nlp in performance coaching

www.nlppowertraining.c NLP in Performance Coaching

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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A lot of challenges and factors  can keep people from improving their performance and make changes to attain success. It can be a real struggle to move forward easily when you are stressed, overwhelmed, lack interpersonal and communication skills and  not being able  to improve quickly. 


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NLP in Performance


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A lot of challenges and factors  can keep people from improving their performance and make changes to attain success. It can be a real struggle to move forward easily when you are stressed, overwhelmed, lack interpersonal and communication skills and  not being able  to improve quickly. 

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By using NLP in Performance Coaching, we can identify these roadblocks to improvement, break the pattern of behavior and come up with new means to attain success.

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NLP in Performance Coaching is about identifying what we really want and coming up with an action plan to get what we want in our life. It may have the same objective as other types of coaching, that is to teach people and let them grow to achieve their goals.  

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What makes it different is that the changes are lasting and rapid and the effects take place even  in  our unconscious mind. These changes are seen in our behavior patterns  and on some aspects we are not even aware of consciously  in  the moment. This may also be called transformational coaching.

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Performance Coaching with NLP helps  you delve deeper and lets you find the answers to the following questions you may constantly ask yourself:

•What is holding me back when I want to be successful so badly?

•How can I fight stress and be more relaxed?

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•How can I be more in control of my energy and my time?

•How can I be in control of my emotions and be more rational?

•How can I beat the habit of procrastinating?

•How can I improve on my performance and be on top of everything?

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It is a challenge to make changes within you such as on the issues we have previously raised. Our behavior and emotions are created unconsciously. While we are consciously making the choice to change, the real learning and change takes place in the unconscious level of our mind. 

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This is where NLP in Performance Coaching comes in. NLP serves as an instructional manual for discovering the resources within ourselves and using them to the full potential.

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We can apply NLP in Performance Coaching in the workplace as an effective tool to change the behavior and attitude of the people towards a better performance.

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The objective is to bring out the best in the workers in terms of finding out  the hidden potential,  creativity, self-esteem, motivation, and efficiency.  

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With an improved and better performance, the workplace may have more trust, team building and more empowerment among the workers to think outside the box for solutions. 

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Together, they will set goals that may be achieved;  eliminating roadblocks to feel the effects of success in their work performance.

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A significant improvement  on performance takes place when we become accountable and responsible for our actions and thoughts. The main key is to be aware of what you really want to change that prevents you from attaining your goal.  

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NLP is so powerful that it usually creates changes immediately. The changes should take place within you simply made possible and facilitated by a Performance Coach who makes sure that you apply the NLP techniques and models