nt-governor w lomsvnie mttl - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58f88p/data/0421.pdf ·...

EH I t w 1V - r t 5 T I f Ife jofc Ml V msx KmAW O0OFJS EbTK T HAZCtCIICCN KY 1A3tCH M 1887 OTJU AGENTS 49m IWirig peraoae isve congested ct as ifit for The Hexalv and apl Iwwwit fl s4odpti4Mia fjpom the llWilX- - A JL Byrd Capton f- - H Toefc GiHs J liar- - W LykMw Caney T P Garr mL ACmbs Cernwell W 3 GtronPoraroyton t- - LJL VaaaredelLPxenchburg lmcttt J C M Day Prozen Creek j Ij xtagins uxgmsvme Jere Combs Ned 0 X H Silly Lost Creet toJLUiranted at all postoffices in 4m tJUB Write as for terms Spexcex Cooper Publisher FO UEOTEXANT GOYERNOE Mttl OF WEST LIBERTY ANNOUNCEMENTS We are authorized to announce Hon R X Piaratt sf Zzel Morgan county as a r ia1r fr the State Senate from this the Tkkty fesrth District subject to action of b 3aeratic party WANTED Apractical printer or live traveling man to purchase a naif interest in The Herald office The right man with a few hundred dol ¬ lars cash can secure an open ¬ ing that will help him to a for ¬ tune Eastern Kentucky is now on the boom and Hazel xreen will be one of the first -- Jowns to feel it Address Spencer Coopeb J90or friends of the Press will con sc a favor hy mating a note of above The election of Col L T Hazelrigg to the office of Lieu ¬ tenant Governor will greatly enhance our chances for rail- roads ¬ and a speedy develop- ment- Wevere for him for Governor because webelieved he possessed more ability than any man named We still think so but he declined to run and fate marked him for second place Our ardor in his behalf has in no wise cool- ed ¬ -- and we shall labor to make him presiding officer of the next State Senate conscien- tiously ¬ believing him to be ihe best man for the position yet offered We have there- fore ¬ planted his name at the head of our columns in very plain type and expect to keep it there until he is installed In the office The West Liberty Gem is now edited and published by Mr A It Barnes Col Ha xelrigg having entered upon an active canvass for the Lieu tenant Governorship has no time to devote to his paper U HIS NAME IS HAZELRIGG tke Orr Shall bo Harelrlsgr and r Kelp for Eastern Kentucky Our esteemed cotemporary the Mt Sterling Gazette very truthfully says Tie Uestenant Governor can aid very materially in building a railroad through But sin Kentucky or destroy our pros yccta entirely He appoints the commit Im m the Senate to which all matters pertaiaisg to railroads are referred and ia this committee room the fate of a railroad charter in a great measure is de cided It is therefore important that an arterpriring liberal man should be elect em lieatenant Governor People of the jBoantains see to it that a man favora We to jour interests and advancement is eaoeea Lay aside every other consid aeatkm and Tote for the man who will kela yoa te develop your resources and pl yoa in bettering your condition Owrtiaainj in the same strain it might iava added And his name is John T Healriggr No other man in Eastern Ceataekjii wo linked by love for this 3ed a he and a presiding officer of the Se a would watch our interest witk am eagle eye Every county east of Lexftoa ihould end a delegation to ia Democratic Convention instructed to ote for Hazelrigg until the stars fall frees tae firmament if need be Fay--ett- e and her sister counties should do likewise because they can never hope to attain true greatneaa until the mountains ate developed Then when he is nom ¬ inated a be certainly will be all voters SrreeyoctiTe of party fehould go to the 3B ilrwith the battle cry Hazelrigg and kelp for Eastern Kentucky Prgan County Democrat Parsmaat to call the Democracy of Jforgaa county met at the court house ss West Liberty on Saturdav March If 1887 for the purpose of appointing xieJegatee te ike District Convention to fee keld at Campton on April 1st 1887 ie sejaiaate a candidate to represent the Mek Senatorial District in the next Gcn eeel jUseebJy of Kentucky and to give exp rearing ae to the choice of the Dem egr et Jfrgaa county for a candi ahie t repreeeat that Legislative Dis iAtirm the eit House of Bepresenta 4P - 7 2 y 3 W tires of Kentucky and to appoint dele ¬ gates to Legislative Convention should ooe be called W W Cox Wa3 chosen se chairman and T J Henry secretary Resolutions endorsing the time and place of iolding the Senatorial Conven- tion ¬ jand recommending Hon R M Pie ratt of Ezel Morgan county as their choice and pledging him their support were adopted A large number of lead ¬ ing Democrats were appointed as dele ¬ gates The same convention commended W M Kendall for Representative and also pledged the support of the Democrata of Morgan county THEffEWS KENTUCKY KNOWLEDGE Colr AW Hamilton of Montgomery ha declined to make the race for Lieutena- nt-Governor The prospect for good wheat ind fruit crops in the west end of Boyle coun- ty ¬ is said to be excellent More thaifone half of last years to- bacco ¬ crop in Gallatin county is still in the hands of the farmers The Louisville Times reports heavy sales of tobacco in that market last week but without advance in prices Diphteria and measles in their mo3t violent form have been raging at Au- gusta ¬ Ky for several weeks and many new cases are reported Kaelin the Louisville wife-murder- er condemned to be hung on his first trial was on his second given a life sen- tence ¬ in the penitentiary The Advocate says that a Danville man has invested in 8000 acres of land in Breathitt countv on which he has been offered a profit of 12000 Three mothers of Ballard county gave birth recently to eight babies in one week all of whom are alive and healthy Two had triplets and the other twins Jeff Bowling who was sentenced to be hanged March 25th at Columbus O has been respited until the 24th of June This is the fourth time he has been re- spited ¬ Nearly one hundred negroes from Albemarle Va took the boat at Ashland the other day for the vicinity of Newport where they will be employed on the Maysville Big Sandy Bailroad Aunt Fannie Adams an aged lady living on Licking had the misfortune to fall from a chair a few days ago and dis- located ¬ her left shoulder She is doing as well as could bo expected West Lib ¬ erty Gem Kentucky is waking from her lethar- gic ¬ sleep and stirring in every section From nearly every county in the State come reports of new enterprises rail- roads ¬ factories and land investments Ashland Republican An enterprising gentleman of this city backed by Eastern capital will be- fore ¬ a great wnile start here a large can ¬ ning estalishment which will turn out annually over two million cans of corn and tomatoes Lexington Press Crowds of people are going daily to see the midget girl baby that has been born to the wife of Joseph Ockerman near this city It is seven days old weighs only twenty four ounces with a head not as large as a hen egg The child