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5-22-06 STUDY SUPPLEMENT for “The Christian Walk” Power Point Show by Leon Bates PP Show Leon’s Comments Suggested Questions Suggested Answers Page # (in Green) for discussion (in red). for discussion (in Black) 1 - 3 These first three pages are not designed to be shown as part of the Power Point Show. They are information pages for the viewer or teacher, for preparation in presenting the show to a group or class. Teachers: You can use many more Scriptures and questions for discussion in your classes. Those in this “Study Supplement” are just to help you get started. Questions make people think. It has been said, “We can’t think without learning and we can’t learn without thinking.” Christ often answered questions - with a question to get people to think. As a good teacher, I’m sure you want people’s minds open to the Holy Spirit’s teaching. I hope you will use lots of questions for class participation and the most effective learning. This Study Supplement is available off our web site in both PDF and Word formats. If you get the WORD format you can easily add your own questions, comments and Scriptures, then print it all out for your use. Leon (P.S. Teacher, be aware… I have inserted some “tricky” questions to help challenge people to think.) 4. Title Page: “The Christian Walk” 5. Why is the Christian Life and Walk after salvation not a “bed of roses” every day? Because we are still sinners and we still have a sinful nature within. After salvation, we are forgiven sinners, saved sinners, but still sinners. We now possess TWO natures. Our old sin nature and the new nature, the indwelling Holy Spirit. Which of the two natures control us moment by moment in our Christian Walk? The one we yield to moment by moment for control of our life, thoughts, emotions and actions. In 1 st Peter 5:8, what does Peter tell us to do about Satan’s attempts to mess up our Christian Walk?” 1

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STUDY SUPPLEMENT for “The Christian Walk” Power Point Show by Leon Bates

PP Show Leon’s Comments Suggested Questions Suggested AnswersPage # (in Green) for discussion (in red). for discussion (in Black)

1 - 3 These first three pages are not designed to be shown as part of the Power Point Show. They are information pages for the viewer or teacher, for preparation in presenting the show to a group or class.

Teachers: You can use many more Scriptures and questions for discussion in your classes. Those in this “Study Supplement” are just to help you get started. Questions make people think. It has been said, “We can’t think without learning and we can’t learn without thinking.” Christ often answered questions - with a question to get people to think. As a good teacher, I’m sure you want people’s minds open to the Holy Spirit’s teaching. I hope you will use lots of questions for class participation and the most effective learning. This Study Supplement is available off our web site in both PDF and Word formats. If you get the WORD format you can easily add your own questions, comments and Scriptures, then print it all out for your use. Leon

(P.S. Teacher, be aware… I have inserted some “tricky” questions to help challenge people to think.)

4. Title Page: “The Christian Walk”

5. Why is the Christian Life and Walk after salvation not a “bed of roses” every day?

Because we are still sinners and we still have a sinful nature within. After salvation, we are forgiven sinners, saved sinners, but still sinners. We now possess TWO natures. Our old sin nature and the new nature, the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Which of the two natures control us moment by moment in our Christian Walk?

The one we yield to moment by moment for control of our life, thoughts, emotions and actions.

In 1st Peter 5:8, what does Peter tell us to do about Satan’s attempts to mess up our Christian Walk?”

Be aware and be on guard.

6. What are we told in 1st. Peter 5:9 to do about the devil’s fight against us?

We are to resist the devil by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, knowing all believers will have battles with the devil, but also knowing God has made provision for our victory.

NOTE: On this #6 slide, the Scripture reference on your PP show may be 1 Peter 1:9. The correct reference is 1 Peter 5:9.

7. How can the devil mess up our Christian walk and spiritual growth?

By getting us off balance in one way of the other.


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Why is Bible Study critical?

It’s our input… spiritual food, when God speaks to us.

Why is our prayer life crucial?

It’s our return fellowship with God.

Why is our worship of God essential?

Because He deserves it and the devil hates it.

Why is our testimony and witnessing important?

It’s our output… the flowing of God’s power through us to help others know Christ.

8. Which way would the devil prefer to get us off balance?

He doesn’t have a preference. Any way will do.

Which way is the best way for the devil to get us off balance?

There is no “best way.” It varies with each believer and it varies from time to time.

Where does the power to drive the wheel come from?

The hub… Christ.

What should be our focus as we exercise each of the spokes?

The hub… Christ.

9. What is behind the devil’s desire and attempts to fight against Christians?

He wants to weaken our faith and our obedience to God.

What does the devil hope to gain by his fight against Christians?

He wants as many people in Hell with him as possible. The battle against Christians helps the devil toward that goal.

10. Review this “Chain of Operation for evangelism.”

Which step of this operation is most important?

They are all equally important and all equally critical and all equally essential. The operation will not function without ALL of them. They are ALL part of God’s divine plan of operation for evangelism.

11. Review the FUNCTION of each of these steps in the Operation of Evangelism.


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Does God actually NEED Believers as part of this plan of operation?

NO. He could have caused donkeys to talk again. (Numbers 22:28-30) He could have caused the rocks to cry out. (Luke 19:37-40) He could have sent the Angels back to be the special messengers again like they were to announce the birth of John and the birth of Christ. (Luke 1:13, 19, 26-31)

Will Angels ever be God’s spoke persons again in the future?

YES, they will fly around during the Tribulation warning earth people about His coming judgment. (Rev. 14:6, 7)

Then, why don’t angels do the work of evangelism today instead of the believers?

Because that is not the way God chose to do the work of evangelism today.

Why did God choose to plug the believers into this plan of operation for evangelism?

He did it for our JOY. We have the JOY now and will also have it in Heaven, as we meet people God brought to salvation through our witness, ministries and service to Him. (1st Thes. 2:19, 20)

What happens when we don’t use God’s Word in our witnessing?

