observed deep circulation in the ulleung basin

Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826 Observed deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin W.J. Teague a, , K.L. Tracey b , D.R. Watts b , J.W. Book a , K.-I. Chang c , P.J. Hogan a , D.A. Mitchell b , M.-S. Suk c , M. Wimbush b , J.-H. Yoon d a Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004, USA b GSO, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197, USA c Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Seoul, Korea d Research Inst. Applied Mech., Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Received 19 July 2002; received in revised form 19 July 2003; accepted 8 October 2003 Available online 15 July 2005 Abstract Records from 16 current meters and 23 pressure gauges moored near the sea floor in the Ulleung Basin of the southwestern Japan/East Sea (JES) characterized the deep circulation between June 1999 and July 2001. Mean currents range from 1 to 4 cm/s and deep pressure anomalies range from 3 to 10 mbar, with horizontal correlation scales of about 40 km, and with integral time scales that range from about 5 to 20 days. Focusing here on the 90-day to interannual variability, synoptic maps of the deep currents and dynamic pressure fields determine that the deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin is cyclonic, with additional multiple cyclonic and anticyclonic cells that occur on sub-basin spatial scales. Over the Korea Plateau a northward deep outflow is observed that suggests an anticyclonic circulation pattern to the north. The annual average deep currents are remarkably similar for the 2 years, only slightly weaker in the second year. No seasonal pattern is discernable, except weakly at one or two sites. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1. Introduction In the Ulleung Basin (UB) at depths from about 400 m to the bottom (2200 m), the density is essentially uniform with temperatures less than 1 C and salinities less than 34.1 psu (Kim et al., 1991; Chang et al., 2002). This nearly homoge- neous deep water is referred to as the East (or Japan) Sea Proper Water (ESPW). These deep waters do not originate by local convection in the UB since surface temperatures in winter exceed 8 C, nor by inflow through the Korea/Tsushima Strait since the sill depth is less than 200 m. Instead, ESPW is believed to form in winter by sinking along the Russian shelf break in the northwestern JES (Vasilev and Makashin, 1992; Senjyu and Sudo, 1994) and by convection to depths of about 1000 m in the deep (almost 4000 m ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/dsr2 0967-0645/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.10.014 Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 228 688 4734; fax: +1 228 688 5997. E-mail address: [email protected] (W.J. Teague).

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Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826


Observed deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin

W.J. Teaguea,�, K.L. Traceyb, D.R. Wattsb, J.W. Booka, K.-I. Changc,P.J. Hogana, D.A. Mitchellb, M.-S. Sukc, M. Wimbushb, J.-H. Yoond

aNaval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004, USAbGSO, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197, USA

cKorea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Seoul, KoreadResearch Inst. Applied Mech., Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Received 19 July 2002; received in revised form 19 July 2003; accepted 8 October 2003

Available online 15 July 2005


Records from 16 current meters and 23 pressure gauges moored near the sea floor in the Ulleung Basin of the

southwestern Japan/East Sea (JES) characterized the deep circulation between June 1999 and July 2001. Mean currents

range from 1 to 4 cm/s and deep pressure anomalies range from 3 to 10mbar, with horizontal correlation scales of about

40 km, and with integral time scales that range from about 5 to 20 days. Focusing here on the 90-day to interannual

variability, synoptic maps of the deep currents and dynamic pressure fields determine that the deep circulation in the

Ulleung Basin is cyclonic, with additional multiple cyclonic and anticyclonic cells that occur on sub-basin spatial scales.

Over the Korea Plateau a northward deep outflow is observed that suggests an anticyclonic circulation pattern to the

north. The annual average deep currents are remarkably similar for the 2 years, only slightly weaker in the second year.

No seasonal pattern is discernable, except weakly at one or two sites.

Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction

In the Ulleung Basin (UB) at depths from about400m to the bottom (2200m), the density isessentially uniform with temperatures less than1 �C and salinities less than 34.1 psu (Kim et al.,1991; Chang et al., 2002). This nearly homoge-

e front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.


ng author. Tel.: +1228 688 4734;


ss: [email protected] (W.J. Teague).

neous deep water is referred to as the East (orJapan) Sea Proper Water (ESPW). These deepwaters do not originate by local convection in theUB since surface temperatures in winter exceed8 �C, nor by inflow through the Korea/TsushimaStrait since the sill depth is less than 200m.Instead, ESPW is believed to form in winter bysinking along the Russian shelf break in thenorthwestern JES (Vasilev and Makashin, 1992;Senjyu and Sudo, 1994) and by convection todepths of about 1000m in the deep (almost 4000m

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W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826 1803

in depth) central Japan Basin (Seung and Yoon,1995; Senjyu and Sudo, 1993, 1996; Choi, 1996).The cold bottom water is believed to enter the UBthrough the deep channel between Ulleung andDok Islands (Kim et al., 1991) or over the KoreaPlateau (KP) (Cho and Kim, 1995; Shin et al.,1998).The distinctive properties of the deep water

require at least some weak deep circulation tomaintain its homogeneity. The absence of stratifi-cation suggests negligible vertical shear at geos-trophic length and time scales. Few directmeasurements of the deep flows exist in the JESto confirm this, however. The earliest measure-ments of the deep flow were made in the JapanBasin. Nanniti et al. (1966) used a drifting float at800m depth to observe a drift of 1.5 cm/s. The firstlong-term moored measurements of the mid-depthand deep currents were made by Takematsu et al.(1999) as part of the CREAMS (CirculationResearch of East Asian Marginal Seas) program.They found energetic deep eddy currents in theJapan Basin, with speeds of the order of 10 cm/sbetween 900 and 2400m, observed to be verticallycoherent and nearly depth independent. They alsoreported a pronounced seasonal pattern, withstrong currents in March and April and weakcurrents in the summer.In the Ulleung Basin, long-term measurements

of currents have been more difficult to makebecause of intense fishing, in which crabbers laylong lines of crab traps (1 km and longer) on thebottom at depths in excess of 1000m. A mooringdeployed by Lie et al. (1989) for about 2.5 monthsin water depth of 800–900m off the east coast ofKorea observed southwestward flow with a meanof 3.8 cm/s at 790m depth and peak speeds of11 cm/s. Recently, Chang et al. (2002) reportedsubstantial southward flow averaging over 6 cm/sat about 1200m depth with a mooring deployednear 37�N along the Korean slope and maintainedfor about 2 years. They were the first to measuremid-depth and near-bottom velocities in theinterior of the UB. Since 1996, they have main-tained a single current meter mooring with severallevels instrumented in the deep channel (UlleungInterplain Gap, UIG) between Ulleung Island andDok Island. In addition, since 1998 two moorings,

each with a single deep current meter, have beendeployed in the southern and central portions ofthe UB. The subthermocline currents were nearlydepth-independent, with bottom velocities aver-aging 1–2 cm/s.Because of the paucity of direct observations,

the general circulation in the Ulleung Basin hasremained poorly understood and theories conflicteven regarding the cyclonic or anticyclonic sense ofthe mean flow. Water mass evidence suggests thatthe deep waters come from the Japan Basin. Thesewaters can only enter the Ulleung Basin via theUIG or over the Korea Plateau between theKorean coast and Ulleung Island (Fig. 1). Kimet al. (1991) suggested that the anticycloniccirculation observed in the upper layer with CTDdata would extend to the bottom as well due to theuniform density below the thermocline. In con-trast, the recent current measurements at four sitesmade by Chang et al. (2002) indicate a cyclonicdeep-circulation pattern in the UB.To elucidate the near-surface and bottom

