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Colegio Los CampitosEnglish Coordination

NAME: _________________________________________________.

DATE: __________________________________________________.


1. Read each exercise carefully. 2. Think before you answer. 3. Check your work. 4. Remember to work neatly.

1. Writing sentencesA. Write sentence or not a sentence for each group of words

1. Many hands make light work.2. Lost time is never found again.3. All work and no play.4. Haste makes waste.5. A bad worker.6. Will be a new day.7. In the bush.8. Love will find a way.9. Fortune helps the brave.10.In glass houses.11.Time flies.12.Too many cooks.13.Sweeps clean.14.One good turn deserves another.15.Are better than one.

2. Four Kinds of Sentences A. After each sentence write declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

1. The blue whale is the largest animal.2. It is bigger than thirty elephants.3. How much does it eat every day?

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4. It eats from four to eight tons of food a day.5. What a huge appetite it has!6. Blue whales are so gigantic!7. Does it really weigh 100 tons?8. The Antarctic blue whale weighs up to 150 tons!9. It spends six months a year feeding in Antarctic waters.10.A blue whale is about twenty-five foot long at birth.11.What a big baby that is!12.How much does a baby blue whale weigh?13.Please read the sign to find out.14.It weighs about two tons at birth.15.Note the size of that whale.16.Whales consume hundreds of tons of plankton each year.17.A young whale can gain as much as ninety pounds a day.

3. Complete Subjects and PredicatesA. Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice.

1. The sound thrilled Columbus.

2. His long journey into the unknown was a success.

3. Columbus shouted to Captain Pinzón.

4. A night landing would be too dangerous.

5. The hours until dawn crept by.

6. The tree ships found a suitable harbor at daybreak.

7. Small boats carried the sailors ashore.

8. Tears of joy filled Columbus’s eyes.

9. The thankful sailors fell on the beach.

10.Columbus named the island San Salvador.

11.Columbus discovered the island of Cuba two weeks later.

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12.His fleet navigated the water around the Bahamas.

13.Natives of Hispaniola wore golden ornaments.

14.The Santa Maria went around near Cap Haitian.

15.Forty of Columbus’s crewmen founded a small fort.

16.Storms plagued the return voyage to Europe.

17.Columbus’s two ships arrived safely in Lisbon Harbor.

4. Simple SubjectsA. Underline the simple subject in each sentence.

1. The game of table tennis was first played in 1889.

2. James Gibb invented the game.

3. He made paddles from cigar boxes.

4. Old bottle corks served as the first balls.

5. Gibb´s dinner table was the playing surface.

6. Gibb called his game Gossima.

7. The English inventor developed better balls and paddles.

8. The new game was not popular at first.

9. Gibb´s lawyer renamed the game Ping-Pong a few years later.

10.People in Europe played the game enthusiastically.

5. Simple PredicatesA. Underline the simple predicate.

1. Coyotes are not lonely animals.

2. They live in family units most of the time.

3. Coyotes make their homes in underground dens.

4. Some have chosen natural caves in rocky areas,

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5. The female coyote guards her pups with care.

6. The babies stay near the den.

7. A mother coyote will fight all intruders savagely.

8. Coyotes hunt at night in populated areas.

9. They search for food at all hours in the wild.

10.Desert coyotes may rest during the hot midday.

6. Locating Subjects in Sentences.A. Underline the subject of each sentence. If the sentence is imperative, write you at the end of the sentence.

1. Please give me some tips on bird-watching.

2. Do I need a pair of binoculars?

3. Is morning the best time for bird-watching?

4. Do all birds fly south in the fall?

5. Look up migration in the guide book.

6. Do you see that formation of geese?

7. Lend me your binoculars, please.

8. May I adjust these glasses?

9. Keep careful notes on the birds.

10.Compare those pictures with the real geese.

11.Look at all those birds.

12.Is autumn beginning already?

13.Turn on the furnace tonight.

14.Will we harvest the corn on Saturday?

15.Do you want to help?

16.Buy a big pumpkin for Halloween.

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17.Does fall begin on September 22 this year?

18.Check the calendar over there.

19.Put away your bathing suits.

20.Get out your jackets and caps.

