oceana newsletter fall09 web

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  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    PLUS: Rangersets silor the Cry Isls




    FROm LOngLInES

    actress Kte Wlshjois Oce i the htto sve se turtles

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    2/16| Fall 2009

    OaRd OF dIRECTORSKeith Addis, Chair

    r. Kristian Parker, Vice Chair

    ames Sandler, Treasurer

    imon Sidamon-Eristo, Secretary

    erbert M. Bedole, III

    ed Danson

    sar Gaviria

    Mara Eugenia Girn

    tephen P. McAllister

    Michael Northrop

    r. Daniel Pauly

    ally-Christine Rodgers

    am Waterston

    alarie Whiting


    enior Editoruzannah Evans

    Online Editor

    mily Fisher

    Graphic Designndsay Orlowski


    hie Executive Ofcer

    Andrew Sharpless

    xecutive Vice President

    General Counsel

    ames Simonenior Vice President,

    orth American Oceans & Chie


    Michael Hirsheld, Ph.D.

    ice President, European Oceans

    nd Seas

    avier Pastor

    ice President, South American

    Oceans & Antarctica

    Alex Muoz

    ice President, Belize

    Audrey Matura-Shepherd

    ice President, Pacifc / Senior


    m Ayers

    ice President, Strategic

    Marketing & Communications

    Matthew Lit tlejohn

    ice President, Global Development

    ettina Alonso

    Director, Pacifc

    usan Murray

    maKIng WaVES

    COVER PHOTO: Actress Kate Walsh views sea turtle hatch-lings on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Photo Tim Calver

    Oceana played a key role in unveiling antibiotic abuse

    in Chiles troubled salmon aquaculture industry, which

    threatens to create a public health hazard in the larg-

    est source or armed salmon sold in the U.S. Using

    Chiles Act or Access to Public Inormation, Oceanacompelled the government to release previously unpub-

    licized inormation about the level o antibiotic use at

    salmon arms in July.

    As a result, the world learned that Chile uses 600 times

    the amount o antibiotics used by Norway, the only

    country that produces more armed salmon. The antibi-

    otics are intended to control diseases caused and eas-

    ily spread by the crowded and unsanitary conditions in

    Chilean salmon pens.

    Oce ucovers tibiotic buse i Chile

    Se turtles protecte ro botto lolies

    maKE WaVES:community.oceana.org/act

    In July, the United States banned shing or kr ill in the

    Pacic Ocean in an action that culminates years o ad-

    vocacy by Oceana and others, including scientists, con-

    servationists, shermen and local communities.

    No krill shing currently takes place in the U.S. Paci-

    ic, which extends rom three to 200 miles o the West

    Coast. The new rule prevents krill shing rom occur-

    ring in the uture. This preventative step is crucial to

    maintaining the marine ecosystem, which counts on

    krill as a bedrock species.

    Tiny translucent creatures ound in all the worlds

    oceans, krill orm the oundation o the marine ecosys-tem by providing critical nutrition or salmon, whales,

    seabirds and many other animals. These shrimp-like

    Krill shi be i U.S. Pcic

    crustaceans are heavily pursued by commercial

    vessels in the Southern Ocean, with more than 10

    metric tons o krill caught every year primarily to

    armed and aquarium sh. As krill are shed out

    the Southern Ocean, the industry will be orced to

    into previously untouched waters. Thanks to the

    measures, krill in the U.S. Pacic will not be subje


    The proactive ban on krill shing in the U.S. P

    mirrors other Oceana initiatives to protect ecosys

    beore the introduction o industrialized shing. I

    ruary, Oceana accomplished its goal o closing 15

    square miles o the U.S. Arctic Ocean to industriaing beore large boats ollow melting sea ice into n

    opened Arctic waters.

    In a move critical to saving threatened loggerhead sea

    turtles, the Gul o Mexico Fishery Management Council

    approved new restrictions on bottom longline shing

    o the west coast o Florida that will save hundreds o

    sea turtles each year.

    The measures, i adopted by Nat ional Marine Fisheries

    Service, would reduce the number o vessels eligible to

    sh with bottom longline gear by 80 percent and ban

    bottom longline shing rom June to August in waters

    up to about 210 eet deep. In addition, the council also

    established a per-vessel limit o 1,000 hooks on board

    and 750 hooks set up to sh during any shing trip. The

    bottom longlines are used to catch ree sh like grouper,

    but also catch nearly 400 sea turtles every year on aver-

    age. This is approximately ten times the number o sea

    turtles that the shery is currently authorized to take

    under the Endangered Species Act. The vast majority

    o the sea turtles caught by the bottom longlines o the

    shery are loggerheads, a species listed as threat

    by extinction under the Endangered Species Act

    western Florida shel where the bottom longline

    catching loggerheads is an important loggerhea

    turtle eeding area.

