notice paper - file(notice given 21 september 2010. notice will be removed...

1393 * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 2008-2009-2010 NOTICE PAPER No. 76 THURSDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 The Assembly meets this day at 10 am ___________________________________ EXECUTIVE BUSINESS Notices *1 MR STANHOPE: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Territory Records Act 2002, and for other purposes. (Notice given 22 September 2010). *2 MR CORBELL: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Criminal Code 2002. (Notice given 22 September 2010). *3 MR CORBELL: To present a Bill for an Act to amend legislation because of the enactment of the Liquor Act 2010, and for other purposes. (Notice given 22 September 2010). ___________________________________

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Page 1: NOTICE PAPER - file(Notice given 21 September 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting


* Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time





The Assembly meets this day at 10 am




*1 MR STANHOPE: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Territory Records Act 2002, and for other purposes. (Notice given 22 September 2010).

*2 MR CORBELL: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Criminal Code 2002. (Notice given 22 September 2010).

*3 MR CORBELL: To present a Bill for an Act to amend legislation because of the enactment of the Liquor Act 2010, and for other purposes. (Notice given 22 September 2010).


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1394 No. 76—23 September 2010



1 MR HANSON: To move—That:

(1) this Assembly notes:

(a) that the ACT Government abandoned its proposal to purchase Calvary Public Hospital in February 2010 after 18 months of negotiations with the Little Company of Mary;

(b) that the process followed by the Minister for Health was flawed and caused significant aggravation to the community; and

(c) the Minister for Health has proposed four new options for future ownership and management arrangements of Calvary Public Hospital;

(2) this Assembly refer the four new Calvary Hospital options to the Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services for consideration;

(3) the committee evaluate the relative merits of the four options presented by the Minister for Health, including the financial and health impacts of the options;

(4) as appropriate, the committee identify and evaluate any further options available for Calvary Hospital that have not been presented by the Minister; and

(5) the committee report back to the Assembly by the last sitting day in March 2011. (Notice given 21 September 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

2 MR CORBELL: To move—That:

(1) the annual and financial reports for the calendar year 2010 and the financial year 2009–2010 presented to the Assembly pursuant to the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004 stand referred to the standing committees, on presentation, in accordance with the schedule below;

(2) the annual reports of ACT Policing and the ACT Legislative Assembly Secretariat stand referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety and Standing Committee on Public Accounts respectively;

(3) notwithstanding standing order 229, only one standing committee may meet for the consideration of the inquiry into the calendar year 2010 and financial year 2009–2010 annual and financial reports at any given time; and

(4) the foregoing provisions of this resolution have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the standing orders.

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No. 76—23 September 2010 1395

Annual Report

Reporting area Ministerial Portfolio Standing Committee

ACT Auditor-General Chief Minister Public Accounts ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority

Minister for Education and Training

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

ACT Electoral Commission

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

ACT Gambling and Racing Commission

Minister for Gaming and Racing

Public Accounts

ACT Government Procurement Board

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Public Accounts

ACT Health Minister for Health Health, Community and Social Services

ACT Human Rights Commission

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

ACT Insurance Authority

Treasurer Public Accounts

ACT Insurance Authority

Office of the Nominal Defendant of the ACT

Treasurer Public Accounts

ACT Legislative Assembly Secretariat

Speaker Public Accounts

ACT Long Service Leave Authority

Minister for Industrial Relations

Public Accounts

ACT Ombudsman Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

ACT Planning and Land Authority

Minister for Planning Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

ACT Policing Minister for Police and Emergency Services

Justice and Community Safety

ACT Public Cemeteries Authority

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

ACTEW Corporation Limited

Treasurer Public Accounts

ACTTAB Ltd Treasurer Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

ACT Executive Chief Minister Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

Arts Policy, Advice and Programs (including Arts ACT)

Minister for the Arts and Heritage

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Chief Minister’s Department

Business and Economic Development

Minister for Business and Economic Development

Public Accounts

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1396 No. 76—23 September 2010

Annual Report

Reporting area Ministerial Portfolio Standing Committee

Chief Minister’s Department

Industrial Relations Policy

Minister for Industrial Relations

Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

Default Insurance Fund

Minister for Industrial Relations

Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

Work Safety Council

Minister for Industrial Relations

Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

Tourism Policy and Services (including Australian Capital Tourism)

Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation

Public Accounts

Canberra Institute of Technology

Minister for Education and Training

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Commissioner for Public Administration

Chief Minister Public Accounts

Cultural Facilities Corporation

Minister for the Arts and Heritage

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Disability and Therapy Services Housing ACT Community Development and Policy

Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services

Health, Community and Social Services

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Community Affairs—Ageing

Minister for Ageing Health, Community and Social Services

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Community Affairs—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs

Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs

Health, Community and Social Services

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Community Affairs—Women

Minister for Women Health, Community and Social Services

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Community Affairs—Multicultural Affairs

Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Health, Community and Social Services

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Office of Children, Youth and Family Services

Minister for Children and Young People

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services

Official Visitor—Children and Young People Act 2008

Minister for Children and Young People

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Department of Education and Training

Minister for Education and Training

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

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No. 76—23 September 2010 1397

