no.4! ( vol.7,no.6) france s. coloniet' philatelist · france s. coloniet' philatelist...

No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6) France s. Coloniet' Philatelist November-Deoember 1948 Publl.hed by the Prance and Oolonies Group Secretary: Mrs. Helen A. Stringham,35 Franklin. Plaoe,lIontclair,N.J. Editor: Stephen G.Rich,P.O.Box B.Verona,N.J. The Gerard nilbert Memorial Forum, Oct.23,1948. during the Pre-centenary Celebration or Franoe's First Stamps. Robert G. Stone, presenting his paper, on Colonial issues. Some of the 65 persons then present, show in this pioture. Front row, left to right: Fernald'at extreme left) ,George Weiler, Dr. Carroll Kremer,S.G.Rioh,C.E. Meyer. Next to Ur. W eiler:M1ss L. Clemenoon, Baoul Lesgor,and Henry Goodkind of Aerophilatelists. (Story of the Celebration in this number) Photo by Boutrelle

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Page 1: No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6) France s. Coloniet' Philatelist · France s. Coloniet' Philatelist ... Belle-Fontaine, Carbet, Case-Pilote, Croiz ... th.t of Y.ort,report tb... But the li.tlnl

No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6)

France s. Coloniet' Philatelist

November-Deoember 1948

Publl.hed bl-.on~hly by the Prance and Oolonies Group

Secretary: Mrs. Helen A. Stringham,35 Franklin. Plaoe,lIontclair,N.J. Editor: Stephen G.Rich,P.O.Box B.Verona,N.J.

The Gerard nilbert Memorial Forum, Oct.23,1948. during the

Pre-centenary Celebration or Franoe's First Stamps.

Robert G. Stone, presenting his paper, on Colonial issues. Some of the 65 persons then present, show in this pioture. Front row, left to right: Alan~ Fernald'at extreme left) ,George Weiler, Dr. Carroll Chase,B~ainerd Kremer,S.G.Rioh,C.E. Meyer. Next to Ur. Weiler:M1ss L. Clemenoon, Baoul Lesgor,and Henry Goodkind of Aerophilatelists.

(Story of the Celebration in this number)

Photo by Boutrelle

Page 2: No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6) France s. Coloniet' Philatelist · France s. Coloniet' Philatelist ... Belle-Fontaine, Carbet, Case-Pilote, Croiz ... th.t of Y.ort,report tb... But the li.tlnl




Among the s of Martinique

Bl Robert G. Stone .nd Ralph Holt.izer.


IV. The Later Circular Post.ark. 1879·1948

Continued froa Ko. 41,page 19··­fir.t .ection .t this chapter.

S.e No. 41) See Jlo. 41) See No. 41)

Iype D. Double circle, 23 to 24 ••• , outer diameter, inner circle dashe~ wording in gothic capitals; name of office at top,date in center in 3 lines. MARTINIQUE at bottom. Without asterisks or fleurons. Issued to al.ost all tbe offices; u.ed bew .. n 1887 and about 1925,but for yaryin& ' period •• t tbe various office •• In general,it superseded Tlpes A and c,th.ulb tbe periods of use of T,pes D and A or C overlapped for several lears,u.ualll 1887 to 1893.

Repor'ted fro.: , Abs,alon, Ajoupa·Boulllon, Al.a, Ans. d

Arlets (Ansesd'Arlets), B.lata, B.sse·Point~ Belle-Fontaine, Carbet, Case-Pilote, Croiz­Rivail Di.aant, Ducos, Fonds-Cor', Fonds­Lahaye' Fonds·St.D'nisIFonds-saint-D~ni.), Fort.d~-FranCe, Fran~oi., Grand-Bourg, Grand­Riviere, Gros-"orne, La_ntin, Lornin ', .. aCouba, ".rigot, "arin, De ••• rinier •• , ¥orne-des-Esses, Morne·Rouge, Morn~-Vert, Petit.Bourg Pla ••• u-Didier,poterie,Precheur, Redoute·Pilote, Robert, ste. Anne, st. ESP~1t (Saint-Esprit), st. Jo.eph (Saint­Josepb), ste. Luce, ste. Marie (Sainte· ... r1.~ Ste. Pbilo_ne, st. Pierr'e (Salnt·Pierre) , Schoelcber, Tiyoli, Trinitl, Trols-Ilet., Vauclin.

