nouvelles salésiennes salesian news · unto isaiah’s “people who walked in darkness” ....

1 TORONTO-HAMILTON, ON. If Pope Francis is the “Man of the Year”, perhaps Toronto will be chosen “City of the Year”. We’ve had our newsworthy mayor, we survived the July flash flood of “Noah-esque” proportions, and the recent ice storm blackouts made Torontonians unto Isaiah’s “people who walked in darkness” . Amidst all of this, the Toronto & Hamilton Salesian Family did their best to allow the light of Christ to shine during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Live Nativity scene at St.Benedict On Nov 5, the Dominic Savio Squires Circle hosted their annual Blue and White Mass in honour of military, police and health service professionals. On Nov. 28, American Thanksgiving brought Fr. Tom Dunne to us for the Provincial Visitation, a short but fruitful event. From Nov 14 -17, at the Squires Blue & White Mass Nov. 5 invitation of Fr. Fabio Attard, Fr. Mike Pace offered translating services at a Youth Ministry workshop in Santiago di Compostela, Spain. The workshop dealt with Salesian spiritual direction with young people. It was the last one in a 4-year series which should produce a publication of the relations within a few weeks. On Nov. 17, Fr. Occhio turned 90 years old. We celebrated accordingly, with solemn vespers presided by Bishop Boissonneau, followed by a large gathering in the church hall punctuated by a living rosary (complements of Br. Travis Gunther and the SummerDaze Camp staff), testimonies and Salesian Good Night by Fr. Occhio. Fr. Provincial visits the community Teens help deliver Christmas baskets Nouvelles Salésiennes Salesian News JANUARY 2014 JANVIER No.171 Bulletin mensuel numérique [email protected]

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Page 1: Nouvelles Salésiennes Salesian News · unto Isaiah’s “people who walked in darkness” . Amidst all of this, the Toronto & Hamilton Salesian Family did their best to allow the



If Pope Francis is the “Man of the Year”, perhaps Toronto will be chosen “City of the Year”. We’ve had our newsworthy mayor, we survived the July flash flood of “Noah-esque” proportions, and the recent ice storm blackouts made Torontonians unto Isaiah’s “people who walked in darkness” . Amidst all of this, the Toronto & Hamilton Salesian Family did their best to allow the light of Christ to shine during the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Live Nativity scene at St.Benedict On Nov 5, the Dominic Savio Squires Circle

hosted their annual Blue and White Mass in honour of military, police and health service professionals. On Nov. 28, American Thanksgiving brought Fr. Tom Dunne to us for the Provincial Visitation, a short but fruitful event. From Nov 14 -17, at the

Squires Blue & White Mass Nov. 5

invitation of Fr. Fabio Attard, Fr. Mike Pace offered translating services at a Youth Ministry workshop in Santiago di Compostela, Spain. The workshop dealt with Salesian spiritual direction with young people. It was the last one in a 4-year series which should produce a publication of the relations within a few weeks. On Nov. 17, Fr. Occhio turned 90 years old. We celebrated accordingly, with solemn vespers presided by Bishop Boissonneau, followed by a large gathering in the church hall punctuated by a living rosary (complements of Br. Travis Gunther and the SummerDaze Camp staff), testimonies and Salesian Good Night by Fr. Occhio.

Fr. Provincial visits the community

Teens help deliver Christmas baskets

Nouvelles Salésiennes Salesian News


Bulletin mensuel numérique [email protected]

Page 2: Nouvelles Salésiennes Salesian News · unto Isaiah’s “people who walked in darkness” . Amidst all of this, the Toronto & Hamilton Salesian Family did their best to allow the


90th year-old Fr. Occhio celebrates Christmas with Salesian Sisters and confreres.

