no pa lea wellness stories and testimonies

Nopalea Wellness Stories "I could move my thumb all around PAIN FREE!" "I enjoy backpacking. For years now, before each hike I would get a shot in my hip for an inflammatory condition. Without the cortisone shot and over-the-counter pain relievers, each step would be painful. Also, I have a stiff, swollen and painful thumb joint. I completed the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and didn‟t notice much difference the first week. After the second week, I noticed that my hand was not hurting. I could move my thumb all around PAIN FREE! I did not even notice that my right hip was feeling so much better. About two months into the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, I had to be away from home for four days and I had forgotten to take my Nopalea with me. By the end of that time, I could feel some of that old pain slipping back. As soon as I returned home, I drank my Nopalea. Within 30 minutes the pain had vanished! That is when I decided to become an Affiliate Member to refer Nopalea to others. I would not refer anything to my friends that I did not believe in 100%." Kathy G., Affiliate Member Arlington, TX "After taking Nopalea for two days, I began feeling much better." "Almost seven months ago, my doctor told me I had six months to live. I had had a severe allergic reaction and could not breathe. No one could see how I had made it to the hospital. After a week of treatments and staying in the hospital, I was sent home without much hope at all. Unbelievably, this was actually the very first of five such events. I was watching television one day and I happen to stumble across the infomercial for Nopalea. So, I ordered a bottle, and you would not believe how much it helped me. After taking Nopalea for two days, I began feeling much better. My illness broke and I could breathe again. I mean I could REALLY BREATHE again. The shallow „death's door‟ complexion was gone from me and I began regaining my strength. The inflammation of my lung tissue was relieved very quickly by Nopalea. How can I ever express enough gratitude for that! I'm well on the way to recovery and I want to

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Post on 25-Apr-2015




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Page 1: No Pa Lea Wellness Stories and Testimonies

Nopalea Wellness Stories

"I could move my thumb all around PAIN FREE!"

"I enjoy backpacking. For years now, before each hike I would get a

shot in my hip for an inflammatory condition. Without the cortisone shot

and over-the-counter pain relievers, each step would be painful. Also, I

have a stiff, swollen and painful thumb joint.

I completed the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and didn‟t notice much difference the first

week. After the second week, I noticed that my hand was not hurting. I could move my

thumb all around PAIN FREE! I did not even notice that my right hip was feeling so much


About two months into the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, I had to be away from home for

four days and I had forgotten to take my Nopalea with me. By the end of that time, I could

feel some of that old pain slipping back. As soon as I returned home, I drank my Nopalea.

Within 30 minutes the pain had vanished!

That is when I decided to become an Affiliate Member to refer Nopalea to others. I would

not refer anything to my friends that I did not believe in 100%."

Kathy G., Affiliate Member – Arlington, TX

"After taking Nopalea for two days, I began feeling much better."

"Almost seven months ago, my doctor told me I had six months to live.

I had had a severe allergic reaction and could not breathe. No one

could see how I had made it to the hospital. After a week of treatments

and staying in the hospital, I was sent home without much hope at all. Unbelievably, this

was actually the very first of five such events. I was watching television one day and I

happen to stumble across the infomercial for Nopalea. So, I ordered a bottle, and you would

not believe how much it helped me. After taking Nopalea for two days, I began feeling much

better. My illness broke and I could breathe again. I mean I could REALLY BREATHE

again. The shallow „death's door‟ complexion was gone from me and I began regaining my

strength. The inflammation of my lung tissue was relieved very quickly by Nopalea. How

can I ever express enough gratitude for that! I'm well on the way to recovery and I want to

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get the word out to everyone I know who suffers from pain and inflammation of any sort. I

want to tell them keep a bottle of Nopalea on hand. It was a lifesaver for me, and it could be

a lifesaver for a lot of other people. Thank you TriVita"

Rose T., Affiliate Member – Fruitland Park, FL

"You have turned a skeptic into a true believer."

