ntse stage 1 sat

I] SAT" I fMax: Marla r 90 L 3rftr+-{q- iiF | 90 AI{D Nutio nal M e uns -c um!-M erit S cholurs hip Exam, --2 0 I 2 Nutionul Talent Search Examination-20 I 2 ROLL No. x 25 1 20 e I -f ) 1 (" PAPER-II : SCHOL-ASTIC ABILITY TtrST (SAT) DATE OF EXAM : 20-11-2011 Timer 90 Minutesl ,rrfq 90 k{e I INSTRUCT'IONS TO CANDIDATES Read theiollowing in struction scarefu lly belore you ,nsiver the questions. Answers areio be given ' on a SEPARATEANSWER SHEET. Use only I{B PeDcil. l. W.iteyour RollNo. reD clearl) (on one digit in oneblock) onthis bookletand ontheAI\SWER SHXET, 2. Thjs testconsists of 90 questjors of oDe mark each. All the questions areCOMPULSORY 3. Answer to each question by filling the correct aiterrative among dre four choices on the ANSWER SI{trIT, Exairple: Q.No. Altematives I o@o@ Q.No. Aiternatives I @@@@ 4. Separate sheet hasbeen provided fbr rough work inthistest booklet. 5. lf you want to change your answer erase Xhe earlier filled circlecompleJely alldthendarken the circle ofyour choice. 6, Nowlurnto l\e ne\r page anJ stan crsrrering the questions, i--rr--r r- 6..:- 6-:t^- qr ill q it | $ trl\ trlq.{l sri n FF dj i S eF-i}fo' Hgr or ran c,r-r ra-r \rE 3rirq T--T€ 'r_t ii it ad-aHB ifu'd €r rar,r dl 1. ?,rqr eqrT iro rur sq tfuot dqT td{-Y€ q{ (rd6 aH + q6 fi 3is) qgd A nE ftRrq I 2. g "ryt d o0 qrn I Tu q-Sq qsa o q-a :ro t t {r11 crl 3ri€rd d I 3. r&{ csi= fi etn e6 ff+ + ntq+'H ,IA lrr ir--t " tr qi -16.4 .rA i@t rr. Er rF r+r gR++t + q-' "1, sdt Fi'{r : Q.No. 1 OOC@ Q.No. 1 4. .n r Rough r urr o i- gq faqr n qd @r;i yE Fqr irqr t l 5. de rnq !tra Fr {eFrr s_?q s n rda d'er t*r iag * W fuer t t rr5wr< "=d q'qfid t{{ +} 6rdi +r rr+a tt 6, irq qror ge dftrn efu dlMl Correct way : Wrong way: rFdd Rfl-{r I

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Page 1: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

I ]


fMax: Marla r 90

L 3rftr+-{q- iiF | 90


N utio nal M e u ns -c um!-M erit S ch ol urs hip Exam, --2 0 I 2

Nutionul Talent Search Examination-20 I 2


x 2 5 1 2 0 e I -f) 1 ("


Time r 90 Minutesl,rrfq 90 k{e I


Read theiollowing in struction s carefu lly beloreyou ,nsiver the questions. Answers are io be given

' on a SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET. Use onlyI{B PeDcil.

l . W.iteyour RollNo. reD clearl) (on one digit inoneblock) onthis bookletand on the AI\SWERSHXET,

2. Thjs test consists of 90 questjors of oDe markeach. All the questions are COMPULSORY

3. Answer to each question by filling the correctaiterrative among dre four choices on theANSWER SI{trIT,


Q .No . Altematives

I o@[email protected]. Aiternatives

I @@@@4. Separate sheet hasbeen provided fbr rough work

inthistest booklet.

5. lf you want to change your answer erase Xheearlier filled circle compleJely alld then darkenthe circle ofyour choice.

6, Now lurn to l \e ne\r page anJ stan crsrreringthe questions,

i--rr--r r- 6..:- 6-:t^-qr i l l q i t | $ t r l \ t r lq . { l

sri n FF dj i S eF-i}fo' Hgr or ranc,r-r ra-r \rE 3rirq T--T€ 'r_t ii it ad-a HBifu'd €r rar,r dl

1. ?,rqr eqrT iro rur sq tfuot dqT td{-Y€ q{

(rd6 aH + q6 fi 3is) qgd A nE ftRrq I

2. g "ryt d o0 qrn I Tu q-Sq qsa o q-a :ro t t{r11 crl 3ri€rd d I

3. r&{ csi= fi etn e6 ff+ + ntq+'H ,IA lrrir--t

" tr qi -16.4 .rA i@t rr. Er rF r+r

gR++t + q-' "1,

sdt Fi'{r :


1 [email protected].


4. .n r Rough r urr o i- gq faqr n qd @r;i yE

Fqr irqr t l

5. de rnq !tra Fr {eFrr s_?q s n rda d'er t*riag * W fuer t t rr5wr<

"=d q'qfid t{{ +} 6rdi

+r rr+a tt6, irq qror ge dftrn efu


Correct way :

Wrong way : rFdd Rfl-{r I

Page 2: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

91. {-qn + tfrd eT e-{q'i; ir{i i o-d dgli e.+' *t + ql?ii sl cH + 3iftrdqftqq F,nqr q.snr i qfu .(l) 6d q' e{"r c6 triIr ?