We hinder or stop the plan of operation for evangelism. The Holy Spirit does His supernatural work of evangelism using the Word of God.

What happens if we try to convince people with our own logic rather than allow the Holy Spirit to do His supernatural work of conviction of sin and the need of salvation?

We hinder or stop the plan of operation of evangelism. The work of evangelism is totally dependent on the Holy Spirit doing His work of evangelism through believers using the Word of God.

In John 15:26 who did Christ say the Holy Spirit would testify of?


In John 16:13.14. Who did Christ say the Holy Spirit would glorify?


According to these very words of Christ, if a witness, music or a message does not testify of Christ and glorify Christ, is it of the Holy Spirit?

IT MAY NOT BE. It is a subtle work of Satan to belittle and imitate the true work of the Holy Spirit which is to testify of and glorify Christ. The Holy Spirit NEVER glorifies Himself. He only glorifies Christ. We can apply this test to any Christian witness, music or message. (Have you noticed that much “Religious Music” today could be a love song to your sweetheart, as the name of Christ is never mentioned? A heathen hearing this music may not even know who the song is about.)

What happens if we leave Christ out of our witness, music or message?


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We hinder or stop the plan of operation. Christ is the Savior. Christ is the only way to God and to Heaven. If we leave Christ out… we fail to give the whole truth necessary for salvation.

12. Review Satan’s opposition to each part of God’s Plan of Operation for Evangelism.

Where is Satan’s most effective success in this operation?

In his fight against the believers. It has been estimated that 95% of the genuine born-again believers never lead a single soul to Christ in their entire lifetime.

If this is true, why?

Because Satan has successfully deceived many Christians, misled them and given them wrong priorities in life.

13. With all the promises about eternal life to believers, why will believers still have challenges in their Christian Walk?

Because Satan is furious with God and God’s family of believers. He won’t stop harassing them and fighting against them until he is removed from off the earth by God and into the Lake of Fire forever at the end of the ages.

14. Why is it so effective to keep lost people lost, by keeping Christian’s mouths shut about Christ?

Because God works to draw the lost to Himself, by the Holy Spirit working THROUGH believers lives and verbal witness, sharing the Word of God. Believers are a key and critical link in God’s “Chain of Operation of Evangelism.”

Is it God’s plan and will that Christians should struggle, helplessly in their striving to live a Victorious Christian Walk and life?

NO. God has made provision for their Victory (as will be shown in this study).

15. Among the four categories of people shown on the Battle Map: Natural Man, Baby Christian, Victorious Christian and Defeated Christian, what one group of people on earth are NOT in one of these categories?

NO group or even one single person on earth is NOT in one of these four categories.

As we study this, let’s learn or confirm which category each of us are in and if that’s the category we each WANT to be in.

16. Is it easy or hard for the Natural Man to live a Christian Life?

It’s not easy or hard, it’s absolutely impossible for the Natural Man to live a Christian life.

Why can’t the Natural Man turn over a new leaf, clean up his life, quit his bad habits and live doing good and thereby live a Christian life pleasing to God?

Because he is helplessly… DEAD (spiritually) and can do nothing on his own to cleanse his sins and earn a right relationship with God.


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How many people are on the BROAD ROAD and WHY?

The BROAD ROAD is human efforts for salvation. Most people are on it either because they don’t understand the truth or refuse to believe it.

17. Concerning the FOUR STEP process to salvation, how many of you believe that an unsaved person can be saved anytime?

No, they can not be saved anytime. If the question was, “Can they be saved anytime THEY WANT TO?”… that is a very different question. God has to put the CONCERN or “want to” into their hearts. Then they can respond and be saved. Unsaved people can not and will not seek after God on their own apart from the Holy Spirit first drawing them to God. (John 6:44)

The writer of the song, “Amazing Grace” understood this doctrinal truth. Hear the words of verse two… “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved.”

What is a danger of rejecting Christ when the Holy Spirit does put the CONCERN into an unsaved person’s heart and mind? Proverbs 29:1

God may never speak to them and put the concern into their heart again.

Leon’s Comments: I remember discussing salvation with a fellow Air Force co-worker. He was very concerned to the point of tears. He chose to wait, saying he wanted to think about it. I worked with him every day for several years. Every time I asked him about it, he was never again even concerned enough to talk about it. Did his rejection cause God to withdraw the concern? Will God ever put the concern back into his heart and give him another opportunity? I hope so, but I don’t know. He did hear and understand the Gospel, so he will be without excuse when he stands before God. I’ll never forget him as an illustration that lost people can not be saved anytime, only when God puts the concern, understanding and faith into their hearts.

God says everyone is without excuse from the witness of creation alone. Romans 1:18-20. What happens when a lost person responds to the light they have from any source?

John 7:17, John 8:12. God will continue to work in their hearts. As long as they respond to the light He gives them and not reject His Word, He will give them further light. It may mean He will send another person (or Gospel tract, or Scriptural truth from any source) across their path to further help them UNDERSTAND salvation BY GRACE. That may be why many children, who make a child hood profession of faith (obedient to the light they had) later get further understanding and get saved and/or the full assurance of their salvation.

18. Billy Graham was said to have made the statement that he thought perhaps as few as 10% of the church members were truly saved. If that is true, WHY?

Because many are “stuck” between CONCERN and the act of REPENTANCE…meaning… having a genuine change of heart and mind toward God. They do not yet have UNDERSTANDING of salvation by GRACE. They have not yet put their TOTAL trust in Christ ALONE for their salvation.

There are many “professing” Christians. When asked, they often answer they are trusting their own works AND CHRIST and will give you a percentage of that ratio.


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Just try it.

Ask your family, friends, church associates and other “professing Christians” this question: If you should get to Heaven, knock on the door and someone asks, Why should we let you into God’s perfect, spotless, Holy Heaven, what would you answer?

