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9 THE DEVELOPING VISUAL PATHWAYS Human vision requires precise collaboration of diverse structures. From the eye to the cerebral cortex, the components mature in parallel, each influencing the development of the whole. Some developmental processes follow an innate plan that is programmed using molecular cues forming “hard-wired” neural circuits. Others are controlled by the neuronal activity within the system itself that arises spontaneously, or from visual stimulation. Thus, the anatomical configuration of the visual system is sculpted by both nature and nurture. In a developing individual, visual experience adjusts the neural structures such that they best represent the world they are exposed to. Combined with the innate, “hard-wired,” plan, this produces an efficient visual system because only elements that function appropriately are maintained: “use it or loose it.” Reliance on visual experience makes the system vulnerable: a fault during development may be detrimental. With anomalous visual experience, the system develops abnormally. Thus, the processes that normally generate an efficient visual system can cause abnormal development. An example is monocular deprivation. Here, a problem that obscures vision in one eye, like a congenital cataract, causes abnormal visual development. The visual system allots less cortical tissue to the deprived eye, generating a permanent visual loss that persists after removal of the cataract. The interdependent elements of the visual system must all develop appropriately. A fault at any point from eye to brain can have effects on the whole system. The normal development of each component will be discussed individually. The eye The eyes differentiate early from the neural plate. They first appear as the optic pits by the fifth week of gestation, and then extend from the neural tube to form the optic vesicles. These spherical pouches invaginate to form the optic cups, attached to the pros- encephalon by stalks that become the optic nerves. Further differentiation of the optic cup gives rise to each of the components of the eye. The lens and cornea arise from the surface ectoderm; the retina, pigment epithelia, and optic nerve from neural ecto- derm; and the vasculature and sclera from paraxial mesoderm. By three months gestation, each of the major anatomical structures is in place. At birth, the axial length of the human eye is about 17 mm (about 74% of adult), and increasing by about 0.16 mm/week. 1 The eye grows nonuniformly; most of its increase in volume is from posterior segment growth. The neonatal corneal surface area is 3/4, and the scleral surface area 1/3 of the emmetropic adult’s. 2 The lens continues to grow after birth, increasing in diameter more than in thickness, resulting in a less spherical and more disk-like adult shape. By 13 years of age, the eye has reached an average axial length of 23 mm, its developmental endpoint. 3 The retina The fovea develops before the peripheral retina; 4–6 yet it is immature at birth. 7,8 It first appears as a bump formed by ganglion cells. Over about the next 25 weeks, foveal ganglion cells and inner nuclear layer cells migrate peripherally, creating the familiar foveal depression at about 15 months. 8,9 Among the many specializations that endow the primate fovea with supreme vision is its peak density of photoreceptors. At birth, the density of foveal photoreceptor cells is a tiny fraction of the adult’s. Peripheral photoreceptor cells migrate toward the fovea from before birth to at least 45 months (longer than the centripetal migration of ganglion cells). As the cones pack together there is a reduction in their diameter; their short, squat inner segments elongate, and the rudimentary stumps of outer segments lengthen into the long, thin appendages of the adult (Fig. 2.1). Since ganglion cells and photoreceptors migrate in opposite directions, extended connecting processes form between the cone pedicles and their cell bodies. Reaching radially as far as 0.4 mm, these specialized axons are the Henle fiber layer, which surrounds the fovea by 2.5 mm in the adult. 10 The human fovea remains immature, even at six to eight months postpartum. Cell morphology and cell density take 15 months to approach maturity, and it may be four years before the retina is largely adult-like. 11 This time course is consist- ent with some aspects of vision development measured experimentally. The retina contains seven principal cell types, each with its own circuitry, organized into layers. The different cell types derive from progenitor cells in the inner layer of the optic cup. Progenitor cells generate different retinal cell types, right up to its final division, raising the following question “What influences the fate of retinal progenitor cells?” The type of cell a progenitor may become follows a temporal order during development that is preserved between species. 12–14 Ganglion cells develop first, followed in overlapping phases by horizontal cells, cones, amacrine cells, rods, bipolar cells, and Müller cells (Fig. 2.2). 15 The acquisition and loss of their ability to differentiate into particular cell types suggests that extrinsic factors serially bias progenitor cells to a particular fate. However, in vitro experiments have not confirmed this. Environmental factors can change the proportions of different cells types generated at a particular stage, but they cannot induce the production of cell types inappropriate for that stage. 16,17 Thus, progenitor cells pass through a number of states during which they are only competent at producing a subset of cell types, and the proportions of city types that they produce at each stage is Normal and Abnormal Visual Development CHAPTER 2 Daniel L Adams ch.02.qxd 29/3/04 05:49 AM Page 9

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Human vision requires precise collaboration of diverse structures.From the eye to the cerebral cortex, the components mature inparallel, each influencing the development of the whole.

Some developmental processes follow an innate plan that isprogrammed using molecular cues forming “hard-wired” neuralcircuits. Others are controlled by the neuronal activity within thesystem itself that arises spontaneously, or from visual stimulation.Thus, the anatomical configuration of the visual system is sculptedby both nature and nurture.

In a developing individual, visual experience adjusts the neuralstructures such that they best represent the world they areexposed to. Combined with the innate, “hard-wired,” plan, thisproduces an efficient visual system because only elements thatfunction appropriately are maintained: “use it or loose it.”

Reliance on visual experience makes the system vulnerable: afault during development may be detrimental. With anomalousvisual experience, the system develops abnormally. Thus, theprocesses that normally generate an efficient visual system cancause abnormal development.

An example is monocular deprivation. Here, a problem thatobscures vision in one eye, like a congenital cataract, causesabnormal visual development. The visual system allots less corticaltissue to the deprived eye, generating a permanent visual loss thatpersists after removal of the cataract.

The interdependent elements of the visual system must alldevelop appropriately. A fault at any point from eye to brain canhave effects on the whole system. The normal development ofeach component will be discussed individually.

The eyeThe eyes differentiate early from the neural plate. They first appearas the optic pits by the fifth week of gestation, and then extendfrom the neural tube to form the optic vesicles. These sphericalpouches invaginate to form the optic cups, attached to the pros-encephalon by stalks that become the optic nerves. Furtherdifferentiation of the optic cup gives rise to each of the componentsof the eye. The lens and cornea arise from the surface ectoderm;the retina, pigment epithelia, and optic nerve from neural ecto-derm; and the vasculature and sclera from paraxial mesoderm. Bythree months gestation, each of the major anatomical structures isin place.