"I recently became a TriVita Member after finding that I am just not

comfortable without its products. I have suffered for many years with

severe, constant shoulder pain. I have gone through months of

physical therapy and pain medications, none of which helped the

situation much. Last summer my sister sent me a Nopalea Gift of Health. I have to say I was

a serious non-believer, but at this point I was not sleeping, and willing to take a shot at

trying anything that might help. I tried Nopalea and it seemed to be helping, but I didn‟t

notice anything spectacular. At the end of 30 days I felt okay and it seemed as though I was

starting to sleep a little easier. But once the Nopalea ran out I just stopped taking it. That‟s

when I realized what it had done for me. After not being on it for two weeks, the pain (that I

hadn‟t noticed was gone before) was back, and I headed into the sleep deprivation spiral.

Needless to say I ordered another bottle. Now I am on the auto-ship plan and spreading the

word to others about what Nopalea has done for me. I still have times when I forget to take

it regularly; however, after just a few days I start to feel my shoulder pain again and I get

right back on Nopalea. I would hate to think how I would still feel had I not tried it. You have

turned a skeptic into a true believer."

Ed M., Affiliate Member – Golden Dale, WA

"...I realized I was breathing deeply and it felt great!"

"I used to do marathons and walking is one of the things I love to do. I

had been having problems with deep breathing and even had the

doctor tell me at one time that I had scarring of the lungs. Well, I began

taking Nopalea. The taste is great and it really made me feel good.

One day while walking, I took a deep breath – a really deep breath – and I thought to

myself, „Oh my goodness!‟ All of a sudden, my lungs were open and I realized I was

breathing deeply and it felt great! Nopalea has helped me so much. It is a life-changing

product. My mom is on it now and has shared it with my sisters. I know so many people

whom Nopalea will be good for and I intend to continue sharing my success from this

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product with them all."

Barbara B., Affiliate Member – Los Angeles, CA

"I was suffering with excruciating pain every day … now my pain

is almost gone!"

"I have been diagnosed with Costochondritis, a condition caused by

inflammation in the cartilage that joins the upper ribs to the sternum.

This condition causes sharp pains on my front chest wall which also

radiates to my back and abdomen. I was suffering with excruciating pain every day. I even

thought it might be heart problems. I went to the doctor and he recommended ibuprofen, but

it did absolutely nothing for the pain. I started thinking that I was going to have to live with

this very painful condition for the rest of my life. Then I learned about Nopalea and decided

to try it. I took the loading phase and now my pain is almost gone! Nopalea is an awesome

product. Thank you!"

Carrie P., Member – Mount Horeb, Wisconsin.

“… the pain has continued to steadily decrease.”

I have been taking Nopalea for about month and a half. After the first

week, I noticed that I was having much less pain in my knees after my

morning run. At first I didn‟t know if it was the Nopalea, but I continued

to drink about 2 ounces a day, and the pain has continued to steadily

decrease. I‟ve also noticed that I am more motivated to exercise regularly. Plus, my taste for

sweets has really lessened since I started taking Nopalea. I‟ll drink an extra ounce on days

when I‟m feeling more worn out than usual. The taste is so good that even my four-year-old

daughter asks for her Nopalea by name every day – drinking it is part of our

morning routine. Thank you Trivita for this wonderful product!”

Mike N., Affiliate Member – Spring Lake, NC

“After taking Nopalea, my constant knee pain was gone.”

“Before I started taking Nopalea I had pain and swelling in my knee.

This was due to all the running I was doing for exercise. My doctor told

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me to stop running and gave me an anti-inflammatory medication. It didn‟t work. But after

taking Nopalea, my constant knee pain was gone. I decided to try running again. Much to

my amazement, I have now been running pain-free, without swelling, for over five months!

Plus, even my weekly migraines are gone! I feel better now than I ever have! Thank you


Tami S., Affiliate Member – Lincoln, NE

“Within five days . . . my range of motion was improving.”

