o AgnesW Maler and another. 4.«100

Part of 1 >t -.. adjoining land of EdwardFaughnan. xlOO; .Nicholas Hlckman and wifeto Hosanna Lee. 1 7 part. 1

Same property; Margaret I«e* to Nicholas Hlck¬man. 1 7 part . 100

2d-av*. » w corn*r »'.th-st, 49 4x100; .leranl* orr*t al to Solomon Haas. 1

Same propeny; Jennie Orr. as tru»tee. to sam*.. 46.3.1o24th st, s w corner Avenue A. SB-BbSI 1, Fr*d*rtcBtasrwood to E P Hatch. f«. ono

¦23d st. s s. 200 ft w of «th av*. 7.1xns ». «l»o n »23d st. 2IW 4 ft w ol «th av*. lö.flxFvP. JI*nrvi' Meeidea «nd wif« to Jeisbas i Lindo. i

Oakley-*t. a s, lou ft w of K*r>|er ave r^rxlOO;Henry Vonhau* to «atherlne Menr.er. 7.V»

lSJith-sl, n s. 1.17 tl ft e of Kdgecombnve. |7 fg99.11. John Glna«. Jr. tu l'etrona B Htmllt.n.. 1

10t»h-*t. n ». HO ft w of 4th-nve. IDSIOI 11; JamesM .a Coste and wife to Jeanette mi;. 1«.1 «1

Tlnton-ave.n w corner Deter-st. »Xtxltst; Mar¬tin Fuselehr and wife to Dledrtch E»d.l*n. «.S00

Centre-*t. » w c..rn«r Bronx-st. being lot* I«* and19. map of property of John Mafw«. *>x77xv»«7»t; Alwai.m Moraran to Or.««v*n..r H Hiibbard.. 1

Sam* property; Gmttveei .r S Huhbanl r*f*r**. to

Joseph Thall *t al_. 2 72c.limh-st. n a. 16." ft e ut 7th-av*. SOxlU). 11. Jean¬

ette H.-.ll to Harvey D La Coste, ex-property.. 1173d-«t, n ». IB! ft e of Washington av*. 19xloi.Alben H Vre*land and wif* to Emilie Nlekl»ch. 1

ftth-av«. No T2C; ,T,,bn K.-an to Walt*r M F*ekham 14.1.OQo24th-st and Avenue A. s w corner. M &x'.«« ». Will¬iam S Tnwns»nd «nd wlf* to Krederlc Utanwood PÍO

Jol.n-st. a ». 72 0 ft e of Wllllam-st. Sa.llaSl.as24 2xV1 1; Felix Campbell and wlf* t<> Wood-bridge Company . B*»IBt

Monr.*»-st. No 10«, Harry Ks«l««f to Bam*ttljrvy . 1

Essex st. No :t7; Isaac Ri«!nh»-1m*r to tliarle« I.Hoffman . 1

Broad st. Nos 43 to 47; H*nry 0 Havemeyer andwife to K.hn G Mc< iillougb . M

E*«»x st.No 37. Charl»» 1. Hoffman to RachelR.tnhtlmer. 1

H*nrv-»t. n ». lot 10ft. map of Raadrsrb Hu'B.-r »

prüp»rty, «SixlW; Thomas Y Allen to Ca'h.-rlr.«C Allen et al. 1

7lh-«t. No 10»; Jacob Dieter and wlf* t . MichaelBissen..


23d »4. n «. 27f. ft «* Of lst-«ve. lflv,<rxp. i|e,,ra*

Finck and wlf« t» John Elnck I2.<«v>MorrlM-av*. n m corner l.ioth-st, DB.CxlOfl; »!«

s w earner lflth-M and Avenue P. «VxIKr :<¦

Cathartn* Sheridan et al to Terrace F Kh*rl«la:> 1

f4Jth-»t No 112 West; Margaret Shannon und an¬

other to Annie T Murray . I

47iK «t, * *. *«e ft e of f/e*m»>tii»j «ee. ï«e«i«.r.

Wensel A Ratv^-h to Su»!» Raboeh '. 1

Int»r|..r lot i>0 ft * Sf .Ith-av*. and 1>> ft » f

r.7th-st. run» 2fltlo; Ellxaoeth H Itussell et al

to William R Wllleox..- I

ITd-Bt. ¦ ». 221 ft * of M h iv* 2.1x200.18, lo S2J

st. it í'om>-n atoras *nd BBother, »se* atora, ti

Cllxi 1" Ctakman .

Si«» «t, a ». l«""i fi e of 2d ave tsBTTT.aa4S.l«r72 II;«-¡«.orge lia..« r-íere*. t.. Ellen I. I >envr*->- I »>

02d «t. Bo lu.1 Ea»t; Mary B Cannon ami «aotbrr10 Johanna Lindermann .


liad «i, s «. 110 f e of f.'h ave. 2.1x1)0 11. rVHSUerjr and wlf* 10 ErederU-k Schmidt. 1

ll^'h *t. n ». Iba f w of Mh »v» 27.lx1i«i 11

Mary Els and another to Gustiv W D*«*a* ant

another _.'"'

114'h ht. n >. .'IT" ft w Of 1th n-.* «BaiaS.tlGe.rge E Relllv. a« executor. ta Mar'i.tM'-!««»r ....;¦»,

iKth «t, No 24» Basti Liili Anr.n and wife to

Amelia B-irnett .1

lioth st. No 241) Ka-t. Mina sUsstOSWelg 10 l^ulsAaron .


114'h St B «. BIB ft w "f Kb »«* 2.1x1«) 11.George E Relllv and wife and Mi.tli.-r I MartinM.-zger . ...;.«

1221 «t » ». 3f.2 ft w of 7th are, ITOstOail;Henry M G*»ch*idt. refer-«, to Jume« I» I«.it

nam ..

1»2I «t. ¦ « SOB ft e of «th ave. 1«x99 11: Serb

M Bürge«« to charlea F M-*llch. 1

lllVh «t. No 2M W«st; Wlllllam PtCfeaS at>'1 wifet.. I'aulln* Isaac«. I

I4«th st. n ». .2S2 ft w of Am«l*rdarn a\e. 11 r,x

OS» 11. Frank J Aldrl. h to Mertle C Aldn.-h.1

RF'THtDEI» M"RTGA<ÎF.S.Asr ,n. Ix.ul» snd »If* to Hannah Iî!«-rh ff, Ms24» K*«t 110th «'. 3 y*sr«. |.i..iO0

I!r*-k»nrldge, Ella J. to Fre.lerUk Ttimlnghsm.s s «1th st. no ft w of I/«xlngton ave. tnstalm«nt» .

Barne't. Benjamin, and »If- la M .« -. Goodmanand Theresa Hlrrh, N« «»I ltr<*ime M, Insti».

ment». I year» .l'l»**rt. Mlcha*l. to th* M.-tr..i,oll'»n Savin«;»

Bank. ¦ ¦ 7lh «I. 1tt2.11 ft * of 1st »v- I o-.ii. OKI

Rocker. John, and wife 10 the Kmlgrant IndtistrlslSaving» H.ink, n s HchuWer «t. 400 ft e of< <.urtlandt-av*. 1 year. -.000

'ohe:.. Iternsrd M truat*«« of Daniel It I", arlng.deceased, s s 71th si. *> ft w of I^xln«t..n ave.

't vears . In,!«*»)

'otter, John, and wlf* to F'rdlnand Fors.h, n w

MaTBef lITlh st «nd- Crook ave, «»me property.1 ^*ar . f.'"10

Bora« to John Hipp, i, nw property. 1 year. IvSSSF»m* to Ferdinand Crsch. tarn* pr.perty. gmonth« ...¦ BjSBB

Bam* to s.-im*. n w corn»r t'nlon av« and 1.12.1*'. « months . S.BSI

Clrrlt... J.*epb. snd wife to iKn A »Jaylof I. n a

Shh »t. »9.6 ft e of Amsterdam av*. 2.MODev*r»ux, Tt-.omss W. and WlKlam V Hagan to

George C Eng*1, 1*3«* of N« SS7 Coltimbtls ave.

note, . 2.'tfl0Dl l/.T-nvi. Gr*g«)rto, and wife to S I*iul»e andKa«e « Masters-^n. e * K*lly »t. 2«) 3 It n of10.1th «t. 3 >ears. 780

Derniitti Krark. snd wlf« to th* tru«i<"** of PefetMol*r, dec*a«*d. No 7CB C.dumbur »v». 6 \*»r* 14.«)0

Er«*r«, Chsrl** and Edward, to Fr*rt>r|ek W

Me\«-r » « l.lftth st, IM> ft w of Cortland' ave,

1 y*ar . f» M0Edgar, O*org*. «nd TbSodorB Klltan to N»ncy

I. Sherwend and Mary K Hlodgett. * . 114Ili »t.7.1 ft w «f L*n 'X »v*. 2 year». 2 mortgaee». 5H.000

Flock John, to Stephen II Ja<M».n, n ¦ 23d »t.