December was focused on Advent

preparations for Jesus’ birthday. At St. Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton, Fr. Stefan Krampač, SDB, arrived from Slovenia to assist Fr. Drago with

The Toronto-Hamilton community

the Christmas Slovenian apostolate in Kitchener and London. Dec. 13’s Visitation gathered some 200 people from the SYM for youth led praise and worship and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a social. On Dec. 19, the Salesians hosted their annual Christmas dinner for the SDB

and FMA communities. Fr. Kelly decorated the house with his signature flare. Dec. 21 was delivery day for 120 Christmas baskets to local families, a heartwarming outreach that was quick work thanks to the many teams who came together with St. Vincent de Paul, Squires and the Knights of Columbus to pack boxes, load trucks and make the deliveries. Christmas Eve began with a living Nativity scene and carol sing along before the first of 3 vigil Masses. And so we welcomed the new born baby Jesus at Christmas. (M.P.)



A stormy Fourth Sunday of Advent finds me

snowed in at the Don Bosco Youth Leadership in Montreal. An invitation to do Confessions in a neighboring Parish has had to be cancelled because of the bad weather. But, when a door closes, a window usually opens. I suddenly have time to share these thoughts with all of you linked to Bosco News! I begin by wishing all of you a Holy & Joy filled Christmas. Be assured of my prayers for all of you at my Christmas Mass.

Souper de l’An Nouveau; confrères de Montréal et Sherbrooke au Camp Savio- 3 jan. 2014.

I was asked to reflect with you on one

element of Salesian Youth Spirituality, namely, “Finding God in Everyday Life.” My sudden change of plans on this Sunday morning is a perfect example of this Salesian approach to our shared Faith Journey. Like St. Joseph in today’s Gospel who suddenly has

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his bride to be “with child” and who has to readjust his life to God’s plans! Such is the first way of finding God in everyday life: to be open in a faith filled way to God’s surprises! In the bigger picture of the world of today, and especially for young people, finding God in everyday life is neither obvious nor easy. I give you an example from our social and cultural milieu here in Montreal. At the Elementary & High School level, our school system now offers a general study of religion rather than a Catholic Catechetical course. This tends to produce a type of confusion & levelling of the whole religious universe. At the level of College and University Education, the Catholic Faith is often unjustly criticized and easily condemned in science, philosophy or sociology courses. Late teens and young adults develop a shyness and discomfort about manifesting their belief. There develops an unconscious suspicion that our Faith is not true & nor relevant. “Finding God in Everyday Life” is therefore no mean feat! It’s almost as if God has been relegated somewhere outside of the real world and daily concern. It is with this type of background that over the past three weeks Fr. Tito Iannaccio & I have been offering what we call here “Faithspace Moments” to the younger Catechism children, the teens and the young adults. For the children a pre-Christmas Mass was celebrated during Catechism time; for the teens and young adults Christmas Prayer Services were offered. In both cases our fundamental message was the Christmas message. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” We tried to insist upon the fundamental truth of our Faith that God “became Man”, that God is “With Us”, that God “came down on earth for us”. All this to hopefully lead the children, teens and young adults to the realization that God is part of Everyday Life, that He is not distant, that God cares. If some of them went home with that belief reinforced, maybe they will be able to start Finding God in Everyday Life! Like Pope Francis invites us in “The Joy of the Gospel”, we also tried to transmit this message of the closeness and relevance of God “with great joy”! The Holy Father writes: “His message brings us joy: “I have said these things to you, so that my

joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11). May we all be joy filled evangelizers in the footsteps of Jesus and Pope Francis. God bless all of you! (R.A.)

=========================== SHERBROOKE. C’est déjà le Nouvel An 2014. Qu’il soit heureux pour chacun et chacune de vous : plein full (pléonasme emprunté aux jeunes et souvent repris par leurs aînés pour « faire jeune »), disons, comblé de santé, de paix, de prospérité et de la joie de vivre!

Camp de pastorale à la RDB -2ème sec.

Vous vous souvenez qu’il fut annoncé que ce no. de NS allait couvrir les événements de novembre et de décembre, vu mon absence prolongée pendant novembre à cause de la rencontre régionale des conseils provinciaux des salésiens coopérateurs à Santo Domingo en République Dominicaine. Vous aurez d’ailleurs l’occasion de lire un narratif assez détaillé dans la prochaine parution de Carrefour Salésien. Pour moi comme pour les deux personnes de Montréal qui m’accompagnaient, Rosa et Pierre, ce fut une expérience inoubliable.

