no comment gibraltar-issue-6


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Post on 09-May-2015



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No Comment Gibraltar, weekly digital photo news magazine for Gibraltar. including sports, politics, European elections, protester at No Hate campaign rally speeches.


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“when you are fed up of opinions andpolitics you now have an alternative ...we capture real life in real places and

don’t say much more”

No Comment Editor

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CAKEThe Telemadrid presenter was in Mainstreet conducting interviews beforehe was arrestdedcat the Caleta forraising a Spanish flag.


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V eremonialGuard MountThe Royal Gibraltar Regiment paradedpast the Convent forming theCeremonial Guard Mount. This wasthe first time this traditional ceremonyhas been held since the Guard Housewas refurbished to become the newNumber Six Convent place receptionarea.Moments before the parade started theRe-enactment Society filed past thesame area to the delight of onlookersas they marched in the replicauniforms from the early part of theBritish miliary presence on the Rock.

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Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps MP and James Cracknell Conser-vative election candidate for the South West Region and Gibraltar visited Gibral-tar on Wednesday. They met with Acting Chief Minister John Cortes, leader of theopposition Daniel Feetham, the Governor and Commissioner of Police.

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1095km in aid of charity

A group of local riders arrived on theRock on Saturday after peddling awaythrough 1095km in aid of charity.The charities were Breast CancerSupport Group AND the Altheimer's &Dementia Support Group.

1095km in aid of charity

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dancersfor teaOn Saturday one group of dancerswere the guests of the Mayor at theCity Hall while another gathered atthe Piazza selling cakes and dancingto collection funds for forthcomingtrips.

& ...

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Glyn Ford, South West andGibraltar region Labourcandidate and GrahamWatson, Liberal candidatefor the same region walkedthrough Main Streetspeaking to voters as theEuropean Parliamentaryelections looms closer.

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GFAGrassroots DayThe Gibraltar Football Associationheld its first Grassroots Day sincejoining UEFA last year.The event is part of the UEFAdevelopment football programmewhich sees both young and oldparticipate in numerous footballingevents throughout the day.This yer Jyske Bank donated 12 goalsand a global goal as part of theircontribution to football. In doing sointroducing also Jyske-3-ball gamewhich has been a success in Denmarkin recent years.

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NO HATEUnder the banner Against Homophobia = AgainstALL Hate, local Equality Rights group organisedthe annual IDAHO rally at the Piazza. The eventwas briefly interrupted by a lone protester whowas escorted away.

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museumdayThe Gibraltar Museum once againopened its doors in its annual MuseumDay. Locals, tourists and moreimportantly youngsters were treated totour guides, workshops and other funevents throughout the day.

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i|ÇàtzxFUN The Classic Car Rally once

again showcased acollection of vintage,classic and custom-madevehicles at CasematesSquare, in what is anannual event now.

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