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  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    NavigationTop ISBN 81-901030-9-1License Numberdata37200cases.xls numberdataformula.xls









    Brains lefthemisphere


    right hand high status An invisiblesystem

    phenomenon that



    Zero Circle circles orstations






    Numbers/Gem (GunnGangeLayout)





    interpretthesenumbers ina differentway as thisfrom that

    the centuries'



    ns 1 to 999

    Direct series Schedule ofsupercolsum


    Efforts &work


    Procedure tointerpret the

    chart /schedule


    ruling effect combinedeffects of theperson & the



    person shallcooperatewith one

    how thefriendship may


    supernaturalbehavior of

    a person





    The bookcovers manyinterpretatio





  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation





    (INDIA) 009111-3261748Preface

    By the sole universal maker & controllers grace, pouring illumination upon meinferring the point to point & phase by phase Theory or Doctrine regarding thiswork communicated through dreams, perceptions, intuitions, occult, vision etc,forming the integrals with the source THEURGY, gladly brought to the peoplethe first volume ofAPPLIED SPIRITUAL NUMBERS a book work based on fromthe source THEURGY a reflection of the parameters & properties orcharacteristics of THERMOSOUL possibly to be considered as spiritual heatmechanism, to have an opportunity to share with what I could learn through the

    spiritual as well as occult communications building up a typical precise languagewhich may assist one to apprise what the numbers tell probably making a way tosome computed forecasts in respect of any # e.g. Roll #, Telephone #, Birthdate #, Any day #, Any document #, Friends#, Relatives #, Partners#,House #, Ticket#, etc & all kinds of the possible references. ( #=Number)The nature commenced communicating with me since early 1992 with the firsttransfer of # 81 & thereafter the process continued for transferring one numberafter another cumulating to the present status worth enough to be placed firsttime before the world community for their assistance & service for whom thesubject or the exponential work has been received.


    This communication work is not based upon any physical scientific form or theoryor derivation or formula. But only simple arithmetical mensuration has beenapplied to get indicative answers. No claim is made for the work to be anauthentic thesis or professional spiritual direction. No attempt has been made toinclude or indicate or directing any existing acceptable or recognized forms offaith or religion or sect etc. but this work correspond only & exclusively to an

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    imaginary & hypothetical assembled form of spiritual or more preferably admittedas personal communication which is hereby presented in the service of theuniversal maker & controller for the further service of the world people accordingto carrying out dream received formal assumed order or command to me on7.2.1998 during sleep

    One is requested to have a thorough reading as well as an understanding moveon & about the complete theories, descriptions, illustrations etc., prior to makingany indicative interpretation attempt.Any suggestion & critics are warmly welcome for the future work improvements. Ifreceived well, further volume about independent numbers as well as birth timebased charts may be worked out


    SPIRITUAL CIRCUITI wish to have a brief discussion regarding the body graph usually described inthe palmistry literature. The palm contains thumb, forefinger, middle finger,ring finger, little finger & mounts as Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Mars

    (between Jupiter & Venus), Venus, Moon, Mars (between Moon & Mercury).The power of the palm depends on the profile of the mounts which can beread by inclining the palm with the light allowed on that. The portion belowthe fingers is read as followsFrom thumb & forefinger towards little finger-Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, MercuryBelow thumb- Venus, MoonBetween Jupiter & Venus- Mars I upperBetween Mercury & moon-Mars II lower& in the center of palm- Plain of Mars

    Top(Mounts characteristics)

    Jupiter- Leadership, authority, knowledge, (political & general), mentally(non scientific) creative, generosity, speech, pride, beauty, attractionSaturn- Gods judiciary, follow ups, fabrication, hard physical work, worldlypractice, destruction, privation, surgeryMars- Soul moulding, soul energy store, flexible nature, emotional, mentalpower, balancing, power,Moon- Imaginary, short travel, superficial, confusing, coldMercury- Communication, maths, commerce, memory, co-ordination,physical & mental effect, mental travel, long travelSun- work, results, power, punctuality, regularity, success, angerUranus- electricity, revolution, fashion, (occupies Saturn position) & Alsobalancing MarsNeptune & Pluto- (Occupies Suns position)No mount acts singly but in combination to one another & the palm reader shouldcombine the effects of all the mounts. The most non-scientific dominating mounton the palm is Jupiter making the person professor, pundit, leader, generous,learned, angry, reliable, invisible, wealthy (spiritual wealth). The person havingthis mount well developed & connected to other developed mounts of Venus,Moon, Mars I & II, Mercury, Sun, shall apply all the efforts in ones life utilizing

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    spiritual strength & power, making every thing a success & may be called aruling person (Raj Yogi) . This kind of person cannot be defeated by thepersons possessing the ordinary profile palms except by the mistrust or fraud or

    cheatingTopWork oriented links- Karam Yog

    Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Sun = Very hard work routeJupiter draws knowledge from nature ( spirit & zero circle), Mars energizes &transfers the energy to the Venus. Venus converts this energy by the use ofdeveloped Venus into romantic, scientific, engineering or some other scientificapplications the capacity of which the person possess, makes the person happyin totality (physically & mentally), while this mixture of the transit is furtherenriched by the developed mount of Moon if so occurs drawing balance of theresult through the use of the equilibrium energy available at Mars mount rectifyingany available defect from the previous effect & all the resulting decision is carriedforward to the mount of Mercury which programmes it properly, feeds into thepersons computer for communication & coordination to the mount of Sun for the

    result or the success or fruit in the form of the work completion. This cycle fromthe Jupiter mount to the Sun mount is called the work efforts or Karam Yog& if some of the route is undeveloped, the person shall have to apply extra effortsto achieve the required results by enriching the defective portion of themountainous terrain or the topography. The extra effort can be applied by theadditional will power of the spirit or soul to be used for the daily affairs for theachievement of the target. The above is the top process of the universe whichcan change the destiny of an individual, the nature also desires a person to enjoythe life by using this method & when the person starts this method or procedure,there forms the sequence of the successful results, the performances on thepersons efforts, flow of the spiritual energy & power which further augments the

    persons energy for the further efforts. But the problem is that in this modern worldevery one wants or believes in short cuts to achieve the goals, the wealth & it isvery difficult to follow this path all the times for the common individual. Only a fewpercentages of the people can practice this procedure

    TopJupiter-Saturn-Sun= Direct success routePerson who have the developed Jupiter & the Saturn mounts may resort to thedirect success route for their efforts provided the Saturn is not very welldeveloped (Saturn opposes the Jupiter). This means by the leading & otherqualities of the Jupiter one can achieve the direct Sun which imparts success,fame, fruit & such persons re born wealthy. In case the Saturn is well developed,

    there shall be a difficult situation to cross the Saturn station because Saturnprovides opposing characteristics to the Jupiter as both have the charge ship ofopposing nature. Jupiter being political while Saturn being Judicious