Le 9 novembre se tenait au Centre Salésien des Jeunes à Montréal la 2e session 2013 de la Journée de Spiritualité de la Famille Salésienne. Vous trouvez dans les pages suivantes un récit de cette rencontre, en anglais toutefois, rédigée par le directeur de la communauté de Toronto, le p. John Puntino.

Durant le mois qui précède Noël, les étudiants de la région prennent occasion de la générosité des gens en cette saison pour offrir des produits en vue de financer leurs activités ; je suppose que cette

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Basket - Spartiates Benj AA- allez-y. les boys! pratique a lieu ailleurs aussi. Les camions géants sont venus encore cette année de la Floride avec leurs charges d’oranges et de pamplemousses pour financer les activités étudiantes. Vendredi le 22 novembre, sur l’heure du midi, vous auriez pu voir quelque 12 000 caisses de ces bons fruits juteux bien « cordées » et alignées au gymnase du Salési-

Nos champions au Mont-Tremblant- le 24h en. La distribution se faisait de 16h à 21h - les 4 jeunes aux ordis étaient bien occupés - et le lende- main à 9h. Vers midi, tout était écoulé!! (Sauf, rien n’est parfait en ce monde, quelques personnes qui avaient oublié de venir cueillir leurs « vitamines-soleil »). Il y eut aussi les JMS (stage au Mexique) et leur vente de sapins & couronnes de Noël, les voyageurs de l’Europe de l’Est qui firent plus de 850 tartes aux pommes une fin de semaine,

l’emballage aux épiceries par un autre groupe JMS pour leur stage de bénévolat en Haïti en mars également, etc.

Fête de Noël : ne te fie pas aux apparences!!!

Noël au Salésien prend une couleur

particulière et le vrai sens de la fête demande une préparation dont l’icône pourrait être l’étoile de Bethléem.. Ainsi dans cette optique, le p. Alain a animé une activité pastorale pour chacun des 23 groupes de classes, chacune adaptée à leur niveau. En écrivant ceci, me revient à la mémoire une couple de phrases d’auteurs bien connus au sujet du besoin du surnaturel : « L’astronomie pousse l’âme à regarder vers le haut et nous conduit de ce monde vers un autre » (Platon) – « Pour les catholiques, le surnaturel, c’est le réel.» (Evelyn Waugh) – « Je ressens un besoin terrible… dirais-je… de la religion. Alors je sors dans la nuit et je peins les étoiles » (Vincent Van Gogh)

De son côté la communauté a fait la neuvaine traditionnelle de Noël, non pas chantée sur des airs médiévaux comme autrefois, mais vécue quand même d’une façon significative : c’est une tradition dans toutes les maisons salésiennes du monde. Quelques jours avant lors de notre récollection mensuelle, nous avions étudié et partagé nos réflexions sur la lettre de notre Recteur Majeur, Marie Immaculée et Auxiliatrice.

L’après-midi du dernier jour de classe, le 20 décembre, c’était fête à l’école. Toute une variété de jeux, allant de la chaise musicale à la lutte bouffonne, avaient été organisés par le corps professoral et les étudiants au gymnase et à la Salle Père-Décarie. C’était vraiment atmosphère de fête, d’autant plus

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que les élèves quittaient l’école plus tôt que d’habitude.

Notre arrière-cour : le verglas est passé par ici… Ces derniers temps, débutant quelques jours

avant Noël, Dame Nature s’est montrée plutôt menaçante, nous déversant son verglas en abondance. Toronto fut encore plus touchée que nous en Estrie. Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes furent privées d’électricité, certaines pendant plusieurs jours. Quantité d’arbres furent

« Mon pays, ce n’est pas un pays, c’est l’hiver » Gilles Vigneault

très endommagés, vu le poids de la glace sur les branches. Toutefois pas aussi sévère que le verglas de 1998. Toutes les cérémonies religieuses de Noël ont dû être annulées à la basilique- cathédrale St-Michel par manque d’électricité. Nous sommes allés à l’église Perpétuel-Secours tout près de notre résidence pour la messe du soir le 24; c’était la

messe des enfants. Nous étions heureux de rencontrer et de saluer quelques-uns de nos élèves, anciens et présents.