At ao.t offices, .ore tban one dle .f tbi. type wa. 1.sued oyer the years; hence .inor Yarietle., change. In .pel11n&8, etc.

2. at 81de.

Iyp,e B. Double circle, 24, to 26 ... outer diaaeter, inner clrcle dasbed;wording 1n gothic capit­al.; naae of office at tOPi bour of collection and date 1n 3 lines In center,MARTINIQUE at botto •• Witbout asterisks or fleurons. Issued only to Salnt Pierre (st~ Pierre) and Fort de Pranee,1887·1925; oftenJn red or blue; very co ... n. Used concurrentl, witb Types C and D.

VarietJ· 1. s~ PIERRE .(MARTINI~UB).,25 ... , blac~

red,or blue, 1898(')·1902.




lpe F. Single circle, 30 to 31 ... diameter; wording in got~ , ic capitals;na.e of office at top, date in center, one line only, MARTINIQUE at bottom.Ne asterisks or rleurons. Issued first in 1924. It rapidlJ re· placed Type. D and E. TbouSb neitber we nor L.a B.bave seen it fro. aUthe of,fices in existence In tbe period 1924-1935, there i. little doubt that all the office. were supplied witb It,including Absalon, La Pell.tier,Bellevue,Pond. Labale,Cb .. p Flore , and Tiyoli. In this type tbe word "Saint" i. alwa,. spelled out. Tbe use of hlphen. in the

, co.pound na •• is not con.istent.

lpe G. (Not in L.a B.) Single circle, 29 ... dia.eter,word­iog in gothic capital.; na.e or office .t top; date in center in one line,MARTINIQUB at bottom, with or .ore often without .steri.k. (fleurons) at ,side.. Firat is.ued about 1935. Thi. type does not .ee. to bave replac­ed Type F ,enerallJ. It did .0 at so.. few office •• ,

Reported,without asteri.k., fro. -Saint Pierre, Terre. S.inyl11e, Fort de Fr.nce,Basse foint, La Chapelle, Redoute,lroi. Ilet.~Fond. Saint Denla, Rlyiere--Pl10te.

Reported with a.terisks froa Sainte Marie, "acoube,FOrt de Prance,Daint Ssprlt and Saint Josepb.

Blue andpurple inks are f"quently seen •

ype 8. , (Not In L.a B.) Single clrcle,26 to 1If1 ••• dia.eter,

wording in gotblc capltal ... In types P and G; In center • 6-pointed .tart .t top, and date beneatb In two line ••

Introduced about 1940, tbu. far seen onlJ fro. Fort de France (co..on), "orne Rouge, and Balata. At tbese it bu largel, ed tlpe. P and G •• tbe po.t.ark In use. Tbe older device •• till occur froa tbes. otflce ••


en .. 11

(Bnd of Section 4. Serle. to be continued)


Thi. number goes to press so clo.ell after 0. ast~ tbat no report bas been aade up. •• our ditor plans to get Ko. 43,Jan-Feb.1949, en the al without furtblr waiting,a report w11l appear

n that nwaber: but .eanwhile: UES:.- Will ... bera plea.e bear in .ind that y sending tbeir 'due. in for the c_rrent year, ithout waiting for .nl more reminder., a great elp is given in keeping the .achinery of our ociety runnlng s .. otbl, and erfectivelJ. When ou send, plea.e include some ae.orandu. as to bat the dollar (non-resident) or $2 (residen~ s for, and If po.sible lour roster nu.ber.

Thls ls addressed to the few who have thus ar forgotten to send In their share or what It

take. to keep the or,aniEatlon soin,.

