nscoder swift - an introduction to swift

NSCoder Swift An introduction to Swift October 18th, 2014 Andreas Blick - @aquarioverde

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NSCoder SwiftAn introduction to Swift

October 18th, 2014

Andreas Blick - @aquarioverde

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• New programming language introduced by Apple on June 2014 at WWDC

• Builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility

• Development started by Chris Lattner, who also started the LLVM and Clang project

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• Safe programming patterns and modern features

• Seamless access to all existing Cocoa frameworks

• Mix-and-match interoperability with Objective-C

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• Tool / Feature for

• learning

• code development

• experimentation

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Playgrounds• Strings

• Arrays & dictionaries

• Color

• Views

• Images

• … etc

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var / let

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Variables & Constants• Defined using var or let keyword

• No need to define type

• Swift can mostly infer the type

• Can contain any unicode character

var instrument: String = “guitar” let nrOfSongs = 42 var trackLength = 3.23

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Strings• Collection of characters that can be accessed easily

• Seamlessly bridged: NSString API available

• Mutability defined by assignment (var or let)

• String interpolation for literals, variables and expressions

let instrument = “guitar" !let music = "play \(instrument)" let noise = "play " + instrument

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Numbers• Integers are stored as Int or UInt

• can be written as decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal

• have max and min properties: Int.max

• Floating point numbers are stored as Float and Double

• can be written as decimal and hexadecimal

• Can contain underscores for readability: 7_777.77

• Bool can be true or false

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Arrays• Stores ordered list of multiple values

• Arrays are type specific

• Accessed using properties, methods or subscripting

var numbers: Array<Int> = Array<Int>() var numbers: [Int] = [Int]() !numbers = [1,2,3] numbers = [Int](count:7,repeatedValue:0]

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Dictionaries• Containers that store multiple key-value pairs of the

same type

• Accessed using properties, methods or subscripting

• Assigning nil as a value removes it

var numbers:Dictionary<Int,String> = Dictionary<Int,String>() !numbers = [1:“One”,2:“Two”,3:”Three”]

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Tuples• Group multiple values of any type into a single compound value

• Values can be of any type

• Values can be accessed by index

• Tuples can have named values

let instrument = ("guitar", “strings") println(instrument.0) !let (name, family) = instrument !let instrument = (name: "guitar", family: "strings")

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Loops• for-in loop to iterate using range

• for-in loops to iterate over a collection

• while / do-while loops if unknown number of iterations

for ix in 1…5 { . . . } for var ix = 0; ix < 7; ix++ { . . . } for (key, value) in aDictionary { . . . } !while ix < 7 { . . . } do { . . . } while ix < 7

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• if / else for simple conditions

• switch statements for complex conditions

if number == 5 { . . . } !switch number { case 5: println(“5”) default: println(“default”) }

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Conditionals - Switch• do not fall through (no break needed)

• must be exhaustive (use default:)

• support ranges: case 0…7:

• support tuples: case (1, 2):

• value binding: case (let x, 2):

• can use where clause to check additional conditionscase (let x, let y) where x == y:

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Control Transfer Statements• continue

• break

• return

• fallthrough

• loops and switches can be labeled to be used with break and continue

counter: for i in 1...7 { for j in 1...7 { println("\(i) - \(j)") if i == 3 { continue counter} } }

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Optionals• Used where a value might be missing by adding a ? sign

• Similar to nil in Objective-C, but can be used on any type

• non optionals can not be nil

• Optionals can implicitly be unwrapped by adding a ! sign (forced unwrapping)

let instruments = ["guitar" : 6, "bass": 4, “ukulele”: “8”] let nrOfStrings: Int? = instruments[“guitar"] !if nrOfStrings != nil { println(nrOfStrings!) } else { . . . }

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Optionals• Use optional binding to find out if an optional

contains a value

let instruments = ["guitar" : 6, "bass": 4, “ukulele”: “8”] let nrOfStrings: Int? = instruments[“guitar"] !if let nrOfStrings = instruments["guitar"] { println(nrOfStrings) } else { . . . }

• Use optional chaining when a value might be nil

let familyName = guitar.family?.name?