Annual Report

Reporting area Ministerial Portfolio Standing Committee

Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water

Conservator of Flora and Fauna

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

Climate Change, Environment and Water

Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

Climate Change, Environment and Water

Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water

Environment Protection Authority

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

Climate Change, Environment and Water

Department of Justice and Community Safety

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

Department of Justice and Community Safety

Emergency Services Agency

Minister for Police and Emergency Services

Justice and Community Safety

Department of Land and Property Services

Minister for Land and Property Services

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Animal Welfare Authority

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

ACTION Minister for Transport Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Road Services Transport Policy and Regulation

Minister for Transport Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services (moved to CMD from 1/7/2010)

ACT Heritage Council

Minister for the Arts and Heritage

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Director of Territory Records

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Public Accounts

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Shared Services Minister for Territory and Municipal Services

Public Accounts

Department of Treasury

Treasurer Public Accounts

Director of Public Prosecutions

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

Exhibition Park Corporation

Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation

Public Accounts

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

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1398 No. 76—23 September 2010

Annual Report

Reporting area Ministerial Portfolio Standing Committee

Land Development Agency Minister for Land and

Property Services Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Legal Aid Commission (ACT)

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

Climate Change, Environment and Water

Public Advocate of the ACT

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

Public Trustee for the ACT

Attorney-General Justice and Community Safety

Rhodium Asset Solutions

Treasurer Public Accounts

Totalcare Industries Treasurer Public Accounts

University of Canberra Minister for Education and Training

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Victims of Crime Support Program Attorney-General Justice and Community


(Notice given 21 September 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

3 MR SMYTH: To move—That the report from the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission entitled Report of Investigation: Proposed sale of the Canberra Labor Club Group be referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts for inquiry and report. (Notice given 23 March 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 2 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

Orders of the day

1 LEGAL AFFAIRS—STANDING COMMITTEE (SIXTH ASSEMBLY)—REPORT 8—ACT FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ARRANGEMENTS—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 16 June 2009—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

2 ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURE—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 1—THE MERIT OF APPOINTING A PARLIAMENTARY BUDGET OFFICER—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 20 August 2009—Mr Corbell) on the motion of Mrs Dunne—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

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No. 76—23 September 2010 1399

3 ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURE—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 2—LATIMER HOUSE PRINCIPLES—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 20 August 2009—Ms Hunter) on the motion of Ms Bresnan—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

4 CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENT AND WATER—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 2—INQUIRY INTO ACT GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION TARGETS—INTERIM REPORT—SEPTEMBER 2009—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 15 September 2009—Mr Hargreaves) on the motion of Ms Hunter—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

5 EDUCATION, TRAINING AND YOUTH AFFAIRS—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 2—SCHOOL CLOSURES AND REFORM OF THE ACT EDUCATION SYSTEM 2006—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 17 September 2009—Mr Doszpot) on the motion of Ms Bresnan—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

6 JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 2—INQUIRY INTO THE CRIMES (MURDER) AMENDMENT BILL 2008—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 17 September 2009—Mr Corbell) on the motion of Mrs Dunne—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

7 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT—STANDING COMMITTEE (SIXTH ASSEMBLY)—REPORT 29—ACTION BUSES AND THE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT PLAN—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 15 October 2009—Ms Bresnan) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly takes note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

8 STANDING ORDER 156—EXCLUSION OF MINISTERS FROM DEBATE: Resumption of debate (from 25 March 2010—Ms Le Couteur) on the motion of Mrs Dunne—That Ms Gallagher (Treasurer) and Mr Barr (Minister for Gaming and Racing be excluded from this debate, in accordance with standing order 156, on the basis that they have staff who are members of the executive committee of the ALP in the ACT, which is subject to the inquiry and the motion being dealt with today.

9 EDUCATION, TRAINING AND YOUTH AFFAIRS—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 3—INQUIRY INTO THE EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT GAP IN THE ACT—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 6 May 2010—Mr Barr) on the motion of Ms Bresnan—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

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1400 No. 76—23 September 2010

10 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 6—REVIEW OF AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT NO. 7 OF 2008: PROPOSAL FOR A GAS-FIRED POWER STATION AND DATA CENTRE—SITE SELECTION PROCESS—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 6 May 2010—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly take note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

11 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT—STANDING COMMITTEE (SIXTH ASSEMBLY)—REPORT 34—INQUIRY INTO THE NAMADGI NATIONAL PARK DRAFT PLAN OF MANAGEMENT—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 6 May 2010—Ms Bresnan) on the motion of Mr Stanhope—That the Assembly take note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

12 LEGAL AFFAIRS—STANDING COMMITTEE (SIXTH ASSEMBLY)—REPORT 7—STRICT AND ABSOLUTE LIABILITY OFFENCES—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 6 May 2010—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Mr Barr—That the Assembly take note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

13 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 5—REVIEW OF AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT NO. 4 OF 2008: MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC HOUSING—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 6 May 2010—Mr Coe) on the motion of Ms Burch—That the Assembly take note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

14 HEALTH, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 2—ACCESS TO PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 22 June 2010—Ms Bresnan) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly take note of the paper. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

15 CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENT AND WATER—STANDING COMMITTEE—REPORT 4—INQUIRY INTO ACT GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION TARGETS—MOTION THAT REPORT BE NOTED: Resumption of debate (from 24 August 2010—Mr Corbell) on the motion of Ms Hunter—That the report be noted. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)


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Orders of the day

1 ROAD TRANSPORT (GENERAL) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Minister for Transport): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2010—Mrs Dunne).

2 JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2010 (NO. 3): (Attorney-General): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2010—Mrs Dunne).