    Saturn-Sun= Close route (money making, worldly affairs, privation, science use)persons who have developed Saturn & Sun can get easy success by any meansbeing conscienceless. It is risky to have straightway trust in the person

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    Venus-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Sun=Scientific routeThe development of these mounts provide the person with the characteristics touse the available scientific knowledge to refine further by applying that knowledgeat research, development & investigations


    Jupiter-Saturn-Sun= Constructive & destructive routeThe strong development of these mounts provide the person constructive &destructive qualities due to the leading or other Jupiters characteristics & theopposing Saturns characteristics results in the self destruction

    Saturn-Sun-Mercury= Business & commerce routeThe well-developed mounts of Saturn, Sun & Mercury provide with the person thecharacteristics of commerce, trade, mathematics, communication, use of science

    Venus-Saturn-Mercury = PleasureThe combination of Venus, Saturn & Mercury provide the person with the habits

    of deriving physical & mental pleasure with aimless scientific growth for researchon fire materials

    Uranus= Fashion, electricity, revolution, sudden change, modern science

    Neptune = Sensation, mass emotion, devastation, delusion

    Pluto = Creates & destroys, power lust, strong obsession

    TopAbsence of Saturn may provide with the person the characteristics of Uranus incase the other parameters on the palm are available (mounts & connecting lines)

    Neptune & Pluto are indicated to be present on the undeveloped Sun if otherpalm parameters are available

    The connecting lines on the palm should be treated as the graph direction & therelative expression of mounts on the palmBlack point- any black point on any mount adds to the power of the mount even ifthe mount is not well developed & the points presence on the developed mountsadds tremendously to the mount power. Any black point on the reverse side ofthe palm adds immensely to the power of the mounts & the fingers but theinvisibility plays an important role. No one may understand what the person does

    & how the success comes from the relevant efforts

    No one line or mount on the palm can give an answer about the person but onlya complete comprehensive exercise of reading, observing, interpreting the palmby an experienced palm reader may give clues about the general nature of theperson & ones spiritual control. Do not forget if the spiritual control is enhanced &regularly exercised, all the palm lines & the other graphical characteristics shallalter from time to time. Connections of the mounts are very important but these

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    matters are not in the scope of this work for in palmistry literatures completedetails are available for reference

    TopThe head or the brain line which starts from the Jupiter/Mars I junction/vicinityshould travel smoothly to the position of the mount of II Mars for a balanced brain

    The conscience or the heart line starting from the mount should travel smoothlyto the Jupiter mount for the idealistic characteristics of the person or the turningof this line towards the Saturn shall badly effect the persons style of directionsbut the spiritual control gets the room to improve

    Both the palms should be observed simultaneously for the interpretation purposebecause the person uses both hands for work (executive purpose) & both of themare medically cross linked to the top authority of the person that is the brain. Thebrain possesses two hemispheres (left hemisphere & the right hemisphere). Theleft hand is connected to the right hemisphere & the right hand is connected to

    the left hemisphere. It is extremely important to coordinate the right palm to theleft palm. Brains right hemisphere = Spiritualistic behavior (Intuition, holy, art,irrational, creative, non analytic)

    TopBrains left hemisphere Executive behavior (rational, logic, analysis, thinking,& all other physical justifiable characteristics)

    Take only the relevant characteristics interpretations from the either palm & try toreach the combined interpretation otherwise the complete interpretation shall bemisleading. This usually happens while palm reader only one palm forinterpretation

    Spiritual World- The spirit i.e. the strength or the power of the souldominates every creature in this universe, the human being is the top physical &the soulistic entity dominated by the spiritual powers directly provided by thesystem the god produced. This system is fully automatic, everlasting &permanent till the person enjoys the earth planetary home. Since spiritual worlddominates the physical world in the true sense, the characteristics of the spiritualproperties shall definitely effect the person in all relevant respects & these effectsshould be taken note of. Spiritual parameters inevitably effect the right hand palmwhich remains busy most of the time & as the right hemisphere is linked to theleft palm & vice versa, the left hemisphere of the brain does not come to rest

    immediately in comparison to the right hemisphere. The permanentcharacteristics of a person can be known from the interpretation of the left handfor its connection to the spiritual portion of the brain (right hemisphere)

    TopThe functional modes of the left hemispheresVerbal-rational-discreet-logical-analytical-thoughtful/thinking

    The functional modes of the right hemispheres

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    Since right hand is related to the left hemisphere & vice versa, the graph on theleft palm indicates spirituality of the person, the most significant characteristics orthe quality endowed by the god on the person & this is the most important criteria

    to know about the originality in the behavior of & from a person while the rightpalm may reflect the executive characteristics only in part or in full inherited bythe person

    The executive characteristics can be achieved by the personal extra efforts toachieve the set or the desired goal or ambition

    The history of mans creativity is filled with series of artists & scientists who afterworking hard & long on some difficult problems, consciously decide to forget it to,in effect, turn it over to their unconscious (right hemisphere). After sometime,often with great suddenness & totality unexpectedly the solution to their problem

    announces itself to them in almost complete form. The right hemisphere appearsto have been able to overcome the most difficult logical & systematic problemsby, we would conjecture, relaxing the rigid standards of thought of the lefthemisphere. Given the looser standards the right hemisphere employs, it wasperhaps able to design thought experiments which the left hemisphere could notbecause of its rigidity conceived. The right hemisphere is thus able to hit uponsolutions which could then of course recast into strictly logical terms by the lefthemisphere. Quoted from IEI Technorama dated 4-5-92 by Prof C,S.Jha

    TopIf some person possesses very high status of the left palm which may be obviousby the presence of well developed mounts, the other terrains with the domination

    of Jupiter & the low profile or the absence of Saturn & with the depiction ofvaluable graphics, the person shall draw high degree of spirituality & havingutilized that power by converting into the execution of work by the use of similarlydeveloped right hand, shall be very successful, develop each & every aspect inlife. If Saturn too exists well developed, the results shall appear accordingly.

    The objective of this small work is not the introduction of Palmistry or theextension of that but the establishment of the spiritual relation to the personsbody. I have tried to communicate my feelings & obviously the effects of thenumbers or the digits on the human body, the quantum of these numbers that allof you very well know are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & their combinations. Certainly, the

    atmosphere above the lithosphere surrounds all of us all the times from the birthto death & we all live in this gaseous envelope.

