number 200 july 2020 50p - · the lord is my real instructor and i shall...

the Number 200 July 2020 50p Website: News of Saint Peter and Saint Paul BROMLEY PARISH CHURCH Church Road Bromley BR2 OEG "Proclaiming the Word and Work of God" Member of Churches Together in Central Bromley

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Page 1: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Number 200 July 2020 50p


News of Saint Peter and Saint Paul


Church Road Bromley BR2 OEG

"Proclaiming the Word and Work of God"

Member of Churches Together in Central Bromley

Page 2: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Contacts & Editorial July 2020


Reverend James Harratt

[email protected]


Martin Cleveland

Anne Horner-Tree

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours: 9:30am to 12 noon

020 8464 5244 – please use this number for all enquiries

Contact: Lynn Hedges, Parish Administrator

[email protected]

For contributions to the Key, or if you would like to receive the Key by email, please contact [email protected]

Dear Reader,

Welcome to what I believe is the 200th edition of the Key!

I hope you are well and looking forward to the easing of lockdown re-

strictions. In this edition of the Key is a sermon from Mike, an update

from the Bromley Borough Foodbank, articles from Martin and Garvin,

and a number of poems, most of which were shared with me by mem-

bers of the congregation—many thanks for those.

I have included a few puzzles and illustrated Bible stories as always

and please continue to send me your articles and messages for the


With best wishes


Page 3: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Sermon July 2020

This sermon has been kindly provided by Mike. It was delivered on the Sunday of our patronal festival (the feast day of Ss Peter and Paul). Many thanks to Mike for allowing me to publish it for us to revisit his words.

I’m sorry, I must have dropped off there. This is really very embarrassing. Not only have I dropped off before the sermon has even started, but it’s my own sermon! However, in my defence, I did write it, I know what’s coming and, frankly, it’s no surprise I dropped off!

Anyway, I was having this strange dream where I was dressed up as a Morris dancer, but, instead of having little bells attached to my knees, I had big heavy, church bells tied on instead, which the bell-ringers kept pulling. If that wasn’t bad enough, I was being pursued by a big hot-dog, also dressed as a Morris dancer, but wielding a big stick which it was using to hit me over the head as I moved slowly. And, of course, I couldn’t escape because of the church bells and bell ropes, and was being pelted with trifle by members of the choir …

Ok. Perhaps I made up that dream. But today is our Patronal Festival, a time when we would get together not only to celebrate our Patron Saints, Peter and Paul, in communal worship, but also in sharing a meal together as the BBQ works overtime turning out sausages and burgers, all accompanied by salads and followed by puds lovingly created by our congregation. A true cel-ebration of our fellowship together in worship, eating and fun and games.

Of course, this, like so many other things, are all on hold as a result of the lockdown that followed the outbreak of the coronavirus, even if, 3 months lat-er, the constraints of the lockdown are slowly being eased. At the same time, as if the toll wreaked by the coronavirus wasn’t bad enough in terms of the loss of life and health, there is the toll on those still trying to keep our health and other services going, the toll on those whose jobs have been put on hold, possibly never to recover, the isolation, the care for children, elderly and oth-ers in need, and so much more besides.


Old Testament: Zechariah 4.1-6a, 10b-end [or Acts 12.1-11]

Psalm: Psalm 125

New Testament: Acts 12.1-11[or 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 17-18]

Gospel: Matthew 16.13-19

Page 4: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Sermon July 2020

It’s no wonder, then, that, as reported recently, many of us seem to be having vivid and weird and wonderful dreams. Some are so bizarre you couldn’t make them up. Some are so real it can take a while to convince yourself that it didn’t really happen. Some are the traditional themes, others related to coronavirus and lockdown. They can involve frustration, helplessness, perse-cution and anxiety. It can perhaps come as no surprise as our brains try to process what is going on.

