obtrusion of wizards

Directed by David Higginbotham OBTRUSION OF WIZARDS

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Obtrusion of Wizards. Directed by David Higginbotham. Sigh…. Ahab sits on top of his large pile of booty, wishing to be a whale in the ocean. I guess I’ll go mope alone…. Ahab leaves to take a walk and mope alone. Woah , what!? Ah, NO!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Obtrusion of Wizards

Directed by

David Higginbotham


Page 2: Obtrusion of Wizards

Ahab sits on top of his large pile of booty, wishing to be a whale in the ocean.


Page 3: Obtrusion of Wizards

Ahab leaves to take a walk and mope alone.

I guess I’ll go mope alone…

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Ahab finds a nice bush to sit in, away from gold and jewels, only to find out he is sitting in money.

Woah, what!? Ah, NO!

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Ahab becomes very angry and runs out of the bush.

Stupid money. I can’t believe it.

Nowhere to go…

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Ahab returns to his hill to find a strange man in tights sitting on his hill, eating a sandwich.

What? Who?

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The strange man stands up and begins talking with a mouth full of food, without facing Ahab.

Rabble Rabble Rabble!

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Ahab strains to understand what the strange man is saying.

I don’t understand a word you are


Rabble Rabble!

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Ahab shouts over the mumbling maniac to tell him to stop talking with his mouth full.

Swallow your food!

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The stranger turns around with a ridiculously huge smile on his face

Alright, now we can talk!

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The man drops his Reuben, runs up to Ahab and hangs his arm around his shoulders, poking his chest roughly.

You have let me use some of your gold for my Reuben. Now

I shall grant you a wish!

What In the world is


Page 12: Obtrusion of Wizards

Ahab stares at Juxta, confused and surprised by the close proximity of the wizard and what he was suggesting to him.

Your greatest dream shall

become reality!

Oh, God, why is he touching me.

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The wizard suddenly springs back!



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From behind him, The wizard reveals two children

Hi, there.


Meet my kids!

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The kids begin to talk at the same time in a bored monotone.

We are here to help our father grant wishes to the worthy using the power of love and togetherness

that is family….

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Ahab seemed less confused, slowly understanding what this was all about.

Oh, very interesting!

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The wizard spins around violently, his hands franticly dancing above his head. His kids follow suit with similar passion.

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Ahab suddenly disappears and the strange trio stop chanting and dancing.

Oh my gosh, I’m a whale!

Thar I blow! Heheheheh!

We did it, boys!

The power of love and