is an indigo blue and is covered with short black hair from head to foot Carlisle Mercurj The Court of Appeals has recently rendered a decision of local interest in regard to the trial of all misdemeanor oflenses by town authorities The Court decided that the trial and conviction of any party violating any town ordinance was not a bar to his indictment and pun- ishment ¬ by the Circuit Court That Where a person violated both the town law and the State law he was guilty of two offen- ses ¬ and could be punished for both Franklin Favorite MagofTln Democracy At a Democratic meeting held in the Court house in Sayersville on the 19th of March 1887 for the purpose of ap- pointing ¬ delegates to attend the Senato- rial ¬ Covention to be held at Campton on the 1st of April The object of the meeting being explained D D Sublett was selected as chairman and J W Pow- er ¬ secretary The following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted Eesolved That the delegates hereinaf- ter ¬ appointed to attend the Campton con- vention ¬ on the 1st of April next be and they are hereby instructed to ca9t the vote of Magoffin county for Hon E M Pieratt and that Augustus Arnett John Franklin Lark Howard B W Higgins H CHoward Geo B Gardner A H Howard D D Sublett John M Power ana an omcr good democrats who may attend said convention are hereby ap- pointed ¬ delegates to said convention Eesolved That having the most im- plicit ¬ confidence in the integritv ability and Democracy of John T Hazelrigg of Morgan county we recommend him to the Democracy of the State as a man every way worthy and deserving to receive the nomination for the office of Lieutenant Governor and we ask for him a fair consideration at the hands of the Democracy of the State Eesolved That in the death of Hon Joseph Gardner we have lost a true and tried leader the State a noble son society one of itsbrightest ornaments His pub- lic ¬ and private life was pure and spotless We deeply feel our irreparable loss in his death Eesolved That we will support for member of the House of Eepresentatives in the next General Assembly any per- son ¬ that the Democracy of 3Iorgan coun- ty ¬ will endorse and present to the Leg islative district and tliat W Jtt Kendall will be acceptable to us Eesolved That the We3t Liberty Gem Sentinel Democrat and Hazel Gbeen Heratd be and they are requestedt to publish the proceedings of this meeting D D Sublett Chairman A Colored Kontucklan Honored Calvin H L Taylor who was recently appointed Dy rresiaent Cleveland as min- ister ¬ to Libera and who now resides at Wyandotte Kansas was born and reared near Hartford Ohio county Ky and lived there untl after he reached manhood He taught a colored school in Owensboro several years ago and also essaved preach- ing ¬ He took up the study of the law alone while still in Kentucky and finally went to Kansas where he was admitted to the bar He received the appointment as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney of Wy ¬ andotte tunty and took a prominent part in county and State politcs Two years ago he joined the Democratic party and stumped the State for the nominee for Governor He is said to be a man of commanding appearance and an entranc- ing ¬ orator He has made a wonderful suc- cess ¬ in his adopted State and was sup ¬ ported by the Kansas Democrata for his position Louisville Commercial zStz Hon James H Mulligan j Better Watch Him Qf Lexington has servecLhis people sev- - j Will Hamiltons declination to become eral terms in the Legislature and is to bei a candidate for Lieutenant Governor returned next winter He is one of the means that Hazelrigg ia coming down ablest and most brilliant young men in from the mountains like a ring tailed the State As a speaker he hud few equals rnariny lion seeking whom he mav de-- a 1 c in the last General Assembly and no su penor Me is both witty and eloquent He is an extemporaneous speaker of a su- perior ¬ order and upon one occasion last winter the announcement in the house of the death of a former member and personal friend of his Judge Mulligan made one of the most eloquent and pa- thetic ¬ speeches we ever listened to Sev- eral ¬ times he had to pause because of choking with emotion which only served to heighten theeflectof theepeech Feel- ing ¬ every word he uttered which came up from his very heart his eloquence touched every one in the house and lob ¬ bies and many a sympathetic tear trick- led ¬ down the cheeks of men who had never known Asa Clarke whom he eulogized Again upon the attempt in the house to repeal the act creating the State Board of Equalization Judge Mulligan advo- cated ¬ the bill for its repeal in a speech which for ridicule wit and humor was the equal of Proctor Knotts great Duluth speech For an hour he kept the house in a continual roar as he wittily described the Board at work its actions and finally its resolution upon adjournment which eulogized each other its Door keepers its Secretaries and even its Pages one of the resolutions congratulating the ma and the pa of one of the young pages on having such a bright and interesting lit- tle ¬ boy Ho ridiculed the workings of the law in a way that killed it as dead as a door nail in the house The members laughed until they cried and more than one side ached It was a speech which should have been heard to be thoroughly appreciated but if a publication of it now even could be had it would make Jim Mulligan famous It is to be regretted that the house had no stenographer to take the speech down It was an extem- poraneous ¬ effort to a certain extent but of course the subject had been thoroughly studied by the speaker and it would be difficult for him to reproduce it especial ly after the length of time since its deliv- ery ¬ In repartee Judge Mulligan had no equal in either House His quick wit caused many a mans discomfiture and very particularly the senior member from Warren who had a way of walking into where ange1 would have hesitated ong before venturing We are glad to know Judge Mulligan goes back again He is in addition to being a witty and eloquent speaker a diligent and faithful worker and the Legislature will have no more valuable member than he Lexing- ton ¬ is to be congraulated the State itself is to be congratulated upon his presence in the General Assembly He has been nominated without oppo- sition ¬ by the Democraic party for realec tion Glasgow Times Happiness depends very much on the condition of the liver and kidneys The ills of life make but little impression on those whose digestion is good You can regulate your livrr and kidneys with Dr J H McLeans Liver and Kidney Balm 100 per bottle Sold by G B Swango Hazel Green and J N Vaughn Camp- ton ¬ A Cure for Consumption Dr T N McLaughlin physician-in-chie- f of the Philadelpha hospital recent- ly ¬ presented a report of the success of the treatment adopted about a month ago for patients