nonclassical harmonic ·...

Nonclassical Harmonic Oscillator Werner Vogel Universit¨ at Rostock, Germany

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Page 1: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical Harmonic Oscillator

Werner Vogel

Universitat Rostock, Germany

Page 2: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise


• Introduction

• Nonclassical phase-space functions

• Nonclassical characteristic functions

• Nonclassical moments

• Recent experiments

– Reconstruction of a nonclassical P function

– Characteristic functions and moments

• Nonclassical correlation properties

• Quantifying nonclassicality

Page 3: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise


Squeezing: 〈(∆xϕ)2〉 < 〈(∆xϕ)2〉gr, xϕ = aeiϕ + a†e−iϕ


”Subtracting” ground-state (vacuum) noise:

〈: (∆xϕ)2 :〉 < 0 ⇔ 〈(∆xϕ)2〉cl 6< 0

⇒ observable (sufficient) condition for nonclassicality!

Page 4: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical phase-space functions

P -representation of the density operator: 1

ρ =

∫d2αP (α) |α〉〈α|

→ resembles classical mixture!

Expectation values:

〈: F (a†, a) :〉 =

∫d2αP (α)F (α∗, α)

Correspondence to classical mean values:

(1) ”subtracting” ground-state noise via F → : F :

(2) P corresponds to classical probability:2

P (α) ≡ Pcl(α)

1E. C. G. Sudarshan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 227 (1963); R. J. Glauber, Phys. Rev. 131, 2766 (1963)2U.M. Titulaer and R.J. Glauber, Phys. Rev. 140, B676 (1965)

Page 5: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical phase-space functions

A state is nonclassical, if: 3

(a) ground-state noise is substantial,cf. nonclassicality in weak measurements4

→ alternatively:5 small photon numbers

(b) P fails to be a classical probability:

P (α) 6= Pcl(α)


– Squeezing: 〈: (∆xϕ)2 :〉 < 0

– sub-Poissonian statistics: 〈: (∆n)2 :〉 < 0

Sought: observable conditions for P (α) 6= Pcl(α)

Problem: P (α) may be strongly singular!

3W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1849 (2000)4L.M. Johansen, Phys. Lett. A 329, 184 (2004)5L. Mandel, Phys. Scr. T 12, 34 (1986)

Page 6: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Characteristic function of P (α):

Φ(β) =

∫d2αP (α) exp[(αβ∗ − α∗β)]

Theorem (Bochner 1933): 6

P (α) is a probability distribution iff for any smooth functionf (α) with compact support the following expression is non-negative: ∫∫

d2α d2β Φ(α− β) f ∗(α)f (β) > 0

corresponding discrete version:n∑


Φ(βi − βj) ξ∗i ξj ≥ 0,

for any integer n and all complex βi, ξk (i, k = 1 . . . n).

6T. Kawata, Fourier Analysis in Probability Theory, Academic Press, N.Y. 1972

Page 7: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Define matrix: Φij = Φ(βi − βj)

Theorem: A continuous function Φ(β) with Φ(0) = 1 andΦ∗(β) = Φ(−β) is a classical characteristic function, iff

Dk ≡ Dk(β1, . . . βk) =

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣1 Φ12 · · · Φ1k

Φ∗12 1 · · · Φ2k

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Φ∗

1k Φ∗2k · · · 1

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ ≥ 0

for any order k = 1, . . . ,+∞.

Nonclassicality: 7

P (α) is not a probability iff there exist values of k and βk(k = 2 . . .∞) with

Dk(β1, . . . βk) < 0

7T. Richter and W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 283601 (2002)

Page 8: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Observable characteristic functions of quadratures:

G(k, ϕ) = Ggr(k) Φ(ike−iϕ) ⇔ FT[p(x, ϕ)],

in the ground state:

Φgr = 1 ⇔ Ggr(k) = exp




)First-order nonclassicality: 8

D2 < 0 ⇒ |G(k, ϕ)| > Ggr(k)

applies to many nonclassical states:Squeezed, Fock, superpositions of coherent states, . . .

Slow decay of G(k, ϕ) → narrow structures in p(x, ϕ)

8W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1849 (2000)

Page 9: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Typical examples: 9

Ground (vacuum) state (dotted)

Fock state |n = 4〉 (full lines)

Even coherent state: |α〉+ ∼ (|α〉 + | − α〉) (dashed)

9W. Vogel and D-G. Welsch, Quantum Optics (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006), 3rd edition.