3 CRIMES (BILL POSTING) AMENDMENT BILL 2008: (Minister for Territory and Municipal Services): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 February 2009).

4 CLIMATE CHANGE AND GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION BILL 2010: (Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2010—Mr Rattenbury).

5 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (PUBLIC NOTIFICATION) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Minister for Planning): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2010—Mr Seselja).

6 WORKING WITH VULNERABLE PEOPLE (BACKGROUND CHECKING) BILL 2010: (Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2010—Mrs Dunne).

7 ACT LIGHT RAIL—PROPOSAL TO INFRASTRUCTURE AUSTRALIA—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 16 June 2009—Ms Bresnan) on the motion of Mr Stanhope—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

8 COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT ACT—STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT 2007-08—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 16 June 2009—Mr Rattenbury) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

9 WORLD REFUGEE DAY 2009—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 16 June 2009—Mr Seselja) on the motion of Mr Hargreaves—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

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1402 No. 76—23 September 2010

10 ANNUAL REPORTS (GOVERNMENT AGENCIES) ACT—CHIEF MINISTER'S 2007-2010 ANNUAL REPORT DIRECTIONS—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 23 June 2009—Ms Hunter) on the motion of Mr Stanhope—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

11 THE CANBERRA PLAN—TOWARDS OUR SECOND CENTURY—REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 23 June 2009—Ms Hunter) on the motion of Mr Stanhope—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

12 POSITIVE AGEING—DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 25 June 2009—Mrs Dunne) on the motion of Mr Hargreaves—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

13 2003 CANBERRA BUSHFIRES—MCLEOD REPORT AND DOOGAN CORONIAL INQUIRY—GOVERNMENT AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS—IMPLEMENTATION REPORT—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 18 August 2009—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.


15 HUMAN RIGHTS ACT—FIRST FIVE YEARS OF OPERATION—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 18 August 2009—Mr Rattenbury) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

16 CAPITAL WORKS 2008-2009 PROGRAM OUTCOME—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 27 August 2009—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

17 GENERAL PRACTICE AND SUSTAINABLE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: THE WAY FORWARD—FINAL REPORT—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 8 December 2009—Mr Hanson) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

18 ACT YOUNG PEOPLE'S PLAN 2009-2014—PAPERS—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPERS: Resumption of debate (from 8 December 2009—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Ms Burch—That the Assembly takes note of the papers.

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No. 76—23 September 2010 1403

19 2010 NATIONAL MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 9 February 2010—Mrs Dunne) on the motion of Mr Barr—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

20 2009-2010 BUDGET—BUDGET REVIEW—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 11 February 2010—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Ms Gallagher—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

21 COMMISSIONER FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT—REPORT ON ACT LOWLAND NATIVE GRASSLAND INVESTIGATION—GOVERNMENT RESPONSE—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 16 March 2010—Mr Rattenbury) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.




1 MS PORTER: To move—That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

(a) the importance of supporting organ and tissue donation;

(b) that around 1700 Australians are waiting for a life-saving or life-improving transplant at any one time; and

(c) that one organ and tissue donor can save the lives of up to ten people and significantly improve the lives of dozens more; and

(2) supports Organ Donor Awareness Week. (Notice given 25 February 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 1 sitting week – standing order 125A).

2 MS PORTER: To move—That this Assembly notes:

(1) that the latest Real Estate Institute of Australia data for the September quarter 2009 shows that the ACT is again the most affordable of any Australian jurisdiction for both home buyers and renters; and

(2) the crucial role played by community housing providers and members of the building and construction industry, in partnership with Government, in helping to maintain this enviable status. (Notice given 25 February 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 1 sitting week – standing order 125A).

3 MR HARGREAVES: To move—That this Assembly calls on the Shadow Minister for Health, Mr Jeremy Hanson MLA, to correct the record and apologise to the people of Canberra for inaccurate statements he has made in relation to a number of matters in relation to the health portfolio, including, but not limited to:

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1404 No. 76—23 September 2010

(1) the number of general practitioners practising in the ACT;

(2) emergency department waiting times;

(3) hospital bed numbers in the ACT;

(4) the proposed purchase of the Calvary Hospital; and

(5) services at Canberra’s public hospitals. (Notice given 23 March 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 2 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

4 MR HARGREAVES: To move—That this Assembly:

(1) commends ACT ambulance officers on again receiving the endorsement of the community as the most trusted profession in Canberra;

(2) notes the significant:

(a) investment the ACT Government is making in ACT ambulance resources to help meet increasing community demand for ambulance services; and

(b) level of interest in the most recent call for applications to work in the ACT ambulance service; and

(3) commends the ACT Government for its cooperative approach with the union representing ACT ambulance officers in achieving a 21% increase in base pay rates through the recent work value process with Fair Work Australia. (Notice given 29 June 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 5 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

5 MR COE: To move—That this Assembly:

(1) notes that the Auditor-General released a report entitled Delivery of ACTION Bus Services which included the following findings:

(a) the activities of ACT Government agencies involved in the delivery of public transport were not well coordinated;

(b) the Department of Territory and Municipal Services has not fully complied with key legislation including the ACT Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001 and regulations, the Minimum Service Standards for Bus Services, the ACT Discrimination Act 1991 and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992;

(c) ACTION’s ability to improve services and provide the ACT Government with sound advice on meeting current and future needs for public bus services in the ACT was impeded due to poor data management practices;

