october 16, 2014

Fall Board Meeting New Member Orientation October 16, 2014

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October 16, 2014. Fall Board Meeting New Member Orientation. Agenda. Duke Alumni Board Overview Our Changing Alumni Body The Board Expectations Review of Board Goals Committee Overview Duke Alumni Scope and scale Key University Issues DAA Program Update. Alumni Demographics. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: October 16, 2014

Fall Board MeetingNew Member Orientation

October 16, 2014

Page 2: October 16, 2014

AgendaDuke Alumni Board Overview

Our Changing Alumni BodyThe BoardExpectations

Review of Board GoalsCommittee OverviewDuke Alumni Scope and scaleKey University IssuesDAA Program Update

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Alumni Demographics

153,971Living Duke alumni


Prof. school30%











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Duke Alumni Around the World

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1984 1994 2004 2014 2019 20240









Total AlumniUndergradGrad & Prof

Total Alumni

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1984 1994 2004 2014 2019 20240%











Caucasian Afr Amer Asian Hispanic Native Amer

Overall Ethnic Diversity

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Young Alumni Ethnic Diversity

1984 1994 2004 2014 2019 20240%











Caucasian Afr Amer Asian Hispanic Native Amer Did not Report

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Mission of the Duke Alumni Board

To engage and connect alumni with Duke and each other and to celebrate their service to Duke and the world.

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Composition of the Duke Alumni BoardNot less than 18 at large members (currently 28)Grad and Professional schools reps (currently 10)Editorial Board rep (currently 1)Graduate and Professional students (currently 3)Faculty members (currently 2)Honorary members (currently 4)Ex-officio for 2014-15


Young Alumni reps (currently 3)Recent Grad rep (currently 1)Total membership = 55Term = 2 years. Eligible for re-election. Expect most members will not serve more than 2 terms.

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DAA Board Organizational Chart

DAA PresidentShep Moyle

DAA President Elect Elected

this year

Volunteer DevelopmentJack Boyd & Nikki Gibson

Chris O’Neill

Campus Engagement

Chris Brandt & Amy Hepburn

Inga Peterson

AwardsMark Stalnecker

Sterly Wilder

RegionalJoanne O’Connor &

Kris Klein

David Lindquist

Diversity Task Force Winston Henderson

Sterly Wilder

Communication/ Networking Sara Oliver

Michael Penn Bob Bliwise

Brett Walters

Alumni Center Task Force Shep Moyle

Scott Greenwood

Nominations CommitteeJeff Howard

Sterly Wilder

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What Does the Executive Committee Do?

Executive committee serves as cabinet for president and acts for board in between meetingsMembers chair and lead committees and task forcesMonthly conference calls3-day summer strategic planning retreat3 other in-person meetings

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Selection ProcessNominations Committee

Chaired by the immediate past president, comprised of board members and the current president who recommend new members to full board for election

Graduate and Professional School RepsSelected by their school

Executive Committee—Vice PresidentsSelected by president annually for a 1-year terms

President/President-electNominated and recommended by the nominations committee to the full board

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Overview of the Current Board

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Current Executive CommitteeJack Boyd ’85 New York, NYChrist Brandt ’00 Baltimore, MDNikki Gibson ’80, P’11,’15,’17 Dallas, TXWinston Henderson B.S.E.’90, J.D.’96 Boston, MAAmy Hepburn ’97, M.P.P.’01 Washington, DCJeff Howard ’76, P’06,’09,’11 Winston-Salem, NCKris Klein ’82 San Francisco, CAShep Moyle ’84, P’15,’17 Roanoke, INJoanne O’Connor ’92, P’15 West Palm Beach, FLSara Oliver B.S.E.’06 New York, NYMark Stalnecker ’73, P’06,’06 Wilmington, DE

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Expectations of Board MembersAct as ambassadorSharing of best practicesReporting/communicating to the regions and alumsAct as resource to alums with respect to Duke alumni programmingRecruiting and leadership development to catalyze Duke volunteersProgram leadership (remaining active as a leader of programs while on the DAA Board)Upholding standards (ensuring the quality of the Duke brand)Assisting with fundraising identification and a spirit of Duke supportRepresentation of all alumsPay Alumni dues and support the Annual Fund

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Characteristics of Great Board MembersAttend and participate in all board and

committee meetings and callsUnderstand the role of board and relationship to staffSee the DAA Board as start of a journey not the completionActively attend Duke events in regions and share the messagePositive attitude and teamwork orientedWillingness to work

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Characteristics of Less than Great Board Members