circulation patterns in the Ulleung Basin anobservational program was recently conductedby the University of Rhode Island (URI) and theNaval Research Laboratory as part of the UnitedStates’ JES program. The deep current measure-ments in this program are the most comprehensiveever made in the JES. Data are obtained from anarray of 11 recording current meter (RCM)moorings and 23 pressure-sensor-equipped in-verted echo sounders (PIES) deployed for 2 yearsbeginning in June 1999 (Fig. 1). The current metermoorings are coordinated with the set of fourcurrent meter moorings deployed by the KoreanOcean Research and Development Institute(KORDI) and presented in Chang et al. (2002).An additional mooring in the southeastern portionof the UB was deployed by the Research Instituteof Applied Mechanics (RIAM) of Kyushu Uni-versity. Altogether, 16 RCM sites are used to levelthe pressure measurements, and the combineddatasets generate daily regional maps of the deepstream function and the deep current patterns.This paper provides a thorough description of themean deep currents and their longer than 90-d-period variability, as observed by this highlyinstrumented array.

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128.5°E 129°E 129.5°E 130°E 130.5°E 131°E 131.5°E 132°E 132.5°E 133°E35°N












P1-2 P1-3

P1-4 P1-5 P1-6

P2-1 P2-2 P2-3 P2-4 P2-5

P3-1 P3-4

P4-2 P4-3P4-4


P5-1 P5-2

P5-3 P5-4


M1-1 M1-2 M1-3




M3-1 M3-3











Korea P



Oki S



UIGUlleung IslandDok Island

Korea /Tsushima Strait

Ulleung Basin



Fig. 1. Locations of the current meter moorings (squares) and PIES (triangles) are shown. The current meter moorings consist of 11

from URI (M moorings), four from KORDI (E moorings), and one from RIAM (J mooring). All PIES (P moorings) are from URI.

Depths are in meters. UIG denotes the Ulleung Interplain Gap.

W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–18261804

2. Data processing

2.1. Current meter records

We used Aanderaa RCM8 current metersstandardly equipped with a rotor and vane forspeed and direction measurements. Geographicpositions, instrument depths, bottom depths, and

deployment times of the moorings are listed inTable 1. All of the current meters are located20–30m above the bottom in water depths rangingfrom about 1200 to over 2000m. URI RCMsrecorded at nominal 1-h intervals during the 2-yeardeployment period. Due to instrument failures atsites M4-3S and at M3-3, their data returns werelimited to about a year and to 2 months,

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Table 1

Current meter summary

Mooring Lat Lon Depth Bottom Day1 Day2 Stall %

M1-1 37.72 129.62 1197. 1220. 160. 910. 14

M1-2 37.75 129.95 1639. 1662. 160. 846. 18

M1-3 37.66 130.40 1547. 1570. 161. 913. 64

M1-5 37.72 132.20 2425. 2448. 163. 904. 35

M2-1 37.47 129.96 1534. 1557. 162. 912. 39

M2-2 37.25 130.67 2207. 2227. 195. 911. 17

M3-1 36.86 130.05 2188. 2211. 162. 914. 22

M3-3 36.82 131.42 2028. 2051. 159. 226. 46

M4-1 36.13 130.15 1527. 1550. 157. 909. 17

M4-3 36.28 131.50 1774. 1797. 164. 908. 11

M4-3 36.12 131.50 1523. 1546. 158. 533. 13

EC1 37.37 131.40 2355. 2375. 145. 950. 47

EC2 36.08 130.83 1650. 1670. 143. 830. 47

EC3 36.77 130.83 2194. 2220. 144. 833. 42

EC4 36.87 129.95 1228. 1250. 146. 833. 13

J1 36.35 132.13 1383. 1410. 170. 887. 33

Latitude (Lat), longitude (Lon), current meter depth (Depth),

bottom depth (Bottom), deployment times (start time of Day1

and end time of Day2 relative to January 1, 1999), and

percentage of stall time (Stall %) are provided.

W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826 1805

respectively. At site M1-3 the rotor stoppedspinning for about 9 months half-way throughthe deployment period; however, it rotated unim-peded and produced an apparently normal recordfor the final 3 months. The KORDI RCM recordsare fully documented by Chang et al. (2002).The RCM8 registers a minimum current speed

of 1.1 cm/s, which is treated as a current stall (i.e.,zero speed); thus current speeds less that 1.1 cm/sare indistinguishable. We chose to use zero speedrather than use, for example, half the stall speedbecause the direction measurement becomes un-reliable at low current speeds. Since the resolutionof the RCM8 is about 0.3 cm/s, the minimumresolvable current speed is 1.4 cm/s. On occasion,some of the records contained unrealizably high orlow speeds. These values are also treated as stallsin the data processing steps. The speed anddirection records are converted into u and v

velocity component time series, respectively posi-tive towards the east and the north.In the next processing step, the eight main tidal

constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, Q1, and P1)are removed. A harmonic analysis technique isused for determining the constituent amplitude

and phase by least-squares fitting sinusoids to theraw data. This procedure advantageously operateswithout equally spaced data and thus can skipover the stall periods. By the Rayleigh criterion, ina low-noise environment the tide constituents, M2,S2, N2, K1, O1, and Q1, can be resolved with 1month of data, while 6 months of data are neededfor the additional resolution required by K2 andP1. Thus, the URI RCM record lengths are morethan adequate to resolve the tides. In general, tidalamplitudes in the UB are less than 40 cm and thetidal currents account for a low percentage of thetotal current variability.After removal of the tidal signals from both

velocity components, splines are fitted individuallyto the u and v time series specifying knots at allnon-stall values. For periods that contain no morethan five consecutive stalls (nominally 5 h), thestalls are replaced with spline-fitted values. Forconsecutive stalls extending for longer periods, u

and v are set to zero. Table 1 also lists thepercentage of time with zero current remaining inthe records (Stall %) after the short stall periodshave been interpolated.Of the 11 URI RCMs, 10 instruments exhibited

clock drifts of 18–24min and one clock driftedabout 38min. The time base of each current recordwas adjusted by spreading the appropriate clockdrift uniformly through the entire current record.Subsequently, the u and v data were interpolatedonto 1-h intervals.Since analyses in this paper focus on lower

frequencies, the current data are presented afterlow-pass filtering using a 40-h cutoff filter. Thisfiltering has removed tidal and inertial currents,which contain periods of about 20 h at theselatitudes, and which are a dominant source ofshort-period variability in all of the records.

