numerical solution of the integral equations for mssw

1636 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-18, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1982 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR MSSW* F. R. Morqenthaler and T. Bhattacharjee ** t ABSTRACT Magnetostatic surface wave (MSSWj propagation on one or more co-planar rectangular films of finite width i s solved numericaily using an integral equation formulation. In the case of uniform in-plane bias, theeigenfrequencies and theassociatedeigenvectors are obtained by solvingthecoupledequations which determines the frequency dispersion and the spatial form of MSSW potentiais. in addition to modes having theexpectedlocalizationofenergy on thefilm sur- faces, the results confirmtheexistenceofcertain modes having primary energy concentration at the film edges. The formulation isalsospecializedtothecase of two uniformlymagnetizedrectangularparallelstrips separated by an air gap and coupled via the fringing fields of magnetostatic waves. The results should prove useful in modelling directional couplers for MSSW. INTRODUCTION Renewed i n t e r e s t[ l ] , [2], [3j in the use of magnetostatic waves (PEW) in signal processing devices derives from the fact that operation is possible directly at microwave rather than at RF frequencies. However, stringent controi of thefrequencydispersion [2] isrequired and this fact has ied us to reevaluate the dispersion characteristics of thin film ferrite wave guides. Recently Piorgenthaler [4] has described an integrai equation formulation of the general bound- ary value problem involvingthinfilms with in-plane biasfieldstransversetothedirection of propagation when both thesaturationmagnetization and thein-plane bias field are allowed to be nonuniform. The formula- tion has theadvantagethattheboundaryconditionsat the edges of finite width strips are rigorously satis- fied. In this paper, MSSW propagation on rectangular strip of ferrite film is solved numericaliy using the above mentioned approach; in the case of multiple strips, they are assumed parallel and coplanar. Special emphasis is given for those modes where X , the diagonal component ofthePoldersusceptability tensor, is piecewise continuous and positive because thatisthesurface wave regime. The effect of ex- change and anisotropy have been neglectedforsimplic- i ty. ,THE FORNULATION The geometry under consideration i s shown i n Fig.l particularized to two f e r r i t e strips with saturation magnetization values IT1 and M2 . Each has the same thickness d , but arbitrary widths w1 and w2 ; they are separated by an a i r gap g . Two perfectly con- ducting ground planesare assumed to be placed a t a distance D, ahove and D- below the ferrite strips. **+Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (+ On leave from JadavpurUniversity,India). * Research supported i!: part by the Joint Services Electronics Program (JSEP) and the U.S. Army under c o n t r a c t #DAAG29-81-K-0126. **The Coupled Strip Analysis was supported by Battelle Laboratories under STAS 0033. + Dr. T. Bhattacharjee was supported by U.S. Air Force under RADC postdoctoral program. Using the method, as explained in [3j and [4], the magnetostatic potential in the region /zI < d/2 can be expanded as where, for suppressed exp (jut) variation, Because the material parameters and bias fields are assumed to be uniform, i t follows that X i s piecewise constant. Therefore X,(@,x) can easily be found in each ferrite strip and in the air regions surrounding them. These solutions can then be joined together by requiring that Xa(@,x) and dXN(B,x)/dx be continuous at the strip edges The pair of coupled integral equations that deter- mine the generally complex values of Cl(a) and $(a) a re exp(j,x) ~~($,x) {[+:(;X2+g 2 1 tanh (J(U ^2 +B -2 ID?:) When t h e x axis symmetry permits the modes t o be either even or odd, the factor ,exp(jax) in Eq. (3) can be replaced by either cos(ax) or sin(6x) and the C1,2(~) values can be taken as real. Although the upper limit of theintegrationisactually L = ~0 , thecontributions due tothefringingfieldsare generally negligible for values of 2L/w on the order of 2 or less. Because, we approximate the integration over CY by a finite sum, that approximation i s more accurate in the range of small x when L i s moderate. UUMERICAL SOLUTION Single Strip Case In the case of a uniform field along x , ( l t x ) is constant within the ferrite and the x integration has been obtained in closed form [3]. Thus, the coupled equations reduce to singleintegralsoverthespatial frequency domain (a). The a-integration in Eq. (3) is approximated a s a ~ f i n i t esum over N samplingpoints within the range of integration. The points can be chosen either uniformly spaced or nonuniformly distrib- uted(suchasAthat used in Gauss-iegendre quadrature). N values of ~1 must also be chosen. The r e s u l t a n t 2N x 2N linearmatrixequationisthensolved and the eigen frequencies and theassociatedeigenvectorsare obtained. The major contribution to Eq. (3) occurs for (F1 w) ' < a2-B2 < (F2 2)' and i1 $ < < F2 where the bandwidth factors F1 and F, are adjust- .. 9 . ed so that the N points chosen sample those values of a and B corresponding to maximum mode energy. For the. 0018-9464/82/1 IOO-l636$00.75G 1982 IEEE