Don’t be surprised when many “professing Christians” say, “WOW! I don’t know” or “I’m trying to do the best I can, I’m trying to live a good life.”

If they answer, “Christ” ask them, what about good works? Do good works also help to pay for your sins and help get you to heaven? Again, don’t be surprised when many say, “Yes that helps too?

A truly born-again believer will answer “Christ and NO, good works will not help pay for my sins to get me to heaven.”

19. Leon’s Comments: One way we discovered that so many who THINK they are saved, are not, is by taking them through the questions and Scriptures on the back of the “Bible Map-God’s Plan of the Ages” tract… “to help strengthen their faith.” In the process THEY OFTEN REALIZED that they were not saved yet because they were trusting their own human efforts at least some percentage.

Why do people who think they are Christians often answer these questions YES to human efforts even if they also bring Christ into the answer for their salvation?

Simply because they do not yet understand salvation by GRACE.

20. As a Christian counselor, if you get people who answer any combination of Human Efforts and Christ for their salvation, what does this tell you?

They have not yet understood salvation by grace alone. You now have the privilege and exciting opportunity to help them UNDERSTAND and put their TOTAL trust in Christ alone for their salvation.

Leon’s Comments: Don’t be surprised when people discover GRACE and look up at you with tears in their eyes and say, “Why hasn’t someone explained this to me before?” That’s a tough question to answer. Be gentle, patient and loving with them. It’s almost like they are in shock. I’ve even had people become angry because they were active in a church for years and had never heard or understood GRACE. Lovingly help them understand and accept God’s salvation by GRACE by helping them put their TOTAL trust in Christ alone. One way is to take them through the rest of the questions, Scriptures and decisions on the back of the Bible Map-God’s Plan of the Ages tract.

21. When do people actually take the NARROW ROAD to their spiritual birth?

Please read (and in classes, discuss) the Scripture references on this visual.

Answer: When they place the TOTAL TRUST in Christ alone for their salvation.

What is necessary before they can do that?

They must UNDERSTAND salvation by GRACE (not works), THEN, they can place their complete FAITH (TRUST) in Christ alone for their salvation.


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Is it essential that people UNDERSTAND that salvation is by GRACE and not by WORKS, even partly?Please check these references (KJV) for truths about the necessity of “Understanding”… Matt. 13:14, 15; 13:19, 23; 15:10; Mark 4:12; 7:14; 8:17, 21; Luke 8:10; 24:45; 1st Cor. 2:14; Eph. 1:18; 4:18; 1st John 5:20; Acts 8:30.

Answer: YES, they must understand that salvation is by God’s Grace, not by our works (any %) SO they can put their TOTAL trust in Christ alone.

If people do not yet UNDERSTAND salvation by GRACE, what should we do so they can experience their “Spiritual Birth?”

Help them by showing them Scriptures such as Romans 6:23; Eph. 2:8-10, Titus 3:5, John 3:16-18; 36; 5:24. (Or take them through the questions and Scriptures on the back of the “Bible Map-God’s Plan of the Ages” tract.)

22. How do we know that spiritual birth is necessary to have a right relationship with God?

Because Christ said so in John 3:3-7.

How does a person become “born again?”

By faith (alone) in Christ, His finished work on the cross to pay for our sins and salvation.

What are the THREE promises of God in John 5:24… to us who have been born-again?

1. Everlasting Life

2. Shall not come into condemnation

3. Have passed from death unto life.

What is the only one thing that might cause us to become “unborn” and lose our salvation?

No one thing. Nothing!

Is that logical that we can not lose our salvation?

No, in some ways, it’s not logical… but it’s God’s Promise, in hundreds of Scriptures.

Is there a logical understanding of this truth, that our salvation can not be lost?

YES… proceed with this study…

23. It’s important, in fact, it’s VITAL that we understand the difference between our RELATIONSHIP with God and our FELLOWSHIP with God.

They are much like the Relationship and Fellowship we have with our parents…

24. What establishes our RELATIONSHIP with our parents?


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Physical Birth.

Is it temporary or permanent?


What is the one thing we must guard against… so we don’t become “unborn” physically?

No one thing. Nothing. It’s impossible to become unborn physically.

Whereas Relationship to your parents is established by BIRTH, what establishes and maintains your FELLOWSHIP with them.


Is FELLOWSHIP guaranteed to never change between you and your parents?

NO. Many things can affect it.

What kind of things can affect it?

Your obedience, your attitude, sibling’s jealousy and bickering, parent’s marriage, work stress, financial pressures, their attitude toward you.

25. If you disobey your parents, how may your fellowship be affected?

They may discipline you, even severely. This may hamper or even break your fellowship with your parents.

When are you their child, when you are obedient, or disobedient?

You are their child, obedient or disobedient. Your relationship is not affected by your obedience or disobedience. Only your fellowship is affected.

26. Can broken fellowship with your parents be restored?

Usually, when disobedience, wrong attitudes and actions of either party involved are corrected.

What is the ONE thing that may not be restored in your broken relationship with your parents?

No one thing. Broken “relationship” can not be broken. (Tricky question again to challenge their thinking)

27. What is the proof and guarantee that our RELATIONSHIP is secure forever?

The Word of God… who can not lie (Read Titus 1:2).

Of the Scriptures on the visual relative to this guarantee of our RELATIONSHIP, which is your favorite promise and why?

(Look up Scriptures on the visual under RELATIONSHIP and discuss.)


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Of the Scriptures on the visual relative to how our FELLOWSHIP fluctuates based on our OBEDIENCE, which is your most meaningful Scripture and why?

(Look up Scriptures on the visual under FELLOWSHIP and discuss.)

