nmc committee minutes 2014 5 approved


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NMC Committee Minutes

Tuesday 20th May 2014

Page 2: Nmc committee minutes 2014 5 approved


John Dalrymple (JD), Adrian Wilson (AW), Peter Flegg (PF), Ian Birtwistle (IB), Andrew Shanks (AS), Alastair Boardman (AB), Ed Sciberras (ES), Eva Diran (ED)

1 Apologies

Ian Ross (IR), David Angel (DA)

2 Approval of Minutes of last meeting

Minutes approved with corrections

3 Action Points and Matters Arising

• 4 people have applied for prospective membership as a result of the get outside meets

• Get outside meets to continue, posibbility of extending to cover arrival of students to be investigated

• IB will continue developing links between NMC and university clubs.

• T shirt and hoodie orders to go through contingent on verifying that the same quality is available in the reduced quantity order

• Provisional quantitites:


T-shirt 1 6 12 6 1

Hoodie 1 6 12 6 1

Women's Tee 6 6

• Sale price to be decided once cost price is known for certain

• ED will store T-shirts and hoodies, all members will be responsible for sales

• Action on DA to confirm order

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4 Correspondence

• Hadrian Leisure have indicated that they are keen to reset routes but want confirmation that the NMC will be climbing at Burnside next year

◦ There is a possibility to change the arrangements with the fees from a system where money goes to HL and NMC makes up any shortfall to one where the NMC collects money and pays HL a fixed fee.

◦ HL want to explore cross marketing with NMC

◦ HL have limited negotiating room on fees due to being constrained by their PPI arrangement.

◦ Action on AW and ED to meet with HL

▪ Initial NMC proposal – fortnightly NMC use of Burnside, NMC retains the ability to book the conference room, NMC pays HL £80-100 for each session

• PF raised the issue of clarity with what the NMC owes HL

◦ All future invoices must be authorised

◦ ED to be informed of attendance each week in order to authorise invoice

5 Membership

• AW has produced report

• Contribution of PF and JM in chasing up members who missed renewal has paid dividends

• Significant number of new prospective members

• AW will forward all outstanding GoCardless statements to ED

• AW proposed extending GoCardless to cover all payments to the NMC, such as for guidebooks, meets and t-shirts

• Learn to Lead course arranged for the 21st of June

◦ Destination to be a Northumberland crag chosen by instructors based on weather on the day

◦ Individuals will be charged £30 each

◦ John Punshon and Tim Hakim will be instructing, with a 8 student places between them

◦ 4 students have applied so far.

6 Communications

• Working party has yet to meet

• JS is of the opinion that the NMC communications strategy is now fit for purpose

• 123reg payment is in question - *Action on IB to verify payment successful*

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7 Guidebooks

• JD reported on meeting with Steve Blake and Chris Graham

◦ The experience of other clubs such as the Fell and Rock suggests that new printed guidebooks are no longer profit-making

◦ The guidebook effort is recast as a strategic project to maintain the NMC's position as the authority on Northumberland climbing.

◦ New guides to be produced as handcrafted pdfs to be distributed for free on the newly developed route website NorthumberlandClimbing.com

▪ As a pilot, the existing online guide attached to the NMC website will be repurposed to distribute these pdfs

▪ Will not compete with existing NMC printed guides

◦ A route database is proposed for a separate section of the NorthumberlandClimbing website, modelled on bleau.info

◦ It may be possible to obtain BMC subsidy to support this effort – the BMC has supported similar efforts elsewhere

◦ The committee approved the purchase of a computer and appropriate software for use in producing guides for a cost of approximately £1500.

▪ Steve Blake will buy the PC and be reimbursed by the club, ED to handle this.

◦ **Action on JD to find the cost of maintaining a regional route database, using Yorkshire Grit as a model**

8 Services

• JS proposes Sandy Crag as a candidate for cleanup

◦ JS has made initial contact with landowner

◦ JS will coordinate

◦ AW has publicised the event

◦ *Action on JS – investigate implications of SSSI status on Sandy Crag*


• Little progress has been made on the BMC festival of walking and climbing, likely to be cancelled due to lack of interest.

• JD has the original document for the Everest Challenge charity event the NMC did with Oxfam in the past and will pass it to JS for inclusion in the County Climber

9 Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 24th of June