At birth, the axial length of the human eye is about 17 mm(about 74% of adult), and increasing by about 0.16 mm/week.1 Theeye grows nonuniformly; most of its increase in volume is fromposterior segment growth. The neonatal corneal surface area is 3/4,and the scleral surface area 1/3 of the emmetropic adult’s.2 Thelens continues to grow after birth, increasing in diameter more than

in thickness, resulting in a less spherical and more disk-like adultshape. By 13 years of age, the eye has reached an average axiallength of 23 mm, its developmental endpoint.3

The retinaThe fovea develops before the peripheral retina;4–6 yet it isimmature at birth.7,8 It first appears as a bump formed byganglion cells. Over about the next 25 weeks, foveal ganglioncells and inner nuclear layer cells migrate peripherally, creatingthe familiar foveal depression at about 15 months.8,9

Among the many specializations that endow the primate foveawith supreme vision is its peak density of photoreceptors. Atbirth, the density of foveal photoreceptor cells is a tiny fractionof the adult’s. Peripheral photoreceptor cells migrate toward thefovea from before birth to at least 45 months (longer than thecentripetal migration of ganglion cells). As the cones packtogether there is a reduction in their diameter; their short, squatinner segments elongate, and the rudimentary stumps of outersegments lengthen into the long, thin appendages of the adult(Fig. 2.1). Since ganglion cells and photoreceptors migrate inopposite directions, extended connecting processes formbetween the cone pedicles and their cell bodies. Reaching radiallyas far as 0.4 mm, these specialized axons are the Henle fiberlayer, which surrounds the fovea by 2.5 mm in the adult.10

The human fovea remains immature, even at six to eightmonths postpartum. Cell morphology and cell density take 15 months to approach maturity, and it may be four years beforethe retina is largely adult-like.11 This time course is consist-ent with some aspects of vision development measuredexperimentally.

The retina contains seven principal cell types, each with its owncircuitry, organized into layers. The different cell types derive fromprogenitor cells in the inner layer of the optic cup. Progenitor cellsgenerate different retinal cell types, right up to its final division,raising the following question “What influences the fate of retinalprogenitor cells?” The type of cell a progenitor may becomefollows a temporal order during development that is preservedbetween species.12–14 Ganglion cells develop first, followed inoverlapping phases by horizontal cells, cones, amacrine cells, rods,bipolar cells, and Müller cells (Fig. 2.2).15 The acquisition and lossof their ability to differentiate into particular cell types suggeststhat extrinsic factors serially bias progenitor cells to a particularfate. However, in vitro experiments have not confirmed this.Environmental factors can change the proportions of differentcells types generated at a particular stage, but they cannot inducethe production of cell types inappropriate for that stage.16,17 Thus,progenitor cells pass through a number of states during which theyare only competent at producing a subset of cell types, and theproportions of city types that they produce at each stage is

Normal and Abnormal VisualDevelopment


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controlled by environmental factors.18 This is the “competencemodel” of retinal development.19

Once differentiated, retinal neurons must migrate to their adultpositions before they form synapses and to generate the laminarstructure of the retina. This occurs in two stages:

Stage one brings cells imprecisely into bands at roughly theappropriate depths and is moderated by the attractive/repulsiveadhesion properties of the cells. Mutations in genes encodingadhesion molecules or integrins disrupt retinal lamination.20–22

Stage two more precisely organizes cells into uniform mosaics,distributed tangentially, and with perfect laminar distribution. Inthe rat, at birth the horizontal cells have migrated to within a~50-�m-deep sheet, but by day six, they form a regularly spacedmonolayer.23,24 The mechanisms of the second stage may work bymaintaining constant distances between cells, perhaps byminimizing dendritic overlap. If one cell is removed from, or cellsare added to, a developing retinal mosaic, the others shuffle overto regularize the mozaic.25

The chiasmIn primates, ganglion cell axions enter the optic stalk at about sixweeks of gestation. When they reach the optic chiasm they eithercross or remain ipsilateral. Their decision is influenced by (amongother factors26) adhesions molecules and pathway markersl,27

differential gene expression;28,29 and chiasmal template neurons.30,31

These mechanisms guide axons using attractive and repulsivemolecules.32 One such family of molecules is the “slits.” These arethought to govern where the chiasm forms by defining a restrictingcorridor. Disrupting slit expression produces a large, more anterior,secondary chiasm and prevents retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axonsfrom finding their way into the appropriate optic tract.33

The zinc finger transcription factor, Zic2, is expressed inipsilaterally projecting RGCs during their growth from theventrotemporal retina to the chiasm.34 Zic2 regulates RGC axonrepulsion by cues at the chiasmal midline. The proportion of RGCaxons that cross is related to the size of the animal’s binocularvisual field. Retinal Zic2 levels correlate with the animal’s degreeof binocular vision, suggesting Zic2 is an evolutionarily conserveddeterminant of ipsilateral projection.

In primates, the RGCs in nasal and temporal retina are directedto the contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres respectively, exceptfor a 5° wedge along the vertical meridian (with the overlapincreasing with vertical distance from the fovea) where ganglioncells project to either hemisphere.35 The normal decussationpattern is disrupted in albinos36 and rarely in otherwise normalprimates37 (see Chapter 45).

Myelination of the optic nerve begins only after all RGC axonshave reached the geniculate body (fifth month in humans) andcontinues into early childhood in a brain-to-eye direction, stoppingat the lamina cribrosa.38 Occasionally, it proceeds into the retina,where it appears as white streaks in the nerve fiber layer.39 Sucherrant myelination is normally benign, but rarely it can beassociated with a visual deficit.40,41

Retinogeniculate projectionsAbout 90% of primate RGCs project to the lateral geniculatebody (LGB), the remainder mostly go to the pretectum and thesuperior colliculus.42 The LGB contains six principal layersspecified by their eye of input and by their cell type (Fig. 2.3).Four of the principal layers (two for each eye) are made up ofsmall, parvocellular (P) cells, and two (one for each eye) containlarge, magnocellular (M) cells. Tiny koniocellular (K) cellsconstitute a third class that occupy the leaflets between the sixprincipal layers.43

The layers of the LGB are present at birth. Their developmentexemplifies the interaction between activity-dependent and hard-





Cone pedicle

Fiber of Henle




45 monthpostpartum

5 µm

22 weeks gestation

Fig. 2.1 A schematic drawing showing the stages of development of ahuman foveal cone (left to right) at 22, 24 to 26, and 34 to 36 weeksgestation, newborn, and 15 and 45 months postpartum. The innersegment is present before birth, while the outer segment develops mainlypostnatally, being little more than a stump at birth. The cone pedicle andthe fiber of Henle are present before birth. All four structures undergoextreme postnatal thinning and elongation. Adapted from Hendricksonand Yuodelis.11