    Sea turtle nesting in Florida has been on a s

    downward trajectory since 1998, and this year has

    one o the worst sea turtle nesting years on record

    loggerhead population has dropped by over 40 pe

    in the last decade.

    The National Marine Fisheries Service will now

    sider the new longline regulations to determine

    new restrictions are sucient to prevent the bo

    longline shery rom jeopardizing the uture o

    threatened population o loggerhead sea turtles

    ederal agency can also supplement the plan wit

    ditional turtle protections.

    CEan COUnCILusan Cohn Rockeeller, Chair

    ea Haratani, Vice Chair

    Anne Alexander Rowley

    r. Andrew Bevacqua

    ierce Brosnan

    eborah Buck

    an and Beth Cort

    Andrew and Sydney Davis

    Kelsey Grammer

    ardy Jones

    Stephen and Angela Kilcullenarry Kopald

    arolyn Marks Blackwood

    icole Polizois

    Mark E. Ryavec

    ictoria Stack

    eter Stranger

    Annett Wol

    icole Woody

    According to the government data, Chile used 71

    pounds o antibiotics in 2008, down rom 848,397 po

    in 2007. Approximately a third o the antibiotics

    quinolones, which are not permitted or use in live

    in some countries that import Chilean salmon, ining the United States. The World Health Organiz

    recommends that quinolones be reserved or hu

    use to preserve their ecacy.

    Earlier this year, Chile adopted a plan or the rat

    use and management o antibiotics in salmon ar

    which included several Oceana recommendations

    cept or a total ban on quinolone use. Oceana cont

    to campaign or a quinolone ban.

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    maKIng WaV

    n August, Oceanas Rangerset sail or its 2009 mission

    o the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. This years

    xpedition is supported by the Biodiversity Foundation.

    or two months, Oceanas Ranger and its crew o re-earchers and campaigners will document the seabed

    nd seamounts surrounding the islands. Proessional

    ivers will photograph and lm the area up to 40 meters

    epth; beyond that, the Rangersremote-operated vehi-

    le will explore down to 500 meters. Lit tle is known about

    he ocean foor surrounding the islands.

    ince 2005, the Rangerhas explored marine habitats in

    he Caribbean, Mediterranean and the Atlantic, docu-

    menting previously unseen species as well as illegal

    shing. In 2007, the catamaran was attacked by French

    oats using illegal dritnets. The ensuing attention

    elped Oceana draw attention to the illegal nets and

    ive the nal push or vigorous enorcement o the bann this wasteul shing gear.

    he U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity requires

    hat 10 percent o the global marine environment be pro-

    ected by 2012. Less than 3 percent o European waters

    s currently protected.

    o read updates rom the crew members, visit


    Rangersets sil or Cry Isls

    Ies ro the Cry Isllo Rangers jourey to et

    Clockwise ro top: Isl e LO the shol o Ply gre Sebe the ree le,

    Etis-El Sbir, aler, Photos OCEana | Crlos mi

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    4/16| Fall 2009

    Se turtles sw with the iosurs.now theyre thretee with extictio.

    know Kate rom her perormance on

    Private Practice and Greys Anatomy

    but I hope youll now recognize her as

    the ace o Oceanas Save Sea Turtles

    campaign. In addition, an 11-year-old g

    named Casey with a remarkable dedic

    to turtles has joined us. In the ollowin

    pages, youll learn more details in a sp

    sea turtles edition o the magazine.

    For decades, sea turtle conservation h

    ocused on promoting gear modicatio

    in key sheries and protecting sea turt

    nesting habitats. These eorts have

    met with success, and some sea turtle

    populations appear to be in the beginn

    stages o recovery. For other turtles ar

    the world, however, more aggressive

    protections are urgently needed. Our

    scientists, celebrities and grassroots

    supporters are on the case.

    For the Oceans,

    Andrew Sharpless

    CEO, Oceana

    threatened under the Endangered Species

    act. This means that they may go extinct in

    the oreseeable uture.