(d) there were no performance indicators or standards established for the reliability of bus services to guide ACTION’s operations and to increase its accountability;

(e) the data used for Service Delivery Reports is inaccurate and incomplete;

(f) ACTION did not report bus accidents to the Road Transport Authority as required by legislation;

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(g) ACTION was unable to supply documentation to confirm that daily pre-departure bus checks were conducted by bus drivers;

(h) there were no formal processes or policies in place to provide scheduled refresher courses for ACTION’s drivers to update their knowledge and driving skills, or to refresh and develop their skills in other aspects of safety, security and customer service;

(i) ACTION has not prepared procedures for operations of its closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) on buses, to ensure protection of the privacy of the individual and prevention of possible misuse of the CCTVs; and

(j) plans to introduce a replacement ticketing system have been frequently delayed;

(2) notes:

(a) in 2009-2010, the total cost per passenger rose by 8.4% to $6.30 per voyage;

(b) the ACTION subsidy is approximately $80 million; and

(c) the on-going delays in the implementation of a new ticketing system; and

(3) calls on the Government to:

(a) work with all transport stakeholders, including but not limited to, industry associations, unions, operators, passengers and each party in the Assembly to develop a plan to increase bus patronage through making bus travel more appealing rather than making driving and parking more difficult; and

(b) advise the Assembly by 30 September 2010:

(i) when all the recommendations in the Auditor-General’s report will be implemented;

(ii) the date the new ticketing system will be operational and the total revenue forgone as a result of the existing faulty ticket machines;

(iii) when the recently announced expanded Nightrider service will be operational, who will deliver the service and at what cost; and

(iv) when Network 2010 will be released. (Notice given 21 September 2010. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks – standing order 125A).

Orders of the day

*1 GAMING MACHINE (PROBLEM GAMBLING ASSISTANCE) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Ms Hunter) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 22 September 2010—Mr Barr).

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1406 No. 76—23 September 2010

2 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (MEMBERS' STAFF) AMENDMENT BILL 2008 (NO. 2): (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 December 2008—Mr Stanhope).

3 CLIMATE CHANGE (GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS TARGETS) BILL 2008 (NO 2): (Mr Seselja) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 December 2008—Mr Corbell).

4 DUTIES (FIRST HOME OWNER EXEMPTION) AMENDMENT BILL 2008: (Mr Seselja) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 December 2008—Ms Gallagher).

5 AUDITOR-GENERAL AMENDMENT BILL 2009: (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 24 June 2009—Ms Le Couteur).

6 GAMING MACHINE (SUSPENSION OF TRANSFERS) AMENDMENT BILL 2009: (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2009—Ms Gallagher).

7 EMERGENCIES (ESA) AMENDMENT BILL 2009: (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 26 August 2009—Mr Corbell).

8 EMERGENCIES (BUSHFIRE REPORTING) AMENDMENT BILL 2009: (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 16 September 2009—Mr Corbell).

9 EDUCATION (SUSPENSIONS) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Mr Doszpot) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 February 2010—Mr Barr).

10 EMERGENCIES (BUSHFIRE WARNINGS) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Mr Smyth) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 24 March 2010—Mr Corbell).

11 INFRASTRUCTURE CANBERRA BILL 2010: (Mr Seselja) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 24 March 2010—Mr Stanhope).

12 ENERGY POLICIES—LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS: Resumption of debate (from 24 March 2010—Ms Gallagher) on the motion of Mr Rattenbury—That this Assembly:

(1) recognises:

(a) the importance of reducing the ACT’s greenhouse emissions as part of the global and national effort to tackle climate change;

(b) that policies designed to reduce greenhouse emissions, and the impact of climate change, may disproportionately impact on low income households;

(c) that approximately 19% of ACT households are considered to be low income; and

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(d) that the rising costs of energy will disproportionately affect low income households;

(2) notes:

(a) the 2008 report Social Impacts of Climate Change in the ACT issued by the ACT Government;

(b) the public housing energy efficiency program; and

(c) the successful operation of the Water and Energy Savings in the Territory (WEST) program; and

(3) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) undertake poverty impact assessments for all energy policies and programs and include amelioration measures to address equity in these proposals;

(b) ensure that the community sector is adequately resourced to advocate on behalf of low income households on emerging energy policy issues such as deregulated pricing, time of use tariffs and National Energy Market consultations;

(c) review the criteria for the energy concessions program every five years in view of the changing impacts of rising electricity and gas prices on energy poverty;

(d) increase the energy concession to a level commensurate with energy price increases and establish a mechanism by which percentage increases in energy prices are automatically applied to the energy concession each year;

(e) consider extending the methodology of the WEST program to other low income families;

(f) ensure that low income and other vulnerable households are specifically targeted in all energy efficiency policies and programs implemented by the ACT Government; and

(g) report back to the Legislative Assembly on progress on the above by September 2010.

And on the amendments moved by Mr Corbell—

(1) Omit paragraph (1)(c), substitute:

“(c) that approximately 22 000 households in the ACT receive the energy concession; and”.

(2) Insert new paragraphs (2)(d) and (e):

“(d) that the community sector is resourced to advocate on behalf of low income households on energy policy issues; and

(e) that the ACT Government Sustainable Energy Policy 2010-2020 is due for release in mid-2010 and that the policy is seeking to address assistance for low income and vulnerable energy customers as part of Outcome Five: Maintain Equity; and”.