Müller glial

11 13 16 Birth


3 6 9 11days

Embryonic Postnatal

Fig. 2.2 Retinal neurogenesis proceeds in a characteristic sequence.Ganglion cells and horizontal cells differentiate first, followed inoverlapping phases by cones, amacrine cells, rods, bipolar cells, andMüller glial cells. Curves represent the relative proportions of cellsdifferentiating at each stage, not their absolute numbers. The time scalerefers to mouse development. Adapted from Marquardt and Gruss.19

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wired mechanisms in the formation of the visual pathways. In thehuman, optic tract fibers begin to reach the LGB by about the11th week. Initially, left and right eye afferents are intermingledover the prospective left and right eye layers.44 Between weeks 14and 30, a time corresponding to the formation of eye-specificlayers in the geniculate body, the population of RGC axons reducesfrom 3.5 million to about 1 million.45,46 Perhaps the purpose of thiscell loss is to generate eye-specific layers by eliminating inap-propriately connected axons: “selective elimination.”45

Selective trimming of axon terminal arbors also segregatesbinocular inputs to the LGB. In the cat, axons innervating theLGB grow promiscuous side-branches that contact cells in both leftand right eye columns. By birth, the side-branches contacting theinappropriate layer for their eye are withdrawn, leaving a precisesegregation of inputs.46,47 However, selective elimination ofwhole retinal afferents (rather than single branches) can accountfor the segregation of binocular afferents in the primate LGB.48

In contrast to the laminar segregation by eye, development ofthe M and P layers of the LGB does not employ selectiveelimination of afferent arbors. RGCs become M and P types soonafter their final mitosis.49 The P-type retinal afferents reach the

geniculate first and innervate the medial segment that will laterdevelop into the four P layers. The M-type retinal afferents arrivelater and innervate the lateral segment that will become the twolayers of the M division. Thus, retinal afferents innervate theirappropriate presumptive M or P divisions exclusively, suggestingselective targeting rather than corrective selective elimination.50

Thus, the segregation of the geniculate into magnocellular andparvocellular layers is less dependent on visual experience thanits segregation by eye.

Geniculocortical connectionsMost geniculate cells project to layer 4 of the striate cortex,where inputs from the two eyes differentially activate singlecells–”ocular dominance.”51 As an electrode is advanced parallel tothe cortical layers, the ocular dominance of cells alternatesbetween the left and right eyes. Small lesions of single (monocular)layers of the LGB cause degeneration of terminals in layer 4 ofthe striate cortex in a stripy pattern.52 These 300- to 400-�m-wide stripes of left- and right-eye inputs form a mosaic ofdiscreet columns. The complete pattern of ocular dominancecolumns can be visualized by radioactive tracer injected into oneeye.53 The tracer is taken up by RGCs and transported to layer 4of the striate cortex (Fig 2.4).

Formation of the ocular dominance column pattern cannot bedependent on visual experience because (at least in the macaque)it is adult-like at birth.54,55 However, this does not necessarilymean that it forms independently of neuronal activity. It has longbeen held that the geniculocortical afferents are initiallyintermingled and are segregated into ocular dominance columnsunder the influence of retinal activity.56–58 Thus, pharmacologicalblockage of retinal activity abolishes column formation in the cat.57

The spontaneous waves of neuronal activity that roll across eachretina in utero could play a role in column segregation bygenerating firing patterns in the RGCs that are spatially correlatedwithin, but not between, each eye.59 This suggests that cellswith synchronous activity are segregated into a single oculardominance column, i.e., cells that “fire together, wire together.”60

However, ferrets binocularly enucleated before their genicu-locortical afferents arrived at the striate cortex form normal

Normal and Abnormal Visual Development




Fig. 2.3 Macaque LGN following injection of a radioactive tracer ([3H]proline) into the right (contralateral) eye. Layers containing the tracerappear bright. The six principal layers are monocular in macaque (andhuman) and follows the sequence: ipsi-contra-contra-ipsi-contra-ipsi.Layers 1 and 2 are magnocellular, and layers 3–6 are parvocellular.Koniocellular layers are situated between the six principal layers (not seein this section). M, magnocellular; P, parvocellular; c, contralateral; i, ipsilateral.

Fig. 2.4 Macaque monkey left striate cortex following injection of aradioactive tracer ([3H] proline) into the left eye. The tracer appears bright.The tissue has been dissected from the rest of the brain, unfolded, andflattened to show the entire striate cortex. The mosaic of oculardominance columns is visible because the tracer was transported to onlythose columns belonging to the injected eye. The oval in the center is therepresentation of the blind spot—a monocular region of the visual field.

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ocular dominance columns.61 Thus, retinal activity cannot be aprerequisite for columnar segregation in this species. The forma-tion of the ocular dominance column pattern may rely on intrinsicsignals, e.g., molecular cues on thalamic axons, on cortical cells, oron both.62

Extrastriate cortical areasCells in the striate cortex project to multiple extrastriate visualareas, which form an interconnected hierarchy reaching into theparietal and temporal lobes. Many regions in this network aredefined as single visual areas by their retinotopic organization, cellselectivity, and/or unique pattern of connections with otherregions.63 It is thought that different areas process differentvisual modalities, e.g., motion, color, and form.64

The development of extrastriate cortical areas has beeninvestigated by the early removal of cortical tissue, before anyinputs have arrived at the neocortex:65 If cortical areas form inpredetermined regions, subsequent mapping of visual areas inthese animals in adulthood would show a reduced number of areas.However, they show a full compliment of cortical areas, squeezedonto a reduced area of cortex. Thus the primitive neocortex is anunspecialized substrate whose subdivision into areas occurs inunison.


To study visual development, it is important to know about thevision of the newborn. Newborn humans can see, they prefer tolook at faces,66,67 they can discriminate between mouth openingand tongue protrusion, and rapidly imitate either.68 They initiallyfixate simple high-contrast patterns (like their mother’s hairline),and are later attracted to more subtle features (like theirmother’s eyes).

