not by might, nor by power, bu i by my spirit, saith the l ...€¦ · love, i i brought hope. i...

NOT BY MIGHT , NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L.OAD lkf:p E NTECOST;::?J ' • OCTOBER 29 , 1949 NUMBER 1851 THE SECRET OF FAITH r l ooked fo r my faith and I fo und only fcars I t rit'd to be trustful and ga\'c way to tt'.us. 1 will turn to the Book, Ccasc my striving and l ook To the Word that has blessed a!i my )·t'JrS. Faith cometh by heMing. by hearing [he W o rd , Trust springs into being with " Thus saith th t' Lo rd : ' No tr o uble ( ,I n dim Faith coming from Him, For Ht' is the faith -gi\'ing Word . M. llarl d( n

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Page 1: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he


lkf:p E NTECOST;::?J'

• OCTOBER 29, 1949 NUMBER 1851

THE SECRET OF FAITH r looked fo r my faith and I found only fcars I t ri t'd to be trustful and ga\'c way to tt'.us.

1 will turn to the Boo k, Ccasc my striving and look

To the Word that has blessed a!i my )·t'JrS.

Faith cometh by heMing. by hearing [he W o rd , Trust springs into being with " Thus saith tht' Lo rd : '

No tro uble ( ,I n dim Faith coming from Him,

For Ht' is the faith -g i\'ing Word . ~1. M. llarld(n

Page 2: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

A ftm~rkabll1!1 ll" tin'OllY o r Ul ..... lion. htaiinc. ~nd ".nll1('o,t.1 blll!llllnc. in Ih. loft' ot • Hun_ $:"".n C.tholk

When God's Love Came In Joseph p, Wannenmachc r·

• \Iv I'.\lu-::q-S wcre very (Ii'vollt Catho­Ill' ''' I weill I? church t'\ ('ry morning, \\'11111 \'(" pO~~lble, At !-IX Ihirt\' in the mnminl; I would be III Illy dltlll:h kneel ­Ing and I)laying, RU I I \\01., eighu'l'n ycars old wh('n I ht'ilrd fo r I II(' fir"t tim,: that (;()fl I.., lo\'(' I Ihou~hl (;(lfl w a..; Someone awa~' 111' il1l'rc with a long' heanl and a big' ~I\lh just waiting to .. cal lil t up-­and If anybody wa s en'r heat up in th is wurld, [ was beat lip, I didn't knuw that God is lo\'e,

I had an incurable di srase. With all the optralioll:<;, with all the help doctors could give', 1 wa ... no better. The dis('ase was in my I>ont's. It was bom: con ... umption; it wou ld Just hrt'ak Ollt anywIWr(' on Illy hod y and work itself through the bone and throuJfh the flesh, swclling up, and 1 had suff enng untold .

The wOllnds would not heal, so the doctors decided it would be best to ampu­tate my foot, which was covered with holes. i~ut then, I ;;I.lready had this terri­ble thing On Illy hand. \Vould they want to amputate Illy hand too? I had a s ister who died with thi s terrible di ... ea ... e, We poor chi ldren inherited it. You can imagine how hopeless I f('l t, strickt'n with thi s Iwthsome thing-.

I tholl,L:"ht of all the p<-'nilnce 1 had practiced ill the Catholic Churl'll to make mr~elf acceptahle in the sight of God. I had menut to do good. I wal1l(,d to do ner.rthing God \\'alHt'(\ lIle 10 do, but 1 didn't know His wi Ii. 1 decided that rather than have my foot amputated. r would trust God, J f I must die, I would die I lim, ;'\1)' lIlind was made up, ami God graciou ... ly saw Illy I'tlll:<;l'lT:ltiol1, [ thr('w everything else o\'('rhoar(\. You couldn't have gOllen mc to take a pill o r any lIll'dicine, I wouldn't eat between meal s. I was so thin , I was like a !-kelcton, but r tru:.ted God.

As ] was dcsper<l teh- tru ... t ing- (;0<1 in thi s way, someone brought along Luther's translation of the Bible, and for the first time I had the Book of Life. You know, this Book of Life ha s lots of life in it. Friends, I cannot tel! what lhe Bible did for me, ] played my violin in the theatre -I had a very good position as a

• Brothtr \\'annenmacher is pastor in Mil­waukee and is SUllerintendcnt of the Jimll.:arian Brandl of the Assemblies of God. This testi­mony ....... s given recently at the Central Assem bly in Springfield, Mo.

Page Two

11111"-1( I:ln. \\'11('11 I w(IIII(1 C4,me hnme frlllll the Ihtalr<' I \\-ould read thi:-. Book and It would fa'>tinnte me with ih truth, I found ~o many things I had Ilt'\"er heard. fl ow often 1 had attend('r\ t:hllrch! I row many time,., lJad played the organ! :-'Iy god fatlwr \\:1)<, a pric;,.,t. Hut now lhi ~ Bih\(- }lI:.t talked to me a11l\ told me 1>0 ma lly things [ had un/'!" h(·;II'(1. 11

told m~ that God i.., 1(j\"C,~.

:-'Iy whole heing was just thl' opposite of lu\"t, I suppo,.,e I inherikd this from Illy poor sick mother, who became so di.!>gu:<;t('d with life-hitler, dis,,-'ppoint('d, worn Olu. Perhaps you understand, 1 had a brothe r twu yt'ar~ older who had lung comlllllption. The dear hoy would ~ct 50 bitter. 1 Ie just wasted away and died. r had to watch as he slipped away, and J became bitter too, But thi s Bihle brought me sOnlething IH" \\" . It brought love, I I broug ht hope.

I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou<>"ht to he in his heart, in his mind. ill~bis liie, Th:ll ,\a:<; First Corinthians 13. r ht'gan to read this heautiinl love chapter. Oil, how it hit me! As I read what love is, I felt I was just Ihl' OPPOsite, In stead of being­kind, 1 wa s 11lc:an and sdf i"h , Instcad of heing lon gsuffe ring, I was just as fiery

a ... any )Iung-arian ('wr \\as. \\'hat cou ld I do aixHIl it? Thi ... natun' oi wrath had

{'(J!1trnl of me, BUl I k~'l't un n';ld11!t: that Bible.

I kcpt d('eiC\ing- I wa" g:oll1g to live ac­('ordlllg- 10 thi ... Hook; :ll1d t'very limc I 11I:uk' thi ... dcci~ion, oh, what trial ... came! I di!'tcoyered 1 had to pray. T dis{'o\'cred I needed God's help. So I jlht calII'd (III

God where,'e r [ \\,:IS. Smnetimt" my temper would ri ... e IKT<lu ... (, :<;0111,· 1ll1hi­cian!'t did not lill Jlht \\I!at I wan1\-1\ tht'm 1'1 do, ami rig-ht tht'f(' in the theatl'(' 1 would liit m~ hcart to God in prayer, nell while I was playing. Belicve me or not , I prayed mo re in the th(';1(rl' than 1110 ... t people pray in church!

1 felt so g uilty abou t thi s horrible tl'111-

pe r of mine that I thought, " [ t's nO \ron­der God will havc nothing- to do with mc," And yet I did al l r knew to do, 1 did p('na llC(-, ( )h, how J went on my knees. I wCnt on pilgrimages, 13efore ] was fi fteen years o f age I went eight times on pilgrimages. 1 served as an altar boy frol11 the age of six to the age of tweh·t. 1 came to America and 1 ran to church , Hut all my cburch-going and penance fai l­ed to work.

1 f owever, thi s Bible worked. T k<:pt reading iI, and its teaching would con­front l11e at every turn in life. After J would iin ish playing at eleven o'clock at night. I would corne home and read the Hi bl;· again. ;'\1)' ~ood stepmother, the darlmg, always waIted up to give me a little something to cat when I came home. She felt so sorry for me because of thi s h?rrible diseasc that was upon me, One 1I1g-llI,.!-he 1\"<:11t to sleep as 1 was reading­tht: 1,]l>le. Suddenly she awoke and said, ., Look! The clock has stopped!" And l ' ::lid, ":'I[o~her , I was just read ing in First I he!'-!'-al omans about the coming o f the Lord. God doesn't care for the time, He wanb u)<, to 1><: ready." I read to her and she looked at Jlle :-00 quecrh·. for ... he didn"t know what I \\a" tal king -a hout. She \\"a~ a dear old Cal holil: \\'0111an and ne\er had secn a lii ble. I had IlC\'er heard about the coming of the Lord m\"self. or alloot 1 li s power to save and l;e3.1. hut I had heen reading the nible. S o I talked to n,lY stepmother ,lIld I said, "Jeslls is COlllll1g! Jesus is coming!"

I was so distressed hecause I knew God intended us to be like Himself, whereas 1 felt I wa s just the opposite; but the J .onl was very gracious with me, lIe let me ha\'e an orchestra leader who was very jealous, Why he was jealolls of me I did not know, for I was jll!'t a young chap, but he tried in e"ery way he cou ld to cause me to make mistakes, This old na­ture would rise up in me, and then r would remember, "Oh, what does the Bible say?" And J would pray, "0 God, help me. 0 God, help me."

One day he put up a violin solo in the


Page 3: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

I,rtlgralll, rlml then he didn't rOl11c to play. I'n.~ido.:nt I":o(}sevcit \\'a~ III our Cltv that day and that large theatrt· wa" packed. \\"t II. then.' was notblll.£:' ior JIlt' tu do hut tn ,.\t.p m and lake the ordll'~tra and play. ~" I g(lt Ill' ancl playt'd and th~Il. to Illy ~uq'ri .. (·. I .. aw thi~ "j{)lill ~()Io. But the L'~r l\ hdped me. I C{Juld play that "iolm :-(.I{. bt·tter than he could! II~· wa .. so put out \\'llh me bccau .. e I l'(luld i'la~' cwry­thing' he put III front tli Ill\' r

_\nothcr time thc !t-,\!lt'r \\:h m,l pre~­

un wh('n it \\as timt· to .. tan the pro­gram ... 0 again I had t" lake his place {'''W!UCIlIlg and playing, I.u, ami behold! Lt· had put up all o,crturl' 111:11 had terri­lilt: run~ 111 II! \\'hen Ill' arrived he stood hl'hind the scenes and cunducted the ()]TheSlra, taking it out of my hand" :1.nd g1\'ing me the ti11le. I :tlt Ihe audience couldn't sec him, [ had tn 1'];1\" as I was l'Imdl1clcd, not as I cOlldl1(\nll And he \\"a~ driving the tempo ~o faSl, and jump­ing: about irom one plan' in tht· mtt~ic to all"ther, that I had a I~rrihle time. I;inally I\'e fmi."hed the o\ertllre , and the people dapped as if it had ht'Ul wonderful; bu t I kllt.:w 11 wasn·t. anti [ was gcuillg hot under the collar!

Theil the leader came amI sat down in his place beside tne! Yuu kno\\', that l}f'w oi mine ju!>t wouldn't play properly. It Lc!!,an 10 pull a little diiicrclllly, and the tone wasn't as ,!,\\"tct a~ hefore, ] Ie I!uticed it, and ill orde r to provoke me he :-aid, "An: you mad~" I said, .. It would make anybody mad," hu t inside I felt ala rmed o\'er the fact that my temper had risen and Iila l he had 11etll able to nOlice iI, evcn thou~h he knew nothing about my relig ion 01' til t· spir itllal exper i­('nce I had been going through. So I j ust prayed again. "0 God. dtli,·tr me of this l('l1q~r. Lord, delive r me of Ihis temper. " I prayed all through the rest of that pro­g-ram. and by Ihe t ime it was o,'cr 1 had the \ ictory. I could look him in the face and smilc.

The Lord has ne\er let me get away f rom First Cori nth ians 13. and I am no\\' thirty-two years on the way-but let me tell you how 1 was saved.

[ was desperately ill, suffering terri­ble pain and becoming SO weak I cOllld scarcely hold a bow in m)' hand. One

(Cont inucd on IXlgC cleven)

AT THE GENERAL COUNC IL. S EATTLE ( I ) P ray in& a t the "li a r nft er a n i!:h\ ulrvice.

(2) Mr,. Lorne F o" si",i,,&. "Bu t This O"e Th in& I Know ." ( 3 ) Relldi n& 'eport s du r ing II bu.;n,," mee\inc. ( 4 ) E va""el i, t li nd M " . Don M Qllough. ( 5 ) H . W . Bll rne tte of Ka n" .. C ity , Kiln.",: P a ul M. W e lls o f Santa Paula, Ca li f. ; C lifford Andrew, of Bellflower, Cill if. ( 6 ) Po",or nnd M rs. Arn .. Viele. (7) EVllnli:eli U Lorne Fox nt the org ~n . ( 8) T he M ll yor we lco n, ing the A.sembliu o f God vis ito .. to Seatt le. ( 9 ) Orville P " inter of M odeuo . Calif .• li nd W . M . R um· baugh, Oklahomll D iurict Sunday School Rep.e . • enta t iv", . (to) T he Gener,,1 S ecretary, ] . R. F lower. m Ak inc so me rem H kI . ( I t ) A v iew of d elelo:At es a nd mini. teu d u r in, " busin .. " meeting.

October 29, 1949 PUff;' Thn'(

Page 4: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

Life's Supreme Objective O. M . Carlson

ot the Gene ral Council

S!Tif'lurl' ,-('orlIllY: I /'cfcr 4:7-11.

• J WOl'U) LIKE to think with you for thl::-'(' few mOlllent-. concerning "Life's Supn:lllc Ohjectin:." There aTC tho:,c who :-'l'cl1lin~l)' have no OhjCllive higher than making lllOll")', or pursuing piC<l!.lITC. or finding fa lilt. BUI Chn ... tlal1'" rcahzc that ,hefe i.., sOl11('!hing 1111)T(' than Ihis in life.

\Vhat was e hri.'>!'" ... uprell1c objective \\hCll lie was 011 l:arth~ 11is chief oh­jt-clive w<t !-. not merely to hless pcop](', \ \ 'c know Ill s mission was to seck and H! ... aw· that which was 10sl; J fc \\'('111 ahout doing good, healing those who were oppressed of the dev il. Hut in Jesus' high­pri c.'l ily prayer (recorded in the 17th chapter of J ohl1) we find these words : ,,[ haw glorified Thee on th e ear th: r have fini "hed Ih(: work wh ich Thou ga\'cst i\le to do." T his shows liS that Jcsu!:t' !:tll­I,rellle oh ject ive in life was to glorify Il i~ Father which was i1l heavcn .

fi e could truthfull y !>ay. " r havc glor i+ fied Thce 0 11 the eart h." li e Ila~ not playing: to the gallery; U e was standi ng 111 thc shadow of the cross. Looking into ] l i5 Father's face, }Ie could honestly, si ncerely say. " I have g'lorified T lwc on th e earlh."

The apo~lle Paul. writing to the Philip­pians, said that he had a desire that Christ might he magnifi ed in hi s bod~ , whether through tife o r through death . It did not lI'aller to him whether he would Iivc or die, So oft ell wc say, "Oh, l want to live ; / want to hc hea led so I \\"ill live." Well. wh)' do you want to li ve ?

I heard a story of the Southern prcach+ (' I', Sa m Jont's, who was called to pray for a man who had occasionally been to his church, A!', he entcred Ihe room where this man was lying, S am J one l> I>aid. " \Vhat do yOtl want ?" "Oh," he sa id, "I want to get welt; T want to live." J ones sa id, "\Vhat do you wallt to live for? YOn have IlCI'Cr COlltriiJuted anything to t l1<' ,.;alvat ion of a soul. Ve ry seldom do you attcnd se rvi cc on Sunday night. Only occasional1y do yOIl att end all Sun­day morning. J don't !,cc whcre you have con tributed any thing to the promotion of

the cau~c of Chri~t. \\ 'hy do you want to li\"<:?"

