nyspac fall conference

NYSPAC Fall Conference October 23, 2010

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NYSPAC Fall Conference. October 23, 2010. Agenda. Welcome and Introductions NYSPAC Update Spring Conference 2010 Highlights Advocacy 101 Issues Presentations Guest Speaker: “State of the State” Delegate Votes Roles & Responsibilities / Next Steps. Welcome & Introductions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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NYSPAC Fall Conference

October 23, 2010

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Welcome and Introductions NYSPAC Update Spring Conference 2010 Highlights Advocacy 101 Issues Presentations Guest Speaker: “State of the State” Delegate Votes Roles & Responsibilities / Next Steps

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Welcome & Introductions

NYSPAC Board of Directors

Member League Introductions

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Who We Are & What We Do

Treasurer’s Report

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Who We Are & What We Do Comprised of 18 Junior Leagues, representing more than

8,000 women from New York state.  NYSPAC takes action on select state and national issues

that support its focus areas: Women & Health Children & Families

NYSPAC educates League members on issues selected for support, facilitates communication among the member leagues, provides training in advocacy skills and strategies, and acts as the representative body of the member Leagues at the state and national level.

Recent advocacy efforts include: Securing healthier food and beverage options for children

in NY schools Improving the lives of victims of domestic violence Addressing foster care issues for “ageing out” youth Securing anti-human trafficking

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Current NYSPAC Member Leagues

Junior League of Binghamton

Junior League of Bronxville

Junior League of Brooklyn

Junior League of Buffalo Junior League of Central Westchester

Junior League of Kingston

Junior League of Long Island

Junior League of the City of New York

Junior League of Northern Westchester

Junior League of Orange County

Junior League of Pelham Junior League of Poughkeepsie

Junior League of Rochester

Junior League of Schenectady & Saratoga


Junior League of Syracuse

Junior League of Troy Junior League of Westchesteron Hudson

Junior League of Westchester on the Sound

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Spring Conference 2010

Jill Bryson, Women & Health Task Force andTara Regan, Children & Families Task Force

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Spring Conference 2010 Highlights One Voice. . .

9 Leagues 27 Delegates More than 40 Legislative


One Bill Per Focus Area. . . Women & Health

Domestic Violence Children & Families

Childhood Nutrition

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Spring Conference 2010 – Domestic

Violence Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act (DVJSA) Draft legislation that would allow for judicial discretion with

respect to the sentencing of domestic violence victims convicted of crimes that are a direct result of their abuse

As the proposed bill was still in development, NYSPAC supported the issue by educating Legislators and increasing their awareness of the need for legislation to address this critical population

NYSPAC continued its ongoing partnership with the Women in Prison Project (WIPP) on the development of this proposed bill

Next steps: Expect bill to be formally introduced in January 2011 and

legislative hearing to be scheduled in early January WIPP expects the DVSJA to move quickly through committee review

and anticipates a floor vote during the spring 2011 Legislative Session.

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Spring Conference 2010 - Childhood Nutrition

NYSPAC supported three bills addressing childhood nutrition: The Healthy Schools Act (Ass. Member Nolan, Sen.

Oppenheimer) To establish a wide range of health initiatives to prevent

childhood obesity, including healthy nutritional standards for food and beverages served in public schools Status: no votes for this bill in current legislative session

A7124/S1446 (Ass. Member Galef, Sen. LaValle) To amend public law regarding the sale, availability, and

distribution of healthy foods and beverages on school property and at school functions Status: no votes for this bill in current legislative session

The School Nutrition Act (Sen. Oppenheimer) To provide for the development and implementation of

statewide standards and a review of school wellness projects Status: no votes for this bill in current legislative session

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Advocacy 101

Fiona Grant, Lisa Hofflich & Denise Murphy McGraw

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Definition: Advocacy How and Why NYSPAC Advocates Overview of NY State Structure How a Bill Becomes a Law NY State Government Timeline NYSPAC Legislative Wins

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What is Advocacy?

Advocacy (noun): dates from the 15th century The act of pleading or arguing in favor

of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy; active support of a cause or course of action.

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Why Junior Leagues Advocate “Advocacy demonstrates the belief that

democracy works – that your voice can make a difference. When Junior League volunteers advocate on the behalf of the women and children that we serve, we not only give that community a voice, but a vibrant, passionate and articulate voice.”

- Saundra Smith, Past Communications Vice President New York Junior League

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NYSPAC Advocacy: What, How? What

Serves as the body that researches, vets, selects and sets NYSPAC’s annual legislative advocacy agenda

Ensures that the annual legislative advocacy agenda is in line with NYSPAC Member League priorities

How NYSPAC looks to Member Leagues and their community

partners, State-wide community organizations, Legislators and Government agencies for ideas on which legislation to publicly support each year

NYSPAC typically supports at least one to two bills each year, developing NYSPAC Member-approved position statements for each bill and directly lobbying elected officials for their support

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NYSPAC Advocacy: Goals

Build Relationships



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NYSPAC Advocacy: Tools Advocacy Day

State-wide representation Power of one voice at legislative meetings

Partnerships Teaming up with like-minded coalitions,

grass roots organizations and advocacy groups

JL Community Action Issue forums Relationship building Postcard and letter writing campaigns