28. What do we commit to the Lord so that Christ becomes our SAVIOR?

Our eternal soul for His salvation.

What do we commit to the Lord so that Christ is our LORD?

Our body and life for His control.

Why does Christ want to be the LORD of our life as well as our SAVIOR?

So He can give us His very best for our life now on earth and until He takes us to Heaven.

29. What is another word for our RELATIONSHIP?


What is another word for our FELLOWSHIP?


How do we know they are separate issues in Scripture and in life?

Because Paul wrote to the brethren (saved people)… about another issue they needed to understand (and we need to also understand). We should present our BODIES unto the Lord for His control, which is our reasonable service. (Rom 12:1)

Because many Scriptures teach with different instructions on each issue… our POSITION and our WALK, as we’ll see in the rest of this study.

Why is it our “reasonable service” to yield our body and life to Christ for His control so He can give us His best for our life here now on Earth? 2nd Cor. 5:14,15

Isn’t that the least we can do out of our appreciation for what He did for us? And He also wants to bless our lives with His best for us here on Earth?

30. When people speak of “being saved” what do they usually refer to?

Being saved from Hell and bound for Heaven. That’s just the past tense phase of our salvation. There’s also a present and future tense phase of our salvation. To more fully understand the fullness of our SALVATION, let’s consider what the Scriptures teach about all THREE PHASES of salvation.

What are the doctrinal identifications of each of these three phases of salvation?

1. Justification, past tense… salvation from the Penalty of Sin2. Sanctification, present tense… salvation from the Power of Sin


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3. Glorification, future tense… salvation from the Presence of Sin.When do we get the JUSTIFICATION phase of our salvation?

When we trust Christ 100% as our Savior.

How do we get “Christ’s Righteousness?”

It is “imputed” or given to us when we trust Christ 100% as our Savior.

READ 2nd Cor. 5:21 on the Visual, then see the next visual for an illustration of how this was done…

31. How is Justification “imputed” to us like an exchange?

God put our sins on Christ. ----

God put Christ’s righteousness to our account. <------

32. What does our Justification get us?

Salvation from the PENALTY of sin. This is the PAST TENSE phase of our salvation.

Salvation from Hell and the promise of Heaven.

Which of our sins are forgiven, past, present or future?

ALL, past, present AND future.

What has God done to assure us of our perfect POSITION in Christ?

Sealed us by His Holy Spirit.

33. What is the present tense phase of our salvation?

Our SANCTIFICATION, salvation from the POWER of sin in our present daily lives.

Is this a one time and instantly finished phase of our salvation?

No, it is a PROGRESSIVE process throughout the rest of our life on earth.

What is the difference in being “Isolated” or “Insulated” from the world?

“Isolated” means we have no connection, no friendship, and no contact with unsaved people.

Is this good or bad and why?

It’s not good. We need contact with unsaved people so we can help them understand and trust Christ for their salvation. Too many times Christians don’t have any unsaved friends they are building bridges of friendship with… to lead them to Christ.

In contrast to “Isolated” what does “Insulated” mean?


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“Insulated” means that while we have contact with unsaved people, we don’t lower our Christian standards. We don’t sin with them. We live an example of the Christian life before them. We stay “insulated” from the ungodly way of life.

What is the key to our SANCTIFICATION?

Our obedience to God’s Word.

What has to happen before we can be OBEDIENT to God’s Word.

We have to read, study, learn and understand what God’s Word says to us as believers, relative to our SANCTIFICATION, our salvation from the POWER of sin.

34. As we look at the three Scriptures on this visual, what is the common truth in all of them that we should see and learn?

It is the Word of God that sanctifies us, cleanses us and makes us partakers of Christ’s divine nature.

What is Christ praying for us about?

That we would be sanctified through His Word.

35. What did we do for our salvation from the Penalty of sin?

Appropriated God’s promises by faith relative to this.

What are we to do for our salvation from the Power of sin?

Appropriate God’s promises by faith relative to this.

36. What must we do before we can claim a “conditional” promise?

We must meet the terms of the promise.

How is this like a contract?

Contracts are “Conditional Promises.” We must meet the terms to get the benefits of the contract.

What are the two terms in James 4:7?

Submit yourself to GodResist the devil.

What is the promise if we meet those terms?

The devil will flee from us?

Will he come back and try to tempt us again?

Yes, he will come back often.


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What should we do?

Apply James 4:7 as often as we need to. It’s an inexhaustible supply of victory for us.

37. Why did the lady in Leon’s story have victory?

Because she met the terms of God’s promise in James 4:7.

38. What two things can we do to be completely sanctified and perfect in this life?

No two things, no one thing. We can never be “completely Sanctified” in this life. We can only grow more and more like Christ, as we allow Him to change our lives progressively.

What about people today who say they have had a “second work of Grace”, are now Sanctified and no longer sin?

They apparently haven’t read or don’t believe 1st John 1:8.

Leon’s Comments: In Bible College, one of my professors told about a person who came to him one day and said, “Dr. Hubbard, I just want you to know I have not sinned in the last several years.” Dr. Hubbard replied, “Well, I’ll bet you’re proud of that, aren’t you? “YES, beamed the student.”

How does God regard PRIDE? Proverbs 6:16-19

He hates it.


The dictionary definition of PRIDE is… “to take undue credit to oneself.” Our pride robs God of the glory that rightly belongs to Him.

Can we be proud of our looks, our ability to think, our physical, mental or spiritual talents, our ability to perform, our children, etc.?

NO. God gave us all we have, including the abilities and talents we have and even the ability to have children. Our pride about any of these robs Him of the glory that rightly belongs to Him.

If we can’t be PROUD of such things, what should be our attitude about them?

We should be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to God for our abilities, talents, etc., even our accomplishments, children, etc, and praise Him for all of it.