2.2. Pressure records

Pressure is measured with Digiquartz pressuretransducers (models 46K-101 and 410K-101)manufactured by Paroscientific, Inc. Paros (1976)and Wearn and Larson (1982) provide detaileddescriptions of these transducers. They aremounted on inverted echo sounders (IES models4 and 5 used in this experiment), which were

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tethered less than 1m above the seafloor. Adescription of the IES and mooring configurationis provided in Chaplin and Watts (1984). Thepressure sensors have a resolution of 0.1mbarð1mbar ¼ 1 hPaÞ and an absolute accuracy of10–30mbar. The processing of the individualpressure records from initial editing throughlow-pass filtering is described in Mitchell et al.(2005). Summarizing briefly, the initial processinginvolved removal of jumps and long-term drifts.Abrupt jumps (offsets) ranging in magnitudefrom a few centimeters to tens of meters occurredat 11 sites. Jumps like this had not been obser-ved in previous experiments using the samesensors, and in this case they have been attri-buted to the instruments being jostled by crabfishermen. Because corresponding jumps also wereobserved in the travel-time records, the pressurejumps are readily identified and removed. Mostof the instruments exhibited drifts less than25mbar over the 2-year period. However largedrifts (200–450mbar) occurred in five of therecords, which were from a common batch ofolder gauges (these have subsequently been re-tired). Drift curves are fitted to the recordsfollowing the procedure of Watts and Kontoyian-nis (1990) and subsequently subtracted from eachdata point. While we estimate that the driftremoved from the initial 60 days of each recordcould have residual errors of 0.5–1mbar, the errorremaining in the rest of each record is less than0.15mbar.The pressure records were low-pass filtered

using a 120-h cutoff frequency to remove ageos-trophic signals. The resulting 23 pressure recordswere remarkably similar to one another on all timescales, with correlations between all pairs ofrecords exceeding 0.93. This basin-wide signal,independent of location, is treated in relation toatmospheric forcing by Park and Watts (2005), butfor calculating geostrophic deep currents it isdynamically unimportant. It is computed for eachsampling period (1-h interval) as the mean ofpressure records from three sites which have hadthe tidal signals removed. The basin-wide signal(shown later in upper left panel of Fig. 6) wassubtracted from all 23 pressure records prior toleveling and mapping.

2.3. Leveling

The remaining subsections describe the proce-dures used to refer all pressure records to the sameabsolute geopotential, and the optimal interpola-tion method used to produce daily maps of thedeep streamfunction. Except for modificationsdiscussed here, the leveling and mapping proce-dures follow those presented in Watts et al. (2001).Leveling was accomplished by assuming the

measured mean deep currents were geostrophic todetermine reference pressure differences betweenall sites. Optimal interpolation (OI) following theGauss–Markov method of Bretherton et al. (1976)was used to map the deep streamfunction fieldfrom the 2-year mean current measurements.Because the UB is enclosed along three sides by

steep bathymetry, mapping of the mean flow fieldwas improved by constraining the field so that noflow was allowed to go through these boundaries.This was accomplished by specifying the meanpressure to be a constant, Pbndy ¼ 0, at 27 selectedlocations along the 300m isobath (except along theeastern edge near Dok Island where the pointsfollowed the 800m isobath). These boundarieswere located about 10–30 km outside our mappingregion. The streamfunction field obtained usingjust the mean measured currents and Pbndy wasmapped to each PIES site ðPcmÞ. Next, the mean ofeach pressure record ðPÞ was determined over thesame time interval as that used for the currents.The reference level for each PIES was calculated asPref ¼ Pcm � P. Time series of leveled pressureswere determined by adding these Pref values toeach respective pressure record.

2.4. Mapping

Daily maps of the deep pressure and currentfields were obtained by combining leveled pres-sures and current measurements in a multivariate,nondivergent OI procedure. Once leveled, thepressure measurements alone could have beenused to produce the maps. However, reducederrors result when both pressure and its gradientsare supplied to the mapping procedure. Addition-ally, more realistic flow fields were obtained bypreventing flow through the west, south, and east

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boundaries of the UB, as had been done in theleveling procedure. Required inputs to the OIprocedure are the correlation length r0 and thenoise-to-signal ratio E0. The correlation lengthwas determined empirically by least-squares fittinga Gaussian function to the spatial correlationsestimated from pairs of leveled pressures. With thebasin-wide mean removed, the correlation lengthof the leveled pressure records fell to 40 km. Thevalue of E0, estimated from the measurements,was set to 0.05 for both the pressure and currentrecords.Multiple mapping steps were used to produce

the final daily maps. First, since the OI procedureoperates with variables that have zero mean, amean field was removed from the input data priorto the OI and restored to the output afterwards.Accordingly, the pressure field and its geostrophicvelocity field were mapped both to the inputlocations and the output grid by a preliminarymultivariate OI using the 2-year-long temporalmeans of the measured currents and leveledpressures and specifying Pbndy ¼ 0. The meanswere then subtracted from the leveled pressure andcurrent records to produce ‘‘demeaned’’ records.The no-flow through the boundary constraint onlyrequires Pbndy to be a constant for each day;however, Pbndy may vary from day to day. Tocalculate the appropriate value for Pbndy, the OIprocedure was applied to the demeaned currentand pressure records without constraining theboundary to determine the daily streamfunctionvalues at all 27 Pbndy sites and their average wascalculated. Subsequently, the OI procedure wasapplied again to the demeaned pressure andcurrent records including the daily meanPbndy along the boundary. Gridded fields of thedemeaned pressure and velocity were produced ona 1/8� � 1/8� grid. The mean fields were restored tothese fields to produce the final sequence ofpressure and current maps.

3. Current observations

Stick plots of the currents exhibit a wide rangein variability (Fig. 2) from weak and eddy-like tostronger and more persistent in speed and direc-

tion. Despite the range in variability, however,current speeds less than 2 cm/s dominate through-out the basin, accounting for 40–85% of theobserved speeds at all but three sites.Weak currents with variable direction are

evident in many of the records shown in Fig. 2.For the most part, these sites are located in theinterior of the UB away from strong topography.Lowest speeds are observed at sites M4-1 and EC2(along the south border of the UB), where speedsless than 2 cm/s account for over 80% of theobservations.Relatively strong and steady currents are

observed at four sites. Persistent and strongsouthward flow, sometimes exceeding 10 cm/s fora week and longer, are observed at M3-1 and EC4,sited close together along the Korean shelf. Stablecurrents of nearly equal strength, but directedtowards the northwest and out of the UB, areobserved at M1-2 (located over the KP). Fewcurrent reversals are recorded at any of these threelocations. At EC1 (in the middle of the UIG), theflow is typically directed to the southwest, butseveral eddy reversals are observed.Several high-velocity northward current events

are observed at M2-1, but in general the currentdirection is more variable at that site. These eventspersist from as little as several days to many weeks.Basic statistics for the low-passed filtered data

are presented in Table 2 for the 2-year period andtwo 1-year-long subsets. Year 1 spans June1999–June 2000 and Year 2 spans June 2000–June2001. The mean current estimates could be biasedlow by the treatment of the stalls during proces-sing. Alternate stall treatments were investigatedat M2-1 and M1-5 where high percentages of stallsremained after processing. It was determined thatthe mean speeds at those sites could have beenunderestimated by approximately 8%. The stan-dard error listed here is defined as the standarddeviation divided by the square root of the numberof degrees of freedom, which is estimated as thesample period divided by the integral time scale.The integral time scale is defined as the discreteintegral of the time-lagged autocorrelation func-tion from zero lag to the first zero crossing afterdemeaning and detrending the time series. Thisdefinition is the same as that employed by Chang