Page 10: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Sub-Planck structures in phase space: 10

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6-6









10W.H. Zurek, Nature 412, 712 (2001)

Page 11: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Experiment: 11 ρ = η|1〉〈1| + (1− η)|0〉〈0|

11A.I. Lvovsky and J.H. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. A 65, 033830 (2002)

Page 12: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Photon-added thermal state: 12 ρ = N a†ρtha

First- (a) and second-order (b) nonclassicality

12Zavatta, Parigi and Bellini, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052106 (2007)

Page 13: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical characteristic functions

Direct observation via fluorescence 13

resonance fluorescence


Hint = 12~

(ΩA12 + Ω∗A21


⇒ experimental realization for motion of trapped ion14

13S. Wallentowitz and W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2932 (1995)14P. Haljan, K. Brickman, L. Deslauriers, P. Lee, C. Monroe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 153602 (2005)

Page 14: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical moments

Nonclassicality: P -function is not a probability distribution

Equivalent condition:

∃f : 〈: f †f :〉 < 0


f =

∫d2α f (α) :D(−α) :

⇒ Bochner condition!

Normally-ordered expansions (exists and converges):

using quadratures:15 f =∑n,m

fnm : xnϕpmϕ :

using a†, a:16 f =∑n,m

cnm a†nam

15E. Shchukin, Th. Richter, and W. Vogel, PR A 71, 011802(R) (2005)16E. Shchukin and W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. A, 72, 043808 (2005)

Page 15: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical momentsQuadrature expansion: 17

f = f (xϕ, pϕ) =∑n,m

fnm : xnϕpmϕ :

• nonclassicality condition

〈: f †f :〉 ⇒∑n,m,k,l

fnmf∗klMnm,kl(ϕ) < 0

whereMnm,kl(ϕ) = 〈: xn+k

ϕ pm+lϕ :〉

• special case:18

f = f (xϕ) =∑n

fn : xnϕ :

• Conditions: negative minors with quadrature moments

17E. Shchukin, Th. Richter, and W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. A 71, 011802(R) (2005)18G.S. Agarwal, Opt. Comm. 95, 109 (1993)

Page 16: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical moments

Annihilation/creation operators: 19

Quadratic form: 〈: f †f :〉 =∑



Leading principal minors:

dN =


1 〈a〉 〈a†〉 〈a2〉 〈a†a〉 〈a†2〉 . . .

〈a†〉 〈a†a〉 〈a†2〉 〈a†a2〉 〈a†2a〉 〈a†3〉 . . .

〈a〉 〈a2〉 〈a†a〉 〈a3〉 〈a†a2〉 〈a†2a〉 . . .

〈a†2〉 〈a†2a〉 〈a†3〉 〈a†2a2〉 〈a†3a〉 〈a†4〉 . . .

〈a†a〉 〈a†a2〉 〈a†2a〉 〈a†a3〉 〈a†2a2〉 〈a†3a〉 . . .

〈a2〉 〈a3〉 〈a†a2〉 〈a4〉 〈a†a3〉 〈a†2a2〉 . . .

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣Principal minors with rows and columns k1 < · · · < kn:

dk, k = (k1, . . . , kn)

Nonclassicality criterion:

∃k : dk < 0

19E. Shchukin and W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. A, 72, 043808 (2005)

Page 17: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical moments

Lowest-order nonclassicality condition:

d3 =

∣∣∣∣∣∣1 〈a†〉 〈a〉〈a〉 〈a†a〉 〈a2〉〈a†〉 〈a†2〉 〈a†a〉

∣∣∣∣∣∣ < 0


d3 =1







where xϕ = ae−iϕ + a†eiϕ.

The condition d3 < 0 is equivalent to ordinary squeezing:

∃ϕ :⟨


)2:⟩< 0

d3 < 0 is optimized with respect to the phase ϕ.

Page 18: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical momentsHigher-order squeezing:

k-th power amplitude squeezing 20

∆k =

∣∣∣∣∣∣1 〈a†k〉 〈ak〉〈ak〉 〈a†kak〉 〈a2k〉〈a†k〉 〈a†2k〉 〈a†kak〉

∣∣∣∣∣∣ < 0


∆k =1


⟨:(∆F (k)




⟨:(∆F (k)



where F (k)ϕ = ake−iϕ + a†keiϕ.

Amplitude-squared squeezing: 21

∆2 =

∣∣∣∣∣∣1 〈a†2〉 〈a2〉〈a2〉 〈a†2a2〉 〈a4〉〈a†2〉 〈a†4〉 〈a†2a2〉

∣∣∣∣∣∣ < 0

20E. Shchukin and W. Vogel, J. Phys: Conference Series 36, 183 (2006)21M. Hillery, Phys. Rev. A 72, 3796 (1987)

Page 19: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical moments

Higher order squeezing:

-4 -2 0 2 4-4





-4 -2 0 2 4-4





Q-function of states with third (left) and fourth (right) orderamplitude squeezing.

