ntfps based livelihood promotion for the tribal and other ...ilrtindia.org/downloads/brochure of...

INSTITUTE OF LIVELIHOOD RESEARCH AND TRAINING An academic institution promoted by BASIX Social Enter- prise Group with the mandate to build and disseminate sci- entific knowledge on livelihood promotion to impact large number of livelihoods for the poor in the country.. Training Venue Training Venue Training Venue NTFPs based Livelihood Promotion for the Tribal and other Forest Dwelling Communities 12th to 16th September, 2016 Bhopal Announcement of Training Programme on 183, Zone –1, MP Nagar, Oppo. DB Mall, Bhopal—462 011 Phone: 0755 - 4000353, 4000354 Supported by Tata Trusts, Mumbai HOTEL AMAR VILAS BROCHURE

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An academic institution promoted by BASIX Social Enter-

prise Group with the mandate to build and disseminate sci-

entific knowledge on livelihood promotion to impact large

number of livelihoods for the poor in the country..

Training Venue Training Venue Training Venue

NTFPs based Livelihood Promotion for the

Tribal and other Forest Dwelling


12th to 16th September, 2016


Announcement of Training Programme on

183, Zone –1,

MP Nagar,

Oppo. DB Mall,

Bhopal—462 011 Phone: 0755 -

4000353, 4000354

Supported by Tata Trusts, Mumbai





Announcement of Training Programme on

NTFPs based Livelihood Promotion for the Tribal and other

Forest Dwelling Communities

12th to 16th September, 2016



Forestry is the second-largest land use in India after agriculture, covering about 641,130

square kilometers, or 22 percent of the total land base. Roughly 275 million poor rural people

in India—27 percent of the total population— depend on forests for at least part of their sub-

sistence and cash livelihoods, which they earn from fuel wood, fodder, poles, and a range of non

-timber forest products (NTFPs), such as fruits, flowers, bark, roots and medicinal and aro-

matic plants (MAPs). Half of India’s 89 million tribal people, the most disadvantaged section of

society, live in forest fringe areas, and they tend to have close cultural and economic links with

the forest (MoEF, 2006).

The tribal and other forest dwelling communities gather various NTFPs for commercial, con-

sumption, health and other needs. NTFPs are major source of cash income for the tribal particu-

larly in the lean seasons. However, due to lack of aggregation, poor value addition and inade-

quate transport and communication facilities, the poor forest produce gatherers are not able to

access bigger market for better price realisation. Most of the NTFPs are sold by primary col-

lectors in local weekly haat-bazars wherein they remain prone to exploitation in the absence of

aggregation, value addition and thereby lack of bargaining power. Whereas the demand for

various NTFPs especially herbal and medicinal products has been increasing rapidly in nation-

al and international markets and as such the return from NTFPs trade h owever, the primary

forest produce gatherers could not benefitted from the incremental benefitted generated from

the NTFPs value chains due to their involvement at primary level i. e. largely collection of


Keeping in the importance of NTFPs in ensuring livelihood security of the tribal, various Gov-

ernment agencies, NGOs and corporates have taken initiative for NTFPs based value chain de-

velopment with focus on conservation of forest resources, their production through cultivation

and promoting local value addition and market linkages in recent past. Despite successes to

various degree in this respect, it was found through the situational analysis study on NTFPs

based livelihood promotion conducted by ILRT central and north-eastern India that the profes-

sional engaged in NTFP based livelihood promotion of the tribal do need adequate understand-

ing, know-how and skills for planning and implement NTFPs based value chain development

interventions so as to achieve the dual purpose of conservation of forest resources and ensuring

livelihood security of the forest dwelling communities.

It is in this context that the present training course is designed to build capacities and skills of

the professionals in design and implementation of NTFPs based livelihood promotion.


The Objectives

The broad objective of the course is to enhance understanding, know-how and skills in de-

sign and implementation of NTFPs based value chains for livelihood promotion of the trib-

al and other forest dwelling communities. The specific objectives of the course are as fol-

lows -

1. Understanding critical role of NTFPs in tribal economy– socio-economic conditions of the

tribals and role of NTFPs in ensuring tribal livelihood security, major NTFPs – produc-

tion areas, scope and gaps in the sector.

2. Understanding NTFP based value chain analysis and making value chain development

interventions for different NTFPs.

3. Enhancing capabilities on community based enterprises development for organised

collection, production, value addition and marketing of NTFPs.

4. Understanding design and implementation of NTFPs based value chain interventions

such as sustainable harvesting and collection, in-situ and ex-situ conservation, domesti-

cation & production, value addition including use of technologies, product development,

branding, packaging, certification, legal aspects of NTFPs etc.

5. Developing marketing linkages and planning for marketing of NTFPs including develop-

ing marketing channels, marketing message and marketing management.

6. Developing business plan for NTFPs enterprises entrepreneurial activities and man-

agement of NTFPs business.

