nudge community builders annual report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought...

Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 @nudgecommunity Nudge Community Builders is a Community Benefit Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration number 7632

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Page 1: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

Nudge Community Builders

Annual Report 2018


Nudge Community Builders is a Community Benefit Society registered under the

Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration number 7632

Page 2: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%
Page 3: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%


This is our first official annual report for Nudge and we are excited to share what we have

been doing over the last year with you.

We hope you find it useful, interesting and informative. In the report we have…

A message from the Chair of our board. Our board have worked really hard over

the last year to help Nudge get off to a strong start, and with 100% of the board living

or working within a mile they bring a wealth of local knowledge making sure our

community comes first.

We remind everyone why Nudge was set up and give a bit of background about the

organisation followed by just a few of our 2018 highlights.

We take a moment to recognise and thank the funders, investors and supporters

that have helped us on our way this year.

A look at what difference we have made to our community by changing buildings,

spaces, spending our money carefully, creating opportunities for local people and

listening to our community.

A summary of the wide range of ways we are starting to trade. We are a community

business so all the money we make is used to make more of a difference on Union


A quick look at our finances – what’s coming in, what’s going out and our approach

to spending money. All the details can be found in our detailed accounts.

This year is shaping up to be just as much of a rollercoaster so we finish with a bit of

a taster of what to look out for over the next year.

There are complex challenges ahead if we are to change Union Street in a way that really

supports our local community that needs it most. We are stronger and can make more

difference together.

We are determined to make more big changes happen and do it in a way that bring joy and

colour to our community. If you would like to be involved you would be very welcome!

Love from

Wendy, Hannah, Laura and all at Team Nudge x

Page 4: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

Message from the Chair

This year has been an adventure, forming the board, learning how to work together- our

interests, strengths and gifts, finding out what we need to put in place so that Nudge is a

strong and resilient organisation that can deliver the change we would like to see in the area.

Finding out that so many people support us through the community share offer is a

confirmation that we are not alone in our vision and gives us great encouragement.

The joys of the past year have been transforming the Clipper into an exciting and creative

space that is becoming the focus of much creativity and opportunity. This has been possible

with the help of so many people, much laughter and lots of work. Popping in for a lunch or a

cuppa and meeting whoever is there, seeing the space filled and transformed by groups on

take-over days, using it for a party, all possible because of the love, time and money

invested by so many, thank you, it would not be possible without you.

Of course there have been setbacks, especially the delay in getting the flats upstairs at the

Clipper ready for use which has been a challenge, but that will change soon. For all

organisations, funding is a continuous concern, especially while the business is starting out.

We are lucky that we have such a versatile and valuable team.

One of the risks we could face is over-reaching ourselves, the potential for change and the

exciting ideas are never ending and just so tempting to explore. However, we have to make

sure that we reach out from a secure base, so the plans for the board next year are to

continue to work closely to make sure that Nudge is governed well, has robust financial

oversight and it develops in a sustainable way.

We aim to get the flats rented out, keep Union Corner running and run the Manor Street

Market as well as delivering colour, creativity and vitality to many activities in the street. All

our work is guided and informed by talking with people- residents, businesses, people

walking the street, so please look out for us!

I’m always up for a chat so please contact me if you want to say hello, have more

information or offer help. My email is [email protected], or stop me when I’m cycling by

(my bike is covered in flowers).

Sue Johns

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Remind me why Nudge set up again?!

Nudge was set up after years of learning and understanding what is holding an important

street in our neighbourhood back. We understand the impact that this is having on our

community, especially those most at need, and it is not right.

We realised the importance of land ownership and that we really believe that local residents

getting together can make a lasting, strong and impactful change.

We set up as a community benefit society in September 2017. As a co-operative it puts

collaboration and community at the heart of what we are doing. This is demonstrated in

everything we do – from events, bringing buildings back in to use and our long term strategic

planning. It also means that our buildings can be invested in by lots of different people

through community shares which creates a really exciting and accessible way for local

people to have ownership and see some annual return from a good thing happening in their


We are now in a great place to make change happen collectively with our investors,

members, partners, funders and local community.

Remembering where we have come from…

It’s really important to salute your source. Ours is the community we live in. All the

amazing people we have linked up with over the last ten years to make lovely things happen

in our community bring fresh energy, ideas and support that has helped us to grow what we


10 years of voluntary activity in Stonehouse Action created the fun, quirky, can-do vibe

that continues to grow in Nudge. This is super important and even when we are looking at

really complex issues it’s this approach that will help us find a way through that works for our


The Union Street Party is entering its 10th year and is much loved – this is where we really

heard what people were saying about the impact of the empty buildings and realised the

strength of bringing people together and trusting that what happens will be the right thing.