Page 20: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Recent experiments

Reconstruction of a nonclassical P function

Single photon: P (α) =(1 + ∂



⇒ Photon on a thermal background: 22

Single-photon added thermal state (SPATS): ρ = N a†ρtha

22Zavatta, Parigi, Bellini, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052106 (2007)

Page 21: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical P functions

Easy to measure: quadrature characteristic function

G(k, ϕ) =⟨eikxϕ


∫dx p(x, ϕ)eikx ⇒ G =





Characteristic function of P (α) : Φ(ike−iϕ) =⟨eikxϕ



Page 22: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical P functions

Resulting characteristic function Φ:




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−1





(a) SPATS, for nth ≈ 1.1 and η = 0.6

(b) Mixture of SPATS with 19% thermal state, nth ≈ 3.71

Page 23: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical P functions

P function of phase-independent states:

Hankel transform ⇒ P (α) = 2π

∫ |β|c0 bJ0(2b|α|)Φ(b)db

Result, for nth ≈ 1.1:23

23Kiesel, Vogel, Zavatta, Parigi, Bellini, Phys. Rev. A 78, 021804(R) (2008)

Page 24: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical P functions

Noise effects:



|α|−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5








10 × P(α)

(a) clear statistical significance, for nth ≈ 1.1

(b) at the limits: SPATS mixed with 19% thermal noise,for nth ≈ 3.71

Page 25: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Characteristic function and moments

Phase-diffused squeezed vacuum state

• Wigner function:

W (α) =

∫f (ϕ) 1



2Vx− Im2(αe−iϕ)


• uncertainty relation: VxVp ≥ 1

• Gaussian distribution f (ϕ) with variance σ2

• experiment with Vx = 0.36, Vp = 5.2824

• 107 quadrature values (balanced homodyne detection)

• state is squeezed for σ < 22.2

Does nonclassicality remain for larger σ?

Which criteria display nonclassicality under such conditions?

24Kiesel, Vogel, Hage, DiGuglielmo, Samblowski, Schnabel, Phys. Rev. A 79, 150505 (2009)

Page 26: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Characteristic function and moments

Quadrature moments

• Hong-Mandel higher-order squeezing25

q2n =


⟩(2n− 1)!!

− 1

• a state is nonclassical if ∃n : q2n < 0

σ/ q2 q4 q6 q8

0.0 −0.6362(1± 0.3%) −0.8667(1± 0.16%) −0.9506(1± 0.12%) −0.9813(1± 0.09%)6.3 −0.5717(1± 0.04%) −0.8090(1± 0.03%) −0.9102(1± 0.03%) −0.9549(1± 0.04%)12.6 −0.4060(1± 0.08%) −0.5509(1± 0.15%) −0.5459(1± 0.60%) −0.3852(1± 4.2%)22.2 0.0196(1± 3.2%) 0.6864(1± 0.53%) 2.982(1± 0.84%) 10.61(1± 1.7%)∞ 1.908(1± 0.09%) 10.68(1± 0.16%) 51.72(1± 0.32%) 249.6(1± 0.65%)

Higher-order squeezing does not reveal nonclassicality be-yond ordinary squeezing

25Hong, Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 323 (1985)

Page 27: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Characteristic function and moments

Normally ordered quadrature moments

• a state is nonclassical if

M (l) =

1 〈: x :〉 . . .

⟨: xl−1 :

⟩〈: x :〉

⟨: x2 :

⟩. . .

⟨: xl :

⟩... ... . . . ...⟨

: xl−1 :⟩ ⟨

: xl :⟩. . .

⟨: x2l−2 :

is not positive semidefinite26

• check sign of minimum eigenvalue

σ/ 2× 2 Matrix 4× 4 Matrix 6× 6 Matrix 8× 8 Matrix0.0 −0.6362(1± 0.25%) −4.294(1± 0.86%) −104.0(1± 2.5%) −6201(1± 6.1%)6.3 −0.5717(1± 0.03%) −3.337(1± 0.11%) −69.93(1± 0.35%) −3593(1± 0.98%)12.6 −0.4060(1± 0.08%) −2.040(1± 1.1%) −6.728(1± 53%) −107.4(1± 110%)22.2 0.0197(1± 3.0%) −0.2323(1± 1.1%) −0.5358(1± 4.1%) −2.299(1± 71%)∞ 1.0000(1± 0%) 0.7856(1± 1.2%) 0.5493(1± 12%) 10.85(1± 13%)

⇒ Extended range of detection of nonclassicality

26 Agarwal, Opt. Commun. 95, 109 (1993)

Page 28: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Characteristic function and moments

Nonclassicality in the characteristic function

A state is nonclassical if27 ∃β with |Φ(β)| > 1

⇒ Lowest order of a hierarchy of conditons28

σ = 0.0

σ = 6.3

σ = 12.6

σ = 22.2

σ = ∞

1 2 3 4 51





50010002000 |Φ(β)|


⇒ Nonclassical for all parameters

27W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1849 (2000)28Richter, Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 283601 (2002)

Page 29: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Characteristic function and moments

Some conclusions from the experiments:

• All phase-randomized squeezed states are nonclassical

• High significance of nonclassical effects in the charac-teristic function Φ(β)

• Fourier transform of Φ(β) does not exist

• P function is highly singular

• When |Φ(β)| 6> 1 → FT may exist

• P function becomes regular (example: SPATS)

Page 30: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical Correlation PropertiesFirst demonstration of nonclassical lightPhoton Antibunching: 29


Normally- and time-ordered intensity correlations:⟨ I(0)I(τ )


⟨: [I(0)]2 :

⟩⇒ Violation of Schwarz inequality!