Measurement techniquesSince infants are unable to report what they see, adult visionmeasurement techniques must be adapted and other indicators of“seeing” used.69,70 The three most commonly used techniques willbe described:

Preferential lookingGiven a choice of looking at a striped grating or a uniform field, aninfant will prefer to fix the grating.71–73 A hidden observer guesseswhich of the stimuli contains a grating based on the infant’s fixationpattern.74 As less visible gratings are presented, the observer makesmore incorrect inferences. The visual threshold is defined by thegrating stimulus that generates only 75% correct inferences fromthe observer. While this technique has been successfully used toasses infant visual development,74–76 its reliability is dependenton many trials and it is not always possible to hold the infant’sattention for the necessary time.77

Visually evoked potentialsThe visually evoked potentials (VEP) technique measures electricalactivity directly from the scalp using surface electrodes.78,79 Visualstimulation produces a stereotypical wave whose amplitude andtiming can be measured. Repeated responses are recorded andaveraged to improve signal-to-noise ratio. A “transient” VEP isrecorded in response to a single event, e.g., a flashed stimulus,80

and a “steady-state” VEP is a continuous standing wave patternproduced by a rapidly repeating stimulus.81

The raw VEP signal must be analyzed to estimate acuity. Asimple method is to compile a set of transient VEPs using a singlehigh-contrast stimulus, and measure the Snellen acuity in anemmetropic adult with various degrees of optical blur. The infant’sacuity can then be estimated by comparing their VEP to theblurred adult set. The acuity of the infant is presumed to be equalto the acuity of the adult whose vision was blurred such that theirVEP signals were most similar.80,82 This method relies on theunlikely assumption that infant and adult VEPs are equivalent.An alternative method is to present finer and finer grating stimuliuntil a transient VEP is no longer measurable above noise,83 or toextrapolate to zero response amplitude, using either thetransient84 or the steady-state VEP.85 Extrapolation to zero isused because the VEP signal is inherently noisy, making it moredifficult to define the exact point where a small signal disappears.

Optokinetic nystagmusA wide field-drifting stimulus generates optokinetic nystagmusthat can be used to estimate infant visual acuity because it is onlygenerated by resolvable stimuli and it is easily observed. Theearliest investigation used a stimulus attached to a metronomewand;86 later experiments employed scrolls of paper, printedwith gratings and streamed over the infants visual field by a handcrank.73,87 Eye movements were observed or measured withelectro-oculograms.88

Visual acuityVisual acuity (“grating acuity,” “resolution acuity”) is a measure ofthe finest feature detectable by an observer. It can be described asthe visual angle subtended by a single stripe element (minutes perstripe), or more formally as its reciprocal (cycles per degree), i.e.,the threshold spatial frequency of a 100% contrast square-wavegrating.89 In normal adults, resolution acuity is equal to about 1 min/stripe, or 30 cycles/degree. By setting this value to beequivalent to the standard Snellen acuity of 20/20, it is possibleto roughly convert between the two scales.

In classic studies using optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), 93 of 100infants aged 80 minutes to 5 days responded to a 0.56 cycles/degreegrating moving at 8.5°/sec, but none responded to a 0.19 cycles/degree grating moving at the same speed.87 Using a greater rangeof grating sizes, a “large percentage” of another 100 newbornsresponded to a 0.25 cycles/degree grating.90 Nearly all the infantstested had at least 20/400, and some 20/300, Snellen equivalentvision. Others found lower values for newborn acuity,91 but thisrange is consistent with most investigations of zero- to three-week-old infant acuity, using OKN73,88 and PL.75

Natural variation, nonstandardized testing techniques, differentviewing distances, and illuminations produced differences inmeasured acuity between studies. To overcome this, thestandardized Teller Acuity Card system was devised.92,93 Usingthese cards, 140 infants showed a mean acuity at one week of 0.9(± ~0.5 SD) cycles/degree.94 This data, along with other measuresof the development of acuity using PL, is shown in Fig. 2.5.

A comparison of PL with VEP data shows that the VEPtechnique gives acuity values about 1 to 2 octaves better than PLmeasures at all ages (an octave is a doubling of acuity). This couldbe due to the stationary stimuli used in PL studies, whereas VEPstudies use temporally modulated gratings that may produce alower acuity threshold. If checkerboard stimuli are used in VEPstudies, the amplitude of the signal shows a peak at a particularcheck size. If the location of this peak is used instead of the VEPamplitude, the two acuity measures agree.95 When VEPs and FPL





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were measured in the same infants, VEP signals could be detectedfor spatial patterns that were below threshold for behavioralmeasures. This could be due to the signal averaging used in theVEP technique.96 It seems that the increased signal-to-noise ratiogenerated by averaging in VEP studies is of benefit to theexperimenter but not the visual system! If VEP latency was usedinstead of amplitude, comparable scores could be generated withthe two techniques.

Contrast sensitivityA more complete evaluation of the spatial performance of thevisual system can be gained by measuring many contrast thresholdsover a range of spatial frequency. This produces a graph ofthreshold contrast versus spatial frequency–”contrast sensitivityfunction.”97,98 The conventionally measured grating acuity is thenrepresented by the abscissa of the x axis (100% contrast). Theadult curve has a peak value at 3–5 cycles/degree and a decline insensitivity at both lower and higher spatial frequencies.

Overall contrast sensitivity of the infant is about 10 timeshigher than the adult but infants are relatively more sensitive inthe low-frequency region. This reduced “low-frequency cut” wasdemonstrated in a PL study of infants from age 5 to 12 weeks.99

The low-frequency cut was smallest in the 5-week group, morepronounced by 12 weeks.

The absence of a low-frequency cut in the 5-week group, andits relatively smaller size in the older groups, suggests that theundeveloped visual pathway might be relatively well suited totransmit coarse features that do not require the high-resolutioncomponents of the retina, or it could be central in origin. Inhibitorycortical connections may tune cortical cells to higher spatialfrequencies;100,101 and perhaps these are underdeveloped in infants.It could be artifactual, due to the reduced number of cycles visiblein the low-frequency stimuli,102–104 or perhaps infants just prefer tofixate lower spatial frequencies. The effect has been verified by

further PL investigations (Fig. 2.6) but the origins of changes in thecontrast sensitivity function over the first 3 months of infancywould have to be determined with other techniques.

The maturation of contrast sensitivity has been studied in theinfant using the steady-state “sweep VEP,”105–107 where the spatialfrequency of the stimulus is swept over a range of values duringrecording, while holding contrast constant. These findingssubstantiated the main PL findings and narrowed the search foranatomical correlates. The absence of low-frequency attenuation inyoung infants was reproduced, and its time course clarified. Up to9 weeks of age, the contrast sensitivity function shows an increasein sensitivity at all spatial frequencies. Thence, sensitivity increasesare restricted to the higher frequency domain, indicating animprovement in spatial resolution, rather than sensitivity per se.Thus, the development of low-spatial-frequency vision follows atime-course shorter than that of high spatial frequencies. Giventhat high spatial frequencies are detected by the fovea, whichdevelops more slowly than the periphery,7 it is likely that the slowincrease in high-spatial-frequency sensitivity is a result of theprolonged development of the fovea. Likewise, since low-spatial-frequency sensitivity is unaffected by exclusion of the fovea,108 itfollows that the early relative sensitivity to low spatialfrequencies is due to the relatively advanced maturation ofperipheral photoreceptors.