“I am in my late 40s and am trying to do the right things now to take

better care of my health. I had a very stiff neck that caused a lot of pain

and affected my range of motion. I wanted to make big changes in my

life because over the past few years, people in my life began getting

sick. So, I was already in a mode to improve my health and take better care of my body. I

began drinking Nopalea and within five days of starting the Nopalea Challenge, I noticed

that my range of motion was improving. I was very happy and quite impressed. I also suffer

from seasonal allergies, which cause puffiness around my eyes and my face. After a short

time on Nopalea, people commented on how healthy my skin looked. This delicious drink

helped with my allergy symptoms and the puffiness went away. I had blood work done as

part of my regular physical and, as usual, I always get a C-Reactive Protein test. Last time it

was 1.3, but since Nopalea it has gone down to just barely over zero – one full point. Other

lab results showed additional decrease in the inflammation in my body, which is just

fantastic. I am a firm believer that we need to keep inflammation down in our bodies. By

drinking Nopalea, I know I am helping my body reduce inflammation. I am worth spending

money on my body to feel good and be healthy.”

Paige C., Affiliate Member – Belleair Bluffs, FL

“I am so glad I took the Nopalea Wellness Challenge.”

“I was first introduced to Nopalea in March of 2009 when I attended the

launch in Phoenix. It sounded like a wonderful product, but I was

hesitant because I deal with high blood sugar levels. Luckily, I‟ve been

very fortunate that I have never had to do insulin shots. I have been on

and off medication over the years and it‟s been a constant battle to normalize my blood

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sugar levels. My medical condition wasn‟t getting any better and I also had pain in my

knuckles due to inflammation around the joints. Finally, after reading many success stories

in your monthly catalogs and VitaJournals from people who had similar health issues and

had positive results with Nopalea, I decided to give it a try. Before I went on Nopalea, I had

very extensive blood tests to create a baseline. The day after blood was drawn, I started on

the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Shortly afterwards, I noticed that the pain in my knuckles

had been reduced by 70%. My doctor ordered another round of blood work and I was

amazed to see that my A1C (glucose) levels dropped from 7.9 down to 6.4, which

represents a 30 point drop in blood sugar levels. My doctor and family are thrilled, and I am

so glad I gave Nopalea a chance. I am more active, more energetic and feel like a new

woman since being on Nopalea. I‟m also starting to see my blood pressure go down. I‟ve

even broken out my treadmill and I get on it for 1/2 an hour every morning and every

evening. I look forward to continuing Nopalea and seeing what happens with my health.”

Sandy Z., Affiliate Member – Bath, Ohio

“I recommend Nopalea to anyone who deals with inflammation

and pain.”

“I have been suffering from pain and inflammation around my joints for

years now. I would get that throbbing pain in my knees at least 4-5

times a month. Now that I take Nopalea, I notice the big difference! My

knees feel smoother and more flexible but also have less pain. Instead of suffering from

pain 4-5 times a month, I suffer no pain! I have not had pain in my knees for months now. I

really recommend Nopalea to anyone who deals with inflammation and pain. It has been a

blessing and I know it will be a healing blessing for you!"

Carmelo Angel Ruiz., Affiliate Member – Brawley, CA

“After taking Nopalea, the shoulder and hip pain are completely


I'm a 62-year old retired Firefighter.

I spent 34 years in the fire service. I always stayed fit by working out

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and jogging. I even competed in bodybuilding shows for 7 years. After all those years of

firefighting, my body was feeling the effects. My left knee hurt most of the time, it caused me

to walk with a limp. I had pain in my right shoulder.

Sometimes the pain was so intense, I would have to use my left arm. Finally, in the last 6

months, I would wake up at night with hip pain. Then my life changed. I joined TriVita in

March. Started taking Super Sublingual B-12-GREAT STUFF! I was hearing more and

more about Nopalea and the results people were having with it. I was a bit skeptical at first,

then said, Why Not. I started my first bottle in the middle of April and the results are

amazing. I take 1 to 2 oz. in the morning and after three weeks, the shoulder and hip pain

are completely gone. I get a slight knee pain every now and then. I know that by keeping

Nopalea in my diet the knee pain will be completely gone. Thank you TriVita. I plan to

compete in a bodybuilding show this summer, thanks to Nopalea.

John L., Affiliate Member – Jacksonville Beach, FL

“Nopalea allowed me to compete in what I do best!”

“I'm a 49-year-old Pro Rodeo Champion from South Dakota. I compete

nationally in Steer Wrestling and Roping. I also have two sons that

compete in the rodeo circuit too - youth and teen circuit, of course. My

oldest son is 15 and was heading out today to compete for a grand

prize of a new truck and horse trailer! My boys don't mess around.