7. Writing with NounsA. Underline the nouns in each sentence.

1. Paul Bunyan is the hero of many tales.

2. Lumberjacks made up stories about his strength.

3. This powerful man could easily cut down a whole forest.

4. Paul was a fast runner, too.

5. The friendly giant could beat his own shadow!

6. A great blue ox named Babe lived with Paul.

7. The very heavy pet left his footprints in solid rock.

8. The ox could haul a forest of logs.

9. The logger and his crew lived in a huge bunkhouse.

10.The chimney almost touched the sun.

11.Paul Bunyan cut down trees in Minnesota.

12.His sawmill was in Louisiana.

13.The giant needed logs for his mill.

14.No rivers or road had been built.

15.So Paul and Babe dug the Mississippi River!

B. Underline the nouns in each sentence. Then write whether each noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

Example: Paul made his own ax.Answer: Paul (person), ax (thing).

Paul Bunyan had tremendous power._________________________________________________.

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His voice shook every tree in the forest._________________________________________________.Paul dug Lake Michigan for a bathtub._________________________________________________.His handkerchief was a sheet._________________________________________________.The giant used a tree as a comb._________________________________________________.

8. Common and Proper Nouns

A. Underline the common nouns once, and the proper nouns twice.1. Norfolk is the largest city.

2. Ships from Norfolk sail across Chesapeake Bay to the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Nearby Virginia Beach is a great place for a vacation.

4. Ships are built in Newport News.

5. The Pentagon is in Arlington.

6. The students also visited the capitol in Richmond.

7. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy.

8. On Monument Avenue are statues of great heroes.

9. The trip ended on Skyline Drive.

10.The Blue Ridge Mountains can be seen from this road.

11.These mountains extend into North Carolina.

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9. Singular and Plural NounsA. Write the plural form of each noun.

1. fox ____________________

2. body ___________________

3. stone ___________________

4. valley ___________________

5. thief ____________________

6. cry ____________________

7. lunch __________________

8. rodeo __________________

9. eyelash _________________

10.loss ____________________

11.self _________________ ________________

13.hero _________________ __________________

15.tooth _________________

16.deer __________________ __________________ _________________

19.lock _________________ _________________

B. Write the plural form of each word in the list next to the correct clue.potato half turkey peach

sheep reindeer mouse thief

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1. Cats chase these animals. _______________

2. They have eyes, but they do not see. _______________

3. One of these animals is named Rudolph. _______________

4. This type of fruit grows on trees. _______________

5. They are lambs when they are young. _______________

6. Two of these make a whole. _______________

7. Many of these are eaten on Thanksgiving. _______________

8. Another word for them is robbers. _______________

9. Possessive Nouns

A. Write the possessive form of each noun, then write a sentence with each one.

1. house __________________________________________________.

2. mice __________________________________________________.

3. glass __________________________________________________.

4. men __________________________________________________.

5. plates__________________________________________________.

6. turkey _________________________________________________.

7. dish ___________________________________________________.

8. cranberries _______________________________________________.

9. Mr. Jones _________________________________________________.

10.guests ___________________________________________________.

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10. Pronouns

A- Rewrite each sentence. Replace the underlined words for pronouns.

* These people have been doing this for years.______________________________________________________________________* Erica gave me a book that belonged to Jose.______________________________________________________________________* Janice took Ken and me to the new park.______________________________________________________________________* Rescue workers found three people after the snowstorm.______________________________________________________________________* The workers brought the workers’ first aid kit.______________________________________________________________________* Mary and Jerry’s parents drove across town.______________________________________________________________________* The puppy ran to the puppy’s mother.______________________________________________________________________

B- Circle the correct form of the pronoun in parenthesis to complete the sentence.

* Our teacher is taking (we, us) to the museum.* (We, us) children learned a lot about dinosaurs.* The huge frame of bone and metal towered over (the teacher and me,

me and the teacher).* Scientists tell (we, us) students they are not sure about certain things.* The guide told (Jenny and I, Jenny and me) to quiet down.* Miss Turner told Sally and (I, me) to sit together.


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1. The President of The United States ____________ (live) in the White


2. Airplanes ________________ (make) a lot of noise.

3. The sea _________________ (cover) two thirds of the world.

4. Loud music ________________ (give) me a headache.

5. Mr. And Mrs. Perez _________________ (live) in Caracas.

6. Students ________________ (work) hard to improve their grades.

7. Every day, Lina _______________ (brush) her hair.

8. I __________ (to be) not going to the party.

9. We ____________ (take) a walk every day.

10. She ______________ (know) what you ___________ (to be) doing.


1. Yesterday evening I ____________________ TV.

2. I _________________ my teeth three times yesterday.

3. Bernard ________________ the dishes last week.

clean die enjoy finish happen liveopen play rain wash start staywant watch

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4. The concert last night ____________ at 7:30pm and ______________

at 10 o’clock.