(2) Fqi e{ sfiT qd qrnT tl

131 t'rs ,r'a ae a+ r :'rq'f 3{qq-'rf4 oq

*,r t'(4I flrq fii arq qd 6r l"g"i sq€fl"f-{

. g|ArF 6r.r el

92. Ltlveil below are 2 statemenls92. Bq qr+ c{ tcn d

Shifting of a door handle from the edge ofthe door towards the hinges makes it harderio open the door because

(l) the friction at the hinges increas€s

(z) me Tnclon at Ine nlnges oecreases

(3) the monent of the applied force rssmaller

(4) the moment o[ the appl ied forcs rsrarger

(a) Frcm space, the sun appears white

(b) From space. rhe skv aooears blue

ll. statements (a) and (b) ari correit

.2. statements (a) and (b) are inconect

3. statements (b) is correct and(a) is incorrect

. 4. statements (a) is conect and (b) in-correct

93, A short sighted person has difficulty infocussing on distant obj€cts

(a) Since light rays are focussed in front ofthe retina

(b) This defect can be ccinected by using. diverging lens

(1) statements (a) is conect and(b) is incorrect

. (2) statements (a) and (b) ar9 correct

(3) statements (a) and (b) are inconect

(4) staternents (a) is incorrect and(b) is conect

94, The Greenhouse effect refers to a warmingof the earth's atmosphere caused by theabsorption of

(l) Primary solar radiation

(2) Secondary radiation emitted by the ea(h

(3) Ozone

(4) Water vapour

(a) 3rdR4I g qq qs-q RqdI 6l

(b) eidftg{ n ffFrsr +dr fi'rjmr tl

l. srx4 (a) lri (b) fi sff el

2. o*r 161 q1 (b) sH 'rmd el

3. mrl{ i6; qfr t sfu eqn (a) 1ft{'d tt

4. 6s{ (a) {& t 3ft{ FT{ (b) 'rird tl

Fs sft" * qrA q?a 6t E ol e-qrt wqn 4to er* { q@ rfft e

(a) oqltd trs'sr d+ i6-rFl F S't f+q emt *? rtaar) + * + 4go 6* *

0) ss <ls el 3.'trda ds $ .{qRr rifilRrd t6qTor scrt t

1tt oo-a rar -vft B rftr{b) lr{4 Bl_

(2) qnT 6q;r (a) 3{r' {b) {6I E

(3) stil sri (t) i+{ (b) qd? tl

(4) 6ciE (a) {tld ? irt(b) s-ff tt.

,ft'' trrrq eb-or i gdr or agr<a rrE6i qr on"r Fila { + ftq* 3rqlts"T +€ idTt? .(t) c?rc (crt+t) +{ iifutlr(2) Bd qqrtT fte"n+ qlar ffi (++s{i)

frnfi'(l) 3n-ir4

(4) G.drdrq


{,' ! ,




: )


. i93 .




94 .


Page 3: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

'l -!

95. For the given circuit, diagram ifthe bulb A isfused, then

(1) only bulb B wil l glow.

(2) onlytuib C \till glow/ .

(3)4oth bulbs B end C will glow

(4) none of the bulbs will glow

A lnan using the pulley system exerts a 200N

force through a distance of2m to lrft a 600N

lcaj ro a heighi of 0 5m. The work efl'-

ciency of the pulleY sFtem is: , /

(l) loo% - - (e) 50%

qftrs* (4) 25%

(1) ststionary'

(2) moving at constad speeo

(3) speod is decreasilg

l4) sD€edins uD



. : l 2 3 . 4 5. time (min)

W h i c h a f l h e l o l l o s r n g c a n ( o u n u t r a v e l

through ?

(a) solids (b) vacc.um (e) liquids (d) gases

/ l \ ' h . n d c 1 2 ) b . c i n d d

( l) a. c and d (4) x. b and o


Rq qq qftclT { 3r'ri c@

(l) ft+ q@ B q'+qr

(2 ) f f i qdcsd i rT

B\ .qCwdt

qcq "'-6t


-s ak qdr q{€i-i 2 'ird' 6i qft i

200N r oi crTr6T b00N i{r' nt 0 5 +c"

sqr'r+ a wn tr gq Tfr Eq€n fr srd

F{dT t

(l) 100% (r) )u"/o

(3\ 1s% g) 2s% l

ssrtq.r rFrI Fl J

12345qqq (h-{d)

P{q t + fuq q laii Fflt 6' siFdl 6 7

Flq'ta G) .qs (d) ns

(2) b , c w 'd

(a) a, b,,cd' d

A qs ? ns qRq'q


RxR, q.t" ' 96'

S i P

(3) sTit {d

r+l ** *


91,97, A car's distance time graph is shown below'

Belween 3 and 5 minutes the car lsc6 6R sr Eft-qc-q ns3{t{ 5 Fri" & ftq, on

(1) Rr{ Bl

(2) qrq'|q nfu + qn €

(3) fi$ d r& tl

(4) *s d rdt tl


(a) +q FsRi (b)

( l )a ,bcdc

(3) a, c(E d

98. 98 .

Page 4: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

. Which of the foliowing graphs showsuniform and non zero acceleration ?

99. . hlc d * qtc sr nl"E {qra rfuRd-dT a ?-

3Tqd iqif

( l )Veiocity


(l) Battery

(3) Switch

(2) Capacitor

(4) Resistance .