27.1 ft w of I»t-«v», | year». 7,000Fnrlev, Msry V and I'hlltp. to Mutual Llf* In-

Mirance Company. N Y. w s 2d av«, S4.I ft .

of loth st. 1 year. 10,100(Hattet Dudley G. »rol Annl* K \Vitb*rb«-* and

Clara S Bird. Individual'.»-. D Dudl*> G Gau

(1er and another, trust**« of Joslah II Gaut!*r.to Tltl* Guarani»* and Trust Company, s w 00«n-r lib uve and 10th »t. 1 year. ftr.,000

if« llbrunn Joseph, »nd wife to Samii»'. Held«;»belmer No 22Ti Ka»t 100th »t I years. 8,000

Ha*«, Solomon. 10 Jennie Orr. trustee of Robertorr « » eorn*r 2«1 ;n* «nd 3Hth-»t. 1 y»ar- «».OOO

H»v*fn*y*r The<v1ot* A. and wlf* to lnlt*d Hta

Trust Company. N V. n e rom*r Mb a,v* a

44th *t. I yar« .;';.v.'",.-..:."-

I^vy. Karn»tt, to Harry Hn«torr. tan tmm ssu.i.. ^^

.ÄÄ'Ä,..;, M»ry üV.'^ n .' «B>st 20 ft e of I'ark »v* ,So MB. JTaW;;« '¿¿IL «."uw


2T. '«"'

i ono


MMSA J""h»a J. «nd wlf* ¦" '"' f a,T." "t'wH.^ln.:«. Mew-York. » « 23d «t. .00 ft w



of 0<h ave. 5 year«..M«»er. litm V. and wife to David UulKlcy.

134th St. m ft w of A.exander¦ a«r*. 2 ßf««" ,M0

McCormatk. Mary E. m I«n»s V BSaW«, BJS 1.410^^

McAUlstér. D'anîei.' and'wife t. Krank It H.uili-ton. No l.aM i-Jist i-'Mth *t. 2% rear«. i.ooo

Oitenl»r« Hlm.m and Henry and H-rmnn. 10

Brooklyn Savings Bank, n e cotrei M »ve and

| 22d «t. S year».,.'l'reusser. John, tu Comte Henri «e )';rie«. s ¦

122d «t. «0.1 ft w of SI Nicholas »\e. .1 «ears.. .*).«¦)

Pîirh. Dátil H. and wife to Till« Guáranle* »ndTrust caasvaay. . * l«B»a st, .'to ft * «* Am«t*r-

dsm av». I ve*r. HWIssj

Ham« to Jamrs B Gllll*. tarn'- property, Itislalm*nts . B.0OO

R>an. Michael D, and wife to Mary A Mcllrld*.» « .orner Lsrlaalns av* «nd 2«th »t I year- 6,000

Satterlee, llttin V. and Biche McF Whllloclt. to

Margaret F J Wallace, n * 21M at, 1B0 ft w of11th-ave. lino alm-niit .I« 1,000

Bchnugg, Francl» J. to J Lawrence Kl»«s..n, n .

«timer Bradhurst »ve snd If'ltli »t. f> year».... IS.OOOSchmidt. Frederick, to Felix l^vy. s s I33d-sl.110 ft . of 1th ave. 2 year» S month». 3.M0

Hachse. Krank, snd wife lo the Dry Dock HavingsInstitution, w s 2<1 ave. ¡ou.m ft s of 44th «t, r.

years . 15.000Surden. Ella, to George F Cornell, s s W<th--»t,

12." ft e of Amsteniam ave, S year». 18.000Schmidt. Henry W. to Brtlllp Flndler and Erne*<Wlbel, s s !iíd si, 2S0 ft e of 4th »ve. 1 year.. 10,000

Willi». Squire T. «o Chrtattsn F Goeller. w st'nlon »v», Ml ft . of Boston ave, Instalments. 800

Waither, Maria A. to Leonard Hangen, s s Clin¬ton Blare. 4S.10 ft e of Greene st. lease. S 1-12year«. 12,000

Clerk«, Jam««, and wlf* to Mount St Vincent ('<>-tperattve Building and Loan Association, w ¦

L*SS»t-aee. ISO ft B of McOraw-av*. lostal-aMnts . ta»

'.«wl». irair!.» f, -, Ut-dS M Hayne. No 3>l2Ve»t IH;|, «i. Ir.»ia in r.l» . 6..'»(»|


RIlLltlNC, PLANS FILED.The following t.tam, f.r new building* and «Iteration»

were file.] ye»terd»v:New building»:

l«l»t-»t, No SéS Ea»t. for « »ne »t»»ry frame »toreand workshop, by Henry Cbelhor, of No «43ESaj lHl»t-»t. owner.

Orand »t. No 27«». for a live «t,,ry I,rick flat and«tore. by Mich« I Kay and William. Stn. an. ofNo a.17 ri«n«ant ave. owner». ¡p» my)

Ilroadway. N..k «.lit and «S«, a ten »lory sew*»t«»re «nd loft». I.v Honr* g f.«., «.I N.. ,'. RgSIloth »t. ..wner, .-,.«t get estimated._

H'anton »t, N,. i;.T. a f» «ir <t.,ri l.rlik t-nem-ntnml »t».r»', t,y MoTlt« Real it. ,.f N, |»a. staw.n

»wnerlMSth «t anil l'r«»rent ave, » w c»»r by CecelU

Khiinlev. of No «>Tii p.-¡In,m ;i\.-.' own. r, fortw». two-nun brick dwelling».Alteration»:

King M. No 211. by the cltv of New York, to af»ur «t,,ry hrl.k public »ch,.o|.

.th-a«*«, No MS, hv e»t«te «if Charle» Kneelaiid..»f Ha W7 Nassau »t. »»wner. to a f»»iir-»torybrick tenement."

Madlxon ave. e s, between 2»!th ,'in.l 27th »t« "bythe Madlfon Square (¡ar.l.-n i'ompanv, an In.nan»l l.rl.-k theitre.

Italtery p,.ik Aquarium, by he city of Sew York..'ith «t. No .17 East, by I'Vtdlnanl lllutnenthal. ofNo :.< E.aat .Vlth-»t, 'o a four-«tory and ba»e-ment lirl.-k dwelling.

íth ave. No 7.'«4 Ic 71«. by .lame» lievl'tn! of'No.'12. W'e»t 4àih-«t. »wner. to s four »lory l,tl»-k»tore and ten<-ment.

Mth ut. No goo «Vest, bv Marv J Oli.li. of R,4M We», .t.1.1 »i .wner, to a live and ..ne «t.ryhrl.k lK»te|.'

.Southern Houle\ ar»l. « ». Ilk» ft w .,f Tf«as)V.r*. vr>. by Kannte CaABOB, to n nne-nml-one-half-»tory frame dwelling.

4a»l-«t. Nos 4" «nd Mi by Emily Charle«,' of'No4*0 Ix-xlngt .nave, .wner. t.» a twontory brlclt»ti.re .





«\nnifjrt ôules of Real (fgtat*.

PETEB F. MEYER, Auctioneer,will »ell at auction on

THURSDAY, April 23, 1890,at 12 o'clock, at the New y.,rk Rral-K»fate Sale.room.

Ill llr..a.tway.



th« eatterly part ,,f

No. 58 WALL STREET,extending through tt ml tn»-lu,llr.g

No. 03 PINE STREET,between William «ml P»arl Ktrees».

SALE .PEREMPTORY.Thl» property 1-.»« a frontage r.n Wall St. of JlS'l fe»,

and 2m 7 feet on Pin« St., and contain» over 6.3(10 «o,u»»efeet.

75 per cent, on Mortgage at 4 per centF.TT map» at.d further Informat! .n applj to Frederlo d*

P. F,*ter. Kso... Attrney. is Wall St.. and at th« auc¬

tioneer-» ofll.e. Ill llrnadway.


will eell at auction on

Wednesday, the 22d day of April, 1.896,at 12 o'clock noon «t the Real Batata Kiahang» «r.l An

tlotl Ro in. .".!« ». rV, LBteftf >ct

Ry order of .larr.e» p.lrh.rd» ni.l J..I111 M-»rg.»n Richard«.Exe.iit.r» r ('.¡ward Cowles Richard« deceased

11'nalilrely without re»er*e.)readily adapted f,.r aBstattea 10 meet pr»-»ent comm»rcl«l

demand» of «latton,Seven »m«:l fut.r «to**» 1 rl.k prli»t. Dwelling».