But dreams have over the course of human existence come to have other functions, which I’d like to think about today. One is dreams as a way in which God communicates with us, as we see in our Old Testament reading from Zechariah. The other is the way “dream” is used as an expression of hope, one of the most powerful being Martin Luther King’s speech declaring “I have a dream …”

Our Old Testament reading at first sight might seem somewhat unusual for our Patronal Festival, until you note the reference in the final verse to the an-gel’s answer to the question about who are “the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.” An answer that points today to our patron saints, Peter and Paul, but at the time pointed to different people. But how do we get there?

The Book of Zechariah is one of the so-called minor prophets and concerns the time of the restoration of Jerusalem around 520-518 BCE after the exile in Persia. The hopes of the immediate restoration period appear to have been soured, there are tensions within the community and hope is deferred to the final day of the Lord, before which there must be further suffering. Zechariah offers a vision of hope, sees all prophecy as one and points to the later idea of a New Jerusalem and, ultimately, of a Messiah. The name “Zechariah” means, literally, “YHWH has remembered”. The main themes are the re-building of the temple, to show that God lived among them; and, secondly, for the people to return to God and to place him central to their thinking.

Today’s passage is one of eight night visions in the first half of the Book. These visions are the means by which God communicates with Zechariah, although, unlike his predecessors, Zechariah has an angelic interpreter as in-termediary with God.

For Zechariah the “anointed ones” are Zerubbabel, the governor, and Joshua, the high priest, a status that was more that simple recognition of their

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the Sermon July 2020

respective roles in restoring the temple. But the inclusion of this passage in the lectionary also points to two different people – Peter and Paul. Before we think more about that, let’s enjoy and think about the wonderful imagery in-cluded in this dream.

We have the golden lampstand, with its strange construction of 7 bowls on top, each with 7 lips which would have been lit. For those struggling with the 7 times table, that’s 49 lights in total. On top of the lampstand was a bowl with an olive tree to the right and to the left. Each olive tree has a branch which feeds the bowl with oil via a gold pipe.

Central to understanding this passage is in the first part of verse 6, the rele-vant bit of which reads:

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

The lights of the lampstand represent the people of Israel, shining brightly, dispelling the darkness and drawing all to it as a source of light and life. The lights are also called “eyes” as the eye was seen as the source of light. As Matthew later wrote, “the eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”

But that light does not come from within people but is fuelled by the spirit of God – the oil which flows in the dream from the olives. “Might” and “power” are the different human resources and strengths – which, although plentiful, are not enough in themselves to bring light to the world. Think, for example, of all the imagery in John’s Gospel of Jesus as the light of the world. In this dream, God’s spirit is not given to the people directly, but through the two “anointed ones”. The two who “stand by the Lord”, receiving his spirit and channelling it to the people.

And so the temple will be re-built in Zechariah’s time – and all buildings start somewhere – the descriptive “day of small things” from verse 10. But built ulti-mately by the spirit of God.

This Patronal Festival coincides with the start of our emergence from the clutches of covid-19. A bit like the people of Zechariah’s time, we too have been in exile, waking from our dreams, but also able to dream of re-building

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the Sermon July 2020

our church, if not physically, although some changes to the way we do things – the day of small things – will be required, if not physically then spiritually – how we worship as a community, and how we share our faith and worship with those outside.

And like the lampstand in Zechariah’s dream, we too can shine as a bright light in the dark places of our world, and draw others to the light of God’s glo-ry. All this fed by God’s spirit, the fuel that burns within us so that we may have the energy and spark to do this.

We also know that we have the example, inspiration, blessing of our two pa-tron saints, the “anointed ones” who stand by the Lord - Peter and Paul and who can help to channel God’s spirit to us.

Today, it is enough simply to remember Peter’s gift as we heard in our Gospel reading – the gift of recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, and the declaration of this to the world. So much flows from this, but it is the rock, if you like, on which we build our faith and our church, just as God built his church on Peter.

Likewise, the passage from Paul’s second letter to Timothy comes at the end of that letter. They are words of encouragement to Timothy. They are words of encouragement to us. Again, much flows from this, but it is written by a man who is in serious trouble, likely to be facing death, and weighed down by problems and anxieties. Yet he is able to reflect upon his life – the good fight he has fought, the race he has finished, the faith he has kept – all made pos-sible because, in a refrain from Zechariah’s dream, the Lord stood by him and was the source of his strength.

