nutrition and your health -

Balance the food you eat with physical activity– maintain or improve your weight Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol Eat a variety of foods Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium Choose a diet moderate in sugars If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans Fourth Edition, 1995 U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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Balance the food you eat

with physical activity– maintain or improve

your weight

Choose a diet

with plenty of grain products,

vegetables, and fruits

Choose a diet

low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol

Eat a variety of


Choose a diet moderate

in salt and sodium

Choose a diet moderate

in sugars

If you drink alcoholic beverages,

do so in moderation

Nutrition and Your Health:

Dietary Guidelinesfor Americans

Fourth Edition, 1995U.S. Department of AgricultureU.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Eat a variety of foods page 5

Balance the food you eat with physical activity—maintain or improve your weight page 15

Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits page 22

Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol page 26

Choose a diet moderate in sugars page 33

Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium page 36

If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation page 40


Nutrition and Your Health:

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

What should Americans eat to stay healthy?

These guidelines are designed to helpanswer this question. They provide advicefor healthy Americans age 2 years and overabout food choices that promote health andprevent disease. To meet the DietaryGuidelines for Americans, choose a diet withmost of the calories from grain products,vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk products, leanmeats, fish, poultry, and dry beans. Choosefewer calories from fats and sweets.

Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures

Food choices depend on history, culture, andenvironment, as well as on energy and nutri-ent needs. People also eat foods for enjoy-ment. Family, friends, and beliefs play amajor role in the ways people select foodsand plan meals. This booklet describes someof the many different and pleasurable waysto combine foods to make healthful diets.

Diet is important to health at all stages of life

Many genetic, environmental, behavioral,and cultural factors can affect health.Understanding family history of disease orrisk factors—body weight and fat distribu-tion, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol,for example—can help people make moreinformed decisions about actions that canimprove health prospects. Food choices areamong the most pleasurable and effective ofthese actions.

Healthful diets help children grow, develop,and do well in school. They enable peopleof all ages to work productively and feeltheir best. Food choices also can help to

reduce the risk for chronic diseases, such asheart disease, certain cancers, diabetes,stroke, and osteoporosis, that are leadingcauses of death and disability amongAmericans. Good diets can reduce major riskfactors for chronic diseases—factors such asobesity, high blood pressure, and high bloodcholesterol.

Foods contain energy, nutrients, and othercomponents that affect health

People require energy and certain otheressential nutrients. These nutrients areessential because the body cannot makethem and must obtain them from food.Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals,certain amino acids, and certain fatty acids.Foods also contain other components suchas fiber that are important for health.Although each of these food components hasa specific function in the body, all of themtogether are required for overall health.People need calcium to build and maintainstrong bones, for example, but many othernutrients also are involved.

The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins infood, supply energy, which is measured incalories. Carbohydrates and proteins provideabout 4 calories per gram. Fat contributesmore than twice as much—about 9 caloriesper gram. Alcohol, although not a nutrient,also supplies energy—about 7 calories pergram. Foods that are high in fat are also highin calories. However, many low-fat or non-fatfoods can also be high in calories.

Physical activity fosters a healthful diet

Calorie needs vary by age and level of activ-ity. Many older adults need less food, in partdue to decreased activity, relative to younger,more active individuals. People who aretrying to lose weight and eating little foodmay need to select more nutrient-densefoods in order to meet their nutrient needs


in a satisfying diet. Nearly all Americans needto be more active, because a sedentarylifestyle is unhealthful. Increasing the caloriesspent in daily activities helps to maintainhealth and allows people to eat a nutritiousand enjoyable diet.

What is a healthful diet?

Healthful diets contain the amounts ofessential nutrients and calories needed toprevent nutritional deficiencies and excesses.Healthful diets also provide the right balanceof carbohydrate, fat, and protein to reducerisks for chronic diseases, and are a part of afull and productive lifestyle. Such diets areobtained from a variety of foods that areavailable, affordable, and enjoyable.

The Recommended Dietary Allowances refer to nutrients

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)represent the amounts of nutrients that areadequate to meet the needs of most healthypeople. Although people with average nutri-ent requirements likely eat adequately atlevels below the RDA, diets that meet RDAsare almost certain to ensure intake of enoughessential nutrients by most healthy people.The Dietary Guidelines describe food choicesthat will help you meet these recommenda-tions. Like the RDAs, the Dietary Guidelinesapply to diets consumed over several daysand not to single meals or foods.

The Dietary Guidelines describe food choicesthat promote good health

The Dietary Guidelines are designed to helpAmericans choose diets that will meet nutri-ent requirements, promote health, supportactive lives, and reduce chronic disease risks.Research has shown that certain diets raiserisks for chronic diseases. Such diets are highin fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt andthey contain more calories than the body


uses. They are also low in grain products,vegetables, fruit, and fiber. This bulletinhelps you choose foods, meals, and dietsthat can reduce chronic disease risks.

Food labels and the Food Guide Pyramid aretools to help you make food choices

The Food Guide Pyramid and the NutritionFacts Label serve as educational tools to putthe Dietary Guidelines into practice. ThePyramid translates the RDAs and the DietaryGuidelines into the kinds and amounts offood to eat each day. The Nutrition FactsLabel is designed to help you select foodsthat will meet the Dietary Guidelines. Mostprocessed foods now include nutrition infor-mation. However, nutrition labels are notrequired for foods like coffee and tea (whichcontain no significant amounts of nutrients),certain ready-to-eat foods like unpackageddeli and bakery items, and restaurant food.Labels are also voluntary for many rawfoods—your grocer may supply this informa-tion for the fish, meat, poultry, and raw fruitsand vegetables that are consumed most fre-quently. Use the Nutrition Facts Label tochoose a healthful diet.


Eat a variety of foods

To obtain the nutrients and other substancesneeded for good health, vary the foods you eat

Foods contain combinations of nutrients andother healthful substances. No single foodcan supply all nutrients in the amounts youneed. For example, oranges provide vitaminC but no vitamin B12; cheese provides vita-min B12 but no vitamin C. To make sure youget all of the nutrients and other substancesneeded for health, choose the recommendednumber of daily servings from each of thefive major food groups displayed in the FoodGuide Pyramid (figure 1).

