nullponti energia brazil

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  • 8/12/2019 Nullponti Energia Brazil



    A dl-amerikai orszg ismt bebizonytotta, hogy a vilg eltt jr, ha a fldnkvliek utni kutatsrl van sz? Vagy csak kamu

    az egsz? Mindenesetre az egyik brazil kereskedelmi tv beszmolja szerint az idegen rhajk meghajtsnl is hasznlt

    trtechnolgia nyjtotta hihetetlen elnyk immr brki szmra elrhetk.

    Mg mindenhol mshol vtizedek ta csak beszlnek rla s grgetik, hogy hamarosan elkszl, addig kt fiatal brazil feltall

    Nilson Barbosa s Cleriston Leal nhny hete mr forgalomba is hozta az lltsuk szerint tezer szzalkos hatsfokkal mkd

    nullponti energia-kicsatolt.

    Az Earth Electron Captor Generator nvre keresztelt eszkzhz jelenleg Imperatriz vroska lakosai juthatnak hozz a

    legknnyebben, de hamarosan online is rendelhet lesz a termk.

    A brazil feltallk szerint az eszkz a mkdshez szksges energia tvenszerest kpes ellltani. A prototpus a lig msfl

    kilogramm sly, a mretei 20x30x15 centimter s egy tlagos hz teljes energiaszksglett kpes fedezni, amelyhezmindssze 21 wattra van szksge.



    kedd, szeptember 10, 2013 Cobra,Cobra fordts,Cobra zenet, Fehr Srkny Trsasg,hrek, ingyen energia, szabad energia

    Ez egy nagy projekt a szabad,ingyen energia eszkzk megvalsts cljbl az embereknek, amit Hope Girl s Fix hozott ltre a



    s ebben a projektben vesznek rszt:

    Hasonl projektek zajlanak a sznfalak mgtt, s taln hamarosan kpes leszek beszmolni egy ilyenrl, amely magba foglalja

    a Fehr Srkny Trsasgot amennyire csak lehet.

    Holnap n is rszletes jelentssel kszlk a planetris helyzetrl.

    A Fny teljes gyzelme mr kzel van!

  • 8/12/2019 Nullponti Energia Brazil


    (UPDATE 2) Finally! We Have Found the Perfect Way to Release FreeEnergy Technology to the People! (UPDATE)


    Hello Beautifuls!!

    I feel our Golden Age is truly showing itself as being fully here, now, on Earth and in our hearts and minds. We are

    absolutely astounded at the response and have been floating all day. Jamie and I have been talking about doing

    something big for humanity for years! And heres our chance. There is no greater joy either of us can imagine

    supplying something as meaningful as energy in a nice little packet, whose plans will be easily accessible as well as

    being able to supply complete units.

    We now have a connection with 267 (and counting) of the greatest visionaries we know! And so many more on

    Facebook, Twitter, the FTW website (hopefully to be fully functioning very soon!), and we know YOU know thetruth about energy: that we have been deprived of it for the sake of a handful of people behind special interests

    and those interests were never us, the People of Earth, but themselves. This energy feeds people and gives them

    clean water, it enables high-quality living conditions, it brings forth brilliance, and has an almost magical quality

    to itthis energy has been hijacked for 100+ years. This energy has been dominated and we have all been told the

    conventional way to harness energy is the only way. We are going to demonstrate this is false and its unacceptable

    to keep telling people that! We have all bought into it but not anymore.

    Here are 2 links to videos that explain why we have had only one type of energy for the past century its quite

    technical and English is not the writers main language but we think youll appreciate them:

    The Symmetry of Darkness:

    Asymmetry to Enlightenment:

    To reiterate: transparency is key, and we continue to set all before you.

    With much love and respect,

    HopeGirl, FTW and QEG

    (Kipor shown for approximate size of QEG) (Tesla illustration in Public Domain)

    This is very exciting and extremely urgent! The time to do this is NOW!!! (seeUPDATESbelow)
  • 8/12/2019 Nullponti Energia Brazil


    Beautiful souls, I believe we have finally found the perfect scenario that will allow free energy technology to break

    through to the people. Please note that this is a very bold post. It has to be. For those individuals who have heard

    of free energy technology, the question always remains the same, what will it take to get it to the people? Weve

    heard of stories of brilliant inventors who have had their inventions suppressed, their patents confiscated by the

    governments. weve heard of tales of greed, theft, power struggles and personality differences. With all of these

    stories, we end up with the same outcome: the technology does not get released, and the people who need theenergy to live, to have cleanwater, to grow food. they suffer as a result while the banks take our value and the

    governments confiscate our patents.