    TopAn invisible system works every moment around us & we all live inindividual envelopes. One may call that spiritual envelope formed by themovements of the spiritual waves continuously being derived from nature & everyindividual has one such envelope. This envelope imparts some route to the body& the spirit enters the body to make that functional all times. The details of these

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    higher targets in lifetime for the satisfaction, one should try to preserve the semen

    in the form of spiritual material as much as practically possible. TopBy virtue of this saving, the person may easily attain super world & be nearer togod while performing earthly duties. I suggest that number 8 is spiritual superforming the entire system in the invisibility of the universe & contributes to

    physical world or visible system. Number 9 flows in the system 8 & remains intactin motion at zero. surrounding the solar system. Number 5 is at the far most &utmost distance location/situation whereto only a few can or may reach spiritually.One may complain that I am talking about Brahamchariyata but that is not thecase here. Number 6 stays at the head which is the name of n\mind home wherespirit or soul functions & is the connecting point to the persons god for workperformance occupying 3 different position 6, -6 & 6 maintenance. The first 6provides application of mental making, -6 provides application of ending ordestruction while 3rd 6 provides maintenance of the made up items. So anythingfor purpose of formation mathematically can be described 0-6 where 0 is startingpoint & 6b is made up point. Maintenance can be indicated by digit 6 only while

    ending shall be depicted by 6-0 where 6 indicates the last maintenance or madeup, the 0 is the end of the made up & destruction. One may derive the fact of thefaith feeling that the 3 gods stay for every individual at point 6 but this point canfunction efficiently only when spiritual current remains intact with full potential, thecontinuous flow of spiritual voltage & spiritual number 648 can be granted to thisstate of head (spiritual state). 6 indicates mental procedures or work or derivationof spiritual romance or happiness while 4 indicates flow or emotions or solution orfluid state & 8 indicates system of invisibility or unseen. Now while the functionson spiritual point 6 works properly without break there shall definitely be somepositive or negative results which is natural law & in return, these results shall jointhe person to point 7 defined as success point on spiritual flow or the Ora or

    knowledge connector or soft knowledge or truth. One shall get enlightened at thispoint & such light is not measurable by any unit but immense knowledge, feeling,vistas in spiritual forms shall be felt by person entering point 7 at any time.Number 8 indicates the system, 9 indicates power or energy or strength. 8applies to the internal as well external system of the body & also reaches up tothe ultimate supreme power at 5. The totality of entire system forms digit 8


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    Circle/SphereZero CircleLet me briefly explain about the conceptual Zero or Soul diagram that with thegrace of god, the universal supreme powerful authority has come to my mind.Should one refer to Vedic provisions, will find a mention of 7 circles chakras inbody at attaining Yoga modes. Drawn an imaginary circle around the solar

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    system thrice which forms Trinity Zero existing billions of kilometers from earthplanet & further lead to various destinations away from Zero exist gods home &operational or executive organizations or departments. The situation of theultimate power is at 5 where all controls, complete information & knowledge arestored. Those who are successful reaching this station become extremely near

    god & enjoy true life. The real knowledge as well as controls are dispatched bygod from this station at 5 through zero, 8 & 9 to 7 from where the person at 6captures to utilize as an electric load appliance but if the person does not arriveat 6, there is no way to capture this ora at 7. The truth lies in the fact if the personis able to draw spiritual flow onwards from multidirectional point or circle at 4 tomental sphere at 6, only then gods dispatch can be received, otherwise, nothingshall come to person. Also it is up to the person how many times in a day & forwhat duration the entry to 6 be made & maintained. Those who practice entry into6 many times a day may enter world of concentration & the time comes when the

    person becomes spiritually visionary. TopThose who very often practice this kind of concentration shall enter the unknown

    magic world of spirituality & come to know many secrets of super nature. Somepersons may even know the secrets of that world without even referring to anydocuments. Those who practice this yoga or concentration can only understandthe spiritual reality & sacred truth. Immense power & calm work around the headof the person enjoying this practical gift of the supreme authority & power. Duringsleep the person shall find many answers to current problems of day-to-day life ifcould not be solved during the conscious day mind, persons of course, make funof this statement but the fact remains so. Now let me tell you about thecharacteristics of digit 7. Digit 7 is a synthetic characteristic number. Syntheticquality means that knowledge comes to this point or station on collective form &in soft style where all the brain top cells are at rest to receive contents of

    supernatural programmes. There is no limit of the quantum of information or gifts.One may collect any quantity of supply which depends on the persons capacityto receive like one receives water from full running water line. If one closes line,no water shall come to the pot but water remains there in line & if not collected fora long period, there shall be chances that stagnant water gets polluted. Similarly,is the case when one does not use the station or point 6 & to use point or station7 there are chances after a long time that one may or will not be able to think onsolving the problems, t he circle or station number 6 may corrode in spiritualsense & person shall act as soil statue only. Explanation regarding other stationsor circles or points 4-1 are not very important as every person has to use thesestations or circles whether required or not required by the person but these

    circles or points are used every day in day to day life in one affair or the other.TopLet us enlist the above discussed numbers or circles or stations as follows

    #1 at the waste disposal/sexual organ of either gender#2 at the seminal store /spiritual electrolyte/the material#3 at the navel/shape wise at sexual organ/sundi or naabhi#4 at the chest/breast/position of the physical heart

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    #5 at the point rear to the eyes leading to the ultimate authority through Ora#6 at the forehead#7 at the top of physical head spiritually attached in circuit in surrounding#8 at every point of the whole invisible system of spiritual network covering

    all points or stations or circles

    #9 at every point or stations continuously n\moving in Zero & radial links0 At every point in circle surrounding the whole solar system billions ofkilometers away from this planet earth

    There exists an invisible spiritual envelope around the complete surface of thepersons body permanently & a miniature spirit around station 3 which are calledthe differential souls or spirits or anter aatma respectively. The whole envelope isfurther permanently connected to the spiritual shank, the radials & to the zero via1-7 & all the solar system planets collectively collectively can be termed asshanker, controlled naturally, further connected to the authorities, the powersaway from the tri zero to the whole gods organizations & the executive systems.

    TopThe entry of the soul or the spirit at circle 1 is automatic for the objective of theperson to live according to the gods programme, this point or the circle or thestation imparts the person with an authority to let the spirit enter the bodywherefrom automatically it goes to the point or circle 2, the source of electrolyte &from here the control over the body by the person commences for theperformance of earthly duties ordered by god in ones earthly journey card thecontents of which are unknown to the person. The person draws the energy fromthe source at 2, uses that at point 3 for either making or for breaking efforts, mayfollow suit to point 4 or 2,1 or shall lead to point 6 for breaking & makingrespectively.