Above all Paul longs for Timothy, a hope he also holds for each one of us, that we work as hard and effectively as he did to share the good news of God’s kingdom and to bring about that kingdom now.

As we emerge from our exile, free to re-build our church community to shine as a light in the world, what do we dare to dream?

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the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

Below is a letter from the Bromley Borough Foodbank to us at Bromley Parish

Church. On the following pages, please also see their newsletter, and an in-

formation post about how to obtain help from the Foodbank.

To the Congregation of the Parish Church, Bromley

It would seem very insensitive of me just to plough in to an ordinary ‘thank you’ letter for this three month period without acknowledging the very different circumstances we now all find ourselves in. The effects of the Covid 19 out-break have been felt all around the world and, of course, on our doorstep.

We want to extend our grateful thanks to you all for continuing to support Bromley Borough Foodbank as we seek to help the increasing numbers of those in crisis.

In the three month period from 1st


May 2020 you have donated 21.5kg.

In that same time frame we gave out food parcels to feed 2651 people, made up of 1435 adults and 1216 children.

Unfortunately, we have seen the need for Foodbanks increase greatly, just last year between March and May we gave out food parcels to feed 1351 people.

So you can see how important your donations are as they ensure that we can continue to help those in crisis in the borough.

Thank you once again for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Sue (Volunteer)

Bromley Borough Foodbank.

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Dear Bromley Borough Foodbank supporters.

I wanted to take the opportunity to update you on the work of Bromley Borough Foodbank during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by outlining some of the chal-lenges we have faced and how we are continuing to resolve them.

Challenges we have faced in the past few months:

In adherence to government guidelines, and for the safety of our volunteers, we asked those over the age of seventy to temporarily withdraw from service and self-isolate. This required us to recruit new volunteers as quickly and safely as possible to ensure that we could continue to serve the community efficiently.

In the first few weeks, our supply stock dropped drastically as supermarket shelves were cleared out and donations became fewer as people began to self-isolate. This made dealing with an increased demand for aid particularly difficult, especially as schools had to close which meant that families found themselves struggling to pro-vide for their children without the support of school meals.

Furthermore, to prevent the spread of infection, it was necessary to strictly limit the amount of people allowed to attend our centres. Our referral agencies began oper-ating remotely, which initially affected access for those in need, as they were no longer able to collect food vouchers or parcels in person.

And, as you can imagine, our telephone lines and email inboxes alike have been extremely busy throughout this time. We have received overwhelming support from restaurants and local businesses who wanted to donate produce in large quantities, and it was our job to figure out how to process, store, and distribute this influx of stock effectively.

A large amount of vulnerable people who had the financial resources to purchase food but were not able to get out and buy it have also been contacting us for sup-port.

How have we at Bromley Borough Foodbank responded?

Thanks to Bromley Council we were able to receive the critical transport that we needed to ensure that stock could continue to flow in from local supermarkets. These vehicles also allowed us to begin safely delivering pre-packed food parcels directly to our centres in need, which has become a crucial part of our service

the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

Bromley Borough Foodbank c/o Orpington Baptist Church

Station Road Orpington BR6 0RZ

General Enquiries: 0203 920 8696 Project Manager 07876 809430

[email protected]

07475952401 Orpington Centre 07884 317107 Bromley Centre 07592 014758 Anerley Centre

07514 697000 Central Orpington Centre 0203 538 5959 Warehouse

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during this time.

Foodbank have been blessed with huge volumes of volunteer applications, and our staff soon got to registering and organising applicants so that we could place them into the necessary roles as quickly as possible.

We reached out and contacted members of Bromley council and local churches who had access to wholesale food stores and could provide us with essential but limited-availability stock this way. Regular discussions with the local council took place as we worked together ensure that after schools closed, the correct infor-mation was provided to families that relied on school meals so that they could con-tinue to receive support and food parcels when necessary.

By reaching out to a wider-community of church members, we came in contact with individuals who equipped us with a new system for answering our emergency phone line using Google voice, which increased our capacity to provide support to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.