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et al. (2002), allowing for direct comparison withtheir values; our Year 1 encompasses a similartime period to their ‘common length’ period. Theintegral time scales range from a minimum of 4days at J1 to a maximum of 30 days at M1-2. Forseven of the 13 sites with record lengths exceeding660 days, the typical integral time scale exceeds 12days; for the remaining six sites, typical valueswere roughly half that length.We are motivated to examine the seasonal

aspects of deep flow for several reasons: strongseasonal patterns had been observed in deepcurrents in the Japan Basin (Takematsu et al.,1999); the stratification throughout the thermo-cline exhibits a clear seasonal signal; and wind






























150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 55Day (relati




S Sp N

Jul99 Oct99 Jan00 Apr00 Jul

Fig. 2. Current stick diagrams (north is positive on the y axis) at 1

removed using a low-pass filter with a 40-h cutoff frequency.

forcing over the JES is monsoonal. Three-month-long seasonal averages of the u and v velocitycomponents are presented in Fig. 3. Seasonally-averaged velocities generally range from 0 to 2 cm/s, except at M1-2, M3-1, and EC4 where theyexceed 3 cm/s. Seasonal effects are clear only atEC4, where minimum southward velocities areobserved in the fall period. At M2-1, evidence of aseasonal signal may be discernable from themaximum northward velocities in the Year-1 falland Year-2 winter. No seasonal signal is evident atany other moorings.On seasonal time scales, eddy kinetic energy

(EKE) ranges from 0:2 cm2=s2 at EC2 to17:8 cm2=s2 at M2-1, and mean kinetic energy









0 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950ve to 1999)

00 Oct00 Jan01 Apr01 Jul01

2-h intervals are shown. Tides and inertial currents have been

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Table 2

Basic statistics for the low-passed filtered data

Mooring No. days ITu (day) U su SEu Umin Umax Spd Dir EKE

time period ITv (day) V sv SEv Vmin Vmax Spdmax Dirmax MKE

M1-1 747 9.50 0.09 1.40 0.16 �5.38 4.74 1.61 176.81 3.29

Jun99–Jun01 9.07 �1.61 2.15 0.24 �9.50 5.72 9.71 167.06 1.30

M1-1 356 3.83 �0.01 1.23 0.13 �4.71 3.57 1.84 180.17 2.81

Jun99–Jun00 8.51 �1.84 2.03 0.31 �7.41 4.08 7.80 156.44 1.70

M1-1 365 5.32 0.09 1.52 0.18 �5.38 4.74 1.29 175.90 3.64

Jun00–Jun01 7.61 �1.29 2.23 0.32 �9.50 5.72 9.71 167.06 0.83

M1-2 661 12.84 �1.28 1.27 0.18 �8.19 3.98 3.81 340.38 3.36

Jun99–Jun01 29.99 3.59 2.26 0.48 �2.52 13.22 14.30 337.56 7.25

M1-2 356 6.90 �1.34 1.24 0.17 �6.11 3.98 3.72 338.95 3.01

Jun99–Jun00 17.58 3.47 2.12 0.47 �2.52 8.77 9.45 330.28 6.93

M1-2 305 5.30 �1.21 1.30 0.17 �8.19 3.04 3.91 341.96 3.74






























150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950Day (relative to 1999)




S Sp N

Jul99 Oct99 Jan00 Apr00 Jul00 Oct00 Jan01 Apr01 Jul01

Fig. 2. (Continued)

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Table 2 (continued )