Use foods from the base of the Food GuidePyramid as the foundation of your meals

Americans do choose a wide variety of foods.However, people often choose higher orlower amounts from some food groups thansuggested in the Food Guide Pyramid. ThePyramid shows that foods from the grainproducts group, along with vegetables andfruits, are the basis of healthful diets. Enjoymeals that have rice, pasta, potatoes, or bread



▼ ▼


▼ ▼


▼ ▼

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans,Eggs, and Nuts Group


Fruit Group2-4 SERVINGS

Bread, Cereal,Rice, and

Pasta Group6-11


Milk, Yogurt, andCheese Group2-3 SERVINGS

Vegetable Group3-5 SERVINGS

Fats, Oils, and SweetsUSE SPARINGLY


These symbols show fat andadded sugars in foods.

Fat (naturally occurringand added)




at the center of the plate, accompanied byother vegetables and fruit, and lean and low-fat foods from the other groups. Limit fats andsugars added in food preparation and at thetable. Compare the recommended number ofservings in box 1 with what you usually eat.

What counts as a “serving”?

See box 2 for suggested serving sizes in theFood Guide Pyramid food groups. Noticethat some of the serving sizes are smallerthan what you might usually eat. For exam-ple, many people eat a cup or more of pastain a meal, which equals two or more serv-ings. So, it is easy to eat the number ofservings recommended.



CHOOSE FOODS FROM EACH OF FIVE FOOD GROUPSThe Food Guide Pyramid illustrates theimportance of balance among food groupsin a daily eating pattern. Most of the dailyservings of food should be selected fromthe food groups that are the largest in thepicture and closest to the base of thePyramid.

• Choose most of your foods from thegrain products group (6–11 servings), thevegetable group (3–5 servings), and thefruit group (2–4 servings).

• Eat moderate amounts of foods from themilk group (2–3 servings) and the meatand beans group (2–3 servings).

• Choose sparingly foods that provide fewnutrients and are high in fat and sugars.

Note: A range of servings is given for each foodgroup. The smaller number is for people whoconsume about 1,600 calories a day, such as manysedentary women. The larger number is for thosewho consume about 2,800 calories a day, such asactive men.




Grain Products Group (bread, cereal,rice, and pasta)• 1 slice of bread• 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal• 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta

Vegetable Group• 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables• 1/2 cup of other vegetables—cooked or

chopped raw• 3/4 cup of vegetable juice

Fruit Group• 1 medium apple, banana, orange• 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned

fruit• 3/4 cup of fruit juice

Milk Group (milk, yogurt, and cheese)• 1 cup of milk or yogurt• 11⁄2 ounces of natural cheese• 2 ounces of processed cheese

Meat and Beans Group (meat, poultry,fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts)• 2–3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poul-

try, or fish• 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans or 1 egg

count as 1 ounce of lean meat. Twotablespoons of peanut butter or 1/3 cupof nuts count as 1 ounce of meat.

* Some foods fit into more than one category.Dry beans, peas, and lentils can be counted as serv-ings in either the meat and beans group or veg-etable group. These “cross over” foods can becounted as servings from either one or the othergroup, but not both. Serving sizes indicated here arethose used in the Food Guide Pyramid and basedon both suggested and usually consumed portionsnecessary to achieve adequate nutrient intake. Theydiffer from serving sizes on the Nutrition FactsLabel, which reflects portions usually consumed.

Choose different foods within each food group

You can achieve a healthful, nutritious eatingpattern with many combinations of foodsfrom the five major food groups. Choosing avariety of foods within and across foodgroups improves dietary patterns becausefoods within the same group have differentcombinations of nutrients and other benefi-cial substances. For example, some vegeta-bles and fruits are good sources of vitamin Cor vitamin A, while others are high in folate(page 24); still others are good sources ofcalcium or iron. Choosing a variety of foodswithin each group also helps to make yourmeals more interesting from day to day.

What about vegetarian diets?

Some Americans eat vegetarian diets forreasons of culture, belief, or health. Mostvegetarians eat milk products and eggs, and, as a group, these lacto-ovo-vegetariansenjoy excellent health. Vegetarian diets areconsistent with the Dietary Guidelines forAmericans and can meet RecommendedDietary Allowances for nutrients. You can getenough protein from a vegetarian diet aslong as the variety and amounts of foodsconsumed are adequate. Meat, fish, andpoultry are major contributors of iron, zinc,and B vitamins in most American diets, andvegetarians should pay special attention tothese nutrients.

Vegans eat only food of plant origin. Becauseanimal products are the only food sources ofvitamin B12, vegans must supplement theirdiets with a source of this vitamin. In addi-tion, vegan diets, particularly those of chil-dren, require care to ensure adequacy ofvitamin D and calcium, which mostAmericans obtain from milk products.


Foods vary in their amounts of calories andnutrients

Some foods such as grain products, vegeta-bles, and fruits have many nutrients andother healthful substances but are relativelylow in calories. Fat and alcohol are high incalories. Foods high in both sugars and fatcontain many calories but often are low invitamins, minerals, or fiber.

People who do not need many calories orwho must restrict their food intake need tochoose nutrient-rich foods from the fivemajor food groups with special care. Theyshould obtain most of their calories fromfoods that contain a high proportion ofessential nutrients and fiber.

Growing children, teenage girls, and womenhave higher needs for some nutrients

Many women and adolescent girls need toeat more calcium-rich foods to get the cal-cium needed for healthy bones throughoutlife. By selecting low-fat or fat-free milkproducts and other low-fat calcium sources,they can obtain adequate calcium and keepfat intake from being too high (box 3).Young children, teenage girls, and women ofchildbearing age should also eat enoughiron-rich foods, such as lean meats andwhole-grain or enriched white bread, tokeep the body’s iron stores at adequate lev-els (box 4).


Enriched and fortified foods have essentialnutrients added to them

National policy requires that specifiedamounts of nutrients be added to enrichsome foods. For example, enriched flour andbread contain added thiamin, riboflavin,niacin, and iron; skim milk, low-fat milk, andmargarine are usually enriched with vitaminA; and milk is usually enriched with vitaminD. Fortified foods may have one or severalnutrients added in extra amounts. The num-ber and quantity of nutrients added varyamong products. Fortified foods may beuseful for meeting special dietary needs.Read the ingredient list to know whichnutrients are added to foods (figure 2).How these foods fit into your total diet



SOME GOOD SOURCES OF CALCIUM*• Most foods in the milk group†

– milk and dishes made with milk, suchas puddings and soups made with milk

– cheeses such as Mozzarella, Cheddar,Swiss, and Parmesan

– yogurt

• Canned fish with soft bones such assardines, anchovies, and salmon†

• Dark-green leafy vegetables, such askale, mustard greens, and turnip greens,and pak-choi

• Tofu, if processed with calcium sulfate.Read the labels

• Tortillas made from lime-processed corn.Read the labels

* Does not include complete list of examples. Youcan obtain additional information from “GoodSources of Nutrients,” USDA, January 1990. Alsoread food labels for brand-specific information.† Some foods in this group are high in fat or choles-terol or both. Choose lower fat, lower cholesterolfoods most often. Read the labels.

will depend on the amounts you eat andthe other foods you consume.