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Page 1: Numerical solution of the integral equations for MSSW



F. R . Morqenthaler and T . Bhattacharjee ** t


Magnetostatic surface wave (MSSWj propagation on one o r more co-planar rectangular f i lms of f ini te width i s solved numericaily using an integral equation formulation. In the case of uniform in-plane bias, the eigenfrequencies and the associated eigenvectors are obtained by solving the coupled equations which determines the frequency dispersion and the spa t ia l form of MSSW potent ia i s . i n add i t ion t o modes h a v i n g the expected localization of energy on the f i lm sur- f aces , t he r e su l t s confirm the existence of certain modes having primary energy concentration a t t h e f i l m edges.

The formulation i s a l so spec ia l ized to the case of two uniformly magnetized rectangular parallel str ips separated by an a i r g a p and coupled v i a the f r inging f i e l d s of magnetostatic waves. The resul ts should prove useful i n model l ing direct ional couplers for MSSW.


Renewed i n t e r e s t [ l ] , [ 2 ] , [3j i n the use of magnetostatic waves ( P E W ) in signal processing devices derives from the f ac t t ha t ope ra t ion i s poss ib l e d i r e c t l y a t microwave r a the r t han a t RF frequencies. However, s t r ingent cont ro i of the frequency dispersion [2] i s requi red and t h i s f a c t has ied us t o reevaluate the d i spers ion charac te r i s t ics o f th in f i lm fe r r i te wave guides. Recently Piorgenthaler [4] has described an integrai equation formulation of the general bound- ary value problem involving thin f i lms w i t h in-plane b ias f ie lds t ransverse to the d i rec t ion of propagation when b o t h the saturation magnetization and the in-plane b i a s f ie ld a re a l lowed to be nonuniform. The formula- t ion has the advantage that the boundary conditions at the edges of f i n i t e w i d t h s t r i p s a r e r i g o r o u s l y s a t i s - f i e d .

In th i s paper , MSSW propagation on rectangular s t r ip of fe r r i te f i lm i s so lved numer ica l iy us ing the above mentioned approach; in the case of multiple s t r ip s , t hey a r e assumed para l le l a n d coplanar. Special emphasis i s given for those modes where X , the diagonal component of the Polder susceptabili ty tensor , i s p iecewise cont inuous and positive because t h a t i s t h e s u r f a c e wave regime. The e f f e c t of ex- change and anisotropy have been neglected for simplic- i ty .


The geometry under cons ide ra t ion i s shown i n F i g . l pa r t i cu la r i zed t o two f e r r i t e s t r i p s w i t h s a t u r a t i o n magnetization values IT1 and M2 . Each has the same thickness d , b u t arbi t rary widths w1 and w2 ; they are separated by an a i r gap g . Two per fec t ly con- ducting ground planes are assumed t o be placed a t a dis tance D, ahove and D- below the f e r r i t e strips.

**+Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Research Laboratory of Elec t ronics , Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (+ On leave from Jadavpur University, India).

* Research supported i!: p a r t by the Joint Services Electronics Program (JSEP) and the U.S. Army under cont rac t #DAAG29-81-K-0126.

**The Coupled Str ip Analysis was supported by B a t t e l l e Laboratories under STAS 0033.

+ Dr. T . Bhattacharjee was supported by U.S. Air Force under RADC postdoctoral program.

Using the method, as explained in [3j and [4], the magnetostatic potential in the region /zI < d / 2 can be expanded a s

where, for suppressed exp ( j u t ) var ia t ion ,

Because the material parameters and b i a s f i e lds a r e assumed t o be uniform, i t follows that X i s piecewise constant. Therefore X,(@,x) can e a s i l y be found i n e a c h f e r r i t e s t r i p and in the a i r reg ions sur rounding them. These so lu t ions can then be joined together by requiring t h a t Xa(@,x) and dXN(B,x ) /dx be continuous a t t h e s t r i p edges

The p a i r of coupled integral equations that deter- mine the generally complex values of C l ( a ) and $ (a) a re

exp(j ,x) ~ ~ ( $ , x ) {[+:(;X2+g 2 1 tanh ( J ( U ^ 2 + B - 2 ID?:)

When the x a x i s symmetry permits the modes t o be e i t h e r even or odd, the factor ,exp(jax) in E q . ( 3 ) can be replaced by e i the r cos (ax ) o r s in (6x) and the C 1 , 2 ( ~ ) values can be taken as real . Although the upper l i m i t of t he i n t eg ra t ion i s ac tua l ly L = ~0 , the contr ibut ions due to the f r ing ing f ie lds a re general ly negl igible for values of 2L/w on the order o f 2 or l e s s . Because, we approximate the integration over CY by a f i n i t e sum, that approximation i s more accurate in the range of small x when L i s moderate.

