nutrition bio 1102 lec. 9

6/4/2021 1 BIO 1102 Lec. 9: Chapter 14 -- Nutrition and Digestion Nutrition Many of us grew up with this food pyramid In 2005, the US Department of Agriculture created a new pyramid, which they called “My Pyramid” However, it was difficult to understand and apply Now we have “My Plate” Visually simpler and easy to apply What do you find helpful about this diagram? How could it be improved? What is a serving? “Portion” sizes have been increasing in recent years (“Super Size” fries and drinks, for example) Especially for not-so-good-for-you foods A recommended serving size of meat, bread, pasta, or dairy is quite a bit smaller than the typical American portion On the other hand, a serving of fruits or vegetables is probably smaller than you think… Vegetables 1 cup leafy greens ½ cup other vegetables, raw or cooked Fruits 1 medium apple, banana, or orange ½ cup chopped fruit ¾ cup fruit juice Breads, Rice, Pasta 1 slice bread 1 oz cereal ½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta Dairy: 1 cup milk or yogurt, or 2 oz cheese Meat: 2-3 oz cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish

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BIO 1102 Lec. 9: Chapter 14 -- Nutrition and Digestion


Many of us grew up with this food pyramid

In 2005, the US Department of Agriculture created a new pyramid, which they called “My Pyramid”

However, it was difficult to understand and apply

• Now we have “My Plate” –

• Visually simpler and easy to apply – What do you find helpful about this diagram? How could it be


• What is a serving?

– “Portion” sizes have been increasing in recent years (“Super Size” fries and drinks, for example)

• Especially for not-so-good-for-you foods

– A recommended serving size of meat, bread, pasta, or dairy is quite a bit smaller than the typical American portion

– On the other hand, a serving of fruits or vegetables is probably smaller than you think…

– Vegetables

• 1 cup leafy greens

• ½ cup other vegetables, raw or cooked

– Fruits

• 1 medium apple, banana, or orange

• ½ cup chopped fruit

• ¾ cup fruit juice

– Breads, Rice, Pasta

• 1 slice bread

• 1 oz cereal

• ½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta

– Dairy:

• 1 cup milk or yogurt, or 2 oz cheese

– Meat:

• 2-3 oz cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish



Protein – Protein RDA is calculated as your body weight X 0.4g/lb (so

a 120lb woman would need 120X0.4= 48g protein per day) • A 3 oz serving of meat/fish/poultry contains about 21-24g protein

– Protein sources for vegetarians? • 1 cup cooked quinoa contains 8g protein – and it’s

“complete” protein • 1 cup cooked soybeans contains 29g protein (also complete

protein) • 1 cup of cooked beans contains 12-14g protein • 1 oz nuts/seeds (like peanuts, almonds, or sunflower seeds)

contains 9g protein • 2 Tbsp peanut butter contains 7g protein • 1 large egg contains 6g protein • 3 oz tofu contains 6g protein

• Most Americans eat – Too many “unhealthy” breads and cereals (white

bread, refined grains, white pastas) • Healthy alternatives are whole-grain products

– Too much red meat and dairy products (cheeses) • Lean meats include fish and poultry, but protein can

also be obtained from beans, legumes, quinoa, and other vegetable sources

– Too many “bad” fats (saturated fats and trans fats) and sweets • “good” fats include olive and canola oils

– Not enough fruits and vegetables • On average, only 3 servings of fruits & veggies

• Should be eating at least 5 servings

• The human body needs a variety of MACRONUTRIENTS and MICRONUTRIENTS

• Macronutrients are required in greater quantities than micronutrients

• 4 Macronutrients: – Water

– Carbohydrates

– Lipids

– Proteins

• Water – Critical to many chemical reactions in the body

– Makes up ~60% of body weight

– The average person requires ~2 liters of water a day • Some can be obtained from food, most from drinking

fluids – 8 glasses of fluids a day is typically recommended

• Amount required varies with environmental and metabolic activities

• Activity increases water loss and metabolism

• Fever also increases water loss (physiological basis of “drink lots of fluids…” when sick)

– Drinking too little water can lead to dehydration

• Mild dehydration can make you tired

• Other symptoms: thirst, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, and muscle weakness

• Kidney stones can develop (deposits of calcium and other materials; damage kidneys and cause pain)

• Carbohydrates

– An important source of energy

– Includes sugars and starches

– Recall “Cellular Respiration”… glucose is broken down to obtain energy in the form of ATP’s to do cellular work

– Bread, rice, pasta, and many vegetables such as corn and potatoes are high in starch