I recently found out about Nopalea from my mother. She recommended that I try the

product because of my aches and pains. Working in the rodeo has especially impacted my

shoulders, causing me pain.

Just several days after starting Nopalea, I took a nasty fall and hurt my knee pretty bad. I

was not sure what to expect from this injury, but feared the worst. The last time I took this

kind of fall, I was out for almost a month with a knee injury.

Still, I was due to compete over the next few days and was afraid I would not be able to. I

kept taking the Nopalea and didn't really think much about it helping with something so

soon. Well, much to my surprise, I did not have the swelling and pain the next day that I've

experienced so many times before. I was not only feeling pretty good, I was able to

compete the next two days and finish what I was there for!

I have also noticed that since taking the Nopalea, my sleep pattern is much better. I used to

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wake at the early hours of the morning and now, I find that I am sleeping better and longer

without that interruption."

J.B. Lord., Affiliate Member – Piedmont, SD

“I feel so blessed that I was introduced to TriVita and Sonoran


“I am a lung cancer survivor. I‟ve been in remission since 2003, but

have continued to be on oxygen (especially at night) and have balance

and mobility problems. I began taking Nopalea and Super Sublingual

B-12 about three months ago and cannot say enough positives about these awesome

products. My over-all energy level, concentration and clarity of mind have all greatly

improved. Even after a series of mini strokes, I find that my memory is now better. I am so

EXCITED about these health and wellness products. I am telling everyone I know who may

benefit from them. Even on my fixed income, I have given seven Nopalea Gifts of Health

because I want others to feel as good as I do. I feel so blessed that I was introduced to

TriVita and Sonoran Bloom."

Carol L., Affiliate Member – Bonham, TX

“…the pain that I had in my knees, hips and feet from an almost

daily tennis addiction was GONE!”

“My name is Karen Summers and I am a can‟t-get-enough-of-it tennis

player. I have been playing doubles tennis for about eight years

(played in college too!). At the great old age of 52 I have started to

question how long I can play this sport, and thought I was going to have to join my husband

on the golf course! There is so much pain and soreness in my hips and feet. And what‟s

worse, I have had a constant off-and-on issue with my left knee. It has taken me out for

parts of a season in the past! What am I supposed to do then, just sit around? As you could

imagine, these matches are very competitive and hard on the body. Start, stop, move left,

right, backward, forward, up, down, even DUCK – all very explosive movements.

Around the first of April, TriVita launched their new product, Nopalea! A friend gave me a

taste and I immediately bought a bottle on a wing and a prayer of hope. I really don‟t like

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golf, even WITH Tiger Woods on the course. Could it really be true that the pain in my body

thanks to all this constant tennis playing could be alleviated? I doubted it but it sure tasted


Coincidentally, around this very same time, I signed up for a singles tennis challenge

ladder. I had not played singles since I was in college. Singles is about five times as

demanding on knees, hips and feet as you are covering the entire court, all by yourself.

Without thinking about the two oz of Nopalea that I was taking each day, I found myself

winning all my matches! Thanks to the wins, I found myself challenging three to four singles

matches per week! This was just TOO much fun. After three weeks of this tennis-mania, I

stopped to think about how I was managing four matches a week! Was it not just a few

weeks earlier that I was on the sofa after ONE doubles match? Could it really be that the

hot pink bottle was responsible for all this relief!? At this point, I was undefeated! OH MY

GOSH... the pain that I had in my knees, hips and feet from an almost daily tennis addiction

was GONE!

To end this marvelous story ... not only did I end up winning the division at the end of the

season with a 16-1 win/loss record but I also won the end of season tournament! There is

absolutely NO question in my mind that this would not have been possible without Sonoran

Bloom Nopalea.

Thanks for a great product, a great company and the opportunity to leave the golf to my

husband. I am staying on the tennis court!”

Karen S., Affiliate Member – Charlotte, NC

“Nopalea is a wonderful thing for my body.”