    Witnessing a mother sea turtle lumbering

    onto a beach to lay a clutch o dozens

    o eggs is one o natures most easily

    accessed spectacles. It takes place on

    beaches around the world. As youll read

    later in these pages, local conservation

    groups work hard to ensure that as many

    hatchlings as possible survive the journey

    rom the nest to the ocean. Scientists

    estimate that as ew as one in a thousand

    sea turtle hatchlings may survive to


    Once those hatchlings complete the

    journey to the ocean, more challenges

    ace them in the water. Even with the

    protections aorded turtles by the

    Endangered Species Act, shing gear like

    longlines, trawls, gill nets and dredges

    kills thousands o turtles and injures even

    more every year. In addition, pollution,

    coastal development, poaching, vessel

    strikes and ingestion o plastics and other

    debris threaten to push sea turtles closer

    to extinction.

    Oceana is working on numerous ronts to

    ensure a sae ocean or turtles. First, we

    are pushing hard or the U.S. to pass its

    rst comprehensive sea turtle legislation.

    The legislation will protect sea turtle

    populations, reduce sea turtle bycatch and

    set aside protected areas or the turtles.

    Were also gathering celebrity support.

    Ater the success o our Scared or

    Sharks campaign eaturing Mad Men

    actress January Jones, Im pleased to

    announce that actress Kate Walsh has

    joined our sea turtle campaign. You may


    Loggerhead sea turtles regularly cross

    oceans, but nine in ten emales lay their

    eggs in just two places: the beaches o

    Florida and the Middle Eastern country

    o Oman. We know very little about the

    Oman population, but in the United

    States, loggerheads are in a well-studied

    decline. In the last decade, loggerhead

    nesting numbers have allen by more

    than 40 percent.

    All species o sea turtles around theworld ace a slew o challenges that

    have caused a global decline. Every year,

    hundreds o thousands o sea turtles are

    caught in shing gear. Nesting beaches

    are under constant pressure rom coastal

    development and rising waters due to

    climate change.

    The six sea turtle species ound in U.S.

    waters loggerhead, leatherback, Kemps

    ridley, olive ridley, green and hawksbill

    are listed as either endangered or

    Oceana is grateul or the grants,

    contributions, and other support it ha

    received rom dozens o oundations a

    companies and thousands o individua

    Oceana wishes to thank its ounding

    unders as well as oundations that in

    awarded Oceana grants o $1 million

    more: Arcadia Fund, Oak Foundation,

    David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    The Pew Charitable Trusts, Rockeelle

    Brothers Fund and Sandler Foundatio

    For more inormation, please see Oce

    annual reports at www.oceana.org.

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    Her eorts have culminated in the

    creation o Love A Sea Turtle (Help

    Them L.A.S.T.), Caseys ocial project

    to raise money or the hospital, with

    an accompanying website,


    Casey was a nalist or OceanasOcean Heroes Award in 2009, and in

    2008 she was a distinguished nalist

    or the Gloria Barron Award, which

    honors outstanding young leaders

    who have made a signicant positive

    dierence to the world.

    And most recently, she became the

    spokesperson or Oceanas 2009 holi-

    day Adopt-a-Creature program. In her

    honor, Oceana has developed a spe-

    cial Casey adoption package thateatures a 22-inch plush turtle, along

    with a sea turtle cookie cutter, adop-

    tion certicate, inormation about sea

    turtles, sugar

    cookie recipe

    and Caseys


    Helping sea

    turtles is not

    just a passing

    ad or Casey,

    who plans on

    becoming a

    marine biolo-

    gist, working

    with all kinds o marine animals with a

    ocus on sea turtles. My avorite kind

    o sea turtle is the Kemps ridley, she

    said. I think they are so cute.

    n some ways Casey Sokolovic is an aver-

    ge American pre-teen. In her ree time

    he runs cross country, plays volleyball,

    asketball and soccer, and is a certied

    cuba diver. But she just happens to havegured out her lies passion at 12 years

    ld and shes already making serious


    Caseys passion or sea turtles began on a

    hird grade eld trip to the Karen Beasley

    ea Turtle Hospital in Topsail Island, North

    Carolina. The non-prot hospital admits

    ea turtles, mostly loggerheads, that have

    een ound injured. The most common

    njuries are rom boat strikes and shing

    ear, such as gillnets.

    Seeing all the hurt sea turtles just struck

    passion or me, she said. Her amily has

    een regularly making the two-hour drive

    o volunteer with the hospital ever since.

    But even with its dedicated sta o volun-

    eers like Casey, the hospital is in need o

    unding or a new, much bigger acility

    that is already in the works.