    At the Fix the World Organization, weve been carefully watching, learning, interviewing and growing our

    knowledge base around the different obstacles that block free energy. As a result we have finally set up the perfect

    scenario that we think can really help this to break through once and for all. And as we have learned, that magical

    combination is one that involves the people. Let me briefly explain.

    First, we have found the perfect, trusted inventor whos heart is in the right place. He has 30 years of experience in

    technology developments, and has won awards and recognition for his work. In his spare time he is creating free

    energy devices in his garage. His intentions are pure, he has been fully vetted by the Fix the World Screeningprocess. He is also a highly awakened being, who understands the corruption and has a deep compassion for the

    suffering people of this planet. He has a technical, mechanical brain that is wired like none other Ive ever seen

    before. He thinks, speaks, acts and breathes the mechanics of energy devices. In his own meditations hes received

    a special understanding or download thathas given him the knowledge necessary to create a quantum generator

    that will create its own power without sun, wind, water or fuel. He wants to create this generator so he can give it

    to the people.

    And now for the second piece of the puzzle that has fallen into place. Fix the World has been touring Australia for

    the past three weeks. On our trip I have met with two extremely high level business advisors. I spent the night in

    their homes, I cooked and ate meals with them, I played with their kids. We had long personal business

    conversations about the Fix the World Organization, our projects, and specifically free energy devices. Thesebusiness advisors have access to a huge network of other very wealthy and highly respected people throughout

    several countries, the kind of people that have the power to make good things happen. We have a relationship

    with them at this point that is at a strong enough level where we can call them at any time once we have something

    solid to present. In terms of a free energy device, they are both very excited about the concept and we have been

    guaranteed the following:

    Get a device to work, and show it to me, Ill even send a guy to where you are so you dont have to transport it

    anywhere. I will have everything you need, all the people, all the funding, all the connections to duplicate the

    device and distribute it to the people that need it most. I just need to see a working prototype first.

    Now heres where this whole situation gets interesting. This is where we are going to do things differently than

    anyone has before, and this is also where WE THE PEOPLE come in, because it is up to us to do what needs to be

    done to bring us the energy that we all need and deserve.

    Again I say, this is a bold post. Speaking about this kind of information has put many well intentioned people into

    a dangerous positions in the past. I believe times have changed, and the powers that were have lost their grip on

    trying to control the people. This is because more and more of us are waking up and stepping into our own power

    and taking action to secure our freedom. Normally it was secrecy, the control of funding (meaning making sure

    inventors were broke), and a top down hierarchal power structure that kept free energy from the people. In this

    blog post, and by spreading it through the power of social media (controlled by WE THE PEOPLE) we are

    presenting this information in a completely transparent manner. We are letting everyone know up front exactly

    what has been lined up. No more secrets. Also we are crowdfunding the cost of building the needed workingprototype. This puts the power of making this happen back into the hands of the people. If WE THE PEOPLE

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    want free energy, then WE THE PEOPLE will fund it. This is our opportunity to do so. I do not know of any other

    free energy device that has been crowdfunded so openly and so transparently. And by doing this we are doing it

    from the ground level up. This is grass roots at its finest. We build one, then we build a few more and give them to

    our neighbors. We then use the Fix the World network (which includes everyone) and the power of social media

    and the internet to spread the word. Friends will be telling friends, I just got my device today, did you get yours?

    And this is how we do it. It will spread like wildfire, and because of the power of WE THE PEOPLE and how fastthis can move, there will be nothing they can do to stop it.

    So with all of that said, here is the outline of the steps:

    1) We need $7,610 to buy the materials to build the working prototype.

    2) Then the two high level business colleagues mentioned will come to see it and provide more funding to build

    more devices.

    3) And we can distribute it by any means possible, through grassroots efforts like the FTW network, and other

    online social media means.

