north coast accountants presentation


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North Coast Accountants CCFull Accounting

ServicesBookkeeping Services

Monthly management reports

Comprehensive Tax Services & Returns

VAT, PAYE, UIF, Workmens Compensation Returns

Add on Payroll for our clients

Pastel Agents& Installations

System Development

CC Registrations & Amendments

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• Our firm was founded 21 years ago

• by Elmarie Ras, • having completed a B Compt

degree through Unisa • and an auditing learner ship at

Jordaan, Botha & Partners. • Elmarie subsequently joined the • South African Institute of

Professional Accountants (SAIPA) in 1988,

• then called the Institute of Commercial & Financial Accountants(CFA(SA))

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• Johan Grobler joined the practice in 2008,

• having obtained a B Comm degree at the University of Pretoria

• and completing an auditing learner ship at Price, Waterhouse and Coopers.

•  He qualified as a Professional Accountant (SAIPA)

• and continued his career in various corporate financial management positions.

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• Elmarie and Johan are both• practising members of

the • South African Institute of

Professional Accountants • SAIPA

• and are registered as

• Tax Practitioners with the South African Revenue Services.

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•As one of South Africa's foremost accountancy institutes, the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), plays a very important role in ensuring that its members are able to optimise their Accountancy practices or add value to their employers in the corporate world, and, by so doing, create additional wealth for the country and its people.

•SAIPA is a professional body of more than 6000 professional accountants (excluding students and associates) in practice, commerce and industry, government and academia.

The majority of its members are in public practice, offering accountancy and allied services, excluding auditing, to the general public and the business community, especially in the SMME sector.

•Membership of SAIPA provides accountancy professionals with local and •international recognition, ensures that they remain abreast of the latest local •and international developments in the accountancy profession and are able to •regularly network with fellow accountancy professionals.

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•SAIPA is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

•and of the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Federation of Accountants (ECSAFA).

•SAIPA's qualifications are registered at Level Seven on the National •Qualifications Framework (NQF) with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

•SAIPA members are, in terms of legislation, automatically recognised as Commissioners of Oaths.

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• SAIPA has approximately 1500 trainee accountant members and runs two learnerships which are registered with FASSET (the SETA for Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services).

• SAIPA's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) department provides seminars to members and other interested parties, enabling them to comply with the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirement specified by IFAC.

• SAIPA is governed by a Constitution, Code of Conduct and By-laws.

• SAIPA has detailed investigation and disciplinary procedures that comply with IFAC's requirements.

• SAIPA provides its members who are in public practice with mandatory Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance.

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• Our staff compliment also includes

• a senior bookkeeper/• office administrator,• a junior bookkeeper • and 2 trainee

accountants,• doing 3 year articles • And an office assistant

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North Coast Accountants CC• is an accredited • SAIPA training center. (ATC756)

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• Members of SAIPA have a professional and social responsibility to the Institute and the community to pass on their expertise to Learners of the accounting profession in a collegial system.

• To this end SAQA, the NQF, Fasset and SAIPA combine in prescribing Learnerships for potential future Professional Accountants (SA).

• It is not a one-way street, however, as Members of SAIPA derive tangible and measurable benefits by participating in the transfer of their professional skills to aspirant accountants, in a number of ways.

The professional stature of SAIPA members and their practices enjoy an enhanced professional stature when registered as an Approved Training Centre (ATC) by the Institute.

The ATC practice, by taking BComm Accounting graduates into employment, gains access to well-educated human resources of high potential and productivity.

Unlocking this potential and productivity rewards the practice with the financial rewards of better profitability.

By participating in Learnerships, the ATC is assisting in resolving the current skills shortage in South Africa, and assisting in providing essential skills to individuals to assist in finding further employment.

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• We believe that our investment in human capital is of crucial importance not only for our accounting practice, but also for our community and the country as a whole.

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SARS has committed itself to refining our service offerings to practitioners. A Practitioners Unit has been established, with the following roles:

Managing the register of practitioners 

Regulation of practitioners

Responding to instances of unprofessional conduct and non-compliance by practitioners in their capacity as practitioners and as taxpayers

Practitioners strategy and enhanced service offerings

Analytical capability - trends and issues

Partnership with practitioners

The Unit will not take over operational management of business units, and does not replace existing complaints procedures available to practitioners.  It also does not deal with operational, tax-specific or taxpayer-specific queries.

Operational, tax-specific or taxpayer-specific queries can be addressed to the Practitioners Call Centre or to your nearest branch.

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SARS offer the following services to Tax  Practitioners:                                                                                                                     Dedicated Call Centre for registered practitioners;

Dedicated consultants in larger branches for registered practitioners;

Web page for practitioners for frequent updates on developments;

Email updates on developments for registered practitioners;

Easyfile offline electronic filing solution for practitioners;

eFiling online electronic filing solution for practitioners;

Training sessions and guides for practitioners

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North Coast Accountants is also registered agents with CIPRO,

Dti Trade of Industry.We do registrations of new Close Corporations & amendments to


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Dti, Cipro & Close Corporations• New legislation with regards to company’s act is

still in draft form.- we have no certain implementation date yet

• We have attended workshops & seminars on the topic and is fully informed on the subject

• Close Corporations are not going to cease to exist, but the reporting from is going to change.

• There is only 3 accounting bodies in SA that will be qualified to deal with the new companies

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TRUSTSNorth Coast Accountants register

trusts & do accounting & tax services for trusts.

For more complex entities we work in association with specialists we can

refer you to