• Starch is broken down into glucose

• Glucose enters blood and circulates through body, providing energy



– Excess glucose stored as glycogen in liver and muscles • Used in-between meals and during exercise

– Cellulose is a carbohydrate that is water-insoluble and humans cannot digest it • Important, nonetheless, in aiding movement of feces

through intestines

• Sources: whole wheat, corn, oat bran, flaxseed, peels and skins of most fruits and vegetables

– Water-soluble fiber, found in fruits and vegetables, also important in diet • Lowers blood cholesterol

• Sources: chia seeds, beans, oat bran

• Also, most fruits and vegetables

• While we’re talking carbohydrates…

• Refined flour versus whole grains

– Refined, white flour is made by removing the bran (husk) from the wheat grain; vitamins and fiber lost

– Recent study: people who ate mostly refined flour (i.e. white bread) had a waistline on average 1/5 inch larger than those who ate a diet high in whole grains

• Even though the whole grain diets were higher in carbohydrates overall

• Why? Refined grains are more rapidly metabolized by the body and turn into fat more quickly

• Lipids – Fats, Oils and Steroids such as Cholesterol

– Function as energy stores, or structural components of cells, or hormones

– Triglycerides – one of the most common • Animal fats and vegetable oils

• Store 2X the energy of glucose

– Stored in fat cells (and circulate in blood)

– Triglycerides from animal fats contain saturated fatty acids • Contributes to atherosclerosis (build up of cholesterol

on artery walls, restricting blood flow and leading to heart attacks and strokes)

– Heart Disease is the most common cause of death in United States (>610,000 deaths annually, according to the CDC in 2017)

– Risks of atherosclerosis can be reduced by: • Cutting back on red

meat and animal fats

• Cooking with vegetable oils

• Low-fat dairy products

– Saturated fats are linear molecules and take on a solid form at room temperature

• No double bonds; molecule is “saturated” with hydrogens

• Sources: animal fats

• Examples: butter; fat in steak or bacon

• Increase the liver’s production of cholesterol



– Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature • Example: oils from vegetables and nuts

(such as olive oil and canola oil)

• Polyunsaturated fats reduce risks for cardiovascular disease – Contain more than one double bond

– Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated; sources include fatty fish (e.g. salmon), walnuts, ground flax seeds or flax seed oil, chia seeds, and eggs from free-range chickens

– May help increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce triglyceride levels

• Avacados contain monounsaturated fats, which are also healthy; can help reduce cholesterol levels

– “Good” and “Bad” Cholesterol

– LDL Cholesterol: Low Density Lipoprotein

• Bad because it can build up in walls of arteries that feed the brain and heart (i.e. contributes to atherosclerosis)

– HDL Cholesterol: High Density Lipoprotein

• Good because high levels seem to protect against heart attack

• May carry LDL cholesterol away from arteries, to the liver, where it removed from blood circulation

– Steroids are also lipids • Sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are steroids

• Cholesterol is a steroid – Necessary component of cell membranes

– Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins, such as Lipitor and Zocor) • Lower LDL cholesterol only

• Statins inhibit action of the enzyme that controls cholesterol production in the body, and by increasing removal of cholesterol by the liver

• Also cause a slight increase in the good cholesterol (HDL)

• Some side-effects possible: reduction in an important antioxidant (CoQ10); might lead to muscle wasting in some people, and even heart failure

• Amino Acids and Proteins – Recall that Proteins are composed of chains of

amino acids, and that there are 20 different amino acids

– Humans can make some of these (~12) amino acids; the rest must be obtained from food • These are the “essential amino acids”

• Deficiencies can cause health problems

• Dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, and soy contain all essential amino acids

– When we eat protein (plant or animal), our bodies break it down into amino acids

– These amino acids can then be used to build new proteins in our bodies

• Overnutrition

– In the U.S., 70.7% of adults are overweight (2013-2014 CDC data)

– 37.9% obese (2013-2014 CDC data)

– Rate has increased significantly in last 30 years, including among young people



– What causes us to overeat?

– Hormone Leptin is involved: it is generated by fat cells, and sent to the brain (hypothalamus); more fat cells = more leptin = more messages to the brain that you are “full” and should burn energy

– When we try to diet, there is a drop in fat cells, thus a drop in leptin, which leads the hypothalamus to signal you are hungry; also leads to conservation of energy by muscles

• Even if you exercise, you burn less energy

– Leptin drops within 24 hours of a drop in food consumption

– Leptin likely evolved in a context where food wasn’t plentiful

– Its action helps prevent starvation

– Leptin isn’t the only factor; there may be a dozen or more genes that interact to determine a person’s likelihood of obesity