5. The accident ________________ last Sunday afternoon.

6. When I was a child, I ________________ to be a doctor.

7. Mozart ______________ from 1756 to 1791.

8. We ________________ our holiday last year. We _______________ at

a very good hotel.

9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it ____________________.

10.It was hot in the room, so I _______________ the window.

11.The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we

____________________ tennis.

12.William Shakespeare ____________________ in 1616.

A- Underline the verb in each sentence. Write on the line if it’s an action or linking verb.

* The marchers listened to the noise. _______________* The president waits on the steps of the capitol. ______________* The president seems like a happy man. _______________* Former Navy workers tried hard to not cry. ______________* She was such a great student. _____________* My father tastes every food he can. ________________* Thos potatoes smell amazing! ______________* The dog smells every person he gets close to. _______________* My father waits for my mom at the bus station. _______________* He became a great doctor after he graduated.


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B- Draw one line under the helping verb, and two lines under the main verb.

* Many scientists have studied wonderful things.* Some animals are resting during the winter.* Its weight has increased from all the food.* The penguins have huddled together for warmth.* The eggs of the penguins will hatch soon.

C-Complete the sentence with the correct helping verb.

* I ____________ been to Canada and Alaska.* We __________ see Benjamin tomorrow.* They _____________ going to be at the party.* Snow ______________ falling in the forest.* She ________________ wondered about that many times.* Their long winter sleep ___________ started.* He ____________ fall if he isn’t careful.

D-Complete the sentence with the correct form of the main verb in parenthesis.

* I have ________________ to go there forever. (want)* We will ________________ dinner at Jane’s house. (eat)* They are _______________ for New York tomorrow. (leave)* He has ______________ there many times. (be)* She was ______________ very nice to Kevin today. (be)* They have _________________ to the beach for the weekend.


E-Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

* The warm dough ____________ up in the oven. (puff)* The students _______________ to watch movies. (love)* Albert and I ________________ to the mall every week. (go)

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* The bread ________________ for an hour. (bake)* The teacher _______________ us what to do now. (show)* I ____________ a piece while it’s still hot. (taste)

F- Use the correct form of the verb in parenthesis in simple past or past participle.

* Lincoln _____________ to Illinois in 1830. (go)* He had ____________ some interesting things. (write)* In 1837, the prairie lawyer ___________ into the town. (ride)* He had _______________ many different jobs in the past. (do)* His reputation as “Honest Abe” had ____________. (begin)* He _______________ everyday to work before he had a car.


G-Complete the chart of irregular verbs.

Verb 3rd person singular

past Past participle






12 . AdjectivesA- Underline the adjectives in each sentence.

* Fifteen purple flowers grow in the green garden.* The small, brown dog runs fast after the furry cat.

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* The tall, blonde girl works hard to get better grades.* The wet snow clings to bare branches.* My summer is made of calm and lazy days.* The hot soup warmed me up on the cold day.

B-Underline the adjective in each sentence, and on the line, write the noun it describes.

* Insects are cold-blooded animals.* When frank holds it, the jar is warm from his hands.* As a result, the insects are quiet.* Now the insects are lively again.* The air is cool inside the jar.

C-Complete each sentence with the correct form of the comparative adjective in parenthesis. Use –er, -est, more or most.

* This is the ______________ game I’ve ever played. (fun)* That doll is _______________ than the other one. (pretty)* I had the ________________ time at that party. (bad)* I have _____________ toys than my brother. (much)* Her hair is ______________ than Jane’s hair. (long)* My dog is ___________________ beautiful than my neighbor’s

cat. (beautiful)* That’s the ______________ animal I’ve ever seen. (big)* She has a __________________ grade than Gabriel. (good)* They ran __________________ than the whole team. (fast)

13.AdverbsA- Circle the adverbs in the sentence. Write them in the column that corresponds to each.

* Small planes often use this airport.* They run slowly down the runway.* Eleanor Roosevelt sometimes invited Amelia Earhart to the

White house.* There they jumped into a plane.* They didn’t go anywhere in particular.

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* A funny thing happened yesterday.* A green creature emerged quickly from the craft.* I went to the window and looked down.* Often, I dream of aliens.

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