Where do vitamin, mineral, and fibersupplements fit in?

Supplements of vitamins, minerals, or fiberalso may help to meet special nutritionalneeds. However, supplements do not supplyall of the nutrients and other substances pre-sent in foods that are important to health.Supplements of some nutrients taken regu-larly in large amounts are harmful. Daily vita-min and mineral supplements at or belowthe Recommended Dietary Allowances areconsidered safe, but are usually not neededby people who eat the variety of foodsdepicted in the Food Guide Pyramid.



SOME GOOD SOURCES OF IRON*• Meats—beef, pork, lamb, and liver and

other organ meats†

• Poultry—chicken, duck, and turkey,especially dark meat; liver†

• Fish—shellfish, like clams, mussels,and oysters; sardines; anchovies; andother fish†

• Leafy greens of the cabbage family, suchas broccoli, kale, turnip greens, collards

• Legumes, such as lima beans, greenpeas; dry beans and peas, such as pintobeans, black-eyed peas, and cannedbaked beans

• Yeast-leavened whole-wheat breadand rolls

• Iron-enriched white bread, pasta, rice,and cereals. Read the labels.

* Does not include complete list of examples. Youcan obtain additional information from “GoodSources of Nutrients,” USDA, January 1990. Alsoread food labels for brand-specific information.† Some foods within these categories are high in fator cholesterol or both. Choose lean, lower fat, lowercholesterol foods most often.




Serving Size 3/4 cup (30g/1.1 oz)Servings Per Package 11

% Daily Value*


Total Fat 2g

Saturated Fat 1g

Calories from Fat

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 210mg

Protein 2g





Total Carbohydrate 24g

Dietary Fiber 1g







Potassium 45mg 1% 7%

























Sugars 9g

Vitamin A

Vitamin C


Calories 2,000 2,500Less thanTotal Fat 65g 80gLess thanSat Fat 20g 25gLess thanCholesterol 300mg 300mgLess thanSodium 2,400mg 2,400mg

Potassium 3,500mg 3,500mgTotal Carbohydrate 300g 375g

Dietary Fiber 25g 30g



Vitamin D




Vitamin B 6



Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

* Amount in cereal. One half cup of skim milk contributes an addi- tional 65mg sodium, 6g total carbohydrate (6g sugars), and 4g protein.

Nutrition Facts

Cereal with 1/4 cup

Vitamins A&D skim milkCereal

15 15

120 160

Ingredients: Corn, sugar, whole oats, almonds, partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil, high fructose corn syrup, whole wheat, brown sugar, nonfat dairy milk, corn syrup, salt, rice butter flavor with other natural and artifical flavors, partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oils, modified corn starch, glycerin, butter oil, soy lecithin, polyglycerol ester of fatty acids, malt flavor guar gum, Vitamins and mineral: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), niacinamide, iron, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin A, palmitate (protected with BHT), thiamin hydrochloride, (vitamin B1), folic acid, and vitamin D.

Amount Per Serving





Serving Size 8 fl oz (240 ml)Servings Per Container 8

Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value*

Calories 100

Total Fat 2.5g

Saturated Fat 1.5g

Calories from Fat 20

Cholesterol 10mg

Sodium 130mg

Protein 8g





Total Carbohydrate 12g

Dietary Fiber 0g



Sugars 11g

Nutrition Facts

Vitamin A 10% Vitamin C 4%•

Calcium 30%


Calories 2,000 2,500Less thanTotal Fat 65g 80gLess thanSat Fat 20g 25gLess thanCholesterol 300mg 300mgLess thanSodium 2,400mg 2,400mg

Total Carbohydrate

300g 375gDietary Fiber 25g 30g

Iron 0%•

Vitamin D 25%

Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

Ingredients: Lowfat milk, Vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3.

Sometimes supplements are needed to meetspecific nutrient requirements. For example,older people and others with little exposureto sunlight may need a vitamin D supple-ment. Women of childbearing age mayreduce the risk of certain birth defects byconsuming folate-rich foods or folic acid sup-plements. Iron supplements are recom-mended for pregnant women. However,because foods contain many nutrients andother substances that promote health, the useof supplements cannot substitute for properfood choices.


Enjoy eating a variety of foods. Get the manynutrients your body needs by choosingamong the varied foods you enjoy from fivegroups: grain products, vegetables, fruits,milk and milk products, and other protein-rich plant foods (beans, nuts) and protein-rich animal foods (lean meat, poultry, fish,and eggs). Remember to choose lean andlow-fat foods and beverages most often.Many foods you eat contain servings frommore than one food group. For example,soups and stews may contain meat, beans,noodles, and vegetables.


Balance the food you eatwith physical activity—

maintain or improve your weight.

Many Americans gain weight in adult-hood, increasing their risk for high

blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, dia-betes, certain types of cancer, arthritis,breathing problems, and other illness.Therefore, most adults should not gainweight. If you are overweight and have oneof these problems, you should try to loseweight, or at the very least, not gain weight.If you are uncertain about your risk of devel-oping a problem associated with overweight,you should consult a health professional.

How to maintain your weight

In order to stay at the same body weight,people must balance the amount of caloriesin the foods and drinks they consume withthe amount of calories the body uses.Physical activity is an important way to usefood energy. Most Americans spend much oftheir working day in activities that requirelittle energy. In addition, many Americans ofall ages now spend a lot of leisure time eachday being inactive, for example, watchingtelevision or working at a computer. To burncalories, devote less time to sedentary activi-ties like sitting. Spend more time in activitieslike walking to the store or around the block.Use stairs rather than elevators. Less seden-tary activity and more vigorous activity mayhelp you reduce body fat and disease risk.Try to do 30 minutes or more of moderatephysical activity on most—preferably all—days of the week (box 5).


The kinds and amounts of food people eataffect their ability to maintain weight. High-fat foods contain more calories per servingthan other foods and may increase the likeli-hood of weight gain. However, even whenpeople eat less high-fat food, they still cangain weight from eating too much of foodshigh in starch, sugars, or protein. Eat avariety of foods, emphasizing pasta, rice,bread, and other whole-grain foods as wellas fruits and vegetables. These foods arefilling, but lower in calories than foods richin fats or oils.



TO INCREASE CALORIE EXPENDITURE BYPHYSICAL ACTIVITYRemember to accumulate 30 minutes ormore of moderate physical activity onmost—preferably all—days of the week.