– Vitamins – organic compounds found in small quantities in our food

• Recycled in our bodies

– Too little, or too much, of a particular vitamin can cause health problems

– Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C and eight forms of vitamin B

• Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in body (more difficult to get “too much,” but still possible)

– Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K

• Stored in fat reserves in body

– Minerals: inorganic compounds obtained from food

• Examples: calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium

• Vitamin C – Most mammals can synthesize their own, but we have

lost the ability to do so – Important for manufacture of connective tissues, and

so plays important role in healing wounds; needed in formation of collagen in blood vessel walls to keep them flexible

– Also an important antioxidant, slowing the aging process and preventing cancer

– Vitamin C content of food declines when exposed to air, light, and heat

– Good sources: red bell peppers, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, citrus fruit, and strawberries

• B-vitamins – 8 individual vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7,

B9 and B12)

– B-complex vitamins play important role in converting glucose into ATP energy

– Also necessary for normal function of nervous system

– Also important for health of skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver

– B12 is necessary for production of red blood cells

– B12 is a product of bacteria; some animals can absorb sufficient B12 from bacteria in their digestive tracts; that is not reliable for humans, however



– Only reliable source is animal products (eggs, dairy, fish, poultry, red meat, especially organ meats like liver)

– Therefore, strict vegetarians should take a B-complex vitamin supplement

– But, our bodies do store B12 (unlike the other water soluble B vitamins); it is stored in liver, kidneys, and other places; a deficiency would take years to show up because we store extra B12

• Vitamin A – A family of nutrients that includes

• Retinol (important for vision)

• Retinal (important for vision)

• Retinoic acid (important for growth and differentiation)

• Carotenoids (which can be converted to vitamin A)

– Beta-carotene is the carotenoid with greatest vitamin A activity, and also acts as an antioxidant

– Rich sources of pre-formed vitamin A include fish liver oil, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, and all meats

– Carotenes are found in plants; best sources include dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, beet greens, etc.) and orange vegetables/fruits (carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc.)

• Vitamin D

– A group of related, fat-soluble vitamins

– Often, vitamin D2 is added to foods as a supplement (such as in orange juice or milk)

– Vitamin D3 is naturally found in cold-water fish, egg yolks, and butter

– Vitamin D is produced by our skin when exposed to sunlight (aka the “Sunshine Vitamin”)

– Many cells throughout body have receptors for Vitamin D, so it acts almost like a hormone

– Important for immune function, and for bone health (helps body absorb calcium and phosphorus)

– Vitamin D may also help prevent cancer:


– But don’t take high doses of supplements, as too much can be harmful:


• Vitamin E

– Includes eight related compounds

– Primary role is as an antioxidant

• Oxidants react with other molecules and can alter cellular structure

• Oxidation can contribute to cancer when the oxidant damages DNA

• Oxidation can lead to blood clot formation, too

• Antioxidants like Vitamin E react with the oxidants, instead of the body’s cells and molecules, taking the damage on themselves and preventing cellular damage

– Sources of Vitamin E include vegetable oils, raw seeds and nuts, and soybeans; some Vitamin E also found in leafy green vegetables and grains such as brown rice

• Vitamin K – Consists of three forms

• K1 – found in food

• K2 – produced in intestinal tract by bacteria

• K3 – synthetic form

– Vitamin K is sometimes called the “bandaid vitamin” because it plays important role in blood clotting • Necessary for formation of 4 of the 13 clotting factors

– Also plays role in bone formation (study: women with low vitamin K had more hip fractures)

– Sources: dark leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli, green tea, peas, asparagus, whole wheat, and oats

– About half of our daily need is produced by our bodies, but we must consume the other half



• Calcium

– Most abundant mineral in body

– Important for bones and teeth (98% of calcium in our bodies is located here)

– Also necessary for release of neurotransmitters, muscle stimulation, and regulation of heartbeat

– Dairy products contain significant amounts

– Canned sardines and salmon (containing the softened bones) also a good source

– Best vegetable sources: tofu (varies – check label) and leafy green vegetables

• Iron

– Necessary for blood’s ability to transport oxygen

• Makes up central core of hemoglobin molecule

– Also necessary for formation of myoglobin, found in muscle cells; helps muscles gain access to oxygen

– Also necessary for collagen production, and for neurotransmitter synthesis

– 2 forms of iron: heme and non-heme

• Heme iron: found in meats (23% bioavailable) – Clams, liver, oysters, beef, egg yolks

• Non-heme iron: found in plants (3-8% bioavailable; but with vitamin C, increases 200-300%) – Richest sources: kelp, beans, lentils, peas, pumpkin seeds,

almonds, Brazil nuts, raisins, spinach (?), and kale

– Vitamin C increases absorption of iron

• Antioxidants

– A group of helpful chemicals found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as tea, soy products, wine, and dark chocolate