29Kimble, Dagenais, and Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 691 (1977)

Page 31: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical Correlation Properties

Radiation source: resonance fluorescence

atomic beam of low density

⇒ single atom emits separated photons!

Page 32: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical Correlation Properties

Experimental results: [Kimble, Dagenais, and Mandel (1977)]

Page 33: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Nonclassical Correlation Properties

Generalization: 30 P function ⇒ P functional

P [E(+)(i)] = 〈 k∏


δ(E(+)(i)− E(+)(i)) 〉

⇒ normally and time-ordered

Classical Correlations:P [E(+)(i)] is a joint probability density ⇒ non-negative

⇔ ∀f : 〈 f †f 〉 ≥ 0

⇒ General quadratic form:

〈 f †f 〉 =


[E(−)(1)]n1+q1 . . . [E(−)(k)]nk+qk

× [E(+)(k)]mk+pk . . . [E(+)(1)]m1+p1 〉 c∗pi,qicni,mi

Quantum Correlations ⇔ ∃f : 〈 f †f 〉 < 0

⇔ There exists (at least one) negative principal minor

30W. Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 013605 (2008)

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General Quantum Correlations

Lowest-order conditions (minors of second order):∣∣∣⟨ [E(−)(1)]n1+q1 . . . [E(−)(k)]nk+qk[E(+)(1)]m1+p1 . . . [E(+)(k)]mk+pk

⟩∣∣∣2 >⟨ [I(1)]n1+m1 . . . [I(k)]nk+mk

⟩ ⟨ [I(1)]p1+q1 . . . [I(k)]pk+qk

⟩Special cases:

• Photon antibunching (nonstationary):⟨ I(1)I(2)


√⟨: [I(1)]2 :

⟩ ⟨: [I(2)]2 :

⟩• Intensity-fieldstrength correlations:∣∣∣⟨


⟩∣∣∣ > √⟨I(1)

⟩ ⟨: [I(2)]2 :


∣∣∣⟨ E(1)I(2)

⟩∣∣∣ > √⟨: [E(1)]2 :

⟩ ⟨: [I(2)]2 :

⟩Recent experiment with trapped ions31

31Gerber, Rotter, Slodicka, Eschner, Carmichael, Blatt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 183601 (2009)

Page 35: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise

Quantifying nonclassicality

General nonclassicality condition:

〈: f †f :〉 < 0

Example: quadrature squeezing

f ≡ ∆xϕ = xϕ − 〈xϕ〉 → 〈: (∆xϕ)2 :〉 < 0

Limit for negativity:32

∆ = 〈: f †f :〉 − 〈f †f〉 → ∆ ≤ 〈: f †f :〉 < 0

Operational relative nonclassicality:

R ≡ 〈: f †f :〉∆

=〈: f †f :〉

〈: f †f :〉 − 〈f †f〉

Perfect situation: ∆ = 〈: f †f :〉 ⇐⇒ 〈f †f〉 = 0

Realized for: f |ψ〉 = 0

32C. Gehrke and W. Vogel, arxiv:0904.3390 [quant-ph]

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Quantifying nonclassicality

Example: squeezed vacuum state:

(µa + νa†)|0; ν〉 = 0 , µ2 − |ν|2 = 1

Needed: measurement of f †f with f ≡ µa + νa†

Realization for trapped ion:

Hint =~2Ωf A21 + H.c., ν =



Electronic-state dynamics:

p2(t) =1


1 + Tr

[ρ(0) cos


√f †f + 1

)]For ρ (0) = |0; ν〉〈0; ν| → p2(t) = 1

2 [1 + cos (|Ω|t)]

Quantum-noise free measurement: moderate squeezing!

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Quantifying nonclassicality

Experimental realization:

Page 38: Nonclassical Harmonic · Nonclassical phase-space functions A state is nonclassical, if:3 (a) ground-state noise


• Reconstruction of nonclassical P functions

• Nonclassical characteristic functions

• General conditions for nonclassical moments

• Experimental realizations

• General nonclassical correlation properties

• Operational quantification of nonclassicality

• Quantum noise free measurements requires only mod-erate squeezing!