in the institution suffering from consumption He said that so far the success Of the treatment was almost marvelous and in the cases which agreed to submit to the methods adopted no oth- er ¬ has been used Dr McLaughlin first obtained the idea from a paper read be- fore ¬ the College of Science at a recent meeting in Paris by one of the Professors in the University of Lyons It was re- commended ¬ so highly and had shown such surprising results in France that Dr McLaughlin decided to test it in the hospital He explained the treatment to the patients wheii thirty of them agreed to submit to the operation To these pa-- tientswho were considered to be suffering from the last stages of consumption two rectal injections of carbonic acid gas pre- pared ¬ by the process given by the French physician were given each day all other medicine being abandoned The pa- tients ¬ atjonce began to show signs of im- provement ¬ The night sweats ceased as if by magic the almost constant pains from which they suffered vanished the execretions of the body were regular and became natural and the appetite return- ed ¬ The sick rrow brighter and stronger each day and since the beginning of the treatment one of the number has gained twelve pounds in weight and others have gained from three to five pounds in the same time How far the improvement will continue under the treatment can not yet be judged but the results have been so satisfctory that Dr McLaughlin has abandoned all other remedies in the treatment of patients who can be induced to submit to the operation and he is so agreeably surprised at the results that he feels almost ready to say that a cure for consumption which has always been con- sidered ¬ fatal when once developed has been found There are many accidents and diseases which affect stock and cause serious in- convenience ¬ and loss to the farmer in his work which may be quickly remedied by the use of Dr J II McLeans Vol- canic ¬ Oil Liniment Sold by G B Swango Hazel Green and J X Vaughn Camp- ton ¬ Tako Your Local Paper The boy or girl who is a rrgular news- paper ¬ reader will grow up in intelligence and will use ood language both in speak- ing ¬ and writing even with a limited ed- ucation ¬ It is new3 science literature grammar history geography and spell- ing ¬ combined Sometimes it is a little difficult to get children interested in news- papers ¬ but after they once get started their intellectual cravings are as sure a3 the desire for food and it is as neccessary to feed their minds as their bodies The local paper is the first to attract their at tention Incidentally they firbt read of some local event which comes under their observation Becoming regular readers of the home paper they soon branch out into the affairs of the world and thencen- - I eral news of the day and finally become competent to discuss matters of public in- terest ¬ and are useful and intelligent cit- izens ¬ Warsaw Independent Owing to pn inadequate clerical force in the Pension Office it is said that it will be impossible to take up for maybe a year yet the cases of those entitled to bounties under the recent Mexican pension appro- - J priation Under the law the appropria tion isoniy avauaoie unui Juneau looo There is a possibility therefore that many of the pensioners if they get anything will be compelled to trust to future Con- gresses ¬ for another appropriation Win- chester ¬ Democrat If you are suffering with weak or in- flamed ¬ eyee or granulated eyelide you can bo quickly cured by using Dr JH McLeans Strengthening Eye Solve -- 25 cents a box Sold by G B Swango Ha ¬ zel Green and J N Vaughn Campton MrfcHft iT TrWifeiiT- - - vour ne governorship is going going gone t6 the Green river valley When the very thirsty and very hungry come down all the way from Pike and clamor for second place on the ticket what are the gentleman from Jefferson the gentle- man ¬ from Ohio and the gentleman from Kenton going to do about it Hazelriggs Democracy like the moonshine of hi3 section is pure and always up to proof When asked by Hoars Ku Klux Com mittee the politics of his paper the Mountain Scorcher it was Hazelrigg who replied It is the hottest thing Democratically between the Mississippi Eiver and the rising sun by G d sir Better watch him Louisville Times Col Hazelrigg has ceased the use of cuss words and all religionists can unite in supporting him Kentucky for Kontuckiana Several State papers arc publishing idiotic editorials headed Kentucky for Kentuckiaus the drift of which is to protest against the investment of any foreign capital within our sacred pre- cincts ¬ This is not only a dog in the manger business but it is diametrically opposed to all of the bent interests of the State Kentucky wealth has never been willing to develop Kentucky and if we do not encourage outside capital the State will remain in its present fossil condition for all time Suppose Alabama had waited for local capital to develop her mineral resources How long would it have taken to build Birmingham to its present condition The talk about wait- ing ¬ for Kentucky capital is folly what we want is money right now and if it comes from other States to Kentucky why Kentucky is that much richer Louisville Post Still Another Col J T Hazelrigg of West Liberty Morgan County Ky has annouced his candidacy for the place of Lieutenant Governor subject to the action of the Democratic party and will proceed to en ¬ liven the canvass by an opening speech in Mt Sterling on the 21st inst It is thought that Mr Hazelrigg will command the greater part if not all of that solid backing thoughout Eastern Kentucky which would have gone to the Hon Joe Gardner so recently deceased and of whom the former wa3 a warm advocate Col Hazelrigg though a native of Mont- gomery ¬ County has lived for a long time ma section of the State where the men study politics from babyhood and in that section ho will win easily Socially he has all those qualities which endear men to those with whom they are thrown in contact is witty genial and companion- able ¬ Lexington Press To any person who will trade with mo to the amount of 10 cash I will Bend The Herald free for one year Or to any one owing me ton dollars or over who will pay it off in full I will send The Herald free for one year G B Swango JTT HIIES- - CIMCXMAT oa iss7 DAILY and WEEKLY THE STET77SIEST LIOST FEARLESS MOST POPULAR ABLEST EDITED Kerspaper In America For Inside information of schemes public corporate pmto or other kind you wiU be obliged to icod TnK ENQUIRER As to political end social Intelligence TRUTH A3SD FACTS One ii Adlr Isnomnt who fails to consult that greatest of all nwjpaprs IHE EHayiiEi Fo a li c ncrsrapcr that hIIoit 3 nothing to tfCec itskuoio igc supprfos nothing of im ¬ portance for a bribe or obligation appli no ugr coatcd excuse for eYil deeds or their au ¬ thors calis mistakes by their proper namea NONE EQUAL