! [c sa1(1, "Oh, r wallt to live. I want to get well. ,. Sam J ones said. '"1'1I ttll you Ilhat I'll do. /'\1 pray that the r .or<l will heal you, prol'iding from n/J\\" 011 you \\'ilJ li\'c for the glory of Gotl." \\ 'hcn he praycd, "0 God, r pray that yOI1 w!ll help thi s man. If he tell" t hl' trnth, if he really wants to li\'e for )"011 from 1I0W 011, Lord, touch him and heal him. But, Lord , if he doesn't want 10 live for you and for YOllr ~lorr, have lllt'fCy

llpon him and s<t\·c hi111 and take him homc." The Lord had mere\' on thc man and healed him, deliverillj,!" him abo from his ~c lfi <;11I1ess: and the vcry next

Seek ye lirst the kinQdQm QI God, and his riQhteousness: and all these Ihinqs shall be added unto you.

Moll. 6:33

S unday thi s man was in ch urch . I Ie .'. tood lip and he .'.a id, "The Lord has shown me Iha t I have lil'ed selfishly. I have livcd on ly fOt" my OW lI interest ; but by the grace of God, from now on 1 shall li,'c for God and 'for }-Jis glory."

[n our Scr ipt ure reading, we rcad the.'.e words of Peter : ., [ f any man l11inis+ Ie I', let him do it as of the ability which Cod giveth : that God in all things may be glorified. That should be the supreme objective of ou r lives . I th ink sometimes wc Ileglect 10 g lori fy God with our lips as we ought. I remember how, in the ea rly days, when brethren would meet together there was always that greeting of p raise, "Praise thc Lord, praise the Lord ." 1t seems the custom has died down 10 a certain extent. I trl1 :--t Ihat we shall continue to glori fy God with our lips, as well as with our lives. But unless ou r lives glorify God, speaking Ihose words o f prai se mean very little,

The apostle Peter has Outlined here a fe w things whereby our lives may glorify

OHid.1 Or •• n of lhe A"~rnbli ... of God in U.S.A. THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Publi . hed ..-leI" b" the C-peJ PubtL.bJn .. H ouse, ~ Weat Pacific: Slree t, Sprin .... idd 1, Mo., U.S.A. R OBERT C. CUNNINGHAM

Aetm,- Editor

God. Fir:.t lit: -.ap, "Be )'C then: ion:: sob<:r. ami waldl unto prayer." .\ lifc that \\ il1 glonfy (;or! must be a hic of prayer. One saintly hrother said. "The fir"t Ihillg of illll)fJrt<lnce. the second Ihing o f imporlal1l.:e, the third th ing of import · ance in c\'er)' lllinbler's life, is /1ra:yl'l"." :-'fartin Luther "aid that unlcss he wtmhl spend two hour" in prayer in the mornillg, he would fear Ihat Satan would get thc \'ietory OHI" him during the day. Uh, I bclic\'c the !llO~t impo n ant factor in evcry Chrbtian's life is prayer. Jt should be our fir,.;t hl1!'ine~s, that which Comes first in our li\e ... Praye r, prayl.T. amI more pra)cr! J iJe!ie\'e Ihe rcason the early apostolic chu rch brought glory and honor HI Ill(' na111e of Christ was he­cause it \\'a~ a praying church, It began 111 praycr; it l.:U1u inued in prayer: anti as the childn'n of (jod continued in pray+ cr, God mon'd, and IIis Ilame was gJori+ fied. ),Iay we remember the importam:e of it.

\Vhell the problems multiplied in thc early church, rou rcmember the apostles said. "\Vc llHlst find men to take t;are of the secular busincss, that we may give ourseh'es lu prayer. and the mini stry oi the \ Vorel of God." In these busy days it' s so easy 10 Rive ourselves to othcr things in..,lead of prayer. / Ix:lie\'e \\e ough t to reconsecrate to lives of prayer, and our lives sball g- lorify God. r hal'e sa id to IllV chllfch jl) l\lilwaukee, "If I (an leach " yOI1 nothing el se, 1 want tf) te:tch yotl to pray, and how to pray." for I kno\\" tha t a praying church, a praying movement will he a people and a 1110V(>

111ent that !,hall bring glory and honor to God.

\-\"c need heanielt praycr. 1t is thc effectual fe r vent prayer of a right eous man that ;ll'aileth much . James 5 :16. \\"cy rnouth\ tram;iation has it thi s \\'ay, "Powerful is th c heartfc lt supplicalio1\ of do righteous ma n." If we arc to exert a mighty influence in our generati on. it will not be bv our \'ast numbers , or bl' our g reat in st itutions, but it will he by the hea rt felt supplication of rig hteous men and wOlllen. They arc the people who shaH shake Ih is nati on and bring gl ory t e, God. A ll men of God who ha"l! brought g lory to the name of J esus, who have exerted a mi ghty influence, have been l11en of prayel', men of intercession.

Anotlwr thought that the apostle I)rings to liS is tha t of suffering. "Fora sl11uch as Christ halh suffered for us in the

Sub""riplian RMt". in U.S.A.: $1 .00 for 8 monlh.; $1.50 for 1Z month.; $3 .10 for Z )"~aJ"': $5." for 4 " earl. Oulsid~ U ,S.A., U ,M pet >,",U.

E"t~r(d as .ttOnd·cla .. nuller l"n~ ZS, 1918 a t poll office in Sprinl[fidd. :!>to. , ""du Ad of Muc h J. 1879 .• >\ce"pled fo r ma iJin l[ a l specia l ra lt p rovided in ~. Il!l.l. Act of Oct. J, 1911, autho rized J uly 3. 19111. Printed in the U.S.A.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS, T,,·o w~d<l' notH::~ required. Be MIr~ t o nate your

old .. ddru • . ~5 weI! as your n ew one, "hen " 'r iting in; olhe r ... ·i .e the chan l! e can· no t Ix: made. :\n addr,,", ! imprinl lorn from ~ r.,cent iu ut i ~ preferred. I'llt the n a me "I'en ttcoual Evang,,!" on your 50 thai the Gospel I'ubl i.h in g Il ou." " ' ill k "o ... · "hich rnalra.i ne )'ou ar" cettin g.


Page 5: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

ile~h, arm '·(1ur~ehe.... Iih\'I\ i .. t· II Ith tl~e ~al1\(' mind.:' 1 Peter -4'1. \\"hat glory \\',b hroll;::::ht to the namc of God when the "uficriTlg ~a\'ior hUIlg' UpoTl Cal\"ary\ cro~<: I "Cltri,.,t hath "\liitTl"Il \rlll \·our .. t!\"es likc\\"i~e:' Oh. it i.., tlw .. uficr­ing', hleeding soul that Ili[1 hIt· .. ". [t hac; becn ..,aid :0.0 Ofl('l1 . "Jt i .. Hl1h ;h Ill' hleed that we bless." \\.(' want \11\11' I,!\· ... ..,t·(l. and I\"\" 11('\lld [jhC If) bl<-..,,.,. hul III.\\" 111 1m' of II-. an: willing to llle •. :<1 ~ 11"11' m<lll\' ui

'Ot,t ... '.\000:

01 .... , .. , •

• ~ .. '0" onoa

tiS 3re II il1ing- to ... \lifer? \\' e wall! the iel1ow ... hip in II h acceptance, but hUll

many oi Ll" ·tn· II ilhng' 10 fell"w ... hip 111111 I hill 111 Iii ... n·j(· .. :li"ll "d()w~ \\'e W;111( III

go wilh I JiUI 10 tin- Illount 01 trall ... iiglll<l lion in IIi ... ~Ior~', hut hOIl lll'dl~· n; \lll

;J,rt' \\ illill~ I~J ~() Ilith 1 lim 10 the Gardt"1l oi C\·th ... t·mant' and there :-,\\"('at a .. II \\1'1"'

drop~ oi hlood? 110\\ man~' oi u .. art' wdlin:.,' to d"IlI' L>ur ... t·ln; .... tIld takt' til' (jur ero .. :,- dad:--:. and funtlw Jesus: Oh,

\\1' mll .. t ,'vllle I" that I ,Ian' when' we ... ay. "I."nl. 1'111 "Illing to tal-t' up my CfO"'" and g'lJ ~(lur "aI", till" ,!t-"pt--l'd wa\ till' reJedt.'f\ way' III Ilnkr tn hrtlll;{ glor.\ t(1 Ili~ Ilalllt:

The wal' (d Iht" t r("." It-ad:-; hOIllt'. Paul III writing-' to hi~ .. on 111 lht' go ... pel ('l'lIll

nIh\") !->:lid, "bHlur(' h:lrdne ...... ,'· or, a'" \\'(:ymotllh pllh 11 ... \n:t'!,1 \nUr :-;han' ot "'\1iil"rill~.".? Tim. 2 I \ft' \\t. \\ilb':,::

It",1lI111l1l"d (, 1 t"t· tli rtt

(1) NominatiOll a for C. .... nl S"P'"dn tend~nt . (l) T elw.n countin, the ballot . co ... t for C.neral Suverin te~l. (3) 8rol""r E . S. Williams mlrod"cu the n_ ."perinten~ l . 8rolher W . R, S I""n..,r •. (4) Th .. New YOrk office of In. M i.-boa Dept. (5) ChlcJo.oI.nd Clrla' Trio, ' ..... 1 .in. ~ .. M ........ ,. rU,ht . (I) Th~ General SecretJory. J . R. Flo ... er. and hi' He...,I ... ,. Vivian Wh.u ... ·d . til All noon h,,~inu ..... don. (I) 8ro1h~ .. c...,.I~ Lewl,., J . E. " ." .. a. and 1'.,,1 C-' land. (t) J o..oph Wanneruna.;her, M il ..... "k ..... Wi • . (II) Bible School """" C1enn A . Reed .nd W . I. Ev.oa of ems, .nd I. J . Harrl_. scm. (II) Marvin W . J ohnaon., Spok • ....,. W ..... in.ton. (lZ) Horne Mi .. looa Boolh.

Orfober 29, 1949

Page 6: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

Honor or Dishonor ERNEST S. WilLIAMS

on Not. onol Rod,o Hour, " Se.monl ,n Song "

• T,nn. I \ S'i!T1'T1 i!1 \\hi.n ~(I~ "\I<ln Il('iTl~ III h""'lr .. hi(!t-th l)t,\' It rtlll"'<!. " Ih.lI. Ilf'I\C'\(""r Wt mi,l:ht h, c·",!lu·cl in Ihc ry(', oi 111;\1<, lil(' tlln(' (""lIIl" IlhclI ..... 1' IIlU .. 1 Rue I,];,n·. I .,o,wl hrfnre th(· !Hlri;11 1)l;ltc of Bcnp. 111111 F ranklin. \\h<ll a hlc ,ill~ lit" 1101' to nur counlry OncC' II<' \\;\, ;lli,(' ami ani\"(', l)llt no\\ 1)(" i. II;""C. \\'c may mak{" Illl'TlUmtn' I" th,)<,\· 1111(<111 \\C' honor, hltt IW"llIITlC'l1t~ (lrc of lillie- \\I,rlh l/l theTll IIh""l' 1"(lJ.:u(,~ ;Ir~' n"" ~ II("!JI in \h(' /-:r;l,(· 111 LIII, 11I:11I)" who "ill I( r.tiq' 111{"ir 11;lrll(' \\ill ;It Ihl' ~aT11t· lil1l(' IfilTllI'!' tht'ir l'rin("iplt·,.

You ('<1111101 ;.hillc hat·, \"t' ,,11 11\1l.t '!"

whlll hie j. r;llkd for, .\lId ,,11<'11 \\e ~". \\h;il tl)("l1 TITi .. H'lni",[ 1111' of 111(" \"1">11111( 111;\11

"h" 1';(\>('d e-""111111;l\ioTl~ alld w,,~ :ulmitt('(1 a, ;1 I'ratlirin).!" lawHr. I [c \\;\~ fill(',1 "ilh ;\11:

hil1l>lI. hili ~a\(' littll" tl"",,Cht I', Ih(· ('nd Ih 1 \1"IIIe! be- . \,k,d "hat hl" \II01l1n("(1 \II do, he npliul. "I "I.m tn hlli"l nll.\ r.«"o/! pr:llli"'l )!,'I m;ITri"<1 awl haw a lIin' b"utl "'[ h 11 wIT:!t~"

(';In.(" Ihe '111(·'li"n. '·1 h('11 I '"1''' \ III ;ul\;t!1n 111;'1..,· m(lIK'y, hUII'1 rror m} itCH a 11 ,ITlle," ",\1\1\ 1111"11 \\hat~" "\\'1,," [ r<"t nll1. I 1,lan I" r('lin ;111'\ ("nj"Y h·,' awl 1.1111('" ".\",1 thrll I'.h:u ~" '"\\lil. 1'1,11, I /.:111" s 111"11 [ I\ill han' III Ilit" ".\11<1 111(11 \\I!;H Th'll 111(' qllt'I""I.

"J\ i, al' l)j ,i llh'd unto 111all (>lIrc

t<l (iiI'" BUI Ih:l \ h Il"t ;111. ".\ftl·~ Ihi~ r('111('~ Ihe jlTflgll1t lit." It i~ Ihi, Ih.\I wc o\l.':hl In 11Tl'!,;\rt" for. \\" " III,IY J1\i~~ fnlfilhl1\'nl of ',IlT amh;· linll' lur(' [1\ fa r t. nOll(' know .• how long hI' \\ ill hI' hl'Tt' \\ l" call l10t lit' Ml rc thaI we will live until tPmorrow. 11\11 be a,,"url"d "f Ihis' altt'r (!<-ath rOl11t, Ihe- j udgment. Thi~ no one ("all t~tapt',

I)" you have 11ft" il\~u raJ1c(,' \\'h~ lio YOII have it' YIIU ~;I"', "1 \\ i.,h t" I('an' m.,. Lunil)' ~I'C(1 r c ,ll1luM I die." I a,k, .. \rt you

"11\ hrll 11<' 1i1t ... 1 up lu I I I .. U'I: ,n ',J" Illt Ill-- I rii,IIl'1 l!1H"1l\ th, I"r~ It I' ('hri~l\ I{,,("hin~. Thi~ ritl! !II'll! h .. ,1 {,IiiI'd 1<. m .. kt pro\l.jon for ('I('rnil~ ~lll'nil'':: [..;\1-"ru'. on thc oth('r hand. 111;'.\ hOI\( uf"IIku· ,I ll1akil1~ prnn~iol1 for th(' pff'tnt, hut l\,...t f'r Iht" future. lit' "J-n dic,l (\\('1,::11 II .·"t1Ira~ll

<111'\ \\;t ("arritd h\" thr "ll;:d .. lUI" \hrahal1l t."~"1II. Th(' ", 1'1 ho h;1.I1 pfCI)3.rtf\ fOf this life only, 10" "II. The "Ilr \\11 .. pfllarrc\ i, r Ihe tim(' II) ('01111' marie ('urn,,1 ):(lill \.k )"ur­~ ... 1f 111(' fll1("",tlo", "\\'hOl' ~h;:r,11 It I,r' ,i,t ;1 man. if he ~h""ld lI:<lill the I'.huk \\nll'l. <llld lo-t hi~ 0\\ 11 '''U[ "

.\ r(' you rt'ad~' f(lr th(' judj.tIll("111 day? J),

11('1 Irc"t ,hc malll'r li,ll;hll.'· "Llflh to ("artl-> dll,t to <i1l.1:· i~ IUlt all )("11', th(' l'l\illl{ ~a\"1"r, i, wilh U~ ril/:ht nt'\\ Ih' i "ckil1~ th ~' .hct"p Ihat i\ !l;ol1e a~lr<l" \r(' y'm iI~tray: Thcn H t· i, ~('('king you. \\',11 P'II n"t ".k Ill(' S01\"i"r '0 i()r~i\"(' YOllr ~iu, and I" rOllle into y,nlf IW<lrt?