VARIA : saviez-vous que le nouvel archevêque de Winnipeg, Mgr Richard Gagnon, a déjà servi le petit déjeuner au fr. Marcel Gauthier, alors qu’il était évêque de Victoria, B.C.? En effet, il y a quelques années, les confrères de la communauté de Sherbrooke, nous avions fait notre retraite avec les autres salésiens du Canada à Mission, près de Vancouver. Avant de retourner à Sherbrooke, nous sommes allés visiter Victoria et nous logions à l’évêché de Victoria. Le fr, Marcel, un « lève-tôt » s’est aventuré à la cuisine le lendemain matin et y a trouvé l’évêque qui lui a offert de lui servir le petit déjeuner, ce que notre apprenti-cuisinier accepta volontiers. Bacon & eggs pour notre petit frère. Imaginez! De quoi se vanter pendant toute une vie!

Vive la technologie et vive le sport élite! Philippe Désautels, (Salésien, 3ème sec) a fait son examen en Autriche, supervisé par son enseignante au Québec.

24h Tremblant 2013 : 8 élèves du Salésien participent aux 24h de Tremblant! Le Salésien donne cette année plus de 6300$ aux différentes fondations bénéficiaires.

À tous les lecteurs/trices de NS, nos Meilleurs Vœux du Nouvel An. Que le Seigneur vous accorde santé, prospérité, paix et joie ! (R.T.)


SURREY, B.C. For the meaningful and prayerful month dedicated to the Poor Souls, we honoured their memory with a special Prayer Box that was placed in front of the main altar. The names of our parishioners’ loved ones were placed there and remembered at all the Masses throughout the duration of November. It was very significant when the typhoon hit the Philippines and caused such death and devastation to have our Premier, the Honourable Christy Clark, her son, and Philippine dignitaries choose to join our community for the Sunday Mass on the 10th in respect, unity and spirit over this historical and sad event.

With the return of Fr. Mario (from the Holy Land pilgrimage) and Fr. Gigi from Manila, we honoured the birthday staff with the customary birthday bash and luncheon on the 15th. - 28 new altar servers, under the tutorage of Bro. Jerry, had

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their investiture ceremony during the Youth Mass on the 16th followed by a family reception. - The 9 candidates for the Salesian Cooperators have begun their study and training with the goal of pronouncing their promise on August 8th , 2015 in junction with the anniversary of St. John Bosco.

Christmas Concert Fundraiser at OLGC The Knights of Columbus Christmas Flea

Market was held over the weekend of Nov. 16th in the Don Bosco Gym with a successful attendance. - On the 29th at the Don Bosco Youth Center, the Christmas Concert with two of our church choirs, including OLGC School Choir, and Praise Team Dances, plus a live band presented a 3- hour fund raising show entitled: “Christmas IS the Best Time of the Year.” All proceeds went to OLGC Charity Works. There our variety shows being presented in our surrounding neighbourhood at the Massey Theatre in New Westminster and at Immaculate Conception Parish, Delta, to give meaning and financial assistance to victims of Typhoon Haiyan, and in some small way, help conquer its devastating effects.

Christmas Concert Fundraiser at OLGC

December graced us with snow, colds, crowds of the faithful, Christmas concerts, celebrations and joyful gatherings. The 5 a.m. Simbang Gabi Novena Masses said by Fr. Mario, the solemn singing of Lauds with morning reflection given by Bro. Jerry, the endless opportunities for the sacrament of Reconciliation spearheaded by Fr. John, the attendance by the 50+ Club Seniors at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s Traditional Christmas Concert held at the Bell Auditorium in Surrey, plus, the birthday/Christmas party of the staff for Frs. John and Mario on Dec. 23rd , all added to the hustle and bustle that was part of our tradition here at Our Lady of Good Counsel. The year end New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus helped us to not only usher in 2014 but gave the faithful the opportunity to attend either the 7 or 10 p.m. New Year’s Eve Masses held for our growing community. All the Christmas Eve and Day Masses brought packed services, and the Salesian Community finally sat down together for brunch, prepared by Fr. Jan, around 8:30 pm on Christmas. Certainly, the Christ Child had to be present in all these festive events: after all, it was HIS BIRTHDAY! (J.H.)