    Through her creative undraising eorts,

    she has raised more than $3000 orthe hospital. With some help rom her

    parents, Casey bakes sea-turtle shaped

    sugar cookies and sells them at school

    and local events

    such as armers

    markets to benet

    the hospital.

    In addition to her

    baking eorts, she

    has collaborated

    with North Carolina

    coee brewery Joe

    Van Gogh to create

    an organic sea

    turtle blend. Her

    coee is now carried in Whole Foods

    stores throughout the Carolinas, with 10

    percent o the proceeds going to the sea

    turtle hospital.

    ntroducing CaseyBy Emily Fisher

    hotos Heather Garland

    FOR mORE InFO On CaSEYS WORK:www.loveaseaturtle.com

    Casey anmother

    cookies inNorth Car

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    6/16| Fall 2009

    nESTIng nIgHTS

    2008 was a record-setting year on the

    island, with more than 100 sea turtle

    nests, well above the average 60 to 70

    nests. But by the time Kerri Lynn and I

    arrived, turtles had laid just 12 nests and

    the sta at the Bald Head Island Conser-vancy (BHIC), our liaison on the island,

    had seen 13 alse crawls. A alse crawl,

    which is common among loggerheads, is

    when a emale comes ashore but returns

    to the water without laying her eggs

    because shes spooked by any number o

    actors, including predators, white lights,

    or beach chairs.

    Loggerheads nest every two or three

    years, so there is variation in nesting

    numbers rom year to year, but human

    By Eily FisherPhotos: Je Jowski

    rst night passed without any sea turtle si

    ings, and the second night went by uneve

    ully, too. We were on call: I the BHIC inte

    ound a turtle, they would call my cell pho

    immediately, no matter what time o night

    On the third night around 11 p.m. we saw ared headlamp fickering 100 yards or so do

    the beach. As the light got closer, we hear

    intern shout, Turtle! and we dashed dow

    the beach.

    We slowed when we spotted a dark oval o

    side o the dune. Incredibly, this emale se

    turtle was climbing a steep dune in her se

    or suitably dry nesting sand the ideal sp

    or a nest is fat and smooth. I could see th

    she was dexterously moving sand aside w

    her back fippers.

    Shes digging her egg chamber, said BH

    sea turtle biologist Brett DeGregorio. We

    watched, stunned, as this massive reptile

    ully attempted to dig a hole or her eggs o

    the steep incline.

    intervention is also at play this year. As

    the channel near the island is widened

    by dredging, nesting beaches have

    rapidly eroded, alarming sea turtle


    While loggerheads have been pro-

    tected as a threatened species or

    decades, their numbers continue to

    decline, in large part due to shing

    gear that kills turtles incidentally as

    bycatch. In August the National Marine

    Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued a new

    status review showing that loggerhead

    sea turtles o the U.S. Atlantic coast

    are currently at risk o extinction.

    We were wired to see a nesting, but the

    Lst Septeber, I ws lucky eouh to witess loerhe seturtles htch o Bl He Isl, nC. This yer, Oce riescietist Kerri Ly miller joie e uri se turtle estiseso i i-Jue. We were eterie to see oe o the ostspellbii rituls i the turl worl.

    LEFT; Eily Kerri Ly esti other isuise th

    she ju

    aBOVE: The Bl Heiters esure the ele

    The bouci re lihtot closer Turtle! she

    shoute. We she owthe bech.

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    Within minutes, she gave up. When she

    ook o toward the water, the interns

    arely had enough time to scan her or ID,

    Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT)

    ag beore she was back in the ocean.

    he BHIC is one o a handul o programs

    n the Southeast United States that holds

    ll-night beach patrols rom mid-May to

    mid-August, and has collected sea turtle

    ata since 1980. As one o the arthest

    orth nesting beaches, Bald Head Island islso critical in supplying male loggerheads

    o the population. Sea turtle gender is de-

    ermined by the temperature at which the

    ggs incubate: cooler sand means more

    males, warmer means more emales. As a

    esult, Florida tends to have more emale

    atchlings while North Carolina has more


    When my phone buzzed at 2 a.m. the

    ast night, we dashed, bleary-eyed, to the

    each. This was our nal chance to see a

    ea turtle nesting.

    When we arrived, the turtle was at work

    igging her egg chamber, so we stayed at

    distance. As soon as she started drop-

    ing eggs into the chamber, we moved

    We wtche, stue, s thisssive reptile ttepte to i

    hole o the steep ue.

    closer. She was in the trance that emale

    sea turtles enter during the egg laying

    process, allowing the interns to measure

    her shell and check her or tag IDs.