And, with the assistance of Trussell Trust software, we were able to implement a new e-voucher referral system to be rolled out to over two-hundred referral agen-cies so that they could continue to provide vouchers to the community. This re-quires a lot of training and we, alongside our agencies, are still learning and adapt-ing to this method.

Thanks to this online system we were able to temporarily close all of our centres and since the 20

th of April we have been able to rely exclusively on the delivery of

food packages straight to the doorsteps of those in need. This was made possible by Octopus engineers who volunteered their time and vehicles to fulfil these deliv-eries. Our new delivery system has not only allowed us to continue to assist those in self-isolation but has minimised contact amongst our volunteers and therefore enabled us to play our part in keeping everyone safe.

During this time, Trussell Trust has continued to build partnerships with various su-permarkets to ensure that stock could still be received. Both Tesco and Morrisons have provided us with huge quantities of stock directly from their warehouses, which has been invaluable.

Our supporters have displayed true determination in maintaining their donations in a variety of ways, using alternative food donation drop off points to ensure social distancing and protection of our warehouse, donating through our website and rais-ing funds through our newly registered just giving page. The public response has been phenomenal and such an encouragement during this challenging time.

What is next for us here at Foodbank:

Unfortunately, there is no time for rest as circumstances surrounding COVID-19 will continue to change daily, and we are committed to adapting to whatever new chal-lenges it has yet to bring our way.

As it becomes possible for some of our valued volunteers to return to work, we are working to fill the positions they leave behind.

the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

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We have implemented a new freephone number so that those without access to the internet, a smartphone, or credit remain able to reach our help remotely now that many public service buildings have had to temporarily close.

With the support of Trussell Trust, we can collect Foodbank data which allows us to track and measure the need in our community. The data will allow us to present ev-idence of this need to the government, and we plan on using it to push for the crea-tion of a COVID-19 Income Support Scheme, the aim of which will be to provide even greater support to those locked in poverty during this pandemic, and release some of pressure on our local Foodbanks.

As the school summer holidays always puts a significant strain on family finances, we are utilising our data in plans to develop a new scheme that will be specially de-signed to support families during this six-week period. The government’s recent an-nouncement to continue free school meals during the summer should help ensure no children within our Borough will go hungry and we are delighted with this turn around.

We have been translating our Foodbank leaflets into a wider variety of languages to ensure that our help can reach as many people as possible, and are pursuing a grant which will enable us to work in partnership with agencies such as Citizens Advice and debt charities to provide financial advice to those who need it, broaden-ing our reach within the community.

As we are a charity founded on Christian principles, it is important for us to encour-age those who come to us for support to also contact a local church and access the online services they have to offer. We always provide our clients with a copy of magazine-style Gospel of John in New Living Translation (NLT). It is during difficult times like these that the support of the church and the message of the Gospel be-comes more important than ever.

Please continue to uphold all of us working here at Bromley Borough Foodbank in your prayers as it is this support that gives us the strength and endurance that we need to weather this storm together. Thank you!

I have included some photos of the work we have been doing in the past few months:

the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

We have been keeping our staff, volunteers, and clients safe through clear signage that help maintain social dis-tancing.

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the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

Mountains of stock at our warehouse is packed into curated food parcels based on the size and needs of different households and delivered straight to them.

A typical nutritionally bal-anced, 7-day emergency food parcel for one per-son who also has a cat.

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And for those of you are interested in our Trussell Trust data, here are some of our figures for comparisons:

On the 30th April the TBB Food Hub opened and began assisting with the distribu-

tion of food, along with other temporary food distribution services as many began to outreach during this crisis. This is reflective in our Trussell Trust figures in May 2020.

the Bromley Foodbank July 2020

Page 13: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

Sending you all of our best wishes for a speedy recovery Garvin!

For 3 Months I have Isolated myself at home. As a celebration I recently chose to visit Crystal Palace Park, with Jack M, self-distancing ourselves. The day was a beautiful sunny day and people were perfectly Isolated. On return-ing home, I followed a long steep earthen footpath about a metre wide, sadly, after a few steps, I felt my shoes slipping faster & faster, then I decided to rundown the steep slope to the main path.

