nmi group newsletter july 2011

1 NEWS Sixth Edition With the widespread floods in Namibia’s northern region causing much damage, Namib Mills, under the auspices of Pasta Polana, offered a welcome helping hand to the flood victims. Along with voluntary charitable organisations, Namib Mills launched the Polana Flood Relief Initiative to provide food to the people affected by the floods. The Pasta Polana girls handed out well- prepared pasta meals at the Oshopala and Ekulu camps in Oshakati, as well as at Ondangwa and Olunkono. This followed Pasta Polana’s donation of approximately 300 kg of spaghetti and its sponsorship of the transport of the foodstuffs. While the girls also collected non-perishable foodstuffs from Windhoek supermarkets, the public also delivered items to Namib Mills depots countrywide. Speaking at the handover of the pasta meals, Namib Mills marketing manager Margareth Gustavo said that “the suffering of our fellow Namibians cannot be ignored and Pasta Polana wanted to make a difference to the lives of those affected.” Durante as cheias nas regiões nortenhas da Namíbia, a Namib Mills, sob a protecção da Pasta Polana, ofereceu uma mão amiga às vítimas das cheias. Juntamente com as outras organizações de voluntariado, a Namib Mills encetou uma iniciativa de ajuda alimentar - a Polana Flood Relief Initiative – ao distribuir alimentos às pessoas carenciadas. Devido à doação de massa esparguete pela Pasta Polana, que também assegurou o transporte dos alimentos, as Pasta Polana girls conseguiram distribuir refeições de massa bem confeccionadas. In this issue Highlights Namibian Broiler Project Update Top Score Consumer Promotion CIM Biscuit Plant Pasta Training In Italy Voermeester Nutritionists Company Profile: NMI Group Services Flour Fortification Workshop 4 4 5 7 6 8 9 w w w. n m i g r o u p . c o . z a Namib Mills Supports Flood Relief Internal Audit Exchange Programme 10

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July edition 2011 for NMI Group Newsletter


Page 1: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


NEWSSixth Edition

With the widespread floods in Namibia’s northern region causing much damage, Namib Mills, under the auspices of Pasta Polana, offered a welcome helping hand to the flood victims.

Along with voluntary charitable organisations, Namib Mills launched the Polana Flood Relief Initiative to provide food to the people affected by the floods.

The Pasta Polana girls handed out well-prepared pasta meals at the Oshopala and Ekulu camps in Oshakati, as well as at Ondangwa and Olunkono. This followed Pasta Polana’s donation of approximately 300 kg of spaghetti and its sponsorship of

the transport of the foodstuffs. While the girls also collected non-perishable foodstuffs from Windhoek supermarkets, the public also delivered items to Namib Mills depots countrywide.

Speaking at the handover of the pasta meals, Namib Mills marketing manager Margareth Gustavo said that “the suffering of our fellow Namibians cannot be ignored and Pasta Polana wanted to make a difference to the lives of those affected.”

Durante as cheias nas regiões nortenhas da Namíbia, a Namib Mills, sob a protecção da Pasta Polana, ofereceu uma mão amiga às vítimas das cheias.

Juntamente com as outras organizações de voluntariado, a Namib Mills encetou uma iniciativa de ajuda alimentar - a Polana Flood Relief Initiative – ao distribuir alimentos às pessoas carenciadas.

Devido à doação de massa esparguete pela Pasta Polana, que também assegurou o transporte dos alimentos, as Pasta Polana girls conseguiram distribuir refeições de massa bem confeccionadas.

In this issueHighlights

Namibian Broiler Project Update

Top Score Consumer Promotion

CIM Biscuit Plant

Pasta Training In Italy

Voermeester Nutritionists

Company Profile: NMI Group Services

Flour Fortification Workshop








w w w. n m i g r o u p . c o . z a

Namib Mills Supports Flood Relief

Internal Audit Exchange Programme


Page 2: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


1. Annual financial statements2. Sustainability report3. Integrated report

The integrated report is a new requirement in reporting and is the organisation’s primary report. It is a report to stakeholders on the strategy, performance and activities of the organisation in a manner that allows stakeholders to assess the ability of the organisation as a whole to create and sustain value over the short, medium and long term. The integrated report is a summary of the annual financial statements and the sustainability report and the intention is to curtail the current tendency of large companies producing very lengthy financial and sustainability reports often running into hundreds of pages.