An infant monkey, operant trained to indicate with a lever pushthe screen that contains a grating, shows that the macaque visualsystem is very similar to the human’s, but it develops muchfaster.109 Infant humans and monkeys show the same depressionof sensitivity compared to adults. The higher relative sensitivity

Normal and Abnormal Visual Development









0 1 4 6 8 10 12

Gwiada et al

Birch & Hale

Van Hof-van Duin and Mohn


Mayer and Dobson

McDonald et al

Courage and Adams


ity (c




Age (months)

Fig. 2.5 Representative examples of data showing the development ofbinocular grating acuity in normal infants tested with the PLprocedure.70,94,241–245 From Dobson.240







.030.1 1.0 3.0 10 30


3 months

2 months

1 month



t se



Spatial frequency (c/deg)

Fig. 2.6 Average contrast sensitivity functions for 1-, 2-, and 3-month-olds and an adult obtained using an FLP procedure. The solid linerepresents data obtained with the infant apparatus; the dashed portionrepresents typical high-frequency data for an adult under similarconditions. Data from Banks and Salapatek.76

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to low spatial frequencies of human infants is also apparent, as isthe differential developmental time-course for low and highspatial frequencies.110 Young monkeys’ foveal contrast sensitivityis similar to the near periphery but develops to a greater degreeduring maturation.111 Thus, the developmental time-courses ofhigh- and low-spatial-frequency sensitivity matched those of thefovea and peripheral retina, respectively.

To compare the development of grating acuity and contrastsensitivity in the central and peripheral visual field of the humaninfant, sweep VEPs were measured in infants ranging from 10 to39 weeks of age.112 By testing the central and peripheral fieldssimultaneously, each at a different temporal frequency, it wasfound that peripheral acuity reached adult values by 26 weekswhile central acuity did not reach asymptosy up to 33 weeks. Thehuman infant’s fixation sensitivity was better than its peripheralvision at all ages. However, this could be due to the infant usingan eccentric fixation strategy, rather like the one an adult mightuse to view a distant star at night.

Photoreceptor development is probably not the only limiter ofmaturation of contrast sensitivity.113 Optical influences are modestbecause the neonatal media are clear, and accommodation does notaffect acuity over distances between 30 and 150 cm.114 To gaugeany influence the LGB and striate cortex may have on contrastsensitivity is not straightforward because they receive signalsalready filtered by the immature retina.

Binocular visionPrimates and carnivores perceive depth from their binocular viewof the world: stereopsis. For stereopsis to develop, eye movementsmust bring both foveas at the same point in 3-D space and theeyes must move conjugately to maintain binocular fusion duringvision. When the images from the eyes are continuously fused,the disparities are analyzed by cortical cells for the perception ofdepth. Stereopsis is robust: stereograms can be perceived whenone eye’s image is blurred;115 likewise, it can develop in infantsdespite significant anisometropia.116

Stereopsis is the result of a neuronal calculation, so it requiresspecialized stimuli to isolate it from other visual cues. Clinically,stereopsis is often tested with the Titmus test. The patient wearspolarized spectacles with the plane of polarization at right anglesfor each eye. Test images consist of superimposed stereo-pairs,presented differently to each eye by a polarized filter layer. Oneexample is of a large housefly, which stands out from the page toan observer with stereopsis. Others are circles and animal picturesat different depth planes. While these tests are adequate forassessing the presence or absence of stereopsis in children, randomdot stereograms117 contain a form that can only be seen withstereopsis. Viewed monocularly or by the stereoblind, a randomdot stereogram appears as a flat field of noise. When viewedstereoscopically, pictures appear in front of, or behind the planeof the page.

By about two months of age, some infants, tested with randomdot stereograms, apparently discriminated disparity when testedwith PL and a habituation recovery test.118 Computers madedynamic random dot stereograms more amenable. Using FPL,infants were presented with a square stimulus, defined by stereoalone, that drifted to the right or left. The hidden observerguessed the direction of the stimulus by the infant’s behavior andeye movements.119 No significant difference from chance wasmeasured in the observer’s direction guesses for infants up to 3.5 months of age, and even later (up to 6 months) in a longi-tudinal experiment.120

Random dot stereograms are suited for use with VEPs becausethey are perceived only if stereopsis is present. Any modulation ofthe VEP signal at the same frequency as the stimulus is indicativeof stereopsis. Random dot stimuli that oscillate in depth(stereograms) or that counterphase in one eye (correlograms)evoke large potentials, enabling reliable determination ofstereopsis in infants.121–123 Stereo stimuli evoked responses ininfants at 8 to 20 weeks.124,125

Stereoacuity improves until about 24 months, when itapproaches adult levels126,127; some improvement is from increasedinterocular distance but most is due to development of the centralvisual pathways. Disparity-tuned binocular neurons have beenfound in the striate cortex in both the cat and monkey.128,129

Although these cells signal the disparity of stimuli, their responsesdo not necessarily correlate with depth perception.130,131 Cells inthe monkey striate cortex can be tuned to disparity by the sixthpostnatal day,132 several weeks before the onset of stereopsis.Furthermore, infant monkeys had an adult proportion ofdisparity-tuned cells and their ocular dominance histograms areadult-like.133 The development of stereopsis is not due simply toa proportional increase in the numbers of disparity-tuned cells inthe striate cortex, but to a refinement of their spatial responseproperties and overall responsiveness. The onset of stereopsismay correlate with the refinement of extrastriate visualconnections and increasing populations of disparity-tuned cells inhigher visual areas.

Orientation selectivityCells activated selectively by bars or gratings presented over asmall range of orientations are implicated in form vision.134

Recordings from striate cortex cells of newborn kittens showedthat no neurons were adult-like in their responses to orientedcontours.135 Orientation-selective cells have been found invisually inexperienced macaque striate cortex at three weeks.136

Even at this early stage, the cells are organized into adult-likecolumns that are in register with ocular dominance columns.137

The relationship between orientation selectivity and visualexperience has been investigated by raising animals in an artificialenvironment that exposed them to a restricted range of contourorientations: “stripe rearing.”138,139 Stripe-reared cats were firstshown to have a larger than normal proportion of cells tuned tothe orientation they were exposed to most. Despite the dramaticchanges in the distributions of orientation preference of corticalcells, only modest specific behavioral deficits could be measured,incommensurate with the magnitude of the physiological effects.140

This inconsistency led others to re-examine the phenomenon. Atfirst, no effect was found;141 later, a small effect was described.142

The inconsistencies in stripe rearing experiments were probablydue to different techniques and sampling methods. The overalleffect, though probably real, was certainly not as striking as it wasfirst described.