    The person if enters to 6, makes thinking, receives the achievements otherwiseusing 4,2 & 1 shall discharge the energy of making for physical pleasures & leadto the horrifying darkness of this temporary world. The function at point 4 is veryspecial as it imparts both the emotional qualities. To enter point 6, the personrequires determination to cross point 4 upwards wherein this state of emotion thepoint 4 shall provide solid emotions to go upwards while on downward move from3-1 point 4 shall make the person mild & soft to enjoy the worldly family affairs,regularly reducing the quantity of seminal electrolyte as well as its viscosity, pullthe person to the spiritual darkness, withdraw mental as well as spiritual progress& distance the person from real understanding of god. Of corse, the person shall

    progress to generate the personal family but at what cost? To distant from thealmighty which is out of common understanding. One has to be extremely carefulabout the circle 4 as this provides thousands of the probable directions for spiritto move which may lead to any desired direction as per the will of person. Thedirection shall belong to all characteristics that be detrimental or incrementalwhich choice is up to the person, may vary from time to time unit as thecircumstances be one at one time & another at the other time & different at thirdtime, therefore, the selection is in the authority of the person. The god shall

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    provide the means of every question problem in form of information throughinnumberable channels around ora for which the person has to be careful tochoose.

    TopMost of the doctors, scientists, engineers & all other intellectuals enter

    point 6 & 7 often while all the general category of persons most of the timeoccupy points 1-4 only. Those who enter point 6 mostly, it becomes too difficultfor them to come out of that point to enter point 4 due to the fact that point 6 iswonderfully an analytical station where immense mental exercise isoperated/carried out allowing the person to draw many times more pleasure atthat point than at 4 which pleasure is long lasting & not instant pleasure as at 4.The persons who enjoy materialism that is the use of 2 generally live in 1-4 &scarcely sometimes in 6 & 7 for the understanding, apply mental operation fordaily maintenance, While staying in only 1-4 range, person remains in the madworld.

    Materialism means the commodities, spiritless wealth, soil, the family status &also resources of information to be used to generate materials. Only 10% peopleenjoy status of 6,5 & 90 % people enjoy 1-4 & 7. This is most advancedmechanism of universal existence being discussed herein based onmathematical calculations, spiritual feelings & supernatural spiritual feedingduring dream transmissions. For survival purpose it is extremely important thatthe spirit continuously moves in the body soul from 1-7 for the failure of thismovement can drag the person to non-survival state.


    As explained earlier that point 3 is for making or for breaking store which if used

    for making regularly by 6, shall take the person to unimaginable heights/higherdegree of progress in life, the additional power stored effect benefit the spirit &miniature to draw whenever felt necessary/needed replenishment if lost casuallyat point 2,1. The right palm or the executive palm shall start exhibiting or showingsigns of lines alteration gradually, frequently & even left or spiritual palm tooshow sign of changes if very high success is achieved. Experiences have shownthat every progressing person generates directly or indirectly enemies who havegrudges or a degree of jeal, want to degrade one/person & sequently the enemyadopts the unacceptable means like application of the black world called Tantras.Unethical Tantrics apply to cut or curtail spiritual power at point 1 of the person,try to hold spiritual energy flow meant to enter the body, the continuous Tantra

    application may result in body getting weak & the person may not work efficiently.But those who adopt high will power, keep working continue can draw power frompoint 7 & replenish the cutting/curtailing loss. Similarly, if point 2,1 are used fordrawal of pleasure by high intellect level persons, any loss occurred can bereplenished by drawing power from point 7, in case stored excessively. When theTantras are applied by someone against the person of ordinary spiritualdevelopment, the person shall be effected badly, may fall sick or reduce workingcapacity, to remedy there are no definite ways & solutions to back the person to

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    normal state. The person shall also be effected wither way when comes incontact with the totality of spouse spirit in married life & mutual effects betransferred to both. Those who practice high spiritual attainments shall not befrequently attacked by bad effect of solar system planets as the power ofresistance is already stored in point 6,7. Only ordinary persons shall be badly

    effected often.ITop

    Spiritual Numbers/Gem (Gunn Gange Layout)Now we enter the special world of the spiritual numbers derived from zerodiagram effects. Before leading further I like to clarify that I am not going thesubject of Numerology but a part of spirit science applied through numbers whichone may call science of spirit logy. One shall not find the effects of single digitsonly in calculations but also combined effects of the numbers be interpreted,many equations be formed, many formulae be used for various types ofcomputations & results be interpreted accordingly. These numbers referenceshave nothing to do with either or any recognized forms of any religion existing in

    this world & no effort has been applied to harm any sentiments or hurt any personin the world. This is purely an arithmetic effort & justifications have been made forthat. The efforts have been made with pure feeling, the faith that the god surelyexists controlling whole universe & employment pertaining to the formal namehas been left to the reader only. The described system is purely hypothetical withno scientific base from the basic physical sciences has been claimed to beadopted & no justification either has been made to that effect or /can be made.Please take & receive this work as an absolutely imaginary for entertainment.


    General indicative considerations pertaining to the

    values applied to various individual numbers from 0 to 9Interpretations of the numbers generally# 1

    Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning# 2

    Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical# 3

    Making/breaking/material application support/mentalsupport/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning)

    # 4

    Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multydirections/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer

    # 5Unexpected/secret/control solid

    authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or strong soul/reliable making/business/perfectanswer/godlike


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    Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romanticdesire/karam/thinking/tension/mentalprocess/romance/analysis/construction/one third damaging

    # 7Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best

    solution/transformation/material facts/ visiondoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result#8

    System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & lifepoint/soul or spirit route/total/longtravel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine

    # 9Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonanalytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle

    # 0

    Encircles the solar system in which # 9 moves/powercontainer/saturation associate/full associate. This is known zerocircle

    TopThe above given characteristics in respect of digits or numbers 1 to 0 shallbe used to have an understanding of the meaning of the digits. Manycombinations of the meanings shall be assessed & final interpretationarrived at. It shall require a thorough understanding, experiences &intuitions to get into answer to the questions. Only one characteristic maybe used one time to use in the combined interpretation. Spiritualconnection is very important.