{\II ,"rrr'luJ1ld('nfc and I,fi("fi'lj.t t,.\\ard II\<" >UJlIl0rt "f "~('rmnns in ~1111.':" ,I".uld he .11\­

dr{"~s{"d 10 Ih(' i{;.tdio [)("Il'lrtltl("ll. P. O. Box 71l, ~prilldidrl, ~Ibsouri.)

"Fco llow Me. and I will make you" M3ke you I pefllk My word. wilh pOw",r, Make you ch .. nnel. of M y mercy, MAke you he lpful every hour.

" Follow Me, and I will mAke you" MfIlke you wh"t you cannot be­Make you loving. tru.trul. godly, M3ke you even like to Me.





.irk;" Y"II ~a~', '":\n." Th";ll I a~k. I~~~~~~~~ ~l1r,IT1\'(';" y"ur ~n~W('r i .. , "I am :: '"\\"11)" 111<'11 do yon Iilk,· OUI in_ ~~~~~~;~~ well today, hUI do Illit knm\ "h;11 may hapj)cn 1I11110TTO\\ [wallt my family C'an·d for: ' I fully il,llreC with yOI1. It i ~ illl hnl ll)r \01 .1,1',' man thilt he wi .. ht"~ to provide for t ho~c of hj ~ hO\l~ehold HII \ if Ih i~

i .. flf \11\" h imporlilm'e that you arc willing \0 Q ("Tifin ' I" l,"ly the \lr':'­mium>, 1\ ht'n )'011 may live f('r rcan yn. i~ i\ of I c~~ illlportaul"<.' thaI ym. ~hould I,rcparl' to mccl you r Jud,lle when life herc is ovcr? If unccrlainty as to Ihe 1c11/-:lh o f lift'" C:lus .... s you to takc out il1~Ur­

ance, i. not Ihe 9111C uneerlainty rea~OI' why you should "mak e your callinl{ and election SlIre" for eter­nily h)' taking Christ as your Sa\'ior?

l~eTT1ember the rich man who di~d and was buried. H e had made ilm\)lc provision for Ihi ~ life, bul

Page Six

Miracles of Healing Malignant Tumar Healed

"I hale he.ilrd thy praycr , I ha\c seen thy tcars: behold. I \\ ill heal thee." 2 Kings 20 :5. This is the: pn)mi~c I slood upon for more 1i1;m IwO years. Our Goo is wondcrful. In Gcn('~is 18: 14 ("rOd ~airi to .\hraham, "Is there anytl,i:w tOO hard for the I.ord?"

;\Iofe than ten YC<lrs ago I was affii(tCl[ Ilith a skin trouble \Ihirh s tarled on a ~mall por­lion of m)" hody. r \Itnl to different doctors who would relicve II\!' for a time. hUI aitt"r\I;.nl. it would comc back and gradually it I.:ot ()\t.:r

my entire body. The doc tors (an<l !IH:re \IU('

a /-:ooJ l1\<lny that ha\c seen it Ol'cr Ihe 10111{

pcriod of timc) ea!1ed it P soria sis. We tritd all sorts of Ilatcnt("d medicines that we lI"uuH be ild\" to try. Thcy would all hell) 10 n" lic\'c il '''111e hilt IIC could never get rid of it entirely.

For ,("\'cr;;j yC<lr_. I had to wcar lf1n~ ~It ... ,"," , ilnd it \la' " c'>I1li,mal fight to k('('l) it "ff my f;lc .... a l1(1 11(":1..:. TIlt'Tl three months bef"re (Jur baby wa~ born. it went wild all O\'er my enlire' body and got into my hair. ~Iy body bream" ~n ~wolleTl that I looked inhuman. I coulllu't ~t't ,110(" Oil ior n('arly a }"(·ar. Th"n' \\l'r, ~rc:lt ",rc, mO~1 of I\hich were runnit~t!" .;nres, all o,'cr 1:1C. Onc ~orc covercd the entll (' IMrl-: of my h .... ar. Thcn all of my hair can1l' "Ill.

Blood an(1 WOller oozed out oi my O<ICly all thc time. The odor \\ hi..:h came from the.;c ~ore~, wa, ~o terrible that pcoplc could haT/liy Still1d to he around I11C. Bul ill ~ Ililc o f all of t hat my hlt,haml and Illy fn[b \\cre faithful a nd t( ~)k

farc (If m('. Also they did my \1 ;Ishings which wcre horrible.

JII the fall of '47 J began to /-:C\ "tiff alit! hc"lp[css. It wa s a [1 that I rou !d do to gct around the hou~c. Fin;.l1 y the las t IwO weeks of Octoher. I got down in bed en­li rc ly. \[y hu,l):lnd hild to (Iuil Bihle School in o rdcr that he mi ~ht take ca re of me. Finally we were ari\'ised 10 get t he c1ini r in Peoria to sec me. The doctor Cilllle tlill 10 Ihe house to see mc and im­mcdiately said that I would ha\c :o g-o \0 the hospital as ,onn a s po~­


cmcred the hospital on\t"mher 8. 1947. and fronl then I)('came .Ieadily worse. The docto r then told my fo]h that I didn'l have a chance to livc. But my hu~-1>;11111 Inld him that we helie",,<1 God would heill me. The dlXtor ,~id . "\Veil. God is a g ood man, but he can't heal Ilcr." For two weck .. r lIas very low and the pain I ~ l1ffercd was te r rible. r prayed that Jews would take me home to hc \\ilh l1im. and out of my su ffer· ing". but He told me H e " ould Ile ;\1 lIIe hcre. Part of the time r d idn't recognize Illy folk. \fy limh~ from my hip~ down were hdll1e" ilud r

Page 7: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

could hardly stand the awful pain ,I h~n al1yol1~ would touch Ill~.

Then on~ ~\"enin~ th~ doctor ca lied illY folks and told th~1ll that they had diag!lo~ed my case and had found that I had Malignant Tumor (which is cancer). The canccr had ([e\"eloped from my skin troublc which he said had ne'·cr been P soriasis but had becn a di,ea<e called )'I ycosis (Fungoid) Hc <aid J had eano!r from Ill)" head to illY iecL Thc eanccr had afilicted SOI1\C

of my organs making thcm entirely ,.111.

l·OlltrOJlable. .lily red corpuscles were being destroyed tryin.1t" to fight off ilil of the poi~on in my body. I Ila~ living on jll st one_lhird of my blood anJ proteins.

For several months before ! went to the hospital, I was always chill;> and cold. Even in the hottcst part of the summcr I shook all of the lime as though I had Pal sy. N"othing that anyone did for me could make 111e lIann. But I am glad that \\"e have snch a big God. After the doctors had given Up. thell He ~ t epped in. Praise His name! People al1 ovcr the United States were praying for me. Sevcral anointed handkerchiefs were sent. My folk, my husband. and countless Christians el·crywhere were be­lieving God to hea! me. And prai~e God, H e did!

\V hcn the Lord begins to work you notice a difference. After a few ([a}'s ill the hO~pil ,,1 when the Lord began 10 work. thc docton noticed my skin begir111ing to clear lip here and there. so they began to take courage amI start­ed to X-ray my skin. although a few days be­fore they said tlley could not do any tiling" for mC". They like to take the credit for it; hut although thcy werc very faith ful. yet we know it was jeslls that made me whole.

1fy skin is a!1 well now. and a large turll')f that was on one of my legs II"Cllt away. The doctor had told my mother after I began to get better, tllat if I lived a year he would thell sec what COllie! be done about taking the tumor off. But the doctor didn·t have to worry about it. because the Lord took care of that as well as the rest.

I still marvel at the fa cl that I am we[!. I can now dress and wear shocs as anyone clsc. My hair is coming in thick now and I jnst give all the g lory to j esus.

I have a healthy baby boy a year o ld. hadn't been able to take care of him, bill now I have him \\"ilh me al1 of the time. My hus­b?nd has a c,'!!l to the ministry, and it is our prayer and ambition to work for our Lord who has done so mtlCh for us. P raise His name forevcr!

If any of you have a need of any kind tum to jesus. He wil1 help YOII. Il l y God is sufficen\. I love H im so.-lIl rs. Wilbcrt F. Bastian, Garrison, North Dakota.

(Pastor H. C. McKinney sta t e~: "As Sistcr Bastian's pastor I regularly visited and prayed with her during the mally months of hcr seri­OilS illness, and I know the test imony shc ha~ written is true," The testimony is verified also by her mother, Mrs. A. L. FOlltS, of Peoria.)


had suffered with gall bladder trouble since 1927, aud would have sllch severe spells that I cOl\ld /lot breathe wi thout gasping. My arms

Oclober 29, 1949

M.s . Ba stian before and ofte. God healed he.

would become numb, and cold. ~[y Hails would turn blue, and it seemed tha t any momcnt would be my last one.

On Thanhgiving uight, 1947, God in~tanllr bca1ed I11C. Before 1 was healed [ eO\lid uever cat anything s\\ ect without suffering agony. Now J cat sweets and it doe~n't cau<e me any more $fJCl1,. I Ihank God that lie is the Great Phy.,ician,

1 had beCIl told by doctors that [ would have 10 have an operation to el·er he well and normal. But j esus made a way for me on Call·ary, <Lnd [ do prai,e lIim that \\e can look to lI11n f,\~

all our need~, both soul and body. I do thank the Lord fo r lIis perfect hcaling. 1 have uN

had one spell since that time.· ~I r~. O. "­I[(lwell, Ji ll l!igllland AI·C., ~! anhattan Beach, Calif.

(Leona rd Nipper, Pastor of the Gospel Ligh~­hOIl~e !\ssembly of God in lIlanhatta ll Beacl!. Cal if.. has I'erified this test imony. Il e wrlt(5 that lIIrs. B owel1 is a member of his church, aud says, "Ou r hearts have bee!] made to re­joice as we hal·e noticed tbe improvement ,n Iler condition.")

-----DELIVERED FRO.\( P AIN !\i'(\)


About eight years ago I was takcn sick wilh gall bladdcr ailment and a nervous condition which together ma<lc my life miserable and very \ll1happy. I doctored wilh ~ever,,1 physicians and each one seemed to say the same thing about nly condition. but aftcr about sCI·cn years of tre<ltmellt 1 re;!iiled that in­stead of getting better I was ~C"1tin l!: \\or'e. I could hardly eat anything without d readful pain. [began to set alarmed. ~o the doctor ordcred me to have an X r<ly taken, as he thousllt I 1I"0uid h<lve to underl!:o an (1)(·ration.

In this state T just didn't know what to do next, but somehow I realized I must find ~()mc­

thing to satisfy my soul. [haPI'CIlC"(1 10 be ,·i si ting some relatives :lnd they il1\·itcd me 10

go along with them to a. H ol iness church . It \\"a~ while in this service that J found Ollt that the Lord wanted to S:ll·e my ~01l1. \Vhcn the altar caB was given, I werrt to the altar and the Lord reaIly saved an<l blcsscd 1"<­

wonderfully. But it was jllst the beginning! Tile next dav

I prayed and while r was praying I found out that the Lord was trying to lead me d~ercr in His truth. I became qui te anxious,

a~ I lunted this wonderful Sal·ior to hecome m(lT~ real to tny hcart. t pray\'(1 that the Lord would karl mc to a dmrdl II here I could be ltd[lllY in w(lf~hil)illg I lim.

Weli. lie relllly did answer lily iHaycr, for almo-. t before I reali1('(1 it I \\.:1, ;41I<'ndin/i: an ullCn-air meeling in TOlllhickcn, a ~mall mininlo! tlll"l near Ila1letoll, Pa Ry t hi~ time J lIa, per'u;tded that I 1101' in tl1l" ril!ht path. for I kll('w that tl1<"'e l'Io.:ol'lc- h,4,1 \lllat I needed and wa11leo:\. So lil;lt ,·cry /light I In'nt to Ihc ~eTl i.c,t the Ao;sclllbly of God ~Ii,~ion in "·t·,1 I [arletol1. It \\a~ a 11>\1,1 pn·ciou~

mcdil'g tl,al I ~h.ll1 neler forget. .\l the c1o.~ of the service, I nOli("«1

that ~onlC ~iek Ilere lx·iuK an()intf,1 and Ilrayed for. I a,ked Ii I couM 1)(' he:llcd too al1ri. as I 'la, al1oin,,·'\ ,,,til praycd for, the Lord imtant ly hC;lk,1

me right then'. rmi~e His namel

Since that ni"ht of NO\"flnher D. lQ~s. have be<'n free fr011l all th;lt pain alld di .. tr("~~. I have not becn to a doctor sinee and I ;4m able to cal all)thillg:. f have :I \\ 011derfnl pcace of both he:lrt and mind and am really happy in the Lord.

A few I\c(k~ after my healin~ I had ~"n\(" ­thing more to prai~c Ilim f(lr, t)("c;1II~e lie b,"l.ptb:ed me in the H oly Spirit, according to Iris wonderful promise. Prai~e lhe I,onl' II,. ha~ changcd our enti re home, My ht1~b:lrl(1 and ii tt\e daughters hal·c been ~al'ed. and we have followed the ' .onl in water b.1pti~111.

But that is not all! I had Jxoen I\("arin!! ,,[a"~l·s sil1ce I Wa5 about thirteen YC;lr~ old. .\bout tll"O or three months after lie hcalcd me of my o ther cOlldi ti oll~, the Lord let me know that 1 Ie would undertake for my eyr~ too. ~Iy I'y<" ~tartcd hnrtillg 111(', 50 I helievrd the Lor'l wantcd me to stop wcaring- the /o!la~q's. I di.l so, and the I'aill left. Now I ra n S<''' better without the j.! laSSC5 than I could with tilelll. IslI' t J Ie wondcrful!

I certainly do prai'e God for all ! Ie ha~ dOl1c for me. I prai<e lli l11 i.,r "alill,1:: 1(\(',

healill g" me. filling me lI"ilh lI i~ 110\.1· :;;l'in1. and for the C()1J'l lle s~ other hlessing~ Iha t li e has bestowed upon 111(', Trllly, 11 (' h,l' .Ipm' "exceeding abun<lantly" above all that I n· r asked or thou~ht. aud J :1111 fully pt·rW:ldl·t\ tb.1\ lie will do all thinR~ for II~ if lie PilI-- ~·i(·ld O\lneh·('~ to Ilim ;,nr\ let Him ha\·e Ii i, way in our 1ivc~.-~lr" . Iblph Rup.:n, Nurnnlwrg, Pa.

(This Rood t c~ til1\(l1l1" is cndor,,,l hv \\'111. \ CI1d\\"c]l. Pastor of j;,li th A~«·rnhl~; 01 \'ud, Ilazleton. P a.)


An exchange quotes If/Olllllll'S 110"11' Cn!lt­/>llIIiOlI as saying: "~lcdical men of the nation have long known the shockillg fact that many of the nine milliOll operations pedr" 'l1c,1 ,!11-flually in this country are entircly unnCCC~"a,.y - too many operatio!ls motivated by all intercst in the patient's pockctbook."

God's l)l-Qple should [ikewi~c realize t lwt many of the oper;tliol1S performed 011 thcm could be al'oidcd if they actually believed the simple promise, "I am the Lonl that healet11 thee." Exodus 15:26.