When will we be completely free from sin, sinful desires and our sinful nature?

When we get the THIRD phase of our salvation… our GLORIFICATION.

At what future event will we get our GLORIFIED body, never to be exposed to sin again?

At the Rapture.

Why must we have a new, sinless incorruptible body to enter Heaven?


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Because there is no sin in Heaven and in God’s presence.

39. What is the full meaning of being saved, instead of just not going to Hell?

1. We have been saved from what? The Penalty of Sin… Hell

2. We are being saved from what? The Power of Sin in our present daily life.

3. We will be saved from what? The Presence of Sin, never to be exposed to sin again.

40. What future phase of salvation are we guaranteed, if we have the first phase, our Justification?

Our future Glorification.

Is our GLORIFICATION a conditional promise or an unconditional promise for us who are saved?

Unconditional. God has promised this to all of us who are saved.

Are we guaranteed our Sanctification in our life on Earth?


What does it depend on?

Our Obedience to God’s Word, our Yielding to the Indwelling Holy Spirit.

Who are referred to as SAINTS in Scripture? 1st Cor. 14:33; Eph. 1:18; 4:11,12

All of us who have been Justified by faith alone in Christ, all born-again believers.

Are all of us SAINTS always SAINTLY?


Why Not?

Because we aren’t always obedient to God’s Word. We aren’t always yielded to the Indwelling Holy Spirit for control of our body and life on Earth.

41. Which phase of our salvation is much of the New Testament teaching about?

The believers’ FELLOWSHIP with God, their daily Christian WALK.

How can we tell what Scriptures apply to our FELLOWSHIP and WALK?

By looking at the context to determine WHO specific Scriptures are talking TO and ABOUT?

What if the readers do not determine which phase of our salvation a Scripture applies to?

They often misapply the Scriptures and misunderstand the teaching.


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Leon’s Comments: As a young preacher boy, I often spoke in our local Rescue Mission. I witnessed well meaning Christian counselors get an old drunk on his knees and show him 1st John 1:9 and say that verse told him that to be saved, he needed to “confess all his sins.” How could an old drunk (or anyone) confess all his sins in order to be saved?

42. Read 1st John 1:9 and determine WHO this verse applies to and WHAT phase of our salvation it applies to.

After reading that verse, who do you think it applies to, lost or saved people?

See 1st John 2:1 It is to “my little children” and it is about Christ being our advocate (representative, defender before God) when we sin.

43. Which phase of our salvation does 1st John 1:9 apply to?

Our Sanctification, Salvation from the POWER of sin, our WALK our FELLOWSHIP

How can we know that?

Look at the context, the verses before it…

1st John 1:3 Fellowship (twice)1st John 1:4 Issue… our JOY1st John 1:6 Fellowship1st John 1:7 Walk - Fellowship

Should 1st John 1:9 be used as a text for someone to confess all their sins in order to be saved from Hell?

NO. It should be used only as a text for believers to be restored to Fellowship with God.

Classes: Look up and discuss the verses on the visual that talk about 2 or 3 phases of our salvation in the same passage.

44. Can Baby Christians (newly saved regardless of their age) become instantly mature in their faith and understanding of God’s Word and God’s Will for their lives?

NO. Growth takes time, physically or spiritually.

What is the major key to their growth and spiritual maturity?

Understanding and obedience to the Bible, God’s Word.

WHY does God want us to grow towards spiritual maturity in Christ?

Answer: See: 1st John 1:3, 4 (for our joy)

45. What should be our motivation for choosing to obey Christ and allow Him to be our LORD as well as our Savior?

Gratitude for His love and that He suffered and died to pay for OUR sins and OUR salvation.


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46. How do you think the indwelling Holy Spirit feels when we are disobedient and refuse to allow Him to control our lives?

He is grieved.

Don’t we risk losing the best for our lives by obeying God’s commands… especially if they conflict with our own desires?

NO. God’s commands are only for our good. Who do you think knows best how to direct our lives for our best and His glory?

CLASS: READ and DISCUSS Romans 8:28

What can be our protection from sin?

Hiding God’s Word in our hearts and being obedient to it.

What two aspects of sin should we be concerned about even in our Christian lives?

The Dangers and Consequences of sin. Even as believers, sin can still take it’s toll on our lives!

47. Class: Discuss the types of damage sin can cause, even in Christian lives as shown on the visual.

Do you know of cases of such damage caused by sin in your own Christian life or that of other Christians? YES or NO?

Confession of those sins God convicts Christians of cleanses our lives, but often damage is done that may never be undone. For example, the devil knows our weaknesses and he can attack in those areas. Sometimes marriages have been destroyed and even preachers or other servants of God have had their ministries destroyed by the devil getting them involved in, caught and publicly exposed in immorality or financial scams. These are some examples of damage that may be forgiven by God, but it has done serious, even permanent damage in many lives.

48. Who alone is worthy of our obedience in our Christian lives?

The Lord Jesus Christ.

Since we are eventually going to bow before Him as Lord, would it be smarter to do that now, or wait until we meet Him?

NOW. Read James 4:17

When the millions in Heaven proclaim Him WORTHY, how may you feel if you did not live on Earth as if He was WORTHY to be trusted to be your LORD, boss, ruler?

Eventually, why not now?

49. What is the difference between a Victorious Christian and a Defeated Christian?

They both have Christ as Savior, but the Defeated Christian is not allowing Christ to be their Lord.


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Do you think Defeated Christians are happy as they could be and why?

NO. Because they don’t have the maximum JOY of the Lord. And God may be convicting them of the un-confessed sin in their lives. They may be more miserable than lost people.

What does 1st John 2:28 also warn about?

Being ashamed of our lives when we meet Christ.

What can we do about that now?

Live so we won’t be (so) ashamed when we meet Him.