The term sustainable development means different things to different people. But in essence, it is concerned with meeting the needs of people today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is about the fundamental, inter-generational task of the evolution of new economic and business models fit for a human population headed towards nine billion people, living on a small planet which is already in ‘ecological overshoot’. Corporate sustainability is a business approach that creates long-

The Group’s approach to corporate governance is to follow the King III Code of Governance principles. This requires us to go beyond only preparing the traditional set of annual financial statements and now compile three annual corporate reports:

term shareholder value by embracing opportunities and managing risks deriving from environmental, economic and social developments.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a network based organisation that has pioneered the development of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its continuous improvement and application worldwide. Anyone interested in sustainability reporting is encouraged to visit the GRI website, where a wealth of information and guidance is freely available at www.globalreporting.org.

The NMI Group has initiated a project to prepare the first sustainability report for the 2011 financial year. The Group decided to go a bit further and also incorporate benchmarking of best operating practices across all the subsidiaries in addition to sustainability development. This project is a multi-year project and the full benefits are expected to be realised from the 2012 financial year.

The project team is in the process of identifying key performance indicators against which we will measure performance against targets to be set by subsidiary. The areas being assessed are:

Environmental indicators• Water usage• Power usage• Carbon emissions• Fuel usage• Effluent and waste

Human Rights & labour• Non discrimination• Labour practices• Labour relations• Occupational health and safety• Training and education• Diversity and equal opportunity

Society & product responsibility• Community• Corruption• Anti-competitor behaviour• Customer health and safety• Product safety and labelling

Economic• Economic performance• Market presence• Indirect economic impacts

Integrated reporting workshops facilitated by a specialist consultant in the field are scheduled at each of the subsidiaries in July and August 2011. The first NMI sustainability report will be published by the end of October 2011.

Message from the Group’s Chief Financial Officer onIntegrated Reporting

Page 3: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


MENSAGEM DO DIRECTOR FINANCEIRO DO GRUPO SOBRE COMUNICAÇÃO INTEGRADA A abordagem do Grupo para a gestão corporativa é de seguir o código de princípios designado como King II Code of Governance da África do Sul. Isto requer que preparamos, não só as habituais declarações financeiras anuais, mas também três relatórios corporativos anuais: 1. Declarações financeiras anuais 2. Relatório sobre sustentabilidade3. Relatório integrado

O relatório integrado é um novo requisito para a comunicação e torna-se o principal relatório da organização. Trata-se de um relatório para os accionistas sobre a estratégia, o desempenho e as actividades da organização de uma forma que permite aos accionistas avaliarem a capacidade deste organização como um todo, para assim criar e manter o seu valor a curto, médio e longo prazos. O relatório integrado é um sumário das declarações financeiras anuais e do relatório sobre sustentabilidade. A intenção é reduzir a tendência, que existe actualmente, das grandes empresas executarem relatórios financeiros e de sustentabilidade demasiado longos que, por vezes, ultrapassam as centenas de páginas. O termo desenvolvimento sustentável implica várias acepções. Mas na sua essência, o desenvolvimento sustentável preocupa-se com as necessidades das pessoas hoje em dia, sem por em causa o futuro das gerações vindouras. Trata-

se da evolução de um novo paradigma económico, uma tarefa fundamental e inter-geracional, que deverá ter em conta os nove mil milhões de habitantes deste pequeno planeta que se encontra já nos limites ecológicos. A sustentabilidade corporativa é uma abordagem económica que cria um valor, a longo prazo, para os accionistas ao fomentar oportunidades e gerindo os riscos que advêm do desenvolvimento ambiental, económico e social. A Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) é uma organização que tem sido pioneira no desenvolvimento de uma rede de comunicação sobre sustentabilidade e está empenhada em promover continuamente a sua acção mundialmente. Todos aqueles interessados em relatórios de sustentabilidade são convidados a visitar o portal da GRI em www.globalreporting.org, onde existe uma variedade de informações e orientações. O Grupo NMI iniciou um projecto a fim de preparar o primeiro relatório sobre sustentabilidade para o ano financeiro de 2011. O Grupo decidiu ir um pouco mais além desta iniciativa e incorporou formas de aferição das práticas de desempenho em todas as suas empresas subsidiárias. Este projecto irá durar alguns anos e os benefícios só serão colhidos a partir do ano financeiro de 2012. A equipa responsável pelo projecto está em fase de identificar os principais indicadores de desempenho, que irão medir o desempenho de acordo com os objectivos estabelecidos pela empresa subsidiária. As áreas a serem avaliadas são:

Indicadores ambientais • Consumo de água• Consumo de energia• Emissões de carbono• Consumo de combustível• Efluentes e resíduos Direitos humanos e do trabalho• Não discriminação• Práticas laborais• Relações laborais• Saúde e segurança ocupacional• Instrução e educação• Diversidade e igualdade de


Sociedade e responsabilidade peloproduto • Comunidade • Corrupção • Comportamento anti-competitivo• Segurança e sáude do consumidor • Segurança e rotulagem dos


Economic • Desempenho económico• Presença no mercado• Impactos indirectos económicos

Foram organizadas para Julho e Agosto de 2011, em todas as empresas subsidiárias, sessões sobre a elaboração dos relatórios integrados, sessões essas lideradas por um consultor especialista na área. O primeiro relatório sobre sustentabilidade do NIM será publicado até ao final de Outubro de 2011.