– Help eliminate “oxidants” in blood

• contribute to build up of cholesterol in artery walls

• May also contribute to cancer

• Example: antioxidant EGCG in green tea –

• For Good Health: – More fruits and vegetables

• “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants” – Michael Pollan

• Variety

• “Slow food” instead of “fast food”

– More exercise

– Stress management

– Plenty of water

– Fewer saturated and trans-fats

– Fewer sweets

• Michael Pollan seems to promote a “flexitarian diet”

– Not as rigid as vegetarian diets

• Vegetarians do not eat meat, but may eat dairy products and/or eggs

• Vegans eat no meat, no dairy, and no eggs

– But promotes eating less meat

• Example: “Meatless Monday” movement (

• A different take on diet and health: the vegan diet

– The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell

– Research has found link between animal protein and risk for cancer and heart disease



Digestion The Digestive System

• Mouth – Physical break down of food (teeth and jaws)

– Chemical break down • Saliva – released by salivary glands in mouth

• Release triggered by smell, feel, taste or thought of food

• Functions: – Liquefies food

– Dissolves food particles for tasting

– Begins chemical break-down (amylase enzyme)

– Cleans teeth

– Tongue

• Aids in swallowing, as well as speech

• Also contains taste buds – Sensors that detect 5 basic flavors: sweet, sour,

salty, bitter, and umami

• Esophagus

– Food is pushed into the esophagus with the help of the tongue during swallowing

– Is prevented from entering trachea (“windpipe”) by the epiglottis

• Closes over trachea during swallowing

• After swallowing, movement of food through digestive system is involuntary

• Stomach – Muscles at the attachment site of esophagus to

stomach regulate movement of food into stomach, and prevent stomach acid from entering esophagus (gastroesophageal sphincter) • Failure results in irritation of esophagus, called


– Gastric pits lining the stomach lead to gastric glands

– Some gastric glands secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) • HCl helps break kill most bacteria



– Acidic secretions yield a pH of about 2, which could damage stomach; how protected?

• Gastric glands also secrete basic mucus

• “Tight junctions” among cells in stomach lining; makes it “leak-proof”

• Ulcers may occur as a result of excessive stomach acid production or, more often, a bacterial infection

• Heliocobacter pylori causes ~70% of ulcers

– Many cells lining the stomach secrete pepsinogen • Pepsinogen is a precursor molecule that becomes a

protein-digesting enzyme called pepsin once it is exposed to HCl

– The combination of the HCl, pepsinogen, and fluid secreted into the lumens of the gastric glands is called gastric juice

– Some mucosal cells lining stomach also produce intrinsic factor, a protein that binds to vitamin B12 and enables it to be absorbed in the small intestines

– The mixture of partially digested food and gastric juice is called chyme

• Small Intestine – Food exits stomach through another ring of

muscles, controlling its entry into the small intestine (pyloric sphincter) • Usually occurs 2-6 hours after a meal

• When stomach empties, churning of muscles is felt as “hunger pangs”

– Small intestine is where most absorption of nutrients takes place • Long coiled tube over 10 feet long

• First region = duodenum (carries out digestion)

• Second region = jejunum (carries out absorption)

• Third region = ileum (carries out absorption)

– Mucosa of small intestines conains large folds covered in villi, which are in turn covered with microvilli

– Within each villus are capillaries and a small lymphatic vessel called a lacteal • Lacteals help transport

especially large nutrient molecules into the lymph, and then into the blood stream

– Enzymes break food down into particles small enough to be absorbed across the lining into the bloodstream

– Enzymes used in the intestine are produced in two locations • Lining of the small intestine


• Pancreas

– Located below stomach

– Also releases sodium bicarbonate (neutralizes acids)

– Once broken down, small food particles can be absorbed across lining of intestine via diffusion

• Liver – Located in right side of abdomen, above stomach

and beneath the ribs

– Large organ; performs ~500 functions • Stores glucose and fat, and releases them as needed

• Synthesizes some proteins

• Removes harmful chemicals from body

– Regarding digestion… • Liver produces bile

– Bile salts (steroids) help break down fats

• Bile is stored in gallbladder – Releases bile into the small intestine

– Gallstones – blockages in gallbladder and ducts



• Large Intestine – Leads from small intestine to anus; about 5 feet


– Most nutrients have been absorbed already in small intestines

– Water, sodium, and potassium is absorbed; what remains is feces

– Feces propelled by smooth muscle contractions

– Rectum is the end of the large intestine; waste expelled

Activity #9

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