' (2)'rft



100. Which of the following is used for sronngr electric charge?


gTq T{qq

100. PrEr Rfu-( { ftFfr F{gd 3rfu risrRn $i-+ ?-d3q+4 ftql qrdr.t?

(r) Te,r (2) qqrF?

(l) Raq (a1 rF\r+

l0l. Srr SJdr (,t sf.r) 'h t4r qfi sr F.4-:i6101. The boiling paint of water inside a pressure

cooker with weight is I

(1) r 00.. c

,. (2) between 50'C and 100. C

( l) belo$ 50o C

(4) above l00i C .

102,. Velocity of a moving objeq is changinguniformly and the kinetic energy chatEesaccordingiy. Which of the following graphdipicts the conect relationship.

Etd. t r

( r ) r00o c(2) 50' c an{ i00' C ai dls *

r l ) 50"Ci f r

lr'\ l00o i rrtu6

102. C.F tridqrq c{g 6r'+iT stTr4 sc * qftqi*a sirn t I gq+ qnrdr{fd-s iici fi snqf.rd €t .& t If{n i s}q qT. qrq, sff Tids Rrl-dT }r

(l) Knitic eners/


(l ) qft'-i rdi

Velocity Velocity Velociry Velocity

Page 5: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

103. Combustion is a reaclion in $hich d subslance

(l) IJydrogen (:) Nitrogen

{-,1 ux\uen t {.r l Lnlorrne

104. Oxides ofnon-metalsarg r

/ l \ F r a i . ( 7 \

103. ef{ dt :ifuSqr { +* cl, ?i PfcT q,|dr t

rrgd-.,T *

€ttf{ q-




_ (1 )

(3) N€utral.



104, s{sr$r} + 3rwrk Et+ t

(1) &Tfrs (2) 3.dq

P) rqTqti (4) sqitn q'S

tos. ti-c+dt+."r q6 s6cr t ffi rw efm t

(l) +6r, FI'r{ t qfqrd q{

(2) ijro, tFIc{ * {rTq[{t c{

(3) k6, dl? fi qnr+ q{

(4) 3{+n o€ ;rdt-

106. 3{*q qql trl sRlr i}r-r + 3rwr€s E}fr i

(i) {n{ qt-i argfrt

P) rmr ++t +r+r'

(3) .6rf4 !it{ atvi]'fi

(4) Fre+qF sfu srf{

l0?. F{qF -rqF-F ttrq - +fg q"r} vr'tr .54 I

(1) qq{ff€

(2) ri-ci+

(3) qtri irc

(4 ) lsl-6€ rc

105 .


10? .

tos. '5idfi-{' Fq dt CFigdlc rsR B r '3! ': '

dldr .






' ' 10E.

Page 6: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

112. For respiration de-ep s;a divers use.a mixtureoloxygen and

(1) Nitrogen

(J,, rlyorogen

l13. mich rnetal liberates hydrogen on reaction' with an alkali?

( r ) (u (2 ) Mg

(3) AI (4) Fe

ll4, Which fuelhas maximum fuelefficiency?

(2) Hydrogen

(4) Biogas

110. qrl{dt Feit or qqrs, +fl t '

( | ) qTqritr?r sd.€fi s@il

(2) *llr ri@T

{J 1 frTorqiF q@T

(4) 'n-{ ri@r (qriT r-q{)

lll. qd {' sT Tq }'d{q B ?

|r qlJ- (2, irgd-ri

(3) €rr-ii-s{ (a) Q1@i

I | 2. rffi rin srj? A ef,rq Fq + Fq }-mtr-,irr ,b- rq I

"n .5; t"

12) dlTt4 .

\ q / . s J r q q r

tlJ. ie-q € { qn" + sr1 Eq" i rmqI6'; Ffifrc

(2) Chlorine

(4) Helium

(l) rrs-qi-{r

(3) ETtqi-ri'

sdq q{ff ?

115. The groMh regulator that retards ageing ofplant organs is

(l) Auxin

(2) Abscisic acid (ABA)

(3) C).tokinin

(4) cibberelliis

114 .

115. "q6d F{qfq-{" st qh}. + ts {.d+ s1 cPfiqr"+l ttqr $-ftT i I cs t -

( I ) rftsrr

r 2 r trrfu-r'r6 !F I ABA J

(J) qrE fqi-{

(4) ldqtt{-;rq

(1) CNC

(3) Coal



Page 7: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

116. Hens €gg' is

(t) Unicellulnr'

(2) Female gamete

(3) llaplpid

. (4) All the abovo

117. Which of the iollowing are kharif crops ?

(l) Paddy and mustard l

(2) Paddy and cotton

{Jl MUSiaTO anO eram

(4) Cotton and. mustard

116, Tft sr q€r ?-

(l) q-€-d sts+q

(z) ftftr-Sss

(3) brdlfs (3rtftTa)

(4) rcf€ q*

11?. Fd-{ i +{-* qff6 ssd

(l) lrn 3,+i {Rrd

(2) irl-{ !it{ $c[q

(3) s(d 3lt{ q{r

(4) scl€ *{ wd


118. Acid rain is formed from water vapour re- 118. "3rF sqf" qil-Ere + idq t ffi s$ bqlactingwith . 6ti t Etff Bl

(l) Co? and So, (t) Co, !it{ So:

(2) So, and Nirogen oxide (2) Soz if. No:

(3) Co, ard Nitrogen oxide

. (4) Sulphuric acid

I19. Which ofthE following contribute to the car-bdn oycle :

(l) Photosynthesis .