Page 3: No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6) France s. Coloniet' Philatelist · France s. Coloniet' Philatelist ... Belle-Fontaine, Carbet, Case-Pilote, Croiz ... th.t of Y.ort,report tb... But the li.tlnl


Thi. aatarda, ••• a reel-letter d." iD .er, ••• , •• , •• !be Bot.l L.t.,ett.,center ot bop.italit, 1n ••• York,wa. tb. loe.lit,. So •• bundr.d ani titt, pbilat.lic people took ,.rt in thi. oeoa.i ... in ' on. wa, or anoth.r, ... ,_ ar. ftot con.picu.ual, id.Dtitied witb pbild.l, ot prano. or the CoJoni .. , n •• ertb.l ••• 0 ....

S.Yeral ot tb. per.on •• cti •• l, eo~ b.eI arri •• d ., DOoa, aDd .11 .. terial th.n wa •• et .. p tor,. !b. intoraal parU ... t lunoh re.111 .t.rted tbe aeti.iti •••

- - fte PGrWi, --Ybieh- biliail" at ' a ·p •• ;-, - &ad wbteil included fi •• b.lf-boar p.per., witb dl.ou •• ioD .Dd q .... ti.n. arhinl fr ... acb, bet Mr. tban titt, person. in .ttendanc. tbe whole tt .. ,wit~ .iat,-fi ••• t it. ,.ak.filliDI tb. ro.. ao.t ceaf'ortabl,.

fte ForUII w •• openeel b, .... R .... l L .... r, .bo announced tbe e.tabli.baent of tb.

Geraret Gilbert J1eaorial A.ard, to be si.en . each ,ear tor tb. 68.( oontrl~.n • f .n orisinal n.t .. re to tbe philatel, ot 1Ndm. and the Colonie.. !bis will be a oon.picuou • • nd .ub.tantial reeolOitioD of fine work, to be .w",ded b, • jur, of e.perienced phila *' eacb ,ear.

Tbe Ger.rd Gilbert K.aorial .w.~ honor. the ".or, of that sre.' .tudent ot .t .. p., who did tb. .nd e.talosuinl ot ~be P.rrar, who, a. a re.ident on Ke. Yorkin bi. later ,ear., wa. a b.lo.e. ani bi8hl, •• t­e.... ...ber of tb. Group.

Pollowing tbi •• nnounc ••• nt, ,our editor, a. forUII', introduce. tbe .peak.r.. Th., pre.ented their topic. in this order:

Brainer' ~e •• r: 19th C.ntur, st •• p.: An •• bibit, wit~ co .. ent. on the aer. unu.ual •• peetll.'

Dr. Carroll Cba.e: Th. st .. ple •• Period: .apol.onic po.t.l •• t.ri.l, witb tb. Milit.r, Ma,. actu.ll, u •• a ., tb. E8peror, .hown an •••

Geor~e A. ..iler: 20tb Centur, st .. p.: fte ot collectinl intere.t. wbicb tbe, ••

Robert G. Sto .. : Colonial l .... e.: A pre.ent.tion ot tbe untoucb.d pbil.telic po •• ibilitie ••

Benry Goo.kind: Air Mail.: The re •• .bowinl ot tb. orisin. of •• i.tlon and the .ir •• il .er.ic. on tbe .t •• p. ot ••

Mr. Bern.rd D •• i. ot ~lJdelPbi •• 1.0 .poke brietly on tbe plan. ot!be bil.t.lic MuS."", whicb is to open in tbat cit, on ,Dec. 4tb.

Under tb. to •• t.aster.bip .f Mr. Chest.r A. S .. ltz.r, tbe dinn.r st.rt •• preaptl" witb an eyen bun'red per •• n. present. ft. ",.st ot ..... r w •• Dr. Carroll Cb •• e. Mr. Cb.acel, tb. Consul-Gener.l ot in I.w York, ... are Pierre Peli.u,Direetor of tb ••• w York .rriOtot tbe Frencb ·O •• r.e.s ~.rritori.s, .1.0 w.r. ",est ••

The procee.ins. of tbe e •• nins on the bonorinl ot Dr. Cb •• e, .peeificall, f.r bi. work in Prencb pbilat.l,.