We learnt a huge amount from bringing Union Corner in to use, it was hard and a steep

learning curve. Now we can see it really pushed us on to be braver, more resilient and

seeing a way to make lasting change on the street. Every day we use approaches and

learning from Union Corner to inform how we work and what we do as Nudge.

These building blocks are important to care for

as we build momentum. A significant amount of

time in Nudge is spent on making sure Union

Corner continues. This enables 6000 bowls of free

soup to be served to our most vulnerable and

isolated in our community each year. It supports 49

organisations to host 631 activities that 1283

attended at least 3 sessions of 3 hrs or more over

the last two years.

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Just a few of last years’ highlights

We raised £206,750 of community shares from 165 investors making Nudge truly collectively owned. Our largest investor is Co-operatives UK. They invested £100,000 through the

Community Shares Booster Programme. The money comes from Power to Change, the

decision is made by the Community Share Unit, a partnership between Co-operative UK and


7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their


13 businesses invested.

38% of our investors are from the PL1 area and invested 33% of our total.

The Clipper

6 months of renovation happened including getting all utilities back in to the building,

heating, lighting, repairing, plumbing, decorating and reconfiguring spaces.

We opened The Clipper in July 2018 since then we have had over 5000 people visit.

We have hosted special takeover days with Plymouth Social Enterprise Network, the Art Weekender, Diversity Business Incubator, Fairtrade Fortnight, Plymouth College of Art, Nowhere Illustration Fair and No Whey Plymouth. Theatre Royal Plymouth took over The Clipper for a sell-out run of unique performances written and performed by Project X part of their community workshops. 47 different people have come to sell things at The Clipper and 11 of these have been from our neighbourhood. ___________________________________________________________________

We brought people together on Union Street in lots of ways

In November we had a pyjama party in the Clipper to watch the bridge from Toys R Us to the Pavillions come down and saved the signage and plaster work from The Two Trees before it was demolished. Over the summer we hosted a series of Little Nudges in Palace Square helping to make this public space feel safer and more cared for. In December we sold over 126 keys to the little Advent Box that could be opened every day to see something different made by a local person. In September we helped to organise the 9th Union Street Party – the sun shone and our community turned out in their thousands. We supported Union Corner with all the bookings and managing the space as well as helping to create a plan for it’s future. We hosted our first Manor Street Market in response to people missing the car boot sale. We invested in resources and infrastructure and this is now a regular and growing monthly event.

Page 7: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

We got noticed nationally and locally We were named one of 50 New Radical organisations that are changing the

world by Nesta and The Observer in September 2018.

In February an article in The Guardian exploring Plymouth as a social

enterprise city included Nudge as an example.

In November there was an article about Nudge in The Times Business section.

In September we received an award for Union Corner as best community projects at the

Plymouth Community Homes Awards alongside Stonehouse Timebank and Stonehouse


Wendy spoke at several events including Power to Change events and the launch of SIMPL. She also joined the board of POP+, supported Compassionate Plymouth and presented to the Public Health meeting. Hannah was a judge for The Great British High Street, ran a workshop at The Rank Conference and presented at the Stonehouse Residents Association and Plymouth University. We received feedback about how inspiring people found Nudge and this made us feel surprised, embarrassed and lovely all at the same time.

Team Nudge

Created 3 full time jobs and a part time job.

Created an office so we have space to work and do more good stuff.

Got the practical stuff rolling – accountancy systems, payroll, contracts, insurance, booking

systems, filing systems, website, emails, social media – it all had to be done!

Laura joined us and has turned her hand at anything – if there is anyone who deserves the

title ‘Miss Nudge-a-lot’ it is her.

6 brave, brilliant local people stepped up alongside Hannah and Wendy to form the Nudge

Board. They have had to get their heads around a huge amount and we are very grateful.

We had some tricky times…paying huge business

rates whilst we were revalued was tough, spending

long days with no heating and lighting, keeping our

fingers crossed for funding, jumping hurdles, red tape

and navigating rules and regulations, collapsed drains,

and really wanting to meet peoples’ expectations…but

we’re more resilient than ever and it was totally worth


Page 8: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

Our funders

School for Social Entrepreneurs Community Business Trade Up programme: funded

by Power to Change this offered us the opportunity to meet other Community Businesses,

access some great training and support and match our traded income with a grant.