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Functions• Functions are blocks of code that execute a specific task

• Functions have parameters and can return values - default to void

• Parameters can have default values

• They should always be placed at the end of the list

func play(instrument: String = "guitar") -> String { return "play \(instrument)" } !play(instrument: "drums")

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Functions• Parameter names are not required when calling a function

that has no default values

• Functions can return multiple values using tuples

• Use # if external and internal parameter names are the same

func play(instrument: String) -> (String, volume: Int) { return ("play \(instrument)", 7) } play(“guitar").volume !func play(instrument instr: String) -> String { . . . } func play(#instrument: String) -> String { . . . }

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Functions• Functions can take a variable number of

arguments using variadic parameters

• One function can only have one variadic parameter

func playInstruments(instruments: String...) -> String { var play = "playing " for instrument in instruments { play += instrument + " " } return play } playInstruments("guitar", "drums", "sax")

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Functions• Parameters are constants by default and can not be changed

• They can be defined as variables using var

• Variables parameters can only be modified within a function

• To persist a variable outside a function the inout parameter is needed

func swapTwoInts(inout a: Int, inout b: Int) { let tmpA = a a = b b = tmpA } var x = 3, y = 7 swapTwoInts(&x, &y)

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Functions• Functions have a specific function type that can be assigned to


• They can be passed as parameters and returned by other functions

• Functions can be nested

func iPlay(player:(String) ->String, song:String) ->String { return player(song) } func playGuitar(song: String) -> String { return "playing \(song) on guitar" } let playing = iPlay(playGuitar, "I sat by the ocean")

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Closures• Closures are self-contained blocks of code that

can be passed around

• Functions are named closures!

• Closures can capture and store references and constants from their surrounding context

• Trailing closures can be used for readability

• Closures start using the in keyword

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Closures - Example

let playMusic = { println("make some noise”) } !!!func repeat(count:Int, song:String, player:(String)->(String)) { for i in 0..<count { println(player(song)); } } repeat(5, "Even Flow") { (song: String) -> String in return "playing \(song)" }

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Classes• Classes are program code templates for creating

objects, consisting of properties and methods

• No need for interface/header files

• No need to inherit from any other class

• No abstract class support

• Compare using the identity operator ===

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Classes - Properties• Access to properties handled automatically

• Properties do not have a corresponding instance variable

• Every property needs to have a value assigned

• Properties without a setter are read-only

• Can have lazy stored properties (lazy)

• Type properties are defined using class keyword

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Classes - Example

class Instrument { let type: String var isUsed: Bool = false init(type: String) { self.type = type } var info: String { get { return isUsed ? "used \(type)" : "new \(type)" } } } !let electricGuitar = Instrument(type: "guitar")

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Classes - Properties

var isUsed: Bool = false { willSet(willBeUsed) { let msg = (self.isUsed ? "was" : "was not") + " used and “ + (willBeUsed ? "is used now" : "is not used now”) println(msg) } }

• Property observers can respond to changes in a properties’ value (willSet & didSet)

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Classes - Methods• Methods are functions associated with a particular type

• Subscripts are special methods (subscript) for accessing members. They can contain any number of input parameters of any type.

class Instrument { func play() { println("make some noise") } subscript(ix: Int) -> String { return "model \(ix)" } }

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Initialization• The class needs to be completely initialized before

accessing any property or method

• Properties that are allowed to have no value can be declared optional using the ? sign

• Property observers are NOT called on initialization

• Every class must have at least one designated initialiser

• Every class can have multiple convenience initializers

• Deinitializers can be used for cleaning up

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Initializer Chaining

• Designated initializers must call a designated initializer from their immediate superclass

• Convenience initializers must call another initializer available in the same class