Mooring No. days ITu (day) U su SEu Umin Umax Spd Dir EKE

time period ITv (day) V sv SEv Vmin Vmax Spdmax Dirmax MKE

Jun00–Jun01 24.96 3.72 2.40 0.69 �1.84 13.22 14.30 337.56 7.65

M1-3 480 4.11 �0.06 1.37 0.13 �6.01 6.01 1.16 357.09 2.71

Jun99–Jun01 5.83 1.16 1.89 0.21 �4.24 10.53 10.68 9.66 0.68

M1-3 354 2.17 �0.07 1.12 0.09 �5.39 6.01 1.11 356.29 2.29

Jun99–Jun00 5.28 1.11 1.83 0.22 �4.24 10.53 10.68 9.66 0.62

M1-5 737 13.73 �0.97 2.55 0.35 �11.70 9.24 1.09 243.37 4.89

Jun99–Jun01 8.46 �0.49 1.82 0.19 �9.91 6.36 11.76 264.11 0.59

M1-5 353 13.35 �1.21 2.57 0.50 �11.70 4.48 1.29 249.16 4.85

Jun99–Jun00 9.81 �0.46 1.76 0.29 �8.11 3.47 11.76 264.11 0.84

M1-5 365 6.04 �0.56 2.38 0.31 �8.43 9.24 0.73 230.54 4.51

Jun00–Jun01 8.23 �0.46 1.84 0.28 �9.91 6.36 10.16 193.81 0.26

M2-1 746 5.15 �0.28 1.76 0.15 �12.12 15.63 1.54 349.48 7.30

Jun99–Jun01 13.01 1.52 3.39 0.45 �8.02 19.02 19.16 352.71 1.19

M2-1 354 6.56 �0.44 1.77 0.24 �12.12 5.71 1.53 343.49 7.54

Jun99–Jun00 7.22 1.47 3.45 0.49 �8.02 16.77 17.12 347.92 1.17

M2-1 365 5.11 �0.14 1.79 0.21 �6.98 15.63 1.53 354.76 7.35

Jun00–Jun01 12.94 1.52 3.39 0.64 �6.08 19.02 19.16 352.71 1.16

M2-2 709 12.77 �0.31 2.30 0.31 �7.06 9.15 0.40 310.28 4.18

Jun99–Jun01 8.31 0.26 1.76 0.19 �6.52 6.28 9.16 87.25 0.08

M2-2 317 10.66 �0.09 2.33 0.43 �7.06 6.65 0.37 345.68 4.69

Jun99–Jun00 7.90 0.35 1.98 0.31 �6.38 6.28 8.50 47.85 0.07

M2-2 365 12.72 �0.39 2.25 0.42 �5.28 9.15 0.45 301.62 3.74

Jun00–Jun01 7.75 0.24 1.55 0.23 �6.52 4.78 9.16 87.25 0.10

M3-1 748 12.67 �0.48 0.86 0.11 �6.17 3.91 2.70 190.26 2.65

Jun99–Jun01 19.26 �2.66 2.13 0.34 �8.21 2.68 8.37 191.40 3.64

M3-1 354 11.55 �0.26 0.94 0.17 �4.95 3.91 2.61 185.78 2.67

Jun99–Jun00 20.82 �2.60 2.11 0.51 �7.52 2.68 7.52 178.77 3.41

M3-1 365 5.14 �0.68 0.65 0.08 �3.51 1.62 2.95 193.43 2.44

Jun00–Jun01 16.37 �2.87 2.11 0.45 �8.21 1.81 8.37 191.40 4.35

M3-3 59 11.31 0.16 1.46 0.64 �3.21 3.72 1.32 7.05 2.64

Jun99–Jun00 7.86 1.31 1.77 0.64 �1.06 6.82 7.77 28.60 0.87

M4-1 748 4.51 0.24 0.95 0.07 �3.32 3.94 0.24 98.14 0.91

Jun99–Jun01 4.75 �0.03 0.96 0.08 �4.29 3.42 4.46 196.10 0.03

M4-1 359 6.31 0.40 0.99 0.13 �3.32 3.94 0.42 106.18 1.00

Jun99–Jun00 4.59 �0.12 1.01 0.11 �4.29 3.42 4.46 196.10 0.09

M4-1 365 4.05 0.09 0.90 0.09 �2.47 3.09 0.13 47.34 0.80

Jun00–Jun01 4.33 0.09 0.89 0.10 �2.60 3.33 3.43 14.86 0.01

M4-3n 740 6.95 0.66 1.88 0.18 �5.03 6.73 0.76 59.59 2.96

Jun99–Jun01 4.56 0.39 1.55 0.12 �4.30 5.70 6.98 124.58 0.29

M4-3n 352 9.89 0.68 1.76 0.30 �3.83 6.73 0.72 70.69 2.39

Jun99–Jun00 4.90 0.24 1.30 0.15 �3.97 5.43 6.87 101.40 0.26

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Table 2 (continued )

Mooring No. days ITu (day) U su SEu Umin Umax Spd Dir EKE

time period ITv (day) V sv SEv Vmin Vmax Spdmax Dirmax MKE

M4-3n 365 5.83 0.65 2.00 0.25 �5.03 5.97 0.82 51.99 3.52

Jun00–Jun01 4.42 0.50 1.74 0.19 �4.30 5.70 6.98 124.58 0.34

M4-3s 358 5.28 1.10 1.95 0.24 �4.18 8.63 1.12 80.20 2.71

Jun99–Jun00 4.74 0.19 1.28 0.15 �3.23 7.31 8.63 89.81 0.63

EC1 777 9.25 �1.55 2.69 0.29 �10.32 8.54 1.87 235.78 5.59

Jun99–Jun01 10.73 �1.05 1.99 0.23 �9.42 3.70 12.23 225.69 1.75

EC1 354 7.73 �1.82 2.43 0.36 �10.32 5.74 2.04 243.56 4.13

Jun99–Jun00 7.27 �0.91 1.54 0.22 �6.97 3.04 10.44 228.27 2.07

EC1 356 8.65 �1.51 2.80 0.44 �9.66 8.54 1.96 230.38 6.66

Jun00–Jun01 9.65 �1.25 2.34 0.39 �9.42 3.70 12.23 225.69 1.92

EC2 670 7.09 0.20 1.01 0.10 �3.10 3.92 0.50 24.24 0.89

Jun99–Jun01 4.59 0.45 0.87 0.07 �2.53 3.84 4.24 67.71 0.12

EC2 359 7.50 0.08 1.08 0.16 �3.10 3.92 0.64 7.16 0.92

Jun99–Jun00 4.51 0.64 0.82 0.09 �1.62 3.52 4.24 67.71 0.21

EC2 311 5.97 0.35 0.91 0.13 �2.86 3.57 0.42 55.47 0.78

Jun00–Jun01 4.08 0.24 0.86 0.10 �2.53 3.84 3.84 358.14 0.09

EC3 669 20.18 0.04 2.11 0.37 �7.35 6.77 0.14 160.54 4.09

Jun99–Jun01 14.83 �0.13 1.93 0.29 �9.14 5.03 9.42 195.26 0.01

EC3 355 10.66 0.50 1.67 0.29 �3.43 6.77 0.57 61.28 3.53

Jun99–Jun00 11.09 0.27 2.06 0.36 �6.45 5.03 8.51 127.30 0.16

EC3 315 23.31 �0.47 2.41 0.66 �7.35 5.09 0.74 218.90 4.29

Jun00–Jun01 15.93 �0.58 1.66 0.37 �9.14 3.48 9.42 195.26 0.28

EC4 673 15.06 0.52 1.09 0.16 �4.58 4.14 5.30 174.32 7.45

Jun99–Jun01 12.01 �5.27 3.70 0.49 �18.53 6.09 18.54 181.89 14.03

EC4 359 6.87 0.77 1.07 0.15 �2.34 4.14 6.10 172.75 8.65

Jun99–Jun00 12.68 �6.05 4.02 0.76 �18.53 6.09 18.54 181.89 18.62

EC4 314 10.29 0.24 1.05 0.19 �4.58 2.40 4.38 176.82 5.26

Jun00–Jun01 8.74 �4.38 3.07 0.51 �12.93 4.14 12.93 181.29 9.61

J1 705 3.80 0.00 1.68 0.12 �5.10 8.13 0.27 1.00 2.30

Jun99–Jun01 5.06 0.27 1.34 0.11 �5.17 7.70 10.23 48.89 0.04

J1 347 3.51 �0.00 1.60 0.16 �5.10 5.67 0.51 359.91 2.08

Jun99–Jun00 6.57 0.51 1.26 0.17 �3.17 5.60 6.01 70.30 0.13

J1 354 4.07 �0.00 1.75 0.19 �4.73 8.13 0.03 357.88 2.46

Jun00–Jun01 4.56 0.03 1.37 0.16 �5.17 7.70 10.23 48.89 0.00

Integral time scales for each current component (ITu and ITv), average current components (U and V , where U is positive eastward

and V is positive northward) standard deviations (su and sv), standard errors in velocity, (SEu and SEv), velocity minima (Umin and

Vmin), velocity maxima (Umax and Vmax), average speeds (Spd), average directions (Dir, measured clockwise where 0� is North),

maximum speed (Spdmax) directions of the maximum speeds (Dirmax), eddy kinetic energies (EKE) and mean kinetic energies (MKE)

are presented for the 2-year period and individual years. Units are cgs.

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Fig. 3. Average east–west ðU ; �Þ and north–south ðV ;nÞ velocity components are shown for Summer (Su: July, August, September),

Fall (Fa: October, November, December), Winter (Wi: January, February, March), and Spring (Sp: April, May, June).

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(MKE) ranges from near zero at many of themoorings to over 24 cm2=s2 at EC4 (Fig. 4). MKEis larger than EKE at M1-2, M3-1, and EC4,locations where the mean currents are bestdetermined. EKE clearly dominates at the othermoorings because of weak mean flows. There areno clear seasonal signals in either EKE or MKE,and their patterns are quite different betweenmoorings.The averaged vectors for Year 1 and Year 2 and

the 2-year averages can be compared in Fig. 5. Theflow directions of the mean currents are verysimilar from year to year, except where meancurrents are so weak at M4-1 and EC3. At sitesaround the edges of the UB, the mean vectorsfollow the bathymetry closely. The southwardflows at M1-1, EC1 and M1-5 indicate that strongdeep inflow into the Ulleung Basin occurs acrossthe Korea Plateau (near the shelfbreak in latitudes37–38�N) as well as through the UIG. Northwardmean flows are observed on the eastern portion ofthe KP near Ulleung Island.Mean velocities decrease by approximately

0.5–1 cm/s from Year 1 to Year 2 at M1-1, M1-5, EC2, and J1. At site EC4, the velocities decreaseby about 2 cm/s during the second year. Thesedifferences are minor, and the annual meancurrents are quite stable in both speed anddirection.