Reach Access Fund: this supported us to get investment ready, helping us to scope out the

development needs of The Clipper and get all the relevant assessments, checks and

permissions in place.

Social Enterprise Investment Fund: funded by Plymouth City Council this mix of loan and

grant has supported us to transform the ground floor and create jobs.

The Rank Foundation main grant: over three years we have support to be strong leaders.

This flexible funding has been essential over this last year to help deal with the ups and

downs of a new business.

The Rank Internship: this funded a post at the living wage for a year and brought us Laura

who has added a big, wonderful resource to Team Nudge.

The Rank Foundation Accelerator funding: Laura and Hannah pitched an idea at the

annual conference and were selected by the panel to receive funding to support young

people to sell at Manor Street Market.

Devon and Cornwall Fire and Rescue and partners: this funded our Little Nudges in

Palace Square – a space that local people have said they don’t feel safe in.

Development Grant for Creative Civic Change: Nudge were selected to develop a plan for

three years of creative activity out on Union Street. It’s involved a small working group of

local people, dressing up as zebras and listening to lots of local people, as well as lots of

conversations with partner organisations. Watch out for announcements in May 2019!

These are just some of our supporters this year – we really appreciate all the support,

mentoring and time they have given us to help us grow Nudge.

Page 9: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

Local impact We are making things happen in our community in a way that supports local people. These are some of the ways this happened over the last year. We have had 14 regular volunteers that have helped with everything from painting, fixing things, to making pom poms and supporting our events. We have focused on listening, building relationships, and really supporting individuals in bespoke ways so we notice how we can make a difference. We have also seen our volunteers connect into courses, employment and other local projects. We continue to support the running of Union Corner which is a really important local resource used by more than 500 people a month. We think really carefully about our local community needs when we do our pricing, booking, spending, recruiting, activities and strategic planning.

Key impacts this year are:

Developing the Clipper as a long-term asset for the community. Progressing social housing that meets a very local need and nudges current

provision Creating a new pedestrian route for local people connecting to a major regeneration

area Providing unique selling space for local people, student, start-ups and experienced

sellers keeping it affordable and accessible Offering a safe, welcoming, curious space for local people Positive visual impacts that benefits the street Testing this model as an alternative model of regeneration and bringing a building

back in to use that can be replicated Creating events in parts of the street that people feel are unsafe or uncared for Supporting other local projects, ideas and activities

‘You’ve given me a chance to get

back to normal.’

‘I was having a cr*p day and I walked

in here and just thought yay, what a

lovely place – just what I needed.’

‘A little bit of light and joy on a dark

day – thank you.’

‘Brilliant women doing a brilliant


‘Pioneers building vibrant, resilient,

local economies!’

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As a community business we need to trade to help support what we do and make

more of a difference along the street. These are some of the ways that we are trading at

the moment.

The Clipper market space – the bar and all the units are available for people to sell from.

It’s really affordable but also come with lots of support to help your venture move forward.

Spaces – we hire out spaces in The Clipper in a way that is really affordable and accessible.

We’ve hosted meetings, parties, private dining, quiz nights and even a very special proposal

– she said yes!

Events – every month we have the Manor Street Market where people can have a table for

between £5 and £10 and we support young people with a grant to have a go at being an


Our takeovers are based around themes and bring communities that have things in common

together. They also help to support trading activity in The Clipper and build up footfall,

customers and networks.

Our market umbrellas are available to hire for the day and this year they were used by a

number of community events.

Time – we have a range of expertise in Nudge that we love to share with other organisations

that need some support. This year we have worked for the Hoe Forum, RIO and the

Empowering Places Programme, and Power to Change.

We have been accepted as Power to Change Community Business Brokers so in 2019 we

will be visiting other community businesses in the region to support them to identify and

access extra support they need to make their business flourish.

Thank you to all our customers for helping us grow and thrive. We look forward to welcoming you again in 2019.

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Finance update

We spend in a way that invests as much as possible back into local area – spending money locally with businesses and supporting local people employing locally. We spend 50.5% within a mile and 94% in Plymouth.