PafJC Srorll

Page 8: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

tc t~e l1eed~ Mr. and Mu. J . H . Boyce, Nort)' India

• \ BRA II MAS, P,'T,llytt"d IhnJI1j.:h having !;.kcn too l11:lny injection, for ",llnna, '":l1I<:d for 11' ,,, rome 10 pray for him it k\\ \\I:\k~ ago. \Ul~n we reached hi~ home \\e {IIUI1I\ him in a criti ... .! condition. A copy of ('"T J.:"'pd ~"ng 11;1, 'II hi!> bed. III' told U~ where to hud the ~on~' 11(" t~J)(:('irllly likt'd II II,!', an ('l1(Ollrag('­

tllcnt 10 us to find him ~() into:n- I\'d in Ihe S()I1!:,S.

\\-e Ilrayed for the IIra11111all. a11<\ promised I() return the follol'.illP. (I;I} tu vi\it him. As ~(I"11 ;I~ III' tnitTCd hi- _~;Hd tl11' ll,"xt afternoon he (',']ll'd 10 II'. to pra~ for hil1l_ "Sir, II1ca~e I'fav fM me at 011l;/,. 1 klli/\I that God hear. F'UT pray('r~ for lH~t ni).:hl J ,1"1)\ f<lur hours,"

~inre that day the BrahmHll ~t(';l(li ly has im· IlruH,'d in h{';llth. IIi , I11HlI'· i, a gc)(xl half mil(' from II~, but hc ""II..l"(i ,1"1\11 10 see liS

thi~ \\c('k, and was lookinR fine.

Tlli, young man \\ ill kil·,· to ]lay a 1'(1·\·at pri ... - to ("()Ilft~s (hri_1 {'I,,-·Ill\" ;\, his Savior. '·\"0\1 (: ;\n11ot imagine:' h~ ~:II1I. ··what (\evili'ih Ihil11'( ~ are in Ollr midqu \\ 'e l(atheH'd that th(' li1'(!Jt of our Lonl ),"11" 1':1, ,hone in his heart and mind, and Ihal 11(' ha~ made a com­pari'nn, Pka se pray fot him amI his family th;1I r{'llraRC will Ix: gil·en to ,h('"111 10 follO\I rhri'!

Thl" poor and the sick arc always with U5. Y"'It'rday we visited a ,lIl;lg,· do~e to Siswa rla/ar. and were ilwited 10 ~top at the head-111all·~ home. Scarcely had we begun to sing for a <,·rvice thcre \1 11('n Ihe wife of a lila:! II bu ,,<,~;{siol1a lly d{)e~ (Xld job, for II~ came

and implorul u\ to hasten to her 11U.I,,1nd's hed,ide a, h~ was dying. \\'e found him qllite ill, but not dying. As we were Ica,·ing that hOll1e a ylJlmg 1I"0ll1an brOll/o:ht her baby to liS for ]lray~r. It had the whooping cough. A \111:U:c 111<>th\'r W;15 coveTed from heMI to fOllt II ith il( h. ~he was a pitiful sight and was st"", ddlt'11 and weak from her ~ick!le"" that sh~ could not take in anything that we said as W~ ,·i~ited her.

Am1Jng those who listelwd at our open-.. ir ~enire hdd while in the vill:lgc 11:1" one wh", h .. s lo<:t her husband and two children during Ihe pa~t yeilT. I low lIe longed to comfort th"t woman as we saw her utter hopcles~ncss! Sormw and heartbreak we ha"e seen many time~, but never ~uch as we 5aw in her. Plea se pray tha t God wil! s[>cak to her heart. and gille ("1I111fllrt, joy, and peace.

Ollr I,carts cry out for Ille"e !)('(J[,le! So many arc III distress. ...

/lten IIn4 /ltiJJitlnJ 5un411'1

Sunday. XOl'cmber 13, is Men and ~lissiolls Sunday for all P rotes tant Chllrch~s of tIle United State5 and Canil.da. This is an annu:l1 ob"ervance, the purpose of which is to influ­fnce the laymen of North America to supp"'rt

had to

lI1(1re gen~rou~ly Ihe mi,sionary work of their OWII dt"nomination$. The ob~ef\"ante is pro­moted hy the Laymen's ~li_sionary ~IO\·elllent of !'\orth America, Inc,

Asseillblie" of God churches h:t'·e been a_ked to CO-Oj>crale \Iith the ~lclI and ~lissions ~UII­day program. It is suggested that ill each church on Ku,·ember IJ, pr{'(eding the 1I11)nI­ing wonhi[) ~en-ice, a layman sl>cak briefly on Christian mi,<;iom.


{cc/eJill diMe 5Chtltl/

Ecdesia Bible School in Canton finish ed its s('(:ond year this spring, although there had to be an {'arly dosing on account of the threatcned Communist iuvasion from th!': North. Fifty earne$t young people, all anxious to take Bible Iraining, are not easily den:ed, and 111is~iollarjes \.\itll the call of God upon their htarts do 110t give up casily cith\'r; therefore, the Ecclesla Bible School will eontilllle to exist. It is 1110ving to Hong Kong. A place for it has been found on the island of Ch'eung Choll. The buildings forllltrly were used for an inn. \Vith some remodeling ther will accommodate both 'he students and the facuity. Quitt a number of the young ])Copl!': will graduate this year, ;111t! be ready to join Ihe large group of national workers already preachinK dll: full gos()el in South China.

\Vhile it is true that foreign missionaries are finding it increasingly difficult to minis ter ill China, it is quite possible tha t earnest, consecrated, weH-trained Chinese will be ahle to cont inue the williess. Pray for this fine school.


the In look DAILY SCENES had to upon

you would appreciate a

home at Christmas time.

\'c<. it 1I"0uld mean something to yon to kuow that SOmeone cared.

The desire to tell the redemption story hurns deeply in the hearts of mi ssionar i,·s. They arc willing to undergo the hard~hips In­I'olled in lilling outside our land of plenty. COmfort. alld happy surroundings to carry the l1les~"ge to tho~e who ha"e not heard, but do HOI think, being hUll1an too, that they do lI"t miss the good cheer of home, Because of wha t Chri stmas has meant in America, il is eS[leciall~ .. hard to be away from home during the Christmas :,eason. The missionaries' fceling\ ;In: 110t alle ll iated a t the sight of Il al11. and the power~ of darkness about them then p .. 1rtie_ ulad)".

In the JXl~t the fellowship's missionaries, and their ch ildrcn, hal'e been sent a Ch ristmas

remembrance from

offering as a tokell of appr{'(latlon fo r their going ill ou r stead. Since there arc 1II0re than 600 foreign missionaries, and al'Jlroximate~y 460 missionary children. not to Illention thl.' h0111e missionaries who arc also included in th.:­offering, a sizable SUIll 01 money is required to carry Ihrough the gesture of lo\"e and ,111-preciatilll1.

\Ye arc again :l[lproach ing a Christmas sea­son, ,md it i~ time to r{'(eive Ille missionary Chrislmas ofierings. If we arc to get the C1lristmas offerings to the missionaries before Christmas they Illllst come in ill1lllediatc1y. It lIill lake time to get them to the distant ficl{!s. \Ve need yOllr co-operation.

Mail your oHe ring to Foreig n Miu ion, De. putment, 434 Wed Pacific 5tTeet, Springfield 1, Miuouri, marked "Chri,tma. Fund •. "

Page 9: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

B"rn te) ~ I r. and ~Ir~. lI"'4J.f<1 11." ."', mi,,­~ion;lri,·~ to Korth I ndia, \\'('<II1<'"IJ.Y, ~q'tem­ber 21. a daughter, J oy Chri,td lIalll,.t·.

• • ~ I r, and ~ir s, \ , \\"alk~r II all, mi •• ionari<,s

to ~"ulh China, have rHurn, ,I I" the ~IJ.[e"

• • • Jolm A, l.indl-all, lI1i' al IITge In

EUTOP(', arrived hom~ in :-"j>\t'mhc:r

• :>'I r, ami :>.I rs. \V.

tlie St:lll''; in .\ugu~t

• • K,'n!1elh

for Cuha.

• •

~lcJlIlyre left

~Ir' Ruth G. F loyd and .on. :-'-OIIH:lII. whn fl'C,'lI lly .ai led for J a pan to cngagC' in co' o l}('ra til c' mis~i{)llary work , h:l\ (" ;Irrivcd ~a fdy

On the fid d. Mrs. F loyd has ,,'nt her :lddress: :-'Ir-. Rllth G, Floyd, 'i'o ForeiKu ~Ii •• iuns Con f. of :--:.A .. A. P .O . 317, % Po.tma<ter, San Fran('i.(o, Ca lifornia.

• • • "'unl ha~ been receil'ed Ik ll Juhn \1. Pt'rk i n~,

mi"ionary for th irty- fivc )"<.::lr' to Lilxria, 1)'1_'c'd ;1\\3}' in Califo rn ia on S" ptenlber 2-1, ~ ! r . Pe rkins fir st went to Liberia 111 1900 under a ppointment of the ~! cl l uKii,t ~Ii ~sioll

11oard. li e was amo ng Ihe [i r"! group o f Pcnte­co-t a l l1Ii ~~ionarie s going 10 l. il ll, ,. ;a in 19GB.

• • • Hom hi ~Ir, and Mrs. \\ '. C. ~ l el'p. missil- l1-

arit~ 10 \ 'enc:.:uela, 011 5un,l:.iy, Sq)\emlxr 18, a g irl. Judit h Joy.

• • ~I i,s Pauline B. 5 rnith, and ~li ss Adeline r::,

" ' ichrnan, missionaries to the Gold Coast. arc nOI\ h(ulll' on furl ough,

llcteJ •

(hn'till LI}'e Ca\"il1lc~~ \\a bo rn ~q n 'ber Ji lu '1Jr. and '1 irs, R B. L!.\Jn""~. nH si<>I1' :lTil'~ I" \l'thl'da nds lnuie.; and I'll Sep· to:mb..-r IR Slephen Chri~ t ian 5<-hOf'l1l1l.1kl'r \\'a~ born I" :'-.1 r. and ~I rs. Paul D. Seh. mn.lkl'r, mi" ... n;lri('~ 10 Xorth india.

• • \!.Iril}'" Sill' Ilal'id.nn I\a~ he rn I, :'-.!r. :11,1\

.\IT>, I\ml Da\id~"n, mi.~ion;ITi' $ I, Ihl'P',ilil)­I·inl' I,I:u,,1,. (lTl ~"pfernhl'r .?6.

• • On\'er C lI ale, mi" jonOin to li\.J.!ria, II"

11I.,rri~! \ugu,1 !.7 10 ~Ii~, X('\.nM nOl,'on. • • •

~[ i., \ Iary Oq)l1an sailed !'t"llu mhcr (, f'll Creefl'. .. .

1Mt/ Mr, and M n. Wheeler W . Ander.on.

Gold Co".t

• 51"0)"',' :\1011 " '''" ,,1' dedi":ll"d lilt n,'I' dmrch c,f the J amestown bram:h in Accra. Tile !llare where t he meet ing, h;u.l 11<"l' 11 heM I\a~ mudl 100 ~mall to seat Ihe IIl''']l le, T he 11<: \\' 1 .. 111. Ihrce t imcs a s large, wa , lla\k~d OUI , ;lIld (" h ild ren a nu ~ome adult ~ , t<Jod 011 Ihc OUl­siut", I\<l;tching through the winduw;,. \uel ho \\ The 1lt")ple did ~inR! Indi"idua ls going hy in the 'tn:c:t ~lOp p,C'd to listen. Two loml": I,uhe~ k nel: dur ing the <en 'ice and dedit:a ted ·es I" Ihe l .ord .

God has allS'l e red prayer since our la ' t !ell"r In you. lI e Il a ~ ~ent hi \1~ .1 ~ Il irit-

MISSIONARIES' SHOES and like these

PI CTURE CRED ITS: Uni .. n " .eh, Ni,~~ ... (kit ) ; T"1""ft L ;on. (u nlu): Paul. 0 . ,,;'\60"', Phillpp ln. bl..nd •.

Or/oba 29, 19-19

jllkd Afrie:m f.a.,to r . \\'1' fed tll .. t he I .a I iii" Lie miln (Ii God, :l.nd thilt I~ \\ill illl I J)~ I I

Our L:tg-~g:e II;/, :orriH'U ~,)W Ib.1I we hale m"TC' t<lulpm • .,1 an, l .are SC"ltlt'11 10 Iilr .ai OUT li\"inl{ flllMh r~ art "nf"t'rned, we r,~ I thOit III:' ("all j::il'l' oUTSrhc: II' .re fully to It.f' work (.i the nil ~i"n alI<I I ill",)(c:

SeHr.a1 young ()."\rrnl' hal'e wn 1)(,ld III r ecent \\"eek~ I" dC'd...-atC' Iheir nC'w Inhic'\ t l) tile J ."rd in public ~rr\"i('c~. Th is mea n. a re;ll con<<<'r3 tion It) iRHor.: trill3! and iamily tradi t ion of hll'inlt t ht' h(atht'll "ollidoorill/o: ("C'rf'rnony" Ol c:r ;\ 1I,'wt.orn l>;th, and 10 publici,· ,'. Ji 0111' him to.) Ih Irur ami lil'jnl!! Goe!


Al.>.hanu "~; ... ,, .. "'rl .. "n Ca1of<'f1';~ (' ... ["rad" Conn<'<' i;"UI Iloela"H~ Il;<trlel 01

Columbia Florida C;~f,ia ("""man a .... n. h Idaho Ill;,,,,,. India"" It alian a ran"h 10 ..... Kanu. K~ l11 uck~ l"l in .. \ mnic.,n

Branch I ,. ui.ian. M3i .. " \l ar,·[a,,<1 ;\h •• ach"'" IU Mi''': , a' \l in"""" I" :\Ii •• i.~ip,,; Mi .. ouri Monl a ... a ~"bratka

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Nuada ....n .. ][aml"h,,~ N"w ]~" .. ,. /'; ~w \I .>:i,) N. w )"ode Norlh Carolin. /'; "rlh l>akul. Ohio.> Oklahoma On, oo I'.n""rt ... ni~ I'o],.h B 'anch Rbod" ~",h 1' .. ":.,, .. South ]) .. kOl .. T"onu!C'" Tn .. l Tk .. ",ia" II ran"h l'lah V"rm .... ,' Vir.inia \\'lIhin,,,,,,, W U I \ ir, inia W romin &, Aluh (' .. n .. da ... o .... i' n I .... , .. c;u Mil'«lI .. n~",

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AmOn nt R~cr i,·.d Inr F·'rti,n \( i •• ;o". Amou nt R .,.,.il'~'! (Or It·.",. \1 ,.,;"".