Examples of moderate physicalactivities for healthy U.S. adults

walking briskly (3–4 miles per hour)conditioning or general calisthenicshome care, general cleaningracket sports such as table tennismowing lawn, power mowergolf—pulling cart or carrying clubshome repair, paintingfishing, standing/castingjoggingswimming (moderate effort)cycling, moderate speed (<10 miles per hour)gardeningcanoeing leisurely (2.0–3.9 miles per hour)dancing

Adapted from Pate et al., Journal of the AmericanMedical Association, 1995, Vol 273, p. 404.

The pattern of eating may also be important.Snacks provide a large percentage of dailycalories for many Americans. Unless nutri-tious snacks are part of the daily meal plan,snacking may lead to weight gain. A patternof frequent binge-eating, with or withoutalternating periods of food restriction, mayalso contribute to weight problems.

Maintaining weight is equally important forolder people who begin to lose weight asthey age. Some of the weight that is lost ismuscle. Maintaining muscle through regularactivity helps to keep older people feelingwell and helps to reduce the risk of falls andfractures.

How to evaluate your body weight

Healthy weight ranges for adult men andwomen of all ages are shown in figure 3. Seewhere your weight falls on the chart for peo-ple of your height. The health risks due toexcess weight appear to be the same forolder as for younger adults. Weight rangesare shown in the chart because people of thesame height may have equal amounts ofbody fat but different amounts of muscle andbone. However, the ranges do not mean thatit is healthy to gain weight, even within thesame weight range. The higher weights inthe healthiest weight range apply to peoplewith more muscle and bone.

Weights above the healthy weight range areless healthy for most people. The further youare above the healthy weight range for yourheight, the higher your weight-related risk(figure 3). Weights slightly below the rangemay be healthy for some people but aresometimes the result of health problems,especially when weight loss is unintentional.


Location of body fat

Research suggests that the location of bodyfat also is an important factor in health risksfor adults. Excess fat in the abdomen (stom-ach area) is a greater health risk than excessfat in the hips and thighs. Extra fat in theabdomen is linked to high blood pressure,diabetes, early heart disease, and certaintypes of cancer. Smoking and too much alco-hol increase abdominal fat and the risk fordiseases related to obesity. Vigorous exercisehelps to reduce abdominal fat and decreasethe risk for these diseases. The easiest way tocheck your body fat distribution is tomeasure around your waistline with a tapemeasure and compare this with the measurearound your hips or buttocks to see if yourabdomen is larger. If you are in doubt, youmay wish to seek advice from a healthprofessional.


50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250















Height* 6′ 6″ 6′ 5″ 6′ 4″ 6′ 3″ 6′ 2″ 6′ 1″ 6′ 0″ 5′ 11″ 5′ 10″ 5′ 9″ 5′ 8″ 5′ 7″ 5′ 6″ 5′ 5″ 5′ 4″ 5′ 3″ 5′ 2″ 5′ 1″ 5′ 0″ 4′ 11″ 4′ 10″




* Without shoes.† Without clothes. The higher weights apply to peo-ple with more muscle and bone, such as many men.

Source: Report of the Dietary Guidelines AdvisoryCommittee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans,1995, pages 23-24.

Problems with excessive thinness

Being too thin can occur with anorexianervosa, other eating disorders, or loss ofappetite, and is linked to menstrual irregular-ity and osteoporosis in women, and greaterrisk of early death in both women and men.Many people—especially women—are con-cerned about body weight, even when theirweight is normal. Excessive concern aboutweight may cause or lead to such unhealthybehaviors as excessive exercise, self-inducedvomiting, and the abuse of laxatives or othermedications. These practices may onlyworsen the concern about weight. If you loseweight suddenly or for unknown reasons,see a physician. Unexplained weight lossmay be an early clue to a health problem.

If you need to lose weight

You do not need to lose weight if yourweight is already within the healthiest rangein the figure, if you have gained less than10 pounds since you reached your adultheight, and if you are otherwise healthy. Ifyou are overweight and have excess abdomi-nal fat, a weight-related medical problem, ora family history of such problems, you needto lose weight (box 6). Healthy diets andexercise can help people maintain a healthyweight, and may also help them lose weight.It is important to recognize that overweight isa chronic condition which can only be con-trolled with long-term changes. To reducecaloric intake, eat less fat and control portionsizes. If you are not physically active, spendless time in sedentary activities such aswatching television, and be more activethroughout the day. As people lose weight,the body becomes more efficient at usingenergy and the rate of weight loss maydecrease. Increased physical activity will helpyou to continue losing weight and to avoidgaining it back (box 5).


Many people are not sure how much weightthey should lose. Weight loss of only 5–10percent of body weight may improve manyof the problems associated with overweight,such as high blood pressure and diabetes.Even a smaller weight loss can make a differ-ence. If you are trying to lose weight, do soslowly and steadily. A generally safe rate is1/2–1 pound a week until you reach yourgoal. Avoid crash weight-loss diets thatseverely restrict calories or the variety offoods. Extreme approaches to weight loss,such as self-induced vomiting or the use oflaxatives, amphetamines, or diuretics, arenot appropriate and can be dangerous toyour health.



TO DECREASE CALORIE INTAKE • Eat a variety of foods that are low in

calories and high in nutrients—check theNutrition Facts Label.

• Eat less fat and fewer high-fat foods.

• Eat smaller portions and limit secondhelpings of foods high in fat andcalories.

• Eat more vegetables and fruits, withoutfats and sugars added in preparation orat the table.

• Eat pasta, rice, breads, and cereals with-out fats and sugars added in preparationor at the table.

• Eat less sugars and fewer sweets (likecandy, cookies, cakes, soda).

• Drink less or no alcohol.

Weight regulation in children

Children need enough food for propergrowth. To promote growth and develop-ment and prevent overweight, teach childrento eat grain products, vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk products or other calcium-rich foods,beans, and lean meat, poultry, and fish orother protein-rich foods, and to participate invigorous activity. Limiting television time andencouraging children to play actively in asafe environment are helpful steps. Althoughlimiting fat intake may help to prevent excessweight gain in children, fat should not berestricted for children younger than 2 yearsof age. Helping overweight children toachieve a healthy weight along with normalgrowth requires more caution. Modest reduc-tions in dietary fat, such as the use of low-fatmilk rather than whole milk, are not haz-ardous. Major efforts to change a child’s dietshould be accompanied by monitoring ofgrowth by a health professional at regularintervals.