Andre Vermeulen

“Our customers simply must get their Bolux products. If no other transport is available, the old donkey cart can still do the trick! This is how our Botswana customers support the Bolux Group.”

Page 4: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


The Group’s broiler company in Namibia, Namib Poultry Industries (NPI), has started with the construction phase of the fully integrated broiler project towards the end of April 2011. Currently more than 30 contractors and sub-contractors are involved in the project and the once quiet Okapuka Farm has been transformed into a vibrant construction site.

Once completed, the business with an initial capacity of 250 000 birds per week will consist of an abattoir, a hatchery, 35 broiler houses, 12 laying houses, six rearing houses, three housing complexes and three office buildings. NPI plans to fully supply the Namibian market and has the ability to increase capacity to 500 000 birds per week.

Construction started on the first broiler and rearing sites as well as on the abattoir and hatchery sites. Overall construction

The majority of Namibians go “back home” to visit family and friends during the holiday season. Top Score therefore decided to name its 2011 national consumer promotion “Top Score Takes Me Home”.

is slightly ahead of schedule and it is expected that the first rearing site will be completed towards the end of September 2011. The first chickens will be placed with the parent stock arriving towards the middle of October 2011.

This large-scale development will contribute greatly to the Namibian economy through direct and indirect employment creation, skills and technology transfers, increasing the tax base and diversification of the economy.

We will continue to report on the progress of this important project in future editions.

A companhia de aviários do Grupo na Namíbia, a Namib Poultry Industries (NPI), iniciou a fase de construção de um projecto aviário totalmente integrado em finais do mês de Abril de 2011. Com uma capacidade

inicial de 250 000 frangos por semana, a NPI planeia abastecer o mercado namibiano e está em condições de aumentar a capacidade para 500 000 frangos por semana.

Namibian Broiler Project Update

The promotion kicked off in March 2011 and closed on 29 May 2011. Fantastic prizes were on offer with consumers standing a chance to win a share of the cash prize to the value of N$ 60 000, as well as three NP200 Nissan bakkies.

The first winner of the NP200, Bosco Imbuwafrom Otjiwarongo at the handing over, withNamib Mills Managing Director, Koos Ferreira.

The second winner of the NP200, Sem Amwaama from Windhoek at the handing over, with Koos Ferreira.

The last winner of the NP200, Ndeshipanda Sheehama from Swakopmund at the handing over, with Koos Ferreira.

Top Score Consumer Promotion

Page 5: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


CIM’s biscuit plant has a long and proud history. Biscuit manufacturing started in 1959 with the installation of two travelling ovens and three batch ovens which operated 24 hours per day employing 380 people on a four shift basis. The product range included 31 different types of both dry and cream filled biscuits, including the ever popular Maria, Agua e Sal and Torrada brands.

The plant remained operational during the civil war, but due to the unavailability of adequate raw material and rising maintenance costs of the outdated equipment the plant was shut down in 1982. Seventeen years later in 1999 CIM once again entered the biscuit market through supplying the only local biscuit factory, Ceres, with low protein flour. CIM also supplied technical assistance to Ceres to improve the biscuit quality and increase flour volumes.

In 2001 CIM entered into a management contract with Ceres to manage the biscuit operation. The Ceres biscuit brands were re-introduced into the local market by streamlining the production processes, improving recipes and upgrading the packaging thereby giving the products a more modern appearance. During this period CIM acquired full ownership of Ceres and production was increased to 250 tons per month by 2004.

A strategic decision was taken in 2005 to move the entire operation to CIM and a Lazer biscuit line with a capacity of 1.2 tons per hour was installed. Dry biscuit sales increased from 250 tons per month to an average of 400 tons per month over a period of four years. However, due to the demand for the traditional dry biscuits, CIM never had the capacity to successfully launch cream biscuits into the market.

CIM acquired a small biscuit plant named Zama Zama in 2008 producing biscuits in bulk. This complemented the current biscuit range and gave CIM’s milling division an outlet for its residue flour. A second Lazer biscuit line was installed in 2010, dedicated to the production of soft and cream biscuits and has a capacity of 1.2 tons per hour. Finally CIM was now in a position to enter the local cream biscuit market.

e melhorando as embalagens dando aos produtos uma aparência mais moderna. Durante este período, a CIM adquiriu a propriedade plena da Ceres e a produção foi aumentada para 250 toneladas por mês até 2004.