    As soon as she was back in the water, two

    interns got to work uncovering the eggs

    to relocate them away rom the high tide

    line. They were meticulous, and it was

    clear they were trying their hardest to

    give these eggs a chance or survival. The

    odds o a sea turtle hatchling making it tomaturity are less than one in 1000 by some


    Watching the dedicated BHIC interns,

    it occurred to me that sea turtles need

    advocates in and out o the water. While

    the Conservancy works tirelessly to pro-

    tect hatchlings and nesting mothers, they

    cant do much about the risk o getting

    caught in shing gear such as trawls and

    longlines, which is where Oceanas cam-

    paign to protect sea turtles comes in.

    a esti loerhe

    covers up her est beorereturi to the se.

    Oces Sve Se Turtles cpi

    worki with Coress o the Uite

    Sttes rst coprehesive se turtl

    leisltio. The leisltio is to:

    Recover and protect sea turtle


    Reduce sea turtle bycatch.

    Designate protected sea turtle hab


    The cpi is lso worki to

    reuce se turtle byctch i proble

    sheries to estblish criticl hb

    or se turtles uer the Eere

    Species act.

    For ore o the cpi, visitOce.or/se-turtles.

    We woul like to thk The mx Victodreyus Foutio The StreisFoutio or their support o Oceseorts to protect se turtles.

    Oces Se Turtle Cp

    Emily Fisher is the online editor at Oceana.

    For more on her sea turtle expedition,

    including photos, check out her six-part

    series athttp://community.oceana.org/nesting-nights-blog-series .

    Top: Eily Kerri Ly collect petitios r

    public to protect se turtles. Botto: Wireprotect ests ro pretors such s

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    8/16| Fall 2009 Tim C

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    Actress Kate Walsh is an established television star, best known

    as the driven neo-natal surgeon Dr. Addison Montgomery on the hit

    shows Greys Anatomy and Private Practice. But when the actress

    wanted to lend her ame to the greater good, she came to Oceana. Itwas a perect ft: Kate, a native Caliornian, has a natural afnity or sea

    turtles. And the character that made her amous, Dr. Montgomery, could

    perhaps relate to the staggering odds that ace just-hatched

    sea turtles as they struggle toward the sea.

    By Suzannah Evans

    Photos Tim Calver and Joe Walsh

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    10/16| Fall 2009

    As the fAce of Oceanas Save Sea Turtles

    campaign, Kate stars in a print, online and tele-

    vision campaign. She traveled with Oceanas

    experts to the Virgin Islands this summer to

    witness sea turtles both laying eggs and hatch-

    ing. While in St. Croix, she spoke with Oceana

    marine biologist Kerri Lynn Miller.

    To learn more about Kates trip to the Virgin

    Islands and to see exclusive photos and videos,

    visit www.ana.rg/urlk.

    Krri Lynn Millr What makes you inter-

    ested in sea turtles?

    Ka Wal As a kid, you love turtles. When

    I started diving and snorkeling and swimming

    with them, I ound them to be totally majestic,incredible creatures. You know, theyve been

    around since prehistoric times; its incredible

    to see them. Theyre so graceul in the water.

    KLM What do you think your involvement can

    do to help sea turtles?

    KW Im hoping to raise awareness because

    I think that most people dont know that they

    are an endangered species. I want them to be

    around or many generations to come. And I

    think that i more people know whats speci-cally happening that shing gear is catching

    and killing sea turtles, they can take action to

    prevent it.

    KLM Why did you decide to partner with


    KW Oceana is one o the biggest and most

    comprehensive ocean conservation groups

    in the world. For me, it was always a natural

    t. I grew up in northern Caliornia and I was

    always at the beach as a kid, so the ocean isa huge part o my lie. I love the ocean. When

    I was a kid, or a while I thought I wanted to

    be a marine biologist. So its a natural t to be

    involved with ocean conservation.

    KLM What was your rst impression when

    you saw sea turtles in the wild?

    KW The rst ones I saw were the baby

    leatherbacks. Theyre so tiny, and they work

    so hard to be born and there are so many

    natural, environmental things working against

    them when they do nally hatch out o the

    eggs and they do this long walk to the ocean,

    its just incredible. And then to think there is

    so much against them, its such an arduous

    journey, their whole lie, so you think whatever

    we can do to make that easier and not scoop

    them up in a big shing net, thatd be great.

    It was amazing to be able to swimwith the sea turtles and experiencethem hatching. They struggle.

    Joe Walsh

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    KLM So what do you think your take away mes-sage will be rom this trip with Oceana?