Leon’s Comments: It is common for people to waste many years from the time they initially trust Christ as their SAVIOR and later… allow Him to become the LORD, boss, ruler of their lives.

TEACHER… Take a survey in your class or congregation. Ask them, “How long was it for some of you from the time you accepted Christ as your SAVIOR and later allowed Him to become the LORD, boss, ruler of your life?” Then ask “Why the delay?”

One missionary statesman said the average time is 12 years. I’ve often asked classes how long it was between the time they accepted Christ as their SAVIOR and later allowed Him to be their LORD. Their answers varied from 2 to 20 years… an average of 10 to 12 years. I then asked then WHY did you waste all those years? They ALWAYS answered the same… “I didn’t know. I wasn’t taught.”

(That may be why the Lord led me to write the “Battle Map for the Christian Walk” tract and this power point show study to help Christians.)

50. Some people teach there is no such thing as a “Carnal Christian.” They say if they aren’t living like a Christian should, they are not saved. They say, “Christ has to be their LORD in order to be their SAVIOR. How do we know there is such a thing as a “Carnal Christian?” 1st Cor. 3:1-3

Because the Apostle Paul called some Christians “Carnal” which means, fleshly, weak, immature, living only for their own selfish lives under the control of their old sinful nature.

How can we tell if a person living like that is a LOST PERSON (never saved in the first place) or if they are SAVED, but living a DEFEATED, CARNAL life?

Examine their faith with questions. WHAT are you trusting to pay for your sins and get you to Heaven? (We realize we can’t see their heart, but determine if possible, what is the OBJECT of the faith.)

If it is not CHRIST, 100%, they are not saved.

If they are honest and the OBJECT of their faith IS Christ 100%, His death, His shed blood, but not living right, they are saved, but defeated, carnal Christians.

Can a Defeated Carnal Christian’s life look worse than a lost person’s life?

YES. Defeated Carnal Christian’s lives can appear very bad, even worse than a good moral unsaved person’s life. The devil can use this kind of rotten life of a Carnal Christian to show the


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hypocrisy to help keep lost people lost. On the other hand, people can live a very good, outward appearing, even moral life, but still be lost because the OBJECT of their faith for salvation is partly in their good life and not in Christ alone. A Christian’s outward appearing life SHOULD be good and can be IF… IF they are allowing the Holy Spirit to control their life.

Since you can’t tell if a person is saved or lost by looking at the outward appearance of their life, what is the only determining factor?

The OBJECT of their faith for their salvation. WHAT are they trusting for their salvation? It must be Christ alone.

51. When Christians sin and God convicts them of their sins, what are their options?

Rebel against God’s conviction or… get right with God.

52. How does it affect their relationship with God if they rebel against God’s conviction of their sin?

It does not affect their “relationship” but it does affect their “fellowship” and their Christian walk.

How long should Christians rebel and stay out of fellowship with the Lord?

Only long enough to come to their senses.

How can they get right with God?

By obeying 1st John 1:9.

53. What does it mean for us believers to “Confess” TO GOD (not some priest) the sins that He convicts us of?

It means we admit and agree with God about our sin(s).

How does this process help us?

We swallow our pride and in our humility and shame, in time, we learn to hate the sin as much as God does and He progressively gives us victory over that sin.

Leon’s Comments: When I was young, I had a bad temper. As God convicted me about that and I confessed it to him, I noticed the repetitions of that sin grew longer and longer apart. Perhaps it was a week, then a month, then a few months, then a year or more, then several years. Now, I can’t remember when it was that I lost my temper the last time (as confirmed when I asked my wife. Ha).

Then what does the devil do?

He comes at us from another direction and some other sin.

What should we then do?

The same process of confession, cleansing and continual growth towards maturity in Christ.

54. How does our confession of our sins to God help strengthen our relationship to God?


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It doesn’t strengthen our relationship to God. Our confession of sins to God is not for our relationship but for our fellowship.

(Pardon my hammering on this relationship – fellowship issue, but it’s critical that believers understand and never forget it.)

How does our confession of our sins to God help us in our journey through life?

We more fully EXPERIENCE the FULLNESS and JOY OF His forgiveness.

What should we do to have God’s continual cleansing of sin in our Christian walk and life?

Walk in the light.

55. What is to be the light for our Christian Walk?

God’s Word, the Bible.

What is the source of power for the victory in our Christian walk and life?

We can not have victory in the strength of our own power or ability. The source of power for the victory and growth in our Christian walk and life is His Indwelling Holy Spirit who is living within us.

56. If born again Christians continue to live in deliberate sin, rebellion and hypocrisy, what does the Word of God WARN may happen?

God may bring discipline and correction into our lives, as a truly loving parent should. (It may take severe correction if necessary to get our attention and obedience.)

What is God’s reason for punishing us this way?

He does not punish us. He corrects us… for our good and for His glory.

57. Classes, discuss the contrast and comparison of Punishment and Chastisement.

What would lost people be wise to avoid?



By trusting Christ as their SAVIOR.

What would Christians be wise to avoid?

God’s Chastisement and Correction in our lives.


By trusting Christ as their LORD and yielding to the Indwelling Holy Spirit.


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58. What do Christians need to do… to avoid Judgment at the final Great White Throne Judgment?

Nothing. Christ took their judgment upon Himself. The Great White Judgment is not for Christians, but for all lost people.

What will be the result of the lost standing before God at this judgment?

They will all be found guilty and they will all be separated from God in Hell forever.

59. Which group of people will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ, the unsaved Jews or the unsaved Gentiles?

No unsaved people. It is only for saved people.

60. Rom. 14:10-12 (visual on screen) talks about the Judgment Seat of Christ. How do we know this is a judgment for saved people and not unsaved people?