Kr.Cb.nel and, r.pre.entins Pranc. • ffici~ll".poke of tbe .0r.Dr. Cb ••• bad don. to ceDent friend.hip between tbe U.S .... · b, .e.n. of eonspicuou. pbil.t.lic .er.ic •• Th.n en beb.lf of the 'I'OUp, Dr.Cba •• wa. p.... tb • • peciall, ensra.ed .oli •• 11.Gr ci8.rett. bo~,

a token ot •• t ••• an4 .ppreci.~ioa. Mr. ~ohD J. Britt, .n behalf of tk. Aerophil.teli.t., .1 •• bonor •• »r.Cb •••• Mr. Ricb.r. S. Bobn,pre.ilent ot th. Colle.tora C1 •• , pre.ent •• t.r th.t cl .. ~ • b.n •• oael, .nar.... .cr.ll bonorinl Dr~Ch ••••

fto oel.~r.t1o. wa. tl." to 0 •••• cl ••• 1, a. ,. •• i~l., to tbe •• t. at whiob tk. priatla. .~ th. flr.t t •• ~.aob .t..,.,tbo •• i..... .n " .... 1,1 .... b •• _pa ia 1MI.

Mr •• ~r.n Li .... pl ...... D.orldi... the Mi •• Le.i •• Cl ... D ••• , Ir. J~n J. Britt .net Mr. Al.n R. Jarn.1. reBd.r" au8b -••• .aluable .1e1.

------------------MADAGASCAR The current 100 francs brown stamp

showing a winged figure has been releas­ed with a three-lined red overprint which reads: "TERRE ADELlE DUMONT­D'URVILLE" and the date "1840", It is believed this stamp was issued to marie an expedition to that South Polar area by P. E . Victor. More details will be ap­preciated, Illustrated herein. A. F . Stem


'arietio. .f the 250 Cere. ot 1871 B, Barol. M. Metzser

( b, courte., of R.oul LO'lor)

~re. w.ll •• fiaed type., con.idered to b •• e their orisin in thr.e ........ 1 ••• tat •• • tu. 4i., •• it wor., eai.t on this .t •• " ib. 250 blue Cero., Scott 80.58. Th •••• re not ...... the .an, broak. and other tl.w. wbiob occur on tbe ••• t .. p., but ar. th. · .. jor •• rieti... ~o ... e.taloc., .ucb •• that of Lo.sor or th.t of Y.ort,report tb... But the li.tlnl. in tbe •• riou. 18ner.l c.t.loss,Scott .nd tho.e of Pr.ncb oripn, 0.1t tb... .

A re.ll, det.ile •• tu., of thi •• t .. p, with .11 the .tor" .11 the .. jor aad .inor .arieU.. Ii. ted .n .... , pictured,i. Ii •• n 1n the ~ohl aaactbook,Part 1 ot Pr • ...,., whioh •• 1st. in o .. r Ian", ..... well a. in Ger •• n (Colleotor. Cl.b, Mew York, 1928).

The throe t,p •• • r. recolOi ... in.t.ntl" b, tbe corn.r ro.etto •• T,,. l,.t • .,. printed fro. tbe •••• plat ••• u.ed for the i.portor.te prlntinc of 1850, .net on. n.w plate, ba. no con.t.nt peculiariU •• in tb. ro .. tt •• in .. , corn.r.

T"e 2, fro. pl.t •••• 4 •• bortl, .ft.r 1872, ha., •• pietured, the.. •

.p.t ot color .er ••• a. t .... rko: 0 tr1on .. lor r::~1

.ertic.l wbite .pa.. t. ~ the lett .f tb. ..p,..r .If{R\'(\(Q\V'' l!JI riCht ro •• tt., • wbit. dot(1rr.sular in .h.,.) ..... er tb. low.r lot t p.t.l of the botto. richt ro •• tt ••

T,po 3,tro. pl.t .... de .fter le73, the .ark. ot t". a. It baa I thoo. _ko, oo1.r opot .... 111 .• --1n of thr.. ot the ~ I tour pot.l., !!!!! p~ -Df tbe t ••• pper ro .. t.... ....rn: ~ ..