Try to maintain your body weight by balanc-ing what you eat with physical activity. Ifyou are sedentary, try to become moreactive. If you are already very active, try tocontinue the same level of activity as youage. More physical activity is better than less,and any is better than none. If your weight isnot in the healthiest range, try to reducehealth risks through better eating and exer-cise habits. Take steps to keep your weightwithin the healthiest range (neither too highnor too low). Have children’s heights andweights checked regularly by a healthprofessional.


Choose a diet with plenty of grain products,

vegetables, and fruits

Grain products, vegetables, and fruits arekey parts of a varied diet. They are

emphasized in this guideline because theyprovide vitamins, minerals, complex carbo-hydrates (starch and dietary fiber), and othersubstances that are important for goodhealth. They are also generally low in fat,depending on how they are prepared andwhat is added to them at the table. MostAmericans of all ages eat fewer than therecommended number of servings of grainproducts, vegetables, and fruits, even thoughconsumption of these foods is associatedwith a substantially lower risk for manychronic diseases, including certain typesof cancer.

Most of the calories in your diet should comefrom grain products, vegetables, and fruits

These include grain products high in com-plex carbohydrates—breads, cereals, pasta,rice—found at the base of the Food GuidePyramid, as well as vegetables such as pota-toes and corn. Dry beans (like pinto, navy,kidney, and black beans) are included in themeat and beans group of the Pyramid butthey can count as servings of vegetablesinstead of meat alternatives.

Plant foods provide fiber

Fiber is found only in plant foods likewhole-grain breads and cereals, beans andpeas, and other vegetables and fruits.Because there are different types of fiber infoods, choose a variety of foods daily. Eatinga variety of fiber-containing plant foods isimportant for proper bowel function, canreduce symptoms of chronic constipation,


diverticular disease, and hemorrhoids, andmay lower the risk for heart disease andsome cancers. However, some of the healthbenefits associated with a high-fiber diet maycome from other components present inthese foods, not just from fiber itself. For thisreason, fiber is best obtained from foodsrather than supplements.

Plant foods provide a variety of vitamins andminerals essential for health

Most fruits and vegetables are naturally lowin fat and provide many essential nutrientsand other food components important forhealth. These foods are excellent sources ofvitamin C, vitamin B6, carotenoids includingthose which form vitamin A (box 7), andfolate (box 8). The antioxidant nutrientsfound in plant foods (e.g., vitamin C, caro-tenoids, vitamin E, and certain minerals) arepresently of great interest to scientists andthe public because of their potentiallybeneficial role in reducing the risk forcancer and certain other chronic diseases.Scientists are also trying to determine ifother substances in plant foods protectagainst cancer.



SOME GOOD SOURCES OFCAROTENOIDS*• Dark green leafy vegetables (such as

spinach, collards, kale, mustard greens,turnip greens), broccoli, carrots,pumpkin and calabasa, red pepper,sweet potatoes, and tomatoes

• Fruits like mango, papaya, cantaloupe

* Does not include complete list of examples. Youcan obtain additional information from “GoodSources of Nutrients,” USDA, January 1990. Alsoread food labels for brand-specific information.

Folate, also called folic acid, is a B vitaminthat, among its many functions, reduces therisk of a serious type of birth defect (box 8).Minerals such as potassium, found in a widevariety of vegetables and fruits, and calcium,found in certain vegetables, may help reducethe risk for high blood pressure (see pages10, 37).

The availability of fresh fruits and vegetablesvaries by season and region of the country,but frozen and canned fruits and vegetablesensure a plentiful supply of these healthfulfoods throughout the year. Read the NutritionFacts Label to help choose foods that are richin carbohydrates, fiber, and nutrients, andlow in fat and sodium.



SOME GOOD SOURCES OF FOLATE*• Dry beans (like red beans, navy beans,

and soybeans), lentils, chickpeas,cow peas, and peanuts

• Many vegetables, especially leafy greens(spinach, cabbage, brussels sprouts,romaine, looseleaf lettuce), peas, okra,sweet corn, beets, and broccoli

• Fruits such as blackberries, boysen-berries, kiwi fruit, oranges, plantains,strawberries, orange juice, andpineapple juice.

* Does not include complete list of examples. You can obtain additional information from “GoodSources of Nutrients,” USDA, January 1990. TheNutrition Facts Label may also provide brand-spe-cific information on this nutrient.


Eat more grain products (breads, cereals,pasta, and rice), vegetables, and fruits. Eatdry beans, lentils, and peas more often.Increase your fiber intake by eating more ofa variety of whole grains, whole-grain prod-ucts, dry beans, fiber-rich vegetables andfruits such as carrots, corn, peas, pears, andberries (box 9).



FOR A DIET WITH PLENTY OF GRAINPRODUCTS, VEGETABLES, AND FRUITS,EAT DAILY6–11 servings* of grain products(breads, cereals, pasta, and rice)• Eat products made from a variety of

whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats,corn, and barley.

• Eat several servings of whole-grainbreads and cereals daily.

• Prepare and serve grain products withlittle or no fats and sugars.

3–5 servings* of various vegetables andvegetable juices• Choose dark-green leafy and

deep-yellow vegetables often.• Eat dry beans, peas, and lentils often.• Eat starchy vegetables, such as potatoes

and corn.• Prepare and serve vegetables with little

or no fat.

2–4 servings* of various fruits andfruit juices• Choose citrus fruits or juices, melons, or

berries regularly.• Eat fruits as desserts or snacks.• Drink fruit juices.• Prepare and serve fruits with little or

no added sugars.

* See box 2, page 7, for what counts as a serving.

Choose a diet low in fat,saturated fat, and


Some dietary fat is needed for good health.Fats supply energy and essential fatty

acids and promote absorption of the fat-solu-ble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Most people areaware that high levels of saturated fat andcholesterol in the diet are linked to increasedblood cholesterol levels and a greater risk forheart disease. More Americans are now eat-ing less fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol-richfoods than in the recent past, and fewer peo-ple are dying from the most common form ofheart disease. Still, many people continue toeat high-fat diets, the number of overweightpeople has increased, and the risk of heartdisease and certain cancers (also linked to fatintake) remains high. This guideline empha-sizes the continued importance of choosing adiet with less total fat, saturated fat, andcholesterol.

Foods high in fat should be used sparingly

Some foods and food groups in the FoodGuide Pyramid are higher in fat than others.Fats and oils, and some types of desserts andsnack foods that contain fat provide caloriesbut few nutrients. Many foods in the milkgroup and in the meat and beans group(which includes eggs and nuts, as well asmeat, poultry and fish) are also high in fat, asare some processed foods in the grain group.Choosing lower fat options among thesefoods allows you to eat the recommendedservings from these groups and increase theamount and variety of grain products, fruits,and vegetables in your diet without goingover your calorie needs.