Negative approach and outlookThinks staff works for themDoes not prepare for meetings/read materials or participate in calls and committee meetingsPoor attendanceForgets that we are all volunteers who love Duke

Page 18: October 16, 2014

2014-15 Meeting DatesOctober 16-18, 2014 Fall DAA Board Meeting

Football vs. University of Virginia

December 2014 TBD Board Conference Call

February 6-7, 2015 Winter DAA Board MeetingBasketball vs. Notre Dame

April 2015 TBD Board Conference Call

April 30-May 2, 2015 Spring DAA Meeting, New York, NY

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What to Expect at this MeetingThursday, October 16

4:00-5:30 p.m. DAA Board Plenary Session5:45-8:30 p.m. Reception, networking exercise and dinner

Friday, October 177:30-8:15 a.m. Breakfast8:15-8:30 a.m. Peter Feaver: 600 Seconds of Education—Global

Chaos in American Foreign Policy8:30-9:15 a.m. Jay Bilas: NCAA and the State of College Athletics9:30-11:30 a.m. DAA Committee Meetings11:30 a.m. Lunch12:00 p.m. DAA Board’s Amazing Race4:45-5:45 p.m. Homecoming Pep Rally6:30-8:30 p.m. Dine Around Durham8:00-9:30 p.m. VIP Lounge for Alumni9:30 p.m. President’s Homecoming Dance

Saturday, October 187:30 a.m. Breakfast8:00-10:30 a.m. DAA Board and Regional Leaders Plenary Session II11:00 a.m. Lunch10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. DAA Pregame Celebration12:30 p.m. Duke Football vs University of Virginia

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Role of Board Mentors

Assist and advise you as you begin this exciting journey

Introduce you to fellow board members tonight and throughout your first meeting

A “go to” resource for any questions

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Review of Board Goals for the YearThe Super 7

Gain alignment and involvement of DAA Board and secure BOT approval of 2020 strategic planSuccessful rollout and implementation of new Duke Alumni NetworkSuccessful design, approval and construction start of new alumni and visitor center that meets programmatic and strategic goalsCreate a regional structure, investment and development plan that defines what success looks like for our regionsEmbrace diversity and affinity groups in all of our efforts

Volunteer development (engage)On campus and regional programming (connect)Awards (celebrate)

Define the opportunity for alumni career development focused on engagement including student/alumni mentoring, young alumni and student connectionsAssist in implementation of forever learning programs each as on-line learning, DAE expansion, WF and service learning while evaluating and developing plan for new opportunities such as Leadership Institute and Duke Forward 2.0 (Davos)

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Strategic Plan 2015-2020 “Big Ideas”

1. Build an agile and dynamic Alumni Network platform2. Establish a consistent, inclusive, and Powerful Regional

Presence3. Strengthen our Investment in Education—the Concept

of Forever Learning4. Deepen Alumni Engagement with Students and With

One Another5. Create a Signature Campus Home for Duke Alumni and


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Key University Priorities:DKU launchCompletion of new construction projects

West Union, Rubenstein Library, Page Auditorium, Chapel, 751 Parking Garage, Lake Trask, Athletics Complex projects

New Provost and new Chancellor of Health AffairsDuke Forward momentumDuke Alumni Network

NCAA changesSexual assault charges at the federal levelFederal funding for research


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About DAASterly L. Wilder ’83Associate Vice President, Duke Alumni Affairs

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Forlines House

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University Administration Organizational Chart

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DAA Organizational Chart

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DAA: What we doCampus


Affinity ProgramsAlumni Education

Alumni TravelCareers and Networking

Students and Young Alumni

Communications and Digital Programs



Regional/Global EngagementAffinity Programming

Alumni AdmissionsRegional programming—in

the U.S. and abroadVolunteers

Women’s Forum

Reunions & Special Events


Om-campus eventsRegional events

DAA PartnersAdmissions

AthleticsCareer CenterStudent Affairs

Deans and Academic Programs

Campus-wide Development Colleagues

Duke MagazineAward-winning Features

Class Notes

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Committee OverviewsAwardsCampus EngagementCommunication/NetworkingNominationsRegionalVolunteer DevelopmentAlumni Center Task ForceDiversity and Inclusion Task Force

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Awards CommitteePurpose and Description of Committee

6-8 membersStaff Liaison: Sterly Wilder ’83, Associate VP, Alumni Affairs

Members solicit, screen and select nominations for awards. Members help identify and research promising candidates and continue to work on ways to publicize the nominations process and the awards throughout the entire Duke community.

Distinguished Alumni AwardCharles A. Dukes AwardBeyond Duke AwardForever Duke Award

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Awards Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To engage and connect alumni with Duke and each other and to celebrate their service to Duke and the world.