Motion perceptionMotion information is crucial to many visual and motor functions,for example, the encoding of depth through parallax, estimatingtrajectories, segmenting figures from backgrounds, and controllingposture and eye movements.143 OKN studies show that motionvision develops early in humans.144 However, OKN is a crude andreflexive measure of motion sensitivity that does not require finedirection discrimination.





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The ability to discriminate opposite directions of motiondevelops at about 10 to 13 weeks.145,146 VEP studies show it withinthe first two months of life.147,148 Finer discriminations of motiondirection have been tested using FPL where infants were presentedwith windows of dots moving in a different direction to thebackground dots.148 The angle between target and backgrounddirections was reduced until preferential looking by the infantwas no longer detectable. By the age of 12 weeks, infants madequite fine discriminations, on the order of 20°, and by 18 weeksthey were down to ~15° These values are still far from those ofadults, who have no trouble making discriminations of less than 1°.

Neural motion perception is thought to result from the activityof direction-selective cells. These are found in layer 4B of thestriate cortex,150 and in many extrastriate cortical areas, mostnotably V5 (MT).151 Electrical microstimulation of V5 cells inthe monkey has shown that their activity correlates directly withthe perception of motion direction and can affects the animal’sdirection discrimination.152 Little is known about the developmentof direction selectivity in area V5. However, single-cell recordingsin the striate cortex of 1-week-old monkeys have shown thatdirection selectivity is absent or very broad. The tuning width was45°–90° by 2 weeks of age, narrowing to an adult-like 30° by 4 to8 weeks.153 Thus, the time-course of direction selectivity in monkeystriate cortex approximately matches that of the psychophysicalmeasurement of direction discrimination in the human infant,counting the four-times slower maturation of the human visualsystem.109

Color visionEarly studies suggest that very young infants are able todiscriminate different colors.154 However, most natural-coloredstimuli also differ in their real and perceived brightness. To testcolor vision exclusively it is necessary to use colors of the sameperceived brightness that can only be discriminated by theirwavelength composition (isoluminant colors). Different individualscan have different isoluminance points, so to eliminate individualvariability, isoluminance points must be measured in everyexperimental subject. In early studies, adult isoluminance pointswere used,155 introducing a luminance confound.156 FPL tech-niques for measuring isoluminance points in infants were soondeveloped.157,158 FPL-derived isoluminance points are unlikely tobe perfectly accurate, so residual luminance artifacts werecamouflaged either by testing over small ranges of luminancedifferences from trial to trial or by dividing the stimuli into anumber of tiles and randomly “jittering” their luminance.

With the luminance confound removed, the infants’ chromaticdiscrimination can be tested, usually with FPL, using patterned(preferred) stimuli, commonly two isoluminant color checks orgratings, versus uniform (nonpreferred) intermediate color stimuli.Thus it was shown that 8-week-old infants can distinguish a redand isoluminant gray square wave grating from a uniformluminance matched stimulus.158 Female infants were used toreduce the probability of a color-blind infant being tested. A few4-week-olds, some 8-week-olds, and all 12-week-olds demon-strated color vision.159–161 Sensitivities to different wavelengthsmay develop at different times, making infants functionallydeuteranopic for a developmental period.160 However, a widerange of normal variation exists in development of spectralsensitivities.161,162

Luminance and chromatic sensitivity are both dependent on thesame photoreceptors: red and green cones.163 If the time-courseof changes in contrast sensitivity are the same for luminance and

chromatic stimuli, it suggests that their neural correlate lies withphotoreceptors development,164 but if their time-course is differ-ent, separate (post-receptor) mechanisms may be responsible foreach.165 To differentiate, it is necessary to measure chromaticcontrast sensitivity in infants over a range of ages. Using VEPs, itwas found that chromatic and luminance contrast sensitivityfunctions at all ages were well described by curves of a commonshape, with developmental changes confined to upward shifts insensitivity and rightward shifts in spatial scale.166–169 Thus, theirpoorer color discriminative ability (like their poorer luminancecontrast sensitivity) can be explained by the smaller percentageof photons caught by their immature photoreceptors.164


Definition“Amblyopia” is from the Greek amblyos, blunt, and opia, vision.Albrecht von Graefe defined amblyopia as the condition in whichthe observer saw nothing and the patient very little. This definitionremains valid because it emphasizes an important feature ofamblyopia–that looking into the eye reveals nothing about thedisease itself. Eye examination does reveal factors that causeamblyopia, like cataract, strabismus, and anisometropia. A moreformal definition of amblyopia is visual impairment withoutapparent organic pathology.

Critical periodsThe term “critical period” was first used by Konrad Lorenz in hisstudies of imprinting in birds. It was adopted by Hubel andWiesel to refer to the time when deprivation changes the oculardominance of cells in the striate cortex.170 It falls between 4 and6 weeks in the cat,171 when closure of one eye for 3 days or moreleads to a visual cortex dominated by cells responsive only to theopen eye. Some susceptibility to deprivation persists until about9 months.172 Since Lorenz coined the term, it has taken on amore general use. A critical period can be defined for any func-tion as the time when, if deprived of normal stimulation or unused,its development may be permanently disrupted. Visual criticalperiods begin after the initiation of visual stimulation (eye-openingin cats, birth in primates) and last between weeks and years,depending on the species and visual faculty in question.

Critical periods have been defined for strabismus,173 for thedevelopment of direction selectivity in cat striate cortex,173 andfor orientation selectivity.175 Neurones with higher functions, likebinocularity, have critical periods that end later than those withearlier-processed properties, like ocular dominance. This isexemplified within the striate cortex, where the critical period isover in layer 4 (the input layer) before the other layers.176

Early monocular deprivation is catastrophic to the visualsystem because it affects many critical periods. Critical periodscan be inferred by monocular deprivation after various delays. Inthe monkey, monocular deprivation before 3 months affectsabsolute light sensitivity, between 3 and 6 months sensitivity towavelength and brightness, up to 18 months high-spatial-frequencyvision, and up to 24 months binocular vision.177 Human criticalperiods are less well defined, and can be deduced by studyingchildren with amblyopia following unilateral cataract surgery.178

By comparing children in whom the age of cataract onset andcorrection of vision were known, the human critical period forvisual acuity loss seems much longer than that in cats and monkeys.