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(3) Omit paragraph (3), substitute:

“(3) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) develop a triple bottom line assessment tool that builds on the Government’s previous work on poverty impact analysis;

(b) report back to the Legislative Assembly on progress on the above by September 2010; and

(c) ensure that the financial impact of clean energy policy on low income and vulnerable energy customers is minimised.”.

And on the amendment moved by Mr Seselja to Mr Corbell’s amendment—Omit paragraph (3)(c), substitute:

“(c) ensure that the financial impact of clean energy policy on low and middle income and vulnerable energy customers is minimised.”. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 2 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

13 MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AREAS: Resumption of debate (from 24 March 2010—Mr Stanhope) on the motion of Mr Seselja—That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

(a) the important role that the ACT Government:

(i) has in maintaining the look of Canberra; and

(ii) should be playing within local communities to maintain streetscapes, local shops and to provide basic services to the community;

(b) the importance of local shopping precincts to local communities within the ACT;

(c) the Government’s bungled program to refurbish local shops; and

(d) the significant impact that delays and poor timing of this bungled program has had on small businesses at local shopping centres, especially outdoor cafes; and

(2) calls on the Government to:

(a) immediately:

(i) reassess the timing of its bungled program to refurbish local shops to ensure that it has a minimal impact on business; and

(ii) address basic maintenance issues with local services and within community facilities and local shops, such as lifting and uneven pavers, inadequate and broken lighting and graffiti; and

(b) more efficiently manage funds within the Department of Territory and Municipal Services to allow the department to undertake adequate maintenance of public areas, including local shops, around Canberra each year. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 2 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

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14 RADIATION PROTECTION (TANNING UNITS) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Ms Bresnan) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 5 May 2010—Mrs Dunne).

15 COMPANION ANIMALS: Resumption of debate (from 23 June 2010—Mr Hargreaves) on the motion of Ms Porter—That this Assembly:

(1) recognises the need for guidelines for the breeding and selling of companion animals in the ACT; and

(2) welcomes the ACT Government’s steps to develop a mandatory code for the breeding and selling of animals in the ACT. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 4 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

16 REVIEW OF PUBLIC MATERNITY UNITS: Resumption of debate (from 18 August 2010—Mr Hargreaves) on the motion of Mr Hanson—That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

(a) that the Review of Public Maternity Units in the ACT released on 5 August 2010:

(i) has provided a damning report on the management of The Canberra Hospital (TCH), including a lack of cohesion amongst the executive team and considerable confusion over roles and functions of senior management;

(ii) found that reporting lines between TCH and ACT Health were ‘blurred’ and that the ‘chain of command often fails’;

(iii) has found that numerous serious complaints made by staff were not addressed and that their complaints were ignored in a ‘systematic and long-standing reticence by management to address disruptive or inappropriate behaviour’, and that ‘most staff interviews indicated that they had tried to raise issues about clinician behaviour with various managers, but had not been able to effect change’;

(iv) has found serious concerns within the obstetrics department of TCH, including:

(A) inadequate clinical governance;

(B) significant staff shortages;

(C) a heavy on load call inconsistent with the safe working hours concept;

(D) poorly coordinated clinical handover between shifts; and

(E) significant reductions in genealogical surgery;

(b) that with regard to the obstetrics department, urgent action is required for the hospital to retain its high clinical standard;

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(c) that as late as February 2010, the Minister and senior ACT Health officials repeatedly denied that there were any problems at TCH or that any complaints had been made;

(d) that the Minister attacked the doctors who raised the serious concerns accusing them of ‘doctor politics’ and ‘mud slinging’;

(e) that the Minister and Chief Minister attempted to intimidate the doctors who raised the serious concerns by threatening to audit all complaints to the medical board over the past 10 years that involve obstetricians;

(f) that the clinical review into obstetrics and the review into bullying were only reluctantly established by the Government after significant pressure from the media and the Opposition;

(g) that despite the review finding that numerous complaints were made by staff and that they were ‘systematically’ ignored by TCH management, the Minister refused to accept any responsibility and blamed the staff for not having made complaints, stating on 9 August 2010 that ‘you can’t investigate allegations that don’t exist’; and

(h) that significant concerns remain in the community and amongst staff that the Minister and/or senior bureaucrats have, through their actions and misleading statements, attempted to cover up the serious problems at TCH that are addressed in the report; and

(2) calls on the Minister to:

(a) apologise in writing to all obstetrics staff employed at TCH in the last three years for her and ACT Health’s failure to adequately address their concerns and for her ongoing attacks on their credibility;

(b) apologise to the Assembly and to the community by the close of business on 19 August 2010 for her repeated misleading statements that no complaints had been made and that there were no issues that needed to be addressed in obstetrics at TCH; and

(c) ensure that the bullying review is released in full, with only personal information deleted, to ensure that staff at TCH and the public have confidence that the Minister and senior ACT Health bureaucrats are not continuing to ignore serious allegations of poor conduct at TCH.

And on the amendment moved by Ms Hunter—Omit all words after “notes”, substitute:

“all findings and recommendations from the ‘Review of Service Delivery and Clinical Outcomes at Public Maternity Units in the Australian Capital Territory’ released on 5 August 2010; and

(2) calls on: (a) all Members of this Assembly to respect the Public Interest Disclosure

Act 1994; and

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(b) the Chief Executive of ACT Health to seek the assistance of the Work Safety Commissioner in ensuring ACT Health has in the medium to long term best-practice policies for preventing against bullying and harassment in ACT Health workplaces.”. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 6 sitting weeks – standing order 152A.)