Unfortunately, I tripped over a large tree root, tumbled over and down to an abrupt stop against a log in my back, surrounded by stinging nettles at my el-bow.

Eventually I stood up with pain in my shoulder. I thought that I had broken, fractured or damaged the ligaments in my shoulder joint.

After a short journey to the Beacon Hospital at Beckenham, where I was test-ed for C-19, I was welcomed by an excellent nurse who was most caring. Af-ter a short discussion, the nurse instantly said we will X-ray your shoulder now! I couldn’t ask for more!

The Radiographer said to me ‘unfortunately you have broken your ‘humerus’ bone and it will take a long time to heal!’

Well! Eventually I ordered a cab and returned home, the driver was most helpful to me.

Shortly, after returning home, several church friends telephoned me and of-fered good advice which I have followed to date.

It seems that I will be recovering for a further 2 or 3 months.

I am at present struggling a little, however, I wish to thank many B.P.C. friends who have offered to do my shopping for me, help with my medication, or just a chat on the telephone.

All of these communications, about 50 people, I have found most helpful and I am ever thankful.

I have also enjoyed joining the church services online. Most Important!

May I ‘Clap! Clap!’ ‘Aloud for you All involved’, with many thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

I realise how the B.P.C. community has been a lifeline for me, and others at this difficult time.

May you all be richly blessed

With love in JESUS CHRIST to you all.

From your old friend


the A message from Garvin July 2020

Page 14: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

This lovely article from Martin was actually sent to me a few months ago and I

recently rediscovered it buried in my emails! So sorry if this has happened to

anyone else—give me a nudge if you have sent me something and it hasn’t

appeared—[email protected]. I hope you enjoy this anyway, better

late than never! Thank you Martin.

A Model of Good Business

My previous church, Holy Trinity in Sloane Street, hosted three-monthly

breakfasts with some members of the vibrant business community in the ar-

ea, encouraging the development of mutually creative associations. The re-

laxed atmosphere over a meal was both conducive to friendly discussion and

provided an opportunity for local business people to meet together and to be-

come aware of the spiritual support available at Holy Trinity.

A lovely illustration of this was when I was walking past Cassandra Goad, im-

mediate neighbour to the Church, and noticed that their window display of

jewellery contained some model cars. Being an MG sports car enthusiast, I

thought it would be appropriate if an example of that make was also dis-

played, and was very pleased when one of my models was willingly accepted

and appeared with the others in the window.

A few weeks later I was delighted to receive the following email:

Dear Mr Cleveland, Thank you very much for pointing out the omission in our

window display of a classic English sports car and for so kindly rectifying this

for us. The inclusion of the MG in our display made the foreign-built cars look

shabby; in this I include the Aston with its Ford engine, which frankly is a

Mondeo in a wolf’s coat. Prior to the arrival of your car, I was hankering after

the Mercedes Gullwing but on reflection nothing can beat the sound of an MG

engine and the glorious British Racing Green paintwork. It certainly brought

many admiring glances from the male shoppers of Sloane Street, which gen-

erally isn’t their usual reaction when faced with a jeweller’s shop window! We

have taken the opportunity of giving your car a full service, it has been thor-

oughly valeted to concours standards and awaits your collection. Please rest

assured that it is parked in our secure compound which is fully alarmed when

the showroom is closed. I have given strict orders to our staff that it is not to

be rallied or raced without prior permission from the owner. We look forward

to seeing you soon, and thank you again for the loan of your car. With all

best wishes.....

the Shared interests July 2020

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When I collected the model I was most impressed to receive it wrapped in tis-

sue paper in a Cassandra Goad presentation box.

It is so rewarding when a simple act, carried out on the spur of the moment,

can result in such an unexpected response and assist so happily the

strengthening of a relationship.

Martin Cleveland

the Shared interests July 2020

Not a Mondeo.

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the Advertisements July 2020

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the Advertisements July 2020

Page 18: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Advertisements July 2019

Page 19: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Saint’s Day July2020


July - St Boisil of Melrose, patron saint for ordinands?