MONTRÉAL — Over 40 members of Salesian Family groups gather at Don Bosco Youth Leadership Centre in Montréal for the semi-annual Salesian Family Day. This year’s day of study and prayer focuses on passing on as Salesians the faith received from the Church, Mother of the Faith.

Fr. Richard Authier introduced the day with an explanation of chapter 3 of Pope Francis’ encyclical Lumen Fidei, “I delivered to you what I also received.” The transmission of faith begins in our life when we receive it in Baptism. It grows through the celebration of the sacraments, where “the Church hands down her memory” and finds in its accurate expression in the Creed. It continues in prayer, where “Christians learn to share in Christ’s own spiritual experience” and results in “the unity of the Church in time and space.” What we received, we celebrate, profess, and deepen in prayer.

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Salesian Family Day in Montreal in Nov. Fr. Bob Gagné offered a sweeping view of

spirituality, rooting it in the human experiences of our Lord as he went through the stages of human development. Don Bosco's vocational response to our Lord through the various stages of his life was the spiritual experience that lay at the heart of all that he did. “As Christians committed to live our personal vocation as members of the Salesian family according to the spiritual experience of Don Bosco,” Fr. Bob stated, “we do not have to take on his mission (it would be impossible for many of us) but to live his spirituality. We do not have to do what he did, but be as he was.” In practical terms it means to live in a communion sustained by love, animated by faith, and filled with hope.

The morning session concluded with the participants breaking into French, English, and Spanish language discussion groups to share reflections and apply insights from the presentations to family life and Salesian apostolates.

The warm family atmosphere and socializing over lunch added the oratorian dimensions of home and play-ground to the study atmosphere of the morning. Family sharing then continued after lunch as the group gathered to hear what projects are taking place where Salesian Family members are present. Fr. Richard reported on the recent visit of Fr. Tom Dunne as the Salesian Family in the RDP section of Montréal begins a prayerful reflection on the future development of the work there. Gilles Léonard, father of Fr. Alain, reported on

developments in Sherbrooke. Sr. Ann Hottot, Sr. Alphonsine Roy, and Sr. Francine Guilmette presented the efforts of the Salesian Sisters in Montréal, where Cooperators and ADMA members contribute to the programs with young people, and in Cornwall where, being present for less than three years, efforts are in the direction of becoming known and collaborating with diocesan leaders. Fr. Richard concluded this overview by noting that, though vocations are coming to the SDBs and FMAs, these branches of the Salesian Family will have fewer members. Therefore, the balance in the Salesian Family is shifting to the lay branches as the younger and more powerful forces.

The oratorian day next shifted to “church” as the participants went to the youth centre chapel for a period of Eucharistic adoration during which priests were available for confessions in various languages. Vigil Mass for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time added the finishing touch to a satisfying and well-appreciated Salesian Family Day. (from E-Service, Nov. 14, 2013)


Interview with Fr Pascual Chávez, RM on the 40th anniversary of his Ordination

On 8 December 1973, a young Fr Pascual Chávez was ordained priest in Guadalajara. Forty years later we asked him to share some reflections and experiences with us.

Tell us about your call to Salesian life, the story of your vocation and the significant figures that helped you along the way. Among the key figures, my mother occupies the first place. Two days before she died, when she was

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already very ill, we were chatting and she told me that she had always asked God for a son a priest. I had just asked her to buy me a new pair of shoes and maybe that, more than anything else, was what made me say "Mom, I will be the priest-son you asked for." That's why I have always said that, in addition to shoes, my mother also gave me the most precious gift after the gift of life - the gift of a vocation! My older sister and my father were also important then, because it was to them the Director of my school turned when I told him my intention. Then I remember the many Salesians who accompanied me during initial formation and the Rector Majors who gave me my first positions of responsibility. The list is very long and there are so many good people who have marked my life, that I would risk leaving someone out.