17 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (DEATH REVIEW) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Ms Hunter) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 25 August 2010—Ms Burch).

18 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (APPOINTMENTS) AMENDMENT BILL 2010: (Mr Seselja) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 25 August 2010—Ms Gallagher).



On the first sitting day of a period of sittings a complete Notice Paper is published containing all unanswered questions. On subsequent days, only new and redirected or revised questions are included on the Notice Paper.

Unanswered questions

973, 1039, 1040, 1047, 1049, 1050, 1054, 1055, 1057, 1058, 1071-1084, 1086, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1092-1099, 1102-1105, 1107-1114, 1116-1173, 1176-1190.

New questions

(30 days expires 23 October 2010)

*1191 MR RATTENBURY: To ask the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services— (1) How often is the Declaration of Pest Plants and Animals updated.

(2) What is the mechanism by which nurseries receive information about plants that are not permitted to be sold in the ACT.

(3) How often do nurseries receive updated information about plants that are not permitted to be sold in the ACT.

(4) What measures does the ACT Government undertake to ensure nurseries comply with the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005.

(5) Does the ACT Government undertake inspections of nurseries to ensure they are not breaching the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005; if so, how often.

(6) Can the Minister provide a list of nurseries that have been inspected and the dates on which inspections have taken place.

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(7) How many nurseries have been found to have been in breach of the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 by selling prohibited species at their nurseries since the Act has been in operation.

(8) What notifications of breach and/or penalties have ensued and can the Minister provide the dates and names of nurseries where a notification of a breach has been issued or a penalty has been applied.

(9) Were any nurseries charged with offences under the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 when it was discovered in April 2010 that Mexican Feather Grass had been sold at ACT nurseries.

(10) How does the Government prevent the importation of weeds from interstate.

*1192 MR RATTENBURY: To ask the Attorney-General— (1) In relation to the potential extension of restorative justice to adult offenders

and the Government response to recommendation 16 of Report 4 from the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety entitled Report on Annual and Financial Reports 2008-2009 and given that the Government response stated, in part, that “the Government has considered options to expand the scheme to adults as resources permit”, what options have been considered.

(2) Given that the Government response also stated, in part, that “it is not appropriate to make public deliberations in relation to this matter”, what are the reasons that make it inappropriate for deliberations on the options to be made public.

(3) In relation to answers provide to questions Nos 352 and 353 taken on notice during the Estimates hearings for the 2010-11 Budget which read, in part, that “a full expansion to adult offenders was originally estimated to result in doubling the number of total referrals … there is no reason to believe that this is still not the case” and that “the restorative justice unit’s budget for 2009-10 was $602 664 … in addition, ACT Policing funds one convenor position to conduct conferences for police referrals … the cost to ACT Policing is $103 348”, from the figures provided and using the assumption that an expansion to adult offenders would double the number of referrals, is $706 012 one potential additional annual cost involved in such an expansion, for example, cost of doubling the resourcing of existing restorative justice unit plus cost of an additional convenor position.

(4) Has the Government considered any other expansion models that would result in less than a doubling of referrals; if so, what are those options; if not, why not.

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*1193 MR RATTENBURY: To ask the Attorney-General— (1) In relation to the annual funding provided to the Victims of Crime

Coordinator since the Victims of Crime Act 1994 commenced and noting that prior to 2005-06 the total annual funding provided was not reported in the annual reports for the Victims of Crime Support Program, does the Government have records of the total amount of funding provided to the Victims of Crime Coordinator from when the Act commenced in December 1994 until the financial year 2004-05; if so, what are the total annual figures for the 11 intervening financial years; if not, why not.

(2) If the Government does not hold the records referred to in part (1), was the Coordinator funded part of a larger organisation and can the Minister indicate what proportion of the total funding went to the Coordinator; if so, what was the total figure provided to the larger organisation and what proportion went to the Coordinator; if the Government does not have those records, why not.

(3) Does the Government have records of the number of staff employed by the Coordinator for each financial year since 1994; if so, what are the annual employment figures for the Coordinator; if not, why not.

(4) Since the creation of the Victims Services Scheme in the Act in 1998, has the amount of services provided to victims under the scheme been quantified in a monetary sense on an annual basis; if so, what are the annual figures and are those figures counted as part of the total funding provided to the Coordinator; if the Government does not have those records, why not.

*1194 MR RATTENBURY: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water— (1) Has the Government undertaken any cost benefit analysis of the provision of

non-potable water to Molonglo households, including the option of building a third pipeline; if so, who undertook this cost benefit analysis and when.

(2) What different options were modelled in any cost benefit analysis.

(3) What were the key scenarios that were included in any modelling that was undertaken.

(4) Can the Minister provide any cost benefit analysis that has been undertaken.

*1195 MRS DUNNE: To ask the Minister for Children and Young People— (1) Given that in the ACT Labor 2008 Election Policy, Children and Young

People, page 6, the Stanhope Government promised to provide $800 000 over four years to “create a dedicated service run by a non�government organisation to provide information, advice and support to grandparents and kinship carers who are caring for children”, has the Government “created a dedicated service run by a non-government organisation”; if so, (a) what is the name of the service, (b) when did the Government create it, (c) what is the name of the non-government organisation running the service, (d) when was the non-government organisation appointed to run the service, (e) when did the non-government organisation begin to provide information, advice and support to grandparent and kinship carers, (f) what quantum of funding did the Government provide to the non-government organisation, (g) when did

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the Government provide that funding and (h) what procurement process did the Government employ.