    All other further numbers shall be used in combinations as mathematicalequations based on the single digit effects of interpretationsFor example 15 indicates entry or exit of magic or unknown for 1+5=6 foranalysis or romance or thinking or process11 indicates unlimited entry or exit or lead for 1+1=2 material or world111 indicates massive entry like effect by nature or god


    Now Interpret these numbers in a different way as this from that ( Dragging)Dragging means to count any number from the value of the number

    position to that positionSay 6th from 6th means 6,7,8,9,10,11, the answer being 11Please click the following file to see the value of the dragged series

    draggedcolsumseries.xls 1 of this file gives the dragged series for relevant numbersThis dragged series has been exhibited to let one understand the style hownumbers from the other can be calculated by dragging & to have an

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    13 7th


    # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 3 for total effect of 4Drag effect-Best success etc

    14 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 4 for total effect of 5

    15 8th


    # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 5 for total effect of 6Drag effect-Best system etc

    16 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 6 for total effect of 7

    17 9th


    # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 7 for total effect of 8Drag effect-Best power etc

    18 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning& effect of # 8 for total effect of 9

    19 10th


    # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

    & effect of # 9 for total effect of 10 for 1Drag effect-Best full lead etc

    20 Full effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficiaconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical

    For final effect of # 2Top21 11th


    Effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lefor final effect of # 3Drag effect-Best selection etc

    22 Unlimited effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/supe

    constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor a final effect of #4

    23 12th


    # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 3 for final effect of # 5Drag effect-Best congratulation etc

    24 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 4 for final effect of # 6

    25 13th



    # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical

    & effect of # 5 for final effect of # 7Drag effect-Best lead making etc

    26 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 6 for final effect of # 8

    27 14th


    # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 7 for final effect of # 9

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    Drag effect-Best entry move etc

    28 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/notconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 8 for final effect of # 10 for # 1

    29 15th


    # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

    constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical& effect of # 9 for final effect of # 11 for final effect of # 2Drag effect-Best entry magic etc

    30 Full effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mentalformation (shape beginning)

    For final effect of # 3Top31 16th


    Effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental supformation (shape beginning)& effect of # 1 for final effect of # 4Drag effect-Best entry work etc

    32 Effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental sup

    formation (shape beginning) &Effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor final effect of # 5

    33 17th


    Unlimited effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/msupport/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning)For final effect of # 6Drag effect-Best entry success etc

    34 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &Effect of # 4 for final effect of #7

    35 18th


    # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &effect of # 5 for final effect of #8Drag effect-Best entry system etc

    36 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &effect of # 6 for final effect of # 9

    37 19th



    # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &

    effect of # 7 for final effect of # 10 for # 1Drag effect-Best lead power etc

    38 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &effect of # 8 for final effect of # 11 for # 2

    39 20th

    from# 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figur(shape beginning) &

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    20 effect of # 9 for final effect of # 12 for # 3Drag effect-Best full material etc

    40 Full effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dy

    For final effect of # 4Top41 21th


    Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynam

    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor final effect of # 5Drag effect-Best material entry etc

    42 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor final effect of # 6

    43 22ndfrom22

    # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamism/emotFor final effect of # 7Drag effect-Best unlimited material etc

    44 Unlimited effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directio

    answerFor final effect of # 8

    45 23rd


    Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 5For final effect of # 9Drag effect-Best material making etc

    46 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 6For final effect of # 10 for # 1

    47 24th



    Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 7

    For final effect of # 11 for # 2Drag effect-Best material move etc

    48 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 8For final effect of # 12 for # 3

    49 25th


    Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamEffect of # 9For final effect of # 13 for # 4Drag effect-Best material magic etc

    50 Full effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid

    authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike

    For final effect of # 5Top51 26th


    Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    For final effect of # 6Drag effect-Best material work etc

    52 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike

    &effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleaconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor final effect of # 7

    53 27th


    Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 3For final effect of # 7Drag effect-Best material success etc

    54 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 4For final effect of # 9

    55 28th


    Unlimited effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlikeFor final effect of # 10 for # 1Drag effect-Best material system etc

    56 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 6For final effect of # 11 for # 2

    57 29th


    Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 7

    For final effect of # 12 for # 3Drag effect-Best material power etc

    58 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 8For final effect of # 13 for # 4

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    59 30th


    Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solidauthority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/usoul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike&effect of # 9

    For final effect of # 14 for # 5Drag effect-Best making etc

    60 Full effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romdesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const

    For effect of # 6Top61 31st


    Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor effect of # 7Drag effect-Best making lead etc

    62 Effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romanticdesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 2For effect of # 8

    63 32nd


    Effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romanticdesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 3For effect of # 9Drag effect-Best making material etc

    64 Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of #4For effect of # 10 for # 1

    65 33rd


    Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of #5For effect of # 11 for # 2Drag effect-Best unlimited making etc

    66 Unlimited effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/constFor effect of # 12 for # 3

    67 34th


    Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 7For effect of # 13 for # 4

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    Drag effect-Best making move etc

    68 Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 8

    For effect of # 14 for # 569 35th


    Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantidesire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/const&effect of # 9For effect of # 15 for # 6Drag effect-Best making magic etc

    70 Full effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/besfacts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result

    For effect of # 7Top71 36th


    Effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best so

    vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor effect of # 8Drag effect-Best making work etc

    72 Effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best sovision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleaconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor effect of # 9

    73 37th


    # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 2For effect of # 10 for # 1Drag effect-Best making success etc

    74 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 4For effect of # 11 for # 2

    75 38th


    # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 5For effect of # 12 for # 3Drag effect-Best making system etc

    76 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    &effect of # 6For effect of # 13 for # 4

    77 39th



    Unlimited effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforsolution/transformation/material facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illum

    For effect of # 14 for # 5Drag effect-Best making power etc

    78 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result&effect of # 8For effect of # 15 for # 6

    79 40th


    # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/tradoor/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/resulteffect of # 9For effect of # 16 for # 7

    Drag effect-Best full move etc80 Full effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/droute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine

    For effect of # 8Top81 41st


    Effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/deathroute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor effect of # 9

    Drag effect-Best move lead etc82 Effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death

    route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleaconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor effect of # 10 for # 1

    83 42nd


    Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/deathroute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine

    &effect of # 3For effect of # 11 for #2Drag effect-Best move material etc

    84 Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/deathroute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    effect of # 4For effect of # 12 for # 3

    85 43rd


    Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/deathroute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine

    &effect of # 5For effect of # 13 for # 4Drag effect-Best move making etc

    86 Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/deathroute/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&effect of # 6For effect of # 14 for # 5

    87 44th


    Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death

    route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&effect of # 7For effect of # 15 for # 6Drag effect-Best unlimited move etc

    88 Unlimited effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machineFor effect of # 16 for # 7

    89 45th


    Effect of # 15 for # 6#8 System/frame/network/medium/communication

    route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/gworld/invisible/electric/machine&effect of # 9For effect of # 17 for # 8Drag effect-Best move magic etc

    90 Full effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potentiaanalytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle

    For effect of # 9Top91 46th



    Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle

    &effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor effect of # 10 for # 1Drag effect-Best move work etc

    92 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clea

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor effect of # 11 for # 2

    93 47th


    Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&

    effect of # 3For effect of # 12 for # 3Drag effect-Best move success etc

    94 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&effect of # 4For effect of # 13 for # 4

    95 48th


    Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&

    effect of # 5For effect of # 14 for # 5Drag effect-Best move system etc

    96 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&effect of # 6For effect of # 15 for # 6