F .... S'p' "mba-, I ... '

n.l~i'n C"nll''' • I,<>.V. ;! C'h;I~ :'>.1-'9 ~ nahom.)· I.IItS9 ('uk'mhia 11400 F II" l"I'l 4 ]" .. I'aur<'ar ,. .. Fr~nch T Ol{o '.117, l'er" 4,MQ/'IS C,,1d ('01." <.U4 ;:; t ' ru, ,,ay S;'.JM l .i1>",ia ;,IIOtUJ V."r,u~b .U~','n Nillrr;a Ml.l!1 lI ,il;,]' W UI ~y'.a[~ ',,1 l.IM I n I"d,u 2. ll(.! .1-4 ~i~Trll. l. ,..-,,,r """ ]1 nrnm 1.1<,.8"' I T"inn of ~"'Ih Fiji !.lan,h ~.[:'~

A hi~a I,m.'; 1I .,,· .. ;;an l .la" .I. 1,~71,~1

I ' '''''' r Vnll, 1\ .. >;'1./1' {a"an I.IJ\I q Chi, .1 I~,""I H l a[aya ~I ~" ("~)·I"" 1.~LlII S~ l hnla"d. ~~"I hdia YI.()41 ~ I".-t,~< UY; (r) ~'t1,.-n,,~ ,1.171> ~S l'h;l;rr;n~ hlan.-ts 7 .... Ji1I 1'~[r~line .od Satnn~ ]OUl6

N"ur Fa.1 I 114 co ~:nl~r"';"mrm or \\'~'I 1n<1 ;~. r .. 'M;:4 ~I i •• ionari,," 1.'1.11 ;\I u;ca~ W",k " r;~nrn[ T,an.,

". C"'I",I ~1"trO ' 1t; 19 "",r.>lion 2,BJ2o'I 'I e~ic<> 1,.41.11 Re l ;r~ Min ion ' C~n i ra l A,,,tfk a ~. 421t IS ariro 1.:'1" I! ,\ , g" nl ;na I ~'l-'OO ~,~ ,, ;,], l.i l ~ul "n "" n oli"ia 1'17.16 1'>1, ,,,,,!Io n..,,1O 6,(16.1(,3 IIrHi! 4,0"1J.ll

T ou t Disuil" ,li"" 10 ("ou"cil ForeiRn Mi .-i"n. $l 6J.Z.\~ 70

HZ4 OJ Non ·Counci[ :\Ii •• ;onari".

TOlal Di l bu rsrn<" "1i o,arg.d lrom lIold A"COunu

T otal R.~e ip ..

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'.m.51 $1S'l.I 6-I 86

Pag;· N itle

Page 10: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

The PASS I NG and the PERMANENT Compiled by Robert C. Cu""inghorn

"II.I.EGAL PROPACANDA" At the castern gate to Herlin one day during

August, Russian border guards stopped a truck­load of Bibles from entering. The reason givell was that Ihey were "illegal propaganda."


M;ni~ t e rs of a Michigan city have voted to dispense with tlr( lille "Reverend" in dircrl addrC5s and in referring to one another j)tlblic­Iy. "This is a stell in the right direction," says Tilt Missionary W orker.

A BONUS Fon nAHII~S It was said in ! ~RY1)t some 3,500 yt;lrs ai;"o,

that the Ikbrcw mothers were "lively." Exodus J :19. Evidently the Israeli Government thinks they have not changed. for it has announced that it will grant every mother in hrael a bonus of $JOO at the birth of he r tenth child,

ISRAEL'S EXPORTS AND nlPORTS For the first quarter of 1949, imports into

Israel amounted to 15,500,000 pounds, while ex­ports came to 5,050,000 l}Qun(/s. The United Stales led the li st of nations selling its I)r(}~ ducts to Israel, accounting for 23% of the im­I)Orts. The chief customer for Isracl's eX I}Qrts was Dritain.

IMMIGRATION IN ISRAEL From a peak of 1,000 a day, immigration in

Isracl has dt'Creased IIntil the figure is only half as large. During tbe past three months the rate has dropped to 16,000 a month. Om: reason for the drop is that potential im­migrilnt s have been dete rred by reports of un· bvorilble conditiOns in Israel, said Yeshoshua Shye, director general of Ihe Mini stry of 1m· migration.


The new nation of Israel is one of the few nalions in Ihe world Ihat can balance their budget. In its first Imbli,lIcd statement of the finances of the state of Israel frortl its establish­nl<:nt on May 14. 1948 to March 31. 1949. the Finance Ministry revealed that for its first ten alld one_half Illonths the Israeli Govern­ment had a revenue which was 1.355,000 pounds ($4.065.000) aoo\'e its expenditures.

"YOUT H ON THE 1IARCH" Percy Crawford and his Young People'~

Church of the Air now present a gospel pro· gram 011 the ABC coast-to-coast television llet­work. "Youth 011 the March." as it is called. is heard and seen over II stations every Sun­day morning, It is the first religious program to be televised on a coast-to·coast network

THE POWER or THE WORD The Gideons have placed abollt three million

Bibles in hotel rooms and othcr places where travelers might find spiritual help. In one Bible in the Cadillac H otel in Detroil. a guest wrote: "Thank God for this book. I came into this room with a gun in my pocket to take my life. The Spirit of God dire<:ted me to Ihe Bible. :wd it nOt only savoo Illy life, bllt saved Illy soul."

Page Tet!

" HOPE" INDEED! The Baptist Relief Organization send,

HOPE ( Hel]) Other People Eat) food pack. ages to Germany. A copy of a Gospel in German i$ placed in each bolC.

~. A. E. WEEK Annual observance of N. A. E. Week has

been set for October 31 through Ko;'ernbcr 6 ill local churches. Pllrpose of Ihe observance I~

to empha~ize the ministries of the :\fation;d Association of Evangelica ls and to encourage .1

wider interest in united e\'angelical action.

IN SANITY IN SWITZ ERLAND In his news broadcast from Switzerland on

September 6. Alex Dreier staled that the Swiss have the Ilighest rate of insanity iii Europe, and they give two basic rea~ns for it. One is the high degree of intermarriage among the moun­tain people. and the other the consumption of great quantities of alcohol.

WORLD-WIDE BIBLE READING The American Bible Society announces its

6th Annual World· Wide Dible Reading which is to begin on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, and end at Christmas. The theme this year is "Th~ Book to Live By," and ,Id\'erlising material is being mailed to 120,000 pa~tors.

Last year more than 12,000.000 book mark~ listing the Bible readings were distrib\llcd.

THE BIBLE IN NAVAJO LANGUAGE According to The l :vOllflc/i((li C/iris/iml, the

work of translating the Bihle into the language of the Navajo Indians is still going on. William Goudhart and a hundred determined Indians have labored at the job. off and a ll. for the past eight~en years. },.j r. Goudhart reads a verse to the Indians, in idiomatic Navajo: the Indians then tell him how the)' would say it to their people to make them understand: the words are then put on paper, and mimeo· graphed copies are distributed, which the Indians return with comments and corrections.

It is a difficult task, due to the fact that th~ Navajo language has never been put into writ­ing before.

BARRED FROM THE WMLJ!\G WALL Despite repeated promises by Uniled Nations

personnel tha t the Arabs in control of the Old City of Jerusalem would make arrangelJ1ents for Jews to be admitted to the Holy Places there, not a single Jew was permitted to visit the \Vailing Wall on the eve of Tis!.a B',)\'. In pre-war years thousands of Jews from all over the country £locked to the \Vaiiing \Vall to rC(:i te the Lamentations, marking the de­struction of the ancient Temple.

The Jews once gloried in tlleir beautiful Temple-but Christ warned ( in lIlanllew 2.J :2) that it wOllld be destToyoo. The bleak ,'emains of the once-proud wall should serve as a grim reminder that as surely as this part of ;"'Iatthew 24 has been fulfilled. so every part of that great chapter on the Second Coming shall shortly com~ to pass.

!\OAII'S t\UK XOT YET FOUND After 1\\(:lve days of fruitless searching 011

'\fount Ararat, the expedition headed by Aaron J. Smith gave up its hunt for the remains of Noah's Ark. But Dr. Smith said he still be· lieves the Ark is hidden somewhere on Ararat's slopes.

CO.NSCIENTIOtJS ORJECTORS After a number of conscientious objectors who

violated the peacetime draft act have been im­prisoned, the new government directil'e (frolll the Department of Justice) is that only the most flagrant violators sball be prosecuted. Unitoo States district attorneys are asked to regis ter for those who refuse to register for themselves. In this way the go\'ernment will avoid prosecuting sincere religious objectors.

GIVE-AWAY RADIO PR OG RAMS According to BlllbO(lrd. the radio networks In

1948 ga;-e away $4,297.557 0 11 5.J give-away pro~ grams. This is "a most conserva tive estimate ba sed on real rather than quoted values."

It sounds like a lot of money. but actually it is less than three cents for every man. woman and ch ild in America. What a trifling prize for Ihe average radio listener I And yet the tempta­tion to think that S0111e lime, somehow, the jackpot of prizes may chance to come their way has kqn millions of Americans glued to their radios. hour after hour. and has caused thousands of hearts to tingle \\'ilh covetousness! "\VIlat fools these mOrtals be!"

A CHRISTlA~ ATHLETE Gil Dodds, America's No.1 Christian athlete,

witnessed to great crowds in Europe this Slim­mer. Fi,·e thousand sport fans saw him run an exhibition race in Stockholm, and then Slood for a half hour as the holder of the world record in the indoor mile gave his per­sonal tes timony for Christ. 1n Jonkoping. 4,500 people gathered in four meetings in five hours.

An exhibition mile was rUIl along the Riviera water front in France. Dodds also went into Cermilny. to speak to ocelillation troops as well as Youth for Christ rallies. He met with an enthusiastic reception everywhere, and had the joy of seeing a good number wall to Christ in the meetings.

OKLAHO!lIA STAYS "DRY" The ddeat of the proposal to repeal pro­

hibition ill Oklahoma by a state-wide election last month was an answer to the prayers, faith and work of the Christians of all denominations.

Smiling Dob Kerr, Oklahoma's junior senator in Ihe U. S. Congress, helped fight repeal by denouncing the effects of alcohol on the natiol1. Senator Kerr, a personal abstainer, in an article published by a national Methodist magazine. said:

" Based Upoll my observation and knowledge of tile Illany evils of liquor to human beings, I have bCCll against it all my life and will oppose it as long as ! live." The ' legislator estimated tllat th~re are 6.000,000 excessive drinkers :n the nation and that 750.000 of them afe <!lcollOlics. lie said, "One out of every 50 persons \\'bo start drinking. winds up an alcoholic."

He said that since national prohibition was repealed, "Saloons have multiplied until there arc now 407,000 in the United States, while package stores a lone out-number churches and schools. There arc actually more barmaids than college girls."


Page 11: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he


F o r the put four yean Brother Thoma. F . Zimmerman ha, ... ned .. Director of the C ener.1 Council', national r adio pro­tram , "Sermon. in Song," Our brother If AVe

up the p •• lonl...,.t C...,ntn l A .. embly, S p ring­fie ld, M inour;, .. pro'pera u. ch u rch, that he might let up the "Serman' in Son g " pro­gram, lind li nee that time h e h.1 carried r,,'pon li b; li t)' for ito luece ...

Ou .. brother w •• "]"ct,,d Secretary.Tre ... ",r. er o f the Southern M iuouri Oi.lriet and loole office in June. At that lime he f"lt he could not indefinitely car .. ), t he two rupo n_ ,ibiliti"., but .. onlented to . uper ... ;." ~S"r· man. in Song" until .fter Ceneral Council.

When Brother Zimmerman reported th.t d uri ng the paat y" .. r "Sermon. in So n.' had . Im o.t paid ito own way. it wa. decided Iha t it .hould be rai.ed from A IS-minule pro­gram 10 II 30-min ... te p r ogram .. , 11"lion time ( or .... ch could be obtained_

Brother Zin,merman' •• ervice 10 "S ermonl in Song." bringing it from nothin g to _here it i. today. i. deeply .ppr eci.ted .nd .. 'e wi.h him mu ch ble .. ing in hi. di.tric:t office.

H ere.fter Brother Wilfred A . Brown, Gen­e ral Council Tre ..... r e r. will be Admini.tralivc S upervilor of General Co ... ncil R.dio. Brother W elley R. S teelber g. Ge nera l S upe r inte nde nt. will be 'pe"ker ; Brother M"rc .... Galton. D irector.

Yo u r contin ued l u pporl for GenerA l Counc il radio _or k i, .olicited. Will yo... • .. ume relpon,ibility for at le ... t One dollar a m o nt h (or thi. work ? We _ou ld like to lell income that wo ... ld make it pouible to p ... t A G e neral Co ... nci l radio p rogram o n Itat ionl whe re local ch ... rchel can no l a fford 10 carry the ent ire COlt. Yo ... r pr.yer. a nd gif la will be greatly appreciated. Lilten 10 "Sermonl in Song" each Sunday and for the voice of Brother Steel berg after J lln .... ry ht.

WHEN GOD'S LOVE CAME IN (ColltiIIUl,(\ from page 3)

morning I heard about a group of German­speaking Pentecostal people .... ho believed in praying for Ihe sick. That very afternoon, at two o'dock, I was in that church. It was a diial)idate<i place, but the sweet presence of God was there. for these people had been fas ting all day and praying that God would ~aH: somebody, that li e would heal somebody.

I sat on an old bench in the back and walch­ed as the pOO(l1e stayed 011 Iheir knees Vray­ing and crying 10 God. I had ne\'er seen pco­pic I}ray in that fashio n befon~. I said to my­self. "If I had gotten down 011 Ill)' knees and prayed like that. perhaps I would 1\3\'e been healed long ago."

\Vhen the preacher got U(l to speak, he watch­ed me "cry closely. I had a roll of Illusic tunler my arm, and maybe he riloughl I was a Sl»), wilh something frO ln CilY Hall under my arm- lor the first \Vorld \Var was on then and Ihe German churches were censored in thcir preachillg. So this dear preachcr was ,'cry careful about what he said.

"alrist was made a curse for you," he said. "That curse that is upon yOl1, God wilJ li ft if yOIl will believe on Christ. Accept H im today and this curse will go."

October 29, 1949

I thought, "If anylxxil e~'er was cuned, I am." I was 5uifeTlllg beneath (/IC~ curse, and this mall .... as Jaling that ii t would belie\e oil the Lord Jesus 01rist and trust Him, He would deliver me from this curse. It ",as the first time in my life I evcr heard that Chri~t was made a cur~e for me.

The Ilreachcr said, "Jesus Christ suifered 011 the cro~$ for yOIl. He took all your sins and all your disea~es. and J Ie paid the full (lrice so thaI you might go free." Friends, I ne\'er knew before .... hy Christ died. I used to go around the stations of Ihe cross with the old Catholic .... omen el'ery Saturday afternoon. I could sing. so I w{luld go around I ho~e ~t:l­lions in th(' church wilh the old WOln('n, and we would bury Chri~t and that was the end. I went to twenty-four ~ainlS every day to pray. so as to make I11)'seH acceptable in God's sight, but it didn't ~ce1l1 to help. Now this preacher was lelling me plainly that I could be deli \'ered sim(lly by trusting ;n Christ. It seemed too good to be true.

Faith came into my heart. The Spirit of God immediat("!y wilnes~ed to me for Illy faith in Chr;~I, and I began 10 laugh. The Ilreacher


thought I .... J.~ lam;hmg at lu~ ~ilnlJhcity in preaching. but I d,dn't care "h';l he thuugill. Friel1ds, my poor cold body began to fcc1 so good. Fc r four )car, I had not known what it .... as to ha\·e a warm bod),. ~Iy blood "as all ClltrUptW. I .... as 111 a tKJrnb!e conditj""

Thc (lreacher made an altar call. "\\'ho wants \0 give hill1~elf to Chr;_t .. he a'ked. t put my h,wd up. He IwkCt.1 dv .... n at 111(', .... ith my long hair, my fine clothes, diamond pin, gold watl:h, and all, and wonderro ii I \~as not asp)' OHlen their hands too. Then the preacher a~kcd if anybody .... anlt'd prayu fur healing, ~o I put 111y hand up again. lie ~aid, "E\'er)one who wants lirayer, kindl~' rise and come to the altar." So I walktd 10 the fnmt. and stancd I, introdtKe myself to the preacher, but he said roughly, "Kned do .... n thcre." I am glad I had learnt(] obedience, olheT\1 ise 1 lllight ha\'e lost the blessing. I knelt, and the 1I101l1Cl1t my knees tOllched the floor the SI)irit of Cod came upon me ;n 1)O\ler and glory. For half all hour I wa, shaking Ulldcr the power of God. With all my .cdatcnes~. and all 111)' knowledge of ho ..... to behave in church (and we C'alh"lics hld been

~ . .::-- -Our RelircmcII/ HOllie for .\filli.flcrs allei Miuimwries, I'jurl/lls P(lrk, P/() rieia.