THE EHQUIBEH Comprised lu its columns arc com pleto Mar ¬ ket Rcpnts Telegraphic News from all over the world Excellent Fcataro Articles MixiIaneoxa Jood for tbd Intelligent Brain Moral Instruc ¬ tion Terse CritieLnuH and Sparkling Wit Tho policy of the EsQUiisniTis to Ecrve the vrhola country and tho people imparti tllr to bring about genuine and Listing reforms bene ¬ ficial to all to freely speak the truth and give facts to exposa corruption whercer found and to render all posaiblo aistauco lit the detection and puniihinontof Tice Bnbscrlbo for it for 1SV7 and enjoy tho satis ¬ faction of being a reader of the bct newspaper In the world lie WtbKLY cnuUiM Is the Family Taper for tho country home It gives the general news of the whole world rp to the day of publication contains a eirm of choice reading matter deala in Art Literature and Science and its Market Fvports Jiricultural Department and Household puso can not be sur ¬ passed It la tho largest and cheapest paper in Union and Is conceded by every body to ta the best weekly paper published VTXEirXY EHQUXR7K Oke Year SI 15 Six Month tic A Free Copy for Cluba of Five - 1 Mo 3 Mo f Mo 1 Yr Sundavand Daily SI 53 V 37 CO tit CO Dally ox Sundiy 1 25 3 25 6 00 12 f0 Any three days C5 175 3 25 G00 Any two day 45 1 25 2 23 4 00 Anvoned iv 25 r 5 1 5 2 00 Sunday Issue 25 C5 1 U5 2W Addrees E333Cr32a223r3L CINCINNATI OHIO JOHN R MCLEAN Publisher and Proprietor FH ANnKH TYPE 1SS Vine Sireei Cincinnati OMi ALLISON A SMITH The typ onwnleb this paper U prlatd is from tha abore foundry Editor JIxbald fa3fifcj ZcafcJjJfetei BUY THE BEST LOUIS STO fr The Johnston Organs Are first class in Material Workmanship and Methods of Construction They are unrivaled in power and beauty of tone and in genuine excellence far surpass all organs of other makes ever offered in our country OVER 67000 SOLD Hardnian Pianos Chickering Pianos Matims- - hek Pianos Emerson Piano Star Pianos Arion Pianos and the matchless Johnston Organs Write for Catalogues and Prices D S JOHNSTON CO Wholesale and Betail Dealers 58 West Fourth Street - tt c-i -- 5 r- - w CINCINNATI O HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY The directors of the above school take Eleasure in announcing to the public that arrangement have been madefor the positive opening of the school on Monday January itd 1387 Three com petent teachers have been employed vrhose qualficationa are unsurpassed and their Her- - vices secured for a term of years Iu mak ¬ ing this announcement we feel justified in asserting that the school will beau institution which will reflect an honor on this portion of the State and unsurpassed even y the more pretentious similar institutions of the large cities Located ia ti favorable geo- graphical ¬ section healthy moral free from viciows allurements aud with a strict over ¬ night looking to the protection comfort and mental training of the students parents can rely upon their children being safe while under the care of th faculty and trustees The attention Of yount men and Indies who expect to teach is specially called to the advantages to be gained in this sckool at a nominal cost For terms of tuition and further informa ¬ tion apply to W O Mize Hazel Green Ky or J W McGarvey Lexington Trustees J T Day G B Swango AW O lize Ilazel Green and Prof J AY McGar ¬ vey Lexington Ky HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY TRIMBLE BROTHER T STEELING KY Respectfully Invite the Mountain Merchants to Examine their Stock and Prices before purchasing CSb B - DEALER IX - ft f3u GENERAL MERCHANDISE HAZEL GEEEN KENTUCKY KEEPS COXSTANTLY OX IIAXD A FCIX AS30RTEEKT OP Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ready made Clothing Hats Caps Boots Shoos Queensware Tinware Hardware Table and Pocket Cutlery Grocer- ies ¬ Stoves and Farming Implements In fact everything usually kept in a first class country store and at BOTTOM PRICES Also will take in exohange for Goods or in payment of any debt due me all kinds of Country Produce and Live Stock of every description W A WORD vrrn Harbison Cathright SADDLERY HARNESS AND COLLARS 707 709 731 V MAIN STREET LOUISVILLE KY 5 C - JE TUGGLE WITH F G- - Einggold Co JOBBERS OF Boots and Shoes 95 and 97 WEST PEARL STREET - CINCESTSTATJ OHIO ir vA-sGjls-- Z i i t J ntroxTzsc axi crorasm Dry AND TEGD SACS uT0 5THTTS H J WTTS Ci 637 W Main rr w H GILLIS 1 i 1 y Goods NOTIONS Cincinnati CLARKE Sievers Garson Hanftran Strt lomsvniE WITH McCord Aydelotta WHOLESALE HATTERS 2To G13 Wet Minr Stsbbt LOUISVILLE KY E TUCK GEOEGE Louisville JCy with GREEN HUFFAKER CO Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 615 1V3rain St LOUISVILLE KY Invites you to call and see him whes joa visit the eitv live at home and make more Mean money at work for us thsa at else in the world Capital not needed you are started free Botk x all ages Any on ean do tke work Laree earnings sure from first start- - Costly outfit and terms free Better sot dIay Costs you nothing to send U3 your adrfres and find ont if you are wise you will do se at once H Haixett A COPortlaBdr Jf THE HEW AND ELEGAST re HIGH AM 3 L ii Ii 3 L JUNE 8EW3NC MACHINE IS TB33 B3ST BUST 2TO OTH3ER j i Mi 1nn1H The LADIE3 PAYOItETE hecTiao it is IIGHT UUJTiriNG- - and does such beautiful xvcrk --Agents FaYor itobooause itis a quick and easy qllr AS15B WASTED INUXCTiga TKIHttL 63SZ7X 2OH OXKCTTJ JURE MHUFACTURIH6 CO Cr U Sails AY22H3 ail Qatiria Sine CHICAGO LU OOB yxnrsELLY witii DUHTiAP BHOS C WHOLESALE SADDLERY J L Dunlap J B Dunlap Y G Barrett 72Sand73G VT Main St iTyi cs 5 Manufacturers of Saddles Harness e- - and dealers is Saddlery Hardware LOUISVILLE KY CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAfy Has attained a stsndartl of esocSeace Uk admka of no superior It contains every Improvpcaent thai tevwdv genius skill and mocey caa prtxkiots mxaammmm jfcSESfffcBfc mmmimmimmmaa These Orsrans are celebrated for quality of tone quick response artipda dfnlya Deaatyin nnibn pcrxect construeooo i thorn the most oesiraMo orsraae for schools churches leases societies e established sf1ttati itssiiaue3 facelitixs STKTTTEP WOMOBPr BEST MATZ3UAX CQitBEiXIS XAX3 TSX3 2 HS POPULAR OHSiH InstrsctiM Beaks asd PiM StNb aiIcgsea aad Price lists ea CHICAGO COTTASE GHAT CI V Randolph eatf Am Stu CXKASi WGRmGI uLASSiaJ now prepark urnish all classes with employment at ho the whole of the time or for their sjxwe moments Bnsiness new light aadyoite able Persons of either sex rwlv earn rr 50 cents to S5 per eveniacacd a rotiB- - ate sum br devotinjr all their ti 1- - A business Boys and girls earn nearly wrek as men That all wbo see this may xxi thefr address and test the business we jeidte this offer To such as are not welt satfsSect we will send one dollar to pay for tfce trou ¬ ble of writing Foil partico2ar3 ana tst Pree Address GEOKaE SnsSO 4k jCo PortIsndrMainel iSly 1 aburABSwjpt i S i --JS U