    97 49th


    Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&

    effect of # 7For effect of # 16 for # 7Drag effect-Best move power etc

    98 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/nonzero circle&effect of # 8For effect of # 17 for # 8

    99 50th


    Unlimited effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/poanalytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circleFor effect of # 18 for # 9

    Drag effect-Best full magic etc100 100 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/a

    For effect of # 1Top101 51st


    Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learFor effect of # 2Drag effect-Best magic lead etc

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    102 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cleaconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physicalFor effect of # 3

    103 52nd


    Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 3For effect of # 4Drag effect-Best magic material etc

    104 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 4For effect of # 5

    105 53rd


    Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho

    &effect of # 5For effect of # 6Drag effect-Best magic making etc

    106 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 6For effect of # 7

    107 54th



    Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&

    effect of # 7For effect of # 8Drag effect-Best magic move etc

    108 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 8For effect of # 9

    109 55th


    Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/autho&effect of # 9

    For effect of # 10 for # 1Drag effect-Best unlimited magic etc

    110 Unlimited effect of # 11(11 times effect of# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)

    For effect of # 2Top

    111 56th

    fromSupreme /massive/godly effect of # 1 (Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authorFor effect of # 3

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    56 Drag effect-Best magic work etc

    112 Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 2 (Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/cconstant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical)For effect of # 4

    113 57th


    Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 3For effect of # 5Drag effect-Best magic success etc

    114 Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 4For effect of # 6

    115 58th



    Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 5

    For effect of # 7Drag effect-Best magic system etc

    116 Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 6For effect of # 8

    117 59th


    Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 7For effect of # 9Drag effect-Best magic power etc

    118 Unlimited effect of # 11

    & effect of # 8For effect of # 10 for # 1

    119 60th


    Unlimited effect of # 11& effect of # 9For effect of # 11 for # 2Drag effect-Best full work etc

    120 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

    For effect of # 3Top

    121 61st


    Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

    &effect of # 1For effect of # 4Drag effect-Best work lead etc

    122 Effect of # 1&Unlimited effect of # 2(# 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical)For effect of # 5

    123 62nd



    Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&

    effect of # 3For effect of # 6Drag effect-Best work material etc

    124 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 4For effect of # 7

    125 63rd


    Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 5

    For effect of # 8Drag effect-Best work making etc

    126 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 6For effect of # 9

    127 64th


    Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 7For effect of # 10 for # 1

    Drag effect-Best work move etc128 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 8For effect of # 11 for # 2

    129 65th


    Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2&effect of # 9For effect of # 12 for # 3Drag effect-Best work magic etc

    130 Effect of # 1(Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&Full effect of 3

    For effect of # 4Top

    131 66th


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    &effect of 1

    For effect of # 5Drag effect-Best unlimited work etc

    132 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 2For effect of # 6

    133 67th


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&unlimited effect of 3For effect of # 7

    Drag effect-Best work success etc134 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 4For effect of # 8

    135 68th


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3

    &effect of 5For effect of # 9Drag effect-Best work system etc

    136 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 6For effect of # 10 for # 1

    137 69th


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 7For effect of # 11 for # 2Drag effect-Best work power etc

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    138 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 8

    For effect of # 12 for # 3

    139 70th


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of 3&effect of 9For effect of # 13 for # 4Drag effect-Best full success etc

    140 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear

    &full effect of # 4

    For effect of # 5Top

    141 71st


    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&effect of # 4&effect of # 1For effect of # 6

    Drag effect-Best success lead etc142 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear

    &effect of # 4&effect of # 2For effect of # 7

    143 72nd



    Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/lear&

    effect of # 4&effect of # 3For effect of # 8Drag effect-Best success material etc


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    The above detailed interpretations of numbers have been based onindividual numbers meaning or construction within limitations & still moremeanings can be associated/assigned with these answers but only oneinterpretation should be applied at a time to avoid mixing up of thesenumber results. One can go through in depth with the interpretations

    included at the beginning of the spiritual numbers & apply at ones own tocheck the various entries from # 1 to # 143 as all dates of births are coveredwithin this range. For example the first date of birth in a century is 1.1.1 thesum being 3 7 the ending date of birth in the century being 31.12.100summing to 143 as 31+12+100. These interpretations have been formed indual style i.e direct sum numbers & the dragging effect thereof whichmeans(take for example a number 11 which is 6 th from 6i.e 6-7-8-9-10-11) (itlies at 6th sequence when counted from 6)

    Similarly all numbers can be dragged in the same style & have been doneto form dragged series for optional interpretations for comparison & the

    drag results have been exhibited accordingly.

    Now have a look into the effects of the centuries' digitsin general


    Years Effects

    10 901-999 Full of the effects of digit 9 means this period shouldbe full of power or struggle or fire or anger orresistance or rigidity or potential or synthesis or shaktior orthodoxisim or hardships or hard work or worshipetc.,

    11 1000-1099

    Full of effects of digit 1 means this period should befull of exit or entry or right or authority or level or lead /full effect of 10 etc

    12 1100-1199

    Full of effect of 11 means this period should beeffected by unlimited entry or exit or lead or authorityor right/the best selection for materials or world ofrelevance etc

    13 1200-1299

    Full of effect of 12 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orsuperficial or clean or unreliable or variable based formaking or breaking or material application support ormental support or congratulation etc.,

    14 1300-1399

    Full of effect of 13 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & making or breaking or material applicationsupport or mental support for move or flow or solutionor emotion or visible short travels or multy directional

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    move or temporary answers etc.,

    15 1400-1499

    Full of effect of 14 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & move or flow or solution or emotion or visibleshort travel or multy directional move or temporary

    answers for magic or secret or control or solidauthority or ultimate authority or strong or art orscience or profession or religion or duty or real orunexpected etc.,

    16 1500-1599

    Full of effect of 15 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & magic or secret or control or solid authority orultimate authority or strong or art or science orprofession or religion or duty or real for work or workprocess or mental application or selection or mindanalysis or romance or romantic desires or karam or

    thinking & all three effects of 6 etc.,Top17 1600-

    1699Full of effect of 16 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & work or work process or mental application orselection or mind analysis or romance or romanticdesires or karam or thinking & all three effects of 6 forsuccess or real light or truth or knowledge orknowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best solutionor transformation or material facts or vision door orfruit etc.,

    18 1700-


    Full of effect of 17 means this period should be

    effected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & success or real light or truth or knowledge orknowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best solutionor transformation or material facts or vision door orfruit for system or frame or network or medium or linkor communication or coordination or death or life pointor soul or spirit route or totality or black or long travelor reliable or invisible or green etc.,

    19 1800-1899

    Full of effect of 18 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & system or frame or network or medium or link

    or communication or coordination or death or life pointor soul or spirit route or totality or black or long travelor reliable or invisible or green for power or shakti orstruggle or fire or rigidity or potential or synthesis ornon analytical or anger or orthodoxism or worship etc.,