Normal and Abnormal Visual Development




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Weeks of deprivation between 6 and 18 months and months ofdeprivation up to age 8 produce permanent visual deficits. Earlycorrection is therefore imperative for visual recovery followingdeprivation.

Amblyopia may recover in adult humans following loss of thenonamblyopic eye. This occurs well beyond the critical period,when no amount of monocular occlusion would result in theinduction of amblyopia. Improvements have been measuredfollowing visual loss of the good eye in teenagers and adults179 anda 65-year-old.180 One year after the loss of their good eye, 20% of254 amblyopes aged 11 years or older had some improvement intheir amblyopic eye,181 and half improved by two or more Snellenlines. At least in a minority of patients, neural plasticity can occurpast the critical period.

Factors other than neural plasticity could also lead to an apparentimprovement in visual acuity. Fixation may become more stableand accommodation accuracy may improve in an amblyopic eyeonce the individual is forced to use it alone. Adult recovery fromamblyopia may help us understand the factors that normally actto restrain plasticity beyond the critical period but childrenshould remain the focus of detection and treatment.181

CausesAmblyopia is caused by abnormal visual experience: mostly bystrabismus, anisometropia, monocular form deprivation, or a com-bination of these. Defining the cause in any particular patient is notalways straightforward because anisometropia and strabismus canarise as a consequence of amblyopia,182 making it difficult to dis-tinguish cause and effect unless a patient is examined early enough.The three most recognized causes are strabismus, anisometropia,and monocular form deprivation.

StrabismusStrabismus is a misalignment of the optic axes resulting from motoror sensory deficits.183 The optic axes may be crossed (esotropic),diverged (exotropic), or vertically misaligned (hyper/hypotropic).Humans are often born with a slight exodeviation, thought torepresent the anatomic positions of the divergent orbits.182 Duringthe first six months, binocular fusion emerges, and a normal infantattains orthotropic vision.183 One to 2% of infants do not developbinocular fusion and acquire strabismus.181 Esotropia is the mostcommon form of childhood strabismus and is often associated withhyperopia. Infants are born hyperopic but generally attainemmetropia, though some remain hyperopic until 2–3 years ormore.186 Some of these infants accommodate to correct theirblurred vision. Normally, accommodation is reflexively accom-panied by a tendency to converge but in hyperopia this reflex cancause the eyes to cross, preventing binocular fusion and resulting ininfantile esotropia.

Strabismics rarely complain of double vision because theysuppress perception from the deviated eye. Some are able toalternate fixation and suppression between their eyes, and theyrarely develop amblyopia. Strabismics who fix constantly with oneeye and suppress its deviated fellow are most at risk of developingamblyopia. In adult monkeys made exotropic surgically, themetabolic activity of one or other set of ocular dominance columnswas found to be locally depressed.187 The retinotopic locations ofdepressed columns corresponded to the locations of suppressionscotomas in human exotropes. This demonstrates that strabismicsuppression reduces the activity of cells in the striate cortex. Theneural mechanism of suppression may be similar to that of normalbinocular rivalry.188

AnisometropiaAnisometropia is an interocular difference in refractive power,often the result of a difference in size or shape of the globes. Aninequality of greater than 2 diopters is potentially amblyogenic ifit persists until the age of 3 or longer.183,189 In humans, about one-third of cases of anisometropia are accompanied by strabismus.Blurred vision in one eye may lead to inaccurate binocular fusion,resulting in a small angle strabismus, but confounding effects ofthe strabismus are difficult to isolate.

Anisometropic amblyopia has been produced in primates bydaily uniocular administration of the cycloplegic, atropine, frombirth to eight months.188 This provides a realistic model of theeffects of anisometropic amblyopia without the confounding factorsthat exist in humans.191–193

Astigmatism occurs when one or more of the refracting surfacesof the eye contain a cylindrical component, resulting in refractivepower that varies at different meridians. Astigmatism is common(30 to 70%) in the first two years of life.194–197 Early astigmatismmay not to have any detrimental affect on visual developmentbut, if persistent, it is a risk factor for amblyopia.198

Astigmatism may be responsible for a form of amblyopia that isorientation specific–”meridional” amblyopia,199 where sub-populations of cortical cells are selectively affected according totheir visual response properties. In humans, the angle andmagnitude of meridional amblyopia correlate well with that ofastigmatism.200 Adult monkeys, raised with fixed orientationcylindrical lenses to imitate binocular astigmatism, have shownorientation-specific acuity deficits.190,201

Monocular form deprivationIt is not the lack of light that causes amblyopia, but the lack ofa sharp image. Monocular blur (anisometropia) is a form ofmonocular form deprivation in an eye with clear optics. Formdeprivation can also be caused by light scattering from imper-fections in the optical components of the eye. Cataracts are acommon cause. Surgery for early cataracts is urgent because, atthe peak of the critical period, as little as 2 weeks of deprivationcan initiate amblyopia. However, the operated, aphakic eye is farfrom normal: accommodation is abolished, so focus is fixed at asingle distance and anisometropia occurs at some fixationdistances. Aggressive patching following cataract surgery mayenable some recovery of vision, but it rarely prevents amblyopiaentirely.202–205

Suturing the lids of one eye of neonatal cats causes profoundamblyopia reliably but nonspecifically, because it blocks allmodalities of vision. Monkeys raised with one of three differentstrengths of diffuser spectacle lenses in front of one eye and aclear zero-powered lens in front of the fellow eye were found, inadulthood, to have a close correspondence between the magni-tude of the amblyopia and the reduction in retinal image contrastproduced by the diffuser lenses.206 Thus, the depth of non-strabismic amblyopia is strongly influenced by the degree ofretinal image degradation early in life.

ClassificationPatients are usually classified as strabismic or anisometropicamblyopes based on the symptoms at the time of study. However,strabismus and anisometropia can also arise as a consequence ofamblyopia, making the classification of amblyopia at best difficult.Those amblyopic from an isolated cataract are an exception; it ispresumed that monocular deprivation is the sole cause.





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A fundamental distinction exists between strabismic and otherforms of amblyopia. Anisometropic and deprivation amblyopiasare caused by an optical degradation of one retinal image, but instrabismic amblyopia both retinal images are initially perfect.