(2) Fossil tuel combustion

(3) Respiration

t a , , AU u rs duvv !

(3) Co, $ft{ Noiil-

(4) Ho,soa (FqR:F 3rG)

119. P{q + +{ 'in{'i qs" d

(l) c-sTrl dedsor

(2) lilsRq gtr{ 6r sd.il'

(3) R-€|r

(4) 3ctff s*

120. ,'isr tu€" € Ch t f6i -

(l) el|*q cirffi Frdft tr

r2r .ffri €q-i-rq it{s bd,a- Eqr crdl il

(3) qdi q{{q-drc a?q *l

14r rd vftro; t g*rc *l+o *-dro +ut nnrt ,

drrsn +dT tl

spots are those alea where

Endeniiq species is fgund

Minium biological diversity is observed

Climalic temparat'Jre is high

Ma.rimr,rm biological diversiry is found


(r i(?)



Page 8: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

:t.:.- siiiii ,*an or*" auo*ing enzyme acrs efficiently

t pH 2.0

(l) qtu-{

(2) qrgcft-{

(3) fifda

(4) 3q{ff s.lil

122. qF + er${ { "ka (bile)

(1) sFd n

qqrEq (fu'!rr) wtff.d:l+tc iTr

.i(2) Trrpsin

(3) Insulin

(4) All the above

122. Where is bile stored in the human body ?

(l) Liver

(2) callbladdbr

f i) Spleen

(4) Blood

123. What are the components of DNA ?

(1) Sugar, bases, proteins

(2) Sigar, phosphate, bases

_ (3) Phosphate, bases, polypeptides

(4) Polt?eptides, proteins, Fugar

124. Water absorbed by the roots from the soii-travels up the rTlem elem€nts into the leaves.What is the name of the process by whichthis water is released from the leaves throughstomata

rd riqftn €|dT B I

'2; F.rrm d

(3 r 'ffir: d :

(4) q{ {

123. DNA i +tc-* qcs t ?

( i )T - . } ' | - t rd7 rda

ql r 5,- . 'ar+'e f-' q'F

(3) q'r+E, crTr qq ftffi:r

1at d-iierglrr, +Jir \ri q,-

124. f,.sl + arrr q'!{rlfud B-ir {iS +'r-ft fiFfrqro qnr t rg ftfu fir itq cmEq ffi dr{l{6 sd cftri + 3qfilm Rlq} +. anT FnlRTdEt-dT ?l .:'

: '

(2) e.q-d"r

(J) qIEIsrfrT .

rr' futu 6r fiq @q ffi allqqq q?q, +i :nqs { r:rmRft-d

(1) FcrfilT

(2) riliiqranT

(3) qlift.F{ol

(a) q+$l-d{.r

(2) Perspiration

(3) Tmnspiration

(4) Exudation.

Name th€ process by which two bacteria 125,excharige genetic infonnation with each oL\€rthrough a direct contact cell to ceil :

fl drq|ll+t t t ,

(1) Tnnsformation

(rJ I rans0ucuon

(J) Lonjuganon

'(4) Flagellation

Page 9: Ntse Stage 1 Sat



is divisibleby : 126' qisr 213144558 *'f i]** **

( l ) 2 ' 331k11

t :

' (2) 3,7 and 11 (2) 3' 7 ${ tl

(3) 2' 4 rlt{ 6(3) 2, 4 and 6

i+)2, :onor ' (4) 2 '3 * {7

. 127. The ialue of u + 1 isneQual to "

r21 u - +.i

*r* ,r r_! , 1 *+5 +t, .4_S-z

' { l J l 0 27(2) 21'tt37

\, 2' l ' l3l .' - , . . t ' (3) 372t37

lJ) 312137(4) 30'7137

- t4) 307/37

' i t : 1 ̂ 1^1 , i t i \T6=2 .4495l28 qre ' lz - t " '* '128 . The r r l ue o f I

' f-' ,- r n +; {'ti'

s irnpl iryirrg upto I decimal places' given {r +\z - '

116-= 2.4495 is I| ; - - , r i / r\ z - i i I a 4 ,

( i ) 0 .166

(2) 0.366

(3) 0.466

(4) 0.s66.

129. 1l2].'r =

12 +.y2 is

( t ) 9

' (2) l0

(3 ) l l

(4) 13

130 .

. ^ r ^ l \ + Y = 1 ( r h P n

eoual to r

(2) 3914

(4) 993

(1 ) 0 .166

(2) 0.366

(3) 0.466

(4) 0.566

129. qft 2r'-Y = 32x2 + y2 ot lr<

( l ) e

(2) l0

(3 ) i r

(4) 13

130. si flnnr q{F6

tr 5 q'tfoi ot

(i) i986


(3) 512

Page 10: Ntse Stage 1 Sat


L' " t00

(3) I100

132. The average marks of students of a ctass is16.4. The average marks of boys in a classis 18.8 and that ofgirls is 14.6. The ratio olthenumber ofgirls to the number ofboys inthe class is :

(1). '3 . 2

(3 ) 4 :3

r t ) v - l: x .+ 100

(AJ-<-_L__x + 100

132. \rfi sErT q frrqrFlqT + erln{ crqi6 te,+ *rqft wn d fs-+l + itfw nqiq 18.8 t,rs?s Flirqr + 3fts{ e-ti6 14.6 e 4ro4'r n asi+ri o asqir d' 'jel fo-s rrfn

*,(* .)