Initial State – 6/30/14

Process for identifying candidates and making awards to alums further enhanced and improved

Awards ceremony at President’s luncheon during Homecoming weekend a huge success

A new award: Beyond Duke Award, included in 2014

Annual calendar for the awards process revised to facilitate comparisons of candidates nominated (i.e.: review carryovers at fall committee meeting and move deadline for nominations to February 1)

Key Strategic Initiatives

Celebrate the service of Duke alums to the University and their communities through the Forever Duke, C.A. Dukes, Beyond Duke, and Distinguished Alumni Awards

Review and revise, as needed, criteria and descriptions of all awards, particularly the Distinguished Alumni Award

Review and recommend other means of DAA recognition of alumni in addition to formal awards

Further efforts to expand the pool of potential award winners through outreach to alums

and University-wide staff, particularly through DAA regional clubs, affinity groups and the DAA Board

Target State – 6/30/15

Select the winners for 2015 DAA awards.

Finalize consistent guidelines, criteria and descriptions for all awards on Duke websites and in written materials

Detail a strategy for getting DAA regional clubs and affinity groups involved in identifying nominees

Look at ways to recognize regional volunteers and programs

Develop strategies to showcase Beyond Duke Award winners

Develop strategies to utilize award winners as speakers, regional leaders and DAA spokespeople

Move to a February 1 deadline for all award nominations

Top Underlying Beliefs and Assumptions

We can achieve our goals assuming…

The committee receives input on worthy candidates to receive DAA awards

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Campus Engagement Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To engage and connect alumni with Duke and each other and to celebrate their service to Duke and the world.

Initial State – 6/30/14

DAA Needs to:

Roll out new affinity group structure and maximize the value of the Network in creating new groups.

Implement Forever Learning enhancements and test new projects outlined in the recent programming audit

Develop a young alumni engagement strategy

Develop an alumni career mentoring strategy

Key Strategic Initiatives

Create 3 Working Groups to focus on:

Growing and expanding the affinity groups and networks as the network rolls out. Set goals and expectations for DAA role in increasing the

number of affinity groups by May 2015

Assisting with Forever Learning implementation in conjunction with Network rollout to maximize alumni involvement, content approach and scale

Creating DAA Strategy to engage and sustain young alumni involvement 3 years post grad

Creating DAA Strategy to implement alumni career mentorship

Target State – 6/30/15

Charter affinity groups will adopt and understand the new structure and expectations. The number of new affinity groups will grow by 10%.

Outline DAA strategy for engaging and sustaining young alumni involvement within three years post graduation

Outline DAA strategy for creating an alumni career mentorship network

Implement DAA board FL strategy with Network rollout. Define and articulate marketing plan and content approach to achieve scale.

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

The network is in place and is operational

We have adequate human and financial resources to implement our programs

We have strong relationships and support within Duke and externally from alumni, faculty, administrators, and student groups

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Communication/Networking Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To serve as influencers to facilitate alumni wide adoption and utilization of the network and identify best practice methods in which to execute marketing strategies to serve the mission of DAA.

Initial State – 6/30/14

Most DAA program/event marketing is done through mass email sent from the DAA nearing limits of both staff capacity and audience tolerance

The New Duke Network is being developed to enhance the ability of alumni to make contacts with fellow alumni, participate in groups, and learn about opportunities that match their interests

Regional Groups develop their own unique systems of program planning, marketing, and data management- hard to track data and trends worldwide

Alumni have few formal opportunities to share feedback and opinion on issues related to Duke

Key Strategic Initiatives

Promote the adoption and utilization of the New Duke Network through an ongoing OTM marketing plan and personal network leveraging

Create a “best practices playbook” of strategies to promote and take advantage of alum-to-alum viral marketing with special focus on further development and utilization of the Network

Create a model of a volunteer council of alumni who would provide feedback on key issues

Target State – 6/30/15

New Duke network launched with at least 10,000 profiles completed and 50,000 unique site visits

Completed a “wish list” of future capabilities to enhance the power of the network

Delivered a “Best Practices Playbook” of specific strategies and examples of successful alum-to-alum viral marketing

Identified a group of alumni influencers who can be deployed in viral marketing of DAA activities

Model for alumni council evaluated and recommended

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

Board members and other key influencers can play a more effective role both in helping communicate DAA messages and in identifying influencers outside of the DAA Board

Alumni and students want to increase and deepen their connections and will find value in such connections

Alumni and students can forge these improved connections using emerging tools and technologies

Alumni will provide valuable feedback on the technology being developed to increase the power of the Network.