“I use many of TriVita‟s products, including Adaptogen 10 Plus, Vital C

and Super Sublingual B-12, among others. When I heard about

Nopalea, I wasn‟t sure I really needed to get it. I‟ve been taking

supplements for over 15 years, so I feel great, in general. But, since I

love and trust TriVita‟s products, I figured I would give Nopalea a try. I have to maintain

such a busy schedule, I figured it wouldn‟t hurt. I am busy with companies, training, 3

children of my own and a wife of 13 years that was recently diagnosed with multiple

sclerosis. I definitely deal with stress, but I am also very driven to overcome all challenges. I

signed up for my first marathon with plans to train a minimum of four times per week.

Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to train as I had hoped. I felt I should just give up on

the marathon because without training, it would be very difficult to complete. Fortunately,

knowing that the supplements I was taking were giving me energy, and the Nopalea was

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contributing to cell recovery, I decided to go for it and participate in the marathon. I not only

finished the marathon but only needed two days to recuperate, which is incredible,

considering the last marathon I ran took me nearly two weeks to recover! I am so glad for all

the TriVita products I use. I work harder, have more energy for my kids, stay leaner, help

others by example and have clarity of mind on a regular basis. The anti-inflammatory effect

of the Betalains in Nopalea is a wonderful thing for my body. I dare anyone to a 30 to 60

day challenge… I was amazed. Before Sonoran Bloom and TriVita came along, I didn‟t

have much time for anything in my life. But now I get it all done, and I‟m compelled to share

my story. My kids are happy, my wife loves Nopalea and I love what it has done for our

family. There is no greater joy than hearing other people‟s positive stories and experiences.

That‟s why I like to share my story. And, getting paid to do that, through the Share and Earn

program, is just icing on the cake.”

Raymond C., Affiliate Member – Coquitlam, B.C.

“I started to notice the pain subsiding… Nopalea was definitely


“I was diagnosed over a year ago with plantar fasciitis, an inflammatory

condition of the foot and very painful. As an avid golfer, this was not

good news. Last fall I had orthotics made to relieve the pain. This

helped one foot but not the other. At the end of March I was introduced to Nopalea and

started taking 3 oz a day. I started to notice the pain subsiding so I kept taking the product.

Nopalea was definitely helping. I took the Nopalea to our naturopath, Dr. Bill Russell, and

he tested me to see if I needed the product. He confirmed I did and that the dosage I was

taking fit my needs. Dr. Russell then took the bottle, left the examining room and came back

in requesting nine bottles of the Nopalea. We will be taking Nopalea every day and we

thank TriVita for this remarkable product. Just imagine all the people who will enjoy the


Terry J., Affiliate Member – White Rock, B.C.

“I have been pain-free for several weeks now and continue to take

Nopalea daily.”

“In the beginning of 2002, I had to have neck surgery. They had to take

bone out of my hip which caused arthritis in my hips, knees and

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ankles. They put a plate and two screws in my neck. The screws broke a year later and I

couldn‟t get any answers. In 2008, I began taking barrel racing lessons with my son, but it

caused me much pain. It took me about three days to recover from each lesson. I was

limping and in pain all over. When Nopalea™ launched in April, I began taking it. After just

three weeks I could tell a difference. People started noticing that I was moving better. They

even saw me running – something I haven‟t done in years! I have been pain-free for several

weeks now and continue to take Nopalea daily. I‟m riding with my son again and having a

great time! Thank you so much for a product I won‟t be without.”

Melody C., Affiliate Member – Denver, NC

“I noticed I can do things with my right hand and arm with almost

no pain.”

“Over a month ago, I hit my right elbow on the tile counter when

vacuuming and ever since then my elbow and arm have been acting

up in pain. I was unable to use my right hand without excruciating pain.

I started taking Nopalea this week and within a few days, I noticed I can do things with my

right hand and arm with almost no pain. I think the pain will be gone by the weekend and I

will be able to plant some vegetables. This is huge! I was at the North Carolina event

yesterday and learned that TriVita CEO Michael Ellison is on a mission to bring this product

to the world! His passion will definitely help people with their health and wellness because

Nopalea works. The business opportunity is great due to the demand for this product and it

tastes delicious!”

Ann D., Affiliate Member – Granite Falls, NC

“My family and I are truly grateful for Sonoran Bloom Nopalea.”