(1) 3 : 2

(3) 4 :3

( 2 )213

(4 )3 :4

133. Th€ ratio of milk and ]rater in 66 litres ofddulteraled milk is 5 | 1. The quantity ofwaterto be added in the,.irixture to mak€ me ralrobf rnilk and water 5 : 3 is :

133. 66 fre{ fl-orqa qq { qr :r1r n-fr +r ftxw5: I + qncr.t + ar g{ fte"r { F{'d+ qrdr{ q+ fufirq1 .nrq fu W .ift{ \irff 6I sr{qrd5 : J E T . r t \ ?

(1) 20 frcr (Z).229

(3) 24 dlcr (4) 26

/ ) \ l n 5 5 o l l 1 0 E o l n g E o

/ : \ a < r ^ I ) ( s ^ I ) 1 r -

(4) 80 Fo, l20 Fo, 133 €o

(2 )2 .3

, & (i) 20 ritres' 7 \ "

(3) 24 lines

1{i rtt""

(4) 26 litres

134. The salaries ofA, B and C togerher amount 134. A,BBi-{ idtgif, inq"{ff l3j. F" et{6 i tq. i ito Rs.333. They spend 80%,85% ann 75o/a 3 tI{+.Fr Fqlr: 80%, 85% iit 75% qr:r

q{ or ei dt erdt E-"", 7:6 r9 + qtqdare inthbratio 7 | 6 : 9, then their respecti\ e * i tt r+fi rrrr-ff *rlr.+fr.salaries arc : !- i - 7'1, i -.1,. .,t.1 :

o\ : ; -

, . ' ' 1 t j ns . 102, Rs . r18 , Rs . t13 ( t ) i02 r " , 118 Fo, . l r Fo

of their respective salaries. If their savings

(2) tu. 105, Rs. 120, Rs. 108

t J ) x 5 . 6 ) , K S . t l ) , K s . t l J

(4) Rs. 80, Rs. 120, Rs. 133


Page 11: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

. . )i ( ' l

w."135, Out of 100 students, 50 fail in English and

30 in Mathematics. If 12 students fail in bothEnglish and Mathematic$; then the nllmberof students pas:ing borh subjecs is :

13s. 100 toqrFr{ii I * 50 3ilft t 3i{ :0 qFri

{ ifftr d} ? | Eit 12 iiurPff fi it lrf$"f

dA f at *o ft"rPff ct d+ * itr t 3-{ddqB,



(J ) ru \"),x-

136 . The l i s l p r i ce o f a pen i s Rs . 160 .. A customer buys it for Rs. 122 40 after two

successive discounts. lf the first discount is

I0o/o then second ls :

( r , r 6 7 0 \ z ) | 1 1 4' ' . .

(3t 160/. (1)-Bq"

13?, If the lisl frice of a book is reduced byRs. 5, a perlon qan buy 5 more books for

t38, A bum of money is kept in a bank at 138'

8% interssl compounded anually. Had the

irtdrest besn qt 10% compounded semi

annually the amour\t aftef l year would havebeen 225 more. What \tas the principal :--amount kept in the bank ? '. ^\

\ t /:;

{1, Rs. 10.000 (2i-R". l0,5OO \ ' '

(3) Rs. 15.000 (4) Rs 18,000

139. which ofthe numbers 2{, 36, 55, 7tr is the 139.

(2) 28

(4) 32

or Fdr]lfta Tq 160 Fo 'tl qs qr{d

e.non qtl + qls i22-40 F q

it qli qgot qtT l0% t dl qF{T {gr

(2 \ 11%

(4) ls%

(r) 26


(l) 4 p.m.

(3) 3 : 30 p.n.

. i r \ tR (1 ) 26

(3) 30

9s <rsffqE i f i :

(1 ) l8%

(3) 160/0

l3?. q-+ gFo +1 fi{d Pirnft4 qiqi t 5 5o qer

.t .'1c ii c-* qFF 300 F" f 5 5s+ xfrrsEiq sffr t r W+ * tTqttrd drd B '

(1 ) 15 t "

(3) 2s o"

\r{ $ar 41 8% qrFsfu { rqr qnr tl qjtirftiftq {r{ff' d a]nRr+ $r iter.rn Fr&n,ri, tsr,eift ?

( l) 10,000 Fo

(i) 1s,000 Fo

+i{qTjrt 2', 1", 5",7'


(1) 2t

1(3) 5'

(t) 4 ci

(3) 3 :30cq

er * 'qo*fi qrc'wqr 10% €l 3+{ qMq6 sm i 225. €o

1 l t rRrd{ in { rd

(2) 10,500 co

(4) 18,000 t"

i * { rq*d&sff i

1 .Q) 3"

(4) ; t .n

1(2) 3u, 1(4) T"

: {2) 4 : 30 p.m:

(4) 3 p.m.

(2) 20 {"

(4) 30 {"

smallest ?