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Page 1: nt-Governor w lomsvniE Mttl - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58f88p/data/0421.pdf · Hazelrigg to the office of Lieu ... and Democracy of John T Hazelrigg of Morgan





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msx KmAW



OTJU AGENTS49m IWirig peraoae isve congested

ct as ifit for The Hexalv andapl Iwwwit fl s4odpti4Mia fjpom the

llWilX- - A JL Byrd Captonf- - H Toefc GiHs J

liar-- W LykMw CaneyT P Garr mL

ACmbs CernwellW 3 GtronPoraroyton

t-- LJLVaaaredelLPxenchburglmcttt J C M Day Prozen Creek

j Ij xtagins uxgmsvmeJere Combs Ned 0X H Silly Lost Creet

toJLUiranted at all postoffices in4m tJUB Write as for terms

Spexcex Cooper Publisher




We are authorized to announce Hon RX Piaratt sf Zzel Morgan county as ar ia1r fr the State Senate from this theTkkty fesrth District subject to action ofb 3aeratic party

WANTED Apracticalprinter or live traveling manto purchase a naif interest inTheHerald office The rightman with a few hundred dol ¬

lars cash can secure an open¬

ing that will help him to a for¬

tune Eastern Kentucky isnow on the boom and Hazelxreen will be one of the first

--Jowns to feel it AddressSpencer Coopeb

J90or friends of the Press will consc a favor hy mating a note of above

The election of Col L THazelrigg to the office of Lieu¬

tenant Governor will greatlyenhance our chances for rail-roads


and a speedy develop-ment- Wevere for him forGovernor because webelievedhe possessed more ability thanany man named We stillthink so but he declined torun and fate marked him forsecond place Our ardor inhis behalf has in no wise cool-ed


--and we shall labor to makehim presiding officer of thenext State Senate conscien-tiously


believing him to beihe best man for the positionyet offered We have there-fore


planted his name at thehead of our columns in veryplain type and expect to keepit there until he is installedIn the office