“I am honored to be able to write you this testimony, regarding Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. My

little four-year-old nephew caught the flu about three weeks ago. Since he is very young,

and his immune system is not very strong, his system was getting worse by the minute. My

sister was prepared for the worst. All the physicians had tried everything. We hired all the

best medical specialists money could buy. But nothing was helping him to get well. My

nephew was just getting worse and worse. I told my mother to give him Nopalea. My sister

resisted at first. I told my sister „We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars already.

We have absolutely tried everything, and nothing seemed to work. So, what do we have to

lose by letting him try Nopalea?‟ My little nephew sure loves the taste. He said it was so

good he wanted more. We gave him three ounces in the morning, afternoon and the

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evening, for five days. For the first couple of days he stopped coughing and sneezing. He

started to eat normal food on the fourth day or so. All the medical specialists can't explain

what happened. His condition completely changed in less than five days. My family and I

are truly grateful for Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. I strongly believe without Nopalea, we would

have lost a member of our family. We are indeed eternally grateful for Michael Ellison for

introducing this unique product to the world. I highly recommend Sonoran Bloom Nopalea to

everyone. We know it will change your life, as it has changed my life and the future of my

family. Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony with you all.”*

Kim M., Affiliate Member – Midvale, UT

*Your results may vary. Each person‟s body is different.

“…I felt rested, refreshed and was breathing freely again.”

“Sometimes my sinuses get so blocked, I can hardly breathe, and it wakes me up at night.

Recently, I took a prescribed nasal spray, which hardly gave me any relief. Then, I decided

to take my Nopalea. Within minutes, I felt calm and the inflammation in my sinuses

decreased to the point where I could rest comfortably. When I finally got up to start my day,

I felt rested, refreshed and was breathing freely again. Thank you, Trivita for Nopalea!”

Jean S., Affiliate Member – Glendale, AZ

“After 13 years my husband finally found some relief.”

“My husband has a dreaded, said-to-be incurable auto-immune

disease, called Neurosarcoidosis; yet we have some outstanding news

due to this wonderful nutraceutical breakthrough! We felt energized to

write this testimony and share. I can honestly say that after watching

my husband suffer through thirteen years of headaches, joint, back, rib, muscle, feet, leg

and arm pain, it was a tremendous relief for me to see his pain be relieved. When taking

Nopalea he has mostly pain-free days. Finally after 13 years we have found a natural

product, not some other poisonous pharmaceutical. The Nopalea relieves his pain day after

day with no side effects, and with no threat of damaging other organs of his body.

My husband was very skeptical as he had tried several types of prescribed medications to

attempt to eliminate the disease itself or the symptoms and pain cause by

Neurosarcoidosis. Not much worked.

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It took some strong arming to convince my husband to try Nopalea as he had already

attempted acupuncture, homeopathic products and a multitude of vitamins and supplements

with no relief. In fact, when the Nopalea arrived he set it on the counter for one week and

would not open the box. His fear was that it would not work and he would be greatly

disappointed all over again.

We prayed about it and he finally decided to try it. Much to his surprise, it worked within a

couple of hours – his pain started to diminish! He could not believe it; he thought his mind

was playing tricks on him. Now, he can't stop telling everyone about it. This is a real praise

for us, God does answer prayer; sometimes not in the time frame or way we expect Him


Sheryl C., Affiliate Member – Placerville, CA

*You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare


“…all my back pain is gone. I feel like I am 20

years younger…”

“I have worked in an office for 20 years. Most of this time had been

spent sitting at a desk in which I had developed some lower back pain.

I had gone to doctors and chiropractors with some mixed results but

never got total relief from the pain. No pills or products helped with my pain either.

After using the new Sonoran Bloom Nopalea product for only one week, I noticed a

significant reduction in the back pain that I had been experiencing for many years. I

continued to use the Nopalea product for another few weeks and all of my back pain is

gone. I feel like I am 20 years younger, and my other minor aches and pains have also

been eliminated. This has allowed me to be more active with my family, which is very

important to me. I can now play basketball with my 5-year-old son without any pain. I can

ride bikes with my 9 and 12-year-old daughters as long as I want. This product has

produced a wellness experience for me which I cannot put a price tag on.