Em 2005 foi tomada uma decisão estratégica para mudar toda a operação de confecção para a CIM e foi instalada um tapete transportador Lazer com uma capacidade de 1.2 toneladas por hora. A venda de bolachas secas aumentou de 250 toneladas por mês para uma média de 400 toneladas/mês durante um período de 4 anos. No entanto, devido à elevada procura de bolachas secas, a CIM nunca conseguiu lançar, com sucesso, as bolachas com creme.

A CIM adquiriu em 2008 uma pequena fábrica de bolachas chamada Zama Zama, que produzia bolachas a granel. Isto veio complementar a variedade de bolachas da CIM e adicionou às suas moagens uma forma de tratar os resíduos de farinha. Um segundo tapete transportador Lazer foi instalado em 2010 e é usado na confecção de bolachas macias e bolachas com creme, tendo uma capacidade de 1.2 toneladas/hora. Por fim, a CIM estava agora numa posição para reentrar no mercado interno das bolachas.

A divisão de confecção de bolachas da CIM emprega actualmente 145 trabalhadores e tem grandes planos para o futuro. Tal traz o lançamento de uma nova variedade de bolacha com creme, a Nham e Belita, e a instalação de um alimentador automático na máquina de embalagem da Bosch, para assim ser possível fazer funcionar, em toda a sua capacidade, a linha de confecção original e melhorar a eficiência no processo de embalagem.

CIM Biscuit Plant

CIM’s biscuit division currently employs 145 people and has big plans for the future. These include the launch of a new cream biscuit range, Nham and Belita and the installation of an automatic feeder on the Bosch packaging machine to be able to run the original line at its installed capacity and improve overall packing efficiencies.


A fábrica de bolachas CIM tem uma longa e orgulhosa história. A confecção de bolachas começou em 1959 com a instalação de dois fornos industriais e três fornos de quatro câmaras que operavam 24 horas por dia, e empregavam 380 pessoas em quatro turnos. A variedade de produtos incluía 31 diferentes tipos de bolachas com creme, tais como as famosas marcas bolacha Maria, Água e Sal e Torrada.

A fábrica permaneceu em funcionamento durante a guerra civil, contudo, devido à escassez de matéria-prima e aos elevados custos de manutenção do equipamento desactualizado, a fábrica foi encerrada em 1982. Em 1999, dezassete anos mais tarde, a CIM entrou novamente no mercado do fabrico de bolachas ao fornecer à Ceres, a única fábrica de bolachas local, farinha de trigo de baixa proteína. A CIM também forneceu à Ceres assistência técnica para assim melhorarem a qualidade dos seus produtos e aumentar o volume de farinhas.

Em 2001 a CIM firmou um contrato de gestão com a Ceres para gerir a operação da confecção de bolachas. As marcas de bolachas da Ceres foram reintroduzidas no mercado interno simplificando os processos de produção, aperfeiçoando as receitas

Page 6: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


In the previous Newsletter we reported on the implementation of the Tagetik management information system in the Group. Since then, the NMS project team consisting of Ernest Pachonick and Marco van der Merwe has been hard at work to ensure that the promised implementation date of 30 June 2011 was achieved.

The success of any new management information system depends mainly on the ability of the users to fully utilise it. During the implementation period a training workshop attended by subsidiary financial managers took place at NMS in Pretoria and was followed by intensive on-site training sessions at each subsidiary.

Ernest Pachonick, the project leader, says that, following initial challenges, Tagetik was successfully implemented at each subsidiary within the agreed time frame. He says that financial reporting is now standardised in the Group and monthly reports can now be generated within a fraction of the time previously required. In future, the generation of quarterly board reports will also be automated. Additional advantages include automated currency conversations. Looking ahead,

Tagetik will also assist with the Group’s present focus area, namely sustainability reporting and benchmarking.

According to Marco van der Merwe, Tagetik will serve as the tool to take the Group’s financial analysis and reporting to the next level. It will do so by providing fast and easy access to reliable financial information and metrics through which the management of not only subsidiary companies, but also senior management in the Group can make informed, timely and

relevant decisions regarding the strategic and operational direction of the Group. By making full use of the new system, our Group will become world class in terms of financial reporting.

O novo sistema de informação de gestão Tagetik foi implementado, com sucesso, no Grupo. O sistema visa aperfeiçoar o aspecto financeiro do Grupo e reflectir inovações para que os gestores possam tomar decisões estratégicas e operacionais para o bem do Grupo.