The West Liberty Gem isnow edited and published byMr A It Barnes Col Haxelrigg having entered uponan active canvass for the Lieutenant Governorship has notime to devote to his paper


tke Orr Shall bo Harelrlsgr andr Kelp for Eastern Kentucky

Our esteemed cotemporary the MtSterling Gazette very truthfully says

Tie Uestenant Governor can aid verymaterially in building a railroad throughButsin Kentucky or destroy our prosyccta entirely He appoints the commitIm m the Senate to which all matterspertaiaisg to railroads are referred andia this committee room the fate of arailroad charter in a great measure is decided It is therefore important that anarterpriring liberal man should be elect

em lieatenant Governor People of thejBoantains see to it that a man favoraWe to jour interests and advancement iseaoeea Lay aside every other considaeatkm and Tote for the man who willkela yoa te develop your resources andpl yoa in bettering your conditionOwrtiaainj in the same strain it mightiava added And his name is John THealriggr No other man in EasternCeataekjii wo linked by love for this3ed a he and a presiding officer of the

Se a would watch our interestwitk am eagle eye Every county east ofLexftoa ihould end a delegation toia Democratic Convention instructed to

ote for Hazelrigg until the stars fallfrees tae firmament if need be Fay--ett-e

and her sister counties should dolikewise because they can never hope toattain true greatneaa until the mountainsate developed Then when he is nom ¬

inated a be certainly will be all votersSrreeyoctiTe of party fehould go to the3B ilrwith the battle cry Hazelrigg andkelp for Eastern Kentucky

Prgan County DemocratParsmaat to call the Democracy of

Jforgaa county met at the court housess West Liberty on Saturdav MarchIf 1887 for the purpose of appointingxieJegatee te ike District Convention tofee keld at Campton on April 1st 1887ie sejaiaate a candidate to represent theMek Senatorial District in the next Gcneeel jUseebJy of Kentucky and to giveexp rearing ae to the choice of the Dem

egr et Jfrgaa county for a candiahie t repreeeat that Legislative DisiAtirm the eit House of Bepresenta

4P-7 2 y

3 W

tires of Kentucky and to appoint dele ¬

gates to Legislative Convention shouldooe be called W W Cox Wa3 chosense chairman and T J Henry secretaryResolutions endorsing the time andplace of iolding the Senatorial Conven-tion


jand recommending Hon R M Pieratt of Ezel Morgan county as theirchoice and pledging him their supportwere adopted A large number of lead¬

ing Democrats were appointed as dele¬

gatesThe same convention commended W

M Kendall for Representative and alsopledged the support of the Democrataof Morgan county


Colr AW Hamilton of Montgomeryha declined to make the race for Lieutena-


The prospect for good wheat indfruit crops in the west end of Boyle coun-ty


is said to be excellentMore thaifone half of last years to-


crop in Gallatin county is still inthe hands of the farmers

The Louisville Times reports heavysales of tobacco in that market last weekbut without advance in prices

Diphteria and measles in their mo3tviolent form have been raging at Au-gusta


Ky for several weeks and manynew cases are reported

Kaelin the Louisville wife-murder- er

condemned to be hung on his firsttrial was on his second given a life sen-tence


in the penitentiaryThe Advocate says that a Danville

man has invested in 8000 acres of land inBreathitt countv on which he has beenoffered a profit of 12000

Three mothers of Ballard countygave birth recently to eight babies in oneweek all of whom are alive and healthyTwo had triplets and the other twins

Jeff Bowling who was sentenced tobe hanged March 25th at Columbus Ohas been respited until the 24th of JuneThis is the fourth time he has been re-spited


Nearly one hundred negroes fromAlbemarle Va took the boat at Ashlandthe other day for the vicinity of Newportwhere they will be employed on theMaysville Big Sandy Bailroad

Aunt Fannie Adams an aged ladyliving on Licking had the misfortune tofall from a chair a few days ago and dis-located


her left shoulder She is doingas well as could bo expected West Lib¬

erty GemKentucky is waking from her lethar-


sleep and stirring in every sectionFrom nearly every county in the Statecome reports of new enterprises rail-roads


factories and land investmentsAshland Republican

An enterprising gentleman of thiscity backed by Eastern capital will be-fore


a great wnile start here a large can ¬

ning estalishment which will turn outannually over two million cans of cornand tomatoes Lexington Press

Crowds of people are going daily tosee the midget girl baby that has beenborn to the wife of Joseph Ockermannear this city It is seven days oldweighs only twenty four ounces with ahead not as large as a hen egg Thechild is an indigo blue and is coveredwith short black hair from head to foot

Carlisle MercurjThe Court of Appeals has recently

rendered a decision of local interest inregard to the trial of all misdemeanoroflenses by town authorities The Courtdecided that the trial and conviction ofany party violating any town ordinancewas not a bar to his indictment and pun-ishment


by the Circuit Court That Wherea person violated both the town law andthe State law he was guilty of two offen-ses


and could be punished for bothFranklin Favorite

MagofTln DemocracyAt a Democratic meeting held in the

Court house in Sayersville on the 19thof March 1887 for the purpose of ap-


delegates to attend the Senato-rial


Covention to be held at Campton onthe 1st of April The object of themeeting being explained D D Sublettwas selected as chairman and J W Pow-er


secretary The following resolutionswere offered and unanimously adopted

Eesolved That the delegates hereinaf-ter


appointed to attend the Campton con-vention


on the 1st of April next be andthey are hereby instructed to ca9t thevote of Magoffin county for Hon E MPieratt and that Augustus Arnett JohnFranklin Lark Howard B W HigginsH CHoward Geo B Gardner A HHoward D D Sublett John M Powerana an omcr good democrats who mayattend said convention are hereby ap-pointed


delegates to said conventionEesolved That having the most im-


confidence in the integritv abilityand Democracy of John T Hazelriggof Morgan county we recommend himto the Democracy of the State as aman every way worthy and deserving toreceive the nomination for the office ofLieutenant Governor and we ask for hima fair consideration at the hands of theDemocracy of the State