In addition to this income we took on two loans with our early investors and with the Plymouth City Council Housing Loan, we have paid both of these back. We now have two loans - £60,000 from Plymouth City Council Social Enterprise Investment Fund which we are now paying back each month; and our community share investors. We are on track to pay our shareholders 3.6% return in October, this will go to our board in September and we will update our shareholders with a 6 month update. This information is for summary only and should be viewed alongside our annual accounts

that are published separately alongside this report.





How we spent our money up to March 18

Wages Running costs

Advertising, professional fees Bank and loan charges

Direct costs






How we spent our money Mar - Dec 2018

Wages Running costs

Advertising, professional fees Bank, crowdfunder and loan charges

Direct costs Refurbishment costs



Money coming in up to March 2018

Grants Consultancy




Money coming in Mar - Dec 2018

Grants Consultancy Clipper income

Page 12: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

What’s on for 2019?

At the beginning of the year No Whey started at The Clipper. They are going from strength to

strength and it’s great to see the bar area being used to support a local independent start-up

business. They are registering as a Community Interest Company and have lots of ideas for

projects going forward. If you haven’t tried their food yet, pop in and give it a go!

We have set targets to increase our traded income. This helps us become more resilient.

We will be starting to increase our regular opening times. We are also looking for people to

bring The Clipper alive – people who are interested in following in the steps of No Whey and

having a go at running a food business; or people that would like to sell, make or create

things in the units at The Clipper. We are also continuing to sell our services to other

organisations that match our values locally and nationally.

Moving our new tenants in is a milestone we now expect to achieve by the summer. Thanks

to Kier, Bailey Partnership and The Rogers Group construction on the two flats is

moving forward, providing local housing for two single dads and a regular rental income for


After experimenting with Little Nudges along the street – bringing joy, colour and creativity

out on the street for everyone to enjoy will become a regular occurrence over the coming


We are getting involved in the regeneration happening along Bath Street to make sure we

think about how our community can be involved and how it can connect with local projects.

In September, a year after our share offer finished, we will be in touch with all shareholders

about your annual interest payment. To date we are on track to pay 3.6%.

It has been a very busy year and we won’t be slowing down, but we do need to make sure

we are really strong as a community business and we grow in a way that remains true to

authenticity and the community we are based in. Our board will be supporting us to do this.

We are planning our next steps. The Clipper is a pilot to learn and test how community

ownership can work to bring buildings back in to use. As you know, there are many empty

buildings in our community, and lots of fantastic organisations that could operate

businesses, make much needed homes or cultural destinations from them if they were in

use. We are exploring how Nudge could contribute to making this happen.

Please pop in every now and again we love seeing you!

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Dates for your diary

Saturday 27 April – Manor Street Market 10 – 2pm

Sunday 28 April – No Whey Cruelty Free Market at The Clipper 11-4pm

Monday 13 May – look out for special things happening on Union Street!

16 – 19 May - Community Business Weekend

Saturday 25 May – Manor Street Market

Sunday 2 June – Big Lunch

24 June – 7 July – Co-op fortnight

Saturday 29 June – Manor Street Market

Saturday 27 July – Manor Street Market

Saturday 31 August – Manor Street Market

Sunday 15 September 2019 – Union Street Party (number 10!)

November 2019 – pick up your key for this years’ Advent Box

Please note: we have the builders working away at The Clipper on the two flats upstairs in

May and June so we haven’t booked many events in yet as we don’t want to cause them

disruption. Keep an eye out for our newsletters and social media for updates on events.

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Page 15: Nudge Community Builders Annual Report 2018 · 7 volunteers received £100 worth of shares bought by people who wanted to recognise their contribution. 13 businesses invested. 38%

p.s don’t forget you have an important role as a member or shareholder! There are 165 shareholder of Nudge Community Builders Limited and an additional 68 members. You have the right to attend and vote at general meetings, stand for election to the Board, and inspect the share register of the Society. But being a member is so much more than that – you share the responsibility to make our community business a success. You could:

Encourage your friends and family to visit the market regularly

Help to attract market stall holders or even be one yourself

Connect us to opportunities to get exciting things happening on the ground floor – events, pop up activity…we want it to feel like a place to come back to

Volunteer – this could be helping the place run, mentoring a start up, or promotion – all help is welcome!

So being a member means being part of a co-operative making something really great happen in our area as well as looking after your investment. In return we will do lots of lovely things to keep you up to date, to give you reasons to pop in and to feel like your investment is being treated with the love and care it deserves.

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Keep in touch!


Pop in to The Clipper Thursday – Saturday 12-6pm

Sign up for Nudge News at

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]