It has been proposed that there are distinct patterns of visualdeficits in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopes,207,208 but thishas been based on studies of few patients.209–212 Recently, 427amblyopes between the ages of 8 and 40 were classified by oculardeviation, surgical history, refractive errors, eccentric fixation, anddeprivation history, and compared with 68 controls.213 Measures ofacuity, contrast sensitivity, and binocular and stereo vision wereundertaken. Three patterns of visual loss corresponding roughlyto traditional classifications based on the associated condition werefound: strabismics, anisometropes, and strabismic anisometropes.Deprivational amblyopes had functional deficits distinguishablefrom anisometropes (Fig. 2.7). Thus, two developmental anomaliescould account for the patterns of visual loss in amblyopia–poorimage formation in one eye (anisometropes) and a loss of binocularfunction (strabismics). A combination of these factors producesthe third, worst affected group (strabismic amblyopes).

Visual deficitsClinically, amblyopia is characterized by a significant reduction ofSnellen visual acuity that does not correct with refraction. How-ever, Snellen acuity is a general measure of visual function. If morespecific characteristics of vision are examined, a more precisepicture of amblyopia can be gained. Comparing grating acuity,Vernier acuity, and Snellen acuity in strabismic and anisometropicamblyopes shows that grating acuity is more reduced inanisometropic than strabismic amblyopia.214–218 Conversely,contrast sensitivity is more elevated in strabismic amblyopes thanthose with preserved binocular vision (including controls) butreduced below normal in anisometropic amblyopes.213

Interference effects, characteristics of normal spatial vision,manifest as a reduced discrimination of closely spaced stimuli, e.g.,orientation,219 stereoacuity,220 and Vernier acuity.219 Spatialinterference, or “crowding,” is elevated in amblyopic eyes,221,222 soamblyopes’ poor performance at Snellen charts organized in rows

may be improved by using single optotypes.221,223 Visual measuresadversely affected by crowding all rely on hyperacuity; i.e., they arelimited by cortical processing rather than the spatial resolution offoveal cones.224,225 Since amblyopia is a cortical deficit, diminishedhyperacuity and the increased effects of visual crowding are typicalin amblyopic individuals.

The acuity and sensitivity deficits in amblyopia could be theresult of changes in striate cortex neurons,226–228 but other deficitsare less easily accounted for by “low-level” visual neuron activity. Ifstrabismic amblyopes are asked to count highly visible featuresthat vary in number, or change orientation in briefly presentedstimuli, they systematically undercount. This suggests a limit tothe amount of information that the amblyopic visual system canattend to individually.229 Cueing the observer to the relevant partof the display improved performance in amblyopes and normalsalike, suggesting that the amblyopic deficit was not the result ofreduced spatial attention. It is unlikely that this “high-level”visual processing is in the striate cortex; but probably reflectsunreliable signals reaching higher visual areas from the striatecortex.

Anatomical correlatesThe balance of left- and right-eye cells in the cat striate cortex canbe tilted in favor of one or the other eye by manipulating earlyvisual experience. Immediately after newborn kittens open theireyes, a few weeks of monocular eye-lid closure result in a paucityof cortical cells responding to the closed eye.230,231 This regimeproduced monocular deprivation similar to a congenital cataract inhumans. In macaques, the changes are accompanied by a change inthe relative widths of the ocular dominance columns.232,233 Thenormal pattern of ocular dominance columns, roughly equal inwidth, is remodeled so that the columns belonging to the suturedeye shrink and the space is taken by the expanded columns of thenondeprived eye (Fig. 2.8).

This anatomical evidence of postnatal remodeling of oculardominance columns in monocular deprivation suggests thatamblyopia could be caused by a lack of striate cortex devoted tothe deprived eye. However, other forms of amblyopia are not

Normal and Abnormal Visual Development






-0.5 0.5 1.0

Strabismic-anisometropes Strabismics Anisometropes Normals


ity (c







Low HighFactor 1 ("acuity")


Strabismic anisometropes


Former strabismics

Inconstant strabismicsStrabismics

Eccentric fixators

Other abnormals

Inconstant strabismic anisometropes



Fig. 2.7 Eleven clinically defined categories ofamblyopia in the study of McKee et al.211 Themean position of each is plotted against “acuity”and “sensitivity,” calculated from a number oftests. The normal, strabismic, and anisometropicobservers fall into different regions of the two-factor space. The strabismic amblyopes appear torepresent a mixture of the strabismic andanisometropic categories. Error bars represent 1SEM along the principal axes of each category’selliptical distribution.

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associated with differential column shrinkage. The oculardominance columns of a human strabismic and an anisometropicamblyope were to shown to have the same width for botheyes234,235 and a naturally occurring anisometropic amblyopicmacaque also had normal and equal width ocular dominancecolumns.236 Thus, column shrinkage does not necessarily have acausal relationship to amblyopia; nevertheless, column shrinkagewithout amblyopia has never been described.

A fMRI study showed a biased share of cortical territory infavor of the nonamblyopic eye in strabismic, anisometropic, andstrabismic-anisometropic amblyopes whose visual deficitdeveloped during infancy, but no effect if the deficit developedafter two years of age.237 This finding contradicts the histologicalstudies in humans and animals. Perhaps the humans and animalsstudied histologically had late-onset amblyopia, occurring afterremodeling of the columns was possible. The resolution of fMRI islimited to about 0.5 mm, about the width of a single oculardominance column, making it difficult to resolve columns, let alonemeasure the subtle changes that they may undergo in amblyopia.The spatial resolution of histological tissue is not limited.

Anatomical tracer injections have shown that neurons in thestriate cortex of strabismics have abnormal wiring. At birth,intralaminar horizontal connections exist between neighboringocular dominance columns. This pattern of horizontal fibersnormally persists into adulthood,238 but if strabismus is inducedduring the critical period, there is a change in the horizontalnetwork: projections between left- and right-eye columns arereduced, leaving only fibers that connect cells activated by thesame eye.239

Amblyopia is caused by anatomical and functional changes inthe brain. They have been observed in the striate cortex, but it isunlikely that this is the only region altered; it is merely the beststudied. Further investigations of the anatomical wiring andphysiological properties of neurones in amblyopic and normalanimals and humans may tell us more about the mechanisms that cause amblyopia. One hopes that such knowledge willfacilitate new approaches for the treatment and prevention of thedisease.





Fig. 2.8 The ocular dominance column pattern of a macaque, followingearly monocular eye-lid suture to simulate congenital cataract. Thecolumns belonging to the deprived eye appear shrunken and reduced tosmall islands, while those of the unaffected eye have expanded theirterritory.


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