1 i(3) 5u

140. A thiefsteals a car at 1:30p.m.andd vesltat40 km per'hour. The theft is discovered at .2 p.m. and tire owner sets offin another car alt50 km per hour When will he ovenake the

t,lo. q,F st t::o {$ lli rr.{t X{rdr } 3*{ +o b'*'cfn der * qtd * s-mFT tl +S ftr qdr 2 q+

a,rdr B iilrd 6r q"rfh-s f.d qqft T r9 e50 F+.:ii" cFd rier fr {ft t rflqr €l qrdl i I qg

dr +1 f+s qrqq tr+s cr&tr ?

(2) 4: 30 {B

Page 12: Ntse Stage 1 Sat


142.2. Ifthe,Fdius of a cone is incresed by 100%, itsvolume is increased by

(l) 90 kn

(3) 85 km

(l). 100%



-.]1,^n(2) 80 ktn ":

(4) 70 km

I "r f i .(2\ 2oo% i-):,



L'bbat.goes downstream and covers adistance in 5 hours while the same cllslance'upstream

in 8 hours. The speed of the streamis.3 km per hour. The distance oovered is :

141. C6 r'q w- o ro'e * qrFe Tr ?r 5 c? q- aq 6'* ? a-qfo a-fr <ff E-rI S rfl6 S fuqil8 rja + da r.-fr I I q'- ,"r r.t 3 FF"fr" cftiisr tl niq aRr -q * r€ qft El?ft | '

(l) q0 tooffo r2r 80 F6orif"

O) 85 P6o4o (4) ?0 tdo+o

142. !|q c+ {i{ fr lFr 100'/0 s-$l 4 qlqi} qsi

rrrq-ir{ E+rr :

(1 ) 100% (2't 200"/o

/1\ lnoo/^ {41 4gvYo

nq qro f t ' d BDrDc= l : l ?n

AF:F i= I I I , rFT DE. T i I CA d

rqrar i d AB 5i E ftr<c'Frrft trt{q{ * q}'+er qsr-a (s t ? ,

. A

(1 )

tn the following figure, BD : DC =l : I andAF : FC = I : l, Ttrough D, DE is drawnparallel to CA meeting AB at E. Which of thefollb*ing,statements is hue ?

(3) Perimeter of A DEF = i Perimeter ofAABC


(l) Quadrilateml AFDC is rectangle

of ADEF = 41 Perim€ter of (2) aDEF


! ' (4) Area of 69gr = ! Area ol AABC

Page 13: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

14.144. .tn the louowing figuie,.ZADc.- 140. and 144, FT.q lngpn { ZADC = I40e * i+-{

.A,OB is diameter " of the circle. AOB E{ sT erg it sl.r ZBAC sr qrcThen t: BAC is equal io : *n:

. (2) 10" ( r ) 40o

(3) 70"

(2) 50o

(4) 75"

145. In the following fjgure, ifAB is parallel to CDnren measure ot z_Abu rs:

t4S. i:,F r,,rfii C AB '.F CD FFi-F * lZ,AEC +1T :


. L . V- .s \ - , , r1 L. ) l ' - . ;V : ,146, A site in Unar Pradesh Where evidef6e of. rgf tlO. rr' neer fl. rf6 enc rd Fdnrq vtfl( a-flS

lr.ll# , grain ard bones ofdomesticare4ani.ai! haydi:' fliqn di aqfu{i cs1 snrs ft.dr: '

{" rLrl l r been found :4 rr i "" r.. r '' : \l c?w'"i\ ^i i|t' &r' h I

il"j' g!!,&Ehrdartr (f,;2xotair,*",U,l rr) +6rr€ 121 +ik5o

Il^*te t) c-rtl}<ral' - r {4hPai)rampalli | 1 \ {l) r{.Fa (4) qrqqF*(L),\ f a>h n4r . /ft.rti.. i)a,"l, rr I

147, The lerm rhat means o\g*itu,io'n or 147. go s'q drro +rJ rirrca:rw-r e-qrrq:associaLion:

( l ) Cana (2, Janapada ( l t rror (2) ,cqB

(3 ) 110"I r0" ,

() t4s"q ,!*. ;1

(3) I I0' ._(4)


. t l . ( tPvh) ( . .74"W:ite in Uftar Pradesh Where evidedie of u6fuO. sin rqer fl.rf6 enc s6i Fdnrq q

\ . / ' * , l g ( r . / r r e l ( z ) q rg r i

(3) Mehajanapada l4jjtrngha (l) E.F-i?ca (4, qs

:iig,' Areient name bl coastal Orissa : l4S, (sq iift{r oi rrftt ctq:

(1) PatalipuFa : (2) Lumbini

(4) Saroath

( I ) crf,S{a

(3) lFhrr

(2) qF{n

(4) s-r.nRr

Page 14: Ntse Stage 1 Sat



' I

vlugn€t emperor lrho succeeded lo lne.. . throne of Farghana jn 1494 :

(2) Aurangzeb

(4) Akbar' Who inspir€d .Veda Samaj,?

