november 2013 news -...

Class 1 - Agility Small 1 st Sue Hunt Elkenberry Black Hero 2 nd Ray Burke Mad Myrtle 3 rd Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Little Jumping Bean 4 th Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Dancing Queen Medium 1 st Addy Johnson Myhaven Wot a Fancy 2 nd Naomi Harriman Forestflame Portas 3 rd Juliet Bumstead Rollaxend Parti Crasher Large 1st Rowena Parker Cachucha’s Amor Gitano 2 nd Wendy Ratcliffe Acecliffe Star Sensation 3 rd Jean Hutton Acecliffe Star Aims Upcoming Events: Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule to be on soon) November 2013 Poodle Training Club News We were lucky enough to have a lovely day for the 2013 PTC Agility Show. The sun shone and there was a great turn-out. The show was generously sponsored (again!) by Royal Canin. As a bonus, there was a fantastic scoring system in use that gave everyone an immediate view of results. Tony Griffin, judge for the day, created some fun, challenging, running courses. PTC Agility Show 6 Oct 2013 Highlights: 2013 Show results 1 Bloopers 4 Updates 5 History 6 Service Dogs 7 2014 Membership 8

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Page 1: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Class 1 - Agility


1st Sue Hunt Elkenberry Black Hero

2nd Ray Burke Mad Myrtle

3rd Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Little Jumping Bean

4th Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Dancing Queen


1st Addy Johnson Myhaven Wot a Fancy

2nd Naomi Harriman Forestflame Portas

3rd Juliet Bumstead Rollaxend Parti Crasher


1st Rowena Parker Cachucha’s Amor Gitano

2nd Wendy Ratcliffe Acecliffe Star Sensation

3rd Jean Hutton Acecliffe Star Aims

Upcoming Events:

• Open Agility Show

Benbow Farm

29-30 March 2014

(schedule to be on soon)

November 2013

Poodle Training Club News

We were lucky enough to have a lovely day for the 2013 PTC Agility Show. The

sun shone and there was a great turn-out. The show was generously sponsored

(again!) by Royal Canin. As a bonus, there was a fantastic scoring system in use

that gave everyone an immediate view of results. Tony Griffin, judge for the

day, created some fun, challenging, running courses.

PTC Agility Show – 6 Oct 2013


2013 Show results 1

Bloopers 4

Updates 5

History 6

Service Dogs 7

2014 Membership 8

Page 2: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Class 2 - Pairs

1st Jennie Kitchen Belamour Royal Commander

Pauline Prince Penling Dancing Flame

2nd Jacky Hunt Bluey’s Magical Moon

Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Little Jumping Bean

3rd Jacky Hunt Harlequin Moon Dust

Naomi Harriman Forest Flame Portas

4th Jennie Kitchen Penling Teddy Boy

Ray Burke Mad Myrtle

5th Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Lets get to it

Jean Hutton Acecliffe Star Aims

6th Diane Jones Tawnabawn Astrantia

Wendy Ratcliffe Acecliffe Star Sensation

Class 3 - Jumping


1st Jennie Kitchen Belamour Royal Commander

2nd Jacky Hunt Bluey’s Magical Moon

3rd Vanessa Layton Raeanne’s Lets Get To It


1st Sam Davies Clanmirri Carnival Panda

2nd Alyson Walker Shanandi Wild Poppet

3rd Addy Johnson Myhaven Wot A Fancy


1st Rowena Parker Cachucha’s Amor Gitano

2nd Juliet Bumstead Te-Aawa Tuxedo Partilicious at Rollaxend

3rd Jean Hutton Acecliffe Star Aims

Page 2 of 8 November 2013

1st place Agility - Large

1st place Pairs

1st place Jumping -


1st place Jumping - Medium

Page 3: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Class 4 – Helter Skelter


1st Jennie Kitchen Belamour Royal Commander

2nd Greg Cooper Little Silver Shadow

3rd Jennie Kitchen Dakata Red Admiral


1st Naomi Harriman Forestflame Portas

2nd Jennie Kitchen Penling Teddy Boy

3rd Alison Skipper Gilsland Golden Rocket


1st Juliet Bumstead Te-Aawa Tuxedo Partilicious at Rollaxend

2nd Rowena Parker Cachucha’s Amor Gitano

3rd Jean Hutton Acecliffe Star Aims


Page 3 of 8 November 2013


Contact, schmontact. Speed is the

important thing.

The winner of the Crystal Hawkes memorial trophy for the best miniature poodle

was Jennie Kitchen with Belamour Royal


I can jump as high as those

big dogs!