(2) If the Government has not created the dedicated service run by a non-government organisation referred to in part (1), (a) why not, (b) when will the Government create the service, (c) when will the government appoint a non-government organisation to run the service, (d) what funding has the Government budgeted to be provided to the non-government organisation for the purpose and (e) what procurement process will the Government employ.

(3) During the period (a) October 2008 to 30 June 2009 and (b) 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010, (i) what was the total quantum of funding that the ACT Government provided to non-government organisations to provide information advice and support for grandparents and kinship carers who are caring for children, (ii) what are the names of the non-government organisations that received that funding, (iii) what quantum of funding did the Government provide to each organisation, (iv) what was the stated purpose of the funding provided for each organisation, (v) on what dates did the Government make the funding payments and (vi) what procurement process did the Government employ.

(4) During the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, (a) what is the total quantum of funding that the Government has budgeted to be provided to non-government organisations to provide information advice and support for grandparents and kinship carers who are caring for children, (b) of the budgeted figure referred to in part (4)(a), what is the total quantum of funding that the Government has paid to non-government organisations to date, (c) what are the names of the non-government organisations that received that funding, (d) what quantum of funding did the Government provide to each organisation, (e) what was the stated purpose of the funding provided for each organisation, (f) on what dates did the Government make the funding payments and (g) what procurement process did the Government employ.

*1196 MRS DUNNE: To ask the Treasurer— (1) Who was awarded the construction contracts for the Stromlo water treatment

plant and what procurement processes were followed.

(2) On what date was the completed Stromlo water treatment plant commissioned into service.

(3) What is/was the warranty period for the project.

(4) Given that page 47, Section 9.1 of the Design Brief for the project requires “All concrete water retaining tanks, shall include an approved protective coating or lining over the complete internal surface and splash zones for corrosion/erosion protection and ease of maintenance”, what (a) material, extent of coverage and application method was envisaged by the design brief; and (b) was the projected cost of the protective/epoxy coating including its application.

(5) At what point, including the date, was the decision made to recommend that the design brief, criteria, standards or scope of works for the Stromlo water treatment plant be varied to exclude the protective/epoxy coating component and why was that recommendation made.

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(6) Who authorised adoption of the recommendation referred to in part (5) and why was the authorisation given.

(7) Was the quality of the water taken into account in the decision making.

(8) Was experience at the Googong water treatment plant taken into consideration in the decision making.

(9) As a result of removing the requirement for a protective coating from the contract, (a) how much money was saved in the final approved total project budget, (b) how much construction and completion time was saved and (c) were the construction contracts varied in any way as to cost, time to complete, bonuses, other incentives or warranty arrangements; if so, to what extent in each area mentioned; if not, why not.

(10) After the Stromlo water treatment plant was commissioned into service, (a) how frequently were inspections made as to the integrity of the construction and maintenance requirements and (b) when was the first inspection made.

(11) How many of the inspections and/or reports identify any deterioration in the construction integrity, including defects or potential defects.

(12) If any of the inspections referred to in part (11) identified any deterioration, defects or potential defects, (a) when did that deterioration, defect or potential defect first emerge, (b) how many reports were made that identified deterioration or defect or potential defect, (c) over what period were those reports made, (d) what was done to investigate and rectify the problems identified and when, (e) were the warranty (defects liability) provisions of the contract pursued to address any identified defects or potential defects; if so, what warranty rectification works were undertaken and when; if not, why not, (f) how much has it cost to rectify the problems identified and (g) who has done the rectification work.

(13) In terms of the remedial works announced in the report published in The Canberra Times on 20 April 2010 including, but not limited to, the retro-application of the protective/epoxy coating, (a) when was the recommendation made to proceed with the remedial works, (b) who made the recommendation and why, (e) who authorised the project to proceed and why, (f) what is the design brief, criteria, standards or scope of works, (g) what is the total project budget, (h) what are the individual elements of that budget, together with the costs for each element including, but not limited to, project management, design, site supervision, owners costs, overheads, profit and incentive fees, (i) what is the timeline for completion, (j) how many contracts have been or will be awarded and for what elements of the scope of works, (k) what procurement processes have been or will be followed for the contracts to be awarded and (l) what provisions do or will the contracts carry relating to warranty arrangements and completion bonuses or other incentives.

(14) Did the managing director of ActewAGL in his letter to the editor of The Canberra Times, published on 21 April 2010 state that “If it were to be built today our estimates are that it would cost between $225 and $275 million”, if so, what is the basis for the statement.

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(15) In relation to the Googong water treatment plant, both the original treatment plant and the new treatment plant constructed in 2004, what protective coatings have been considered, specified and/or applied to the concrete tanks.

*1197 MS LE COUTEUR: To ask the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services— (1) What laws/regulations govern the keeping of live fish, crabs and lobsters in


(2) What laws/regulations govern the keeping of live fish and other aquatic animals for sale in pet stores, markets or other places of sale.

(3) What do the above laws/regulations require.

(4) What mechanisms does the ACT Government use to inspect and enforce these rules.

