notitze chile and argentina

Lieberfeld, D. (2011) Reconciliation-Oriented Leadership: Chilean President ichelle !ac Peace and Conflict, 1", #0#-#2$% ichell !achelet - hi&h de&rees of e'otional self control - e'path - concept al co'ple*it - opti'is' for chan&in& attit des - pra&'atic and non-do&'atic approaches to politics +hese traits helped her brid&e social and political di isions in the a e of iole intrasocietal conflict / RC 3R Cristina wants to be both Mrs. Thatcher, the iron lady, a ‘warrior queen’ whom she confesses she a greatly, and a softer more ethereal presence who speaks of collaboration, dialog reflection. /irchner4s polic of renationali5ation of ener& co'panies http:66 .the&'6co''entisfree620126'a 6026de'ocracies-stop-predator - financiers-ar&entina-boli ia - 7 st after 8r&entina, on 19 8pril, effecti el renationalised P; , its 'ain oil c e*propriatin& $1< o ned b =panish fir' Repsol. !oth critics and s pporters ha e nderstood Cristina ;ern>nde5 /irchner?s and 3 o orales?s actions in ter's of en nationalis' and pop list de'a&o& er . ! t e sho ld see both instead as responses the fail res of pri atisation and its to*ic connection to co'ple* for's of financ spec lation. http:66 .the&'6 orld6200"6dec6116ar&entina.ror carroll - @Ae belie e fir'l in this political pro7ect,@ she said. =he pro'ised to see a soci bet een b sinesses and trade nions and to do @ hat as necessar @ to s stain 8r&enti reco er . - Boters endorsed the presidential 7ob s ap in last 'onth?s election beca se it represe contin it . estor /irchner inherited a co ntr on its nees fro' the 2001 financial econo'ic collapse and as credited ith & idin& it to a s ift reco er . - =o'e anal sts co'pare the econo'ic distortions e'bedded in the reco er to a tic in& bo'b hich co ld detonate another c cle of t r'oil and crises. Def sin& that dan&er re ire to &h decisions. Cristina has retained the b l of her h sband?s cabinet b t fe polic details.

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It contains notes about the two Latin american countries: Chile and Argentina


Lieberfeld, D. (2011) Reconciliation-Oriented Leadership: Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, Peace and Conflict, 17, 303-325;Michell Bachelet high degrees of emotional self control empathy conceptual complexity optimism for changing attitudes pragmatic and non-dogmatic approaches to politics These traits helped her bridge social and political divisions in the wake of violent intrasocietal conflict KIRCHNER Cristina wantsto be both Mrs. Thatcher, the iron lady, a warrior queen whom she confesses she admiresgreatly, and a softer more ethereal presence who speaks of collaboration, dialogue and reflection.Kirchner`s policy of renationalization of energy companies just after Argentina, on 14 April, effectivelyrenationalised YPF, its main oil company, expropriating 51% owned by Spanish firm Repsol. Both critics and supporters have understood Cristina Fernndez Kirchner's and Evo Morales's actions in terms of energy nationalism and populist demagoguery. But we should see both instead as responses to the failures of privatisation and its toxic connection to complex forms of financial speculation. "We believe firmly in this political project," she said. She promised to seek a social pact between businesses and trade unions and to do "what was necessary" to sustain Argentina's recovery. Voters endorsed the presidential job swap in last month's election because it represented continuity. Nestor Kirchner inherited a country on its knees from the 2001 financial and economic collapse and was credited with guiding it to a swift recovery. Some analysts compare the economic distortions embedded in the recovery to a ticking bomb which could detonate another cycle of turmoil and crises. Defusing that danger will require tough decisions. Cristina has retained the bulk of her husband's cabinet but revealed few policy details.Backstory Latin America's macho political order has been shaken up by the election of two female heads of state and next year it may have a third if Paraguay's ruling party selects education minister, Blanca Ovelar, as its candidate. Ruling parties have discovered that women are an effective way to appear more modern. But it is premature to declare a feminist breakthrough. A glass ceiling keeps women under-represented. Once in office there is no guarantee of success. Approval ratings for Michelle Bachelet have slumped and Kirchner swept to the presidency on her husband's coat-tails. In September, Jamaicans voted out Portia Simpson Miller and Guatemala's Rigoberta Mench failed in her presidential bid. Mrs Kirchner has a keen eye for detail and a reputation for sometimes being bossy and quick-tempered. "She's an obsessive and impetuous person who likes everything to be just so," Jose Angel Di Mauro, the author of a book about the first lady, told Reuters. "If you're talking to her and you pick up a book from the coffee table, she'll move it back to exactly where it was beforehand." As senator, Mrs Kirchner drove her husband's legislative agenda through Congress and helped him lobby the courts to prosecute atrocities of the 1976-83 dictatorship. She also became active in causes of her own, especially in defending women's rights.

El ethos de la feminidad tiende a generar empata e identificacin en el auditorio particular integrado por mujeres, gracias al empleo de las expresiones "mis compaeras de gnero" y "mis hermanas de gnero", que connotan una posicin antibiologicista que diferencia el gnero del sexo. Pero en el discurso de lanzamiento de la candidatura esta posicin se acompaa de otra inherente a una doxa biologicista, dado que la oradora, a travs del ethos dicho, se autorrepresenta como mujer del siguiente modo: "Estamos preparadas biolgicamente para soportar el dolor". El parto, connotado en la referencia a la preparacin biolgica de las mujeres para soportar el dolor, remite al estereotipo (AMOSSY, 2010) de la mujer como madre, que se reitera cuando CFK en ese mismo discurso recurre a las mujeres con el siguiente enunciado: "quiero recurrir a mis compaeras de gnero, a las mujeres, formadoras de valores, la primera formadora de valores junto a su hijo" (19-07-07).Estamos preparadas adems funcionalmente para desarrollar actividades en simultneo, en lo pblico y en lo privado, an en las ms altas esferas de decisin, siempre, en simultneo. (19-0707)Nosotras, ciudadanas de dos mundos, como digo yo, siempre en el mundo de lo privado, para el cual fuimos educadas, la familia, la proteccin, los hijos, y en el mundo de lo pblico, al cual hemos decidido acceder para trabajar, para representar o para dirigir, pero siempre con un pie en un mundo y con un pie en el otro, nos da una visn, no solamente de lo grande que es lo pblico, sino de lo pequeo, del detalle que es la familia, lo privado.En el discurso pronunciado en el acto de presentacin de la frmula oficialista, el tramo en el que la oradora construye el "nosotras, las mujeres" comienza tematizando su propuesta de concertacin para superar "viejas antinomias, falsos dilemas, falsas contradicciones" y finaliza con una apelacin a la articulacin de los intereses de "los trabajadores, clases medias, empresarios, intelectuales". De esta manera, la imagen que CFK construye de s en ese discurso como parte de las mujeres que son articuladoras de mundos diferentes, funciona como reaseguro de que ella es capaz de llevar a la prctica la superacin de falsos dilemas y lograr la concertacin y la unin de los diversos sectores que componen la sociedad argentina.En primer lugar, se destaca que al construir el ethos de la feminidad, CFK apela al estereotipo de la mujer como vctima:Todas sabemos que la vida es difcil, pero cuando se es mujer es mucho ms difcil todava, en la Profesin, en la Poltica, en la Empresa, en el Trabajo, en todo siempre es ms difcil. (19-07-07)