Page 4: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Discover Dogs 2013

As usual, Poodles (all three sizes) were

represented at Discover Dogs.

If we were judging by the crowds at the Poodle

stand, there will be lots of new converts to the

breed! Many thanks to all the generous poodle

owners who tested their dogs' tolerance by

representing Poodles!

From Karen Thompson:

Michelle Newman's Standard Poodle bitch Wiggy has won her third ticket in obedience on 13 October, making her Obedience Champion Myall Kanya Tri Again. She may be only the second poodle ever to gain this title, held previously by Anne Northfields brown Standard Kirsty OB CH Benjomar Painted Lady.

A Class Act

Jodie Harrison We have had standard poodles for 17 years now. We have had 4 and showed them all in the breed ring. We did obedience and agility with Angel’s mother, especially at YKC camp. We bred Angel's litter; one of her sisters went to an obedience home. Her name is Wiggy (Myall Kanya Tri Again). She belongs to Michelle Newman and has done well. They are a lovely breed and it is only lack of time that has prevented us from doing agility

with Angel in the past. Still, better late than never. She loves a scurry if we go to a fun show, so I think she will enjoy it.

New Members

Page 4 of 8 November 2013

Lee Harfield Pip is my first poodle. He is a Grade 7 agility dog. Heather Gale

Shown and bred poodles since the late 70s. Own 9 poodles at present. Have taken some of my poodles to Gold Award in the KC Good Citizen Award Scheme. Others hold various awards from puppy to Bronze and Silver. Would have liked to continue doing this but the centre I was attending stopped doing the awards. Want to try other activities as I am fed up with the showing and cost. Have attended HTM with one of my girls and I still have her. Again the class


Lee Harfield's Toy Poodle

Mr. Pip at Crufts

A tired Zazu at

Discover Dogs

Page 5: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule


The first Standard Poodle tandem in the UK.

From Diane Jones:

"My club was invited to Pet Expo in October to show what a pet dog training club could do. So I showed the public what poodles could do, i.e. carting being one of the events. Saffron (in the lead) is 5 years old; I have had her from a puppy. Ody is 9 years old, I rescued him at 10 months. He had no training and was completely wild. Both poodles do Agility, Obedience, and Heelwork to Music. Ody is the first poodle to reach Advance HTM. Florence the toy poodle is 2 years old. She has only been training with Saffron and Ody for a short while. The cart I found in somebody's garage and said I could give it a good home. The harness is made by Farthing Saddlery and copied from a goat harness."

A First for Poodles!

Marco (Nov 1997 - May 2012) "Just recently, I lost my Toy poodle Marco who was peacefully put to sleep in May after a short illness. I acquired Marco in the year 2000 at the age of 3 - the fourth dog in the pack at my home. He fitted in with us all immediately and soon found a best mate with Maddi, my Miniature Poodle. Agility is the name of the game in this family and he soon cottoned on, the faster you go, the better the tidbit! He made loads of friends especially with Maggie and Juliet's poodles - quite often pairing up with Maggie's Standard Poodle Rupert for Mini/Maxi pairs. He was involved with Discover Dogs at Earl's Court for several years and loved all the fuss people made of him. He was even in show biz and starred in the

opera Pagliacci in Covent Garden, London for 3 weeks, being one of the circus animals, surrounded by jugglers, fire eaters, and people walking on stilts. He even got a pat on the head by Placido Domingo! Nothing fazed him - he was my star and I will never forget him. May he rest in peace and join his beloved Maddi." Gilly Pipe

Page 5 of 8 November 2013

Marco & Rupert

Acecliffe Star Blazer at Mardarzett – Rupert (son of Star) to his friends "We had to say a very sad goodbye on Wednesday 13th February to our beautiful big boy. Rupert was a very proud Standard Poodle who lived his 14 years to the full. He came to live with us when he was 9 weeks old, joining our three Miniatures Hannah, Celene and Lucy, and the last five years with Paddy and JayJay. Rupert loved nothing more than being admired and fussed; he loved all people, especially children (with the exception of the postman). One of his favourite things was going to breed shows, earning a 2nd and 3rd at Crufts. He also did some photo shoots, including an advert for a programme for children’s television." Maggie Cheek