    20 1900-1999

    Full of effect of 19 means this period should beeffected by exit or entry or right or authority or lead orlevel & for power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidity

  • 8/7/2019 Number Data Explanation


    or potential or synthesis or non analytical or anger ororthodoxism or worship for full entry or exit or right or

    authority or level or lead or acceptance etc., Top21 2000-

    2099Full of effect of 20 means this period should beeffected by material or made up or thing or worldly or

    idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constantor unreliable or information & all these oftenly full forworld etc.,

    22 2100-2199

    Full of effect of 21 means this period should beeffected by material or made up or thing or idle orsuperficial or clean or variable or not constant orunreliable or information & exit or entry or right orauthority or lead or level for making or breaking ormental application support or mental support orformation etc.,

    23 2200-2299

    Full of effect of 22 means this period should be effectedby unlimited material or made up or thing or idle orsuperficial or clean or variable or not constant orunreliable or information for flow or move or solution oremotion or visible travel or multy directional or temporaryanswer etc.,

    24 2300-2399

    Full of effect of 23 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & making or breaking or material applicationsupport or mental support & for magic or secret or

    control or solid authority or ultimate authority or strong orart or science or profession or religion or duty or real etc.,

    25 2400-2499

    Full of effect of 24 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & move or flow or solution or emotion orvisible short travel or multy directional move ortemporary answers for work or work process or mentalapplication or selection or mind analysis or romance orromantic desires or karam or thinking & all three effects of6 etc.,

    26 2500-2599

    Full of effect of 25 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & magic or secret or control or solid authorityor ultimate authority or strong or art or science orprofession or religion or duty or real for success or reallight or truth or knowledge or knowledge interaction orfruit of efforts or best solution or transformation or

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    material facts or vision door or fruit etc.,

    27 2600-2699

    Full of effect of 26 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & work or work process or mental application

    or selection or mind analysis or romance or romanticdesires or karam or thinking & all three effects of 6 forsystem or frame or network or medium or link orcommunication or coordination or death or life point orsoul or spirit route or totality or black or long travel orreliable or invisible or green etc.,

    28 2700-2799

    Full of effect of 27 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & success or real light or truth or knowledgeor knowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best solution

    or transformation or material facts or vision door or fruitfor power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidity orpotential or synthesis or non analytical or anger ororthodoxism or worship etc.,

    29 2800-2899

    Full of effect of 28 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & system or frame or network or medium orlink or communication or coordination or death or lifepoint or soul or spirit route or totality or black or longtravel or reliable or invisible or green for full effect of 1

    etc.,30 2900-2999

    Full of effect of 29 means this period should be effectedby material or made up or thing or idle or superficial orclean or variable or not constant or unreliable orinformation & power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidityor potential or synthesis or non analytical or anger ororthodoxism or worship for unlimited effect of 1/ 6 th from 6& for effect of 2


    In the above discussion a general behaviour of century years have beenhinted & the specific interpretation shall be taken into consideration forevery subject year first digit if century & second digit for the sum ofdigits formula usedApply the formula for the above & other interpretationsSome more interpretations of the years individually

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    Year Year digit


    1990 90 Indicates full power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity etc

    1991 91 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or

    rigidity & entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc for10 i.e full entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc

    1992 92 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity & material or thing or worldly or made up orclean or idle or constant less etc for 11 unlimited entryor exit or right or lead or authority etc for 2 for materialor thing or worldly or made up or clean or idle orconstant less etc

    1993 93 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity & making & breaking or formation for 12 i.e entryor exit or right or lead or authority etc & material or thing

    or worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant lessetc for 3 making & breaking or formation for

    congratulation etc.,Top1994 94 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or

    rigidity & move, flow or solution for 13 entry or exit orright or lead or authority etc & making & breaking orformation for 4 etc., move, flow or solution

    1995 95 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity & magic, control or strong for 14 entry or exit orright or lead or authority etc & move, flow or solution for5 magic, control or strong etc.,

    1996 96 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity & work, work process or thinking etc for 15 entryor exit or right or lead or authority etc & magic, controlor strong for 6 etc., work, work process or thinking etc

    1997 97 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis orrigidity & success, fruit or enlightenment for 16 entry orexit or right or lead or authority etc & work, workprocess or thinking etc for 7 success, fruit or

    enlightenment etcTop1998 98 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or

    rigidity & system, totality, coordination etc for 17 entry

    or exit or right or lead or authority etc & success, fruit orenlightenment for 8 etc system, totality, coordination etc

    1999 99 Indicates unlimited power or struggle or fire or synthesisor rigidity for 18 entry or exit or right or lead or authorityetc & system, totality, coordination etc for 9 power orstruggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity etc

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    2000 100 Indicates massive full entry or exit or right or lead orauthority etc with value of 2 effect for material or thing orworldly or made up or clean or idle or constant less etc

    2001 101 Indicates massive full entry or exit or right or lead orauthority etc with value of 2 effect for material or thing or

    worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant lessetcTop

    To know the effects pertaining to the years, please browse the following linkedexcel file by double clicking (excel file in this location)

    The effects of the year digits have been shown extended depending on thesummation of the digits, dragging effect & the relevant submissions. One has tostore the interpretations of each year accordingly on the same principle as hasbeen carried out for 143 #s & the final interpretation concluded for the mostreliable forecast in a mathematical style

    Decade effects on the individual yearsTop


    Effects Interpretation

    01-09 Every digit shall be effected by the relevant digit

    10-19 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 10-1 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    20-29 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 20-2 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    30-39 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 30-3 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    40-49 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 40-4 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    50-59 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 50-5 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    60-69 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 60-6 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    70-79 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 70-7 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    80-89 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 80-8 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    90-99 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 90-9 & the effect ofthe relevant digit 1-9

    The century effect has not been included due to the fact that it shall be commonto all years & all years in a century move in the same effect for century digits


    Numbers interpretations 1 to 999Before moving ahead for the derivation of the formulae to accede to the detailedunderstanding, enlisted are the interpretations in respect of all numbers or

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    sequences falling between 1-999, which shall generally be used in all matterslater. Please double click the following excel file URL to see the details



    The first column is the # value, description, 2nd the intermediate sum of individualdigits & the 3rd, the unit digit between 0 to 9

    The effect of 1 shall apply to all descriptions from 1000 to 1999 while theremaining 3 digits to all other descriptions have to be taken as effects of 001 to999 in relevance of numbers & their interpretations done accordingly. Repeatsame procedures for all thousands digits.

    The important & significant point here lies in the fact that the last 3 digits shall tellthe meaning in respect of description for every case definitely as well as

    specifically. Numbers indicating thousands or 10th thousand etc., shall generaleffect as applicable to all numbers within that series & not count to a specialconsideration.