Eesolved That in the death of HonJoseph Gardner we have lost a true andtried leader the State a noble son societyone of itsbrightest ornaments His pub-lic


and private life was pure and spotlessWe deeply feel our irreparable loss inhis death

Eesolved That we will support formember of the House of Eepresentativesin the next General Assembly any per-son


that the Democracy of 3Iorgan coun-ty


will endorse and present to the Legislative district and tliat W Jtt Kendallwill be acceptable to us

Eesolved That the We3t Liberty GemSentinel Democrat and Hazel GbeenHeratd be and they are requestedt topublish the proceedings of this meeting

D D Sublett Chairman

A Colored Kontucklan HonoredCalvin H L Taylor who was recently

appointed Dy rresiaent Cleveland as min-ister


to Libera and who now resides atWyandotte Kansas was born and rearednear Hartford Ohio county Ky andlived there untl after he reached manhoodHe taught a colored school in Owensboroseveral years ago and also essaved preach-ing


He took up the study of the lawalone while still in Kentucky and finallywent to Kansas where he was admittedto the bar He received the appointmentas Assistant Prosecuting Attorney of Wy¬

andotte tunty and took a prominentpart in county and State politcs Twoyears ago he joined the Democratic partyand stumped the State for the nomineefor Governor He is said to be a man ofcommanding appearance and an entranc-ing


orator He has made a wonderful suc-cess


in his adopted State and was sup¬

ported by the Kansas Democrata for hisposition Louisville Commercial


Hon James H Mulligan j Better Watch HimQf Lexington has servecLhis people sev- - j Will Hamiltons declination to become

eral terms in the Legislature and is to bei a candidate for Lieutenant Governorreturned next winter He is one of the means that Hazelrigg ia coming downablest and most brilliant young men in from the mountains like a ring tailedthe State As a speaker he hud few equals rnariny lion seeking whom he mav de--a 1 cin the last General Assembly and no supenor Me is both witty and eloquentHe is an extemporaneous speaker of a su-perior


order and upon one occasion lastwinter the announcement in the houseof the death of a former member andpersonal friend of his Judge Mulliganmade one of the most eloquent and pa-thetic


speeches we ever listened to Sev-eral


times he had to pause because ofchoking with emotion which only servedto heighten theeflectof theepeech Feel-ing


every word he uttered which cameup from his very heart his eloquencetouched every one in the house and lob¬

bies and many a sympathetic tear trick-led


down the cheeks of men who had neverknown Asa Clarke whom he eulogizedAgain upon the attempt in the house torepeal the act creating the State Boardof Equalization Judge Mulligan advo-cated


the bill for its repeal in a speechwhich for ridicule wit and humor wasthe equal of Proctor Knotts great Duluthspeech For an hour he kept the housein a continual roar as he wittily describedthe Board at work its actions and finallyits resolution upon adjournment whicheulogized each other its Door keepers itsSecretaries and even its Pages one of theresolutions congratulating the ma andthe pa of one of the young pages onhaving such a bright and interesting lit-tle


boy Ho ridiculed the workings ofthe law in a way that killed it as dead asa door nail in the house The memberslaughed until they cried and more thanone side ached It was a speech whichshould have been heard to be thoroughlyappreciated but if a publication of it noweven could be had it would make JimMulligan famous It is to be regrettedthat the house had no stenographer totake the speech down It was an extem-poraneous


effort to a certain extent butof course the subject had been thoroughlystudied by the speaker and it would bedifficult for him to reproduce it especially after the length of time since its deliv-ery


In repartee Judge Mulligan had noequal in either House His quick witcaused many a mans discomfiture andvery particularly the senior member fromWarren who had a way of walking into

where ange1 would have hesitatedong before venturing We are glad to

know Judge Mulligan goes back againHe is in addition to being a witty andeloquent speaker a diligent and faithfulworker and the Legislature will have nomore valuable member than he Lexing-ton


is to be congraulated the State itselfis to be congratulated upon his presencein the General Assembly

He has been nominated without oppo-sition


by the Democraic party for realection Glasgow Times

Happiness depends very much on thecondition of the liver and kidneys Theills of life make but little impression onthose whose digestion is good You canregulate your livrr and kidneys with DrJ H McLeans Liver and Kidney Balm

100 per bottle Sold by G B SwangoHazel Green and J N Vaughn Camp-ton


A Cure for ConsumptionDr T N McLaughlin physician-in-chie- f

of the Philadelpha hospital recent-ly


presented a report of the success ofthe treatment adopted about a month agofor patients in the institution sufferingfrom consumption He said that so farthe success Of the treatment was almostmarvelous and in the cases which agreedto submit to the methods adopted no oth-er


has been used Dr McLaughlin firstobtained the idea from a paper read be-fore


the College of Science at a recentmeeting in Paris by one of the Professorsin the University of Lyons It was re-


so highly and had shownsuch surprising results in France thatDr McLaughlin decided to test it in thehospital He explained the treatment tothe patients wheii thirty of them agreedto submit to the operation To these pa--tientswho were considered to be sufferingfrom the last stages of consumption tworectal injections of carbonic acid gas pre-pared


by the process given by the Frenchphysician were given each day allother medicine being abandoned The pa-tients


atjonce began to show signs of im-


The night sweats ceased asif by magic the almost constant painsfrom which they suffered vanished theexecretions of the body were regular andbecame natural and the appetite return-ed


The sick rrow brighter and strongereach day and since the beginning of thetreatment one of the number has gainedtwelve pounds in weight and others havegained from three to five pounds in thesame time How far the improvementwill continue under the treatment cannot yet be judged but the results havebeen so satisfctory that Dr McLaughlinhas abandoned all other remedies in thetreatment of patients who can be inducedto submit to the operation and he is soagreeably surprised at the results that hefeels almost ready to say that a cure forconsumption which has always been con-sidered


fatal when once developed hasbeen found

There are many accidents and diseaseswhich affect stock and cause serious in-


and loss to the farmer in hiswork which may be quickly remediedby the use of Dr J II McLeans Vol-canic