Pasta Training In Italy Late last year Alba van Zyl and Jurgen Hanke of Namib Mills attended a dry pasta training course at the Pavan School of Food Technologies in Castel Franco, Italy.

The purpose of the training was to enhance their knowledge around the technology of pasta production. According to Alba and Jurgen they worked extremely hard, as their comprehensive course included the basics of Rheology which is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in the liquid state, but also soft solids like pasta.

They also looked at production technology: kneading and extrusion, application of thermodynamics to the drying process, heat treatments, the drying process, energy recovery and efficiency. They spent time at the Pavan Research & Development

facilities, as well as observing pasta production tests, packaging, preventative maintenance, sample evaluation, process automation, hygiene and hygienic safety and non-conventional pasta production.

Between all the hard work they did manage to also fit in some sightseeing in Venice and Florence.

A Sra. Alba van Zyl e o Sr. Jurgen Hanke, da Namib Mills, fizeram um curso sobre massas secas na Escola Pavan em Tecnologia de Alimentos, em Castelfranco, na Itália. Aprenderam a melhorar os seus conhecimentos em tecnologias de produção de massas. Apesar do árduo trabalho, ainda conseguiram visitar alguns lugares em Veneza e Florença.

Page 7: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


Congratulations to Dany Martins, CIM’s Bakery Division Sales Manager for his successful completion of the University of Pretoria’s GIBS Business School’s Programme for Management Development (PMD).

This programme is designed to develop leadership and management skills and equip managers with the necessary skills to better understand the rapidly changing and competitive business environment. Dany said his experience at GIBS was one of self-development and discovery. “Having practical experience as a manager isn’t always enough and being presented with an opportunity to further develop your skills in this ever-changing global market is critical.”

He feels that GIBS really challenges all the “norms” and pushes managers to look beyond their immediate environment and consider all related factors involved. According to Dany there is an old saying: ”If

Dala du Plessis joined the Group in June 2011 as a technical monogastric nutritionist at Voermeester in Windhoek.

Dala studied BSc Agric (Animal Science) at the University of Pretoria and soon discovered that she had a passion for animal nutrition. After graduating in 2007 she started her Masters degree and also received the South African Society for Animal Science National Merit award as well as the Professor C. Maree bursary for outstanding academic achievement.

Although Dala grew up in South Africa’s Limpopo Province, she was born in Pretoria, where she completed her high school education at Menlo Park High. Dala is married to Christo du Plessis who is also a technical nutritionist at Voermeester. They are expecting their first child in December. Being a nature lover, Dala enjoys any outdoor activity, especially horse riding and hiking, but she is equally happy with a good book and good company.

Like her colleague, Dala, Claudia Mack also joined Voermeester in June 2011, but as a

it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The problem is, if you don’t change and adapt to suit your market, it may as well be broken.”

Well done, Dany!

Muitos parabéns ao Sr. Dany Martins, gerente de vendas da secção de panificação da CIM, que conseguiu completar o programa GIBS - desenvolvimento e gestão (PMD) - promovido pela Business School da Universidade de Pretória. Este programa visa desenvolver competências em gestão e desenvolvimento e apetrechar os gestores com os saberes necessários para assim melhor compreender as mudanças e a competição no mundo empresarial. O Sr. Martins disse que a sua experiencia no GIBS fui algo enriquecedor e uma descoberta.“O facto de termos experiência prática como gerente não é sempre suficiente, e ter esta oportunidade para aperfeiçoar as minhas

competências para enfrentar o mercado global é crítico.”O Sr. Martins acha que o GIBS desafia as normas e obriga os gestores a olhar para alem do mercado onde se inserem e a ponderar todos os factores. Segundo o Sr. Martins, há um ditado popular: “não vale a pena mexer no que está bem”; contudo, se não houver mudanças e adaptações ao mercado, no fim de contas, nada ficará bem

Parabéns, Dany!

technical ruminant nutritionist.While studying for a BSc Agric (Animal Science) at the University of Stellenbosch, Claudia also discovered her passion for animal nutrition. In 2008 Claudia graduated top of her class with a Honours degree in ruminant nutrition. This was followed by a Masters degree in ruminant nutrition in 2011 focusing on dairy cattle nutrition under the supervision of well-known Professor Christian Cruywagen.Born and raised in Windhoek, Claudia completed her Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE) and her Abitur at the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule in Windhoek.

Having been raised in a family of horse riders, she has been a passionate rider (show jumping and dressage) for most of her life. Besides horse riding Claudia also enjoys cycling, reading and listening to music.