    The values or the interpretations given in above file for 0-999 have been basedonly on one or two of various interpretations included from # 0-9 while otherpossibilities can be formed using these numbers & every interpretation may suitmany numbers of questions which shall factually depend from case to case orquestion to question. A couple of thoughts have to be given but the user to reachto reach a conclusive combination pertaining interpretations. The schedule in theabove file indicate only a system or formula for a purpose that the user may

    understand the procedures of sequence formation.Top

    Now let us go to a very important part of this exponential work by getting into thefollowing about derivation explanation.

    The starting effective number of this physical world is 1 which gives only a lengthvalue if drawn & forms no recognizable or measurable figure.

    The second effective number is of this physical world is 2 which gives only anangle value if drawn 2 lines meeting at a point. It also forms no figure. Thenumber 3 provides an effective measurable figure when 3 lines are drawn

    meeting at 3 points, each point by 2 lines & figure called triangle.

    Therefore, it is primarily the triangle only that can speak geometrically & we maynominate or term it as a unit of measurement as far as this subject is concerned.Hence we have taken into our schedule the interpretation value of 3 as making.Also if we take out 1 of the sides off the triangle, the formed figure shallimmediately break leaving only 2 sides of an angle or other form. Hence, we callpr term number 3 effect as breaking. But the material in respect of 2 sides still

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    exists which can reform the triangle if so required, Hence we can call 2 sides asmaterial also. We cannot do anything if even one side is not available means 1side provide authority or entry or exit. If 1 more side is added to the triangle(meeting at 4 points), a 4 sided figure is formed which indicates further motion ofthe triangle or the figure unit. Hence we can call it move or motion. Now we form

    a triangle & extend all 3 sides in the same directions. Let us allot numbersstarting from 1 onwards moving clockwise once & anticlockwise next & thenclockwise & write the numbers on the 4 points of each side of the triangle whichshall result after summation of all points on every side to a value of 20 (refer totriangular description on the mother Durga calendar) & if one divides this value of20 by 3, one shall get 6 & a remainder 2 or the equation works 3*6+2=18+2=20

    TopLet us try to form a 4 sided figure & repeat the above process. We shall get anequation 4*6+2=26

    Let us try to form a figure of 5 sides & repeat the process. Resulting equation

    being 5*6+2=32 & furthering every addition of the step shall increase the resultvalue by 6, a trial can be made for any number of sides wherein this formula shallwork. Suppose one seeks a result of 8 sided figure which shall be 8*6+2=50 & soon & so forth. Every result shall provide a value difference or a step of 6 eitherside (before or after) the #

    For the purpose of understanding by the user a few diagrams have been given inthe book

    The equations of 0,1 & 2 can be formed however, but the figures cannot bedrawn. This effect of a difference or a step of 6 indicates the work difference of

    every number & hence these results shall be interpreted as the work linked serieswhich means if the work is carried out by any number, the resulting answer shallbe the effect of the equated number i.e ( #*6+2)=Equated number=ReflectionThe results pertaining to these numbers have been given on the following URLOn the right side schedules under work results column


    The above schedule provides the results falling within date of births of personsborn in a century irrespective of the century number & other than these, no othernumber applies for the considerations pertaining date of births which shall be

    discussed in some other parts of this book,Top

    Negative sign or approach to any number can be applied visualizing that theperson got a tendency of resting or retardation or otherwise if some of the jealfulcounterparts or enemies try to negate or nullify by their efforts applicationsmaking all the works the person carried out go waste without any affirmativeresults or also when the person got an approach to use negative thinking etc.,The negative application shall form similar results as if the equation of reflective

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    charts is formed. Multiply the negative sign number by 6 & add 2 to get the resulti.e, the results shall be value 4 lesser than equation 6*#+2 with negative sign.The charts or schedules can be formed exactly the same way as the positivevalue charts or table formed. If formed this chart may indicate what type ofnegative effect a number can impart an any operation or phase & to take care for

    protection. These charts have not been included in this volume but may beincluded if so demanded.

    Positive & negative numbers equations interrelationship

    (Positive number)*6+2= Value(Negative number)*2+2= Positive value-4

    Chart formation method holds good for both cases with the exception to addminus sign to the number.

    Replacement of numbers TopHere replacement of numbers means to get a support of single digit number forinterpreting the supporting basic number.

    Please observe the reflective schedule carefully & sum up every result number toa single digit for a standard repetition of 8,5,2 the very basic supports orconversions.0-2,1-8,2-5,3-2,4-8,5-5,6-2,7-8,8-5,9-2 & so on & so forthThese supporting replacement numbers have been given on the sheet 2 of thefollowing URL file

    numberdata.xls numbers 8,5,2 are very basic replacement basis to find natural effects of allnumbers as 8 indicates system etc., 5 indicates magic etc., & 2 indicates materialetc.,. & probably these 3 digits make the existence. The series is produced as8,5,2 & if one computes the sequence, obviously a repetition of the numbersshall form as is evident on the above URL file.

    Replacement schedule or series from 0-999 has been included for readyreference of the user & may be referred to as & when required.

    The number itself is the first effect while the replacement is the second & wehave seen that the third is the only effect where the figure is originated so thesubstitution should be carried out to another step to reach the final outcome.

    TopThe schedule explicitly reveals that the unchangeable or final replacement is 5 forall digits which is an obvious reflection of the fact that number 5 is ultimatesupport for success of persons efforts. Should a person apply all required effortsduring job performance from starting till job end, it is very certain/definite that

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    effect of 5 shall arrive at the end of the day or work & result must go to thepersons efforts. The determination of person to carry out job whole applied & lifestyle of the person shall change. The success shall be limited, unlimited &massive in consonance or in accordance with number value being 5,55,555(substituted) respectively. By the derivation of these sequences I arrive to a

    conclusion that numbers 8,5,2 are the ruling numbers & the magnitude orquantum of these shall indicate the degree of ruling endowed on the person bynature or god. This matter also we shall take up later.

    Direct seriesBased on luck of a person by using the number thrice by substituting & dividingby 3 to reach an answer for interpretation, namely 1-111-888/3. Substitute thedigits placed thrice & divide by 3 to get results to interpretation.

    Please open the following URL file sheet 2 to see the results


    Since this series is based on division by 3 of the basic substituted numbersplaced thrice arithmetically, the results shall be interpretations of the supportingor the basic effects that the person derives during & conclusively working but themeaning should be intelligently construed depending on the situation, question toquestion, various combinations worked out applied.Also series developed by directly placing thrice the number digits & dividing by 3to reach an answer for the interpretation in respect of results for the efforts.

    Many interpretatio