Southwest Corner ot Lexington Ave, sod 25th St.H«lng NaS .*»«. M BBS] B-l I-e«'ngtas «ve and 120. 12«.

13»t and 132 K»»t Mth »t in.iii-.lv.' El i. II SSSS will be

. Id »epar»t»lv7Í1 p»r cen' ir«y remain three year« at 4'4 p«T gen*Pollcv of Title |murase« b] th« Title «Juaranir» «ad

Tru.t Companr free .,f ex|.en«e t.. th» |.urrha»er.Ci>n>KRT RRiiTHKRH l<>0 R'rad»«y .tt..rne-s for

tie e»»rut»-r«For mep* "f «al« containing pH-logr^vure«, ¦¦ ,t-,-.»»..

ef r»nt« «nd luxe», »nd .11 >.ther «arttealafS »ll-lv to «heAuctioneer». 71 and 7« l,lb»rtv «t.. ..r lo th» attorney».

ft. Dl. WAI.l.Tr.SK««*, AtK-tiosie-cr.I \\r-v rtlam' Nalr

flv order of Kdmun<1 S WhitmanEdw.rd P C.rlrTin sad H «ai It Wild«.


ENTAT I. JASIsM TIO-41 IFITII. lle.M.n. i»i: w ii.i.n: ill«.*» »v ro.

will «ell M »<i.-«i<n SS

Tne.lay, April Bl, I-»»a.\ 13 it U CU v MIN¬

AT TIIK HI »I. ESTATK KXl HA*QB,1.1» «V. t.tltKlTY ST V!*\V- T'-ttK.

«t*S < liolre- Lot« on

*»t. yii linliia lieniir,i;«li;r«oiiilM- In nur anil

Hi. Mrliolit«. I»l-»,r, .

BEI i4Tr;t »M» BSD gTBEtSTEA-. 1

The tlotlrrs. Hreitlenrr»I I ftl. >l<liola«i PlSfCS,W.I h sat«. Urge ,:..,. i...

Ad),lntng -«SIO>S»«J» f '.".« A Rallev gs, mr ISSU«t at.-1 .-I. -» i-«l-|e- .. in city.

?i> Per (Vnl. inn. remainf..r .1 year» at 4 psr rent.

Ro-.k Map«, etc. at nfv« f IInaval I'n« n Wrl«

F.»1 Att.rpev f'.r Kseml r». ;» I' -i- S» «nt at A».tl.neer»' OflW« 1TI UrosdwS] Tetepliowe, .IT..', «'».rtlandr

(Tiln Proprrtn for Sn!f.

ADJONINO FIFTH AVKMT. ..n high ground, »hot-,oughly well hellt hrownatn,« hou». 20 ft w1»l«: !.'»

lot. »uiinr pr>.t-cte.1 -ear; new nan'iarr plumhlng Prie«.Moiou m,.rtg»g» 12« .100 Permita and all partltMilar,from

Dntoi.as BOftlBEOg a ro..MO UAHIKON AVE. M LIBEBTT 8T.^

IAl'V OWNINO CITV \¿ TS >KAIt Kuril ST.. .1»r,,rr«J »«'« needing n,"ney ,n p.. I-.»». will »ell .ne or n. i»

I .r $ LT,< ,«»h. iVV»i moriaos«: w.rth 11.100; n»ir «leg.ntOofasesi waler. «»». |.r flt«t.|e iniMiroii' Man ,n lot«Hundav U t.» 4 1»',» . I a« ». elevate,I t, 177th »t

i»,«. NK.R. II» W-»i á«»h

Snbnrban Proprrtn Sox öttlr.

174TJZABETH, N I gar Bale BtsMsar»« m i#»t lors!i M« n». «II lmproA»metn». In g»-«l ..rder. $4.f«'0 an.)

.il».u.l» R.,bt K «h'iw.^1 4» Ilr...l»t. Mi«aa«<s>. N i

Xnrniohrö öonaro îo Crt.(Tonntrtj.VN'KWM Ft'RXISBED i.n- ;< .-.'ii-» and .»mage

I...U-.- l.«,,..iif,i!i» «Moated, -n ltr.i,d«nv. at Iriingt .11 .,n Budooni 11 raotn«, ni.»-l'rii lmpr.»\, ment», yearl)rent. |l.í»«i. Applv t

RUI'HALkT WOOD, Irvlngton.

1~\< BEBT FOR TUR SFAsVlÑ New at.d full) for

nl«he.| re«ldenie »t 1.i- .e i-,,nr»., ».»,n\enlent to

»1ep»it, P. 11 h»»tel llverv sn»l »t .re«, llfieen r.«-m <<^l*«e;

.Is «leeplng r-.-m«; .»II c,»n\enl<-ti '» lar»e pl.ura. near

I».ke U,,n..|i«< "P'.m -11 »liiti .re i»i |>,..,.¦>¦« r»»«l»

»nd naphtha Unn-h f r hire; fine view ..f lak«; tlir»«»

Iw.ur» from U < I "|e.l. thr-ogh .r r-fereti.-. gnen »n<1

re.,i 11.-1 llllllltr WILLIAMS. Atfval Law. !«ke-

Mile, C'.nr.

Rrnl (Estate tUantrb.

W'ANTIlli At Uwr'nr». U J., f.>r »urnnier, s »mall

fv h»»«i»e .-,n,|.l t-lv fi.ni»lie.|. In g»»»d neighU«-|,«>.lrent. IMSS Aldi«-» J. T. II.. ¥. O Tl.«, MS, N-w York

':'"_,_._1-/orniihe«. *-f\partTnejij«^_

" TÎÏÏTlalÎA^84 tirurnrrry Park, forner 'JOMi-.t.

BasassBSH] lurnt.hed ap'ittitient. fa. In« fililí »nd »il,S r<»otii» and 2 bala«. Kl»»lri»' lighting.

c. W FI'KHM, ^4 iliamer» y l'«rk.

CHOirg riREPBOOV Al'ARTMf.N'r.-i.


Klevator». electric light», et,.; a f»* Sstn InrgeJt*rmenu» »»f two to ten room« «ml l-nth. with «>r without

kitchen, reetaurant on preml»c». 1 Uvular» »ent. 1 K.

IHM* Manag.r, !»7 <-<liir »t__ÂnHHOMHI.V le,-».rated liadielor apartment»; three

d»«ir» from nth ave.; freeoed celling«, parquetn.e.r», porcelain bath»; electric light«, term» mr-ierate.

V We»t Bali «t_______^__.____.___.-fnrnisl)rù Donsra tüanttb,

IN PIKK CO Parti« furnlnhed hoii»e, « room», for «urn

mer. A. P. K., I»6 William »t., N. Y-

(Conntrti propertn fox Bate.


Thre«-;t^r".-,.r,.¿e. cntalntng TKN BOOMS. Jj«"ffM»J-room. large »I.Hiei«. m»l comiiyAllou« »tied. DooMe I artor,

liming-R.-am «nd Xltchen on lower tgg. »«-ven lied-

rootn. Th« llo.»rlng M of FL.rl» « Pine. TWO tjOJf AM'

,,'.!. >.!¦. LAM» with fruit tree«. Une o.ean Mew

fr..m the upper window« Ilo.ue In perfect reti.tr. Sltua-

¡n within twelve minute.' walk orih. N. V. I-erry gagthree minute» walk of th. ti.-lley c«r«. Inqulr. on th«


1"%OB BaleB OR BEBT..In Roy«lton. VI within flv«

r miñuiív asm to church«., .chool». p<'-»'^^» .n.ar.ilr.a.1 depot a l.rge, tin.- h«»u.e. «wntalnlng 1« room»,

miwd7 h.rT«ó»»Í ll.lív ftmac-. Urge cemented cellar,

n'n.'n, -Vlng w«,er. Urn with .mgL>SjlJ .**%?*;In< lodttig h«lf »n o.-re "f laml Will be sol«! for nan 11»

SStTTWr to a W. EEBBET. IMnmnni. sal;_V KSH THAN IIOU-J will par S SBfS **"*">£.Lj hou»». 2S feet wide; e-er> Improvement. lot. MO t»y lnu,

iTTl."Î'KÏNNY. Marble Hill. Klng»brtdge, NY. City._>T~iriT'ir.iiTisF»|i«;NT!l »nd »utacrlpilons tor The Tribuna

ADrecr;nídaí. .he.; L-p.oawi, SEE.CWis-gÍÁéooT north of Slnf-e».. until 6 o clock p. m.. a<^«r-f..»aen.. SSMfS «t the following 5f^jftSf5îa?ftofflee rate« until 8 o'clock p. m vt«.. »« ¦J.»^**-. ._*ear *»d-«4 ; »r»2 «th SVS.. cor. lîlh-«t.! 142 t n1iimhu«-«v«..