I start every day with a serving of Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. It tastes great, and now my

entire family and some of our friends are drinking it. I can't keep enough of it in my

house. Thanks, TriVita, for this great product.”

Mike R., Affiliate Member – Lincoln, NE

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“I know Nopalea works!”

“I've been taking my Nopalea faithfully. It tastes good and God knows I need it. I have type

2 Diabetes, heart disease and other life-threatening diseases. When I was diagnosed with

diabetes five years ago, my blood sugar was over 1000. Yes, 1000. I was hospitalized for

days on insulin drips. What an experience.

I began to develop neuropathy rather quickly. Initially, I lost the feeling in my big toes, and it

spread eventually to all of my toes, then to the pads under my feet. A few months ago, I

began a new phase of neuropathy: sharp pain in my feet. Wow! I never knew sharp pain like


Last week, I stubbed my second toe, but couldn‟t even feel it. I had heard of Nopalea and

was hoping that it would affect my neuropathy, but didn't want to fall into the power of

suggestion. However, in the last two days, I have discovered that the feeling in my feet is

absolutely returning! I can now feel the after affects of the toe I stubbed. I can now rub my

toes together and feel them. Before, I rubbed my toes together and I felt nothing, not even

pressure. The pads under my feet have gone from a total absence of feeling to a feeling of

heaviness and thickness. They've even changed color. I'm experiencing many unusual

sensations in my toes and feet as they re-gain feeling. And, I noticed that I have not had the

stabbing pain in my feet either.

Is it the power of suggestion? I know it's not. You can't make feeling return to your feet by

mere suggestion. I know Nopalea works!”

Kevin G., Affiliate Member – Scottsdale, AZ

“The 6-months of pain in my wrist is gone…I can now lift weights


“I exercise with weights often, but was unable to lift any weights in the

last six months due to pain in my right wrist. My wrist would burn and

ache. It was awful and I decided to take Nopalea™. The 6-months of

pain in my wrist is gone! My body feels a sense of greater energy and I feel much better. I

can now lift weights again without pain. I just know this product is wonderful and the science

behind it backs it up. I feel like so many lives will be changed. My family and I are healthy,

take great Trivita® supplements and now we‟re anticipating an even better wellness

experience with Nopalea!”

Tina G., Affiliate Member – Charlotte, NC

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“After taking Nopalea™, I no longer have pain or inflammation in

my leg.”

“I‟m an Affiliate Director with TriVita® and have been taking two

ounces of Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ for five days now. I had a freak

accident last year that severed a major artery and two tendons in my

leg, resulting in near death, two hospitalizations, three surgeries and

over three months in a leg cast. Since my accident I have not been able to walk barefoot

without limping. When I work out at the gym on the elliptical trainer or run on the treadmill, I

experience pain and swelling in my leg. After taking Nopalea, I no longer have pain or

inflammation in my leg. I‟ve also noticed that when I walk barefoot, I am not limping as badly

as I was before. My family and I are very happy with Nopalea and TriVita!”

Eric W., Affiliate Member – Tampa, FL

“…with a surprised look on his face, he mentioned that his legs

do not hurt.”

“My husband, Bruce, has been taking Nopalea™ since he recently

received his first bottle. Bruce has diabetic peripheral neuropathy in his

legs. He always has a burning sensation, cramps and pain in both

legs. He has not been able to walk any distance at all without pain or

his leg muscles cramping up. Tonight at dinner, with a surprised look

on his face, he mentioned that his legs do not hurt. Bruce is trying out three oz a day of

Nopalea, due to his health issues. He was able to get a response so quickly, and we are all


Denise W., Affiliate Member – Tampa, FL

“The whole body pain I have been experiencing now for about a

year and a half is gone!”

“Just wanted to thank you for Nopalea™. I have noticed so much

difference already since I started taking Nopalea. The whole body pain

I have been experiencing now for about a year and a half is gone! My

joints were swollen so much that I have not even been able to wear my

original wedding ring for 4 years. I finally can now. Thanks so much.”