What were the roses and the thorns during these forty years of priesthood? The main rose was the grace of priesthood, Salesian priesthood. It is an unmerited grace, but I felt I had received the Lord’s command, "Do this in memory of me." I was able to make the Eucharist the centre of my life ... I think I never missed daily Mass, even during long journeys. I consider all the sacraments as roses, allowing me to be an administrator of God’s grace and so bring God to others. Other roses are the tasks that were given to me, as Rector of the students of Theology, as Regional Councillor and then eventually as Rector Major. They are an honour and they allowed me to give guidance to the institutions that were entrusted to me. The most painful thorns, however, come from myself, from the times when I lacked consistency. I always remember a passage I read when I was preparing for ordination: "Believe what you celebrate, celebrate what you live, live what you believe." When there is not complete unity between these things, there are thorns. So this celebration of forty years is also an opportunity to ask God's forgiveness. Finally, among the thorns I count the situations in which, as part of my work, I had to deal with human poverty, sometimes psychological or spiritual, where the circumstances demanded certain

responses, even though they were always accompanied by mercy.

What helped you most to live the Salesian vocation and priestly ministry with fidelity? Surely the example of the many confreres, especially missionaries, that I call the "jewel in the crown of the Congregation." I have seen some in extremely life-threatening situations. In those people I recognize saints who lack the proper certification of a miracle. Even here, I could mention many names, but I do not want to forget anyone. There are also the Constitutions. They were of great help in the exercise of government, because they were the criteria that guided me, a mindset for the role I had to fulfil, to interpret Don Bosco as closely as possible in the specific context in which I found myself. There were also the Salesian anniversaries and celebrations which serve to restore dynamism to our spiritual life and to return to our roots.

What was the added value of your Salesian consecration and the presence of Mary in your priestly ministry? The first value is always the figure of Don Bosco. The more we know him, the more we appreciate him and the more we are attracted by him, especially in the major choices he made. He was a revolutionary. He brought a new understanding of ministry and developed a concept of education as a way to bring out the talents of every young person. The preventive system is not only a programme to make young people happy. It is based on trust, and its validity is seen even today by the many people around the world who consider themselves friends of Don Bosco even though they are not Christians! In the case of Mary, like all Mexicans I have a devotion that goes back to when I was a child. Every time I go back to Mexico I visit Guadalupe. It strikes me as the most normal thing in the world to go to my mother’s house. And that led me to dedicate myself to her in a specific way. Every time I go to a Marian shrine I renew this dedication.

Have you a message for the priests of the Congregation and the young people in formation, telling us how we are to live as Salesians today? Today I can say that I have the same joy I had forty years ago, but with greater human, spiritual and charismatic riches. For this reason, I want to share

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some ideas. Firstly, I think it is always necessary to look on the priesthood as a gift from God that has a double value: God calls me and then sends me to serve the people. This is an important element because it helps us to be authentic. I also want to mention that once one is ordained a priest he acts in persona Christi. In other words, Christ acts through him and makes him conform ever more closely to Himself. Recalling the parable of the vine and the branches (Jn 15: 1), the priest must be immersed in the life of Christ. We did not choose him, we were chosen. This relationship is the source of the fruit of our love, which is the only fruit that lasts. Sometimes we confuse the fruits with the activities, but the activities may end. The works may collapse, as they did in Haiti, where in twenty-nine seconds an earthquake destroyed the works that had taken seventy-five years to build. But lives that are lived in love, they are the real fruit! Finally, the joy! The priestly life is a life that brings joy. Don Bosco himself said that joy is the best expression of faith. It does not mean that there will not be problems, but the centre of our faith is the resurrection through which even the cross becomes the greatest joy.

ANS - 06/12/2013


Don Pascual Chavez: 20 déc. John Basso : 26 Dec. Mario Villaraza : 28 Dec. Richard Authier : le 21 janvier Gérard Richard : le 30 janvier (91 ans)


Mike Pace: January 5


Mario Villaraza; Dec. 8 Romano Venturelli: Dec. 21

SALESIAN FEASTS Dec. 5 : Bx Philippe Rinaldi Jan.15: Bienheureux Louis Variara Jan. 22: Bienheureuse Laure Vicuña Jan. 24: SAINT FRANÇOIS DE SALES Jan. 30 : Bienheureux Bronislas Markiewicz Jan. 31: SAINT JEAN BOSCO




Feliz y próspero Año Nuevo!

Auguri per un Anno 2014 pieno di pace e di gioia.

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