(l) Singh Sabha movement

The sea roure to India uas f irsr di\co\ereo

(3) Hiven isang in i497

J2_-rrasco ca Uama in 1498

149. 'W' lrq qr rrT{ t

( r) r1a-q6 tr]rgd flrq

(2) 'ik{

(3) er{{ itFqrlj

(4) qr-E Itug ar

150, qs Tra lr{-r ffirTimr :

(i) EqTt

(3) srq{

l5l. '+s' Fq|q si h'v.i

(l) kd {qr 3ri+d-{

(2) nJrT qqrq

(3) nrgq 6q-

c , 4 r j

1494qE{ rF r f i l T l { {

(4) Frr scrn

152. rTFd S qT* ql.f. +1 d;i ,lrdc-qq fuqi +.

(l) 1499 I +dE-{ i

t2) l4q2 qql q++ +

(3) t497 t 6+{ si'r +

. (4) 1498 + csr ls ,irn i

153. wq" RT t ?

(t) irr& irieiqr (rj rn* ++(3) lrr& clnq-q (4) {r-& Tql

f5l. brr q-rr * qpzr* r#r *""-. rd, d_crd,rr? i6- 3rn|fr o--n:] ui _r yrd rr{ :

t l l . t € r 6 t T a

(21 185- 6l Frd-d

(l) qdr+ .Fr gq

(4) qdtqn +T fnl W I

I55. FiFsr pr-r q r. 6oc- ' le.+ .-jrrrr+CRqN;T l6fl :Iqr 1


,H-J;i xt,), h",,-,(3) Royal admiriistration (4) Royal coinage

1J4; The last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah IIwas sentenced to life imprisonment arler j

(l) Battle of Buxar

!9}ev6fr of | 85 7

. (3) Batrle of plassey

(4) Third Bettle of panipar

155. When was.rhe capiral ofBritishlndia shiiled' from CalgUtria to Deihi ?


- (4)


(3) 1908

(2) 1912

G) 1913

( r ) t9 t J

(3) 1908

Page 15: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

156, Wtrrq 'tas the Chairnan of the dtaftingcorunittee.of the Indian Cohstitution ?

(3) T. T. Krishnamacha

(4) bhulabnal uesal

15?. From vhere did the Dandi March start ?

, (lr.-ta0armarl\ --. .4

lz) ua or' ' '

(3) Rajkot .

(4) Porbandar '

158, In India, Manikaran (Himachal Pradesh) andPuga valley (LadaFI) are.farnous for which

rype of enerry source ?

"/' t 1)-Ge01lrermal energY\ -:/r

(2) Nudear enprgy .

(3) Solar enbigy .

(4) Wind energy

159. Excluiive rights ofany idea or invention isknown as :- .

(l) Utility: .

( l ) vatue

. (])-Patdft

(4) Resor.rrce

!60. 'Sunrise' industry is the name given to th€following industry I

(3) Automobilelindustry

(4) lnfonnation

156. qr.&q {ftEm S cr-S+q{ sftft + qrefTi


( t ) sro So srRo 3r+ss{

{2) sr" 'r}q gqlE

(3) 8" *" ?Erqrqrff

(4) Tdr{rE +sr$

r57. +S qr"r 5I cRq rFdi * EiTl ?


(2) 3lS

(3) ns-+c

. tdr qiccq'

't5S. rr.. i qftFr- (frclqf, *isrr aqr Eqrqft(dErq) P{-q cqtr. 6 $-ni ;1d + fuq cirgt r

{ l) Tdrffq 5di

(2) ,I{qrE s-ci

(3) *{ sqi

(4) cq-{ Eqt

159. hS P{qR ir,rcr 3{fuqn q gorn uftr+n: m. argd t r

( I ) sccnl"T

(2) {q

(3) Sd€

(4) imri

160. a+{ {l rq}rl 'r{.dq seh'S qrq t $rflrcr t r

(l) r+s sFrrd csl'r

(2) Ti El{a 3Bt-q

(3) rTrffi 3d:r

,r\ ffi dl.iQr*

l 6

Page 16: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

lp"N4b'aine165. When lemperature increases.lhe pre:>ure is.

( l ) hlgn

^ . : '

(J) Medium

(4) Not affected bY temperahlre

166. Which of the fol lowing l . )ers of the

a{moqphele is imponinl fcr t ran'n' :" ior: of

radio waves ?

(1) TroposPhere

! (3) Thelglospflere


l6t. T{d@r qr-q+ Fl YFf4- -'1 d nt t*9 r r $ :

r I I Tqer qq{{ flqT fi]qE

(2) n-s,, T{jr -rtl Fsr{ o

/ 1 | :r;qra rreri-r d?tr iilq-d rarln

(4) trrrq' ir{E Tu'T TT.'

162. r?ngq- +'rfo {sr di r"rfa'r *rt '3 'iur' q c,rr ?. E? n : '6= irr i -==-arFrofte fi. lrrr 6,t;

1 (1) +qr


t; ..(l)Birth rate, death rate and maniage:,

(2) Bidh rate. dealh rale and migrslion

i,: : (3) Birth mte, death and life expectancy

' (4) Migation, marriage and death rate

162. Populalion pyramid ofa country also 'hots. i: I the proportion ofdependent population tolotal:1. , population. Age pyramid of which of the

following countries has a narrow base i

(1) Kenya


163. Which of theecosys{em ?

(l) Desert

(3) Forest

. (2) India

(4) Pakistan

following is not a natural

(4) Grnssland

(2) Aquariirm (l) q5€rd

(3) q{ . (4) sT€eE

163 ,


mtft" cfu? Tft. 3 ?