Read the context, Rom. 14:8, 9 and the first part of verse 10 (not shown on the visual).

Verse 8 and 9: It’s talking about we who live or die are the Lords, so it can only be us believers.

Verse 10 – A: It mentions twice “thy brother” so it is talking to us brothers in Christ.

61. What issue is this Judgment Seat of Christ about?

Believers’ Works. Not their relationship to God, but their walk with the Lord.

What may be the key issue relative to the believers’ works?

The motives for the believer’s works. Are they done for personal or selfish reasons? For example, sometimes people will join a church for business reasons. Or, they may give money to be seen doing it. Will our motives be purely for God’s glory?

62. What will be the result of works that stand the test, are for God’s glory and built on the foundation of Christ?


What might the rewards be? 1st Cor. 9:25; 2nd Tim. 4:8; James 1:12; 1st Peter 5:4; Rev. 2:10

The rewards may be the different crowns mentioned in Scripture.

Rather than wear the crowns throughout eternity, what may we do with them? Rev. 4:10 11

We may place them at the feet of Jesus as a token of worship to Him.

If a believer’s works are burned up, what one thing must he do to keep from losing his salvation?

No one thing. Nothing. His salvation is not at stake. The Scripture clearly says, “But he himself shall be saved.”What will be the “loss he may suffer?”


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1. Loss of rewards.

2. Shame when he meets Christ? See 1st John 2:28

What can and should we do in light of this coming event, the Judgment Seat of Christ?

Live now in obedience to His Word, the Bible, so we won’t be (as) ashamed and so we won’t lose our rewards.

See also 1st Cor. 10:31 Live with the motives (which He sees and knows) purely for God’s glory in everything we do.


1. WHY work and pray to help lost people get saved?

Not to just keep them out of Hell, but that God would be glorified through their salvation.

2. WHY give money to the Lord?

Not just because you think it’s a duty, but that God will be glorified through the use of the money.

3. WHY study God’s Word?

Not just so you will have the knowledge, but that with the knowledge, God will be more glorified through your daily life.

63. Questions to be answered in this section of study: “Are each of us believers a part of the Bride of Christ?” “If so, what should that mean to each of us?”

WHEN will the Bride of Christ events occur?

The events associated with the Bride of Christ are believed to occur in Heaven, after the Rapture and during the Tribulation Judgments on Earth. In Rev. 19:7, 8, the wife (or bride) has made herself ready and is clothed in fine linen, white and clean. In Rev. 19:14, the armies (wife, bride?) clothed in fine linen, white and clean… is seen coming back to Earth with Christ at the end of the Tribulation.

64. WHO is the “Bride of Christ?”

Some believe and teach it is only those believers who are “living right.” (Define “living right”???)

Most Bible teachers believe the bride of Christ is ALL the truly born again believers.

65. Which people from which denominations make up the true church, the body of believers, the bride of Christ?

The truly born again people of any denomination, those who have trusted Jesus Christ alone and 100% for their salvation by faith alone.

We often refer to a building as a church. Is this exactly and technically correct?


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NO. It may be a church building, but it is not a church. The body of Christ, the born again believers is the church.

What does “sanctuary” mean?

Refuge, safe haven, dwelling place.

Is the formal or informal style of church building the more correct sanctuary of God?

No church building, formal or informal is the sanctuary of God.

What is the only sanctuary of the Holy Spirit of God? 1st Cor. 6:19

The believer’s body.

Who does this sanctuary belong to?


66. What does God call us believers in Eph. 1:13, 14 shown on the visual?

His “purchased possession.”

What is the SECURITY or PROTECTION for that property?

He sealed us with His Indwelling Holy Spirit.

How long is this security or protection needed?

Until the “purchased possession” is redeemed.

What date will that be?

We can’t know a date. But it’s when He returns and takes us to be with Himself at the Rapture.

67. What is the MISSION for the Bride of Christ?

To be the light of Christ to the world.

Which day of the week is the BEST day for the light of Christ to show through us?

No specific day is best. All the time is the best.

What can hinder or even prevent the light of Christ from shining through us?

Being out of fellowship with Christ by disobedience and un-confessed sin.

68. What is the major command in the mission for the bride of Christ?



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How does the devil distort this command?

He gets believers to think it means… do things, programs, etc., to get the lost to COME to church meetings so the Pastor can get them saved.

What is deceptive about that thinking?

1. It’s disobedience to the GO command. The command to all believers is GO and TAKE the Gospel to the lost.

Leon’s Comments: When I was a Bible College student and Youth Director in a local fundamental church, the pastor taught that we should BRING all the lost people to the Church Services so He could preach the Gospel to them to be saved. Under his ministry, we never heard teaching on Christian living, only salvation every time. In that church, he wanted to be THE soul-winner. That church doesn’t exist today.

2. A Salvation invitation to trust Christ should always be given in church services, even at the end of teaching on Christian living, for any lost people who happen to be present. However, the primary purpose for church meetings are for the saved to worship and praise the Lord, pray together, study together, be trained and prepared to GO out of the church meeting and GO do the work of the ministry. This way the Pastor is not the only soul-winner and the outreach is multiplied as all believers obey God’s GO command. See Eph. 4:11, 12

What has God promised to do for those who obey His GO command?

He promises to be with us, to lead and empower us.

69. How are we believers to live so we can shine as lights in the world?

Live with a positive attitude (without murmurings and disputings), blameless and harmless.

God has given us the needed tool (His Word) to do the most honorable job of what?

Reconciliation... bringing lost people into a right relationship and fellowship with God.

2nd Cor. 5:20 What does God call us?

Ambassadors for Christ.

What does an “Ambassador” do?

Represents his sender, a person, company, organization or nation.

Do we believers have an option to be His Ambassador or not?

NO. No option to be His ambassador or not. It says we A-R-E His Ambassadors.