Page 6: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Class 1 - Agility


1st Jacky Hunt Blueys Magical Moon

2nd Juliet Bumstead Rollaxend Parti Girl

3rd Heather Reeves Frogsley Go With The Flo


1st Barbara Edlin Aprika Navaho

2nd Juliet Bumstead Rollaxend Parti Crasher


1st Chris Stamp Tazmitch Team Xtream

2nd Juliet Bumstead Te-Awa Tuxedo Partilicious Rollaxend

3rd Terry Kidd Alisiane Parisino

4th John Leslie Acecliffe Star’s Beau

Class 2 - Pairs


John Leslie Acecliffe Star’s Beau Large

Keith Keable Torpaz Idle Talk Large


Juliet Bumstead Te-Awa Tuxedo Partilicious Large

Maggie Cheek Willow Flow Free to Marderzett Large


Chris Stamp Raeannes Take That Small

Jacky Hunt Harlequin Moon Dust Small


Juliet Bumstead Rolaxend Parti Crasher Med

Maggie Cheek Arrowflight I got Rhythem Med

5th Darryl Goddard Little Silver Bullet Small

Jacky Hunt Blueys Magical Moon Small


Pauline Prince Penlings Dancing Flame Small

Jennie Kitchen Belamour Royal Commander Small Small

Class 3 - Jumping


1st Jennie Kitchen Belamour Royal Commander

2nd Jacky Hunt Blueys Magical Moon

3rd Pauline Prince Penlings Dancing Flame


1st Naomi Harriman Forestflame Portos

2nd Barbara Edlin Aprika Navaho


1st Bob Ratcliffe Acecliffe Star Surprise

2nd Ruth Dunning Crystalar Dazzling Dancer

3rd Terry Kidd Alisiane Parisino

4th Caroline Gilbert Carlonia Gold Solitare

These results never made it into a newsletter, so we'll publish them here so the hard-

working dogs & handlers get full credit.

History Page – 2011 PTC Agility Show Results

The winner of the Crystal Hawkes memorial trophy for the best miniature poodle was Bluey’s Magical Moon, owned and handled by Jacky Hunt.

Page 6 of 8 November 2013 Page 6 of 8 November 2013

Mary Ann Nester

was our judge for

the day.

Page 7: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Class 4 - Helter Skelter


1st Jacky Hunt Blueys Magical Moon

2rd Chris Stamp Raeannes Take That

3rd Pauline Prince Penlings dancing Flame


1st Naomi Harriman Forestflame Portos

2nd Barbara Edlin Aprika Navaho


1st John Leslie Acecliffe Star’s Beau

2nd Helen Arbeid Highla Mister Warwick

3rd Terry Kidd Alisiane Parisino

4th Maggie Cheek Willow Flow Free to Marderzett

Poodle Service Dogs

From Anne Raynor: "Micky the hearing dog is a son of my Tali Rubegud Crystal Tali & Pat Gaulton's dog Am Ch Mannorhills Art Attack for Trishanna. Casper and Patmore's father is Susan Jaggs' Tanboree A Wee Dram (Bertie). Both Bertie and Tali go back to Crystal Hawkes Piquant breeding. Tali's mother is my Ruby aka Piquant Pick of the Pack. I thought that might be of interest to people who own poodles of similar breeding! Those on the Facebook group will know of my Percy ASBO poodle; he is Micky's litter brother and I am proud to say recently passed his Gold Good Citizen. I won't say how many attempts at this he has had but only that on his first attempt he retrieved his bed!!!! Percy competes in KC obedience and just started Rally (which he loves). This year, he has been placed 10th and 3rd in prebeginners. Casper's litter sister Amber is just starting to compete in agility.

I am extremely proud of the three dogs I bred that are assistance dogs; they do such a wonderful job. I would urge other poodle breeders to think about donating a puppy. Sadly, I will not be breeding anymore as I had a disaster in Tali's last litter."

Page 7 of 8 November 2013

Page 8: November 2013 News - · PTC Agility Show • Open Agility Show Benbow Farm 29-30 March 2014 (schedule

Remember to renew your membership for January!

Send a cheque with your name, address, telephone number, email address to:

Maggie Cheek


9 St Mary's Close


Braintree, Essex CM7 5BW


Membership Renewals Maggie Cheek Marderzett

9 St Mary's Close

Panfield Braintree, Essex CM7 5BW


[email protected]

Annual membership £3 Single

£5 Partnership

Page 8 of 8 November 2013

Photo Credits P4 - Courtesy Greg Cooper & Lee Harfield

P5 - Courtesy Sandra Leach & Diane Jones

P7 - Courtesy Anne Raynor

All others – Courtesy Bob Ratcliffe

Future Newsletters Please send your poodle training & competition news and photos to [email protected] for inclusion in future newsletters.

PTC is on Facebook!