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NY State Structure

Lieutenant GovernorServes as President of the State Senate

Assumes the governorship in certain cases

State ComptrollerChief fiscal officer of the State

Head of the Department of Audit and Control

Attorney GeneralState's chief legal officer

Prosecution of all actions for or against the State

ExecutiveHeaded by Governor (consists of 20 departments)State's chief executive and Commander-in-Chief

Gov. is required by the Constitution to submit a yearly State Budget

LeadershipTemporary President (Majority Leader)

Minority LeaderSenate Finance Committee Chair

Senate62 Members

2-year term (elected even # yrs)

LeadershipAssembly Speaker (Majority Leader)

Minority LeaderWays & Means Chairperson

Assembly150 members

2-year term (elected even # yrs)

LegislativeLawmaking branch of state government

Acts as a check upon the executive authorityMay override a Governor's veto

Court of Appeals (State's highest court)Appellate Courts

Trial Courts of Superior JurisdictionTrial Courts of Lesser Jurisdiction

Chief Judge of the Court of AppealsChief judicial officer of the State

Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Courts

JudicialNew York State's unified court system

Full-time judges, part-time judges and non-judicial employees.

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DraftingPut idea into bill form - usually done by the staff of the Legislative Bill Drafting Commission.

BillBills can be introduced only by legislators or by standing committees of the Senate and Assembly.

IdeaStarting point in the process - the first point at which the citizen has a chance to have a say in the writing or rewriting of law.

CommitteeComprised of specialists who are members of Standing Committees who evaluate bills and decide whether to "report" them (send them) to the Senate floor for a final decision by the full membership.

PassageAfter explanation, discussion or debate, a vote is taken. If a majority of the Senators approves, the bill is sent to the Assembly. If bill is approved in the Assembly without amendment, it goes on to the Governor. The reverse procedure is followed if the Assembly first passes a bill. Governor has 10 days (not counting Sundays) to sign or veto bills passed by both houses/

How a Bill becomes a Law

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Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

Apr. May.

Jun. Aug.Jul.

Executive Budget Making


Start of Fiscal Year

Enacted Budget Due: April 1stState of the

State Speech

Executive Budget

Legislative Session (mid Jan.-late June)


Legislative Committee Hearings

Budget Negotiations

21-Day Amendments

1-house budgets

Governor signs or vetoes program bills (continues through September)

Program Bills

New York State Government Timeline

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Recent NYSPAC Legislative Wins Mental Parity – Timothy’s Law

Supported by NYSPAC for 3 years Governor Pataki signed into law in December 2006

Combating Human Trafficking Passed same year NYSPAC supported legislation Governor Spitzer signed into law in May 2007

Funding for Women’s Shelter Services Supporting Victims of Human Trafficking Passed same year NYSPAC supported legislation Governor Spitzer signed into law in September 2008

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NYSPAC Timeline: 2010 – 2011 Advocacy Year

NYSPAC Leagues Begin

Issues Research

(Connect with community

partners on key issues)

Task Force Chairs lead Fall Conference

prep to educate delegates on issues research and how to present an issue at

Fall Conference

NYSPAC Fall Conference (10/23) -

Delegates Vote to Select 2010 – 2011 Advocacy Agenda

Election Day (11/2); Task Forces

Begin In-Depth Issues Research

New York State Legislature’s 2011 Legislative Session


Task Forces Reach Out to Legislators; Identify Bills that Fit with NYSPAC Advocacy Agenda

Task Forces Begin Scheduling Legislative

Appointments for Advocacy Day

Follow-up Letters Sent to


2011Legislative Session


Task Forces Finalize Talking Points and

Legislative Appointment Schedule

Task Forces Continue Issues Research &

Community Outreach Continue on NYSPAC

Advocacy Agenda

Task Forces Begin Drafting

Position Statement(s)


Conference & Advocacy Day (TBD)

NYSPAC Concludes Advocacy for 2010 -


Feb Mar Apr JunSept DecNovOct Jan

Task Forces Reconvene on Advocacy Agenda (review

action items from Legislative appointments

and discuss next steps needed on advocacy


Legislators Introduce New

Legislation; Committee

Agendas Set

Task Forces Finalize Position

Statements; Draft Key Talking Points

Final Position Statements

Sent to NYSPAC

Leagues for Approval


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A Last Thought…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!” - Margaret Mead, Anthropologist

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Issues Presentations and Open Q&A

NYSPAC Delegates

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“State of the State”

Barbara BartolettiLegislative DirectorLeague of Women Voters

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2010 – 2011 Delegate Vote NYSPAC Member Leagues to vote on:

2010-2011 advocacy agenda – up to two policy issues, with one runner-up issue

Date for Spring Conference 2011 April 4th & 5th

April 11th & 12th

Voting Procedure: One vote per League only Board Members are not eligible to vote*

(*unless designated as their League’s voting delegate)

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Roles & Responsibilities / Next Steps Task Forces

Issues research and prep calls Drafting of position statement(s); talking

points/key messages

NYSPAC Members Position statement approvals

Spring Conference & Advocacy Day Issues training & guest speakers Legislative appointments Press conference

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Thank you for a fun and productive Fall Conference –

we look forward to seeing you at Spring Conference next April