What is our only option?

The only option is what KIND of ambassador are we?


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Are we an ambassador who represents his sender well or not? Are we an ambassador who pleases his sender or an ambassador who brings shame and disappointment to his sender?

As Ambassadors for Christ, what is our job?

We carry and proclaim His message of the Gospel and Salvation by Grace.We are to live so He can make His appeal to the lost effectively THROUGH US.

70. What is the DESTINY of the Bride of Christ?

To be kept FROM and the TIME of the Tribulation Judgments on Earth.

71. Why is the church not mentioned between Rev. 4:1 and Rev. 19:7?

Because the church (the bride) is gone from off the Earth during this time of Tribulation Judgments on the Earth.

72. Along with the Judgment Seat of Christ, the other events in Heaven we will be participating in during the Tribulation on Earth are the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage Supper. Let’s see more about these events…

73. Rev. 19:7, 8 says “His wife hath made herself ready.” At what event may she have been made ready?

The Judgment Seat of Christ.

Who is the bride? Who is the bridegroom?

We, the church, are the bride. Christ is the Lamb, the bridegroom.

What event will happen after the Marriage of the Lamb?

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

74. How do you know you are a part of the future Bride of Christ?

What is the OBJECT of your faith for your salvation?

WHAT are you depending on to pay for your sins and get you to Heaven?

(It must be Christ alone and 100%.)

75. As members of the Bride of Christ, when should we NOT allow the Light of Christ to shine through us?

At no time should we NOT allow the Light of Christ shine through us.

How can we know what has God spiritually gifted us to do in obedience to His GO command?

Here is a profoundly practical answer: “Get involved with people and our spiritual gift will emerge.”


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76. As a member of the future Bride of Christ, are you looking forward to meeting Christ, at the marriage and Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

If NO, why not?

If YES, what do you think will be your response when you meet Christ?

Will it be like it was for John in Rev. 1:17?


77. Which of the four categories of people are you currently in?

Which one do you WANT to be in?

WHY is obedience to God’s Word, the Bible, the primary KEY to our Victorious Christian Walk?

Because God’s Word, the Bible, is the way God feeds our spiritual life and the primary way He guides us in our daily Christian Walk.

78. Why is baptism essential for us believers?

Because Christ commanded us saved people to be baptized.

Because it’s a public testimony that we are not ashamed to be identified as a believer in Christ for our salvation.

79. Can believers live a victorious Christian life without association with a good Bible believing church fellowship?

YES, they can, but most likely will not.

Why is difficult for believers to have real victory in their Christian life without fellowship with other believers and a local church association?

They will most likely have weak defenses against the devil without the strengthening that comes from assembling together, learning, encouragement and fellowship with other believers.

It’s like one log by itself won’t burn as easily and as bright as with a pile of burning logs.

80. The “Battle Map for the Christian Walk” tract and Bible study was written specifically to HELP believers get into God’s Word. Many church and home Bible classes use this tract in their studies and discussions together, to help each other grow stronger in Christ.

81. How do our lives become more and more controlled by the Indwelling Holy Spirit?

We yield our body and life to the indwelling Holy Spirit little by little, area by area, habit by habit.

What kind of areas of our lives can the Holy Spirit help control for us toward Christ likeness?


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Desires, motives, morals, language, attitudes, actions and habits.

What will be the ultimate benefit for us as we become more and more Christlike in our lives?

John 10:10-B and 1st John 1:7 More and more abundant life and joy in our lives.

What will be the ultimate result for the Lord as we become more and more Christlike in our lives?

He will receive more and more glory through our lives. Other people will be attracted to Christ.

What did the Apostle Paul say was going to be His JOY in 1st Thes. 2:19,20?

The people he had ministered to with Christ at His appearing.

Leon’s Comments: Years ago I read the true story about a pastor who was walking along a lake one day. A teen age girl was drowning. The pastor jumped in and saved her life. Some years later, he was officiating at her marriage. After she kissed her new husband, she did something very unusual… she kissed the pastor on the side of his face and said, “Thank you for making this great day possible for me.”

Application: Will there be people coming up to you in Heaven and saying, “Thank you for helping me trust Christ as my Savior and making Heaven possible for me?” As Paul said, this can be a major source of JOY for you both now… and forever in Heaven.

82. Can you think of any greater JOY than to know your life has pleased the Lord?

YES… or…. NO

How do you think you may feel when you meet Him and hear these words?

How do you think you may feel if you DON’T hear these words?

83. Has it really gripped your heart… that YOU are HIS “Purchased Possession?”

YES… or…. NO

What price did He pay for you?

The horrible, painful, agonizing death of Christ on the cross… in our place and for our sins.

Has it really gripped your heart that YOU are His “redeemed” child, TWICE MADE… Created, and then bought back from the slave market of sin?

YES… or…. NO

Has it really gripped your heart that YOU are PRECIOUS TO GOD?

YES… or…. NO

84. Has it really gripped your heart that YOU are God’s PRIZED Possession?


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YES… or…. NO

Has it really gripped your heart that YOU are CHOSEN by Him and YOU are ROYALTY and HOLY unto Him?

YES… or…. NO

We are CHOSEN, ROYALTY and HOLY unto Him… to what end or purpose?

That people would hear and see Christ living in and through us… for His eternal glory.

85. Read Visual.

86. Read Visual.

87. End of this Christian Walk Show…


We pray this material will be powerful and clear presentations to help people understand and trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone and 100% for their salvation and… for victory in their

Christian walk and life… for His eternal glory.

Leon Bates [email protected]

Our Power Point Shows and the Study Supplements are available for free worldwide download off our web site:

Bible Believers’ Evangelistic Association, Inc.189 Old Perrin Rd. Sherman, TX 75092


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