Choose a diet low in fat

Fat, whether from plant or animal sources,contains more than twice the number ofcalories of an equal amount of carbohydrateor protein. Choose a diet that provides nomore than 30 percent of total calories fromfat. The upper limit on the grams of fat inyour diet will depend on the calories youneed (box 10). Cutting back on fat can helpyou consume fewer calories. For example, at2,000 calories per day, the suggested upperlimit of calories from fat is about 600 calories.Sixty-five grams of fat contribute about 600calories (65 grams of fat × 9 calories pergram = about 600 calories). On the NutritionFacts Label, 65 grams of fat is the Daily Valuefor a 2,000-calorie intake (figure 4).


BOX 10


Total fat 53 73 93(grams)



Serving Size 3 cookies (34g/1.2 oz)Servings Per Container About 5

Amount Per Serving

% Daily Value*

Calories 180

Total Fat 10g

Saturated Fat 3.5g

Calories from Fat 90

Polyunsaturated Fat 1g

Monounsaturated Fat 5g

Cholesterol 10mg

Sodium 80mg

Protein 2g





Total Carbohydrate 21g

Dietary Fiber 1g



Sugars 11g

Nutrition Facts

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%•

Calcium 0%


Calories 2,000 2,500Less thanTotal Fat 65g 80gLess thanSat Fat 20g 25gLess thanCholesterol 300mg 300mgLess thanSodium 2,400mg 2,400mg

Total Carbohydrate

300g 375g

Dietary Fiber 25g 30g

Iron 4%•

Thiamin 6% Riboflavin 4%•

Niacin 4%

Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

Ingredients: Unbleached enriched wheat flour [flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate (vitamin B1)], sweet chocolate (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin added as an emulaifier, vanilla extract), sugar, partially hydro- genated vegetable shortening (soybean, cottonseed and/or canola oils), nonfat milk, whole eggs, cornstarch, egg whites, salt vanilla extract, baking soda and soy lecithin.

Choose a diet low in saturated fat

Fats contain both saturated and unsaturated(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fattyacids. Saturated fat raises blood cholesterolmore than other forms of fat. Reducing satu-rated fat to less than 10 percent of calorieswill help you lower your blood cholesterollevel. The fats from meat, milk, and milkproducts are the main sources of saturatedfats in most diets. Many bakery products arealso sources of saturated fats. Vegetable oilssupply smaller amounts of saturated fat. Onthe Nutrition Facts Label, 20 grams of satu-rated fat (9 percent of caloric intake) is theDaily Value for a 2,000-calorie diet.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.Olive and canola oils are particularly high inmonounsaturated fats; most other vegetableoils, nuts, and high-fat fish are good sourcesof polyunsaturated fats. Both kinds of unsat-urated fats reduce blood cholesterol whenthey replace saturated fats in the diet. Thefats in most fish are low in saturated fattyacids and contain a certain type of polyunsat-urated fatty acid (omega-3) that is understudy because of a possible association witha decreased risk for heart disease in certainpeople. Remember that the total fat in thediet should be consumed at a moderatelevel—that is, no more than 30 percent ofcalories. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatsources should replace saturated fats withinthis limit.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such asthose used in many margarines and shorten-ings, contain a particular form of unsaturatedfat known as trans-fatty acids. Currentresearch shows that trans-fatty acids mayraise blood cholesterol.


Choose a diet low in cholesterol

The body makes the cholesterol it requires.In addition, cholesterol is obtained fromfood. Dietary cholesterol comes from animalsources such as egg yolks, meat (especiallyorgan meats such as liver) poultry, fish, andhigher fat milk products. Many of these foodsare also high in saturated fats. Choosingfoods with less cholesterol and saturated fatwill help lower your blood cholesterol levels.The Nutrition Facts Label lists the DailyValue for cholesterol as 300 mg. You cankeep your cholesterol intake at this level orlower by eating more grain products, vegeta-bles and fruits, and by limiting intake of highcholesterol foods.

Advice for children

Advice in the previous sections does notapply to infants and toddlers below the ageof 2 years. After that age, children shouldgradually adopt a diet that, by about 5 yearsof age, contains no more than 30 percent ofcalories from fat. As they begin to consumefewer calories from fat, children shouldreplace these calories by eating more grainproducts, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milkproducts or other calcium-rich foods, beans,lean meat, poultry, fish, and other protein-rich foods.



BOX 11


• Use fats and oils sparingly in cookingand at the table.

• Use small amounts of salad dressingsand spreads such as butter, margarine,and mayonnaise. Consider using low-fator fat-free dressings for salads.

• Choose vegetable oils and soft mar-garines most often because they arelower in saturated fat than solid shorten-ings and animal fats, even though theircaloric content is the same.

• Check the Nutrition Facts Label to seehow much fat and saturated fat are in aserving; choose foods lower in fat andsaturated fat.

Grain Products, Vegetables, and Fruits

• Choose lowfat sauces with pasta, rice,and potatoes.

• Use as little fat as possible to cookvegetables and grain products.

• Season with herbs, spices, lemon juice,and fat-free or low-fat salad dressings.

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, and Nuts

• Choose two to three servings of lean fish,poultry, meats, or other protein-richfoods, such as beans, daily. Use meatslabeled “lean” or “extra lean.” Trim fatfrom meat; take skin off poultry. (Threeounces of cooked lean beef or chickenwithout skin—a piece the size of a deckof cards—provides about 6 grams of fat; apiece of chicken with skin or untrimmedmeat of that size may have as much astwice this amount of fat.) Most beans andbean products are almost fat-free and area good source of protein and fiber.

• Limit intake of high-fat processed meatssuch as sausages, salami, and other cold


To reduce your intake of fat, saturated fat,and cholesterol, follow these recommenda-tions, as illustrated in the Food GuidePyramid, which apply to diets consumedover several days and not to single mealsor foods.

• Use fats and oils sparingly.

• Use the Nutrition Facts Label to help youchoose foods lower in fat, saturated fat,and cholesterol.

• Eat plenty of grain products, vegetables,and fruits.

• Choose low-fat milk products, lean meats,fish, poultry, beans, and peas to get essen-tial nutrients without substantially increas-ing calorie and saturated fat intakes.


cuts; choose lower fat varieties byreading the Nutrition Facts Label.

• Limit the intake of organ meats (threeounces of cooked chicken liver has about540 mg of cholesterol); use egg yolks inmoderation (one egg yolk has about 215mg of cholesterol). Egg whites contain nocholesterol and can be used freely.