£u wmI (»tu-«!.: WO WM 4-M-g«- sear 6th ara

Cirai Çsiau.



Kxamlne* and Inmirn title» to R.-ul Batata.Lowest llnte«: \n IHslinrsrnient« Chnraetl.Money to loan at 4'-¡ and ó per rmt. on

«rood city property.

dip Heal <?stcitr /or Gale or do ttt.


Bob. 1.053 and l.or.O FIFTH AVF.XTE.Xenr With Street.





Th» four-storv brick and limestone dwelling,

SO. 170 COXVRMT AVF.tfUE.near l-i:td Street.




INSPECTION.Fir further particulars apply to


14« BBOADWAY.^_^_

"I^ÖR SALE OR TO LET. 1.140 Mu."Iron iv»., fln* cr.l.lX net flnishM .]»- ¦Ulna- mediur.« «t/.e; has butler*» pantrv*xt*nslc.n. well adapt*.! for a physician. Apply to J. E.LEVIN ESS. SS I.lt.Tty st.

îo Cet for Dnsiness Purpose!~*.~«^^

Fireproof. Every Convenience.KOK OFFIt'K.« APPLY TO

RULAND & WHITING, Agents.On premise«. 3 to 0 Beekmas Street.

OFFICE.-' T> RENT over PartBC Rank 470 Hroadwny.from Muy Is«, for lawyer»' ,.«"...« ..r merchant«*

»g.-n.ie«, sample r-eim«. .'««V>i. lix'u a* front and rear;will be newlv «,slnt*<l and ultered to «-lit II cant«. ApplyIB 'ii* Usab.

(Conntrrj propertn ío CetVT CAR It'm KA WAV. I-iiwt.r,. .¦ snd -|. Inltv. rbole«

dw»!llng« t, r*n« Printed list m.-.ll»d fr-». ANDREWm.tigce. Far Baebawai _

/ «OTTAOBB AT i.i'NU leach i. i. -j:' miles fromN. Y Fre.ju.it tniln«. Loeat*d .n the oc-an

l«.»eh. Furnish*.! eettaat*« " roui«, »il IraprorenieiitaI.'iNG REACH ASS« i< lATfOM 71 Br u«l»nv.

1-mni: -«cmmi'R rt.A -i: Til I'HNr Lara« ne«sit modern Impn .¦<¦'¦¦¦ gond barn, F r particu¬

lar«, «Lit*** At'«!. I' CURTIBS Jforfoll

rpo »EST AT RIVERDALR ON THE HUDSON, larg*1 farnlahed h.iise. with tester, g.-;«, atable snd ganten;

»t*.ut ten aeres or land: no* :.ir»" tre.-« and lawa; tu min¬

utas fr-.m th* Blverdal* R*ili->a.l BtstbMl; :il».ut "«I min¬

ute« to Grand Ceatrtl I'-p-.tB A CRUIKSHAKM A CO.. 17t! Itroidnny.

rpi) LET UNFCRNIS'IED Vernslde r,,tt.-,«^. «t lr\tng-i ton ¦ r. Hiit«..n 15 n m« ground» «bnul I*-« acre».

Haba« wild :i stall« »nd t ¦¦ m for several rarrtage* Apr!v to h it iiisli.il* afilia BBlldlaa, IS Broad St.,

V rk

«fnriinhfù lutamo to Cet.,)- FAST 44TII ST l«*rg.«.> ft r hath h I. .nil: t.



All Trn.i'llna I : xp«*ii»«-a ln<-l titled.I'I.PARÍ I! I-.«* l'lf'M M\W V'l'K.

afsy f. .B.I " M»j--t.. .KB daysI« *. K»is«r Wilhelm II". "'

" ..'1 " .* I'.itni.inla "

. S3-Fii-r»» l:i«riar-k "

. Mlur.e i i .. '« fl*imanic "

. ..".

II.. " " Ne,» York ". Si

Ï1 *« *. I ml rla . -.">

i».y 7.. " *. Atsraala .S3 « ¦'.»FROM Ii. >st. i\.

loi» 4 ,S s "Srjrtbla" . ¦ m 57 day«ll.inn.l the Wi.rltl 1'iirflesi. Bep 1» Oet, *. 17

.l.i nu ii I'ii rl > , 13Illustrate«! pr.«rr»tcir..^. fn e Railroad »tul Itfsmshlp

llrbeti f r ;¦ ¦¦--- '-. ereTito«. COOK A «ox.

2HI «nd I .'--."> Ilriindixny, V.-w-Vort».

fox Gale.

(»I Hi: VERMONT MAPLE SI UAH AM. BTRCPSur;ir. IB ser tt- -n ip « H sei «-v. -i. ish with

rd«r G II WA Dit, Or.h. I Vie« »'.irm. Danby, V'

Otrum Don ta.

TK®Fl^OTöaHteamer» SABATOOA and fl'IY OF TJIOt ice P -r

ii, f-.i West tuth st., dally, *».*!.t «afurday, t; p m

un.lav nteatoer too tus al Albsny.

VVTSKll.I,. Ill DStiN AND CtiXSACKlfi.** lt.'AIS lea>e fOOl of IV««t lita St. every Week-day

at « P M.. «unni-i ting a! llltdSOB w.l Boston A Alb.,nyIt H

i/iN'i'SToN LINK, fool W»««tt lotii st., Dall)¦* 4 P», M.. Sitiir.lay. ;it 1. Sim HsldWlB A Bettser,;. Cornwall. Newbtirfrh, Sew Hamburg, Marlboru, Mlltun,llvde l*rk Pnusñk*ev*te, Kingston 'onne, tu.^ uith 1

«v l. h It f..i »ii point, m I'aiskill Mountain«.

HAMSDF.U. LINK SIimithts Irarc Pier 24,N. H f.»>t Kunklln «t tot CteaBSBnn'a, «A «. I lot,

»'..Id Spring», Cornwall. Fiehkill l-in.llng and Newburg,week sajra ¦¦;¦.¦ Suada>, :> .. m


KAl.l. RIVER UNB, via ,S.«p.n mil Call Hirer, fromn»w Pier ta N It I.f Mutnu M Bl BlJM» V. II.

BTONINUTON LINE. Ma Stowlnalo«, fr.in \'.-w I'ln

M N. It. on* l.|..k at. .ve anal »I., at llitNl V. M.NORWU II I.INE. la Ne» laitadoa. from l't*r 4t» K. R.»Mai iN-st.r «... a at .."»i.io i*. >l.

NEW IIAVKN r-ABB, $1; Kxrurslon, ll.nO.-I'ast stenmer» MSB«/« I* -i si, B H. ¦<¦ P. IL and 12

midnight dally, Sun I.n« exceoted. striving In nine for

trains IS Ml rlden, l.urtf-. 1, S|,rlii«;M»ld. *c

ADVPItTISKMENT.«1, ond rohseitptlon» for Tli« Trlbua*re. «Ived «l Hoir t pt.'wn Ofllc-, No. I.S4I llioud»«/,

..d diwr in.rtli if *l«t «t until I) u'.-lock p in «d.«r-

iu>m*nts rreefred at th* following branch off!, rs »> i«aiiu»i.ri. e rai « ui.til a o'-|.*k p. in., vt« .-.i «th-ave.. . *.

tor 23d-«(.. I<2 in:. »»*., cor. 12th «t.; 142 Columbus «**..

near lf*M OHth .'.. 1"<. W-st 42.1 M near «Hi »\ r BJFsst I4tli »t «97 We«t 42.1 «I 'elwen 7-h «nd «th

«,v«».; I.'.O K«»l 47lh «t I.aiS 3d «.»» , tssfWeeB 7t'.lh «ndT7»n m>* 1,091 M »v» . n»«r ill»! si '.70S lst-«v*.,»*r- Sflth «t .1 «îkO Id ¦«<¦«., n««r 41«t-«t.; b.*4 8d ave.; .t;5rtleerker -t 2 D"» Sd «v» 210 Fast 7luh-«t I ».»!M «v» ; 2<V»? Id «v* | PI Am«>*rdim »v UTS Wast«3d st i 14« Bjsej IBIb «t BBj Fa«t 4*'h «t a*«N-h «v*.