U U M E R I C A L SOLUTION Single S t r ip Case

In the case of a uniform f ie ld a long x , ( l t x ) i s cons tan t wi th in the fe r r i te and the x in tegra t ion has been obtained in closed form [ 3 ] . T h u s , the coupled equations reduce t o s ingle integrals over the spat ia l frequency domain (a). The a- in tegra t ion i n E q . (3 ) i s approximated a s a ~ f i n i t e sum over N sampling points within the range of integration. The points can be chosen either uniformly spaced or nonuniformly d i s t r i b - uted (such asAthat used in Gauss-iegendre quadrature). N values of ~1 must a l so be chosen. The r e s u l t a n t 2N x 2N l inear matrix equation is then solved and the eigen frequencies and the associated eigen vectors are obtained.

The major contr ibut ion to E q . (3 ) occurs for

(F1 w) '' < a2-B2 < (F2 2)' and i1 $ < < F2 where the bandwidth fac tors F1 and F, a re ad jus t - .. 9 .

ed so t h a t the N points chosen sample those values of a and B corresponding t o maximum mode energy. For the.

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Page 2: Numerical solution of the integral equations for MSSW

numerical resu l t s p resented below, F, = F, = 0 and F = Fn = F . Too small a value of F wii 1 exclude values of a impor tan t to the f r ing ing f ie lds a t the s t r ip edges ; too l a rge a value will undervalue the pr inc ip le components and cause h i g h r ipp le in the approximate eigen potentials. I t should be noted that adjustments of the values of N , F and possibly L/W fo r d i f f e ren t po r t ions of the n(6) spectrum i s help- fu l . Natura l ly , l a rge va lues o f N and F are expected to provide better approximations; b u t too l a rge a value of N may actually cause reduced accuracy due t o round-off and t runca t ion e r rors incur red i n solving 2N x 2N matrix equations. Values of N and F t h a t emphasize the energy i n t h e s t r i p r e l a t i v e t o t h a t i n the f r i n g i n g f i e l d may predict the frequency spectrum fa i r ly accu ra t e ly , ye t g ive a d i s to r t ed p i c tu re of the e igen po ten t ia l s . F ina l ly , we remark t h a t tapering of the C l (a i ) and C2(ai) c o e f f i c i e n t s can serve to reduce or eliminate eigen potential overshoot and r ipp le t ha t i s a s soc ia t ed w i th t he S ibbs phenomenon [ 5 ] . I n order to emphasize the different types of width modes, we consider the case of a very thick f i im (d/w = . l ) chosen so a s t o s epa ra t e t he mode frequen- c i e s . I n Fig. 2 , the frequency dispersion of both even and odd modes of comparativeiy law order i s given for D, = m , while in Fig, 3 , the r i e igenpotent ia l s o f representa t ive modes a re p lo t t ed . i n addi t ion t o the expected frequency branches, the dispersion diagram exhibits branches with nearly horizontal or even back- ward wave character. Accurate determination of these and the other higher-order modes requires larger values of N and F . Note tha t in F ig . 3, la rge r ipp les i n the regions Ix j /w > 0.5 can occur due t o t h e f i n i t e values of N and F . These a r e , of course, not present in the actual modes.

2 L




F i g . 2


u///////j/u/////////////I///////// z

j H X l 5 I

1 The geometry under considerat ion.


Frequent!! dispei*sioii of a s ingle strip with representat ive modes l a b e l l e d a s a , b , c , d , e & f . Even and odd modes are respectivc-ly denoted by + and 0 . (Notice the appearance of the back- \ward wave type modes in the spectrum, the potential of one such i s sh~~.e!n 1::. Fig. 3 ( d ) . )

Double Strip Case

Sirniiar anaiysis can be car r ied ou t i n the case of two s t r i p s . However, we choose t o deveiop an approxi- mate analysis, based upor: coupiing o f modes, thar: i s .va!.id when the fringing f ields that provide the couplinc. between the two s t r i p s a r e r e l a t i v e l y weak.

The linearized eqv$tions of motion for the rf m a - net iza t ion i n each O f , t h e s t r i p s , a s i n F i g . l , a r e .?.: the form


where, the subscripts 1 and 2 lahe l the par t icu lar s t r i p . For simplicity magnetic anisotropy i s e i t h e r ignored or assumed to ac t pa ra l l e l t o t he dc magnetic f i e l d s H 1 , 2 = i x H x ; i n e i t h e r c a s e , t h e s t a t i c rnaqnetization vectors are aligned with R ; so t n a t /Mi are the respect ive saturat ion magnet izat ions and M12Hx1 ,2 > 0 .

