obesity stigma: implications for patients and … stigma: implications for patients and providers....

Obesity Stigma: Implications for Patients and Providers Rebecca M. Puhl, PhD Director of Research Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity Yale University

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Obesity Stigma: Implications for Patients and Providers

Rebecca M. Puhl, PhD

Director of Research Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity

Yale University

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• Overview of the nature and extent of weight bias

• Consequences of weight bias for psychological and physical health

• How to reduce weight bias in clinical practice

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What is Weight Bias?

• Negative attitudes toward obese persons

• Stereotypes that obese persons are to blame for their weight, lazy, sloppy, lacking will-power & discipline, gluttonous

• Rarely challenged - leads to rejection, prejudice, and discrimination

• Can be both subtle and overt

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The Science on Weight Bias

• Employment • Education • The Media

Substantial Evidence of Bias in:

• Interpersonal Relationships

• Health care Puhl & Brownell (2001); Puhl & Heuer (2009)

• Youth

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Puhl, Andreyeva, Brownell (2008)

Rates of Reported Discrimination Among Adults Ages 25-74 (N = 2290)










GenderRace Age









Sexual o



Physical d



Men WomenError bars indicate 95% confidence intervals

Puhl, Andreyeva, Brownell (2008)

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Andreyeva, Puhl, Brownell (2008).

Trends in rates of reported discrimination among adults ages 25-74 (N = 2962)







GenderRace Age











Sexual o



Physical d



1995-96 2004-06

Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals

Andreyeva, Puhl, Brownell (2008) Andreyeva, Puhl, Brownell (2008))

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National Education Association, 2011

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Victimization of Overweight & Obese Youth

Among overweight youth, 30% of girls and 24% of boys are victimized at school

Vulnerability increases with body weight

Among the heaviest youth, 60% report victimization

Eisenberg et al., 2003; Griffiths et al, 2006; Janssen et al., 2004; Neumark-Stzainer et al., 2002; Storch et al., 2006

BMI predicts future victimization

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Adolescent reports of why peers are teased/bullied,

and observed frequency (N = 1555)

Puhl, Luedicke, Heuer. (2011) J School Health

Teasing and Bullying in Adolescence

Reason for teasing Primary reason Observed sometimes, students are teased often, very often

% %Being overweight 40.8 78.5Gay/lesbian 37.8 78.5Ability at school 9.6 61.2Race/ethnicity 6.5 45.8Physical disability 3.3 35.8Religion 1.2 20.8Low income/status 0.8 24.9

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Types of Weight-Based Victimization Observed Toward Overweight and

Obese Adolescents (N = 1555)

Puhl, Luedicke, Heuer. (2011) J School Health

Types of weight-based %victimization

made fun of 92called names 91teased in a mean way 88teased during physical activity 85ignored or avoided 76teased in the cafeteria 71excluded from activities 67target of negative rumors 68verbally threatened 57physically harassed 54

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Perpetrators: Peers - 90% Friends – 70% PE teachers/coaches – 42% Parents – 37% Classroom teachers – 27%

Weight-loss Treatment-Seeking Youth - 361 adolescents enrolled in weight-loss camps - 64% reported experiencing weight-based victimization - 4/5 students > 1 year - More than 1/3 > 5 years

-*Adolescents who reached a healthy weight were still at risk for WBV

Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, Pediatrics, 2012

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2,449 obese and overweight women

Puhl & Brownell, 2006

Ever More than Once & Source of Bias Experienced Multiple Times _________________________________________________________ Family members 72 62 Doctors 69 52 Classmates 64 56 Sales clerks 60 47 Friends 60 42 Co-workers 54 38 Mother 53 44 Spouse 47 32 Servers at restaurants 47 35 Nurses 46 34 Members of community 46 35 Father 44 34 Employer/supervisor 43 26 Sister 37 28 Dietitians/nutritionists 37 26 Brother 36 28 Teachers/professors 32 21 Authority figure (e.g. police) 23 15 Mental Health Professionals 21 13 Son 20 13 Daughter 18 12 Other 17 13

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Weight Bias in Health Care

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Weight bias documented in studies of:


Medical Students


Puhl & Brownell, 2001; Puhl & Heuer, 2009

Fitness Professionals

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Ferrante et al., 2009; Campbell et al., 2000; Fogelman et al., 2002; Foster, 2003; Hebl & Xu, 2001; Price et al., 1987; Puhl & Heuer, 2009; Huizinga et al., 2010

Providers view obese patients as: Non compliant Lazy

Awkward Weak-willed


Unsuccessful Unintelligent

Lacking in self-control


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Physicians… View Obese Patients as: - less self-disciplined - less compliant - more annoying As patient BMI increases, physicians report: - having less patience - less desire to help the patient - seeing obese patients was a waste of their time - having less respect for patients

Hebl & Xu, 2001; Huizinga et al., 2009

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Poor in self-control Non-compliant Sloppy Awkward Unsuccessful

Blumberg & Mellis, 1980; Keane, 1990; Persky & Eccleston, 2011; Puhl & Grilo, in prep; Wigton & McGaghie, 2001

- 24% have witnessed other students making derogatory jokes about obese patients in medical settings

- 31% have witnessed instructors make jokes - 53% have witnessed health providers make jokes

Medical Students

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Anderson & Wadden, 2004; Bertakis & Azari, 2005; Brown et al., 2006; Edmunds, 2005

- Feel berated & disrespected by providers

- Parents of obese children feel blamed / dismissed

Reactions of Overweight Patients

- Report that their weight is blamed for all problems

- Upset by comments about their weight from doctors

- Reluctant to address weight concerns

- Perceive that they will not be taken seriously

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Bacquier et al., 2005; Bertakis & Azari, 2005; Campbell et al., 2000; Galuska et al., 1999; Hebl & Xu, 2001; Kristeller & Hoerr, 1997; Price et al., 1987

Is Care Affected?