Dala du Plessis desempenha a função de técnica de nutrição de monogástricos na Voermeester na Namíbia desde Junho de 2011. A Sra. du Plessis tem um Bacharelato

em Ciências (Ciência Animal) – BSC Agric - pela Universidade de Pretória onde também obteve o grau de mestrado. Durante os seus estudos recebeu um prémio de mérito e uma bolsa pelo seu extraordinário desempenho académico. Está casada com o Sr. Christo du Plessis, que também desempenha a mesma função na Voermeester.

A Sra. Claudia Mack também se aliou ao Grupo, na Voermeester, como técnica de nutrição em ruminantes em Junho de 2011. A Sra. Mack fez o Bacharelato em Ciências (Ciência Animal) – BSC Agric - pela Universidade de Stellenbosch e, em 2008, concluiu os seus estudos como melhor aluna do curso ao obter uma Licenciatura em nutrição em ruminantes. Em 2011, a Sra. Mack obteve o grau de mestrado na mesma área.

Dany Martins Completes The Gibs PMD

Voermeester Nutritionists

Senki Gaolecwe (17 years)

Claudia Mack Dala du Plessis

Page 8: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


NMI Group Services, or NMS as it is commonly known, is based in Pretoria and was established in 1989 to provide specialised support services to the Group’s subsidiaries.

NMS is the only subsidiary in the Group that is not involved in the direct production of any food products and is a service orientated company that aims to deliver high level internal support to assist the Group’s other subsidiaries to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and improve workflow, thereby maintaining and improving the Group’s competitive advantage in the markets in which it operates in.

Through a dedicated team of professionals NMS provides the following support services: Strategic management, financial management, marketing, internal audit, technical, strategic human resource management and grain procurement. In addition, NMS also provides support to the NMI Group Board of Trustees and

Our Mozambican subsidiary, CIM, sent 16 of its middle and junior managers as well as six union representatives on a training course in negotiation techniques.

The objective of the course, conducted from 12 to 14 April 2011, was to equip the participants with practical tools and techniques to help find quick and appropriate solutions in any labour conflict situation arising on the shop floor.

The training is part of the company’s strategy to improve communication between the labour unions and management. At the same time it was meant to help union members getting an understanding of their appropriate role and therefore build an improved partnership.

It is envisaged to host the two remaining modules of the three-part training programme in August and November this year.

the various Board Committees. Looking at the future, NMS is responsible for the implementation of the Group’s new management information system, Tagetik, as well as sustainability reporting and benchmarking.

At present NMS has 14 employees and is managed by Andre Vermeulen, the NMI Group’s Chief Financial Officer. His executive management team consists of David Conroy (Group Internal Audit Manager), Ernest Pachonick (Group Financial Manager), Hennie Janse van Rensburg (Group Marketing Executive), Wouter Mentz (Group Procurement Specialist) and Heinrich Stevens (Group Company Secretary).

Os NMI Group Services, também conhecidos como NMS, estão localizados em Pretória e foram estabelecidos em 1989 para prestar serviços de apoio especializados às empresas subsidiárias do Grupo. De momento, os NMS contam com 14 empregados e são geridos pelo Sr. Andre Vermeuleu, o director financeiro do Grupo NMI.

A CIM em Moçambique enviou 16 dos seus gestores médios e juniores e seis sindicalistas num curso em técnicas de negociação.

O objectives do curso foi equipar os participantes com competências e

NMI Group Services

CIM Middle Management and Union Training


técnicas para encontrar soluções rápidas e adequadas em casos de conflito laboral no local de emprego.

Faz parte da estratégia da empresa aprimorar os elos de comunicação entre os sindicatos e a administração.

Susan and Johanna hard at work

Page 9: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


A representative from CIM participated in a flour fortification workshop held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 4 to 8 April 2011.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide technical training on flour fortification to millers, food control personnel as well as regulatory and public health laboratory officials. The attendees were responsible for the key components in national flour fortification programmes in a number of Southern African countries. At the workshop they were required to test the proposed monitoring and surveillance toolkit which will validate the programme and its impact in the short and medium term.

CIM was represented at the workshop by quality assurance manager, Amândio Simão. Officials from the Mozambican Ministries of Trade and Health also attended.

During the workshop each participating country was given the opportunity to report on the progress made with its respective fortification programme. The Mozambican delegation highlighted the country’s key achievements which include approval of the programme, budget and the staple

Bolux has embarked on a campaign aimed at creating increased brand awareness of its products. The campaign started in Gaborone and will eventually cover the whole country. A1 Super Maize Meal is cooked for tasting and there are prizes on offer to consumers.

foods chosen for fortification as well as the vitamins and minerals which would be added.