Regional Groups are looking for ways to streamline their processes and learn from each other

Alumni will find value in the power of the Network and not only populate their network profiles but utilize the power of the network to improve their lives and increase their interactions with the Duke community

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Nominations Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To engage and connect alumni with Duke and each other and to celebrate their service to Duke and the world.

Initial State – 6/30/14

About 150 nominations for board positions received and reviewed

Well diversified board by graduation year, sex, race and ethnicity

Process streamlined to some extent through greater staff participation

Reinstated practice of inviting leaders of prominent affinity groups to serve ex-officio on board

Reviewed process for selection of President and Executive Committee members and presented to full board

Key Strategic Initiatives

Nominate a President-elect through an open and well-communicated process

Nominate 4-6 new board members that will provide the necessary expertise, experience and enthusiasm to continue the work of DA and be representative of the alumni body

Review the bylaws relative to board member terms, categories and extensions and composition of the nominating committee and, if appropriate, recommend changes

Review the timing and process of the committee work to gain maximum input and avoid Spring time pressure

Target State – 6/30/15

Charter affinity groups will adopt and understand the new structure and expectations

Graduate and professional schools will support 3 concrete measures to collaborate and coordinate on alumni engagement

5 new and/or existing activities will be outlined as priority areas of support with suggestions for implementation and ensuring long-term success.

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

The network is in place and is operational

We have adequate human and financial resources to implement our programs

We have strong relationships and support within Duke and externally from alumni, faculty, administrators, and student groups

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Regional Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To engage and connect alumni with Duke and each other and to celebrate their service to Duke and the world. Initial State – 6/30/14 No formal mechanisms for

documenting and sharing best practices

Failure to celebrate best practices and signature regional programming

Lack of consensus and metrics in defining engagement, i.e., “success” in regions

Absence of uniform system of measurement and information gathering. Limited ability to capture and track data easily with existing technology platform

Varied programming and board structures and inconsistent inclusion of all Duke alumni

Duke Alums Engage in more than 50 cities; DAE first service trip to New Orleans in May 2015

Women’s Forum and Duke Alums Engage growing rapidly but coordinated by a single staff member

Opportunity to streamline regional email process including event notifications and follow up surveys

DAA has developed and begun to communicate budgets to Tier 1 regions but lacks historical financial data

Key Strategic Initiatives

Sustain, expand and deepen regional engagement by supporting effort to develop tools to define engagement and to enable metric-based evaluation and decision-making

Define engagement and outline objectives for Tier 1 and 2 regions including programming and board structures designed to incorporate and promote involvement by all alumni and affinity groups

Promote implementation of budgets in Tier 1 and 2 regions

Support roll out of the new Alumni Network platform and advise on ways to leverage it to track, promote and celebrate engagement

  Celebrate and share the best practices

going on throughout regions

Target State – 6/30/15 Formal mechanisms in place

for sharing best practices among regions with DAA

Achievements of regions celebrated and shared

“Success” including key metrics around engagement in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Regions is defined

Framework for aspirational / minimal Tier 1 and 2 programming and board structures established.

Develop Alums Engage expanded to 75 cities

Streamlined communications tools for regional programming established and implemented

Move to a February 1 deadline for all award nominations

Budget process implemented in Tier 1 and 2 regions. Regions provided clear guidance regarding use of funds and financial tools in place to track budget

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

We can obtain a representative survey of and feedback regarding the present state of our Tier 1 and Tier 2 regions including programming, board structure and volunteer development in those regions

  We will work closely with the Volunteer

Development Committee, Awards Committee, Network Committee and Diversity Task Force to efficiently and synergistically achieve our goals and to avoid duplication of efforts

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Cultivate, inspire and enrich our volunteersIdentify, recruit, train, engage, support, assess, repeatIn region, on campus, and onlineDevelopment and update of tools and infrastructureEstablish formal and informal ways to share best practicesPlan and execute VLEs, including VLCDevelop Leadership Development Ladder (Tiers of Engagements)Regional Volunteer Coordinator; DAA Staff

Work closely with Awards Committee, Regional Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, and others

Sub-committeesTools and InfrastructureTraining

How Board members can helpShare your volunteer experiences with VolDeCom membersMake recommendations for improvement to the processDiscuss VolDeCom goals in context of your committeeTell us what you or other Dukies need to be better volunteers

Volunteer Development Committee

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Volunteer Development Committee Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To develop and maintain globally consistent tools, including training and volunteer leadership events, that optimize and enhance the volunteer experience.