0s trail 9ifamera

i"~" "~~"


trwnlng and < )p»rail!ig COLUMBIAN LINE.THE SEA IIOCTE To MAN FKANi ISiM.

Connecting at tli* Isthmus for nil W«st v..nsi r,,rt» ofMe»l.-". central und Mouth America.

Hte«m*r» »»II from Pier foot West 27tli St., N. V.ADVANi1-:..Apr. .H". n.w.n KIN'ANi'E. Mav II. noon

For rutes apply at Cumoany*» «fflee, a» Hro«.i«-«v.JOHN MUIR, Trafoc Msnsiar

R KI) "D" LINK OF STKAMSHII'S,for I.« Ouuyra. Puerto Cabella, Curai a.i and Mara-

callei. via CBVtssao, from Plerrepoiu Store«, Itn-oklyu.BS. PHILADELPHIA.Hamr.lav. April 3.1.1p.m.HM. CARACAS.Tuesday, May 0. 1 p. in.

Í S. VENEZi;EI.A.Thi.re.lay. May 11. 1 p. in.


SS CfRACAO.TueBjay. April 28Th*s* Am*rlcan steuiner». l.uili »apT«*»ly for Hie trade,

have superior accommodation» for passenger«.BOULTON, I'l.ISM A DALLSTT,

Gener»! Managern. 1X1 Front-st.



nil point» In T«xa», Colorado, I'lah, ArUona, Ciillfnrnl.i,Mexico Georgia, Florida, etc. Excellent accommodations.Write for our 01 PAGE POCKET GI'IDE (mailed free).

C. I!. MAlXeOBT A <". O-n. Agi-. Tier L'l». K. lt.. N. Y.

S"~ÂVANXa1Ï lASK. OCEAN S. S. UJ.Trl-w««kly from Pier .14, N. R., f.Hil of Springst.,

Tu*»«lays. Thursdays and Saturdny*. at I P. II. For

fr»lght and pa»ag» apply to

J. I». Ilaahagen. K. A V\. H. Rhett, Gen. Agt.,S F * W. R'y "Illl H"way. Cent. lt. R.. 317 II*way.

O. M. Sorrel. Mgr. J. U Adam», G E A

J P. Heckwlth. O. F, A P. A. V. <*.. A P. R. R .Ul It way.

ADVKRT1SKMENTS ana »uDBcrlptions for Th« Tribus*received st their Cptown OIBc*, No. 1,242 llroadway.

3d dor norlh of 31sl-«t.. until Do* clock p. m.; *«»«¦-

tl**ment* r*c«lv*d at ih* following bra.ich offlce. at r.gu.ar

office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. vlx. : 2*4 8th-«»*.. ». «.

eo 231-»t.; 113 Bth-av*.. cor. 12th-st.; 142 Columbus-av*.,near West «Sthat.: 10« W-»t 42.1-«*.. n*sr «tn-av. i»

Ea«' 14th-*t.; 297 W««t 42d-«t . between 7th »nd 8th

RailroadsAMEft.e«"« OBBATggT B/ILROAl..


FROM ORAND CEBTBAL STATION. 42D STREFT..St.'tO A. M.. Except Sunday. Kmpfre State Rxprea«:

Fastest tn.ln In th" «...rid. Stops at Albany, Ulfen,Svracii.» ,.t.| Rodi, «t-r. Ihje Buffalo 4:40 p. m..Niagara F«II« iM p. in. Till» train Is limited toIt» »eating capacity.Olí.« A. M.Dally, pant Mall for Pougbkeep»le. AJ-luiv, l'tlca, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, NiagaraFana chicagD.

KI-.fM» A. M. Exc-pt Sunday. Day Expre»». For «It Im¬portant New fork State point».

1:(M> p. M I»aiU. Southwestern Limited. For Cotum-bii». Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Luul». Stop«at l'ntiglikeepsle, Albany, Utlca, Syracuse, Koche»terand Rugate,

1'Oil 1' ht Uallv. Chicago Special for Detroit, Cleve-l«nd. Toledo and Chicago. Stop« at Puughkeepele.Albany, Sk'henectady, L'tlca, Syracu.e, Rochesteran»l itiiffalo.

B 1.1(1 I'. M Except Sun.tav. Wo« Point, Poughkeep«!«,Albany, Troy. Saratoga.

4«.'»0 P M Itellv N»»rth Shore Limited. Due DetroitVJO a. in., »titcago 4;:») p. BO, Stops at Albany,t'tl'-a and Svr«ru»e.

O.-OO P M. Daily. For Albany. Troy, t'tlca. Adiron¬dack Mountain». Montreal. Syracii««. Buffalo,Niagara Fall... Cleveland. Toledo, Lietrolt, Chi¬cago, Cincinnati. St. L> ui«

(l:2."> P. M Daily. Por Tr if, Saratoga, Burlington.Plait't.urg. St. Albans and Montreal.

7t.tl> P. M. hally. Per Buffalo, Nlagars Falls, Clev-»-Inn.t. Indianapolis. St. laaul«. i.-hlcago. Stop» atl'..'i«hk> t>«ie. Albany and t'tlca.

0:OO p. M. Dally. Carrie» Sleeping Car pa««eng»T«only, for point» on Fall Brook Railway, via Lyon«,an f if It-m he»ter.

Bill P. M. D.illy. Kor Svrncu»«. O.wego. Watertown,Ogdenaburs, liufTiil». Niagara Pall". Cleveland.Toledo, «"nleag». and, except Saturday, for <"opeVincent and th>» Auburn Road.

12:10 Ni'iHT. Theatre train for Chicago «nil principal[x.lnt«. on New V.,rk rentrai, every night, exceptSun.I iv night, Sunday night» Albany and Chicago.leeper» leave ».n 1:18 i». m. train.

OtOlI A. M and BtBB P. M. Pally except Sunday, toPltt«rie|,]. via Harbin Division.

BllB A B Sun»lH\ ..nlv. t,. Pitt»fleld and the Berk¬shire HHI». via Harlem Ii|vl»l».n..ALL XIOHT" TRAINS TO VONKERS.

"All ntgbt" train» run between I "it h »t. and point» onPutnam Division a» far a.» YonkT«. In connection withtil« Kb-at-1 Rood. Thl. I« the only line running "allnlirht" »ra'n« our ..f New-York.Wagner Palor« »-ar» on nil through train».Train« Illuminât«»! with Plntsch LightTtefcetS ard Warner office» at Orand Central Station,

111 Broadway, 14 lark I'ln.-e. fg}, 41.1 Broa'lway: 31 K*»tU'h.«t.; 1)42 Brn.dwav; 2.1" < .'.»lumhiis av»-. «1 W««tl2S'ta »t.. an-l 1-lxth st. Station. New Y»»rk; 338 «nd 72«Pull »n «t.. and 10« Broadway, E 1».. Bn oklvn.naagng* cneckad from hotel or re»lden»e by the We»t-

c it» Fxrre«« Company.JOHN M T'i'-i'KY. OEOBOB H. DANIEL«.

Oeneral Manager. General Paerenger Agent.

"westshore rTkTTrain» leave West 4;»J .st. Sfa'ion. B. T.. as follow», and

1.» miniit.'.s earlier from foot «if Franklin St.:.'ii.'to A. M. Daily «seal to imffaio.7¡:iO A. >1. Dully l<»»al to Albany for Catslclll Mountain»ni Saratoga, parlor cars tj Albanv, Sun,la«» only.

BllS A. M, Hally for Albany. Itica. Syracuse, Roche*-ler, isufTal», Niagara Fall«, Toledo, Cleveland and Chl-CiK'i.

I I IMS A. II. Dally, except Sunday, to Catsklll Main-tun», N«w l'ait«. Ijik-s M »honk and Minnewa«ka. Al¬bany, Saratoga. Caldw.-ll, l-ake (}«»rge. parlor Car.

4:(M) P, H, J»illy. .\,,pt Sunday. f.,r Albany.(;:<Hi P. M. Dally for Albany, Montreal, Cti.-a. Syracuse.

Rochester, Éntralo, Niagara Fall». Toronto, Detroit.I.--. -,.»...I. Chicago and St. Lull».

<!:.'.«» P. H, Dally, except Sunday, for Newburg. Alb«ny,Sarat ;-.i ,".i Montreal.

7td.*» I". N. Daily, escepl Sun.lav, for l'tlca, Syracuse,Rorneetrr and Burial...