• Convenience initializers must ultimately end up calling a designated initializer

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Initialization - Exampleclass Instrument { let type: String var family: String? init(type: String) { self.type = type } convenience init(type: String, family: String) { self.init(type: type) self.family = family } deinit { println("instrument \(type) destroyed") } } !let guitar = Instrument(type: “guitar")

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• Closures can be used for initialising complex properties

class Some { let some: String = { return "some" }() }

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Inheritance• Classes can inherit methods, properties from other


• Initializers are not inherited by default

• Initialize own class properties before calling super.init

• Overridden methods need override keyword

• Methods marked as final can not be overridden

• An entire class can be marked as final

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Inheritance - Example

class Guitar : Instrument { init() { super.init(type: "guitar") family = "Strings" } ! override func play() { println("make some noise") } } !let guitar = Guitar()

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Structures• Structures are value types, they are always

copied, not referenced

• Structures can have initializers, methods and properties

• Automatically generated memberwise initializer

• Structures do not have deinitializers

• Array and Dictionary are structures

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Structures• All properties of constant structures are constant as


• Methods for modifying structure properties need the mutating keyword

• Structures do not support inheritance

• No type-casting

• Type properties are defined using static keyword

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Enumerations• An enumeration is a complete collection of items

• Enumeration values are fully-fledged in their own

• Enumerations are first-class types!

• Enumerations can have methods & initialisers

• Enumeration can have default raw values of the same type

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Enumerations - Exampleenum Instrument: Int { case Guitar = 1, Base case Drums, Bongo, Trumpet, Saxophone func description() -> String { switch self { case .Guitar, .Base: return "Strings" case .Trumpet, .Saxophone: return "Wind" default: return "Unknown" } } } let instrument = Instrument.Trumpet instrument.description() instrument.toRaw() let unknown = Instrument.fromRaw(1)?.description()

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enum Instrument { case Guitar(nrOfStrings: Int), Base case Drums, Bongo func description() -> String { switch self { case .Guitar(let nrOfStrings): return ("\(nrOfStrings)-string guitar") default: return "Unknown" } } } let instrument = Instrument.Guitar(nrOfStrings: 6) instrument.description()

• Enumerations can have associated values

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Extensions• Extensions add new functionality to existing classes,

structures, … etc. They are similar to Categories in Objective-C

• They can add methods, computed properties, initialisers but no stored properties

extension Instrument { func rock() { println("\(type) is rocking") } }

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Protocols• A protocol defines methods and properties a class, struct

or enumeration can or must adopt

• Existing types can be extended to adopt a protocol

• A protocol can inherit from one or more other protocols

• Protocol composition can be used to combine protocols

• Any protocol can be used as type

• Define as @objc for type checking and optional support

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Protocols - Example@objc protocol Instrument { func play() } !class Guitar: Instrument { func play() { println("playing guitar") } } !let items = [Guitar(), NSString()] !for item in items { if let instrument = item as? Instrument { instrument.play() } }

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• Generic code enables writing flexible, reusable functions and types

func swapTwoValues<T>(inout a: T, inout b: T) { let tmpA = a a = b b = a }

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Generics• You can define your own generic type

• and specify type constraints

struct Stack<T: Instrument> { var items = [T]() mutating func push(item: T) { items.append(item) } mutating func pop() { items.removeLast() } } var guitarStack = Stack<Guitar>()

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References• WWDC 2014 Videos

• Apple Books

• The Swift Programming Language

• Using Swift with Cocoa & Objective-C

• Web

• https://developer.apple.com/swift/

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• Swift handles memory management using automatic reference counting

• Think about relationship between object instead of memory

• Avoid strong reference cycles by using weak or unowned references

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Assertions• Use assertions whenever a condition has the

potential to be false, but must be true

• End code execution

let age = -3 assert(age >= 0, "age can no be less than 0")

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Andreas Blick - @aquarioverde

Thank you!