Have you ever noticed how life-enhancing good ministers are? St Boisil (d.c.661) should be their patron saint. He did nothing spectacular, but he did everything that mattered.

Boisil was a monk who became abbot of Melrose, in the Irish monastic tradi-tion. Boisil knew about God – he had spent years in study, and this earned him respect. Boisil walked with God – his transparent holiness made people love and trust him. Boisil could hear God speak – he was so open to God’s Spirit that he was even given the gift of prophecy, which is God speaking through one person into specific situations in other people’s lives.

Knowledge of God, obedience to God, and a prophetic gift from God. It is faithful Christians such as Boisil who have kept the Church going over the centuries. Sadly, in 661 Boisil caught the plague. He spent his last hours on earth reading St John’s gospel with Cuthbert, another Celtic monk, who also caught the plague. Boisil prophesied that Cuthbert would live, but that he would die. But this did not trouble him: Boisil knew in whom he believed and was looking forward to finally seeing his beloved Master, face to face.

Saint’s Day plus Picture Parable, Puzzle, Mouse Makes, Bible Bite, God in the Sciences

and Poems and Prayers are courtesy of Parish Pump unless stated otherwise.

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the God in the Sciences July 2020

This series is written by Dr Ruth M Bancewicz, who is Church Engagement Director at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge. Ruth writes on the positive relationship between Science and Christian faith.

A Scientist Reflects: Suffering and the Image of God

As I write, volunteers are distributing food to people who have been deprived of their usual ways of earning an income during the lockdown in a Majority World country. I became involved in raising money for this initiative very recently, and saw videos from the first people to receive packages. There were expressions of happi-ness, hope, quiet sadness, resignation, desperation – most often a mixture of sev-eral of these feelings at the same time.

I believe that our cries for answers at times like this, and our deep longing for things to be better, kinder, more just, less painful and chaotic, are a sign that we are made in the image of God. The Bible describes God creating men and women, instructing them to rule over the earth, and giving them the freedom to choose what they will do. The world God made was described as “very good”, but human wrongdoing caused a rift between people and God, and also between us and the rest of crea-tion.

From a scientist’s perspective, it seems that the potential for accidents, disease and death – for both animals and humans – may have been part of God’s very good creation, and there was a real threat of famine, albeit far rarer than in our cur-rent mismanaged version of creation? How would we have managed life in what Genesis describes as an un-subdued world if our relationship with God hadn’t bro-ken down, and evil hadn’t been unleashed? Maybe painful experiences would have been experienced as challenges that brought us closer to each other and to God, rather than bringing us the experience of suffering (which I would define more par-ticularly as involving distress, isolation and fear)? Of course, these are theoretical questions that no one can answer, but perhaps they are worth exploring.

God has already responded to suffering at a root level by taking it on Himself. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus broke the power of sin and death. We do not yet see the final results of those decisive actions – the end of suffering for all those who trust Him – but we can already feel their impact. For example, many people have experienced the wonderful effect, either in their own lives or by receiv-ing kindness from others, which is described by these words: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26).

Some of the people who received food yesterday were, in the words of the commu-nity team leader, “really desperate”, but yet they still trust God to meet their needs. My hope is that the worldwide Church will, with God’s help, be part of the answer to their prayers – demonstrating our true status as people made in the image of God.

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the Nature July 2020

Buttercups – treasure in our countryside

Buttercup! What a delicious name! Rumour has it that, as they were frequent-ly to be found in meadows where cows grazed, they were responsible for but-ter's yellow colouring. So the name was an obvious choice.

However, since buttercups are poisonous and therefore are avoided as far as possible by our four-footed friends, this is somewhat unlikely. But surely, we all remember having a buttercup held under our chin to see whether the re-flection proved that we liked butter! The shiny surface of the petals actually has two real purposes. Firstly, to help attract insects and secondly to act as a kind of mirror to aid the temperature regulation of the plant's reproductive or-gans.

