objective: to understand how civilizations began. focus: how did civilizations arise? what was...

Objective: To understand how civilizations began. Focus: How did civilizations arise? What was

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Objective: To understand how civilizations began.

Focus: How did civilizations arise? What was Michael Jordan’s major in college?

Chapter 1Chapter 1

Toward CivilizationToward Civilization

Understanding Our Past…Understanding Our Past… What is geography?What is geography?

Study of people, their Study of people, their environments, and the resources environments, and the resources available to them.available to them.

Its five themes are:Its five themes are: Location-latitude and longitude; relative locationLocation-latitude and longitude; relative location Place-physical features (landforms, bodies of Place-physical features (landforms, bodies of

water, soil quality, inhabitants, population water, soil quality, inhabitants, population density, economic activities, religion, language density, economic activities, religion, language and other cultural aspects).and other cultural aspects).

Human-environment interactionHuman-environment interaction Movement- the moving of people, goods, and Movement- the moving of people, goods, and

ideasideas Region-how geographers divide the worldRegion-how geographers divide the world



Nature vs. NurtureNature vs. Nurture


1) List elements of culture in your lives that shape you as an individual

2) Identify 5 themes of local geography


Mr. Looney: Germanic culture, Thai culture, American culture, African culture, Mexican culture

Bordentown: Location: 40 degrees N latitude, 74 degrees W longitude; Place: near the Delaware River, Human-Environment Interaction: Suburban Area/Car Culture; Movement: Internet, TV, drive to work; Region: Central Jersey, Burlington County, NE

What profession was What profession was Indiana Jones?Indiana Jones?

How do we How do we study/understand our study/understand our

past?past? AnthropologyAnthropology: study the origins and : study the origins and

development of people and their development of people and their societiessocieties

ArchaeologyArchaeology: study of past people and : study of past people and cultures through analysis of the material cultures through analysis of the material remains of human cultures (artifacts)remains of human cultures (artifacts)

Geologists:Geologists: experts on earth science; experts on earth science; help date artifacts help date artifacts

HistoriansHistorians: study how people lived in : study how people lived in the past(usually written evidence)the past(usually written evidence)

The first civilizations…The first civilizations… Earliest period of human history Earliest period of human history

is the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic is the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic age)age)

Human life believed to be started Human life believed to be started in East Africain East Africa

Hunter GatherersHunter Gatherers Family units that hunted and gathered. Family units that hunted and gathered.

They were nomadic peoples, or peoples They were nomadic peoples, or peoples that were constantly moving.that were constantly moving.

Used tools and most likely began using Used tools and most likely began using language to communicate during huntslanguage to communicate during hunts

Had religion (animism)Had religion (animism) Animism=surrounded by spirits and gods Animism=surrounded by spirits and gods

that take the form as trees and animals- that take the form as trees and animals- depicted in sophisticated cave paintings depicted in sophisticated cave paintings

Agricultural RevolutionAgricultural Revolution

11,000 years ago people began 11,000 years ago people began to farmto farm

How?How? May have realized the function May have realized the function

of seedsof seeds May have started weedingMay have started weeding May have started in one area May have started in one area

and spreadand spread

Farming (New Stone Farming (New Stone Age)Age)

What effects did farming have on human What effects did farming have on human development?development?

Need to know how to measure time Need to know how to measure time (calendars)(calendars)

Settle downSettle down Increased food supply led to population growthIncreased food supply led to population growth Woman could have more babiesWoman could have more babies In time, surplus of food allowed for job In time, surplus of food allowed for job

specializationspecialization Civilizations are created (around rivers)Civilizations are created (around rivers) How? Irrigation and controlling floods/heavy How? Irrigation and controlling floods/heavy

rains required leadershiprains required leadership

First CivilizationsFirst Civilizations

In In River ValleysRiver Valleys…Valleys of …Valleys of Tigris and Euphrates in the Tigris and Euphrates in the Mid-East, Nile in Egypt, Indus Mid-East, Nile in Egypt, Indus in India, and the Yellow River in India, and the Yellow River in China…why?in China…why?

What are the features of a What are the features of a civilization?civilization?

1.) Cities1.) Cities 2.) central gov’ts.2.) central gov’ts. 3.) Complex Religions3.) Complex Religions 4.) Job Specialization4.) Job Specialization 5.) Social Classes5.) Social Classes 6.) Arts and Architecture6.) Arts and Architecture 7.) Public Works7.) Public Works 8.) Writing8.) Writing

How did civilizations arise? How did humans go from hunter gathering nomadic tribes into civilizations?