Oil Liniment Sold by G B SwangoHazel Green and J X Vaughn Camp-ton


Tako Your Local PaperThe boy or girl who is a rrgular news-


reader will grow up in intelligenceand will use ood language both in speak-ing


and writing even with a limited ed-ucation


It is new3 science literaturegrammar history geography and spell-ing


combined Sometimes it is a littledifficult to get children interested in news-papers


but after they once get startedtheir intellectual cravings are as sure a3the desire for food and it is as neccessaryto feed their minds as their bodies Thelocal paper is the first to attract their attention Incidentally they firbt read ofsome local event which comes under theirobservation Becoming regular readersof the home paper they soon branch outinto the affairs of the world and thencen- -

I eral news of the day and finally becomecompetent to discuss matters of public in-terest


and are useful and intelligent cit-izens


Warsaw Independent

Owing to pn inadequate clerical forcein the Pension Office it is said that it willbe impossible to take up for maybe a yearyet the cases of those entitled to bountiesunder the recent Mexican pension appro--

J priation Under the law the appropriation isoniy avauaoie unui Juneau loooThere is a possibility therefore that manyof the pensioners if they get anythingwill be compelled to trust to future Con-gresses


for another appropriation Win-chester



If you are suffering with weak or in-


eyee or granulated eyelide youcan bo quickly cured by using Dr JHMcLeans Strengthening Eye Solve --25cents a box Sold by G B Swango Ha ¬

zel Green and J N Vaughn Campton

MrfcHft iT TrWifeiiT- -


vour ne governorship is going goinggone t6 the Green river valley Whenthe very thirsty and very hungry comedown all the way from Pike and clamorfor second place on the ticket what arethe gentleman from Jefferson the gentle-man


from Ohio and the gentleman fromKenton going to do about it HazelriggsDemocracy like the moonshine of hi3section is pure and always up to proofWhen asked by Hoars Ku Klux Committee the politics of his paper theMountain Scorcher it was Hazelriggwho replied It is the hottest thingDemocratically between the MississippiEiver and the rising sun by G d sirBetter watch him Louisville Times

Col Hazelrigg has ceased the use ofcuss words and all religionists can

unite in supporting him

Kentucky for KontuckianaSeveral State papers arc publishing

idiotic editorials headed Kentucky forKentuckiaus the drift of which is toprotest against the investment of anyforeign capital within our sacred pre-cincts


This is not only a dog in themanger business but it is diametricallyopposed to all of the bent interests ofthe State Kentucky wealth has neverbeen willing to develop Kentucky andif we do not encourage outside capitalthe State will remain in its present fossilcondition for all time Suppose Alabamahad waited for local capital to developher mineral resources How long wouldit have taken to build Birmingham to itspresent condition The talk about wait-ing


for Kentucky capital is folly whatwe want is money right now and if itcomes from other States to Kentuckywhy Kentucky is that much richerLouisville Post

Still AnotherCol J T Hazelrigg of West Liberty

Morgan County Ky has annouced hiscandidacy for the place of LieutenantGovernor subject to the action of theDemocratic party and will proceed to en ¬

liven the canvass by an opening speechin Mt Sterling on the 21st inst It isthought that Mr Hazelrigg will commandthe greater part if not all of that solidbacking thoughout Eastern Kentuckywhich would have gone to the Hon JoeGardner so recently deceased and ofwhom the former wa3 a warm advocateCol Hazelrigg though a native of Mont-gomery


County has lived for a long timem a section of the State where the menstudy politics from babyhood and in thatsection ho will win easily Socially hehas all those qualities which endear mento those with whom they are thrown incontact is witty genial and companion-able


Lexington Press

To any person who will trade with moto the amount of 10 cash I will BendThe Herald free for one year Or toany one owing me ton dollars or overwho will pay it off in full I will sendThe Herald free for one year

G B Swango



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VTXEirXY EHQUXR7KOke Year SI 15 Six Month tic

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Write for Catalogues and PricesD S JOHNSTON CO

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HAZEL GREEN ACADEMYThe directors of the above school take

Eleasure in announcing to the public thatarrangement have been

madefor the positive opening of the schoolon Monday January itd 1387 Three competent teachers have been employed vrhosequalficationa are unsurpassed and their Her- -

vices secured for a term of years Iu mak ¬

ing this announcement we feel justified inasserting that the school will beau institutionwhich will reflect an honor on this portionof the State and unsurpassed even y themore pretentious similar institutions of thelarge cities Located ia ti favorable geo-


section healthy moral free fromviciows allurements aud with a strict over ¬

night looking to the protection comfort andmental training of the students parentscan rely upon their children being safewhile under the care of th faculty andtrustees The attention Of yount men andIndies who expect to teach is speciallycalled to the advantages to be gained inthis sckool at a nominal cost

For terms of tuition and further informa¬

tion apply to W O Mize Hazel Green Kyor J W McGarvey Lexington

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WGRmGI uLASSiaJ now preparkurnish all classes with employment at hothe whole of the time or for their sjxwemoments Bnsiness new light aadyoiteable Persons of either sex rwlv earn rr50 cents to S5 per eveniacacd a rotiB- -ate sum br devotinjr all their ti 1- - Abusiness Boys and girls earn nearly wrekas men That all wbo see this may xxithefr address and test the business we jeidtethis offer To such as are not welt satfsSectwe will send one dollar to pay for tfce trou ¬

ble of writing Foil partico2ar3 ana tstPree Address GEOKaE SnsSO 4k jCoPortIsndrMainel iSly

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