    If you want to help here are two ways that you can:

    Please donate to the crowdfunding campaign to build the prototype. This campaign has lots of details about the

    invention, the inventor and a demonstration video. CLICK HERE:


    WE ONLY HAVE 4 DAYS LEFT TO RAISE THE FUNDS! (UPDATE:Since we have raised almost double the fundsto build 1 prototype, we will build 2 or more depending on continued donations, and store them in isolated

    locationsjust in case)

    Please spread this post as far as you can. This needs to go viral! Its time to stop the secrecy and suppression of

    free energy. And the only way we can do that is if we spread knowledge like this blog post and make sure the

    people know.


    That we are overwhelmed at the response is an understatement. We feel that you dear Earth citizens are

    ready for the unshackling of humanity as oneof you so aptly put it, and we are working together!

    It gives me such great pleasure to express our gratitude to everyone who has donated and for all your heart-felt

    comments, prayers and good wishes. Ill answer some of your questions now.

    With Davids help, Jamie thinks they can create the prototype in 5 weeks. We should probably double that

    estimate since unforeseen things always come up especially with something like this. So by the end of the year

    the QEG should be in its 1st phase of manufacturing. Estimated MSRP is around $5000 in our present economical

    structure, but were anticipating great change in the near future that will halve that price for home and businessowners. In addition, the plans to build the QEG will be open-source once they are completed.

    Our marketing plan can be found on HopeGirls blog or the Fix The World (FTW) website but briefly, for every 10

    sold, 2 or more will be given away to communities that desperately need it, both in the US and other countries. For

    those of you who are interested in distributing the QEG, lets stay in touch.

    Most of us know that Nikola Tesla and others lives were destroyed by the power of greed. Were aware of the

    dangers which is why were doing this through the FTW organization and will distributeas much and as fast as we

    possibly can. We are taking your suggestions for our protection very seriously and will share any info we have far

    and wide as we progress. I will gather all the email addresses from this campaign and make sure you are kept

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    The energy behind this is so beautiful! For everyone that donated money please know that we recognize your

    energetic-value-contribution and realize this is what will propel us ALL forward into a better world, truly, our

    Golden Age. We have chosen to ignore and send love from our heart center to the negative nellies those that

    would like to see us fail. Please, beautiful people, join me in this practice. Lets shine the light that we all are and

    help others rise in consciousness to see that our natural state is not one of slavery, but one of co-creating with Gaia

    for a human race that honors every aspect of universal life.

    If Ive not answered your questions please comment publicly and I will do my best. Today, September 11, 2013, we

    declare our freedom from tyranny. Namaste and Amen.

    Heres a great video created by the inventor for a further explanation of the technology at hand.

    Updated posted by Hope Moore 3 days ago

    If you Build It, and Give it Away, They will...If you Build It, and Give it Away, They will come. QEG Full Disclosure.

    Open sourcing the plans for the QEG was a turning point for all of us. Now that the cats outof the bag, we would like to take this opportunity to fully disclose to The People the fullbackground story behind the last 6 months. We could not speak about much of this before weopen sourced as we had to protect our family, our energy, and maintain the integrity of whatwe were trying to do.

    The Results in the First Week:In the first 24 hours 20,000 people downloaded the QEG plans. Since then it has gone soviral it is hard to get an accurate count. The manual has been posted on many blogs and isthoroughly spread through all forms of social media. So far the manual has been translatedinto German, Italian, Japanese, Swedish and soon Chinese and Spanish.

    Websites are being created with forums to help spread and share information. Here is one ofthem, and so far there is a lot of up to the minute info being posted here:

    We also have a skype chat room called QEGNetwork where many have gathered to post and

    share questions. Here is a link to this room, you need to have skype on your computer andyou need to have your own skype account to sign in:


    We would ask for people with website skills to create networking websites so that CICUs allover the world can connect and speak with each other. This is important to help withtroubleshooting, and sourcing the parts. We need to spread this knowledge fast and helpgroups to find each other.

    Immediately after open sourcing the Fix the World QEG family attended a Prepare for
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    Change Cobra conference in Taipei. We showed a presentation video of the QEG workingprototype. Many who attended that conference are spreading the QEG knowledge all over theworld. Cobra and his contacts from the light forces came to the factory where we are buildingQEGs to observe the operation for themselves. They are very impressed and we have the fullbacking and support of the Resistance Movement. Plans for larger scale production and partssourcing are underway.