Milk and Milk Products

• Choose skim or low-fat milk, fat-free orlow-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese.

• Have two to three low-fat servings daily.Add extra calcium to your diet withoutadded fat by choosing fat-free yogurtand low-fat milk more often. [One cupof skim milk has almost no fat, 1 cup of1 percent milk has 2.5 grams of fat, 1 cupof 2 percent milk has 5 grams (one tea-spoon) of fat, and 1 cup of whole milkhas 8 grams of fat.] If you do not con-sume foods from this group, eat othercalcium-rich foods (box 3, page 10).


Choose a diet moderatein sugars

Sugars come in many forms

Sugars are carbohydrates. Dietary carbohy-drates also include the complex carbohy-drates starch and fiber. During digestion allcarbohydrates except fiber break down intosugars. Sugars and starches occur naturally inmany foods that also supply other nutrients.Examples of these foods include milk, fruits,some vegetables, breads, cereals, and grains.Americans eat sugars in many forms, andmost people like their taste. Some sugars areused as natural preservatives, thickeners, andbaking aids in foods; they are often added tofoods during processing and preparation orwhen they are eaten. The body cannot tellthe difference between naturally occurringand added sugars because they are identicalchemically.

Sugars, health, and weight maintenance

Scientific evidence indicates that diets highin sugars do not cause hyperactivity ordiabetes. The most common type of diabetesoccurs in overweight adults. Avoiding sugarsalone will not correct overweight. To loseweight reduce the total amount of caloriesfrom the food you eat and increase yourlevel of physical activity (see pages 18–20).

If you wish to maintain your weight whenyou eat less fat, replace the lost calories fromfat with equal calories from fruits, vegetables,and grain products, found in the lower halfof the Food Guide Pyramid. Some foods thatcontain a lot of sugars supply calories butfew or no nutrients (box 12). These foods arelocated at the top of the Pyramid. For veryactive people with high calorie needs, sugarscan be an additional source of energy.However, because maintaining a nutritious


diet and a healthy weight is very important,sugars should be used in moderation bymost healthy people and sparingly by peoplewith low calorie needs. This guideline cau-tions about eating sugars in large amountsand about frequent snacks of foods and bev-erages containing sugars that supply unnec-essary calories and few nutrients.

Sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes such as sorbitol, saccharin,and aspartame are ingredients in manyfoods. Most sugar substitutes do not providesignificant calories and therefore may be use-ful in the diets of people concerned aboutcalorie intake. Foods containing sugar substi-tutes, however, may not always be lower incalories than similar products that contain


BOX 12

ON A FOOD LABEL, SUGARS INCLUDEbrown sugarcorn sweetenercorn syrupfructosefruit juice concentrateglucose (dextrose)high-fructose corn syruphoneyinvert sugarlactosemaltosemolassesraw sugar[table] sugar (sucrose)syrup

A food is likely to be high in sugars if oneof the above terms appears first or secondin the ingredients list, or if several of themare listed.

sugars. Unless you reduce the total caloriesyou eat, the use of sugar substitutes will notcause you to lose weight.

Sugars and dental caries

Both sugars and starches can promote toothdecay. The more often you eat foods thatcontain sugars and starches, and the longerthese foods are in your mouth before youbrush your teeth, the greater the risk fortooth decay. Thus, frequent eating of foodshigh in sugars and starches as between-mealsnacks may be more harmful to your teeththan eating them at meals and then brushing.Regular daily dental hygiene, includingbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste and floss-ing, and an adequate intake of fluoride,preferably from fluoridated water, will helpyou prevent tooth decay (box 13).


Use sugars in moderation—sparingly if yourcalorie needs are low. Avoid excessivesnacking, brush with a fluoride toothpaste,and floss your teeth regularly. Read theNutrition Facts Label on foods you buy. Thefood label lists the content of total carbohy-drate and sugars, as well as calories.


BOX 13

FOR HEALTHIER TEETH AND GUMS • Eat fewer foods containing sugars and

starches between meals.

• Brush and floss teeth regularly.

• Use a fluoride toothpaste.

• Ask your dentist or doctor about theneed for supplemental fluoride,especially for children.

Choose a diet moderate insalt and sodium

Sodium and salt are found mainly in processedand prepared foods

Sodium and sodium chloride—known com-monly as salt—occur naturally in foods, usu-ally in small amounts. Salt and othersodium-containing ingredients are often usedin food processing. Some people add saltand salty sauces, such as soy sauce, to theirfood at the table, but most dietary sodium orsalt comes from foods to which salt hasalready been added during processing orpreparation. Although many people add saltto enhance the taste of foods, their prefer-ence may weaken with eating less salt.

Sodium is associated with high blood pressure

In the body, sodium plays an essential role inregulation of fluids and blood pressure.Many studies in diverse populations haveshown that a high sodium intake is associ-ated with higher blood pressure. Most evi-dence suggests that many people at risk forhigh blood pressure reduce their chances ofdeveloping this condition by consuming lesssalt or sodium. Some questions remain,partly because other factors may interact withsodium to affect blood pressure.

Other factors affect blood pressure

Following other guidelines in the DietaryGuidelines may also help prevent high bloodpressure. An important example is the guide-line on weight and physical activity. The roleof body weight in blood pressure control iswell documented. Blood pressure increaseswith weight and decreases when weight isreduced. The guideline to consume a dietwith plenty of fruits and vegetables isrelevant because fruits and vegetables are


naturally lower in sodium and fat and mayhelp with weight reduction and control.Consuming more fruits and vegetables alsoincreases potassium intakes which may helpto reduce blood pressure (box 14). Increasedphysical activity helps lower blood pressureand control weight. Alcohol consumptionhas also been associated with high bloodpressure. Another reason to reduce saltintake is the fact that high salt intakes mayincrease the amount of calcium excreted inthe urine and, therefore, increase the body’sneed for calcium.


BOX 14

SOME GOOD SOURCES OF POTASSIUM*• Vegetables and fruits in general,

especially– potatoes and sweet potatoes– spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, winter

squashes, and parsnips– dates, bananas, cantaloupe, mango,

plantain, dried apricots, raisins, prunes,orange juice, and grapefruit juice

– dry beans, peas, lentils

• Milk and yogurt are good sources ofpotassium and have less sodium thancheese; cheese has much less potassiumand usually has added salt.

* Does not include complete list of examples.You can obtain additional information from “GoodSources of Nutrients,” USDA, January 1990. TheNutrition Facts Label may also provide brand-spe-cific information on this nutrient.