WANTED Retired m inister desi res ploee he

can call " h ome," the fe llowship of o ther ministers and m issionaries of like faith , Ca re a ssure d in ea~ of illness. Rates m ... st be mode rate.

It wa s in response to scores of requests similar to Ihe abol'e that the Pinella, P ill k Home for our Reti red Ministcrs and ~Iis~ion~ aries was opened several mouths ago. Once just a 100lrist hotel, now it mi~hl well be descrihed as a little SllOt dcep in the soulh of Florida that has come to mean "home" to a number of our aged workers. [t is a mther imposing build­ing, surrounded by palms and hibiscus. which has galhered to itself a bit of the atmosphere of the four corners of the earth. Brother and SiSler Flcm Van .\Ietcr are the Sl1perintelldClll~. and their tactful and loving management has lent a 110te of true graciousness which is fcl t by all who enter, whether visi tor or permanent gtIest.

A d sil with our fricnds who arc flOW living at Pinellas Pa rk is a most inspi r ing time, and leaves one ..... ith a renewed determination to li 'le the Christian life in a way worthy of our calling. Each guest is anxious to tel l YOll how the Lord called him or her to the mission field

or to Ihe milli~IT)', anti how wonderfully God has blessed and cared for him down thrOUl;h the iuten'euing years .. \I o~ t of the'te dear men and women now fin<l thc111seh'cs tOO frail J)hysicaJly to C011linue lon~er on the fld(1. hut they are still carrying the I)urcieu of Ihe Lord's work and have;] burning itllere~t in the latest new~ of the various field s. Their Ih'es hal e !)e(>n spent fOr God, 1IIIh no thou/-: ht of laying up material things for their old a~r. Tht'v hav(' taught many of us the way of faith, and have alwaY5 known Ihat in their time of Ih;vil (it)(1 would not fail Ihem,

Oue can think of no more fining- po~tlude to such liles thall the I lofTle at Pinellas Park, .... here they may receive such cunlfort and care as they have given so freely to others in the past.

T HE PINELLAS PARK H OME is a lion-profit residence. It can only be kept in operation by the faithfu l help of all our COll­stituency. No gift is too small. A ll donations should be sent to:

T he Department of Benevolences 434 West Pacific St reet Silringiicld I , Missouri

Anyone \\ ishing to send l)3ckag~s for the HOllIe should direct them to the abo\'e address.

Page ElevclI

Page 12: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

rn· u"""""",.,,"""'"'''' """'" """''''''''''',,'','''' '' '"'''''''' '" I;l ,

i How many times hove YOU ~ ~ heard the Gospel? ~ i The Home Million. Departme nt i. i ',i follow;o. Chri,t', command and r" • .:h · ~,

I", out into ' the hir!."'.)" and byway,' ~ of our land in an .,rror' 10 IIi .. ", the ! i m"'''''11) of ... Ival;on in .11 ilo fullne.. i ~ to mil"), o f Ihflu, tho" ... nd • . Our . cope ~ i il "I mOlt un li mited, including Ihe peo- ;: :: p i" o f AI .. k .. , .. Imoll 200 Irit,cI o f i i America n Indi",,, ,, hundred. of dc.r. i i,' Jmute •• m, en, and ,women of our priaon,; ,!.

e WI, ore'l" .nlu"I" rroupI, .no ~ pioneer rield.. ~ i WILL YOU HELP '! ;: i Send . 11 o lrerin, . 10: Home Mi .. io"a ~ ~, Depart ment , 434 W . Pac ific Sln!el, ~

Sprinlfield I, Millo..,ri . : : : EJ."""" .. """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m

ta ught to behave in church), the Ilowt:r of God just struck me alld shook for lully h,ll! an hour. The first t illle I ever was in a Penlecoual meet· iug I \Vell, God just shook me, and the mor" 1 [is Spi rit olICrated through my IJ(Jne5, through Illy "lIIsclc~, Ihrough my I~ing, the hotter I l)('Ca ll1e. The more God's power ~urged through Int', Ihe more r pc:rSI)irtd, Th\: Lord simply operatC'([ on that poor, disnsrd Ledy of millt,

Afh:r haH an hour in God'~ "upNating room" joined with these Pellt~()<jtal ]ICOI)\e in

sing ing, and thi s was tile SOIl M;

" There: is \lower, power, wonder-working power

III the precious Blood of the Lamb,"

Thl:'n Ihcy ~ang olher ehorllse~, and I joined righl in, I just Ic:I myself ~o. ThclI a re­markable thing happened. Eve-rylhing became (Iuil·t, amI as I knelt there at the altar ra il in ~iknt prayer, it seemed th .. t hea ,'en had come dOWll, I wa s translat ed ililo the king­dom of God, si tt ing in hea\'euly places with Chri~t, right there at the rail ing. :\s I waited there in God's presence, I saw two beautiful ha.nds, whitc h'lIlds, and they touched my body. t knew it \lou the Lord. H is hands wcnt down my body from head to toe, and C\'try spirit of infirmity had to go. I gN up, and I \\a~ a new man,

A miracle had been wrought in Ill)' body, a.nd a miracle \\as wrought in Illy heart as well. God !(avc IIlC a new heart, am] a new spiril. Ob, how wonderful it was, \\, hell my good mother saw me entering thc house, she saw something ill my eyes that told her I was hea l­ed, and ~he btgan to weep. She was sO happy. Ten clays after that I heard m)' fir~t sermon on Pcnt l'i:o~t. I thought , "Can God bless lIIe any more than li e has ?" I decided, "Yes, lIe is G<KI. lie can," So after hearing thaI sermon r went to the altar 10 l)ray, and the lo\"c of Go( wa~ shed abrOild ill my h('art until I was ab.!lOlutely full, I felt if I had anything more I would burst.

of PenteCCKt," and lie did. The S]llrit (,f (;.00 iPS! came upon II1C in a downpour. 11e poured fin me ancl nut of rne, and the rivcr ha~ wn flowing ovcr 'inee. IlalJeiujah :

Fc.r thirty·l",o years I ha"e u.ken no medi­cine, no pilh, no cures. I hne had no opera­li(JIl~, I h:l\"e R<"one VI) no diets_ I nn ~ay to the glory of God that my three children {Ion't know what a pin laste5 like, J ~I1't the Lord good?

I wi~h everybody would read First Corin­thiam 1.1, ;1111'1 then read it again every day lor

:. "'hole year. "I.o\e suffcreth long, and is kind; 10H~ erwielh _wt, lovc vauntcth 1I0t it­self. is not puffcd up, d<lth not behave it-5eif unsrtmI}', <;eeketh not her own, is not pro"oked, thinketh no cvil; rejoiceth not in miquilY, bUI rejoicelh in the truth; bearelh all things, belie\'eth a.1I tiling!, hopcth all things, (ndureth all thil1g~."

Some would read tile chapter once. close the Book, and say, "I\'e got it" fiut you don't get it that easy. 1'011 don't master music that way. You ha\'e to practice and play

Christmas Assortment No. 30 EV 9968

With Scripture Texts

"feN large, full-color de luxe Christmas folders, fresh and beautiful. Everyone a greeting card masterpiece! Distinctive­ness and cham1 arc the keynote of this en tire assortmcnt. Unusual quality in every respect-in finest paper stock, in size (4%x6 inches), in artistry, and cheery seasonal gree tings that express perfectly your good wishes to friends and loved ones at Christmas. An ap­propriate Scripture text inc l'eases the

"Christ-honoring" character of each folder. Beau­tiful embossing and attractive motifs on the backs of these folders add to their loveliness and beauty.

One especially attractive de luxe folder features a beaut iful six color insert of Warne r Sal lman's lovely pic­ture of Christ, "His P res­ence,"

Planned and produ ced ex­pressly fo r th e Christian trade, Unequaled quality fOl' the price! A t t r act i vel y boxed. Envelopes to match.

Order this assortment today!

With Scripture Texts Only

Assortment No. 30 EV 9968

Pl'icc GO cents

Bllt a few days later I wa~ hapli~ed in the H oly Spirit, It was Monday. Aftrr lunch 1 went into my study where I had my music, and I knelt down. The Lord had s(.'parated me IIl\to lIilmelf. He had ju~t ('ut IllC right off from cverylhiug of this world. Being just an ignorant Catholic boy, T said simply, "Lord, gi "e me what You gavc 10 Peter OIl the Day GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE I, Missouri

Po,qr T''''r/t'r THE PI::NT ECOSTAL £VAl'\GEL

Page 13: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

mu~ic (wer alld on~r again bc:forc ~QU han' 1lkl'lC'rel.i ii, and you have to apply younelf to these ..... onderful teachings of our Lord an~ $a\"ior )(,SIl5 Christ , too, ill order to make them )'our~.

I think thc gr('at mi'take people make in PmlccOSt is tha t after lilt v hale r«fiv~1 the Baptism Ih('y say, "Now 'I've got it." Oh, dOIl't say that. The Bapti~m i~ ju~1 the begin­ning. There is no elld to Ihe Ihing~ God wanls to do for you.

Some l)Wple go <lrOll11d all their li\('~ with a ~rud"e in their hearl~, OInd with a chip 011 their shoulder. Quit it! Gel something that makes )'OU 5tOllKl up and shine for the Lord.

Ke\'er lOSe )'our fiut 101'e for Chri~1. \Vhy ~hould anyone lose their first love when they have sudl a graciolls Savior to lo\"(~? In my thir ty- two )'cars r hOl\'en't I~rmitted 1l1yself .to get out of that first love. Oil, I lo\'e 111m more today than evcr. Do you?

LIFE'S SUPREME OBJECTIVE (Contin"ffl from page 5)

to accept our sh,He of suffer ing, I icarious suffer ing, not suffering for our foolishness, nor because of our II a} \1 ardnes~, lIor our I'iolation of the laws of God, but suffering for the gospel's sake, for the Sil\'ior's sake, for the salvation of souls?

"Abo"e all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity sha ll cover the multitude of sins:' May our lives be filled with love-not mere human love, bllt that di,'ine lo\'c that is spokell of ill the 13th chaptl'r of 1 Corin­thians, the greatest thing ill the uni,'erse. As we arc possessed of that divine love we shall bril1g glory and honor to God. Of eaell thing that we do and say, let us ask ourseh'es, " \Vill this glorify God?" I bc:lie,'e that that should be tile fir st consideration in our lIlind~. To ~Iorify God on the earth should Ix our SUllrellU! objcctive.


In the Good)"tor Moga:;illt For M r1t, Ken­drick Kimball describc:d a mowing service in the factory of our Brothcr Roll in ~1. Se,'er­ance, in Saginaw. ~ I ichigan. The firm manu­factures cutting tools.

As they punch in at 7 a.m. the 100 Severance workers fi le upstairs to a big chapel and seat themselves reverently before a PUII)i t fo r a IS­minute del'otional service.

TIl(: st;rvice consists of prayers, songs, spccial music by a quartet led by a guitar-strumming b."lri tone, and ;II. brief sermOI1 0 11 per tinent Biblical texts. Seflllolls are given by various employees.

Ko standard p<lttcrn is followoo. Employtt­preachers spcak straight from the shoulder on any subject they choose. If SOmconc wishes to vohmteer a prayer for a sick neighbor, peace in Palestine, or for those in authority, he is privileged to do so. And the "boss" is first to chime in with a hearty amen.

The 15-millute chapel period is paid for as part of tlte eight·hour work day at standard ra tcs as a "human investment" by the company.

The author of the unique form ula for peace and goodwill between labor and management is a fo rmer Michigan Ilresidem of the Gideons - nationwide society which pro"ides frcc Bibles fo r -hotel rooms.

October 29, 1949

BrotllC'r Severance attribut('s a hal'l'} fam­ily rd;!twmhip bet~ccn elllp1oyee5 as an im­portant bendit of the ehurch-beiore-\\ork pro-­gram. The rel~tionship extends to social life outside the plant, for many firm friend5hip~ be­gan during the ~en'ice ~ as ('mplo)«~ found themsell'e~ 011 common spiritual ground~.

in all I 1.,l,li-1:ml· t \\hMt duminatit:g pur­I'O'C i~ Iht hon, nug (,f the Lord."

\\'e [lrOlt!o(' G, .. I f<lr all firlll~ who~c em­I'lu),en eoudu.:t Il<"h chllflCl sen·ice..; in th('ir places of bu,int,~-the <,ospel Pubhllhinl:" II, 'Il'" anltlllg tllcm. :\Ia)" their numbC'r become I('gion!

"When the work-day begins properly it will end that way," Severance declare!. "Benefits carry illlO the homc."

"Strife, di~cord alld other el'il, COItlnot dw('l1

If there i!> no hell, a good mally pre~chcr~ are obt;l.ini,,~ mone), under fal!c pr('ten5e •. -Billy S1I"do)'.

11'r betluti/ul! Here is I 17' p iece CHRI STMA S MANGER SET which you will want to have under }OJrr Christmas tr~! Every member of the famil,. - and hoi ida,. guests, too - will be fascinated b,. its colorful CUt·out scenes and life· like reproductions of the figu res in the Christmas story.

It'l ealY to sd up! -The indi. idual scenes and figu res fit fi rmly into Ihe sloned tabs of a durable one·piece platform, 27 x71h inches-and ma,. easil,. be put bad: into the box for UK on each succeeding Christmas!

11'1 purpou/lll! -No home or school·room should be without this charming Nativity display! Man,. par~nts ;!nd teachers UK it to teach the blessed !Tuth of the SlII V;Or"S birth. Included in each box is an exqu ili te IU:­color folder which brings the complete Christmas n ory in the words of the 5 ible.

It'l l lll,ay (ma practical! -All piC(es are nmished {O a lustrous fi n ish that admi ts of c!eilning wi th I damp clolh. Made of sturdy fi breboard, this display may be used year after rear. It is, indeed, one of those "holi­day perennials' whieh young and old delight in seeing under the tree-this Christmas, next Christmas, and the next.

BUY SEVERAL SETS! Oecide no w tka l Ihi, uniqu . ond inl riguin9 Monger Sel i. 90in9 10 le U the Chri .lma. Ilary in YOU. kome Ih i' lmCII I Buy od· d ilionol l eh fo r fri e nd I on your gi ll lill. PI" ce your o rd e r 01 once.



30 EV 9895

An Ideal Gill/ Ea"h set (ames in an attractive bnght­Iy-colore<.i gl/c box. The box mea$lIres I H~ x 8~'4 x 1!4 inches and lends il· self very re<lldlly 10

gift ..... rapping and mJ,iling,

Springfidd I, Missouri

Page Thirteen

Page 14: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

Among the Assemblies

MIDWEST CITY, OKLA S,"ler Floyd Ree .. e •• ":vII"III"li.t , of ShamTock, TUB., ..... with UI In •• eeent rev,vaL "ourt~n ... er. lAved, seven f,lll!d ..... th the Holy OhO.I, and the enl' re ~hutch wa. movN\ toward God N A Chllmbe .. , Pastor.

PADUCAH , KY W . haYI! JUl' do.oW " won-derful revIV,,1 "' the ..... u A.,,,mt.>ly. Soners Morn,nl"lar and Cou.boom. Thebe., I lL., were th. e"""lIIell.ll. MAny new V-C>Pl" w ... re reached wllh th. IDlpeL Two wue ."",ed. one waa r~I.'med. and gna w.1I hlled with the lIo1y Oholl. FIve were,~ed jn water in th. beautIful Ohio River. The entire c hurch .... a. b!"ned and drawn doser to Ihe Lard thrQut" the mininry o f the,. evan· &etin. J A. RobertJ. Pula.