Sttfl p. M. Daiij r i Albany, t'ttr«, gyrstuss, BssSsgtt-r, Buffalo Niagara Palls, Toronto, Detroit. ClevelanJ,'hlnqg-i and St. Ie»»il»

F.-r ticket« time talle», parler and »leeplng-car «ccom-nuelatl in. »i fly city otBces, Uro klyn «nd N-w York, andsi »tstlon*. Tim« table« «I principal hotel». p..r »herInformation «ddr«»» C g LAMBERT.

«len. I'a»««nger Agent. .1 Van lerl i.- av- New York.

(Drfgn bieamtvi


fas» exi-ress steam:.its.I Cabla Ml at-1 upsard, .,. -ordinn to lucatloa; H Cabin.

«H*» and MS; r ir: 1 trip. gM and $K«i.Havel. Til»«..Apr.21. l'l am Ijihn, Tue»., May 12, 10 am.'luv. Tue«.,Apr.M, lu a m .-.»,:. gal Boj m. M a. m.All-r. Tin«.. Api-..Ti. in a. m H.,v-I. Tue».. Mav 19. 10 a.m.g| '.-. Tues May tt. lit a in. Trave, Tu.a.. May 2(J. In s.m

Return ticket« «vaiUOl« t: an Mednerra-.-au or fromH «men, London or II..-. re


PuMa-Apr V>. 10 g m Wem.Ma 23. 10 s. m.Bms .Ma g lu a m Full.. .May SB lu a. mKstser....Ms) IS lo a m Em».lun« g io a sa

OKf.BKTtg & CO., 2 Biwllng ili^n


t. PI mou ¦[. -o -m ilierbourg »l'arNi and Httnhurg.A Vh-torla.Api Zi. 7». ni. Normannla.lfay 14. il a. m.Columbia...May 7. 7 «, m A. Victoria. M»v 21. 7 a. m.

I l'ai.in. *7.'. .»nd upward; II. Cabin, Wa and »ôo.PI.YMOI'TH I.'»n: ON i hra); FREE OF CHAROS!.. ipeclal tram. « HRRBOCRO t'ARIS tSA| hours).


>RWAT. tl-- NORTH CAPE, and SPITZ-BKRHKN, l.\ the Twin BVre» i;v;r»«» Kteamei COLl'M-r.:.v fi ,n NR« v»»>:K .ni.y g a bestnllatl Itineraryi. » ie«n arranged Th« r ind trip esa e -and« in «t» ;t

Ki n .i und APRICA, from Ilamhurg July 10.IIAMBI l'..; AMKRICAN UI.VB, -7 Broadway, N. y.

MEMeÄGa [LöMUo~~

KEW-YORK SOCTHAMPTON CLoaSen Par!»)..-ailing «\er\ IWni-Jj) at lu A. M.

PARIS.\prll 22 PARIS .Mnv ISST. PAI'L.Ar-MI ¦».< ST PAt't..May 20NEU rORK .May I NEW YORK .Mav 27

m STÄÄ LUE TO AKlTWÍEtia3,Sailing Eiery We<Ine»day.

Kensington. ..April .«'..'. no.,n Southwaik.May S. noonV,e»t«rnland..April 20, noon Noordlnnd.Mav la. n..-in

INTERNATIONAI. NAVIUATION COMI'ANY,Pl"r. 14 and 1.1. North River. Office, «J Howling Ureen.

^PÄMlÄiäa"'" 'PACIFIC MAII^ 8. H. CO.

OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. B, CO.S», a-n.-r« leave S.,n Fran,'l»co:

CITY OP PBKINU.May 4. .1 p. m.DORIC, via Honolulu.Mnv 12 I p. m

CHINA .Mav 2n :i p. in'HF.LOIC .Mav M, I P. m.l'l-.KI >la Honolulu .June o. .1 p m.P fretgit. |..i»-.,ig« »mi gen.-ni Information, apply to

34« llroadwoy, >r 1 Lattery l'luce, \Va«hltigt».n Building,and ü>»7 Broadway.


I.ISFS. SIluFs. RI'O.4, El O INII SHAWL STRAPSMARINE AN!» FIELIi OIAS.sEH. all at «ur popularprice«, which, mena ¦ savias "f [mm IW to IT, per »'«nt.» ii what I» charged b\ »ne.'lal dealer».

A CÜNABDLINE.***¦. TO LJVBIU'.Mil. MY QCEENSTOWM,Campania. Apr. M. 2 p. in. «'«mpanl.i.. .May 23. 1 p. tn.t'mbrla. .. M»y S 10 a. m t'mbrla.. .Muy Jsi, U) a. m.Luíanla. May B. 2 p. m Lu, anta.June 11, nocuiEti'iirlu. .May Id. Ill a. fa., Etrun.i.June i;i ta . In

EXTRA SAILINGAurnnla.Tu.'»day. Jun. 0 2 p. tn

From I'ler 4H. North Elver, f.x.t of Clark» m-.t.Pi r freight und passage apply at the Company'« office,

N.». 4 Bowling Oreen, New-Tortt.VKRNitN II BROWN A CO. Oener«! Agent«.

~ji~ WllITK STAIM..NK.

Teutonic.April 22. noon! Teutonic.May 20. noon

Itrttanale.April 2V. n»».iti r.iaiannlc.May 27. noonMaje.tí.-. May 0, noon I IfSjestSt.June 3. n»»»»nOermonl«.May IS, noon Oerroonlc.June in. no«nN<i rulTuN i'AIIRIKD MY PA8SRNOER STEAMERS.

Pter N... 4.".. N.rth River, »fflce. 20 Broiidw.y, N. Y.H. MAITI.AND KERSEY. Agent.



For freight and |.«».«uge apply toNEW YORK SHU'I'INO CO., Oeneral Agenta.

Pnxlu.'c Bxcnang, Building. 4 Broadway. N'ew-York.Hteain.-r l«av«S Pier 30. B. B», foot of West Hou»ton-»t.


|h« SOUTH «nd StiETHWEST.JACKSON VILLE und all Florida Point».

Prom Fot M B> B, (font of Roo«evelt-«t.t. 3 p. m.

IROQL'OIS, ' Im» «nd Ja»k.Tue»., April 21ALOONQt'IN. i'harle»t»n only .Frl., April ^4HEMlNnLE, Jackeonvllle direct .S«t., April 23

St.ainei» have first-cla»a pa«»enger accommodation«.WM P. CLYHE * <<i. Oeneral Agent».

5 Rowling Ureen. New-York.Fin Cent ft l'--nn. Fsot V. et I". Line, via Jack»-.nv1ll«,(treat So. Fr.-lgbt nn»l Paeeenger Line, via Charleston.

T. O. EOER. Oeneral Agt.. 3U1 B'way, N. Y.


L\ OASi-nONE Baudeion.H»t., Apr. 26. 0«. m.

LA UBBTAONB Rui>*.Sat-. May 2. 4 a. m.

LA BOUBOOONB. l*«B»«a<.»»'. May ». VL !"iParlor ««-it »nd buffet »moklng car» attached to Special

Train Havre Pari« (or vice ver-a) Seat«. 11.00 e«tr«.

A. POBOBT, Oeneral A«»nt, No. 8 Bowling Ur»en.


S VFFNPAM.Ssturdsy. April 23th, . a. m.

s s MAASDAM .Saturday. May 2d, 9 a. tn.

Steamer» call both way« at Boulogne «ur Mer, France.nV,! .-..bin, $:* |70; «e.-ond c«hln, fM; »teerage at verylow rate». Applv for hsndbook snd term«. Oeneral Ps»-»enger Agencv, KU Broadway._^


NFWS PBTBRSBUBO, PORTSMOUTH, PINNERSPOINT RICHMOND. V1ROINIA »BACH «nd WASH-lNOTnN D C dally, except Sunday. Richmond direct(via all-w»ter rout". Mondsv iFrelght onv), and Ratur-,,,,. ii-u»».'nger» and Freight!. Sailing« from Pier M,N R . » P M ¦at-, 4 P. M. Through ticket» «ndfrt-lbrht rate, to «II point».

W. l" "il'ILLAl DEC. Vlce-Pre«. «nd Tr«rHo Mgr.^

"LvËRTlSEMENTS and .uba«rlptlons for Th« Trib¬une received at their Uptown Offlc«. No. 1.M3 Broad-

,. 2d door north of Sl»t «t., until 0 o'clock p. m.; «d»vei'tiaemeni« received «t th« folkgwtng brsnch office« at

regular offlc« rate» until S o'clock p. m.. via: M4 8th-a.» a . oof. 23dat: 132 «th-ave.. cor. 12lh St.