164. f6r+< S ftelc'r e-srr r4trff 61

ture of a glacier ?

(l) Beach (2) Flood plain

(4) Levees

(1) Tft{{

(3) ffid-

165. qq arfq]qd*3 !

(2) sq

(?) se isn

qe,ir * a} qq<lq, d qqr Rft


' (4)



166. lEqr \qnn +1 shftft ,,ra r-rog{ t I

( l ) E$i iq36 . .

(3) Erfl{sd

(2) s{drqrrgd

(4) erqlie-d

Page 17: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

18 I167, Minerals lhal l ie near the surlace are slmpl)

dug out by \ hicb o[lhe fol lo$ing process.

r l ) ODen-casi min ins

r t r S h ^ f t m i n i n o

I (l) Drill ins\ "

' r , 1 - a I , , " - , i h f t

168. What i . Vit icul lure 1

(1) Commergial rearing of silk worms

(2) Breeding of!fish in tanks and Ponds

\ (Jt{ulovatron or grapes

Jharia in lndia is famous for t l le follo$ing e

(2) Iron ore nrines

(3) Copp€r mines

i 4 l r imFer^nP n inc{

I70, From which book'Bard; Mataram'has beentaken ?

(l) Gitaniali .


(3) Chitrangada


( 1) F{g(

(3) rft|{

(4) sdfil

168. qrfi Tii FF+ q6+ l?

{ l) }9rq Tq(4 c' orfttfu-+ qrec

(e ilErsl iik qW i re qrcq

(3r ]r{d dt +fr

(a)sq{n+6mi . f f

169. q'Rn { sftqT +{ m qqrit + fuq eee-q t ?

(l) +lqdr

(2) atE qqF

(3) niqr

(4) qr1 qdn

170. '{i qriR{' bq

( l ) f f i

(2) 3n;isq-d

(3) t{tiqsr

{f6 + ft-{c furn sHfqil tdqr iTdT a ?




(4) Parimala (4) cLqrdr

which State ? 171. Fl'clttu-d d *{ |e ]+B?

(l) qrii F+{T

(2) qlrilcr

(3) dq $rqt{

(4) tutuq

Page 18: Ntse Stage 1 Sat


ich ofthe following is the main basis for 112,fF FmeraFn.v ?

(l) War

(4) Economic Crisis

Which of rhe fol lowing anicle is l inked ro 173.Right to fnformarion ?

(l) Anicle 45 (2) Anicte 46

(3) Aaicle 2lA (4) None of above

'. 174. \\&ich ofthe following is related to Habeas 114.C^m, ' ( ?

(L) Right againsr Exploitation

(2) Providing legal aid

(4) Right to Liberry

f?5. Whar is the ratio of rhe reservation of seats 115.for SC, ST ard OBC ?

r l r r < . i ' < t t

( 2 ) 21 | 15 t - . 5

(3 ) 7 . s , 21 .5 | 1s

r4l None of aLlsr€

176. Whioh ofthe following right was a part of 116.the Fundamental Rights till 1978 ?

(1) Right to Constitutional remedies

{2) Right to form associarion

' t J ) Klgnl agarnst bKpJortatton

3rRr4Tr- 1978

Page 19: Ntse Stage 1 Sat

Jns!hu-1?7. Which oflhe fol lowing Pert ot the L(tion is call€d conscienqe afJhe Constitution ?

I I ) PIeamb-le?,t/

;{2){undamental Ri8}tts;

(3) Fundamental Diities;

r4l Drrecl ive Principles ol Slate Polrc)

Choose lhe corrgcl Itl.s\ter ftont :

1?7. FT:iftkd { t tF+ {ihirF di i{qr

srdr I ?

(l) cFrq4

(2) q]fud 3,frqR

(3) qlhq 6dq

(4) rq + +ed fti{€ (f,

ffifua t d Fd? cf,{ gfai' gF{' '

( l) I r ' l ' 2 {2} 2 3et' 3

(1, 2 l - iR 4 t4) t ' ) lP 1

178. qr.d { qrqfflEl 6.} {d ii or sitr.6R fuq

rm"r' q' Fda .qr t ?

. | , .i- ;J *'|F 6.i a1 3rdfu! r / \ ' i

(2) hcn

. (3) $'qft

(4) lrrq

1?9. hqftiird q (dqr €i€rr t6* r6i i ?.

( lJ I 'se

(2) urqqrftasT

(3) sti-q qrqdc

(4) is

180. FFS aiq t a mrir"i + fr+ aa- T a1--- 6t +€{ ftrdrs fuE 'r{r ?r n F+q { * odqr+n ?

(1) lrcsrt + cls

(2) dEdldEI{ + crs

r r J r 4 z (2)2&3-

( t )z , t aq

refers to ?


i i iI r ][ ] llrlkln'gtI


i : l

i,1 i


fAO. tn d vit lage tvo vi l lagers had heatedaquments whether €ommon boundary of their

fiplds trad beenl shifted. ;For the land record

they will g6*rir ?

(2) Tehsildar

i ' tr- rl;Ft, t n l ^ , ; ^ ' a^ l l . . r ^ r (4 i | J f l r ? raca-\ + , , v , r u , ! ' ! w " w t v t

ib-tl-.t? q ' J