T,IMs 1 .Dd 3 .r. the pl.nt1ful one.. ~,po a i. h.r. to eet. of t,p •• 2 an. 3' tocatb.r on oae plat., eii.t an. • r. re.ll, sre.t r.riti ...

Page 4: No.4! ( Vol.7,No.6) France s. Coloniet' Philatelist · France s. Coloniet' Philatelist ... Belle-Fontaine, Carbet, Case-Pilote, Croiz ... th.t of Y.ort,report tb... But the li.tlnl

J.4M.r~.nno with • . Monool.,

Iro. -L. Pro •• e Pbil.telique-.Jul, IG. 1~6. _~ tbi. pictur. ot .n int.r •• tin~ yari.t, .i.llar to tb. ~i.tlinc .bicb .e .bow" in 1946. Tbi. -t~., tb. _leb ot dirt app •• red on tb. ., •• Thi. i. on ~ tbe 2t .t .. p. ..

Th. oricin o. tb. _lob v i. w.ll kno.n: a bit ,t ~ dirt or c.k.d ink .tuek ~~/, to •• Thi. ·r.i •• d blob cot inked. but .1 •• prey.nted ink tro. r •• cbin~ tbe pl.t. in the .re. ju.t .round it. Thu. it i •• trictl, •• ere .ccident ot printlnc, · . bit ot c.r.l ••• n ••••

The write-up in L. Pr ••• e Phil.telique yerl • b.urdl, .ttribute. tbe y.rl~T to • 41.0 f.llinc out ot • perfor.tion bolo. Thl. i. tbe tir.t tl ••• e beard th.t tbi. i.aa. or anJ otber ot •••• perf.ted b.tore priniincl








Tb. south.-pton M.B.Po.t.ark on French st • .,e

Before tbe •• r, tbere .a ••, .t •••• bip .ervice,run by tbe Soutbern ".il •• , ot Gre.t, bet.een Le B.yr •• nd South .. pton. witb the .bip. Hor •• nn •• nd 8.ntoai. ia .erYle., it .y .e .. ry i. riCht. At tbe B.yre end, • bes f.r .. 11 w •• bune .t tbe end ot tbe ~.n~.,.Letter. tor Great could be •• iled in tbi.,until tbe can~.y ••• 11tt.d. Letter. tbu •• ail.d.~t c.ncell.d _y tb. po.t.l .eryie •• t South .. pt.n, • i tb the po.t •• rk picta .....

"M.B.· Meqn. Bos,· not "Mobil. 80s· a. u.u.ll, .t.ted. That tora ot tb. n ... i. unottici.l and. liter.l takin~-oyer ot tbe n •• e i. Frencb.

Th. writer went to .11 tbe botber ot ~ettinc • coy.r .ent to hi ... lt, p.r the cood otfle.. of .n old tri.nd tb.n r •• idins in Lo Bayr .... r.l, a w •• k .tt.r· r.eeylnc It, h. ca.e .cro ••• 3t Mer.on Ill •• wltb tbi. yer1 •••• canc.ll.tion;.nd ju.t re •• ntl, h. ..cured a 2t or~.nce and sey.r.l and Pa.teur.--­• 11 with U.

Thi •• ervice i •• till runnin"but at tho last w. he.rd b~er ot IM8), there .. ro onl, two d~p.rtur •• a w.ek .. cb wa1, •• there w.. onl1 one at .... r on tb ••• ~yio ••

W. otten. wondered wb.t tbe cancellation would be on • .ddre •• ed to Franc.,.ail.d .t the South .. pton .nd. Who e.n t.ll u.,

-- L. L._urous. (Editor· •• ddltion: Th. M.B. ---' ---

of South .. pton dat •• tar b •• k into tb. e.rlier d., •• It .how. v.riou. for •• , but .lw.,a tb. ••• e r •• dinc,.ubatantl.11,.Thl. round.d-oft octa .. n for. .a. resul .... in the 1880'., and i. taken t .... as ... 50 In the .ditor'_. collecUon. It anI .f our re.der. c.n writ. up • •• tor, ot the •• South"pton M.B.'.,it will b. welco •• d tor thl. journ.l ).