    Teams of engineers are forming in more countries than we can count to build QEGs. Our firsthands on experience is here in Taiwan with a group of engineers, many of which came fromChina who plan to bring the knowledge back to China. These Men of China have spent asmall fortune and waited for a month just to get Visas to be here in Taiwan for QEG training.They have raised a large sum of money to begin QEG production in China. We were told froma high level contact that the QEG plans will be shared with 5,000 engineers in China who willbe making as many innovations on the QEG as possible and open sourcing the plans for eachone.

    Already we have seen plans for improvements and innovations to the QEG, the engineers of

    the world are taking full creative license on what can be done once you have achieved an overunity power source. Many are very excited.

    One of our suppliers Torelco, is extremely excited about the high demand for processed cores,and many orders have been placed in the last week from all over the world. They arerearranging their workforce to handle the demand and working to get the best possible pricefor people. They are charging $3,000 for the complete processed core which is a great price,and does not include shipping.

    We recommend Torelco for purchasing a finished core which includes laminated steel coreand rotor, all mica components, magnet wire, sleeving, spacer blocks, mylar tape and

    outerwrap tape, 8 inch through-bolts, nuts, washers, Nomex corner insulation and toroidalwinding. Since open sourcing, we have learned that our other supplier, Polaris, will chargeyou double for the bare generator sets. Torelco will give you a much better price for a barecore as well. As FTW continues to roll out the distribution plan, and more connections acrossthe world are made, we think CICUs will be commonplace and hence, QEG parts will be moreaccessible (many people will be making them!)

    Please Watch for Updated User Manuals as development progresses. They will behere:

    A Special Note to those who cannot afford the parts to build a QEG.

    We understand and are doing the best that we can to find cheaper parts and come up withcreative ways to help make QEGs more affordable. Some of these ideas are sponsorshipprograms, donated QEGs to people in need, crowdfunding campaigns where people can pooltheir resources to buy the parts, and much more. This is all still very new, and in just a littlemore time (probably about 2-3 months) the people will have enough time to put togethersystems and manufacturing structures that will make them more affordable. In themeantime, there are many that do have money and the right intentions to build QEGs. Theyare helping to bring this out. And since no one owns the QEG, it is available to all, and willbecome more accessible over time.

    FTW Next Steps for QEG
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    We are getting more questions than we can answer individually, and we want to help as muchas we can. To help with this information flow we will be doing a free weekly radio show withJames Robitaille and HopeGirl on Mission Im Possible Radio called Ask James about theQEG. Here, people can call in or send questions that James and Hope will answer on the air.The shows will be archived, and we will find a transcriber to type out all of the Questions andAnswers and post them in forums for others to find the answers they need. Check the radiostation for scheduled show times:

    Hope will be travelling to London to give a QEG presentation at the Alchemy EventConference on April 11. While in London, she will also be meeting with Sacha Stone and othermembers of the truth movement and New Earth Nation to collaborate bringing free energy tothe world.

    Our next QEG training and building will be in Aouchtam, Morocco at the One PeoplesCommunity. Many want to come to see the operation for themselves. Brian Kelly will beorganizing travel accommodations. If you would like to join us in Morocco please contactBrian Kelly:

    There are many other trips and requests planned for the near future, including Peru in June.We will continue to travel as much as we can, as hands on learning is the most effective wayto pass on the knowledge. However, at this point it is one of our main concerns to puttogether a global train the trainer program. This would involve training engineers to buildQEGs and showing them how to train others. This way the information can spread muchfaster and more efficiently. Part of this program would be to strengthen our organizationalstructure so that we can handle the increased workload.


    We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business. We are doing the work,teaching others how to do it and showing the process so that it is available to all. The mostimportant thing is to get this technology directly into the hands of the people, which is whatwe are doing. Our working prototype will be proven to the world through the people whobelieve in free energy enough to do the work needed to bring it out of suppression. Thereforethe people will be the ones to make the announcements, which will be more effective, and thepeople will get all the glory.

    130 years ago, Nikola Tesla designed an over unity fuelless generator that could provideenough power to power your home. This technology was heavily suppressed as a way to

    control the
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    Updated posted by Hope Moore 9 days ago

    As Promised, here are the open sourceddocuments...As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This hasbeen made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.

    Go here:

    An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power to operate.

    A conventional generator needs 15KW to produce 10KW of power.

    To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products thatcan be metered creating profits for the oil industry.

    130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonancemachine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power. His patents

    are now in the public domain.The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to
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    generate the same results. Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of poweroutput for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.

    We have freely given this technology to the people of the world. Weve open sourced a full setof instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow andreproduce the same results.

