non verbal codes


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Page 1: Non verbal codes

Non-Verbal Codes

PowerPoint presentation by

-Prof. Jadhav D.M.

Page 2: Non verbal codes


It is one of the branch of science in which relation of body movements are studied with the help of aspects of body language.

All these aspects are studied in kinesics.Messages are unsayingly transmitted

through bodily movements.

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Proxemics is an “using of space” which is used in verbal as well as non-verbal communication.

The term proxemics has been derived from the word “Proximity” means nearness or closeness.

The people of same opinion come very close in relations whereas those who keeps distance in thoughts have no closeness.

Those who do not take space or pause indicate hurry or not so confident & want to complete before others understanding.

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The speaker keeps a proper distance from students

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Space language

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A touch that communicates various emotions is known as Haptics.

Haptics is related to human touch.It is very swiftest & most open type of

body language.Haptics conveys care, concern,

affection, friendliness, encouragement, anger, disgust, displeasure, violence & hate.

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Positive Message

A pat/ caressing on the head of a child indicates affection.

A pat on the back expresses praise & approval.

A handshake implies friendliness.

A hug communicates warmth of love in relationship

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Negative A slap or push expresses

hatred or annoyance.

Prick indicates violent feelings

A handshake with pressure indicates domination.

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Vocalics refers to modulation of voice. In which speakers tone, pause, volume,

intonation, pattern of pronunciation etc. are observed.

The voice is an extra ordinary attribute of human being.

A good voice with modulation expresses good communication.

A modulation voice is required according to the situation.

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Chronemics refers to “using of time” which is substitutely known as “manipulation of time”

It is important that time factor must be kept in mind for any speaker.

The way people use time reflects their personality.

The person behaving according to clock shows punctuality of nature.

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The arts reflects fact is called artifacts.Many people are interested to collect the

arts in their home & it shows their intrest.Artifacts refers to “environment & object”Most of times the outside environment

shows or indicates inside environment.

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Any office.

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