8tatlo-to f.iot of Desbroaee« snd Cortlaadt Str**t«Lon4. .

ln EIT*ct April 14. IStxt.1;??mÍ*'.M'T;FAMT LINE-l-arlor Car to Plttshurg.IU.UO A. «..PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED.--Pullmaa

i ompartment. Sle*plng, Dining, Smoking and Ob«*rva.tlon Car». Arrive Chicago » A. M.. Cleveland. 3»A. M Cincinnati ti.40 A. M Indianapolis 8.00 A. M..»°A "m A' U'' Bt- lj0Ui* 30U '. M "*d Tota4B

2.00 P. M.-CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS..Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to St. Lowls. Louie-ville and Chicago. Arrive* Cincinnati 1(>.45 A. M.. St.Louis 7 P. M., (hies*;,, sir, p M

«-«»OP. M.WESTERN EXPRES?.- Pullman Sleepingand Dining Cars to Chicago and Cleveland. Arrivas

-?-v«ian<LI1-2;' A« M- Chl.as;.» S P M. next dar.7.45 P. M..BOUTHWE8TERN EXPRESS Pullmaa

Sleeping and Dining Car» to Cincinnati and St. LoutaArrives Cincinnati tl P. M.. Indianapolis 10.15 P. M.,St. LojIs 7 A. M.. second morning.

8.0» P. M.PACIFIC EXPRES*.-.Pullman Sleeping Csrto Plttsburg. Connects for Chicago dally and Clevelandearept Saturdsv.


a. 8.30. ».*). lo.io (Dining Car). 11 A. M.. 1.00. 2.10 <3.»"Congressional Llm..«* all Parlor and Dining Car«). 4.30("Dining Car). 3 (Dining Car), 0 P. M.. 12.15 night. Sun«day. 830. 0.30, || A. M. (3.20 "Congressional Mm."all Parlor and Dlnln« Cars). 4.30 (Dining Car), S (Die-!ng Car), t) P. M.. 12.15 night.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY..4.80 V. M. dallv. Sleepers UNew-Orleans. Memplil». Tampa. Ash*vllle and HotSpring». 12.15 night dally. Sleepers lu New-Orleans and.Isckaonvllle.

ATLANTIC COAST LINE.0 30 A. M. dslly. Sleepers toPort Tampa, Macon and Jacksonville. 0.00 P. M. dally.Sleeper to Jacksonville.

CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RAILWAT. Express 5.00 P. M.dslly. Through Sl»*plng snd Dining Csr«.

For OLD POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK vl* Cspachart*« Rout* 8 A. M. week days, and with ThroughSl**per. I F M. dally.

ATLANTIC CITY. 1..V) P. M. week-day». Through BuffetParlor Car snd Day Coach.

FOR CAPF. MAY. l.(H) P. M. w»*k day».For Long P.rancn. A*l>ury P»rlt. Oc*an Grove snd Point

Pleasant. ».10 A. M, 12.10. 3.40, 5.1') and 11.30 P. M.w-**k days. Sunders (stop at lnt.-rl.ik*n fur AsburyPar*!. ».45 A M .1 11 P. II.

POR PHIL \I1KI.PHI \.S 20. 7.20. S, 8.30. ». ».») GO P»nna. Llmlt*d). 10.10 fDtoV

Ing Car). It A. M.. 12, 1, 2.10. 3. 4. 4 30. 4.30 (Dla-

Ing Car). ¦ (Dining Car). « (Dining Carl. 7.50. 8. » P. M.12.13 night Sun.'.av«. aIB, M.30, U.00. »JO GO L!mlt*d),10. 11 A. M.. 2 Dining I'orl, 4. 4.30. 4.30 (DiningCar). 5 (Dining Csr). « (Dining Car), 7.45. 8. » P. M..I11B night.

Ticket offices- No*. 433. »44, 1.10ft. 1.323. Ill and 2«TRr. adway. I Astor Ho-is*. and foot of D*stiros«e« and

Cutlandt Streets; 4 Court Street, 8«0 Fulton Street, 98

Hroadwav. and Brooklyn Ann*x Station, foot of rultonStr**t Rmoklyn; Station. Jersey City. Th* New York

Transfer Company will call for and cheek baggage tro«B

hotel» and residence» through to destination.I. R. M OOD,

Oen*ra! Pas»*r Agent.B. M. PREVOST.General Manag*r

CENTRAL RAILROAD ofNEWJERSÏÏ(Anthracite cal used »xe|u«*«ely.)

Four Track«. Automntle Pteeb SlK-ial*.On «nd after March 13, USB

Trains leave station foot of IVIic-tv St.

For Easton. Rethlehem. All*ntown. Ma ui -hit hunk a*.

4:30 7:15. »:I0 (11:45 to BaatOfI) A. M.. 1:10. I* (4 "B

to East ni. 4:13. 5:45. 7:3.) to Allentown P. M. Sunday«.4:30 (7:13 to Easton I A. M.. ISM). 5:3". ->:<» P. M.

For Wllkest-arre, PlttStOS and Scrantoo. 0:10 A. at..

1:10 1:30. 4:15 P M. Sun.lay*. 4:'t»i A. M.

For Reading at 4:30. «00. B:M. I"<»>. H'-W AM., 1:10,1:30. 2:00. 4:00. 5:00 .V4Ó !»:<«¦> P. M.. 12:15 nigh'. Bua-

dv.« 4 30 A. M., 1:00. 2:00. 5:30. il:(H) P. M 12:13 night.For Hurrtsl.urg at 4:30, K:UO. »:10. lt:30 A. M.. 1:10.

1 3\ 4 1» ."Oil 345 P. M., 12:15 night. Sunday«. 4:<»

A. M. 1 00. 3 30. «in P. M 12:15 night.For Sunbury. L«wlsburg and Wllila;n«p .rt at 4:3». «:»»,

»1(1 A M.. 1:10. 1:30. »:()() P. M. Sumías». 4:30 A. M.,

..00 P. M. . . _ALL-RAIL ROUTE.For Red Bask, Long Breach and n-dnts south to Point

Plen-ant 4:a0. »:13. II 30 A. M., 1.30. 1:45 (3:40 to R'dRank), 4 1.*. 440. 1.13 P bt Sun.l.n«. c*.c*t,l Oc«aBGrove and A»bury Park. »00 A. M.. 4:00 P. M.

FOR LAKEWOOD4:30 8:15 A. M.. 1:45. I 40, 4:10 P. M

l-'.r l-'urmlngdal«. Toms River. lUrnegat Park sad

Rarneg.it. 4:30. SttS A. M.. 1:4". 4:4 » 1« M.F.>r Atlantic City, Vlneland and lirtdicetcn. 4:30 A. «t..

For iV'nm uih Reach. S.abrlght snd Highland« ofNiv*slnk. 4.10, Bill 11 30 A. M.. I'M, 1 «."'. 4:15. 4:40

P. at Sundav». 9.0») A. M 4:'» P. M.


WASHINGTONF r Philadelphia, w-ek das*. 4:30. «:0ft. *:!3. t^V)

10 00. |1:S0 (Dining Car) A. M. 1.'», 2:«->. Im 4 00

iltufTet Pirlor Car). 4:30. .*.;00 (Dining Carl, «:00. 7:30,0:00. 10:00 P. bt., 12:13 nigh». Sundays. 4:30. »:(». 10:00.11 :to il'ln'.ng Car) A. .«.. 2:00. 4:o0. 5:U0 (Dining Car).11:00 P. M 12:13 night.

For Baltimore and Washington. w«*k days. 420, t«:lS,W:is». 11:.» (Dining <sn A. If.. 2:00. 3.3U. 5«) iDlnlngCarl (1-00 |» M 12:15 night. .Sun In«. 4 30. Ki.'tO. 11:30

(Dining car) A. ftf., 2 -no, I'M Lining Carl. «'.:'*) P. M..12:15 sight.Tick«« and parlnr-cnr s-ets can le prorurrd at foot of

Libertv St.. 113. 172 201 415. DM. Lit». 112. BJfoatnSS*j737 8tb Ave.. 31 Kjst. 14th St.. 13* Bast ISth St.. 2;SW. «t I2".th Bt., 251 Co'.iimi.u« Av*.. N.-w-Y-r« 4 Court

St.. MO PnltOB St., Brooklyn; '¦>-* BnaaAwty, Wl'.lt.imsburg.Th* New-York Transfer «'ompany «III call for and «heel»bargage from hotel «r residence to deetlnn'trn.

nÄlEEYlöaoT-Station« foot 4»f Cortlnndt tintl De«l»ro»"««« «ta,

tu»«» A. M. .lull» .Sunday». S'4f A. M.i X r MAI » if

CHUNK an.) Inlerniedlate »ta on«

N:l.1 K. U. dally for OENEVA, R'"'I!|-STKI{. Bt I-

FAI>) MAGAltA FALO. SUSPENSION IKII'GK andthe West »nd principal local point*, dln.iitr-car to sus¬

pension HridK" I'ul'.nian \e«tll.lll* S>ep. r t ChicagoIlitM» A. II. dally. -\ -nt Sunday, for »AUCH

CHINK and In'erme.llate point» C .une. non» BBS Head¬

ing and Harrtsburg.1 :«Ml |». M. Sally, except Sun.lay. for ELMIRA «nd si

knterm*dlat* s-..*l ns. Conn'ctlons for I'otiskllle and

K* llrg; rbalt ar : Wilke;-t «rte. ....