Learning Outcomes

The course will provide the participants a platform to reflect and share their experiences

and difficulties in promoting NTFPs based livelihoods and seek solutions for the same

through cross learning, interaction with experts, case study and field visit of successful

models. After the training programme, the participants will -

1. Build perspective on NTFPs and their significance for the tribal and other forest dwell-

ing communities,

2. Build perspective on various types of NTFP related livelihood interventions through case

analysis and would be able to adopt and apply adequate models for NTFPs based liveli-

hood interventions in their respective areas.

3. Develop understanding and skills on NTFPs value chain analysis and development in-

cluding various models for NTFPs production, good harvesting practices, processing and

storage processes for NTFPs, uses of technologies, enterprise development, cluster model

for NTFPs business development, business planning of NTFP enterprises and market-

ing planning and management including brand development and promotion, certification

of NTFPs, etc.

4. Understand legal and institutional aspects related to NTFPs and livelihood promo-




The course is designed following the principles of adult teaching. Multiple teaching method-

ologies such as interactive lecture, experience sharing, case analysis, small group work and

presentation, audio-visual aids, simulation exercises and field visit to understand various

aspects/dimensions of NTFPs based value chain livelihood intervention and their analysis,

etc. will be used. The medium of instruction will be in English and Hindi.

Duration of the Course

This 5 days training programme is fully residential and the participants are expected to

reach at the training venue by 9 am of Day 1 of the programme and leave after 4 pm of Day

5 of the programme.

Who Should Participate?

The course is designed to enhance the knowledge base as well as skills on NTFPs based val-

ue chain development and/or integration for enhancing the livelihoods of primary forest pro-

duce gatherers. The staff members NGOs, Government Agencies, CSRs and other, key func-

tionaries responsible for design and implementation of NTFPs based livelihood promotion

would find this programme suitable.

Resource Persons

The five days course would covers various aspect related to NTFPs and livelihood promo-

tion therefore, renowned professionals having excellent academic, field and training back-

ground on NTFPs based livelihood promotion will involved from BASIX SEG and outside to

facilitate the training programme.

Training Venue

Hotel Amar Vilas, 183 Zone – 1, M. P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P) 462011. Tel. No. 0755-

4000353, 4000354. For venue related queries please contact Mr. Raj- Kumar Prajapati @

7746843838/ 9893397426.

Course Fee

The total cost of the 5-days residential programme is Rs 18,000 plus service tax @ 15%. This

includes course fee and resource material, accommodation on twin sharing basis, food and

field visit. Traveling cost will be borne by the participants.

To partially offset the cost, ILRT has mobilized around 50% of the total costs through grant

funds from Jamsetji Tata Trust. Therefore the net payable amount for this training is—

Rs 10,000/- plus service tax (@15%) - for NGOs

Rs 12,000/- plus service tax (@15%) - for CSRs & Government Agencies



Nomination form is appended here. The filled in nomination form must reach us at in

[email protected] by 5th September 2016. Nominations will be confirmed only on receipt of

fee at the address given below –

Institute of Livelihood Research Training, BASIX SEG,

3rd Floor Surabhi Arcade, Troop Bazar, Bank Street,

Koti, Hyderabad- 500 001

For registration related queries contact Ms. Anitha @ 09390057426/

[email protected]

Mode of Payment

Fee is payable through demand draft/cheque drawn in favour of Institute of Livelihood Re search and Training payable at Hyderabad. Any cancellation of nomination should be in-

formed at least by 5th September, 2016 to avoid forfeit of 50% of the fee (deducted towards

costs incurred by Institute of Livelihood Research and Training).

Contact Persons

For any programme related queries please contact—

Dr. Rajendra Singh Gautam

Associate Dean, ILRT

Mob. 9406661012

E-mail—[email protected]

Mr. Shashank Singh

Senior Faculaty, ILRT

Mob. 7024138864

E-mail—[email protected]

Institute of Livelihood Research and Training

Application for programme on “NTFPs based Livelihood Promotion for the Tribal and other Forest Dwelling Communities”

12th to 16th September, 2016, Bhopal

1. Name__________________________________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth__________________________ 3. Male/Female______________________________ 4. Date of enrollment______________________________________________________________ 5. Address for Correspondence _____________________________________________________ City_______________________ State___________________ Phone No.________________ Mobile No___________________ Email_______________________________________ 6. Permanent Address________________________________________________________________ City____________________________State____________________________________________ 7. Educational Details: Qualification___________________________________________________ Board / University_______________________Place__________________Passing Year_________ 8. Job Details: Overall Experience: Years_____________ Months_________ 9. Experience:

Job Status

Designation Tenure of Jobs (Yrs and Months)

Job Description Name of organisation



10. Reason for interest in the course:___________________________________________________ 11. Payment: Bank Name: ____________ Cheque/DD No:______________________

Dated: _________________ For Rupees: _________________ Signature of Candidate Signature of Sr. Management Representative of Organization