4. Pressure observations

The 2-year-long records of leveled pressures arepresented in Fig. 6. With the basin-wide signal(uppermost left panel) removed from the records,the residual signal in the leveled pressures is weak.Seven of the 23 records exhibit peak-to-peakfluctuations of less than 3mbar and an additionaleight have ranges under 4mbar. The maximumrange observed is about 10mbar, at site P1-4.The largest standard deviations ðstd41mbar in

Fig. 6) occur at sites P1-4, P2-1 and P2-5. At P1-4,the fluctuations are short bursts of intensifiedpressure lows. Since this site is located along theedge of a deep, narrow channel northeast ofUlleung Island (Fig. 1), these fluctuations may beassociated with pulses of stronger current flowing

through the channel. In contrast at P2-5, longerperiod ð4400 daysÞ pressure fluctuations domi-nate. At site P2-1, the high variability is consistentwith the high EKE observed at the neighboringM2-1 current mooring.

5. Deep flow patterns

From current measurements at four locations inthe UB, Chang et al. (2002) reported deep meanflow that is consistent with cyclonic circulation.However, the paucity of instrumented sites in thatexperiment left much of the UB unsampled. Here,we combine their observations with our moreextensive array of RCMs and PIESs to examinethe deep flow patterns throughout the UB. Inaddition to increased areal coverage, this highlyinstrumented array has the advantage of betterspatial resolution by combining data from PIESsites on an approximate grid spaced 50–60 km andthe RCMs sited near the middle of the squares.The mean currents and standard deviation

ellipses for the 2-year period, Years 1 and 2, andquarter years are displayed together with thecorresponding dynamic pressure maps in Fig. 7.The pressure maps (Fig. 7a) are fields of perturba-tion pressure relative to a deep reference hydro-static pressure (whose actual value is immaterial).Below 1000m the dynamic pressure is nearlydepth-independent, because the vertical shear isalmost negligible below the pycnocline. The deepcurrent measurements used for leveling the pres-sures geostrophically therefore could all be treatedas reference velocities at the reference pressure(even though the RCM sites ranged in depths from1200–2300m). We estimate that departures fromgeostrophic and hydrostatic (thermal wind) bal-ance in this deep circulation (such as causing smallcross-isobath components of flow) are less than0.1mbar, and therefore have negligible effects onthe mapped fields presented.Currents at sites that have means larger than

their respective ellipses are relatively stable(Fig. 7b). In this sense, the stable annual currentsare confined to two sites along the Korean shelfand one site over the Korea Plateau. At the othersites, the mean current vector is located entirely

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Fig. 4. Average eddy kinetic energy, EKE ð�Þ and mean kinetic energy, MKE ðnÞ in units of cm2=s2 for seasons described in Fig. 3.

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Mean Deep Currents

130 131 132 133 134





























2000 2000





1 cm/sYear 1+2

Year 2

Year 1

Fig. 5. Deep currents averaged over each year and over both years (June 1999 to June 2001). Bathymetry (Choi, 1999) units are meters.

W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826 1815

within an almost circular ellipse, which indicatesno prevalent current direction for daily currents.However, almost all of the mean currents (except

for M2-2, M4-1, EC3, and J1) are significant forannual time scales using the criteria that thestandard error (6–12 times smaller than the

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Basin Average




P1-1 std = 0.45




P1-2 std = 0.63




P1-3 std = 0.57




P1-4 std = 1.23




P1-5 std = 0.78




P1-6 std = 0.51




P2-1 std = 1.06



re (






P2-2 std = 0.63




P2-3 std = 0.42




P2-4 std = 0.71

Jul 99 Jan 00 Jul 00 Jan 01 Jul 01-5



P2-5 std = 1.03




P3-1 std = 0.68




P3-3 std = 0.60




P3-4 std = 0.56




P4-2 std = 0.67




P4-3 std = 0.57




P4-4 std = 0.74




P4-5 std = 0.83




P5-1 std = 0.72




P5-2 std = 0.64




P5-3 std = 0.66




P5-4 std = 0.46

Jul 99 Jan 00 Jul 00 Jan 01 Jul 01-5



P5-5 std = 0.41

Fig. 6. Time series of leveled pressure at 23 PIES sites and the basin-wide pressure signal removed from each record prior to leveling.

The records at the individual sites have been low-pass filtered using a 5-d cutoff period and are plotted at 12-h intervals. The basin-wide

signal has not been low-pass filtered and is shown at hourly intervals. Standard deviations are in millibars.

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2 cm/s

Yr 1 + Yr 2

2 cm/s

Yr 1

2 cm/s

Yr 2

2 cm/s


2 cm/s


2 cm/s


2 cm/s


2 cm/s


2 cm/s


2 cm/s


-2 -1 0 1

2 cm/s


Pressure (mbar)


Fig. 7. Dynamic pressure fields (A) corresponding to the mean currents with their standard deviation ellipses (B). Two-year and

individual-year averages (left column), Year 1 quarterly means (middle column), Year 2 quarterly means (right column). Geostrophic

current vectors are shown for every other grid point on the pressure fields. Contour interval is 0.25mbar. The velocity scale in the lower

right corner of each panel indicates 2 cm/s.

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Fig. 7. (Continued)

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standard deviation, as listed in Table 2) is smallerthan the larger current component.The 2-year and each 1-year averaged flow fields

are all remarkably similar, corroborating that themeans are stable. As was suggested by the meanvectors in Fig. 5, a mean cyclonic circulationpattern in the UB is evident in these maps.However, the higher resolution afforded by thesedynamic pressure fields reveals that the deepcirculation consists of at least two cyclonic cells.The cells range in size from about 50 to 100 km,although the two-cell pattern is barely resolved bythe geographical spacing of our measurement sites.Low-pressure cells are found along the shelf breakoff Korea and in the interior of the UB. The lowalong the shelf break is usually more intense thanthe low in the eastern half of the UB. These cellsare separated by a high-pressure ridge extendingsouthward from the vicinity of Ulleung Island. Inaddition to the low-pressure cells, the mean deepflow field is characterized by a pressure higharound Ulleung Island, which extends to thenorth.The stability of the mean circulation over the 1-

and 2-year periods lead us to examine the meansover shorter time scales. Quarterly (3-month-long)means were determined for both Year 1 and Year2 (Fig. 7). These quarterly-mean dynamic pressuremaps exhibit a wide variety of features, with somefeatures common to all periods and others distinct.For all quarterly periods, southward flow is foundalong the Korea shelf break, while northward flowis found over the KP farther offshore. Theintensity of these features varies between averagingperiods. For example, the low-pressure cell off theshelf was both spatially extensive and strongduring January–March 2000, whereas it was smalland weak during October–December 2000. Thecurrent ellipses are noticeably smaller during thislatter period. Similar variations in intensity andsize are apparent for the anticyclonic cell nearUlleung Island. At times the anticyclone pene-trates deep into the interior of the UB (Januar-y–March 2000) while at others it is confinedfarther north (July–September 1999). Despitethese differences, the current at M1-2, locatedbetween the high- and low-pressure cells over theKP, is remarkably strong and steady during nearly