GRANO PRAmIE, TEX .... S- We have corn· pleted our new buildi"lII. located nUt the 1I .. ".ley Field Army Air 8,ue, IUld the Naval Air D".e. It il the North,lde Aucmbly. WI> will ap_ prOClille famillel of .ervicen'I> n located writ_ in, to OUt put or . John L. NOlholf. 160) Pine St .• th.t we may contact them and wcicoml> them to our ... ,vief'l.

Pn.y th~t 0\1' vilion will ,row with thi. ,rowing city. I"d that we may )"I>'f'nt the Lord JI> IU. Christ to a 1011 people more effectively. We pion to he,In a revival Oct. 2 Jeanne Bellah. Church Secretary .

McKINNEY, TEXAS A r .. vival i. In p rOlre .. at Ihe Full Go.~1 Church, 309 N. Che.tnut St., with R. R Fa"ch,ld of Houllon .. I th" ev .. n,eliu. Bob ROlen. Wa .. hach.e, i •• n chll'lI.e of the mu­.;c. Thl> power of God i. bein, f"lt in a moll precious way. Soult are b"ing .avIM, and reo;:I>,vinl thl> Holy Ghosl Baptilm; !hl> h .. vl> been h""le-d. and m .. ny lII;nll h"vl> been stined 10 " new . ""I,ullon of the loon com;ne 01 th .. Lord. Our church and Sunday School il movine o n lor God. lor which we ,orl> humbly , .. t"lul.- Earl J . Rog" .. , P .. lto • •

NEWCO MERSTOWN, O . We "'e th"nking God for th .. ,Ioriou. wily in wh,ch ii I> met UI in a roc .. nt 'I>vival camp .. ill,n. I':vllfll .. li.t M ory Loui.e Clutle. Cftme 10 UI for a 'I>ril>' o f meet;"" •• a"d from thl> very l itll nlltht the IIlory o f the Lord filled thl> church . M inillen lind memb"tI of o ther dl>nomina,ionl Cllml> and w;tnelled " repetition o f Pentocost. A n umbl>' of youn ll people we'I> laved ~nd filled with the lio ly Spirit in tho good old f ~.h ;oned wily. Lilli Sundlly our Sundny School ~ttendAncl> Will 11 2. brellk l nl{ our 'ecord. T o God bl> "II the III0ry.- Dllena Ca'lInl>l. P altor.

OAKLAND. CA l.I F We r.-..::ently c10led fl II.lorlOu, &_w~k . e vivlIl with "The Texal Mu.i. cli l Hnrts," Seou" W.,'I> lAved. healed. and filled wIth the Ho ly Ghon The lev.vol g.ew in mo­mentum .ill"t II]) to the IH,t nill,ht Our SundllY School Atu,"dunce flVl>t8ged 555 for the monlh of AUIIU~I . lind 1111 df-'])lIrtme",. of the church werl> bUll! up, DU""I: th" ."vivII I II new 11Ammond organ WII' pU'chuI>d lind 1)B ld fo.: the balance on thl! church debt WOJ t8lll!d. Illso iii set 01 carillon bell •. valued IiII $2.700. WII, Innent.,d to the church III a lift.

The 'ev;YAI .pi,;1 continuel ;n our ' eguh" .1>', vices . On OClober 2- 3 we liI,e celebratiog our third ftnniverla ry in our 'H'W buildon,. aod hllving the mort/tag" burninl.-CKil J . Lowry. Puto,. O"klllnd R .. vivlII T"bl>","c1I!, IOlh and Bropdw9y.

ELKTON, KY.- W" hllve culminAted one yellr'. hom ... miulonary effort hl>r .... 'lIld during Ihi. l ime the Lord hill blened us w;lh lhe min_ 1.l ry of • number of conlocrated wotken And eVII" III>tilll. A tot lll o f 16 loub Accepled th ... al_ va tio n of the Lord. 2 received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. and 4 hllve been bllpl ized in w ate r . We had .. lotal enrollment of 57 in Vacatio n Bibll> School. T h" Sunday School a ttendance has increOJed from an aver~gl> of 5 in Sept. 1948. 10 S3 At p'e'I>nt. We have .. good Hi_C. A. group. Throullh the effortl of th l> p eople and th"" rO­operlllion o f th l> Kentucky Dillricl we Wl>re able to pu.chll.e • nice church b ui lding. Aod lot for a p" toOnlltl>·

W e p ... i.e God for H i, lrut hithfulnus. and Are lookin t forwa , d 10 a year of real g.o .... th in li im._R eveilJ I> An n Clopton, P uto • .

Pllflr Four/re ll

New Religious Christmas Gift Wrappings

A "Sunshine Line" Produci An original and uniquc dcvclop ­

mcnt of appropriatc Christmas motifs which gi\'cs to lovcrs of the "Sunshine Line" a gift wrapping assortment of chnrnc· ter and qual ity .

Kot just another assort mcnt. but a COlll­

plete ensemble embodying the :\'ati\'ity scene. church bells, Wise :'. len, shepherds, enrols. and other Christ-honoring subjccts.

The twenty generous-size sheets (20x24) arc especially strong. and arc complemented by the matching" designs of the 80 gummed seals, 20 color­ful tags and 10 convenicnt cnclosure fo lders.

Your gifts wrapped from this "Su11shine Linc" ensemble will merit slllcerc appreciation, will bear an atll1o~phere of the truc Christmas sp irit. Attrac ti \'c­ly boxcd.

30 EV 9886 .............. . Price $1.25

NOTE : Special discounts arC' 3\'ail:lbie to agC'tlts on quantity orders of this Itelll. Those: who sell our "S\!11shinc Line" Christmas greetings will wish to offer these lo\'(:iy gift wrappings Send for free confidential pricc list.


FORT W O RTH, TEXAS- Sept. 4th was Ihe closing service of t he 71h annu III cp mp meeting rev;vlIl of t hl> North S ide AUI> m bly of Cod.

Thl> tl>n day. ",ith Evangeli.t George H "yu IU night ,peaker, and T. J. J on l>' a. momin]l, lpellker, WeTe precious t im .. of refrel hine 10 .11 of UI. The • pirituAI truth, broulht by Brolher J onet ""ul&d o ur heart. to well up wilh thanksliving for Ihe

Spri ngfield 1, Missou ri

Word of G od, and th" powerful preaching of A. other Hnyes moved thl> heartl of men nnd wo men and CHU.ed them to weep thei r woy throul:h to old.time religion. W I> are thllnkful 10 God fo r Ihe number who were snvl>d fln d f illed with the H oly Spirit. Th" ,hout. of vict ory arl> lin e vidl>nt fllct that many bllttle, were won for God . - Jacob Filbl>rt. P allor.


Page 15: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

GREENVILLE, KY.-W .. r<!C .. ntly do.f'd • t .... o· .... eek ... .,ivlIl meetmg; lit the Landmark Assembly We enjoyad • pr<!Cioul outpourinl of God'. Spirit. Fourteen lOuis pray .. d Ihrough 10 ~lIlvlltion; nine were bnptiled in waler Many Klught Ih .. Lord lind the chureh II. II .... hol .. was .efre.hed 01 the Spirit o f th .. Lo.d mov,,"d in Our midn. We had capllcity attendanc ...... ith many lin"'n inl f rom oUl!id", the bu,lding. M,n Kathl .. en Hllyd .. n conducted childr .. n·s ... rvic... lI"d wu pillnill for th .. muting;. W .. prai ... God for Hi. bl~'inl on u •. -Calv,n S"' ..... ne}". Putor

PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA,-The hru week of Aucult Ih .. clly had • Centennl.1 celebration, .... ith • la.,e The C. A.-. a loyely flolll of II church. The church', public .dd. e .. syst ... m ....... uof'd in.ide Ih ... floal 10 pillY '·S .. r · mons in Song;" r<!Cord.. Stvt'rlll childrt'n walk .. d IIlonr in fronl of th .. church ("orryinr Bible •. A eIIr precedinr: tht children CArried " larte ,ign which read. "Pentecostal Tllbernllclt''' Mllny were impr .. u<'d wilh the undenaking. Tht Lord did bl .... OUr .. ffora. and we b .... n p •• i.inr God for Ihe re.ult.. V .. rnon Boyer.


De Luxe Christmas Assortment With or Without Scripture Texts

TWENTY-ONE unique, artistic, and or iginal folders that are the zenith of beauty, qua lity and

loveliness. A large variety of special treatments combine with unusuaJ designs to give emphasis to Bible and Christ-centered messages of warm friendship and Christmas cheer.

Wamcr Sallman's outstand ing picture of Chl'i st, "F ollow Thou Me," is featured as a s ix-color insert. Two especially aUractive three-dimensional fo lders present realistic Nativity scenes. Colorful motifs on the backs of these de luxe folders add to their beauty and loveliness. E. ... ch folder is la rge 4lhx6 inch s ize. easily worth ten to twenty-five cents. Matching envelopes.

You send the finest when yo u send " Sunshine L i11e" greetings.

Available Two Ways-Order by Number

JO EV 9970 With Scripture Texts 30 EV 9972 Friendship Sentiments, Omitting Scripture Texts

Price $1.00 a Box

GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE Spri ,gfield I, Missouri

October 29, 1949

PUILIPSBURQ, PA ·Thl' M. bHn • _IOn of .cl1vity fo~ the l..oTd in thi. ar ... , E.rly in Ih. .um ...... we p,tch<'d a tent ,n W ... t Decatu. ( 4 m,lt" from he ... ) for J "" ... k., w'lh Broth.r J. D. W oolum •• nd I mmiste"na: th .. W ord of Lif •. About 2S we ... SIIve-d and 3 received Ih, Dapl"m of the Sp,rit.

Th .. following; m onth we ttll!Clf'd • ,enl in Slate Coll/!', ... Pa . and 39 found ehr;.t lIS thelT Savior. Brolh ... a"d Sisler Vand .. rplO@oC mininered wilh u.' Po .. ,biht, .... lTe g;oad for an A~ .... mbly in Ih.t clly. \Ve IT .. p •• ying; thai ,uH,.,.;",1 fin. Ince .... ·'11 .,.ome in 10 en,bl .. the pureh ••• of I lot end .. r<'Cl1on of a Tebernade

w ...... Ound up our mHlinr:s in Ih, Go.pel Tpbernacl/!' in Ph,hp.bu.g. w,lh n .... ly 3 mora .... ~kI with Ih/!' Vlml ... ploe, •. Fifl~n found the Lord. fo. which "''' li""t God Ih .. pra".. H A Chri.toph .. r. p,nor,

Coming Meetings

0 ... 10 th~ facl Iha l t.... E •• .,.el i ..... ~ up 11 L.y. b'fore Ih .. cial" wh k h a_rs ... ~ II •• 11 .... ' k ... • h"",1c! ...,.~h u. 18 d.oy. bd....., t .... t doo l e

YORK. P.\. F,nl PCQlcco'I~1 Church. ~~v fo--~ n .... i,1 McDow.lI, ~~van,d;<1 F O. 1'('J><'r. I'~.I""

ASIITADt'LA. 0, l'cn,~~",t7.1 .\ ... mlol,. ',f (;.,,!. Ocl. 11-·: E,':a"leeli" ~,,<t ;\fTl, A I-t \·at',I~'1.I""1{, Toledo. O.-R. F Hv"~rd. I'ut"r

IO~G IIF.·\CiI. C,\l.IF ''''''If nr~"h .\0 mhl1 <f G .... I. L"f() AllanTic A,". O<t .'J ~,,, I' Kr ufth ~hm,.11. Ennlrli". L H I,~ ... ; •. I'a.,

;\I,\I-tIO~. ISJ),-~ •• I· ; The O. I. \1'1"""'" F:aml1y. of C~lilot";:a, Evanll~1i.u. n. E HillmaQ I. l':a.,nr.

\\',\115,\U, WIse ('br;'I;~n A .. rmbly, Nh .",1 S,"U!x'" ~",. Oct. 18 .~. 1':,a"l!d;ot An,,~ (" U,·.~. of ~;01J" F;111s. S. l)a1<. II ]. W:alt .. ma". I'~'I".

WASIliSGTOS. n (',-('alurv eu<pc-I ('hu"h ,1~ll 0 SI .. Sov. 1 :'0; F:,·a"lclisl' (":ar! and Ed,,; (;. ,,,h"in. l'onKI'u. ('alif, 1)""Jrlu C. Scott II 1 .. 11",

1.ITEI-t.\Tt'R~~ WASTlcO t·ud book •• q"artnhc., :an,' olh". 11I!'lc .,,,,Iv h~I!,. I, .. :ai(linl! nr" ,''''''''11<­

PUIi'r II, ~:. Sul,lell. U.,~ 3~1. i'fmh'(1kr. V.l,

SEXTOS \\'\:-;'TEIl '1id(l1"~RC man Ind " 'if. 10 hr ,in"h". "f larll~ d,ur<'h, Oil lur"a~f \\'"If Glad Tid".~< T"b .. ",dr •. 1.'!! Wut JJrd SI. N .... Y",k I S Y. •

1:-;' lJI,\:-;' ,\ POLIS. 1': , 2Jrd Sf .• I'ov. \ntho~v \ ';1".' of

1-1" .... i'UTO •.

INI).-:-;'""h Side " ••• mbl~. Sl9 IJ. 'P<"Ci:a1 di'·;,n .. hulinJ(",,; lju7 Ind .. mon;"", 1I".man R

WEST FORK. AR K. 0.:1. 2.J. for IWO """d« or l~'''I! .. r; "Bbi. Evaug"li<l;c Trio." II crthn "II" Ula;,. I·,u"i\l:d,·t.· Mary II . !Jr~nhao, Rnd I'au!'ne I), SI.r!r. I'a'lon.

K,-\"SAS mSTltl('T COU:-;'CIL IIt"T(,IIl~·<;()S. K"'S~ 1:;"t\,o,,",I,I). Si<lh " .. d

Adn!n' St •.. 0.", .11 ""v .. 1 Firsl <cTYi,,, \1 !'(Ia,· mehl. Gaylc F, I." ... i •. ,puker. F.r rt,c"It"'~ . ",rire 0.,3 Iluy. q \\""" ~,h. IIDI.'hin."", Kan,,,,

l'a,,1 (" S,unD .. l<on. s,.c'fl~ry·Tru.u ....

11'1)1":-;' .... S. S. ("QSVFNTfO";S N(,rth .. rn Indiana S, S, ("Qu,'fnl;on. fI'''1 \'~ .. n),h'

of God. \\' •• hinllt<m ~nd, f ourlh 51". l'IY"'''''lh. 1,,,1, No.' /'.-9, Fo. r" ..... a l'"'' i"r""'Mio" "." .. 1'.1"'>< \\,illi.m Van W;nkl". 3G4 N ~Ih SI .• 1'17'" 'uth. Ind

Sou,hern 1",lIa". S. S ('OQ""'''li'''' ........ "'].1, of C"".tl<1. ~hn :lntl I·~.k .\,-r.. .Ia""""ill(. \"., " .. ,. In. II, For ...,-rn.ri"" inf"rmati., .. ,..r;1f 1'~II'lf I.db Anlhon7. 3G4 " .. k Av( .• ]aoonvillc. Ind

]. Il Oa,·i •. l'.nama ('it l' Fb.,. II""C<l ~~.Ir"r,_ IIeubb" .... ])'"ldcl Sun '7 &hool R .. pr .... ntaliv ..