(5) Is the Government doing any updating of these regulations/laws, and when did it last review if they were appropriate.

*1198 MS LE COUTEUR: To ask the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services— (1) What training have Domestic Animal Services (DAS) staff received on

disease containment and protocols.

(2) What disinfectant is being used to clean the areas that have been occupied by dogs with parvovirus and why was this disinfectant chosen.

(3) What areas of the pound have been disinfected and are the walls and gates being cleaned as well as the floors.

(4) What is the process for deciding which dogs held within the pound are vaccinated against parvo.

(5) Have all the dogs released to foster carers and the public been vaccinated against parvo.

(6) Has DAS euthanised dogs that foster organisations have registered an interest in fostering; if so, how many times has this occurred this year and what reason was given for these euthanisations

*1199 MS LE COUTEUR: To ask the Minister for Planning— (1) Does the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) assess all

development applications to ensure they meet the bicycle parking guidelines.

(2) Is a two-level bicycle cage acceptable under the bicycle parking guidelines.

(3) What enforcement mechanisms are in place to ensure that an appropriate bicycle parking facility is built once the development has been approved.

(4) What processes are available to members of the public who wish to report bicycle parking facilities that do not meet the guidelines.

(5) Did ACPLA assess and approve the proposal for bicycle parking in the new Sirius building in Block 46 Section 8, Woden.

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*1200 MR SESELJA: To ask the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services— (1) In relation to the 2010-11 Budget Measure, Gungahlin Leisure Centre

(Design), how much of the $1.460 million in funding is allocated for spending on consultants.

(2) How many of these consultants have been engaged to work on this project to date.

(3) What is the size of the pool(s) that will be included in the leisure centre.

(4) What facilities, other than a pool(s), will the leisure centre include.

(5) What community consultation is the Government undertaking in relation to the design of the centre.

(6) When does the Minister anticipate that construction will begin on the leisure centre.

(7) When will the leisure centre commence trading.

*1201 MR SESELJA: To ask the Minister for Land and Property Services— (1) In relation to the 2010-11 Budget Measure, Remediation of Fuel Storage

Facilities, which fuel storage facilities on which sites will be remediated under this initiative.

(2) Has remediation commenced on any of these sites.

(3) How many will be complete in this financial year.

(4) What, on average, is the cost of remediation for each site.

*1202 MR SESELJA: To ask the Minister for Land and Property Services— (1) How much has been spent on the construction of John Gorton Drive to date.

(2) What work has been completed on the road to date.

(2) When will construction of this road be complete.

*1203 MR SESELJA: To ask the Minister for Land and Property Services— (1) How many blocks have been sold in Molonglo to date.

(2) What was the average sale price per square metre.

(3) When will construction of homes on these blocks be able to commence.

(4) When will the urban infrastructure that services these blocks, including utilities connections and roads, be completed.

(5) How many of the blocks of land suitable for housing in the ACT that will be released by the Government in 2010-11 have urban infrastructure already in place, including roads and utilities.

M M KIERMAIER Acting Clerk of the Legislative Assembly


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GOVERNMENT TO RESPOND TO PETITIONS (in accordance with standing order 100)

By 24 November 2010

Provision of direct school bus service between Marist College and the suburbs of Yarralumla and Deakin—Minister for Transport—Petition lodged by Mr Seselja (Pet 110).



Unless otherwise shown, appointed for the life of the Seventh Assembly. The dates of the amendments to the committees’ resolution of appointment are reflected, but not changes in the



Pursuant to standing order

ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURE: (Formed 5 November 2008): The Speaker (Chair), Ms Bresnan, Mrs Dunne, Mr Hargreaves.

Pursuant to resolution

CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENT AND WATER: (Formed 9 December 2008): Ms Hunter (Chair), Mr Hargreaves, Mr Seselja.

EDUCATION, TRAINING AND YOUTH AFFAIRS: (Formed 9 December 2008): Ms Bresnan (Chair), Mr Hanson, Ms Porter.

HEALTH, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES: (Formed 9 December 2008): Mr Doszpot (Chair), Ms Bresnan, Ms Porter.

JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY: (Formed 9 December 2008): Mrs Dunne (Chair), Mr Hargreaves, Ms Hunter.

PLANNING, PUBLIC WORKS AND TERRITORY AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES: (Formed 9 December 2008): Ms Porter (Chair), Mr Coe, Ms Le Couteur.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: (Formed 9 December 2008): Ms Le Couteur (Chair), Mr Hargreaves, Mr Smyth.

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CAMPAIGN ADVERTISING: (Formed 1 April 2009): Ms Burch (Chair), Mr Coe, Mr Rattenbury. (Presented 27 August 2009)

ESTIMATES 2009-2010: (Formed 2 April 2009): Mr Seselja (Chair), Ms Bresnan, Ms Burch, Ms Le Couteur, Mr Smyth. (Presented 16 June 2009)

ESTIMATES 2010-2011: (Formed 11 February 2010): Ms Hunter (Chair), Ms Bresnan, Mr Hargreaves, Mr Seselja, Mr Smyth. (Presented 22 June 2010)

PRIVILEGES 2009: (Formed 16 June 2009): Ms Hunter (Chair), Mr Corbell, Mr Smyth. (Presented 27 August 2009)

PRIVILEGES 2010: (Formed 23 February 2010): Ms Bresnan (Chair), Mr Barr, Mr Coe. (Presented 22 June 2010)