Pathrecy B., Affiliate Member – Flagstaff, AZ

Page 15: No Pa Lea Wellness Stories and Testimonies

“…it’s going to address a LARGE problem with our population for inflammation…”

“Introduction to a new product is exciting and it‟s a great opportunity for us to share and

earn, make some extra cash but also to share wellness with other people. I‟ve been

involved with TriVita® for a little over two years and I think Nopalea™ will give us an

opportunity to get people involved so there is a fast track to earn more money. I think it‟s

going to address a LARGE problem with our population for inflammation issues and I‟m

excited because everyone around us is excited. It also tastes great! I just ordered my fourth


Ron S., Affiliate Member – Dallas, TX

“This new product is going to rocket this business out of sight!”

“The Nopalea™ is absolutely delicious! I am so excited about Nopalea and what will happen

next. I‟ve been am Affiliate Member for a year an a half. This new product is going to rocket

this business out of sight! The Nopalea story is fantastic and what it did for Michael‟s wife‟s

feet was unbelievable! What it‟s going to do for inflammation is fantastic and I can‟t wait to

really get into taking it!”

Nancy., Affiliate Member – Pennsylvania

“This stuff really works!”

“My wife consistently fights inflammation. Her wedding ring hasn‟t fit for

four years due to inflamed fingers. After taking Nopalea, her ring can

now slide on easily. This stuff really works!

Jon B., Affiliate Member – Flagstaff, AZ

“I am very excited to promote this product.”

“I‟ve been an Affiliate Member for almost a year. I‟m very passionate

about TriVita‟s® products. I am also a medical doctor, which made me

very skeptical at first. I began with TriVita‟s Sublingual B-12 and I soon

found myself feeling better, gaining more strength and able to be a

better mom, wife and professional. B-12 gave me back my fire! As a scientist, we don‟t

actually believe something can work until we try it, and the products I‟ve tried are just

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fantastic. Now with Nopalea™… I‟m so excited to feel the results. I did not know any of the

science behind the product until I went to the launch event, and I‟m sure it will be another

winner. It also tastes good. It has a fruity flavor. I am very excited to promote this product! I

am an example of someone who was in a state of almost a coma for five years – very

depressed, very down and weak. Now I‟ve got my passion back. I would recommend all of

TriVita‟s products and taking the time to learn about them.

Dr. Eva W., Affiliate Member – Blandon, PA

“I would recommend attending an event to others.”

“The introduction to the new product was very good. It was very interesting to learn about

how many plants are useful in the Sonoran Desert. I‟ve been coming to Arizona from Ohio

to visit on vacations for 27 years. I never knew there was anything beneficial about the

cactus plants or other plant life in this desert. I always thought the desert was beautiful, but

never knew what amazing things grew in it. I am a new Affiliate Member and I would

recommend attending an event to others. It was very informative and I got to try Nopalea™.

It tasted good; I was surprised! Usually anything that is good for you tastes awful. It was

very good and sweet.”

Sandy Z., Affiliate Member – Bath, OH

“…I feel this product will revolutionize my business opportunity.”

“Attending the Nopalea™ launch was my first TriVita® event and was very exciting. I was

blown away by the new product. The presentation was phenomenal, well put together and

very professional. I‟ve been an Affiliate Member since September 2008 and I feel this

product will revolutionize my business opportunity. It has great credibility and is home grown

here in the US, which is incredible. The fact that TriVita found it first is just amazing and I‟m

very excited. I would highly recommend that anyone who is interested in TriVita from a

business perspective or just to become a member should attend a launch event. You will

gain added value! The taste is also incredible. It past the „wife test‟ because my wife is very

finicky and she still liked it!”

Mike T., Affiliate Member – Hampton, VA

“I’m really looking forward to telling my buddies about this product…”

“I am excited about the new product! I like anything that may make me feel better as I‟m 52

and feel 82 sometimes. I‟m really looking forward to seeing results with Nopalea™ and

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telling all my buddies about this product who play ball and are sore and arthritic. I‟m looking

forward to introducing it to them and seeing if it will help us get out of bed a little quicker.

I‟ve tasted Nopalea and it tastes great. I was really impressed with it. That is going to be

one less thing that you have to sell, as it will sell itself on taste. I‟m a new Affiliate Member

and I‟m excited. The launch was a great event.”

Brad W., Affiliate Member – Buckeye, AZ