*!:.'!0 P. M. rSBfadays on yi. for W.lkesbarre, L. A b.

Junction and nil Intermcllat.. stations.Ill» I». M. eSfly. ex. *!.* Sun.'av, f.ir L. A R JI N''-

fl .V ml principal Intermediate statt« ns; I'ullman buffet

p.te|or carlo Wilk*«barre; ronaeetlBSj for PottBtrttle,.".i»r, P. M. dully, for Kurtuu and lnt*nn*«llat* «ta-

NIAGARA FA1.IJIer Ve»tibul*d Train«nd Toronto. Con-

llllO I». M. daily, for BUFFALO.id all p .Int» W.-st. I'ullman Sleep

.*:. Y to Chicago. Sleeper t., Huffalinectlons for Heading and Harrtsburg.DiOO I». M. daily for ITHACA. OBNEVA, UOCHES-

TF.H. 1U KFAI>». MAGAltA PALLS, and »II |«>lntsWest. Pullman Sle-pvr to Chicago and BaBR! Chair-car to Wllkesliarr«IlsBà H. M. dally, ei.ept Sur.day. for F.ASToN and

Intermediate point».Atdltlona! let-Hi tr«ini daily, except Sunday, for U<>t M>

HR.M'K sn-l Iniermediate v«»int». l*u\t a.» folio««: S:f»JA. M., »WO A. M.. 12:10 1« M.. 4:2u P M and «:3») P. M.Ticket» »nd Pullman accommodation» at 235. 273. »44,

and 1 ;I2» Hroadway. SI Ka*t 14»h St.. 130 Kurt 123th St .

N. V S»k» Fulton St.. 4 Court St.. »S lir.adway. andHn. «klyn Annex, liru<>klyn.N.w Vork TrBMfCT ompany will call for »nd chacb

bangage fn>m botet or resldene« t^.r.)ugh to .!. m,nation.

ERIE RAILROAD.Tbrntasb train» ie»ve llew-Torb, foe» of chamtwr»-«t..fellow», and five minutes cailler from West 2ild »t.:

A. M.--V*»tlbu-cd Bats)*»« Dalty for Warerty,lilnghamt.n Klmlrs. Puffalo. Hradf rd. James¬town. Meadvllle and th* West. Carlor car to

Huffal...1*. II. Vestllule.l Utrilr-d fast rali Dally, «"lidtram f> r Chi.-ago. via Chautauqua I«*ke. arrive*Cleveland 7-3« A. M Chica«-» S I«. M. Steeper»to Chicago, ( levcland and I'inctnnatl. DiningCar.IV M. -Buffalo Vestibule,! Kxpi*»» Dallv, gr-rlv*« Huffs. 7 30 A. M., innkln« direct nneo-

tlcn» for Detroit, Chicago and th* We«t.P. M, Via chautau.nia |j»» anl Niag.tra Fall«Dally. Solid train to ch.cng>. fUaptn ij Uuf-fal», Chicago snd Clm-.nnati. Dining t ar.

TI'KKTS. LOCAL TIME CAItDS AND PCLI.MANaccommodations at 111, 201, 401 and 101 Kr.alway,

lórt F.ast 12~>tl«-»t., Chamber» and West -¿J.l St. ferrt«*,Ne« York; 338 Fulton-et.. Hrooklvn 2IO lludsm-st..Hol«.ken, and .'»rsey Ctty St.itlon. Krle Transfer Companycall» for and check» baggago from hotels assl residencesto destination.




I1KI... LACK \\VA3i*f A AMI \VKSTI'.I1\ H. H_Stattona in Sew-ïork foot of lliirclay am«

t hrlstnnlirr Street*.VKSTIBl'LKO TU AI.\ M, PI LLM IN III KKICT

CARS, PINTSCII LIGHT.Direct route to NKWARK, UI>m>MFIKI.i>. MoNTCLAIR,THE ORANGES. Summit, Homards» ill". lUsklngR'dge, M«dl«on. M .rnatown. Passai Pateraoa it .n-


7:20 A. M..UINGHAMTON MAIL. Stop« «t principalstations

0:00 A. M..Iit'PFALO. BCRANTOM, UINGHAMTONt'TICA, RICHFIKLD SPRINGS, SYKACfSff andOSWF.OO EXPRESS. Pullmsn lluffet parlor Cars con¬nect at IJuffalo with train for Chicago and points w**t.

1:00 P. M-SCRANT'IN. WILKFSIIAKHK and RL1IIRAEXPRESS. Pullman HufTet Parlor Car».

4:00 P. M SOUANTON. WILKKSÜAKRK and PLTM-OI'TII EXPRESS. Pullman lluffet Parlor («ar«.

7:30 P. M. (Daily)..Huffal Ve»tlbu!*d Limited Kxpreeafor 8CRANTON, UINGHAMTON. ELMIHA. RUP-FAI^). Pullman Ruffet Sleeping Car. Connects atilutTalo with train for Chicago «nd punts west.


Park Place. 42» Broadway. Ticket« at ferry station«. IMSBroadway. Ill 4th ave, cor. 12th-st.; 53 We»t I25th-*t235 Columbu»-*ye.. New-Tork, 3«« and 72« Pulton at sodBOS Uroadway. Brooklyn. Tim« table« gl\ In* full Infor¬mation at all «tattoosWESTii.TT EXPRESS COMPANT will rail for and

check baggage from hotel or residence to destination.


Ilnltimore, Washlngtoo. Chteaaro. ClnrlnaatLSt. LoalB and alt Foists Waal. ^

PULLMAN CAB SERVICE ON ALL TRAINSI*av« New-York, foot of Liberty »t, daily for CHICAGO2.00 p. m. aad 12:15 night. PI«TTSBURO. 3:30 ex Sun'2:0V Sun. 12:13 night. CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. Ma. in.. »1:00 p. m. WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE. a*tta. m., ea. Sun., 10 a. m (Dining CBr), 11:30 ». m (Din¬ing Car), 2:00 p. m. (.1:30 p. ro. ex. Sun.. Dialog Carl(3:00 p. m Dining Car). 6:00 p. m., 12:13 night.NORFOLK. 11:30 a. in. dally.Nl'W-oHLF.ANH, Ruanokc and Chattanooga. Pullmaa

Blee|ier, 3 p. m. dally.OMcei: 113. 173. 201. 415. 1,140 Broadway, «U. East

14th St, 127 Rowery. N. T.: 339. 344 Fulton St.. Brook¬lyn; station foot of Liberty St., C. R. R. of N. J.New-Tork Transfer Company will rail for «tad cbeek

baggage from hotel or residenc« to destination.

ADVERTISEMENTS and «ubscrlpiloD« for Th« TTibtmereceive,! *t their Uptown OfBo*. No. 1.242 Broadway,

yd door north of Slst-«t.. until a o'clock a. bag adver¬tisement« received »t the following branch office* at rvgntda«oftlc* rale» -'ntli 8 o'clock p. m., rig.: 234 Sth-av*., «. *,cor. t3d-*t.; 132 flth-av*., cor. 12th-«t_; 142 Coluoibus-ara.near We« Seth-*!.; 100 Writ 4tl-»t., near Sth-ev«.: tiEa*t 14th-«.; 257 W«*t 4«M-*t . between Tth «nd Bibav«».; IbS East 47lb-«t; Lisa ad-«v«., between fatb aaiT7th sas.1 I.02S ¡td-ar*., near Sl»t-at.; I.TM ltt-«ve\«,r aaxb-.«.: .OJd^... »«^«-«t.; ^n^JjI«ls*#W«t#a,^^lSd-ar«.| J;

i«aa ad-«v«..I l*Vae«.t IS