T .. "" ])i"rirl ~,,~,iOnal ~'''11 Ilihlc (, .. ",I .. "n .. ,·. '1')1 ... SC~ I ;"n. ;"0". 1··2. I~;" I A,.emhlr. 1.0"1e"iul'. 1.ufkin S-rcli<>n. Nov. 3 •. Crock .. tt " ",,,,,,hly.· mont Srclio .. , No". &--9. l'iur A<~cn,blv. I'''rt Anh". n", .. lon s..el;O", S"v )0 11. F;~.t " .... m\' I'.

lInu.l(tn. \\'a eo s,.,.I;on. ~ .. v :'9-.)(1. Mnrrnw A'· . ~ "c. Wa.,..,. 'orpu. Ch,;,,; s,.ction. l}.cc. ~7. Fint A ..... ,.,. hI" 01 Gnd Rro ... novilt~ ,

Se.v; .. .." 10,,10 ~ m .. 2,JO Ind 7'30 ,,!n,. /i"l "a" 1'1 1m. and Z<IIJ n m ... cond da,. ~: II {'.ump. ;cl SCCTflU" "IT.a.urtr .

Page Fifteen

Page 16: NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BU I BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE L ...€¦ · love, I I brought hope. I found one chaplt'r in the Bible that explained exactly what man ou"ht to he

WESTFn,I. I>. N. " lX I , ~S. for ~ .. . ~k ,\I "e !'IUI.O. )l rt , . t~va" I.Ii .I . Fu nk I '«~h"m , 1" '1<.>"

)lc" '-I.f~ , 1 " X 0 <1 • .» ; I'",,,"tliu In" \1". lI<Jb 1ok<':II H:htn, (>1 AU'lin, Ten.. 1("7 lI"u, " I'

I"""" WA \'SF;S IIO RO. 1'.\ {"aIH" TII ... rtA If. 0., is ~ ..... IJ; h Anl.I .. 1 Lillian M O, ••• u.<I II.,!',

A.m.uonl , I'U lor.

ut ITTI' . 'lO ST, (),,;I .. 11)- N", LJ. b 'lid. ~ r d .. ,,, J"'''<ltl I n,l Jo hn J ohn' I''''. of Scattl •. \ \ ·.,b.

• :III1C' M T'"r. I'UIO •.

WICIIIT A }O'AI.I-';, TEXAS. l'i " 1 " ... ,nh!" 51h a nrl I\r~ rl . No ... J 7!; If ~ r ... ty ~l cA h"ltr. E"lnl .h.l.

I'hi,, ;. A. I", .. i. , l'U I" "

I'OKT WAYNE. IN I) Nov. 6, f'l' 2 .... . f ~1 '" ~"' • • r, U 1''''1 Wlynt Au tmbly •. ' I ;!'! Wi" lr. ~ I r.~t. C, ~ , Tubhy, • .• anlthl l.-J, U 'hehlr.loon. Plol'l'.

WOLf' 1'0 1:-/'1', MONT !o·ov. I IJ: h ~' lI t1i11 .,,,1 \1 ". "'n"i t R llarti., Fott Mo. g.", C(llo.­C IJU,1e I M, . u, I'UIO' ,

Il HOO KI.YN. N Y.- I';Sb. houu o."n;h, 11 Ibn' ,,~, ~ I .• Ocl . I&- 30, Cronic lla )Cl. of llou"on, Telu" 1:' . " lItli ' l , Cli fford A. 8row" e. I'ulor .

{".' M IJ K[J)(a~ . MASS.- Ilelhtl COIPtI T . bc rn,cle. 12 1I e> .. ~.d 51 .. OGI. D . lor J .. c"~ •.• : "."I .l i" I'l<>renee C W.b,"". Oltaw •• Cao.-R. A. l) ~beO(k, I'HI 'Ir .

ESCALON. CA f. f F.-Auemhl , 01 God. 2nd . n,j Colt , s. ~ .. N",' I~ fkc. ~. E VR" j(~I; • • Ktn"e.h M H ly .... d, (I f Ottaw.. Can.-Wtll.~ I'. S tee1bt rll . " allo •.

S IOUX nTV. 10W",-l' i,. . A. o~ ",bl ,. Ocl. 2J-; Anhur ~ Arno"l. E .... n&.l i.t.-A. M. Alb.- r, p .. tor

S I RF N. WISe. 5iren C.o' I>CI t . OCI. 25-:>I "... 16. ~:~. , II rlial and )Ir., ~ ' d lIa, /( i,._}. } , s",1".u. 1''' ' 0 ',

B RI DGE I'ORT, ("() NN.--OCI, 2J No ... 6, (If lon&r. I' i •• • "_'.mbl, . 215 W II""'I AH. t:va,,"rli, t II . E . ilardI, Yor k, " a,-M. O. S""n t t ., I'~ .. o •.

W,\ SCO. CAl.II'.-A •• embl , 01 God. (00 (I . oadw_y, 0 , 1. II : Ful ton W. 8 ull la i" . 01 Wllhi"i l" " . I'Hn. ,I.lil l. T. H. Whi lt inSlon, !'~1I0 ',

1'OW ANI)A. I'A._ A .. e,,, bly 01 Cod T.I!~rn.el~ . Oct. 26-: Wu ne. ] e>hnllOn, 01 IlulU. Mr " Art i.1 "~lni. Ii ' I .-Pe l . ' n.d~y~ . Pu IO •.

("O l'n· YV ILI.f: . K ANS. - A" .",bly 01 G<ld . 0.:1. 16-lO. A"na fl . Loc~, Evanitli .. : lIara ha n Vol!>. Voeali.1 a nd 1'/a"III.- E" e'. lI e ~:winl', p~ •• o.

ST EHI. ING. COLO.- Meet ing in prOllnu I . t incl)ln .n,1 S. Di.i.ion An. R. A. MeClurt, ~:"UI.1i' I . Will ... ,,\linu. inddini lcl,.-IIennan M. Cibbon.. Di, ' 1'.ub,l r r ,

II U I' I''' 1..0. N. " ,-1'tnl tOD ... 1 T a!x.nacl • • 629 ~: r~la .... " A ve.: Oct . 16, for 2 w.eks or 10"IIH. I'aul II "< idin /( " Martil1. bu r i. W . VI .• Eyangrlis t. I' r.ll~ f) eli," tl •• PUla • .


MO I,I N~; . ILL.- Miu ion." eonv. nl i<l n. Gr~et Mtmo. i.1 C." Oc t . 22 and 23: Noel I'.rld .. . Mi .. . ion .. , Ster .... ' •• nd II . Co 8 all . 01 Sprj,'a fi e!d . Mo" • ,~akinr.- Mth'in I~ Jenni nll " Pu tor .


lI A I.I.QCK. MINN.-Specia l l/arnSI .·ulival ".cc. in,s •• t Co, ,,,,1 , Ocl 28. K, S. I'el er · IOn. D'" l rie. I'rfl by ln. 01 a n i" .rd • • puklna - I(alph O . Do"''' 'na , P,"or.

EL CAJ O!". C" LIF.-" Am u ;lI a Crace" . ev;" . 1 .. " I a .. . ktnlnl\: .. 11iu c:on rinu" I t AS5"", bly of God T l bernacle, 4Q8 E. W .. hinglon 5 •. N. ishborinll A ... ", · hlies invi l.d ' 0 Cf),opu att . Mr. ~nd M. s. Ch,. O. Ncre" of Miami. F la . , ~:'·a nlle Ii 5 t s.-S. E. U nlet. l'Al IO • .


ltK IDG E I'O RT , CONN.-Secl ion.1 F. llo .. ·.hip Meet. inlt' . Nov. 7. 2:]0 and 7 :00 p.m. Fiu t A .. ~mbll·' 28S WilmOI " ye. S""akcn, John 8eran. om . nd f . F . ilard I. " Ra ... io ("hoir ." aUts l sinat .... - Cnd, 1_ F.nni'~ 1',ub, ltr. M. O. :'l»fn«r . Pallor.

Par,.. Si.t tl'f ll

(' r .\ "'- Tel ' .\ I \ '1 "nlr. (,huc' ~ 10 <la, •. \" ... ·."1 K· .... c~lorl. and ",f., I .... E~U \ ...... br. .. nta.b, lI ,ck",a., I'a.t" •.

f , Ilttrio. .\. 'I'

MO IHSTO. '-'\1.11' ,\, ...... 1 1 C I) en ..... a,,,l S .. 'U .\,u .. 0.1 ~. for ... 1< .. o· I<>n/(t . ~"~nlt'.h.r C' F Shidd., f Garoj.,,1 l~h EfT ._\ 'I ".I~,,,o . 1'~'I()r,


C t.,\ SSI'O RT. 1'.\ 0,1. 2\.. jl1 ('uhr ""I0'",a" ".,tliei" .,,,. indu,lr S S. IIfYOIII. of IlId,.: ~:. II , ~'mmon ' . 01 .' hi,a: U T. Ihr<l. \f.. li ard a"d I.. Mo •• i .... n. of O"n •. F .• eh ueni,,/!:, 7:10 ("ral ull" Ocl. )1, J r;) pm. Autrnbl, of God. Co Ftf . h 51. a"d Ohio:> AH. I I 1-:. Croob,. I'a • • ",.

('A "<Tl f. ... (,~ .\In. M,,,,,,,i.1 .\, ."oc;u", (anbaS-. llo .. ~ Ih an ( ;It"""" 'n lI illb .. ·.' 71. C'lIy· .. id. t~. ,'y.I, 0<1. ~J, 1",. 2 .. .... k. or lon i U . " 'Ih Iht .\la, I'h. ''''n· ~·rrll'''''' ~:¥~""tl"I'e ParlY (Sllnl.~ :>Olac· I'hn ... n an<l R"l ... " F~~II""'), Z"t i/(hborina a ..... ' bl, •• ,nvi le" 10 C "t><'.atr St.nley ;\fad'b_r. n.

IJ~:IlIC\TI ().\ ,\:\/) n~I,I,O\\'!, J! ! I' .\If:fll,\,(;

S.\...--r .\ I Ht ' l . I .\Uf.-Tllf A'I.mhl, ,. f God CI"r _'J )' .~" ( ;I~rl Tul''' II " T .berIl3t·I". Ocean ~n.1 Il"k"'" :>10 .. ) dedi,-Ht' ilo n.w blli!di"lI. ~I i"ioll and Oli. S h ,. 00 N , ",,! II (>'.' 1 Connti u lelk""'hip m~.I;"I: J),S( rk l S" I"', i"tr", l.nt W, T . GU!O" .Pt~ki"" ~~. ,·i n! beg"" 0..'1. 11. wi,h F var' lfeli". Ed di. a "d Rill" Waahinj(' 'I' H ~'II1I)"'1 1'. "urrav. "a. lor.

~Iional ~"",la, .... 1,,"'1 """f" " ''''to. !o" e ... York .Z"tw J .. ""y lti :SOY , 2. P." leco· 111 T;o ""rnael ~. n " If.Io. N V No .... J, Waterlown, N, V. :>lOY, S. Ki"gl lon. :>I V No". 7, KCplunt , ~ , J, N"v. II . ~." za bt , h. N. } .. Trinil ' Ptn leC'1~rat. S. . ¥ i~tI a l 11):,10. LV', ;:.)0 1,,«pl ill Ntptun t ). 's1 ... ah •• Ihlp,"

R;~II • A ..... M~I.I Ge,tul Supc:ru>l.n,j,,·,I . T. H II" hak~r. n "I,icl ~tl, .. rin,,,nd~nl; ( \\ 1)0,"1 . lIi."i I ~ ~ R'"'I,t ',I~ti, •. C W Utnl", 8"" DI" 'il~. :-'-rw Y<>,k


SEW \IlIJRP;S :r.oo IkUwood A, •.• ]a,b,,,,,,Ut. l'Ia "W. h,,,~ acerNed th" PUlo.all: he, ". ). n ... h. I.d Il l" ",'.

N n \' A IlI)I<ES:;...·l'aul Cbl'l'e . , )I,)x IIr,. Fflli l ~. (',.1 ... , hu bt~n ch(l!l("n lias l'" of th. a"r"'hl~ hf.e."

\ 1" Lnla Bullimore •. S. Sccr,,!uy.

N~;W A!}ORESS.-Wi"ln Ca rden. F I~. ".\" .. 3 )~ ... 3' PI"or at \, ieklhurll Miu .• I ha,e """tpted Ih. p"'t·,rat~ h .. t."·-A. I~

.'I; EW AIlJ) ,,<~ SS Fred Gru., 51S £.,1 I~I ~. Win· lidd. K~"'a'. loa. Icc.pltd Ihe panoral. of II,. (bu.d, .. , :-;""("Ib .' d lIar'H. ·Leon \\, ilk ... oll. Ch,,'ch S .... t .. ,.

WA ,\,TEU T;oI~"lcd couple 10 move to a Iarll.'P',b •• l;n.1 employmtnt .• "d I.,,,me re'poto·, . b,li l y fo r Ihr ,n".i<11 "r0le um of a I .OW11./;: .\ •

..mhl)'.- I'I<I". :-.'01." ~lllrl~r. m \\'~ <1 Illh SI .• '·0,· i"1I10n. K,·.


1' ... "..,.1

I'tdl H, ~L(;.".ah a",l wile. 208 Murray ~t .• ,\1 • K im, .. y. Tr~ •• , I' ho" . /.1'1I· J . "W. h ~,·t h." 1'~_I"r,, ' ."I"'''tI1~e. Will re ~()(md 10 an y . aU."

Pasl".al ".. E .. ..,,-t lh lw:'

Marv;n II . D~t. 3176 Carlin Ave., Lyn .. ..,,1, C,'if. I/Orm", l'hr;!li." ('h",~h m,ni.'tr [(If 20 ) car". "Will 1>:" 10 any fi.ld. ~l t rnbe r So. Cal iforn;~ J)j. U i<·1 ("oUl", i!."

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER 6 Gift Subscriptions for $5,00

if o rd.,r is ma iled in No .. e mb., r

To encourage OUI" E\ ang el readers to ~cl1d us lheir Gift Subsc riptioll s ",arly th is year, we arc o ff ering a special prtce. \\ie will send the Evangel to six o f your f. ieluJs for 8 mo ntha ",.eh fo r the low price of $5.00 pro\' ided you mail the order to u s in ~o\·etl1ber. ( All t h", . d d r . .. "'. m,nt be ;n. ide U.S.A.)

\Ye will send YOIl . free of charge, a bealll iiul fo lder of greeting in fu ll color, for each of th<:se fr iends, 10 announce Ilwl you have ordered a gi ft subscr iption for th em. You win then add your f) cr.sonal sig natu re, put th e card in the matching em'e1ope we provide, and drop it in th e mai!.

By orderi ng your gift subscriptions ea rly you wiJl be sure of getting )'our gr eeting folders to mail them in IlJcnt y o f t ime for Christmas. Th en too you will be making it possibl e for us to send you. friends the silecial Chris tmas Evangel. S EN D US YOUR ORDE R NOW, A 1\ ]) T AK E ADVANTAGE OF T ItI S S P ECIAL OFFER .

Goo pel P ubl i. h;ns H ou .... -4 3-4 W est P lleif ie Street S prinsfield I , Mi. lIOuri

I w.nt to order the EVll nsel for .. . .... . of my I riend., II . II Chrillmu gif l , al t he .~i lll price. Plell" en ter a n e iaht· m onlh IUbscription 10 each of Ihe addressel 1 11 m lendin , on the _ttllched IhH I .

M y na me i.

M y edd .... is

Ci ty ........ . Zone S tBI .

(I endOie $ . . II . well II the IIddreu e l of my fr i. nd •. )