For CIM it is important to make the consumer aware of the fortification of its Top Score range of products while expanding fortification to other products. The company will also benefit from sharing in the experiences of other NMI subsidiaries involved in fortification programmes.

Um representante da CIM participou numa sessão sobre fortificação de farinhas, realizada em Dar es Salaam, na Tanzânia, de 4 a 8 de Abril de 2011.

O objectivo da sessão visou treinar os moleiros, o pessoal da qualidade de alimentos e os funcionários de saúde pública em práticas relacionadas com a fortificação de farinhas

Os participantes são responsáveis pelas componentes essenciais em programas nacionais de fortificação de farinhas em vários países da África subsariana. Nesta sessão foi-lhes solicitado testar o kit de ferramentas proposto para

a monitorização, que tornará válido o programa e o seu impacto a curto e médio prazos.

O Sr. Amândio Simão, o gerente de qualidade, representou a CIM nesta sessão. Alguns funcionários dos Ministérios do Comércio e da Saúde de Moçambique também estiveram presentes.

Durante a sessão, foi dada a cada estado-membro participante uma oportunidade para falar sobre o progresso feito nos seus respectivos programas de fortificação de farinhas.

A delegação moçambicana focou os empreendimentos feitos em Moçambique, que incluem a aprovação do programa, o orçamento e os alimentos básicos escolhidos para a fortificação, bem como as vitaminas e os minerais adicionados.

Para a CIM é importante esclarecer o consumidor sobre a fortificação da sua linha de produtos Top Score enquanto alarga a fortificação a outros produtos. A empresa irá beneficiar da troca de experiências com as restantes empresas subsidiárias da NMI que se dedicam a programas de fortificação.

Flour Fortification Workshop

Bolux Promotional Campaign

Page 10: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


Alwyn BarnardAlwyn Barnard joined the NMI Group in 2008 when he was appointed as an animal nutritionist at Voermeester in Namibia. In February 2011 he became the company’s ruminant marketing & sales manager and was appointed to his present position as general manager of Veekos, a subsidiary company of Voermeester in Upington, during May 2011.

Born in Rustenburg in 1981, Alwyn completed his high school education at the Garsfontein High School in Pretoria. He continued his tertiary education at the University of Pretoria and received a B.Sc (Agric) in 2004. He is currently busy with a MBA at the University of Stellenbosch.

He started his career as a farm manager of a dairy farm outside Pretoria following which

Companies are required to establish and maintain an effective internal audit function to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance processes. The NMI Group’s internal audit function was established in November 2006 and the department is based at NMI Group Services in Pretoria. David Conroy is the internal audit manager and his team consists of Graeme van Schalkwyk, Brand Coetzee and David Marais.

In February 2011 the NMI internal audit team visited Les Moulins de la Concorde (LMLC), an associate company of the NMI Group based in Port Louis, Mauritius to conduct a combined audit together with the LMLC internal audit team. In June 2011 the LMLC internal auditors reciprocated to undertake an audit of Namib Mills in Windhoek jointly with the Group’s internal audit team.

In addition to establishing a stronger relationship between the two internal audit teams, the main objective of the combined audits was to exchange ideas and working methodologies on internal audit. According to David Conroy, both teams benefitted

greatly from the exercise and similar collaborations will certainly be considered in the future.

Em Fevereiro de 2011, a equipa de auditoria interna do Grupo NMI visitou a empresa associada Les Moulins de la Concorde (LMLC),

F.l.t.r.: Tony Elliot (Independent consultant), Graeme van Schalkwyk (NMS), Kevin Maurymoothoo (LMLC), David Marais (NMS), Brand Coetzee (NMS), Fouad Chundoo, Fabrice Koenig (LMLC), David Conroy (NMS)

he joined AFGRI as a technical advisor in South Africa’s Mpumalanga province. According to Alwyn, his favourite quote is “be as good a leader as you can, so the day you leave, people can say we did it ourselves”.

Alwyn is married to Alda and they are expecting their first child, a daughter, in August 2011. He likes to watch rugby with friends while enjoying a cold beer and remains a loyal supporter of the Blue Bulls rugby team despite their recent poor performance.

O Sr. Alwyn Barnard juntou-se ao Grupo em 2008. Em Maio de 2011 foi nomeado gerente geral da Veekos, uma companhia que produz ração animal em Upington.

Internal Audit Exchange Programme

em Port Louis nas Ilhas Maurícias, para levar a cabo uma auditoria junto com a equipa interna da LMLC. E em Junho de 2011, os auditores da LMLC retribuíram essa visita e juntaram-se à equipa de auditoria do Grupo, em Windhoek, para auditarem juntos os Namib Mills.