    KW It was amazing to be able to swim with

    the sea turtles and experience them hatching.

    They struggle. I think one o the most proound

    things is seeing the leatherback babies, they

    struggle so much just to be born and to make

    it to the sea, so Im hoping that we can at least

    do our part and ensure that they have a ghting

    chance once they get in there.

    I want to get the word out and make people

    aware about the challenges acing sea turtles.

    I also want to help get legislation enacted to

    keep harmul shing techniques to a minimum

    and help protect the sea turtles.

    I want to get the word out andmake people aware about thechallenges acing sea turtles.

    PREVIOUS PAGE: Kateswims with a green sea

    turtle near Buck Island in

    the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    LEFT: Kate lmed a video

    or Oceana at Coral World

    on St. Thomas. MIDDLE:

    Kate views hatchlings with

    a park ranger at the Sandy

    Point National Wildlie

    Reuge on St. Croix. RIGHT:

    One in 1,000 leatherback

    sea turtle hatchlings will

    survive to maturity.

    Joe Walsh

    FOR mORE InFO On OCEanaS SEa TURTLE CamPaIgn: oceana.org/seaturtles


  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    12/160 | Fall 2009

    SeaChange Summer PartyOn August 22, 400 people came out to Villa di Sogni in Laguna Beach, Caliornia or

    the second annual SeaChange Summer Party, which honored actress Glenn Close

    and Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman. The event raised nearly $900,000 orocean conservation through ticket sales and auction items, with Oceana as the

    main beneciary o the event. A portion o the proceeds will be donated to the SIMA

    Environmental Fund or distribution to local ocean conservation organizations.

    Top: Hoorees mor Free gle with Te dso. Riht: mrk-Pul goss

    Oce Chir Keith ais Oce bor ebers SeChe co-chirs Vlrie Whiti Te dso.wier ol elist aro Peirsol, ctress Kte Wlsh, Oce Executiveice Presiet Ji Sio Te dso.

    Alberto E. Rodriguez (Wired Imag

    Ann Chati



    (Wired Imag

    Alberto E. Rodriguez (Wired Images)

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    A Sea Change Screening

    On Sunday, September 13, the American Museum o Natural

    History, Oceana and Niijii Films hosted the New York City pre-

    miere o the lm A Sea Change: Imagine a World Without Fish.

    The event was also hosted by Sue and David Rockeeller and

    Oceana board member Sam Waterston and included special

    guest Sir Thomas Moore. Over 400 guests attended the screening

    at the American Museum o Natural History, which was ollowed

    by a private reception in the museums Hall o Ocean Lie.

    Please consider supporting Oceana w

    a generous bequest in your will or tru

    Your git will support Oceanas resea

    and science-based conservation

    and advocacy eorts to protect and

    preserve the worlds oceans or utur


    To learn more, contact Kelley Cunningham

    at 212-371-5017.



    your will

    estte pl

    Leve lecy

    or the oce

    Oceana is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizatio


    PACT supports Oceanas eorts to protect and preserve the worlds

    oceans. PACT is an online apparel company launched by Jason Kibbey

    and Je Denby oering design-driven, sustainably manuactured,

    premium apparel connected to powerul social and environmental

    causes. PACT apparel is made o responsibly grown and manuactured

    organic cotton and delivered with a minimized carbon ootprint.For more inormation, email PACT at [email protected].

    Let: S Wtersto Sir Thos moore. Riht: dviRockeeller, Sir Thos moore Sus Rockeeller.

    Jon Dee Jon Dee

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web

    14/162 | Fall 2009

    Le Hrti

    OCEan adVOCaTE

    Haratani was recently awarded the 20

    Golden Whale award by the Commun

    Action Board or exceptional commu

    work in Santa Cruz County.

    And shes an active ocean conservati

    even on vacation. Haratani spends he

    summers on the Elizabeth Islands nea

    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where she

    her son Holden participate in eorts

    monitor and protect the health o Buz

    Bay and Hadley Harbor.

    My children became ocean activists

    their own accord, she said. We have

    started a real movement. I am conde

    that we will nd solutions to these da


    Haratani believes that the current sta

    o the oceans is the most signicant

    ecological challenge that we have eve

    aced. O all the threats acing the se

    she is most passionate about climate

    change and acid seas.

    Oceanas campaign to protect bluen

    tuna also resonates with her. Despite

    her Japanese heritage, Haratani is no

    zealous sashimi eater. In act, she doeoutreach and education targeting As

    about the endangered bluen.