1 3 2

Fig. 3 MSSW eigenpotent ia ls of the Fig. 2 modes labeled a , b , c , d , e , & f .

i t i s convenient to expand h 1 , 2 a s , -.

- h l = ii +F and E2 = F21+F22 where, h i i s t h e t o t a l rf magnet ic f ie ld act ing upon s t r i p F1 with nil t h a t p a r t due t o mi and Ki2 t h a t due t o z2 . i f the cross-coupling between t h e s t r i p s i s r e l a t ive ly sma l l , i t i s reasonable to assume t h a t t h e forms of El andm2 a r e unchanged from those calculated from the uncoupled equations .

- 11 12 -

The nex t s t ep i s t he re fo re , t o neg lec t F12 a n d

h21 and solve for the two uncoupled surface modes. For d/w<<l and neglecting w i d t h var ia t ions , the approx- imate complex magnetostatic potentials above, within and below f e r r i t e strip # I , a r e r e spec t ive ly


Page 3: Numerical solution of the integral equations for MSSW


z 2 a (5; As i s well k n o w n , the frequency disperzion ti:2t r e s u l t s f:-om applying continufty of ji a n d m + h Z a t b o t h ,

z = 0 and z = d i s given by

Ll = (ax1 + 1 / 2 W K l ) - 4 UM1 01 ( 6 ) 2 1 2 , - 2 1 0 / d


Simi la r r e su l t s ho ld . fo r s t r i p $2. I t follows approximatel)/ that E q . (4)must be express ib le as

+ ( L l - ~ o l ) m l = -wM1 hl;

Then, the final t a sk wi 11 be to express h2f i n terms o f m l and ( h l i in terms o f m2). Since the fringing potential provides the coupling, we need to develop a reasondble estimate for jiZ1 , the potentia3 within s t r i p #2 due t o the mode i n s t r i p # l . The form o f the Laplacian fringing potential ifl present when s t r ip f2 i s removed, can be expressed as

+ +


Since, I J , ~ ~ , the potential above, within and beiow s t r i p # l due t o mode # l , i s rea.sonably well-approximat- ed by E q . ( 5 ) ever near the s t r ip edge x = 0 , we f ind the coe f f i c i en t s C ( p ) by matching the potentials along the plane x = 0 . This i s done by taking the Fourier transform of E q . ( 8 ) . The component of h f l

which has the form of the mode 82 potent ia l i s defined by $2, where hz l = c~~ 12 ( u 2 k i n q the potent ia l w i th in t he s t r i p ) . Tne coef f ic ien t CZl can be found

by minimizing the means square error a n d , f o r ! ~ l ~ : ~ > > l i s given by approximately

b The coupl ing coef f ic ien ts can be defined as

+ C Z 1 4 - h 2 1 C12/Al = h1+2

%1 = __ + - ~ + + x1 ml x 2 m2

+ ; K12 = - (10)

Equations ( 7a,b ) have nontr ivial solut ions when

( " - m o l ) ( w - w o 2 ) = wMl WM2 K12 K21

When the two strips are identical , , the coupling i s maximally e f f i c i e n t , w = o +W I K - . 1 and power t r a n s f e r between t h e s t r i p s i s p o s s i b l e because the composite normal modes (even and odd functions of x with respect to the midplane between the two s t r i p s ) nave, f o r the same frequency u , s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t values of B . The propagation distance for coropiete power t r a n s f e r between l i n e s i s g i v e n by = n / ~ e . blhen fid i s l a r g e enough, so that appreciable exponen- t i a l va r i a t ion o f themode po ten t i a l s i s ev iden t w i th in the s t r ips , the formulas for K 1 2 and KZ1 simnlify because $f can be approximated by an exp(-oi.) Varia-

t i o n . The r e s u l t of t he ana lys i s fo r l a d l > 1 i s aiven as

0 M I2

In Fig. 4, we snow plo ts o f / 3 i w i ~ ~ ~ i vs . ~d for d i f fe ren t va lues 3f t! 2 g / d r a t i o .

.- 9 3


i l l J . H . Col l ins and J . ivi. Owens, "iqagnetostatic Wave a n d SAH Devices - Similar i t ies , Differences a n d Trade o f f s , " 1978 IEEE Internat ional Symposium o n Ci rcu i t s and Systems Proceedings ( I E E E , New York, i978) p . 536.

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[5] E . A . Guillemin, "The Mathematics of Ci rcu i t - Analysis," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 495-535.