all quarterly periods. The exception is October–December 2000, when the low-pressure cell is weakand the high extends over the whole KP.The circulation in the southeastern region of

the UB near the Oki Spur is weak and variable.The quarterly means exhibit both cyclonic andanticyclonic circulation patterns with features ofshort spatial scale. Differences in the orientation ofthe standard deviation ellipses for Year 1 at twocurrent meters along the southern boundary,separated by only 18 km, highlight the lowcoherence and shortness of scales.The mapped fields indicate regions of deep flow

into and out of the UB. Transport into the basinoccurs in two locations, along the shelf break offKorea and through the UIG. The mapped fieldsand current vectors show that transport out of theUB takes place over the KP. Northward flowacross the plateau is associated with an antic-yclonic circulation pattern that extends aroundUlleung Island. However, because the KP isabout 500m shallower than the UB, the deeperwaters in the basin would either be blocked or anycomponent of flow normal to the ridge wouldimply substantial vertical motion over the rise. Thedynamic-pressure maps also suggest that flow exitsthe UB on the southeastern side of the UIG pastthe northern tip of the Oki Spur. The annual meanand many of the quarterly-mean maps indicateoutflow past Dok Island associated with a low-pressure anomaly in the vicinity of the UIGchannel. Furthermore, flow out of the region isassociated with a high-pressure cell in the north-east corner of the mapped fields. Unfortunately,there are no directly measured currents in eitherarea to confirm these findings.

6. Modelled currents

The NRL Layered Ocean Model (NLOM) isused here to simulate the abyssal circulation in theJES to further examine deep flow patternsobserved by the measurements. NLOM is a semi-implicit primitive equation ocean model withvertically integrated model equations for eachlayer. The fundamental model design is describedin detail in Hurlburt and Thompson (1980),

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Table 3

NLOM model parameters

Grid resolution 1=32� (lat) �45=1024� (lon)Number of vertical layers 4

Layer interfaces 60m, 130m, 250m

Wind stress forcing Hellerman and Rosenstein (1983)

KTS inflow Mean transport of 2.0 Sv plus

seasonal signal

Outflow Tsugaru and Soya straits balancing

KTS inflow

W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–18261820

although Wallcraft (1991) has significantly en-hanced the current version. The dynamics of thecirculation, including the coupling of the abyssaland surface circulations, and the impact of bottomtopography is described in Hogan and Hurlburt(2000). That work also includes a completedescription of the JES model configuration usedhere. A summary of the pertinent model para-meters is given in Table 3.NLOM depicts several distinct circulation pat-

terns in the UB. Snapshots of the NLOM abyssalcirculation show that the cyclonic pattern mayconsist of a single large cyclonic cell encompassingalmost the entire UB (Fig. 8a) or may becomposed of multiple smaller cells, both cyclonicand anticyclonic (Fig. 8b). Like the observedfields, the NLOM flow patterns are highly variablein both space and time. In general these patternsresemble those actually observed with the PIESand RCM measurements (Fig. 7). Yet the singlecyclonic pattern that is commonly produced byNLOM is observed less often. However, since thesimulated currents are forced with monthlyclimatology and do not assimilate oceanic data,they have no correspondence with the actual dateof the observations. Hogan and Hurlburt (2000)found that the deep flows in the Ulleung Basin aredriven by mesoscale flow instabilities rather thansurface wind forcing.Annual mean NLOM current vectors with

standard deviation ellipses are determined atlocations near the current meter positions (Fig. 9).The NLOM locations are shifted slightly fromthe actual mooring locations in order for themodel bathymetry to more closely match actualdepths at the measurement sites. Overall, theagreement between measured annual current

means and ellipses (Fig. 7b) and those producedfrom NLOM is reasonable. Similar to the mea-surements, the NLOM vectors show inflow intothe UB through the UIG and over the KP. Theyalso show flow exiting the basin over the KPnear Ulleung Island. Yet, some differences exist.For example, the NLOM values tend to besmaller than the measurements. This underestima-tion may be an artifact of the model because itsabyssal current represents a thick bottom layerbelow 250m.Nevertheless, because the modelled abyssal

currents compare favorably with the measuredcurrents they are used to help examine finer detailsof the circulation pattern at a few selectedlocations. Three additional ‘‘simulated moorings’’are included in Fig. 9. MM1 and MM3 are placedin the southeastern portion of the UIG to examinethe flow on the side of the channel where nocurrent measurements were made. The NLOMmean currents at both locations are northeast-ward, supporting the pathway for deep flow out ofthe UB suggested in some maps by the observa-tions (Fig. 7). This northeastern outflow is clearlyevident in both NLOM snapshots shown in Fig. 8.MM2 is placed on the western side of the interiorof the UB to examine the flow regime between thetwo cyclonic cells revealed by the moored array.The modelled currents at this simulated mooringsuggest a connection between the two circulationcells.The NLOM currents can be used to calculate

volume transport along a section between UlleungIsland and Dok Island, spanning approximatelybetween the 1000m isobaths. Transport below250m into the UB on the northwestern end of thesection in the deep layer of NLOM (250m to thebottom) is 0.68 Sv (1 Sv is 106 m3=s). Transport outof the basin on the southeastern side is 0.38 Sv,yielding a net transport of 0.3 Sv into the basin. Ifthe net inflow into the UB is upwelled, theresidence time in the basin can be approximateddividing the volume of the basin by the nettransport. Then for a depth of 1700m and an areaapproximated by 200 km square, the residencetime for the abyssal waters is about 7 years. Theassociated upwelling rate, estimated by transportdivided by area, is about 60 cm/day.

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7. Discussion

There is a marked lack of horizontal coherencein most of the deep flows. The dissimilarities are

129E 130E







0.05 M(A)

Fig. 8. Currents in the abyssal layer (arrows) from NLOM and bo

consisting of one large cyclonic cell in (A) and multiple cells in (B).

apparent in the stick vector plots of the low-passedcurrents shown in Fig. 2. For example, littlecoherence is evident in the close neighbor recordsfrom sites M4-3N and M4-3S, located along the

131E 132E


ttom topography (red contours) are shown for two snapshots

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129E 130E 131E 132E







0.05 M/S(B)

Fig. 8. (Continued)

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southern edge of the UB (separated by less than20 km). Eddy-like variability is observed in most ofthe records, especially at sites in the interior of the

UB. Strong eddy events with speeds exceeding10 cm/s are observed at some of these sites, whileat others the currents never reach 4 cm/s. In

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Fig. 9. NLOM mean currents and their corresponding stan-

dard deviation ellipses are shown for a 1-year period. Note that

three additional simulated moorings (MM1, MM2, and MM3)

have been added.