    Given her history, its no surprise that

    Haratani got involved with Oceana.

    Oceana is comprised o the most

    sincerely committed people I know in

    environmental movement, she said.

    ortunate to be a part o this amily.

    Lea Haratani has never strayed ar rom

    the sea.

    My earliest memory o the ocean was when

    I was three, she said. I remember standing

    on the beach, hearing the sound o waves,

    observing the vast expanse o water, and

    eeling overwhelmed by its beauty and


    Haratani, the new Vice Chair o Oceanas

    Ocean Council, has been personally and

    proessionally connected to the oceans ever


    With a degree in Natural Resources

    Conservation Studies rom the University

    o Caliornia, Berkeley, Haratani rst ell

    in love with the oceans during her time

    working as a biologist or Hawaii Volcanoes

    National Park. While living in Hawaii she

    oten went scuba diving and witnessed

    Kilauea Volcano erupt into the sea, creating

    new land.

    Later, during a decade o work at

    Pacic Gas and Electric, she created

    an environmental education and

    compliance program that ocused on

    hydroelectric power plants. She taught 350powerhouse oremen and their crews about

    environmental regulatory compliance.

    Now she works or the Resource

    Conservation District o Santa Cruz County,

    a non-prot organization that protects,

    conserves and restores local natural

    resources. Among other things, she does

    grant writing, project management and

    environmental education about the impacts

    o human activities on the Monterey Bay

    National Marine Sanctuary.

    Oce welcoes Le Hrti s the vice chir o its Oce Coucil, roupo iverse leers who represet Oce o the lobl ste. With her lielolitio with the oces, Le Hrti bris sciece srts to the tble.

    Le Hrti.

    Oceana will hold its 2009 annual membershipeleconerence on:

    Nvmbr 19, 2009:30 pm est

    oin our pollution campaign director Jackie Savitz andOcean Council Chairwoman Susan Cohn Rockeellero hear about our newest campaign to stop global

    limate change and protect the worlds oceans romcidication.

    ou can join the call by dialing: 1.866.462.0164 (in theUnited States) 1.205.354.0249 (or international calls)

    hen enter the meeting number: *4457406*

    or more inormation, please contact us.

    www.ana.rg/MmbripMingcall 1.212.371.5017

    [email protected]

    annUaL mEmBERSHIP mEETIng

    Gayle Mitchell

  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    more than a philosophy, sustainability is

    a matter o common sense. We should be

    respecting the seasons, not just in the case

    o sh, but or all products. It doesnt make

    any sense to have llet steak all year round,

    and we shouldnt be able to eat red bream

    or hake whenever we eel like it, he said.

    I dont use the same types o tomato or

    lettuce all the t ime either.


    ngredients or 4 servings

    5 very resh sardine flets

    For the lli ounces o herring roe

    tsp carrot, julienned

    tsp leek, julienned

    tsp garlic shallot, minced

    tsp celery, julienned

    tsp fnely chopped scallions

    For the toto breloa o rozen bread

    ripe tomatoes

    ea salt

    live oil

    For the rieliters o water

    ea salt

    white wine vinegar

    Preparing the dish

    he day beore preparing the dish, let the

    ardines with a very sharp knie to avoid

    isturbing the fesh o the sh. Extremely

    elicately, using small tweezers, remove

    he spines.

    LEaRn mORE:visit sergiarola.es.

    Sergi Arola knows that customers arent

    oming to his restaurant to get a lecture

    n responsible shing. And so the Spanish

    he, known or his modern, urban cuisine,

    akes steps behind the scenes to ensure

    hat only sustainable seaood reaches

    iners plates at Sergi Arola Gastro in the

    enter o Madrid.

    What I can do is make sure I use the right

    Che Seri arol

    Spish che Seri arol eostrtes his fir or oer cuisie with philosophy o usi sustible, sesol ireiets.

    products in the kitchen throughout the

    production chain ones that are not out o

    season, that dont come rom destructive

    shing practices, or that have not been

    caught in a protected zone or nature

    reserve, Arola said.

    An avid scuba diver, Arola respects the

    cycle o natural availability or the oods

    that end up in his kitchen. I think that

    Add sea salt to the water until it tastes like

    sea water. Then add a trickle o vinegar (it

    shouldnt taste like vinaigrette, so just a

    touch is needed).

    Add the sardines to the marinade until

    the bloody part, where the backbone was,

    turns white. Then remove the sardines rom

    the salt water and vinegar and dry with a

    paper towel. Cover the sardines in olive oil

    and stick them in the ridge, well covered.