Upper Volta .. 1.t.Asain, 194' aDd oa.

Tho oolonl ot Upper Volt. w •• r.c.n.titutod, ••• t.rritoa-, witb i ,ta to .... r U.lta,bl d.eree of,194'. Portion. ot Iyory Co •• t, .is-r, .nd Wreneb sud.n •• re r.erouped, •• 'durin, tb. periH Marob 1 1.11 to J.n. 1,1133. 'fIl. ne. colony will be adaint.tor.d throu&h tho &;0. P. coyernaent (Pr.neb W •• t Afrlc.).

Are. of tbe colony i. 213,000 ~re kil ... t­.r •••• u.l to 113.000 .quar •• il ••• Population, e8ti.ated a. 3.016.000 In 1945; ot the.. .bout 700 ar. ,,-ric .. 1 •• 10a actlYl' ••• .re centered .t D.douCOu,~oudousou.and Y.ko. di.tricts ar .... bl ~1 ortieer •• The eolonl i. poae.rul, .nd i. s.rri­SODed .oly b, 6th Bn. Tirailleur. S.n.sal.l., with post •• t B.tio .nd Dedousou.

Bead eolonial po.t ,.ttle. 1. at Ou.,adou~ou • Otber post ottic •• aro:

Bantora Bati. Bobe Dioul •••• Doro .. D.cloupu Diap.~.(po.tal ac.ney) Dl.bousou Borl r ••• II'Gour.a G.oua ~ .. pti


~oudoUIOU Lee "uSihol. Po Sari. Tenkodop Tou~an T.b

In Oucadoupu and ~ua_lcouya, the initial OU 1. pronounced U.k •• 1a En.CU.ha.

- -~ George A. Well.r (Editor's note: lie. ata.p. for Upp.r Volta ..

to be espeeted. but baye pot· sbown up • to date ot ,oin~ to pre ••• Veenwhile, the preyio •• ODe. of t~ .d.inl.trations in thie area,.lth date •• bo •• a~ u •• aince the r.con_titut'l.D, .r • Intere.t~., -torerunn.r- Ite •• for anlone).


T B B H E \'I' S E R V I C Ii:

ant .~ exeban~ notice.i_e.ber. onl,ione ertwo insertions on11;no ch.rc.. Tbos, repl,1a, will please otter onll what i ••• ked ror here.

anted to buy or exehan~, uaed onl" in ~oo. ondition Reunion Ko.53.1' eopl •• ; .Dd Reunioa lIo.5f,5 eopi... L. Cle.encon. 32 Monroo st., BB-~, How York 2, H.Y. (M •• b.r 19) ill exchan,. U.S. tor or eolonl •• ,basl •

Scott. Olto Ho.flor.236 Yale Aye., Fr •• no 4, e.lit. (Me.b.r 156) hoto.t.t cOPl of .ranee a Colonie. Philateli.,

•• i will eo.plete 10ur til.. $1.25 po.' tree nd ca.h wlth ord.r onll;lt tak •• tea d.,. tor . kinc. Fronk L. ~rowno.2235 Lake Ay •• Balti.oro 13, Md. (Me.bor 326) f :d0u need U.S. Telesraphl ,Or.n~ Pr •• St.te ..

cbuan.t.Di .ta.p., I will •• a, tor .nl Type Sase Ite •• ot Pr.nee I c.n u.e. U •• d .iUe.l .. .in~le. or ... t d •• ired. S.G.Rleb. Veron., •• J. (M •• bor I) .nte4:Prench Colonie. Gen.ral l •• ue.,only ueed

coples,ot scott noa.24.31,55,58;.1.0 otber. ot • •• e 1 •• ue. and ot •• Aa tor li.t. C •• h, or It d •• lred.Wr.noh .ta.,. In •• Carl Stephen.on,Boardaa. 8.11.lthac., •• Y. (M •• b.r 5) •