We are fortunate that buttercups do not suffer from the same unpopularity as other poisonous plants, because if eaten, not only do they taste nasty, but the poison will also cause blisters in the mouth of the consumer. Extensive han-dling can also damage the skin, but presumably the size of bunch that many of us picked as children did not count as 'extensive'. Fortunately, Health and Safety experts do not yet seem to have forbidden this source of pleasure for little people. Incidentally, the poison is reduced as the plant dries, and hay that includes buttercups is safe for cows and horses to eat.

Buttercups help form the traditional view of the British countryside. Differing varieties range in height from small to quite tall and although at their peak in early summer, the golden blooms can often still be seen in mid-autumn. Jan Struther, who wrote 'Lord of all hopefulness' also wrote a children's hymn enti-tled 'Treasure' It starts:

Daisies are our silver, buttercups our gold:

This is all the treasure we can have or hold.

Kirsty Steele

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the Noticeboard July 2020

Please use this space to pass messages on to the Church community – whether it is a prayer request, a thank you, a craft idea, a recipe...

Church of England Daily Hope free phone line – 0800 804 8044 - please spread the word.

The Church of England have set up a free phone line, available twenty four hours a day, particularly for those in mind who are unable to join online church services during this period of restriction. On offer are mu-sic, prayers, reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone.

As many of you know, Michael and I got engaged before the

lockdown happened. We are starting to do some research

for our wedding, would anyone be able to recommend any

local event-themed companies to us please? We are espe-

cially interested in caterers you may have used for large


If so could you please drop me an email at

[email protected]. Thank you. Lisa.

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the Noticeboard July 2020

Church Rooms for hire.

Available for hire for meetings, study and Exercise Classes, etc.

We have varied, comfortable, no smoking accommodation with kitchen facilities and disabled access and toilet facilities to the


Rooms can be viewed on:

Page 24: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Bible Bite July 2020

Page 25: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Puzzles July 2020

Wordsearch using words from the story featured in Bible Bite:

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the Puzzles July 2020

Page 27: Number 200 July 2020 50p - · The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to

the Picture Parable July 2020

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the Mouse Makes July 2020

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the Prayers and poems July 2020


Are you an active member,

the kind that would be missed?

Or are you just contented

that your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings

and mingle with the flock?

Or do you always stay at home

And criticise and knock?

Do you ever go and visit

a member who is sick?

Or leave the work to just a few

And talk about the clique?

Come to functions often

Help with hand and heart.

Don’t just be a member –

please take an active part.

Think this over, members,

You all know right from wrong.

Are you an active member

or do you just belong?

Author unknown

Count your Garden by Flowers

Never by the leaves that fall

Count your days by ‘Golden Days’

Don’t remember Clouds at all

Count you Nights by Stars

Not by shadows

Count your life by Smiles

Not by tears

Count your age by friends

Not by Years

Author unknown

Good to know

The little word of love,

the right time and place

Will be blessed by God above,

and watered by His grace.

Author unknown

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Not, of course, applicable to BPC . . . . . Oh, spare us your pity, we’re on a committee Which means that until late at night, We attend and amend, contend and defend Without a conclusion in sight. We confer and concur, we defer and demur And reiterate all of our thoughts, We revise the agenda with frequent addenda And consider a load of reports. We compose and propose, we support and oppose And the points of procedure are fun, But though various notions are brought up as motions There’s terribly little gets done. We plan and promote, and eventually vote And sit there till backsides are numb, The spirit is willing, of that there’s no doubt But do we help God’s kingdom come? Author unknown.

the Prayers and poems July 2020

Nigel Beeton writes: Many of us, during lockdown, have enjoyed making bread; working with yeast and dough is very therapeutic! Our Daily Bread Give us we pray The bread we need today Or, Lord, at least Provide us with some yeast! We’ll feast our eyes To see the yeast-dough rise No fun we lack When we then knock it back. Once more it proves, Then to the oven moves And then we haste That nice fresh bread to taste! By Nigel Beeton

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23rd Psalm for the hard-pressed student The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to pray before I speak and to do things without complaining. He reminds me that He, and not my school, is my Salvation. He restores my sanity every day and guides my decisions that I might honour Him in everything I do. Even though I face absurd amounts of social isolation, live streaming and ex-ams, I will not stop - for He is with me! His presence, His peace, and His power will see me through. He will raise me up, even if I fail to get a good grade. He claims me as His own and knows that I have done my best.