    Make the lling by mixing together the

    above chopped ingredients.

    The fnish and presentation

    Grate the ripe tomato using a medium

    grater and drain the pulp with a

    colander. Add salt, pepper and oil.

    Using a knie, slicer or mandoline, make

    very thin slices o the rozen bread and

    toast them in a medium oven.

    Finish the plate with several cylinders

    o sardine lets in a soup dish. Fill the

    cylinders with the herring roe, and over

    the roe put a bit o tomato and cover with

    the bread roonish by adding a good

    deal o olive oil.

    mrite Sries with Herri Roe, Veetbles Toto Bre


  • 8/14/2019 OCEANA Newsletter Fall09 Web


    I youre a CREDO member, then you gevote on how to distribute the 2009 donatiounding to 50 nonprot organizations. Tyear, Oceana is on the ballot and we ne

    your votes! The more votes we get, the more unding well receive. This extra support reagoes a long way and helps us continue to do our vital work.

    Voting is easy. Go to wrkinga.m/ving and vote or us. Its a quick and eectway to support Oceana at no extra cost to you.

    Not a CREDO member? Sign up or CREDO Action at rdain.m or switch to CREMobile, brought to you by Working Assets. As a member, youll be able to help increase muneeded unding or Oceana and support the causes you believe in just by talking on the phoSince 1985, CREDO members have raised over $60 million or worthy groups like ours. Lea

    Oceana is a member o EarthShare, a ederation that repre-sents the nations most respected environmental and conser-vation charities in hundreds o workplace giving campaigns

    across the country.EarthShares payrollcontribution pro-gram allows donorsto direct their contri-bution to Oceana; toany combination o

    EarthShares members; or to all o them through one generalgit to EarthShare! To nd out more about how you and yourworkplace can support Oceana through an EarthShare cam-paign, please email [email protected] or visit EarthShares

    Oceana is published by Oceana Inc. For questions or comments about Oceana, or tosubscribe to Oceana, please call Oceanas membership department at +1.202.833.3900, [email protected] or write Oceana, Member Services, 1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, 5thFloor, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA.

    bal | Washington, D C eurp | Brussels | Madrid Nr Amria | Boston | Juneau | Kotzebue | Monterey | New York | Portland | St. Petersburg cnral Amria | Belize City su Amria | S

    Printed with Eco-Ink low volatility vegetable oil-basedink on 25% post-consumer recycled, processed chlorineree paper produced using 100% wind power in a carbonneutral process.

    Oce cpis to protect restore the worls oces. Our tes o rie

    scietists, ecooists, lwyers voctes wi specic cocrete policy ch

    to reuce pollutio to prevet the irreversible collpse o sh popultios, ri

    ls other se lie. globl i scope eicte to coservtio, Oce

    hs cpiers bse i north aeric, Europe South Cetrl aeric.

    more th 300,000 ebers e-ctivists i over 150 coutries hve lrey joi

    Oce. For ore iortio, plese visit www.oce.or

    about Oce

    OCEANA | Sergio Goslvez Giv day a oana.rg/giv

    1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, 5th FloorWashington, DC 20036phone: +1.202.833.3900toll-ree: 1.877.7.OCEANA

    Oceanas Privacy Policy: Your right to privacy is important to Oceana, and we are committed t o maintaining your trust. Personal inormation (

    as name, address, phone number, e-mail) includes data that you may have provided to us when making a donation or taking action as a WaveM

    on behal o the oceans. This personal inormation is st ored in a secure location. Credit card donations through the Web site are made via a se

    server. Like other non-prots, Oceana may make contact inormation (not including e-mail addresses) available to other organizations we believe

    be o interest to our members and supporters. I you would like t o review the inormation in our les, correct it, or ask Oceana to rerain rom sh

    your contact inormation with other organizations, please contact us by writing us an e-mail at [email protected], by calling Oceanas member

    department at +1.202.833.3900, or by writing to us at Oceana Member Services, 1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, 5th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036. We

    be happy to accommodate your request.

    Oceanas accomplishments wouldnt be possible without the support o its

    members. You can help Oceana fght to restore our oceans with your fnancial

    contribution. Call us today at 1.877.7.OCEANA, go to our Web site www.ana.rg/giv and click on give today or use the envelope provided inthis newsletter. You can also invest in the uture o our oceans by remembering

    Oceana in your will. Please contact us to fnd out how. All contributions toOceana are tax deductible. Oceana is a 501(c)(3) organization as designated bythe Internal Revenue Service.