W.J. Teague et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 52 (2005) 1802–1826 1823

contrast, the currents at four sites exhibit relativelysteady speed and direction when compared to theeddy variability. Three of these sites are locatedalong the steep topography off Korea. Topo-graphic steering accounts for the elongated var-iance ellipses at these sites.Better correlations are found in the deep flows

on the steep shelf break off Korea. Persistentsouthward flows are observed at EC4 and M3-1,which are located within about 10 km of eachother. The instrument depths differ by nearly950m, and the average flow decreases from about5 cm/s at the shallower site to 3 cm/s at the deepersite. Stronger currents occur in bursts over aperiod of a month or two, interspersed with weakcurrents. Such a current pattern is suggestive of ameandering deep western boundary current. Thereare few current reversals at either of these twolocations. One of these reversals occurs in bothrecords in late October 1999. At that time,transport through the Korea/Tsushima Straitreached a maximum (Teague et al., 2002) and theupper layer of the entire UB warmed considerably(Mitchell et al., 2005). This suggests that thestrengths of the upper and lower circulations maybe coupled.The Korea Plateau is a confluence region for the

currents in the surface layer, where the northward-flowing East Korean Warm Current (EKWC)meets the southward-flowing North Korea ColdCurrent (NKCC). They join to form the Subpolar

Front (also called the Polar Front), whichseparates from the coast and flows towards theeast-northeast (Preller and Hogan, 1998) along thenorthern edge of the UB. Located beneath thissurface confluence were several deep RCMs andPIESs that measured flows both into and out ofthe UB. Fairly steady southward flow, averaging1.6 cm/s, is observed at the mooring closest to theKorean shelf. This is consistent with earlier currentobservations of Lie et al. (1989) at a similarlocation. Unexpectedly, however, the two moor-ings located only about 30 km farther offshoreobserve flows of equal or greater strength in theopposite direction. Northward flow is also ob-served at a third site on the KP closer to UlleungIsland. Surprisingly, the most intense northwardflow is observed at the northernmost of the threemoorings (site M1-2) at a site separated from thesteepest topography. The dynamic pressure maps(Fig. 7a) show cyclonic circulation near theKorean shelf adjacent to an anticyclonic circula-tion around Ulleung Island. Mooring M1-2 isnearly always situated in the relatively high-gradient region between these two circulation cellswhere stronger flows should occur.Topographic effects on the currents are clearly

evident in the southwesternmost corner of the UBnear the KTS. Here the shelf break changesorientation from north/south along the Koreancoast to east/west along the southern boundary.Simultaneously, the topography also changesabruptly from steeply-sloped to more gradual.Neighboring moorings along the steep shelfexhibited strong southerly flows and a continua-tion of such flow might be expected at the mooringin the southwestern corner (M4-1) as well. Instead,the currents are weak and directed east-south-easterly similar to the orientation of the localbathymetry. Since the isobaths are also spacednearly ten times farther apart, it is reasonable forisobath-following mean currents to spread out, inwhich case their corresponding speed woulddecrease by an order of magnitude.Chang et al. (2002) find direct evidence of

southwestward inflow, averaging about 2 cm/s,through the UIG using a single mooring. Such acurrent for an effective channel width of 50 km anda thickness of 2000m yields a transport of 2 Sv.

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This inflow must be balanced by a combination ofoutflow and upward mass flux into the thermo-cline. In this experiment, deep flow was measuredalong the channel as far east as the tip of the OkiSpur with a set of five PIESs and two RCMs. Theaveraged pressure fields show a low-pressureanomaly covering this region, with currents flow-ing towards southwest along the northwesternflank of the anomaly. A small region of higherpressure occurs east of Dok Island and along theOki Spur. This pattern suggests that the deep flowmay exit out of the UB along the eastern edge ofthe UIG. NLOM model results also indicate flowleaving the basin in this region. However, the shortspatial scales and the lack of direct currentobservations in the UIG region prevent confirma-tion that the flow reverses.

2 cm/s

1 T1

2 cm/s

3 4

-2 -1 0 1 Pressure (mbar)

Fig. 10. Dynamic pressure fields averaged for the same time periods as

al. (2005).

Evidence of deep outflow from the UB isobserved on the Korea Plateau, where we hadeight relatively closely spaced instruments. Itappears likely that most of the deep UIG inflowexits again to the north in the sub-thermocline.Deep outflow should dominate over upwelling, bythe following argument: If there were uniformdeep inflow across the UIG channel, the transportwould be about 2 Sv; and if there were nocompensating deep outflow, the residence timewould be very short, only 1 year in the deep UB;the upper waters would then be a mixture of nearlyequal amounts of warm inflow from TsushimaStrait and upwelled near-zero �C deep water. As acounterexample, the upper Ulleung Warm Eddycan persist for many months with propertiessimilar to the inflowing KTS waters, indicating

2 cm/s 2 cm/s


2 cm/s 2 cm/s


those for temperature at 100 dbar shown in Fig. 3 of Mitchell et

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weak upwelling. Consequently it seems likely thatthe deep inflows and outflows nearly compensateone another.While Takematsu et al. (1999) found a signifi-

cant seasonal pattern at deep moorings in theJapan Basin, seasonal variability is weak or absentat all of our moorings in the UB. Weak seasonalityimplies that the deep currents are not directlyforced by surface winds nor by local strongchanges in upper-layer stratification due to inflowfrom the Tsushima Current, nor by remotewintertime convection. However, since qualitativedifferences do exist between the quarterly-meanpressure fields, it is interesting to explore otherpossible correlations with the upper-layer varia-bility. Mitchell et al. (2005) use the PIES acoustictime measurements to examine the temperaturefield at 100 dbar. They find five to six distinctregimes that persist for 45 days to over 4 months.These upper circulation patterns also do notexhibit a seasonal cycle. The dynamic pressurefields in Fig. 10 are averaged over the same timeintervals as those for the upper layer (Fig. 3 intheir paper). Intriguing connections between theupper and lower fields are suggested. For example,when the entire upper basin is filled with warmwater (pattern T1), low pressure covers most ofthe deep basin and strong gradients exist. Con-versely, when the EKWC is absent and the upperlayer is mostly cold, higher pressure and weakergradients occur at depth (pattern 3). A thoroughexamination of the coupling between the upperand lower layers, however, is beyond the scope ofthis paper.

8. Conclusions

For the first time, the deep circulation of theUlleung Basin has been monitored by an extensivearray of in situ measurements. Mean flow vectorsdefine stable estimates of a cyclonic circulation inthe UB over the 2-year measurement period. Mapsof the deep streamfunction show that the cycloniccirculation consists of two cells with a ridge ofhigher pressure separating them. A region of highpressure and anticyclonic flow is always presentaround Ulleung Island. While the two annual

means are similar, the quarterly means exhibitconsiderable differences. However, there is noevidence of a seasonal pattern in the circulation.Deep flow enters the UB through the UIG (thechannel between Ulleung and Dok Islands) andalong the Korean shelf break. Flow out of thebasin is observed over the Korea Plateau. Outflowis also hypothesized along the eastern side of theUB, but no measurements exist in that region.


This work was supported by the Office of NavalResearch ‘‘Japan/East Sea DRI’’. Basic ResearchPrograms include the Japan/East Sea initiativeunder grant N000149810246 and the NavalResearch Laboratory’s ‘‘Linkages of Asian Mar-ginal Seas’’ under Program Element 0601153N.M.-S. Suk and K.-I. Chang were supported bygrants from the KORDI’s in-house project entitled‘‘Marine Ecosystem Response to Climate Varia-bility in the East Sea’’ under Project NumbersPE82500 and PE83300. J.-H. Yoon was supportedby a grant from the Japan Marine ScienceFoundation’s program, ‘‘The study of intermedi-ate and deep circulation of the Japan Sea’’.


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