His faithfulness and love are better than any A+. In eternity it won’t matter what degree I got.

When it's all said and done, I'll be working for Him a whole lot longer than I'll be in school (even when it doesn't feel like it) and for that, I bless His name!

Author unknown

the Prayers and poems July 2020

I am only one

I am only one, but I am one.

I cannot do everything, but I can do something.

What I can do, I ought to do,

And what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.

- Anon

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the Prayers and poems July 2020

Name above all Names

Name above all Names, what’s in a name?

Jesus, Messiah, He’s coming again,

Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,

Apostle and High Priest, the sinners Friend.

Walking on water, calming the storm,

God incarnate calling us home

Creator, the I Am, nailed to a tree

Lion of Judah dying for me.

Risen, the Victor, conquering King

Coming with clouds redemption to bring

To gather His bride for heaven above

To reign with the Lamb whose name is Love.

By Megan Carter

Peace be with you

(Jn 20:24-31, 14:5,11:16)

Through absence,

Through doubt,

Through questions

And fears,

Through locked doors

And longing

Jesus comes.

His risen presence

Bringing blessing,

Hope and healing,


And His precious,


Gift of peace.

By Daphne Kitching

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A look back to Easter this year, to remind us we still worship together although, for now, we are still away from our Church building.


And where is Jesus, this strange Easter day?

Not lost in our locked churches, anymore

Than He was sealed in that dark sepulchre.

The locks are loosed; the stone is rolled away,

And He is up and risen, long before,

Alive, at large, and making His strong way

Into the world He gave His life to save,

No need to seek Him in His empty grave.

He might have been a wafer in the hands

Of priests this day, or music from the lips:

Of red-robed choristers, instead He slips

Away from church, shakes off our linen bands

To don His apron with a nurse: He grips

And lifts a stretcher, soothes with gentle hands

The frail flesh of the dying, gives them hope,

Breathes with the breathless, lends them strength to cope.

On Thursday we applauded, for He came

And served us in a thousand names and faces

Mopping our sick floors and catching traces

Of that CORONA which was death to Him:

Good Friday happened in a thousand places

Where Jesus felt helpless, died with them

That they might share his Easter in their need,

Now they are risen with Him, risen indeed.

(From “God and the pandemic” by Tom Wright)

the Prayers and poems July 2020

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Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer

are said daily at 8.30am and 5.15pm,

please join in from your homes.

A service booklet can be found on our

website at, if you

would like a paper copy please email

the church office at administra-

[email protected]

The following services will be live

streamed on Facebook and a copy

linked to our website, click on the

faith section and scroll down to

Streamed Services.

Please check our website for updates

and changes to services.

Wednesday 1

st July

10.30am Midweek service

Led by Revd. James Harratt

Thursday 2nd


10.00am-11.00am Healing Prayer

meeting – members will be praying

from their homes.

Sunday 5th


Fourth Sunday after Trinity

10.30am Parish Communion

President & Preacher: Revd. James


Wednesday 8th


10.30am Midweek service

Led by Revd. James Harratt

Sunday 12th


Fifth Sunday after Trinity

10.30am Parish Communion

President: Revd. James Harratt

Preacher: Peter Cheshire

Wednesday 15th


10.30am Midweek service

Led by Revd. James Harratt

Sunday 19

th July

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

10.30am Parish Communion President & Preacher: Revd. James


Wednesday 22nd


10.30am Midweek service

Led by Revd. James Harratt

Sunday 26

th July

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10.30am Parish Communion

President: Revd. James Harratt

Preacher: Revd. Dr. Anne Townsend

4.00pm Creative Funtime – chat and

craft on Zoom

Led by Revd. Sophie Sutherland

Wednesday 29th


10.30am Midweek service

Led by Revd. James Harratt

the Diary Dates July 2020