Initial State – 6/30/14

No formalized training for volunteers

VLC is not longer offered

There is no volunteer track to set expectations for different levels of volunteer engagement

Inconsistent methods for identifying, utilizing and recruiting volunteers in the regions

No formal structure for sharing best practices between regions

No focus on developing a pipeline of volunteers

No emphasis on enhancing the volunteer experience with some sort of feedback loop

No central point to locate tools and volunteer opportunities with assigned responsibility for update, including the DAA Handbook

Key Strategic Initiatives

By creating a central hub for information and training, DAA will cultivate, inspire and enrich volunteers, providing a more meaningful experience and making it easier for volunteers to engage with Duke in a mutually beneficial way

Support volunteers in their roles by providing standardized training that is strengthened by sharing best practices; increase volunteer satisfaction through the development of better-defined opportunities

Target State – 6/30/15

Formalized training for volunteers in-region, on-campus, and online

Re-launch Volunteer Leadership Conference with a global reach making it the standard for volunteer training with video and text available online

Implement a Leadership Development Ladder that defines tiers of volunteer engagement to inspire and inform

Formalized methods to identify and recruit volunteers in all regions; pilot programs for Regional Volunteer Coordinators who report to a DAA Staff member

Established methods for formally and informally sharing best practices

Focus on developing a pipeline of volunteers

Enhanced volunteer experience that is meaningful and mutually beneficial through an active feedback loop

Centralized location for volunteer tools and opportunities on website with assigned responsibility for upkeep of records, including the DAA Handbook

Top Underlying Beliefs and

AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

Both Duke and our volunteers will benefit from standardized training that is continuously being assessed and improved to address the needs of current DAA initiatives

VolDeCom will work closely with other DAA committees to achieve its goals in a strategic and synergistic manner

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Alumni Center Task Force Action Plan 2014-15Statement of Purpose

To create a new gateway to the University for all alumni and visitors.

Initial State – 6/30/14

Architect selected to create conceptual drawings

Lead donors identified

Initial programmatic and staff requirements identified

DAA target move out 05/2015 with move in date of 09/2016

Key Board of Trustee and administration support

Opportunity to create a new gateway to the university for alumni and visitors

Key Strategic Initiatives

Create a new gateway to the University for alumni and visitors to University

Enable alumni connection and education with each other, students and university through flexible spaces

Meet the projected growth needs for DAA Staff

A place to celebrate Duke Alumni and contributions to the University

Unique and dedicated space for Alumni education and events

Target State – 6/30/15

Alumni Center approved for construction by Board of Trustees with funding secured

Draft of programmatic functional needs and specifications for architects (Fall 2014)

Draft of programmatic schedule and utilization plan for 2016-17

Marketing and communications plan (Spring 2015)

Define DAA plans for core elements and communication within facility (summer 2015)

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

University will approve plan to move to plans and construction

Gifts will be secured and gaps covered by University

Able to design a multi purpose facility adequate to meet evolving mission of DAA

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Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Action Plan 2014 -15Statement of Purpose

To engage and connect the entire range of diverse alumni with Duke, and encourage/support activity of Affinity Groups.

Initial State – 6/30/14

Several existing Affinity Groups, operating largely independently from DAA, (on campus and in the regions) but with some coordination with and support from DAA

34 Affinity and Identity Groups. The most active groups are - DUBAC, DUHLAA, Duke LGBT Network, Women’s Forum Programming and DEMAN

Good momentum with engaging and energizing Affinity Groups

Implement a formal process

for incorporating diverse populations and/or activities in DAA or regional programming

Implement a formal process

for interacting with Affinity Groups

Key Strategic Initiatives

Establish on-going dialogue with affinity groups to inform DAA’s direction

Harness energy of affinity group members

and expand the tent to make DAA more inclusive

Create a deeper pool of qualified nominees to fill volunteer roles, regional boards and DAA Board

Strengthen the DAA through diversity of identity, opinion, passions, focus, background, experiences, etc.

Work with DAA Staff to implement key recommendations from DukeProceed report

Target State – 6/30/15

Establish a baseline for effective communications between Affinity Groups and DAA on campus and in the regions

Involve Affinity Groups in two key DAA activities.

Incorporate diverse programming into DAA and regional schedules

Establish an Asian Alumni Association

Increase volunteer participation by members of Affinity Group demographic in DAA and regional board activities by 10%.

Key descriptors: significant exchange, energized, informed

Top Underlying Beliefs and AssumptionsWe can achieve our goals assuming…

Both DAA and Affinity Groups can articulate benefits of diversity

The committee has significant input from Affinity Group leaders

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Have fun

Work hard

Be on time

Be Forever Duke