Page 11: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011

VEEKOS Long Service

Windvoel Leserwane (21 years)

Richard Mokomele Leon Wylbacht Chris Gaerhijwe

Senki Gaolecwe (17 years)

20+ yEARS

20+ yEARS

10 yEARS

15+ yEARS

Louis Jacobus (29 years) Goodboy Landu (29 years)

BotswanaBTC 0800 600 644Orange 1144Mascom 7111 96 97

Mozambique+27 31 571 5697

Namibia0800 205 082

South Africa0800 205 082

Swaziland+27 31 571 5697









In order to contact Tip-Offs please call the following numbers:South Africa and Namibia: 0800 205 082Mozambique: +27 31 571 5697Botswana: BTC 0800 600 644, Orange 1144, Mascom 7111 96 97Swaziland: +27 31 571 5697Or [email protected]

you can make a difference and therefore we encourage each and every employee to report any form of crime. Remember, you have the right to remain anonymous!

Tip-offs Anonymous


NGWANE Long Service AwardsThe Ngwane Group hosted a special function at Ngwane Mills on 13 May 2011 to present long service awards to a large number of its employees.

Managing Director, Will McConville, together with the guest speaker at the event, Ms Gciniwe Fakudze, CEO of the Matsapha Town Board, made the presentations in three categories to the company’s employees:

5-year long service awards were presented to 61 employees.

10-year long service awards were presented to 34 employees.

15-year long service awards were presented to 28 employees.

Congratulations to all our dedicated employees for their loyalty and hard work! Special thanks go to Ngwane’s Group Human Resources Manager, Nonhlanhla Nsingwane, for organising the well-planned ceremony.

A 13 de Maio de 2011, o Grupo Ngwane realizou um evento, na Ngwane Mills, onde entregou aos seus empregados cerca de 123 prémios por tempo de serviço.

Dries Banda (21 years)

Sixboy Thabong (23 years)

Page 12: NMI Group Newsletter July 2011


When we launched the NMI Group Newsletter in 2008 our mission was to establish an effective way to keep each and every employee in the Group informed of new developments, new products and most importantly, how our people are contributing to the success of our Group. We are now in the fourth year of publication and I think it is safe to say that the Newsletter has contributed greatly to raise awareness of the many interesting things that are happening around NMI.

When I joined the Group twelve years ago, little employee interaction took place between the various subsidiaries.

Today there is an increasing awareness amongst most of us to, not only share our knowledge and experiences, but also to learn from others. Looking at some of the articles that have appeared in the Newsletter, it is clear that employee interaction between our subsidiaries is increasing at a rapid rate. Examples of this include the various GIBS courses, the Financial Forum, the Human Resource Workshop and in this edition, the internal audit collaboration. We encourage you to share your interaction with the rest of us, so send your stories with photographs.

In this issue we take a closer look at CIM’s biscuit plant. In the past we have featured our various subsidiaries and now that they are covered, we are going to look at the departments within the subsidiaries. This will give you the opportunity to experience what each subsidiary does on a much more detailed basis.

From Sandra and myself, a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this Newsletter. Remember, we can only share your stories with the rest of the Group if you send them to us for publication. Also, we always welcome constructive suggestions to improve the Newsletter, so feel free to contact us in this regard. Finally, all the past editions are available on the Group’s website at www.nmigroup.co.za Heinrich

Congratulations to Brand Coetzee from NMS who recently obtained his BCom Hons Financial Accounting degree from UNISA

12 Parkland Building • 223 Bronkhorst Street • New Muckleneuk •PretoriaTel: 012 346 2160 • Fax: 012 460 8803

Editorial Message







NAMIB MILLSJanuary: Leon Fleming, Assistant

Packing Manager June: Bianca Visagie, Depot

Manager Katima Mulilo

NGWANE GROUPFebruary: Nkosinathi Dlamini,

Technical Advisor March: Bheki Khumalo, Bakery

Support Specialist and Zinhle Dube, Sales Represantative

Brand Coetzee

Suzanne van Dyk - Accountant







3.Good corporate citizens

Value employees and teamwork

Passionate about our brands

Exceed stakeholder expectations

We are a learning organisation

“Proudly feeding the nation”

“10 by 2020”Market value of R10 billion by 2020

Our vision will be achieved through being:

A respected world-class organisation firmly entrenched in the African consumer market

A provider of superior and affordable foods

The brand leader in all our product categories

Preferred employer

Dynamic, innovative, visionary company

Transformed AGRI business