    How the QEG works:First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepowermotor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitryconfiguration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves thisresonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter topower the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original powersource and the generator will power itself.

    Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEGs are NOWdeveloping in communities in 30+ countries. The People are making their own free energy


    The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.

    The QEG: For the People and By the People

    Fix the World is currently traveling in Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April tohelp communities build QEGs. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible bythe donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps!Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World

    Organization. By Clicking here:

    Updated posted by Hope Moore 19 days ago

    Hello FTW QEG Friends and Supporters! We arevery...Hello FTW QEG Friends and Supporters! We are very excited to bring you this update.Because of your awesome support we have been able to accomplish many amazing things forhumanity!

    Here it comes!!!.....The Open Source plans for the QEG will be available at this link by March
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    We have close to 200 inquiries in over 20 countries from people who intend to create theirown cottage industry community unit (CICU) for QEG manufacturing and distribution! Weare in the process of gathering contact info and connecting people to make this a reality.

    But our most exciting news is this...Using the funds raised in our campaign, FTW was able todonate a QEG to the village of Aouchtam in Morocco. The QEG will run a well and supplyover 300 people with running water! In addition, the village will be creating their own QEGCICU to manufacture and distribute QEGs to all of North Africa! For more info on this,please see this link:

    And this.....We are leaving soon to bring the QEG to the world! We will be training 25students in a factory in Taiwan to build QEGs. And....Hope Girl will be presenting the QEG atCobras conference in Taiwan at the Alchemy Eventconference in London.

    Upon our return in May we will be working out pre-orders for QEGs and assisting the startup of CICUs, bringing a QEG CICU to a village near you!

    So....Things are about to really take off andwe couldnt have done it without your love andsupport. We are so appreciative and honored to co-create this amazing breakthrough with allof you! Thank you so very much.

    Hope and family :)

    1 - 3of 11 Updates

    More Updates

    Created by Hope Moore on January 24, 2014SALEM, MABusiness & Entrepreneurs

    Four months ago, FTW boldly went where many have tried to go before. We embarked on amission to create a free energy device that will be distributed directly to the people. We callthis device the Quantum Energy Generator, or QEG. I am now here, living on the propertywhere the QEG is being assembled, observing its progress. It is almost complete, and we willsoon be flipping the switch that can change the world.

    The QEG is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Teslas public domain design andbuilt with incredible engineering precision (for example it has over 300 precision cut steel
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    plates each at 18 1,000thsof an inch thick). The QEG is portable, the size of an averagehome generator, can easily hook up to your existing electrical system, and weighsapproximately 120 pounds. The QEG can power your entire home, several of them can poweranything from a skyscraper to a cruise ship, and you will never have to pay an electric billever again.

    Lets take this a step further and think about the millions of people in our world that livewithout a source of power. No refrigeration to store food. No power to purify their drinkingwater. No power to give them access to the internet or communications with the rest of theworld. No power to create and store medicines that could save their lives. How could the QEGchange their lives?

    So far we have created contracted agreements for local grassroots distribution to individualsand communities in the following countries: China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada,United Kingdom, Oman, Lebanon, United States and other countries now coming on board.We have developed critical relationships with members of the Breakthrough EnergyMovement conference, who have said dont worry, if for some reason it doesnt work, we will

    come over there and help you make it work. Our plans are to travel to these localcommunities, teach them how to build these devices for themselves in small local workshopswith teams of their own engineers, and open source the plans and complete instructionmanual. Of course it should only be a skilled professional engineer that should build thesedevices. After all, this does sort of fit into the category of rocket science.


    At this stage we are trying to raise $20,000 to finish this monumental project and bridge the

    GAP to its grassroots cottage industry distribution. To do this we want to build 2 more QEGsto present to some of the poorest communities who can receive the highest benefits a devicelike this can offer. Below is a breakdown of our needs:

    $14,000 = all inclusive cost of building 2 QEGs at $7,000 each.$6,000 = for additional equipment needed: oscilloscope, drill press, arbor press, currentclamp.(the inventor used to work in a fully equipped lab for 26 years and has since left the lab towork on the QEG. This equipment is needed to replace what he no longer has access to)

    We cannot do this alone, this is a breakthrough brought to the people, by the love and

    donations of the people.


    If you have any inquiries regarding the QEG please contact us [email protected]