Most Americans consume more salt thanis needed

Sodium has an important role in the body.However, most Americans consume moresodium than is needed. The Nutrition FactsLabel lists a Daily Value of 2,400 mg per dayfor sodium [2,400 mg sodium per day is con-tained in 6 grams of sodium chloride (salt)].In household measures, one level teaspoonof salt provides about 2,300 milligrams ofsodium. Most people consume more thanthis amount.

There is no way at present to tell who mightdevelop high blood pressure from eating toomuch sodium. However, consuming less saltor sodium is not harmful, and can be recom-mended for the healthy normal adult(box 15).


Fresh fruits and vegetables have very littlesodium. The food groups in the Food GuidePyramid include some foods that are high insodium and other foods that have very littlesodium, or can be prepared in ways that addflavor without adding salt. Read the NutritionFacts Label to compare and help identifyfoods lower in sodium within each group.Use herbs and spices to flavor food. Try tochoose versions of foods that you frequentlyconsume that are lower in sodium and salt.



BOX 15

TO CONSUME LESS SALT AND SODIUM—• Read the Nutrition Facts Label to deter-

mine the amount of sodium in the foodsyou purchase. The sodium content ofprocessed foods—such as cereals,breads, soups, and salad dressings—often varies widely.

• Choose foods lower in sodium and askyour grocer or supermarket to offermore low-sodium foods. Request lesssalt in your meals when eating out ortraveling.

• If you salt foods in cooking or at thetable, add small amounts. Learn to usespices and herbs, rather than salt, toenhance the flavor of food.

• When planning meals, consider thatfresh and most plain frozen vegetablesare low in sodium.

• When selecting canned foods, selectthose prepared with reduced or nosodium.

• Remember that fresh fish, poultry, andmeat are lower in sodium than mostcanned and processed ones.

• Choose foods lower in sodium content.Many frozen dinners, packaged mixes,canned soups, and salad dressings con-tain a considerable amount of sodium.Remember that condiments such as soyand many other sauces, pickles, andolives are high in sodium. Ketchup andmustard, when eaten in large amounts,can also contribute significant amountsof sodium to the diet. Choose lowersodium varieties.

• Choose fresh fruits and vegetables as alower sodium alternative to salted snackfoods.

If you drink alcoholicbeverages, do so in


Alcoholic beverages supply calories butfew or no nutrients. The alcohol in these

beverages has drug effects and is harmfulwhen consumed in excess. The drug effectsof alcohol alter judgment and can lead todependency and a great many other serioushealth problems. Alcoholic beverages havebeen used to enhance the enjoyment ofmeals by many societies throughout humanhistory. If adults choose to drink alcoholicbeverages, they should consume them onlyin moderation (box 16).

Current evidence suggests that moderatedrinking is associated with a lower risk forcoronary heart disease in some individuals.However, higher levels of alcohol intakeraise the risk for high blood pressure, stroke,heart disease, certain cancers, accidents, vio-lence, suicides, birth defects, and overallmortality (deaths). Too much alcohol maycause cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of


BOX 16


Moderation is defined as no more thanone drink per day for women and nomore than two drinks per day for men.

Count as a drink—

• 12 ounces of regular beer (150 calories)

• 5 ounces of wine (100 calories)

• 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits(100 calories)

Remember that the extra calories inalcoholic beverages can contribute toweight gain.

the pancreas, and damage to the brain andheart. Heavy drinkers also are at risk of mal-nutrition because alcohol contains caloriesthat may substitute for those in more nutri-tious foods.

Who should not drink?

Some people should not drink alcoholicbeverages at all. These include:

• Children and adolescents.

• Individuals of any age who cannot restricttheir drinking to moderate levels. This is aspecial concern for recovering alcoholicsand people whose family members havealcohol problems.

• Women who are trying to conceive or whoare pregnant. Major birth defects, includingfetal alcohol syndrome, have been attrib-uted to heavy drinking by the motherwhile pregnant. While there is no conclu-sive evidence that an occasional drink isharmful to the fetus or to the pregnantwoman, a safe level of alcohol intake dur-ing pregnancy has not been established.

• Individuals who plan to drive or take partin activities that require attention or skill.Most people retain some alcohol in theblood up to 2–3 hours after a single drink.

• Individuals using prescription and over-the-counter medications. Alcohol may alterthe effectiveness or toxicity of medicines.Also, some medications may increaseblood alcohol levels or increase theadverse effect of alcohol on the brain.


If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so inmoderation, with meals, and when consump-tion does not put you or others at risk.


AcknowledgmentsThe U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices and the U.S. Department ofAgriculture acknowledge the recommenda-tions of the Dietary Guidelines AdvisoryCommittee—the basis for this edition. TheCommittee consisted of Doris HowesCalloway, Ph.D.(chair), Richard J. Havel,M.D. (vice-chair), Dennis M. Bier, M.D.,William H. Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., CutbertoGarza, M.D., Ph.D., Shiriki K. Kumanyika,Ph.D., R.D., Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H.,Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D., Sachiko T. St. Jeor,Ph.D., R.D., Barbara O. Schneeman, Ph.D.,and John W. Suttie, Ph.D. The Departmentsalso acknowledge the staff work of the exec-utive secretaries to the committee: KarilBialostosky, M.S., and Linda Meyers, Ph.D.,from HHS; Eileen Kennedy, D.Sc., andDebra Reed, M.S., from USDA.


Information on how to put theguidelines into practice:• Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion,

USDA, 1120 20th Street., NW, Suite 200North Lobby, Washington, DC 20036.

• Food and Nutrition Information Center,USDA/National Agricultural Library, Room304, 10301 Baltimore Boulevard, Beltsville,MD 20705-2351. Internet address:[email protected]

• Cancer Information Service, Office ofCancer Communications, National CancerInstitute, Building 31, Room 10A16, 9000Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892.Internet address: [email protected]

• National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteInformation Center, P.O. Box 30105,Bethesda, MD 20824-0105.

• Weight-Control Information Network (WIN)of the National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases, 1 WINWAY, Bethesda, MD 20892. Internetaddress: [email protected]

• National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism, 600 Executive Boulevard, Suite409, Bethesda, MD 20892-7003.

• National Institute on Aging InformationCenter, Building 31, Room 5C27, NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892.

• Office of Food Labeling, Food and DrugAdministration (HFS-150), 200 C Street, SW,Washington, DC 20204

• Contact your county extension home econ-omist (cooperative extension system) or anutrition professional in your local publichealth department, hospital, American RedCross, dietetic association, diabetes associa-tion, heart association, or cancer society.


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November 1995