Provider interactions with obese patients:

- More assignment of negative symptoms

- Less intervention

- Less discussion with patients

- Less time spent in appointments

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Amy et al. (2006) Int J Obesity

Study of 498 women: Obese women delayed preventive services despite high access

Women attributed their decisions to:

- Disrespect from providers

- Embarrassment of being weighed

- Negative provider attitudes

- Medical equipment too small

* Barriers increased with BMI

Avoidance of Health Care

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If your doctor referred to your weight in a way that makes you feel stigmatized, how would you react?

I would feel bad about myself 42% I would be upset/embarrassed 41% I would talk to my doctor about it 24% I would seek a new doctor 21% I would avoid future doctor appointments 19%

Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke (2012) International Journal of Obesity: Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke (2011) Pediatrics.

N = 1064 Adults

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Increased Medical Visits

Health Consequences Avoidance of

Health Care


Negative Feelings

Unhealthy Behaviors, Poor Self Care

Bias in Health Care

Cycle of Bias and Obesity

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Consequences of Weight Bias


Physical health


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Social & Economic Consequences

- Social rejection - Lower peer acceptance

- Worse relationship quality

- Employment inequities

- Lower wages: obesity wage penalty

Gortmaker et al., 1993; Karnehed et al., 2006; Krukowsi et al., 2009; Pearce et al., 2002; Puhl & Heuer, 2009; Roehling et al., 2008; Sargent & Blanchflower, 1994; Strauss & Pollack, 2003

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Because of weight-based teasing: - Students report their grades are harmed - Students report avoiding school - The odds of these reports increased by

5% per teasing incident

(Even after controlling for gender, age, race, grades, and weight status) - Weight-based teasing mediates relationship between BMI and poor school performance

Academic Consequences

Krukowski et al., 2009; Puhl, Luedicke, Heuer, 2011 J Youth Adol.

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Depression Anxiety Low Self-Esteem

Poor Body Image


Weight Bias



(See review by Puhl & Heuer, Obesity, 2009).

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Consequences for Eating Behaviors Weight stigma increases risk of:

• Chronic dieting • Unhealthy weight control practices • Eating disorders • Binge eating • Increased food consumption

• Those with more negative affect in response to weight stigma are more likely to binge eat, and eat more

Eisenberg, Berge, Fulkerson, & Neumark-Sztainer (2011); Haines, Neumark-Sztainer, Eisenberg, & Hannan (2006); Haines, Neumark-Sztainer, Wall, & Story (2007); Puhl et al.,( 2007); Puhl et al., (2011); Schvey, Puhl, Brownell, (2011).

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Consequences for Physical Health

- Avoidance of physical activity

Bauer et al., 2004; Faith et al, 2002; Matthews et al., 2005; Schvey, Puhl, Brownell (under review); Schwimmer et al., 2003, Storch et al., 2006; Schmaltz, 2010; Seacat & Mickelson 2009; Vartanian & Shaprow, 2008; Vartanian & Novak, 2011.

- elevated blood pressure - Cardiovascular health

- increased physiological stress - increased cortisol reactivity

- Lower motivation for exercise

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What Can Health Care Providers Do?

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Identify personal attitudes Ask yourself: • How do I feel when I work with people of different body

sizes? • Do I make assumptions regarding a person’s character,

intelligence, abilities, health status, or behaviors based only on their weight?

• What stereotypes do I have about persons with obesity? • How do my obese patients feel when they leave my


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Consider the language you use about weight

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How would Americans react? 2 National Studies: 1064 Adults and 445 Parents

Perceptions of language used by doctors Least Stigmatizing/Blaming

weight unhealthy weight high BMI

Most Stigmatizing/Blaming fat morbidly obese

Most Motivating unhealthy weight overweight

Least Motivating fat morbidly obese chubby

Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, Pediatrics, 2011. Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, Int J Obesity, 2012.

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Findings were consistent across the population Reactions to stigmatizing language among parents: *Challenges recommendations from Public Health Minister

*The language that providers use about weight is important

Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, Pediatrics, 2011. Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, Int J Obesity, 2012.

Feel upset/embarrassed 42%

Seek a new doctor 35%

Avoid future medical appointments 24%

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Talking to patients about weight Neutral terms such as weight and BMI rather than

terms like fat, morbidly obese. Avoid language that places blame on patients Consider this language in discussions about weight: “Could we talk about your weight today?” “How do you feel about your weight?” “What words would you like to use when we talk about weight?”

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With overweight and obese youth…

Look for signs of weight-based teasing and bullying

Look for symptoms of associated psychological distress

Identify whether there is a support system in place

Share concerns with parents

Assist in efforts to obtain mental health services if needed

*WBV occurs at a diverse range of body sizes

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Office Environment

Considerations - Seating - Reading materials - Ramps & hand rails - Scales - Bathrooms * AMA Checklist

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Educational Video for Providers Online CME for Providers

Online Clinician Toolkit

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Increase attention to weight bias and its consequences Use respectful language Avoid approaches that shame and blame Focus on specific health behaviors Remove stigma from existing efforts Fight obesity, not obese persons

Efforts to Address Obesity Include weight bias on the agenda:

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Thank you

Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity www.YaleRuddCenter.org